par1 | thobs, observer viewing angle (degrees) |
par2 | thjet, jet half opening angle (degrees) |
par3 | gamma, jet gamma Lorentz factor |
par4 | r12, jet radius ( |
par5 | p1, low-energy index of the comoving frame broken powerlaw spectrum |
par6 | p2, high-energy index of the comoving frame broken powerlaw spectrum |
par7 | E0, break energy (keV) |
par8 | delta, parameter dictating the smoothness of the transition between the two powerlaws |
par9 | index_pl, energy index of the comoving-frame cutoff powerlaw spectrum |
par10 | ecut, cut-off energy (keV) |
par11 | ktbb, comoving frame blackbody temperature (keV) |
par12 | model, flag to choose the comoving frame emissivity law. Allowed values are 1 (broken powerlaw), 2 (cutoff powerlaw) or 3 (blackbody) |
par13 | redshift, source redshift |
norm | comoving frame emissivity normalization in units of
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT