1.0 | the version from xspec v11.1 |
1.1 | as 1.0 but with updated ionization fractions using dielectronic recombination rates from Mazzotta et al (1998) |
2.0 | same ionization fractions as 1.1 but uses AtomDB v2 to calculate the resulting spectrum |
3.x | ionization fractions and spectrum calculation uses AtomDB v3.x |
Note that versions 1.x have no emission from Ar. For versions 3.x and later additional xset options are available and are listed under the documentation for nei.
For the npshock model the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | Metal abundances (He fixed at that defined by the abund command). The elements included are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by the abund command |
par4 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par5 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par6 | redshift |
norm |
For the vnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1) |
par4–par15 | Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund command) |
par16 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par17 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par18 | Redshift, z |
norm |
For the vvnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1) |
par4–par32 | Abundances for all elements with 2 |
par33 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par34 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par35 | Redshift, z |
norm |
For the bnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | Metal abundances (He fixed at that defined by the abund command). The elements included are C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni. Abundances are defined by the abund command |
par4 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par5 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par6 | redshift |
par7 | gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s) |
norm |
For the bvnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1) |
par4–par15 | Abundances for He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni wrt Solar (defined by the abund command) |
par16 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par17 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par18 | Redshift, z |
par19 | gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s) |
norm |
Finally, for the bvvnpshock model, the parameters are:
par1 | Mean shock temperature (keV) |
par2 | Electron temperature immediately behind the shock front (keV) |
par3 | H abundance (set to 0 for no free-free continuum, otherwise 1) |
par4–par32 | Abundances for all elements with 2 |
par33 | Lower limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par34 | Upper limit on ionization timescale in units of s/cm |
par35 | Redshift, z |
par36 | gaussian velocity broadening (sigma in km/s) |
norm |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT