par1 | kTs, temperature of the seed blackbody spectrum (keV) |
par2 | gamma, when it is set = 3 the seed soft spectrum is a blackbody, otherwise it approximates a modified blackbody |
par3 | kTe, electron temperature of the subrelativistic outflow (keV) |
par4 | tau, radial optical depth of the subrelativistic outflow |
par5 | beta, bulk outflow velocity of the thermal electrons |
par6 | fbflag, if set = 0 only the first-order bulk Comptonization
term is considered, if set = 1 also the second-order term
par7 | log(A), geometrical covering factor which determines the relative weights of the seed and comptonized spectra to the total flux |
par8 | z, redshift |
par9 | a_boost, energy index of the Green's function with which the formerly comptonization spectrum is convolved |
norm |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT