par1 | central temperature [keV] |
par2 | max difference of temperature [keV] |
par3 | exponent of the inner temperature |
par4 | radius of the inner temperature [Mpc] |
par5 | exponent of the middle temperature |
par6 | radius of the middle temperature [Mpc] |
par7 | exponent of the outer temperature |
par8 | radius of the outer temperature [Mpc] |
par9 | central hydrogen density [cm |
par10 | fraction of nH.cc relative to the 1st beta component |
par11 | exponent of the first beta component |
par12 | radius of the 1st beta component [Mpc] |
par13 | exponent of the 2nd beta component |
par14 | radius of the 2nd beta component [Mpc] |
par15 | central metallicity [solar units] |
par16 | exponent of the metal distribution |
par17 | radius of the metal distribution [Mpc] |
par18 | redshift of the source |
par19 | number of mesh-points of the dem summation grid |
par20 | cutoff radius for the calculation [Mpc] |
par21 | mode of spectral evaluation: 0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = APEC interpolate |
par22 | type of plasma emission code, 1 = Raymond-Smith, 2 = Mekal, 3 = Meka, 4 = APEC |
K | model normalisation (nH.cc squared [cm |
Note that if the interactive chattiness level in XSPEC is set to a value >10, smaug also prints on screen the following quantities:
H |
Hubble constant [km/s/Mpc] |
q |
deceleration parameter |
L |
cosmological constant |
DA | source angular distance [Mpc] |
DSET | dataset no. to which the quantities listed below are |
IN | inner rim of the projected annular sector [Mpc] |
OUT | outer rim of the projected annular sector [Mpc] |
WID | width of the projected annular sector [deg] |
EVOL | emitting volume within the integration radius cutoff [Mpc |
EINT | emission integral within the integration radius cutoff [
Mpc |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT