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Rossi2000 3rd Announcement: Final Program
Dear colleagues,
The Rossi2000 Science Organizing Committee (SOC) has finalized the
scientific program for the meeting. The schedule of talks and a list
of the poster contributions are now available at the Rossi2000
website, http://rxte.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xte/rossi/rossi2000.html.
We received 143 abstracts in response to our call and are looking
forward to an exciting meeting. We thank you all for your interest and
contributions. With this response it was not possible to have every
participant give an oral presentation. Please note that posters will
be on display during the entire meeting.
In addition to the formal program we have arranged for two informal
activities to take place in conjunction with dinner on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. We will have an RXTE mini-workshop on Wednesday
evening. This will feature several presentations concerned primarily
with issues related to the analysis of RXTE data. Presentations on the
PCA background (David A. Smith), PCA response (Keith Jahoda), HEXTE
analysis (Rick Rothschild, Duane Gruber, and Biff Heindl) and RXTE
timing precision (Arnold Rots) are anticipated. On Thursday Hale Bradt
will give a presentation on the variable X-ray sky as seen with the
RXTE ASM. We will also have a presentation on outreach efforts
featuring RXTE. Please note that the registration fee covers all the
food and refreshments at the meeting, including both dinners, so
please let us know if you plan to attend one or both of the dinners.
We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Please let us know if
you have any questions. In particular, if for some reason you will not
be able to present a contributed talk, please let us know soon. With
best regards,
Tod Strohmayer (for the Rossi 2000 SOC)