simpl: comptonization of a seed spectrum
The SIMple Power Law model: An empirical model of Comptonization in which a
fraction of the photons in an input seed spectrum is scattered into a
power-law component (Steiner et al. 2009).
It is designed for use with soft thermal spectra that are not Compton thick
and that have a photon index Gamma >1. simpl offers the
advantage of operating in a self consistent manner, linking the seed spectrum
to the generated power law. Compared to powerlaw, simpl
gives equally good fits while also employing just two parameters, and
simpl has the virtue of eliminating the divergence of powerlaw
at low energies. Because simpl redistributes input photons to
higher (and lower energies), for detectors with limited response matrices
(at high or low energies), or with poor resolution, the sampled energies
should be extended to adequately cover the relevant energy range (for details
and an example, see the appendix in Steiner et al. (2009)).
par1 |
Gamma, the photon power law index. |
par2 |
The scattered fraction (between 0 and 1). |
par3 |
A flag to switch between up-scattering only ( ) and both
up- and down-scattering ( ) |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT