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[XTEnews]: PCA Calibration Info/Peer Reviewer Request

  Improvements to the PCA Response Matrix

New PCA response matrix software and calibration database (CALDB)
files are now available, which provide significant improvements to
spectral analysis over the entire RXTE mission. Changes were made to
both the energy-to-channel relationship and the modeling of L-escape
lines. Users will need to use PCARMF version 11.7 (HEASOFT Release
6.7) and PCA CALDB dated 2009-08-17 or later. The spectral
improvements include lower systematic residuals, improved chi-square
values, and better consistency in spectral parameters across the
mission. The best improvement will be seen by observers who download
both new software and CALDB. Users who download only one, but not
both, will see partial improvement.  The report Improvements to the
PCA Response Matrix (version 11.7) has more details:
This item is also available on the RXTE PCA Digest page:

  Cycle 14 Update and Proposal Review Schedule:

Proposal submissions for RXTE Cycle 14 were due on August 13th.  We
received a total of 83 proposals for the Cycle 14 Open Time program, a
dramatic 80% increase from Cycle 13.  We thank the community for its
continued interest in RXTE observations.  The proposal review for
Cycle 14 will be similar to that for Cycle 13, that is, it will be
carried out via a teleconference over a single day.  We have targeted
the last week in 2009 October for the proposal review.  If you might
be interested in serving on a Cycle 14 review panel during that week,
please send a message to: peer_review@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov
and please also indicate specific dates you will be available within
that week.