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RXTE lost data from 2004 July 25 (day 207)
Dear RXTE Cycle 9 Guest Observer,
Due to an error in the schedule uploaded to the RXTE satellite,
some planned observations weren't performed (July 25, 12:00-24:00 UT). You
are being sent this message because one or more of your Cycle 9 observations
was affected.
On this date, RXTE instead pointed at 4U_1702-42 for 12 hours,
inadvertently adding time to an earlier, proprietary observation.
the xtesof.nascom.nasa.gov /pub/FITS or /pub/FITS/production
areas for an obsid in this time period, it does NOT contain
observations of your source (no matter the name of the tar file).
Instead, it contains proprietary observations of 4U_1702-42.
Please respect the proprietary nature of these data, and do
not analyze them if they are not your source.
For the planned observations that were not performed,
no time was deducted from the proposals in question. If the opportunity
occurs (ie., conditions specified in the proposal reoccur) these observations
may still be carried out, at a future time.
If you have specific concerns, or need further details about your
affected observations, please direct questions to:
We apologize for the error, and any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Best Regards,
Dr. Patricia Boyd
RXTE Guest Observer Facility Manager
A service of the RXTE GOF, NASA/GSFC
Please do not reply to this email.
Questions or comments should go to: