ASCA: The Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics

The Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics (ASCA),
is Japan’s fourth cosmic X-ray astronomy mission, and the second for
which the United States is providing part of the scientific payload. The
satellite was successfully launched on February 20, 1993. ASCA operated
successfully till July 15 2000 when it was tranferred into a safe-hold mode.
The satellite re-entered on March 2 2001 after 7 and half years of
scientific observations. ASCA was the first satellite to use CCD detectors
for X-ray astronomy.
Mission Characteristics
Lifetime : February 20, 1993 - March 2, 2001
Energy Range : 0.4 - 10 keV
Special Features : First X-ray mission to combine
imaging capability with broad pass band, good spectral resolution, and a
large effective area
Payload :
- Four X-ray telescopes each composed of 120 nested gold-coated
aluminum foil sufaces (total eff area 1,300 cm2 @ 1
keV, spatial resolution 3´ half power diameter, FOV 24´ @
1 keV) working in conjunction with one of the following detectors:
- a Gas Imaging Spectrometer (GIS; 0.8-12 keV)
Two Imaging Gas Scintillation Proportional Counters (IGSPC)
FOV 50´,
spatial resolution ~0.5' at 5.9 keV,
and energy resolution of 8 % at 5.9 keV,
Eff area (GIS+XRT) 50 cm2 @ 1 keV
- Solid-state Imaging Spectrometer (SIS; 0.4-12 keV)
Two CCD arrays of four 420 X 422 square pixel chips,
FOV 22´ X 22´,
Spatial resolution 30",
energy resolution of 2 % at 5.9 keV ,
Eff area (SIS+XRT) 105 cm2
Science Highlights:
- Broad Fe lines from AGN, probing the strong gravity near the
central engine
- Lower than solar Fe abundance in the coronae of active stars
- Spectroscopy of interacting binaries
- Non-thermal X-rays from SN 1006, a site of Cosmic Ray acceleration
- Abundances of heavy elements in clusters of galaxies, consistent
with type II supernova origin
Archive :
HEASARC hosts Catalogs, Spectra, Lightcurves, Images and Raw data
[ASCA Guest Observer Facility]
[All Missions]
[by Time]
[by Energy]
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
Observatories |
Archive |
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Software |
Tools |
Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 17:57:53 EDT