
BeppoSAX was a major program of the Italian Space Agency
with participation of the Netherlands Agency for Aereospace Programs. It was
launched on April 30 1996 from Cape Canaveral and operated for 6 years.
It was the first X-ray mission with a scientific payload covering more
than three decades of energy - from 0.1 to 300 keV - with a relatively large effective
area, medium energy resolution and imaging capabilities in the range of 0.1-10 keV.
Mission Characteristics
Lifetime : 30 April 1996 - 30 April 2002
Energy Range : 0.1 - 300 keV
Special Features : Broad-band energy
Payload :
- The Narrow field Instruments (NFI):
- Four Xray telescopes working in conjnction with one of the following detectors:
- Low Energy Concentrator Spectrometer (LECS)
(one unit) 0.1-10 keV, eff area 22 cm2 @ 0.28 keV,
FOV 37´ diameter, angular resolution 9.7´
FWHM @ 0.28 keV.
- Medium Energy Concentrator Spectrometer (MECS)
(three units) 1.3-10 keV, eff area total 150 cm2 @ 6
keV, FOV 56´ diameter, angular resolution for 50% total
signal radius 75" @ 6 keV.
- High pressure Gas Scintillator Proportional Counter (HPGSPC)
4-120 keV, eff area 240 cm2 @ 30 keV
- Phoswich Detection System (PDS)
15-300 keV. The lateral shields of the PDS are used as gamma-ray
burst monitor in the range of 60-600 keV. Eff area 600
cm2 @ 80 keV
- Wide Field Camera
(2 units) 2-30 keV with a field of view 20 deg X 20 deg. The WFC are
perpendicular to the axis of the NFI and point in opposite directions
to each other. Eff area 140 cm2.
Science Highlight:
- First arc-minutes position of GRBs. Position determination
on rapid time scale
- First X-ray follow-up observations and monitoring of the GRB
- Broad band spectroscopy of different classes of X-ray sources
Archive : HEASARC hosts Spectra, Lightcurves, Images and Raw data for
the MECS, LECS and PDS.
[BeppoSAX US Coordination Facility]
[All Missions]
[by Time]
[by Energy]
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 18:07:27 EDT