Astronomische Nederlandse Satelliet Bibliography (Refereed Sources)
The sensitivity of ANS colours of G dwarfs to stellar activity
Smith, G, Obs, 134, 195 (2014)
Limited diversity of the interstellar extinction law
Krelowski, J & Strobel, A, AN, 333, 60 (2012)
On the Homogeneity of the Extinction Law in our Galaxy
Bondar, A et al., JKAS, 39, 73 (2006)
Interstellar extinction law near the Galactic equator along the Camelopardalis, Perseus and Cassiopeia border
Zdanavicius, J et al., A&A, 392, 295 (2002)
Atlas of Interstellar Extinction Curves of OB Stars Covering the Whole Available Wavelength Range
Wegner, W, BaltA, 11, 1 (2002)
Classification and properties of UV extinction curves
Barbaro, G et al., A&A, 365, 157 (2001)
Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Photometry: Fields in Sagittarius and Scorpius
Schmidt, E & Carruthers, G, ApJS, 96, 605 (1995)
The remarkable pre-main sequence object V 1318 Cygni.
Aspin, C et al., A&A, 282, L25 (1994)
R v-dependent Optical and Near-Ultraviolet Extinction
O’Donnell, J, ApJ, 422, 158 (1994)
VLA 1623, un bebe etoile de moins de dix mille ANS ?
Andre, P, Rech, 261, 94 (1994)
Intrinsic UV colors of OB stars.
Papaj, J et al., A&A, 273, 575 (1993)
An Atlas of Ultraviolet Spectra of Star-forming Galaxies
Kinney, A et al., ApJS, 86, 5 (1993)
UV-(2000 A) imaging of globular clusters. I. The projected radial distributions and counts of the blue horizontal-branch stars in M 3, M5, M 13 and M 92.
Laget, M et al., A&A, 259, 510 (1992)
Extinction Law Survey Based on UV ANS Photometry
Papaj, J & Krelowski, J, AcA, 42, 211 (1992)
Mean Galactic Extinction Curve
Krelowski, J & Papaj, J, AcA, 42, 233 (1992)
A complete database of photoelectric and photographic multiaperture photometry of galaxies.
Longo, G et al., NCimC, 15, 1097 (1992)
The UV properties of normal galaxies. I. The IUE data.
Longo, G et al., A&AS, 90, 375 (1991)
Colour Indices of the Markarian Galaxies
Ojha, D & Joshi, S, Ap&SS, 183, 245 (1991)
The Ultraviolet Light Curves of W Ursae Majoris
Linnell, A, ApJ, 379, 338 (1991)
The determination of the gas-surface interaction from satellite orbit analysis as applied to ANS-1 (1975-70A)
Crowther, R & Stark, J, P&SS, 39, 729 (1991)
Application of a satellite aerodynamics model based on normal and tangential momentum accommodation coefficients
Moore, P & Sowter, A, P&SS, 39, 1405 (1991)
Variations in the normal and tangential momentum accommodation coefficients from analysis of atmospheric lift and drag forces on ANS-1 (1974-70A)
Moore, P & Sowter, A, AdSpR, 10, 311 (1990)
The Ultraviolet Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope. IV. Absolute IUE Fluxes of Hubble Space Telescope Standard Stars
Bohlin, R et al., ApJS, 73, 413 (1990)
Influence of rotational darkening on ultraviolet interstellar extinction.
Friedemann, C, AN, 310, 289 (1989)
Polarization and the Ratio of Total-to-Selective Extinction
Clayton, G & Cardelli, J, AJ, 96, 695 (1988)
Analysis of the light curve of the magnetic CP star HD 56022.
Hempelmann, A & Schoeneich, W, AN, 309, 97 (1988)
Analysis of stellar ultraviolet fluxes obtained by "Orion-2"
Oganesian, D, CoBAO, 60, 59 (1988)
Absolute Spectrophotometry of Some Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars: Effective Temperatures and Bolometric corrections
Woo, J, JKAS, 21, 57 (1988)
Absolute spectrophotometry of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars: effective temperatures and bolometric corrections.
Woo, J, VA, 31, 379 (1988)
Variations in UV extinction in galactic associations and perpendicular to the galactic plane.
Kiszkurno-Koziej, E & Lequeux, J, A&A, 185, 291 (1987)
Ultraviolet properties of normal galaxies.
Stryczynski, J, A&AS, 70, 115 (1987)
The Variability of UV Extinction Curve Shapes and Its Impact Upon Dereddened UV Energy Distributions
Massa, D, AJ, 94, 1675 (1987)
The interstellar 217 NM band : a third catalogue of equivalent widths.
Friedemann, C & Roeder, U, AN, 308, 41 (1987)
The Problem of the W-Type Light Curves of W Ursae Majoris
Linnell, A, ApJ, 316, 389 (1987)
Extinction and Abundance Properties of Alpha Scorpii Circumstellar Grains
Snow, T et al., ApJ, 321, 921 (1987)
Spectroscopic Determinations of Surface Gravities of Giant Stars, and Ultraviolet Observations of RR Lyrae and X ARIETIS.
Bonnell, J, PhD Thesis, 6 (1987)
The spectral energy distribution of early type stars. I. A catalogue of photometric data of 259 stars from 0.15 to 4.8 mu.m.
The, P et al., A&AS, 66, 63 (1986)
ANS UV observations of external galaxies. II. UV photometry of M 31, M33, M 81 M 101, NGC 2403 and several Zwicky galaxies.
Israel, F et al., A&AS, 66, 117 (1986)
A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars.
Savage, B et al., ApJS, 59, 397 (1985)
Observations of hydrogen deficient binary upsilon Sagittarii.
Rao, N & Venugopal, V, JApA, 6, 101 (1985)
On the ultraviolet energy distributions and the temperatures of peculiar B and A stars.
Adelman, S, PASP, 97, 970 (1985)
A comparison between various UV photometric systems for late-type stars.
Kjaergaard, P et al., A&A, 133, 363 (1984)
Far-ultraviolet spectra of the nuclei of globular clusters M 30, M 54, M 70.
Caloi, V et al., A&A, 138, 485 (1984)
Ultraviolet observations of interstellar extinction near the Cepheus OB3 molecular cloud.
Massa, D & Savage, B, ApJ, 279, 310 (1984)
An ultraviolet approach to M 15.
Nesci, R, A&A, 121, 226 (1983)
Intrinsic UV colour indices of early-type stars.
Galecki, Z et al., A&A, 122, 207 (1983)
Diffuse light near zeta Orionis and the Horsehead Nebula, and anomalous extinction of HD 37903, as measured with the ANS.
de Boer, K, A&A, 125, 258 (1983)
A comparison of UV extinction in SCO OB2 and Per OB1 associations.
Krelowski, J & Strobel, A, A&A, 127, 271 (1983)
Peculiar ultraviolet interstellar extinction.
Massa, D et al., ApJ, 266, 662 (1983)
Ultraviolet photometry of dwarf novae in outburst.
Wu, C & Panek, R, ApJ, 271, 754 (1983)
Upper atmosphere density from the motion of the ANS satellite.
Sehnal, L, BAICz, 34, 54 (1983)
Ultraviolet variability of HD 62001 - The central star of the missing nebula V-V 1-7.
Rao, N & Gilra, D, JApA, 4, 59 (1983)
ANS ultraviolet observations of dwarf cepheids.
Sturch, C & Wu, C, PASP, 95, 211 (1983)
ANS spectrophotometry : delta Pictoris as an upper-main-sequence Algol system.
Eaton, J & Wu, C, PASP, 95, 319 (1983)
Ultraviolet observations of the transient X-ray sources A0535+26 and A0620-00.
Wu, C et al., PASP, 95, 391 (1983)
Detection of further red giants with "Hybrid" atmospheres ANS a possible correlation with double circumstellar MGII and CAII lines.
Reimers, D, A&A, 107, 292 (1982)
Properties and nature of Be ANS shell stars.
Doazan, V et al., A&A, 115, 138 (1982)
Picture gallery : a structured presentation of DAO-2 photometric data supported by OAO-2 spectrophotometric data and UBV, and TD1 observations.
Koornneef, J et al., A&AS, 47, 341 (1982)
ANS ultraviolet photometry, catalogue of point sources.
Wesselius, P et al., A&AS, 49, 427 (1982)
Absolute ultraviolet fluxes of elliptical galaxies as observed with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite /ANS/
de Boer, K, A&AS, 50, 247 (1982)
E(B-V) extinction values for 24 planetary nebulae derived from IUE data.
Feibelman, W, AJ, 87, 555 (1982)
Ultraviolet light curves of the dwarf novae U GEM and VW Hyd.
Wu, C & Panek, R, ApJ, 262, 244 (1982)
Change of the orbital inclination of satellite 1974-70A.
Sehnal, L, BAICz, 33, 16 (1982)
Determination of satellite drag coefficient from the orbital analysis of the ANS satellite (1974-70A).
Sehnal, L, BAICz, 33, 244 (1982)
A readjustment of lumped coefficients from inclination of 1974-70A.
Klokocnik, J, BAICz, 33, 259 (1982)
Interstellar extinction in the Perseus arm.
Morgan, B et al., MNRAS, 198, 779 (1982)
ANS spectrophotometry : the bright X-ray binaries HER X-1 (HDE 226868).
Wu, C et al., PASP, 94, 149 (1982)
The early-type component in nu.01 Sgr.
Kondo, Y et al., PASP, 94, 647 (1982)
Observations of RR LYR with the ANS satellite.
Bonnell, J et al., PASP, 94, 910 (1982)
Theoretical and observed UV energy distributions of 7 globular clusters
Nesci, R, A&A, 99, 120 (1981)
On the ultraviolet extinction in the galactic plane
Kester, D, A&A, 99, 375 (1981)
Far ultraviolet investigation of three nuclei of globular clusters.
Caloi, V et al., A&A, 103, 386 (1981)
Empirical relationship of ultraviolet extinction and the interstellar diffuse bands
Wu, C et al., AJ, 86, 755 (1981)
Ultraviolet photometry from ANS: chromospheric emission of W Ursae Majoris and 44 i Bootis.
Eaton, J & Wu, C, AJ, 86, 1387 (1981)
The effective temperature scale
Boehm-Vitense, E, ARA&A, 19, 295 (1981)
Circumstellar matter in young clusters. IV.
Krelowski, J & Strobel, A, AcA, 31, 313 (1981)
The far-ultraviolet energy distribution of two globular cluster blue horizontal-branch stars in M 13.
de Boer, K & Code, A, ApJL, 243, L33 (1981)
Concerning the Wolf-rayet and other luminous early-type stars.
Underhill, A, ApJ, 244, 963 (1981)
Interstellar extinction and ultraviolet flux distribution of the crabnebula.
Wu, C, ApJ, 245, 581 (1981)
Ultraviolet interstellar extinction toward 1367 stars observed by ans.
Meyer, D & Savage, B, ApJ, 248, 545 (1981)
Five-color band ultraviolet photometry of fourteen close binaries.
Kondo, Y et al., ApJS, 47, 333 (1981)
Analysis of inclination variations of the first Netherlands satellite.
Wakker, K et al., BAICz, 32, 168 (1981)
Two sdO stars observed with ANS and IUE.
Wesselius, P, CRJS, R3, 14 (1981)
Far ultraviolet photometry of globular clusters with ANS. II - Energy distributions of 27 clusters
van Albada, T et al., MNRAS, 195, 591 (1981)
Far-ultraviolet photometry of globular clusters with ANS. III - Globular cluster ages
van Albada, T et al., MNRAS, 196, 823 (1981)
Variations of the thermal accommodation coefficient from the analysis of the atmospheric lift effects on the satellite 1974-70 A
Sehnal, L, P&SS, 29, 1089 (1981)
Measurements of weak X-ray sources by ANS.
Brinkman, A et al., A&A, 81, 185 (1980)
X-ray observations of the Cygnus Loop by ANS
Gronenschild, E, A&A, 85, 66 (1980)
Ultraviolet colours of main-sequence stars
Wesselius, P et al., A&A, 85, 221 (1980)
Studies of the Carina nebula. III. The spectral energy distribution of the very hot and massive star HD 93250.
The, P et al., A&A, 91, 360 (1980)
Ultraviolet photometry with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS) : faint blue stars in the halo.
de Boer, K & Wesselius, P, AJ, 85, 1354 (1980)
Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. XXXVII - The energy distributions of 23 galactic globular clusters
Welch, G & Code, A, ApJ, 236, 798 (1980)
The ultraviolet continua of the nuclei of M 31 and M 81.
Wu, C et al., ApJ, 237, 290 (1980)
Ultraviolet albedos of Uranus and Neptune
Savage, B et al., ApJ, 237, 627 (1980)
Observations of CYG X-3 with the Einstein (HEAO 2) X-ray observatory : the period derivative and the asymmetric X-ray light curve.
Elsner, R et al., ApJ, 239, 335 (1980)
Ultraviolet colors of W UMa : gravity darkening, temperature differences and the cause of W-type light curves.
Eaton, J et al., ApJ, 239, 919 (1980)
An ultraviolet extinction study of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud.
Wu, C et al., ApJ, 241, 173 (1980)
Revised MK spectral types for G, K ANS M stars.
Keenan, P & Pitts, R, ApJS, 42, 541 (1980)
Colors and magnitudes predicted for high redshift galaxies.
Coleman, G et al., ApJS, 43, 393 (1980)
Near-unstable supergiants.
de Jager, C, ESAJ, 4, 123 (1980)
Correlations between the lam 2200 feature, the diffuse lam 4430 band,n and E.
Danks, A, PASP, 92, 52 (1980)
Ultraviolet photometry of the Cepheid beta Doradus from the A.N.S. satellite.
Lub, J et al., A&A, 72, 82 (1979)
On the effective temperature of Sirius B.
Koester, D, A&A, 72, 376 (1979)
Far ultraviolet photometry of globular clusters with ANS. I. Two different groups of blue horizontal branch clusters.
van Albada, T et al., A&A, 75, L11 (1979)
X-ray observations of some radio supernova remnants by ANS.
Gronenschild, E, A&A, 77, 53 (1979)
The effective temperatures of the O stars.
Pottasch, S et al., A&A, 77, 189 (1979)
Minimum-flux coronal models for hydrogen and helium white dwarf atmospheres.
Lampton, M & Mewe, R, A&A, 78, 104 (1979)
Ultraviolet photometry with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS). Observations of beta Canis Majoris variables.
Lesh, J & Wesselius, P, A&A, 79, 115 (1979)
The nature of the secondaries in some single-line spectroscopic binaries from X-ray observations.
den Boggende, A et al., A&A, 80, 1 (1979)
ANS ultraviolet observations of Wolf-Rayet stars.
van der Hucht, K et al., A&AS, 38, 279 (1979)
On the far-ultraviolet radiation of the T Tauri-type stars
Gurzadian, G, Ap&SS, 62, 67 (1979)
Interstellar extinction and ultraviolet flux distribution of Scorpius X-1.
Wu, C, ApJ, 227, 291 (1979)
The period derivative of Cygnus X-3.
Lamb, R et al., ApJL, 229, L19 (1979)
Ultraviolet spectrophotometry of degenerate stars.
Greenstein, J & Oke, J, ApJL, 229, L141 (1979)
ANS ultraviolet observations of external galaxies. I. Exciting stars of H II regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Israel, F & Koornneef, J, ApJ, 230, 390 (1979)
Absolute calibration in the 1750 Å - 3350 Å region.
Strongylis, G & Bohlin, R, PASP, 91, 205 (1979)
Ultraviolet spectra of planetary nebulae
Gurzadian, G, VA, 23, 45 (1979)
ANS: X-rays from the direction of the Orion Nebula (M42).
den Boggende, A et al., A&A, 62, 1 (1978)
Ultraviolet observations of planetary nebulae. III. Variability of the central star.
Gilra, D et al., A&A, 63, 297 (1978)
Ultraviolet photometry with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ANS: the helium-spectrum variables CU Vir and SX Ari.
Molnar, M & Wu, C, A&A, 63, 335 (1978)
Detection of both soft and hard X-ray emission from SS Cygni with ANS.
Heise, J et al., A&A, 63, L1 (1978)
On the anomaly of the far UV extinction in the 30 Doradus region.
Koornneef, J, A&A, 64, 179 (1978)
Evidence of X-ray emission from W44.
Gronenschild, E et al., A&A, 65, L9 (1978)
Ultraviolet photometric observations of Ap and Am stars.
van Dijk, W et al., A&A, 66, 187 (1978)
A soft X-ray source in the vicinity of the Am star HR 976.
den Boggende, A et al., A&A, 67, L29 (1978)
On the low energy X-ray absorption of the Coma, Virgo and Perseus clusters.
Brinkman, A et al., A&A, 68, 281 (1978)
Interstellar Extinction and Stellar Population in the 30 Doradus Region
Borgman, J et al., A&A, 69, 309 (1978)
A Short-lived Transient X-ray Source at High Galactic Latitude
Schrijver, J et al., A&A, 69, L1 (1978)
Evidence of a Continuous Change in the Period of Cygnus X-3
Manzo, G et al., A&A, 70, 317 (1978)
Effective temperatures of hot white dwarfs.
Wesselius, P & Koester, D, A&A, 70, 745 (1978)
Hot/cool spots observed in the ANS ultraviolet light curves of U Cephei.
Kondo, Y et al., ApJ, 222, 635 (1978)
Ultraviolet observations and the extended spectrum of NGC 4151.
Wu, C & Weedman, D, ApJ, 223, 798 (1978)
The soft X-ray spectrum of Capella: discovery of intense line emission.
Cash, W et al., ApJL, 223, L21 (1978)
Ultraviolet observations of two hot stars with infrared excesses from circumstellar dust.
Savage, B et al., ApJ, 224, 149 (1978)
Intensity and spectral variability of strong galactic X-ray source observed by ANS.
Parsignault, D & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 225, 970 (1978)
An analysis of ultraviolet resonance lines and the possible existence of coronae in O stars.
Olson, G, ApJ, 226, 124 (1978)
Si XIII and Si XIV line emission search with the ANS crystal spectrometer.
Parsignault, D et al., ApJ, 226, 486 (1978)
Recent observations of peculiar emission-line objects with infrared excess.
Swings, F, IrAJ, 13, 176 (1978)
Orbit prediction for the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Wakker, K, JBIS, 31, 387 (1978)
Radiation Environment Detected by a Proportional Counter in Earth Orbit
Parsignault, D et al., M&P, 18, 41 (1978)
New observations of ultraviolet variability in Wolf-Rayet stars.
Burton, W et al., MNRAS, 183, 605 (1978)
A-type central stars of planetary nebulae - II. The central stars of NGC 2346, He 2-36 and NGC 3132.
Mendez, R, MNRAS, 185, 647 (1978)
Spectroscopic observations of 27 Canis Majoris from 0.14 to 4.7 microns.
Danks, A & Houziaux, L, PASP, 90, 453 (1978)
Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
McLaughlin, W & de Leeuw, W, SpFl, 20, 187 (1978)
Ultraviolet observations of planetary nebulae. I. Determination of extinction.
Pottasch, S et al., A&A, 54, 435 (1977)
Ultraviolet photometry with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite ANS: a study of the surface brightness of the Merope reflection nebula.
Andriesse, C et al., A&A, 54, 841 (1977)
Ultraviolet photometric observations of the X-ray binary HD 153919 (3U 1700-37).
Hammerschlag-Hensberge, G & Wu, C, A&A, 56, 433 (1977)
Far-UV observations of T Tau-like stars.
de Boer, K, A&A, 61, 605 (1977)
Calalogue of ANS observations in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Koornneef, J, A&AS, 29, 117 (1977)
uvbyR surface photometry of the 30 Doradus region.
Danks, A, A&AS, 30, 89 (1977)
X-ray observations of globular clusters with ANS.
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 212, L67 (1977)
X-ray observations of the Cygnus A region with ANS.
Brinkman, A et al., ApJ, 214, 35 (1977)
New X-ray and radio observations of the galaxy cluster A 2319.
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 214, L57 (1977)
Ultraviolet observations of 3C 273 by the ANS.
Wu, C, ApJL, 217, L117 (1977)
Observational constraints on the models for Cygnus X-3.
Parsignault, D et al., ApJ, 218, 232 (1977)
Long-term behavior of MXB 1730-335.
Grindlay, J & Gursky, H, ApJL, 218, L117 (1977)
The Merope Nebula Revisited: The Phase Function of Dust Grains in the Ultraviolet
Witt, A, PASP, 89, 750 (1977)
Computers on board satellites
Reijns, G, Ruimt, 26, 5 (1977)
Overview of the IRAS project
Bloemendal, W, Ruimt, 26, 46 (1977)
The calibration of Bragg X-ray analyser crystals for use as polarimeters in X-ray astronomy.
Evans, K et al., SSI, 3, 163 (1977)
ANS: preliminary X-ray brightness map of the Cygnus Loop.
Gronenschild, E et al., A&A, 49, 153 (1976)
The corona around the white dwarf Sirius B determined from X-ray measurements.
Hearn, A & Mewe, R, A&A, 50, 319 (1976)
A study of the transient X-ray source A 0620-00.
Wu, C et al., A&A, 50, 445 (1976)
Far-ultraviolet observations of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae.
de Boer, K & van Albada, T, A&A, 52, 59 (1976)
ANS Observations of Cygnus X-1
Parsignault, D et al., Ap&SS, 42, 175 (1976)
Spectral and Intensity Variations in Cygnus X-3 by the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite
Brinkman, A et al., Ap&SS, 42, 201 (1976)
A Search for Soft X-Ray Radiation from Pulsars with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite
Schrijver, J et al., Ap&SS, 42, 205 (1976)
A Search for Soft X-Ray Emission from Stellar Sources
Mewe, R et al., Ap&SS, 42, 217 (1976)
Discovery of intense X-ray bursts from the globular cluster NGC 6624.
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 205, L127 (1976)
Improved position for the X-ray source associated with the globular cluster NGC 6441.
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 206, L23 (1976)
On the stability of the period of Cygnus X-3.
Parsignault, D et al., ApJL, 209, L73 (1976)
ANS on-board software: functional integration as a key to unattended spacecraft operation.
Evers, V, JBIS, 29, 255 (1976)
Operational experience with the ANS on-board computer.
Evers, V, JBIS, 29, 417 (1976)
Observations of the transient X-ray source at the galactic centre (A1742-28).
Branduardi, G et al., MNRAS, 175, P47 (1976)
ANS observations on the X-ray burster MXB1730-335
Heise, J et al., Natur, 261, 562 (1976)
Two short lived X-ray transients at high galactic latitude
Cooke, B, Natur, 261, 564 (1976)
On the nature of sources of bursts of hard X-ray emission.
Shklovskii, I, PAZh, 2, 482 (1976)
Ultraviolet astrophysics.
Jarzebowski, T, PoAst, 24, 85 (1976)
Recent developments in astronomy
de Graaff, W, Ruimt, 25, 37 (1976)
X-Ray Spectroscopy with the ANS and HEAO-B Satellites
Schnopper, H et al., SSI, 2, 243 (1976)
Excellent results with ANS
van Dalen, J, Spvw, 7, 10 (1976)
The sources of hard X-ray bursts
Shklovskii, I, SvAL, 2, 188 (1976)
The ultraviolet experiment onboard the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite - ANS.
van Duinen, R et al., A&A, 39, 159 (1975)
Ultraviolet observations of associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Borgman, J et al., A&A, 40, 461 (1975)
The hard X-ray experiment on the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Gursky, H et al., ApJL, 201, L127 (1975)
The location and intensity of the X-ray source Centaurus A observed by the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Grindlay, J et al., ApJL, 201, L133 (1975)
Possible identification of a high-latitude X-ray source with a QSO by the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite.
Schreier, E et al., ApJL, 201, L137 (1975)
Detection of X-ray emission from stellar coronae with ANS.
Mewe, R et al., ApJL, 202, L67 (1975)
Evidence for X-ray emission from flare stars observed by ANS.
Heise, J et al., ApJL, 202, L73 (1975)
Tables of theoretical ultraviolet fluxes and colours, including line opacities.
Peytremann, E, BSRSL, 44, 119 (1975)
The ANS hard X-ray experiment.
Kubierschky, K et al., ITNS, 22, 551 (1975)
An evolution of X-ray astronomy instrumentation.
Jagoda, N & Antrim, W, JBIS, 28, 299 (1975)
Stellar coronas.
de Jager, C, MSRSL, 9, 369 (1975)
X-ray observations of CYG X-1 with ANS
Heise, J et al., Natur, 256, 107 (1975)
Soft X rays from Sirius
Mewe, R et al., Natur, 256, 711 (1975)
Calibration of the UV experiment in ANS.
Aalders, J et al., SSI, 1, 343 (1975)
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