identify spectral lines
Syntax: | identify | <energy><delta_energy><redshift><line_list> |
The energy range searched is <energy><energy>
(keV) in the rest frame of the source. If working in wavelength mode, as
set by the setplot command, then the <energy> and <delta energy>
parameters should be entered as wavelengths (in Angstroms). <line list>
specifies the list of lines to be searched. The options are bearden, which
searches the Bearden compilation of fluorescence lines (Bearden, J.A., 1967,
Rev.Mod.Phys. 39, 78), mekal, which uses the lines from the mekal
model (q.v.) and apec, which uses the APEC
line list. The apec option takes an additional two arguments: the temperature of
the plasma (keV) and a minimum emissivity of lines to be shown. If the command
xset has been used to set APECROOT then identify uses the APECROOT
value to define the new atomic physics data files. See the help on the apec model
for details.
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT