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Subject: RXTE Web services DOWNTIME: 5pm Sept. 10 - 6pm Sept. 12
Notice for RXTE Cycle 10 Proposers:
The RXTE GOF & HEASARC Web sites, including RPS and all
Web tools, will be DOWN from:
5 PM, Friday 9/10 -- ~6 PM, Sunday 9/12 (EDT)
E-mail and FTP to the RXTE GOF will also be interrupted
for the same period.
We expect service to resume at approximately 6pm Sunday,
Eastern Daylight Time, and continue uninterrupted through
the proposal deadline. As a reminder, Cycle 10 proposals
are due 4:30 PM EDT, Monday September 20.
Please accept our deepest apologies for any inconvenience
this may cause. We look forward to receiving your RXTE
Cycle 10 proposals!
Dr. Padi Boyd
RXTE Guest Observer Facility Manager
A service of the RXTE GOF, NASA/GSFC
Please do not reply to this email.
Questions or comments should go to: