Astronomische Nederlandse Satelliet Bibliography (Non-refereed Sources)
Into the Darkness: Interstellar Extinction Near the Cepheus OB3 Molecular Cloud
Fitzpatrick, E et al., AAS, 223, 45434 (2014)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Colour indices of selected OB stars (Krelowski+, 2012)
Krelowski, J & Strobel, A, yCat, 1133, 30060 (2012)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: UBV photometry of 2006-2008 outburst of AG Dra (Munari+, 2009)
Munari, U et al., yCat, 612, 11070 (2010)
Obituary: Herbert Gursky, 1930-2006
Doschek, G & Dahlburg, J, BAAS, 39, 1060 (2007)
V5558 Sagittarii
Green, D, CBET, 1010, 3 (2007)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Catalog of Eq.Widths of Interstellar 217nm Band (Friedemann 1992)
Friedemann, C, yCat, 3164, 0 (2005)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Interstellar extinction curves of OB stars (Wegner 2002)
Wegner, W, yCatp, 0140, 01109 (2003)
Integrated UV fluxes and the HB morphology of Globular Clusters
Landsman, W et al., AAS, 199, 5611 (2001)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: ANS UV Catalogue of Point Sources (Wesselius+ 1982)
Wesselius, P et al., yCat, 2097, 0 (2001)
Astronomische Nederlands Satelliet (ANS)
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4530 (2000)
The Origin and Nature of UV Bright stars in Globular Clusters II
Ferraro, F, HST Proposal, 6607 (1996)
The strange case of the missing white dwarfs... and other mysteries.
Barstow, M, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 77 (1996)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Interstellar 217-nm Band: Equivalent Widths (Friedemann+ 1987)
Friedemann, C & Roder, U, yCat, 3122, 0 (1996)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Far UV Stellar Photometry (Schmidt+ 1995)
Schmidt, E & Carruthers, G, yCat, 209, 60605 (1995)
Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Photometry
Schmidt, E & Carruthers, G, AAS, 183, 1702 (1993)
Light Synthesis modeling of close binary stars.
Linnell, A, IAUCB, 21, 103 (1993)
Stellar Population Gradients in Post-Core Globular Clusters
Djorgovski, S, HST Proposal, 3458 (1991)
Magnetic Fields and Star Formation for the ANS Sample of Galaxies
Stryczynski, J, IAUS, 140, 233 (1990)
Interstellar extinction observed in spectra of Be stars.
Wegner, W et al., Physics and Evolution of Stars: Star Clusters and Associations, 181 (1990)
Characteristics of Weak 2175 a Extinction
Cardelli, J, IUE Proposal, 3388 (1989)
Gas Associated with Heavily Modified Dust
Savage, B, IUE Proposal, 3483 (1989)
Atmospheric drag effects from the motion of the ANS satellite.
Segan, S, BOBeo, 139, 59 (1988)
Far UV observations of black hole candidates : the case of LMC X-3.
Treves, A et al., ESASP, 281, 01127 (1988)
Effective temperatures and bolometric corrections for some galactic Wolf-Rayet stars from absolute spectrophotometry.
Woo, J, LIACo, 27, 273 (1987)
Far UV Extinction and the 2175 Angstrom Bump
Massa, D, IUE Proposal, 2809 (1987)
On the Ultraviolet Photometric Variability of the Helium-Weak B Stars (from ANS Data)
Zelwanowa, E & Schoeneich, W, ASSL, 125, 271 (1986)
B and V Light Curves of the Massive Close Binary DH Cephei
Lines, H et al., IBVS, 2932, 1 (1986)
Photoelectric scanner observations of central stars of planetary nebulae.
Codina Landaberry, S et al., RMxAA, 12, 191 (1986)
Photoelectric scanner observations of central stars of planetary nebulae.
Landaberry, S et al., RMxAA, 12, 191 (1986)
Documentation for the machine-readable version of A Catalog of Ultraviolet Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415 Stars (Savage, Massa, Meade and Wesselius 1985).
Warren, W, dmvc book (1986)
Relationships between dust grain components responsible for observed interstellar extinction and polarization
Clayton, G, Interstellar Processes: Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 133 (1986)
Characteristics of 2175 a Extinction
Cardelli, J, IUE Proposal, 2425 (1986)
Ultra-Violet Radiation from Dwarf Nova Discs
Hassall, B, ASSL, 113, 287 (1985)
Absolute stellar UV fluxes obtained with the TD1, ANS and IUE satellites.
Barylak, M, IUEEN, 22, 25 (1985)
Ultraviolet observations of normal galaxies.
Snijders, M, ESASP, 218, 3 (1984)
IUE integrated spectra of galactic globular clusters.
Caloi, V et al., ESASP, 218, 497 (1984)
Ultraviolet ANS Photometry for the Five Suspected Long Period Ap Stars HD 89822, HD 137389, HD 187474, HD 204411 and HD 211760
Schoneich, W, IBVS, 2569, 1 (1984)
Observations of RR Lyrae and X Arietis with the IUE satellite.
Bonnell, J & Bell, R, NASCP, 2349, 334 (1984)
Documentation for the machine-readable version of the ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Catalogue of Point Sources (Wesselius et al. 1982).
Warren, W, dmva book (1984)
Attitude control of the infrared space observatory and its predecessors
Hamann, R, IN: Guidance and control 1984; Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Rocky Mountain Conference, 75 (1984)
Observations of Cool Giants and Supergiants with Hot Companions
Ake, T, IUE Proposal, 1749 (1984)
Photometric variability of helium-rich stars in the ultraviolet from ANS observations.
Schoneich, W & Zelwanowa, E, Magnetic Stars, 73 (1984)
Software flexibility ensured success of Dutch ANS and IRAS satellites
van Stuyvenberg, J & van der Voort Maarschalk, C, ESASP, 199, 227 (1983)
Ultraviolet properties of galactic globular clusters.
Caloi, V et al., MmSAI, 54, 789 (1983)
Follow-On OBS of W Ursae Majoris Stars
Eaton, J, IUE Proposal, 1432 (1983)
Ultraviolet Observations of Three Dwarf Cepheids
Sturch, C, IUE Proposal, 1526 (1983)
Spectrophotometry of Helium Peculiar Stars
Shore, S, IUE Proposal, 1531 (1983)
Ultraviolet light curves of U Geminorum and VW Hydri
Wu, C et al., ASSL, 98, 191 (1982)
Optical and ultraviolet spectrophotometry of globular clusters in theMagellanic Clouds.
Cacciari, C et al., ESASP, 176, 519 (1982)
Spectral classification and extinction using ANS satellite ultraviolet photometry
Wesselius, P, ESASP, 182, 15 (1982)
IUE observations of lines of sight with peculiar ultraviolet extinction.
Massa, D et al., NASCP, 2238, 409 (1982)
ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Catalogue of Point Sources
Wesselius, P et al., aupc book (1982)
IUE Spectroscopy of the Extraordinary Interacting Binary R Arae
McCluskey, G, IUE Proposal, 1142 (1982)
Ultraviolet spectrophotometry of close binary systems : CV Velorum, RS Vulpeculae and CH Cephei.
Wu, C & Eaton, J, IAU2, 7..81, 0 (1981)
ANS Observations of DH Cep, CV Vel and RS Vul
Wu, C & Eaton, J, IBVS, 1965, 1 (1981)
The Eclipsing Binary HD 124195
Wesselius, P, IBVS, 2044, 1 (1981)
Horizontal-branch stars, and galactic and Magellanic Cloud globular clusters.
de Boer, K, NASCP, 2171, 527 (1981)
Picture gallery: A structured presentation of OAO-2 photometric data supported by UBV, ANS, and TD1 observations
Koornneef, J et al., STIN, 81, 33105 (1981)
Ultraviolet light curves of U Geminorum and VW Hydri
Wu, C et al., STIN, 82, 21117 (1981)
Ages of Globular Clusters from Far Ultraviolet Photometry with ANS
van Albada, T et al., IAU Colloq. 68: Astrophysical Parameters for Globular Clusters, 495 (1981)
Two sdO stars observed with ANS and IUE.
Wesselius, P, Etoiles Bleues en-Dessous de la Séquence Principale, 14 (1981)
Illuminating Stars of Reflection Nebulae Observed by ANS TDTD-1
Witt, A, IUE Proposal, 850 (1981)
Observations of the exciting stars of NGC 2023 and M 43 - Interstellar extinction.
Gilra, D et al., ESASP, 157, 19 (1980)
Observations of late-type stars with ‘hot’ companions.
Gilra, D et al., ESASP, 157, 227 (1980)
ANS Ultraviolet Observations of Diffuse Matter in Space
Gilra, D & van Duinen, R, LIACo, 21, 72 (1980)
Space research in the Netherlands, 1979
COSPAR Meeting, 2 (1980)
UV Studies of Horizontal Branch Stars in Globular Clusters of the Milky Way
Code, A, IUE Proposal, 422 (1980)
Interstellar Extinction and Interstellar Lines in Two Close Stars Near Orion B
de Boer, K, IUE Proposal, 435 (1980)
Background effects between 250 KM and 1100 KM
Parsignault, D, nsgr, symp, 271 (1980)
Amelioration des Calculs de Reduction des Observations à l’ Astrolabe. Application à la Determination des Termes de 18.6 et 9.3 ANS de la Nutation
Chollet, F, IAUS, 82, 129 (1979)
UV observations of planetary nebulae
Benvenuti, P et al., IUE1, symp, 208 (1979)
The X-Ray Bursters
Wamsteker, W, Msngr, 18, 31 (1979)
What Are X-Ray Binaries?
Lewin, W & van Paradijs, J, S&T, 57, 446 (1979)
Search for an X-ray identification of a strong gamma-ray source
Lamb, R, iowa rept (1979)
Observations of Planetary Nebulae
Boggess, A, IUE Proposal, 174 (1979)
Ultraviolet Studies of Horizontal Branch Stars and of Globular Clusters in the Milky Way and The Magellanic Cloud
Code, A, IUE Proposal, 178 (1979)
Observations of the UV Continuum in the Orion Nebula: An Investigation of the Scattering of Starlight by Dust
Schiffer, F, IUE Proposal, 257 (1979)
ANS: evidence for soft X-ray emission from the binary HR 976.
den Boggende, A & Mewe, R, X-ray Astronomy, 193 (1979)
The Cygnus Loop as Observed by ANS
Gronenschild, E, X-ray Astronomy, 313 (1979)
ANS Observations of β Canis Majoris Variables
Lesh, J & Wesseluis, P, BAAS, 10, 616 (1978)
Ultraviolet observations of planetary nebulae.
Gurzadian, G, IAUS, 76, 79 (1978)
Far-Ultraviolet Photometry of RY Sagittarii
Zhilyaev, B et al., IBVS, 1499, 1 (1978)
The CYG loop as observed by ANS.
Gronenschild, E, MmSAI, 49, 553 (1978)
New Publications from ESO - Preprints: May-August 1978
Msngr, 14, 10 (1978)
On the nature of the sources of hard pulse X-ray radiation
Shklovskiy, I, STIN, 79, 10994 (1978)
A new classification scheme for galactic bulge X-ray sources
Parsignault, D & Grindlay, J, COSPAR, 21st Plenary Meeting, 87 (1978)
Search for SI XIII and SI XIV line emission from cosmic objects
Parsignault, D & Grindlay, J, COSPAR, 21st Plenary Meeting, 187 (1978)
HEAO-1 soft X-ray observations of Sirius
Lampton, M & Garmire, G, cosp meet (1978)
Physics and astrophysics of neutron stars and black holes
Giacconi, R & Ruffini, R, pans proc (1978)
Recent observations from UHURU and ANS
Tananbaum, H, Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 256 (1978)
X-ray observations with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ANS
Heise, J et al., Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 774 (1978)
Data analysis for the hard X-ray experiment on board the ANS spacecraft
sao rept (1978)
ANS Observations of the Helium Spectrum Variable CU Vir.
Molnar, M, BAAS, 9, 304 (1977)
Ultraviolet observations of two hot stars with infrared excesses from circumstellar dust
Savage, B et al., STIN, 78, 14969 (1977)
Orbit prediction for the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite
Wakker, K, STIN, 78, 24252 (1977)
Spectral classification using ANS photometric data.
van Duinen, R & Wesselius, P, The Impact of Ultraviolet Observations on Spectral Classification, 311 (1977)
Limitations on Models of Cygnus X-3 Based On ANS Observations
Parsignault, D et al., BAAS, 8, 441 (1976)
New ANS Results on Galactic X-Ray Sources
Grindlay, J, BAAS, 8, 444 (1976)
Interpretation of X-ray Observations with ANS on Sirius
Mewe, R, BAAS, 8, 454 (1976)
Preliminary X-ray Map of the Cygnus Loop by ANS
Gronenschild, E et al., BAAS, 8, 449 (1976)
X-Ray Bursts from Galactic Center Region
Heise, J et al., IAUC, 2929, 1 (1976)
ANS results on X-ray binaries.
Heise, J & Brinkman, A, NASSP, 389, 27 (1976)
X-ray spectroscopy with the ANS satellite.
Schnopper, H et al., NASSP, 389, 49 (1976)
Observations of Cygnus X-3 by ANS.
Brinkman, A et al., NASSP, 389, 241 (1976)
Observations of Cygnus X-3 by ANS.
Parsignault, D et al., NASSP, 389, 267 (1976)
Measurements of A 0620-00 with ANS.
Brinkman, A et al., NASSP, 389, 349 (1976)
SAS-3 observations of an X-ray flare from Cygnus X-1.
Canizares, C et al., NASSP, 389, 373 (1976)
Observations of Cygnus X-1 in its two intensity states by ANS.
Parsignault, D et al., NASSP, 389, 429 (1976)
Results of observations with the Utrecht X-ray experiment on the ANS (Astronomical Netherlands Satellite).
Mewe, R, NTNA, 42, 126 (1976)
Ultraviolet Observations of Globular Clusters by the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite, ANS
van Albada, T & de Boer, K, RGOB, 182, 257 (1976)
In-orbit experiment with an attitude control algorithm for ANS based on modern control principles
Prins, J, STIN, 77, 18185 (1976)
Report of the Joint Scientific Mission Definition Team for an infrared astronomical satellite
STIN, 78, 19175 (1976)
ANS ontdekt röntgenstoten uit bolvormige sterrenhoop.
Heise, J, Zenit, 3, 168 (1976)
ANS leverde 20.000 UV-metingen.
Wesselius, P, Zenit, 3, 291 (1976)
ANS ontdekte röntgenstraling van Sirius.
Mewe, R, Zenit, 3, 328 (1976)
Recent advances and near future prospects in high energy astronomy
Friedman, H, aiaa meet (1976)
Proceedings of the third European Astronomical Meeting, "Stars and Galaxies from Observational Point of View"
Kharadze, E, sgov meet (1976)
Preliminary results obtained with the UV spectrophotometer, onboard ANS.
Wesselius, P et al., sgov, meet, 67 (1976)
Observations of Extragalactic X-ray Sources with ANS
Grindlay, J et al., BAAS, 7, 461 (1975)
HZ 43
Wu, C et al., IAUC, 2805, 3 (1975)
Cygnus X-1
Kaluzienski, L et al., IAUC, 2863, 2 (1975)
Intense X-Ray Bursts from a Globular Cluster
Grindlay, J & Heise, J, IAUC, 2879, 1 (1975)
Flare Activity of YZ CMi
Sanwal, B, IBVS, 998, 1 (1975)
Flare Activity on UV Ceti, 1975.01
Kunkel, W & Zarate, N, IBVS, 1006, 1 (1975)
Observations of X-Rays from Flare Stars with ANS
Grindlay, J & Heise, J, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 154 (1975)
Astronomical research in space
de Jager, C, STIA, 76, 21802 (1975)
The significance of the ANS project for Dutch industry
Spaa, J, sans book (1975)
The Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS).
Brinkman, A, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 53 (1975)
Preliminary X-Ray Results from the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Gursky, H et al., BAAS, 6, 444 (1974)
Request to Flare Star Observers
Grindlay, J, IBVS, 949, 1 (1974)
Observation of cosmic X-ray sources with the Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS).
Brinkman, A et al., PhiTR, 34, 43 (1974)
The optical sensors of the Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS). I. The sun sensors.
Smets, A, PhiTR, 34, 208 (1974)
The optical sensors of the Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS). II. The horizon sensor.
van Dijk, P, PhiTR, 34, 213 (1974)
The optical sensors of the Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS). III. The star sensor.
Christis, W, PhiTR, 34, 218 (1974)
Mission analysis of the astronomical Netherlands satellite
Deleeuw, W & Pouw, A, STIN, 75, 20441 (1974)
Nederland betreedt de ruimte: ANS gaat de hemel aftasten op röntgen- en UV-bronnen.
Bloemendal, W, Zenit, 1, 2 (1974)
Some accuracy aspects of satellite orbit prediction
Ambrosius, B, amst iafc (1974)
Integration of on-board data processing with fine attitude control for the Netherlands Astronomical Satellite /ANS/
Evers, V, amst iafc (1974)
ANS hard X-ray experiment development program
Parsignault, D et al., aseic rept (1974)
The Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS).
Bloemendal, W & Kramer, C, PhiTR, 33, 117 (1973)
Attitude control for the Netherlands astronomical satellite (ANS).
van Otterloo, P, PhiTR, 33, 162 (1973)
Report for the year 1973
STIN, 75, 13694 (1973)
X-Ray Experiment in the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ans)
Heise, J, X-ray Astronomy in the Near Future, 51 (1972)
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 17:42:19 EDT