Ariel 5 Bibliography: Refereed Publications

photo of Ariel V
  1. Disc-jet coupling in low-luminosity accreting neutron stars
    Tudor, V et al., MNRAS, 470, 324 (2017)
  2. Hydrodynamics associated to the X-ray light curve of A0620-00
    Coronado, Y & Mendoza, S, Ap&SS, 360, 35 (2015)
  3. Searching for Black Holes in Space. The Key Role of X-Ray Observations
    Pounds, K, SSRv, 183, 5 (2014)
  4. The Variable Superorbital Modulation of Cygnus X-1
    Rico, J, ApJL, 683, L55 (2008)
  5. Modelling the behaviour of accretion flows in X-ray binaries. Everything you always wanted to know about accretion but were afraid to ask
    Done, C et al., A&ARv, 15, 1 (2007)
  6. Periodic long-term X-ray and radio variability of Cygnus X-1
    Lachowicz, P et al., MNRAS, 368, 1025 (2006)
  7. Fast X-Ray Transients and Their Connection to Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Arefiev, V et al., ApJ, 586, 1238 (2003)
  8. Long-Term X-Ray Variability of Circinus X-1
    Parkinson, P et al., ApJ, 595, 333 (2003)
  9. Long-term properties of accretion discs in X-ray binaries - II. Stability of radiation-driven warping
    Clarkson, W et al., MNRAS, 343, 1213 (2003)
  10. On-axis orphan afterglows
    Nakar, E & Piran, T, NewA, 8, 141 (2003)
  11. On the recurrence time and outburst properties of the soft X-ray transient Aquila X-1
    Simon, V, A&A, 381, 151 (2002)
  12. Long-term X-ray variability and state transition of GX 339-4
    Kong, A et al., MNRAS, 329, 588 (2002)
  13. Changes in the Long-Term Intensity Variations in Cygnus X-2 and LMC X-3
    Paul, B et al., ApJ, 528, 410 (2000)
  14. X1908+075: An X-Ray Binary with a 4.4 Day Period
    Wen, L et al., ApJ, 532, 1119 (2000)
  15. Fast X-Ray Transients and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Constraints on Beaming
    Grindlay, J, ApJ, 510, 710 (1999)
  16. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Observations of the 35 Day Cycle of Hercules X-1
    Scott, D & Leahy, D, ApJ, 510, 974 (1999)
  17. A Multiyear Light Curve of Scorpius X-1 Based on Compton Gamma Ray Observatory BATSE Spectroscopy Detector Observations
    McNamara, B et al., ApJS, 116, 287 (1998)
  18. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151.
    Kotov, V et al., KFNT, 14, 67 (1998)
  19. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151.
    Kotov, V et al., KPCB, 14, 52 (1998)
  20. Soft X-ray transient light curves as standard candles: exponential versus linear decays
    Shahbaz, T et al., MNRAS, 301, 382 (1998)
  21. Long-term X-ray variability in GX 354-0
    Kong, A et al., NewA, 3, 301 (1998)
  22. On the variation of pulsar periods in close binary systems
    Jetzer, P et al., NewA, 3, 619 (1998)
  23. The Long-Term Periodic Oscillation of the NGC 4151 Nucleus
    Kotov, V et al., ApJ, 488, 195 (1997)
  24. RXTE Observations of the Be Star X-Ray Transient X0726-260 (4U 0728-25): Orbital and Pulse Periods
    Corbet, R & Peele, A, ApJL, 489, L83 (1997)
  25. The Properties of X-Ray and Optical Light Curves of X-Ray Novae
    Chen, W et al., ApJ, 491, 312 (1997)
  26. Detection of a approximately 78 day Period in the RXTE, VELA 5B, and Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor Data of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R et al., ApJL, 473, L45 (1996)
  27. No Eclipses in A1742-289 Archival Data
    Kennea, J & Skinner, G, PASJ, 48, L117 (1996)
  28. The X-ray properties of AM Canum Venaticorum.
    Ulla, A, A&A, 301, 469 (1995)
  29. Long-term X-ray variability of NGC 4151
    Papadakis, I & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 273, 923 (1995)
  30. Connection between X-Ray and Optical Variability in NGC 4151
    Oknyanskij, V, Ap&SS, 222, 157 (1994)
  31. Recent phase changes in X Persei: optical, infrared and X-ray behaviour.
    Roche, P et al., A&A, 270, 122 (1993)
  32. How young are the low-mass X-ray binaries ? Conclusions from a flux-limited sample.
    Naylor, T & Podsiadlowski, P, MNRAS, 262, 929 (1993)
  33. EXOSAT Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJ, 389, 179 (1992)
  34. X-Ray Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 464
    Piro, L et al., ApJ, 380, 357 (1991)
  35. Compact extragalactic objects : a search for 160-minute periodicity in the X-ray data.
    Lyuty, V & Kotov, V, PAZh, 16, 771 (1990)
  36. Astronomical X-ray spectroscopy—ten years on
    Pounds, K, VA, 33, 83 (1990)
  37. Two X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Objects Observed with the HEAO 1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
    Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 345, 140 (1989)
  38. Fast transient X-rays from flare stars and RS CVn binaries.
    Rao, A & Vahia, M, A&A, 188, 109 (1987)
  39. Search for Orbital X-Ray Variation in Scorpius X-1
    Priedhorsky, W & Holt, S, ApJ, 312, 743 (1987)
  40. The period of the globular cluster X-ray source X 1820-303; confirmation from Ariel V data.
    Smale, A et al., MNRAS, 225, P7 (1987)
  41. Orbital Elements of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar GX 301-2
    Sato, N et al., ApJ, 304, 241 (1986)
  42. Long-term and periodic variability of 4U 1258-61 (GX 304-1).
    Corbet, R et al., MNRAS, 221, 961 (1986)
  43. British X-ray astronomy.
    Pounds, K, QJRAS, 27, 435 (1986)
  44. The First Ultraviolet Studies of the Optical Candidate for the X-Ray Source 1118-61
    Coe, M & Payne, B, Ap&SS, 109, 175 (1985)
  45. The X-ray spectrum of CYG X-2.
    Branduardi Raymont, G et al., A&A, 130, 175 (1984)
  46. A catalogue of X-ray spectra observed with the Ariel V proportional counter (Experiment C).
    Bell Burnell, S & Chiappetti, L, A&AS, 56, 415 (1984)
  47. The Einstein galactic plane survey : statistical analysis of the complete X-ray sample.
    Hertz, P & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 278, 137 (1984)
  48. Long-term observations of X-ray sources : the Aquila-Serpens-Scutum.
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, ApJ, 280, 661 (1984)
  49. Identification of two hard X-ray emitting Be stars using the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator.
    Steiner, J et al., ApJ, 280, 688 (1984)
  50. The 41.5 day binary X-ray pulsar 4U 1223-62 (GX 301-2).
    White, N & Swank, J, ApJ, 287, 856 (1984)
  51. The cosmos from space.
    Clark, D, JBIS, 37, 320 (1984)
  52. The X-ray spectra of galactic-bulge sources.
    Ercan, E & Cruise, A, MNRAS, 209, 271 (1984)
  53. Discovery of a 437.5-s X-ray pulsation from 4U 1907+09.
    Makishima, K et al., PASJ, 36, 679 (1984)
  54. Identification and properties of the M giant/X-ray system HD 154791 =2A 1704+241.
    Garcia, M et al., ApJ, 267, 291 (1983)
  55. Evidence for an approximatily 300 day period in Cygnus X-1.
    Priedhorsky, W et al., ApJ, 270, 233 (1983)
  56. The states of Cygnus X-1.
    Ling, J et al., ApJ, 275, 307 (1983)
  57. VLF ionosonde and long-distance propagation anomalies produced by galactic Cen X-4 X-ray burst in May 1979
    Rizzo Piazza, L et al., JATP, 45, 121 (1983)
  58. A search for transient X-ray sources with Ariel 5 experiment C.
    Chiappetti, L & Bell Burnell, S, MNRAS, 202, 825 (1983)
  59. The Ariel V sky survey of fast-transient X-ray sources.
    Pye, J & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 205, 875 (1983)
  60. A study of Galactic bulge X-ray sources with Ariel-5, Exp. C and Ariel-6
    Ercan, E, PhD Thesis, 33 (1983)
  61. Ariel V Hard X-ray Observations of VELA X-1
    Lieu, R et al., ApL, 22, 135 (1982)
  62. The extreme Seyfert galaxy associated with the X-ray source 3A 0557-383.
    Fairall, A et al., MNRAS, 198, P13 (1982)
  63. The orbital period of 2S 1223-624 (GX 301-2).
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 199, 915 (1982)
  64. Detailed observations of NGC 4151 with the IUE -II. Variability of the continuum from 1978 february to 1980 may, including X-ray and optical observations.
    Perola, G et al., MNRAS, 200, 293 (1982)
  65. Journal of high energy X-ray observations from the Ariel V satellite
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 200, 385 (1982)
  66. Observations of X-ray clusters of galaxies at 102.5 MHZ.
    Dagkesamanskii, R et al., MNRAS, 200, 971 (1982)
  67. X-ray observations of CIR X-1 in its low state.
    Chiappetti, L & Burnell, S, MNRAS, 200, 1025 (1982)
  68. A survey of the bright galactic bulge X-ray sources.
    Ponman, T, MNRAS, 201, 769 (1982)
  69. The high galactic latitude fast-transient X-ray source 3A 1431-409.
    McHardy, I et al., MNRAS, 201, P31 (1982)
  70. The H-alpha emission line in the star HDE 245770 = A0535 + 26
    Aab, O et al., SvAL, 8, 94 (1982)
  71. Millimeter-wave and X-ray observations of a Cen-A flare
    Kaufmann, P et al., A&A, 100, 189 (1981)
  72. Ariel 5 hard X-ray studies of the galactic center region.
    Coe, M et al., ApJ, 243, 155 (1981)
  73. Identification of 4U 1849-31 with V1223 SGR and discovery of optical pulsations.
    Steiner, J et al., ApJL, 249, L21 (1981)
  74. Ariel V observations of A 4.8-(HR). Periodicity in the "high state" X-Ray spectrum of CYG X-3.
    Blissett, R et al., MNRAS, 194, 77 (1981)
  75. The variability of X-ray emission from active galaxies.
    Marshall, N et al., MNRAS, 194, 987 (1981)
  76. X-ray line emission from photo-ionized gas in a Seyfert nucleus
    Fabian, A & Ross, R, MNRAS, 194, P29 (1981)
  77. 2S 1145-619: an X-ray pulsar in an eccentric binary system?
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 195, 197 (1981)
  78. The hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151.
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 195, 241 (1981)
  79. Identification of the fast, high galactic latitude X-ray transient A 0000+28 with the RS CVn system HD 224085.
    Schwartz, D et al., MNRAS, 196, 95 (1981)
  80. Spectral analysis of the 1975 may transition of CYG X-1.
    Chiappetti, L et al., MNRAS, 197, 139 (1981)
  81. The X-ray spectrum of SMC X-1 observed from the Ariel V satellite.
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 197, 247 (1981)
  82. The Ariel V (3A) catalogue of X-ray sources. I.
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 197, 865 (1981)
  83. The Ariel V (3A) catalogue of X-ray sources. II.
    McHardy, I et al., MNRAS, 197, 893 (1981)
  84. Evidence for an X-ray period in the ‘Sco-like’ source 2S0614+091
    Marshall, N & Millit, J, Natur, 293, 379 (1981)
  85. Studies of X-ray emission from Hercules X-1 OAO1653-40 and X-ray spectroscopy of solar flares
    Parmar, A, PhD Thesis, 95 (1981)
  86. X-Ray Emission from Active Galaxies
    Hayes, M et al., SSRv, 30, 39 (1981)
  87. Periodic behaviour in three galactic bulge sources
    Ponman, T, SSRv, 30, 353 (1981)
  88. X-Ray Absorption in CIRCINUS-X-1 in the Low State
    Chiappetti, L & Bell-Burnell, S, SSRv, 30, 389 (1981)
  89. Ariel 5 observations of GX 339-4
    Chiappetti, L, SSRv, 30, 447 (1981)
  90. The ARIEL-5 Sky Survey of Fast Transient X-Ray Outbursts
    McHardy, I & Pye, J, SSRv, 30, 457 (1981)
  91. Periodic X-ray outbursts from A0535+26, 2S1145-619 and GX301-2
    Warwick, R et al., SSRv, 30, 461 (1981)
  92. X-ray observations of SS 433, 1974 1980
    Ricketts, M et al., VA, 25, 71 (1981)
  93. 34.1 day periodicity in CYG X-3
    Molteni, D et al., A&A, 87, 88 (1980)
  94. Hard X-ray features in the spectra of binary X-ray sources.
    Evans, A et al., A&AS, 41, 13 (1980)
  95. A search for extended halos of hot gas in the Perseus, Virgo, and Coma Clusters
    Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 236, 58 (1980)
  96. SAS 3 and related observations of Abell 2029.
    Johnson, H et al., ApJ, 236, 738 (1980)
  97. The 1978 X-ray and optical outburst of AQL X-1 (4U 1908+00).
    Charles, P et al., ApJ, 237, 154 (1980)
  98. A determination of the orbit of GX 301-2.
    Kelley, R et al., ApJ, 238, 699 (1980)
  99. Simultaneous ultraviolet, optical and X-ray observations of the X-raysource Vel X-1 (HD 77581).
    Dupree, A et al., ApJ, 238, 969 (1980)
  100. Two X-ray pulsars : 2S 1145-61.9 and 1E 1145.1-6141.
    Lamb, R et al., ApJ, 239, 651 (1980)
  101. The 1979 X-ray outburst of CEN X-4.
    Kaluzienski, L et al., ApJ, 241, 779 (1980)
  102. Optical and X-ray studies of 2A 1822-371.
    Charles, P et al., ApJ, 241, 1148 (1980)
  103. Satellites we have known and loved - a synopsis of the scientific results to date.
    Thomas, D & Francis, C, JBIS, 33, 165 (1980)
  104. Emission line variability in the optical candidate for 2A 0526-32.8.
    Watts, D et al., MNRAS, 191, P25 (1980)
  105. Repeated X-ray flaring in NGC 4151
    Lawrence, A, MNRAS, 192, 83 (1980)
  106. Further Ariel V observations of HER X-1.
    Parmar, A et al., MNRAS, 192, 311 (1980)
  107. Ariel V X-ray observations of two type I Seyfert galaxies
    Hayes, M et al., MNRAS, 192, P1 (1980)
  108. The discovery of ‘SCO X-1 type’ behaviour from the X-ray burster 4U 1735-44.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 193, 731 (1980)
  109. Determination of a binary period for the variable X-ray source A 1907+09.
    Marshall, N & Ricketts, M, MNRAS, 193, P7 (1980)
  110. Iron line emission and variability in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548
    Hayes, M et al., MNRAS, 193, P15 (1980)
  111. The optical identification of H 2252-035 with a cataclysmic variable.
    Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 193, P25 (1980)
  112. X-ray background studies with Ariel 5 and Copernicus observations of the X-ray source: OAO1653-40
    Pollard, G, PhD Thesis, 115 (1980)
  113. An investigation of compact extragalactic X-ray sources
    Barr, P, PhD Thesis, 191 (1980)
  114. Spectral studies of cosmic X-ray sources
    Blissett, R, PhD Thesis, 192 (1980)
  115. Large scale shearing of the universe from Ariel V X-ray data.
    Fabian, A et al., PhyS, 21, 650 (1980)
  116. Copernicus observations of Theta-2 Ori A, a proposed optical counterpart to the X-ray source 4U 0531-05.
    Bernacca, P & Bianchi, L, A&A, 75, 61 (1979)
  117. Further analysis of SAS 3 observations of the rapid burster (MXB 1730-335).
    Marshall, H et al., ApJ, 227, 555 (1979)
  118. Long-term studies with the Ariel 5 ASM. I. Hercules X-1, Vela X-1, and Centaurus X-3.
    Holt, S et al., ApJ, 227, 563 (1979)
  119. Optical pulsations from 4U 0900-40: do they exist?
    Nelson, J et al., ApJ, 229, 294 (1979)
  120. Helios 2 - Vela - Ariel 5 gamma-ray burst source position.
    Cline, T et al., ApJL, 229, L47 (1979)
  121. Detection of one million degree gas in the supernova remnant IC 443.
    Woodgate, B et al., ApJL, 229, L119 (1979)
  122. Location of the recurrent (LMC?) X-ray transient A0538-66 with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator.
    Johnston, M et al., ApJL, 230, L11 (1979)
  123. Observations of the transient X-ray source 4U 0115+63.
    Rose, L et al., ApJ, 231, 919 (1979)
  124. Long-term studies with the Ariel 5 ASM. II. The strong Cygnus sources.
    Holt, S et al., ApJ, 233, 344 (1979)
  125. High Energy X-Ray Observations of BL Lacertae Objects
    Coe, M et al., ApL, 20, 63 (1979)
  126. Image processing techniques for the rotation modulation collimator experiment on Ariel 5
    Skinner, G, JBIS, 32, 77 (1979)
  127. The restoration of astronomical X-ray spectra.
    Blissett, R & Cruise, A, MNRAS, 186, 45 (1979)
  128. X-ray observations of SS Cygni.
    Ricketts, M et al., MNRAS, 186, 233 (1979)
  129. Cosmology and the X-ray source count.
    Blake, G, MNRAS, 186, 867 (1979)
  130. Ariel V X-ray observations of the SN 1006 supernova remnant.
    Zarnecki, J & Bibbo, G, MNRAS, 186, P51 (1979)
  131. On the identification of the high-latitude X-ray source 2A 1219+305.
    Wilson, A et al., MNRAS, 187, 109 (1979)
  132. X-ray variability of the quasar 3C 273.
    White, G & Ricketts, M, MNRAS, 187, 757 (1979)
  133. X-ray source counts at high galactic latitude from measurements of fluctuations in the X-ray background.
    Pye, J & Warwick, R, MNRAS, 187, 905 (1979)
  134. Cluster iron lines and the X-ray spectrum of SC 0627-544.
    Berthelsdorf, R & Culhane, J, MNRAS, 187, P17 (1979)
  135. The detection of an X-ray outburst from the old nova GK Per.
    King, A et al., MNRAS, 187, P77 (1979)
  136. NGC 4593 - a bright Seyfert galaxy with variable X-ray emission.
    Burnell, S & Culhane, J, MNRAS, 188, P1 (1979)
  137. The X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies and their relationship to other cluster properties.
    Mitchell, R et al., MNRAS, 189, 329 (1979)
  138. High energy X-ray observations of Sco-like sources with Ariel V.
    Greenhill, J et al., MNRAS, 189, 563 (1979)
  139. Detection of a flare in the X-ray emission from NGC 5506.
    Marshall, N & Warwick, R, MNRAS, 189, P37 (1979)
  140. X-ray observations of AM Herculis from OSO 8
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 279, 509 (1979)
  141. X-ray, optical and radio observations of A1710-34.
    Greenhill, J et al., Natur, 279, 620 (1979)
  142. Evidence for low-energy γ-ray emission close to CG135+1
    della Ventura, A et al., Natur, 282, 486 (1979)
  143. 80 MHz survey of extragalactic X-ray sources
    Slee, O & Quinn, P, PASAu, 3, 332 (1979)
  144. Royal Society, Discussion on Some Recent Results in X-Ray Astronomy, London, England, April 25, 26, 1978, Proceedings
    RSPSA 366 (1979)
  145. Galactic X-Ray Observations Observations Of Compact X-Ray Sources
    Sanford, P, RSPSA, 366, 281 (1979)
  146. Ariel 5 Hard X-Ray Observations
    Quenby, J et al., RSPSA, 366, 295 (1979)
  147. Galactic X-Ray Sources
    Watson, M, RSPSA, 366, 329 (1979)
  148. The Galactic Centre
    Skinner, G, RSPSA, 366, 345 (1979)
  149. Positions of Galactic X-Ray Sources
    Wilson, A, RSPSA, 366, 367 (1979)
  150. Extragalactic X-Ray Observations The 2A Catalogue and Supplementary Results from the Ariel 5 Sky Survey
    Pounds, K, RSPSA, 366, 375 (1979)
  151. Extragalactic X-Ray Sources and the Diffuse X-Ray Background
    Warwick, R, RSPSA, 366, 391 (1979)
  152. The X-Ray Spectrum and Variability of Active Galaxies
    Stark, J, RSPSA, 366, 435 (1979)
  153. An X-ray and optical study of seven clusters of galaxies.
    Maccagni, D et al., A&A, 62, 127 (1978)
  154. On the low energy X-ray absorption of the Coma, Virgo and Perseus clusters.
    Brinkman, A et al., A&A, 68, 281 (1978)
  155. Observations of clusters containing radio tail galaxies.
    Hintzen, P et al., AJ, 83, 478 (1978)
  156. Cygnus X-1: optical and X-ray evidence for a 78/39-day period.
    Kemp, J et al., AJ, 83, 962 (1978)
  157. Hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151.
    Auriemma, G et al., ApJL, 221, L7 (1978)
  158. Searches for correlated X-ray and radio emission from X-ray burst sources.
    Johnson, H et al., ApJ, 222, 664 (1978)
  159. Uhuru observations of X-ray emission from Seyfert galaxies.
    Tananbaum, H et al., ApJ, 223, 74 (1978)
  160. Optical identifications of extragalactic X-ray sources.
    Ward, M et al., ApJ, 223, 788 (1978)
  161. X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-richness relation.
    Jones, C & Forman, W, ApJ, 224, 1 (1978)
  162. The detection of large X-ray halos in clusters.
    Forman, W et al., ApJL, 225, L1 (1978)
  163. The case for a burst from 3U 0614+09.
    Swank, J et al., MNRAS, 182, 349 (1978)
  164. The Ariel V (SSI) catalogue of high galactic latitude (
    Cooke, B et al., MNRAS, 182, 489 (1978)
  165. Detection of X-ray emission from the giant radio lobes of Cen A.
    Cooke, B et al., MNRAS, 182, 661 (1978)
  166. X-ray spectra and variability of some Seyfert galaxies and other high latitude sources.
    Stark, J et al., MNRAS, 182, P23 (1978)
  167. An extended X-ray source centred on the Vela pulsar.
    Smith, A, MNRAS, 182, P39 (1978)
  168. Seyfert galaxies as X-ray sources.
    Elvis, M et al., MNRAS, 183, 129 (1978)
  169. X-ray source counts at high galactic latitude.
    Warwick, R & Pye, J, MNRAS, 183, 169 (1978)
  170. X-ray and optical observations of 3U 0900-40 (Vela X-1).
    Charles, P et al., MNRAS, 183, 813 (1978)
  171. The recurrent X-ray transient A 0538-66.
    White, N & Carpenter, G, MNRAS, 183, P11 (1978)
  172. The periodic behaviour of 2A 0042+323 (= 3U 0042+32).
    Watson, M & Ricketts, M, MNRAS, 183, P35 (1978)
  173. A search for X-ray emission from Abell clusters and superclusters.
    Ricketts, M, MNRAS, 183, P51 (1978)
  174. The X-ray source Serpens X-1: Ariel 5 observations and discussion of models for the spectrum and time variability.
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 184, 355 (1978)
  175. X-ray sources in clusters of galaxies.
    McHardy, I, MNRAS, 184, 783 (1978)
  176. The variability of MXB 1730-335.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 184, P1 (1978)
  177. The binary X-ray pulsar 3U 1223-62.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 184, P67 (1978)
  178. "Hard" X-ray emission from dwarf novae.
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 184, P79 (1978)
  179. X-ray emission from the Virgo cluster and M87.
    Lawrence, A, MNRAS, 185, 423 (1978)
  180. The nature of the X-ray source associated with the Vela pulsar.
    Mason, K & Culhane, J, MNRAS, 185, 673 (1978)
  181. X-ray emission from the region of the Galactic Centre
    Proctor, R et al., MNRAS, 185, 745 (1978)
  182. Discovery of an X-ray QSO.
    Ricker, G et al., Natur, 271, 35 (1978)
  183. Discovery of eclipsing nature of LMC X-4
    White, N, Natur, 271, 38 (1978)
  184. Hard X-ray observations of white dwarf binary systems
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 272, 37 (1978)
  185. Diffuse γ-ray background from Seyfert galaxies
    Grindlay, J, Natur, 273, 211 (1978)
  186. Hard X-ray observations of cosmic γ-ray sources
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 274, 343 (1978)
  187. Two X-ray periodicities from the vicinity of 4U 1145-61.
    White, N et al., Natur, 274, 664 (1978)
  188. SS CYG as a hard X-ray source identified with the scanning modulationcollimator on HEAO 1.
    Fabbiano, G et al., Natur, 275, 721 (1978)
  189. An X-ray map of deep space.
    Pounds, K, NewSc, 78, 286 (1978)
  190. Extragalactic X-ray Astronomy
    Culhane, J, QJRAS, 19, 1 (1978)
  191. Ariel 5: a British triumph.
    Coe, M, SpFl, 20, 42 (1978)
  192. The X-ray emission from the Hercules supercluster.
    Cooke, B et al., A&A, 58, L17 (1977)
  193. All-Sky Monitor observations of the decay of A 0620-00 (Nova Monocerotis 1975).
    Kaluzienski, L et al., ApJ, 212, 203 (1977)
  194. Intense X-ray flares from Aquila X-1 and Circinus X-1.
    Buff, J et al., ApJ, 212, 768 (1977)
  195. Positions of X-ray sources near the galactic center measured by the Ariel-5 RMC experiment.
    Wilson, A et al., ApJL, 215, L111 (1977)
  196. A spectrophotometric survey of the A 0535+26 field.
    Margon, B et al., ApJ, 216, 811 (1977)
  197. X-ray clusters of galaxies: correlations with optical morphology and galaxy density.
    Bahcall, N, ApJL, 217, L77 (1977)
  198. Observations of NGC 4151 from Uhuru.
    Ulmer, M, ApJL, 218, L1 (1977)
  199. X-ray clusters of galaxies: correlation of X-ray luminosity with galactic content.
    Bahcall, N, ApJL, 218, L93 (1977)
  200. Long-term behavior of MXB 1730-335.
    Grindlay, J & Gursky, H, ApJL, 218, L117 (1977)
  201. An Improved Position for the X-Ray Source 3UO527-05
    White, G & Ricketts, M, ApL, 18, 79 (1977)
  202. A New Measurement of the Spin-Up Rate of SMC X-1
    Yentis, D et al., ApL, 19, 53 (1977)
  203. Erratum: "Ariel V sky survey: long-term monitoring of the X-ray emission from the Coma cluster and NGC 4151" [Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., Vol. 177, p. 7P - 12P (1976)].
    Elvis, M, MNRAS, 178, 499 (1977)
  204. Ariel V Sky Survey Instrument: extended observations of 3U 0900-40.
    Watson, M & Griffiths, R, MNRAS, 178, 513 (1977)
  205. Copernicus and Ariel V observations of Hercules X-1.
    Davison, P & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 178, P1 (1977)
  206. Optical identification of the transient X-ray source A 1524-61.
    Murdin, P et al., MNRAS, 178, P27 (1977)
  207. Detection of iron line emission in the Ariel V X-ray spectrum of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies.
    Mitchell, R & Culhane, J, MNRAS, 178, P75 (1977)
  208. The X-ray spectrum and structure of the supernova remnant IC 443.
    Parkes, G et al., MNRAS, 179, 55 (1977)
  209. An upper limit to the linear X-ray polarization of Sco X-1.
    Gowen, R et al., MNRAS, 179, 303 (1977)
  210. Spin-up in SMC X-1.
    Davison, P, MNRAS, 179, P15 (1977)
  211. New cosmic X-ray sources observed by the RMC experiment on Ariel V.
    Carpenter, G et al., MNRAS, 179, P27 (1977)
  212. A regular pulsation in the X-ray flux from A 1540-53.
    Davison, P, MNRAS, 179, P35 (1977)
  213. X-ray, optical and radio data for the cluster of galaxies Klemola 44.
    Maccacaro, T et al., MNRAS, 180, 465 (1977)
  214. Discovery of two periodic X-ray pulsators.
    Huckle, H et al., MNRAS, 180, P21 (1977)
  215. Observations of the LMC X-ray sources with the Ariel V Sky Survey Instrument.
    Griffiths, R & Seward, F, MNRAS, 180, P75 (1977)
  216. A deep search for X-ray emission from radio quasars with Ariel V.
    White, G & Ricketts, M, MNRAS, 181, 435 (1977)
  217. The X-ray temperatures of eight clusters of galaxies and their relationship to other cluster properties.
    Mitchell, R et al., MNRAS, 181, P25 (1977)
  218. An increase in the X-ray absorption of NGC 4151.
    Barr, P et al., MNRAS, 181, P43 (1977)
  219. The binary X-ray pulsar 3U 1538-52.
    Davison, P et al., MNRAS, 181, P73 (1977)
  220. Ariel V Sky Survey: X-ray variability of NGC 5128.
    Lawrence, A et al., MNRAS, 181, P93 (1977)
  221. X-ray flare in 3U 0833-45 the Vela pulsar
    Smith, A & Pounds, K, Natur, 265, 121 (1977)
  222. Recurrent X-ray outbursts from Aquila X-1
    Kaluzienski, L et al., Natur, 265, 606 (1977)
  223. Radio counterpart of the X-ray source 3U0901-09
    Wielebinski, R et al., Natur, 266, 239 (1977)
  224. The 17-d periodicity of Cygnus X-3
    Owens, A, Natur, 266, 749 (1977)
  225. Upper limits to X-ray emission from nova Vulpeculae 1976
    Cruise, A, Natur, 267, 685 (1977)
  226. A line feature at 64 keV in the X-ray spectrum of Her X-1
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 268, 508 (1977)
  227. Variable mid-latitude X-ray source 3U0042+32
    Rappaport, S et al., Natur, 268, 705 (1977)
  228. Positions of galactic X-ray sources Cir X-1, TrA X-1 and 3U1626-67
    Bradt, H et al., Natur, 269, 496 (1977)
  229. Low energy gamma-ray observations of NGC4151
    di Cocco, G et al., Natur, 270, 319 (1977)
  230. Studies of Transient X-Ray Sources with the Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor.
    Kaluzienski, L, PhD Thesis, 3 (1977)
  231. X-ray studies of the Puppis-A supernova remnant
    Zarnecki, J, PhD Thesis, 18 (1977)
  232. The variability of several galactic X-ray sources
    White, N, PhD Thesis, 140 (1977)
  233. Comparative behaviours of X-ray sources (Cyg X-2, 3U1700-37, A1742-28)
    Branduardi, G, PhD Thesis, 220 (1977)
  234. The high energy X-ray detector on the Ariel-5 satellite.
    Engel, A & Coe, M, SSI, 3, 407 (1977)
  235. MIT studies of transient X-ray phenomena.
    Canizares, C, Ap&SS, 39, 504 (1976)
  236. Temporal X-Ray Astronomy with a Pinhole Camera
    Holt, S, Ap&SS, 42, 123 (1976)
  237. Observations of Variable and Transient X-Ray Sources with the Ariel V Sky Survey Experiment
    Pounds, K et al., Ap&SS, 42, 143 (1976)
  238. New results from long-term observations of Cygnus X-1.
    Holt, S et al., ApJL, 203, L63 (1976)
  239. Long-term X-ray studies of Scorpius X-1. I. Search for binary periodicity.
    Holt, S et al., ApJL, 205, L27 (1976)
  240. Long-term X-ray studies of Scorpius X-1. II. Evidence for flare-dominated intensity variations.
    Holt, S et al., ApJL, 205, L79 (1976)
  241. Evidence for an 11.2 day periodicity from Cygnus X-2.
    Holt, S et al., ApJL, 205, L143 (1976)
  242. X-ray spectra of Cassiopeia A and Tycho’s supernova observed with Ariel-5.
    Davison, P et al., ApJL, 206, L37 (1976)
  243. The variability and absorption of the X-ray emission from NGC 4151.
    Ives, J et al., ApJL, 207, L159 (1976)
  244. Uhuru and Ariel V observations of 3U 1630-47: a recurrent transient X-ray source.
    Jones, C et al., ApJL, 210, L9 (1976)
  245. High-energy astronomy in the U.K.
    Pounds, K, AsAer, 14, 20 (1976)
  246. The Ariel 5 post launch control and data handling.
    Rogers, A, JBIS, 29, 408 (1976)
  247. X-ray observations of NGC 5128.
    Stark, J et al., MNRAS, 174, P35 (1976)
  248. Pulsed X-ray observations of Cen X-3 from Ariel-5.
    Tuohy, I, MNRAS, 174, P45 (1976)
  249. The Leicester X-ray crystal spectrometer on Ariel V and some early results on Cas A, Tycho and Sco X-1.
    Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 175, 449 (1976)
  250. Ariel 5 observations of the X-ray spectrum of the Perseus cluster.
    Mitchell, R et al., MNRAS, 175, P29 (1976)
  251. X-ray sources in the Aquila-Serpens-Scutum region.
    Seward, F et al., MNRAS, 175, P39 (1976)
  252. Observations of the transient X-ray source at the galactic centre (A1742-28).
    Branduardi, G et al., MNRAS, 175, P47 (1976)
  253. New observations of X-ray clusters of galaxies.
    Cooke, B & Maccagni, D, MNRAS, 175, P65 (1976)
  254. The X-ray behaviour of 3U 0352+30 (X Per).
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 176, 201 (1976)
  255. Observations of A 0620-00, 1975 nova Monocerotis, by Ariel V.
    Carpenter, G et al., MNRAS, 176, 397 (1976)
  256. The Ariel V Sky Survey Instrument and new observations of the Milky Way.
    Villa, G et al., MNRAS, 176, 609 (1976)
  257. Confirmation of the identification of the X-ray source 3U 1044-30 with the cluster of galaxies Abell 1060.
    Ives, J & Sanford, P, MNRAS, 176, P13 (1976)
  258. Evidence for a binary period in the highly variable X-ray source Aquila X-1.
    Watson, M, MNRAS, 176, P19 (1976)
  259. Observations of the X-ray nova A 0620-00 with the Ariel V crystal spectrometer/polarimeter.
    Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 177, 429 (1976)
  260. A study of four X-ray sources with properties similar to Sco X-1.
    Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 177, 513 (1976)
  261. Ariel V Sky Survey: long-term monitoring of the X-ray emission from the Coma Cluster and NGC 4151.
    Elvis, M, MNRAS, 177, P7 (1976)
  262. X-ray sources in the southern Milky Way.
    Seward, F et al., MNRAS, 177, P13 (1976)
  263. Ariel V sky survey: observations of X-rays from galaxies in the region of 3U 0328-52.
    Pye, J & Cooke, B, MNRAS, 177, P21 (1976)
  264. Hard X-ray observations in the region of Centaurus.
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 177, P31 (1976)
  265. Sky coverage of the Ariel V RMC experiment and its sensitivity to X-ray bursts.
    Carpenter, C, MNRAS, 177, P107 (1976)
  266. NGC 3783: a possible X-ray emitting Seyfert galaxy.
    Cooke, B et al., MNRAS, 177, P121 (1976)
  267. Transient X-ray source A1118-61
    Davison, P & Sanford, P, Natur, 259, 98 (1976)
  268. New X-ray measurements of the Crab spectrum in the range 26 keV-1.2 MeV
    Carpenter, G et al., Natur, 259, 99 (1976)
  269. Anti-correlated hard and soft X-ray intensity variations of the black-hole candidates Cyg X-1 and A0620-00
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 259, 544 (1976)
  270. X-ray transient source at high galactic latitude and suggested extragalactic identification
    Ricketts, M et al., Natur, 259, 546 (1976)
  271. Ariel V sky survey observations of X rays from the globular cluster candidates 3U2131+11 and MXO513-40
    Pye, J & Cooke, B, Natur, 260, 410 (1976)
  272. Evidence for a 17-d periodicity from Cyg X-3.
    Serlemitsos, P et al., Natur, 260, 592 (1976)
  273. A return to the pre-1971 intensity level and a 5.6-d modulation for Cyg X-1
    Holt, S et al., Natur, 261, 213 (1976)
  274. X-ray outburst from Circinus X-1
    Wilson, A & Carpenter, G, Natur, 261, 295 (1976)
  275. Two short lived X-ray transients at high galactic latitude
    Cooke, B, Natur, 261, 564 (1976)
  276. Identification of Abell Cluster 754 with the X-ray source 3U0901-09 by Ariel V
    Pye, J et al., Natur, 262, 195 (1976)
  277. Observations of X-ray and γ bursts
    Quenby, J et al., Natur, 262, 471 (1976)
  278. Positions and evidence for a steady component for X-ray burst sources
    Carpenter, G et al., Natur, 262, 473 (1976)
  279. Positions and evidence for a steady component for X-ray burst sources.
    Quenby, J et al., Natur, 262, 473 (1976)
  280. Observations of X-ray burst from the vicinity of 3U 1727-33.
    Mason, K et al., Natur, 262, 474 (1976)
  281. Hard X-ray observations of Circinus X-1 during an outburst
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 262, 563 (1976)
  282. The 35-d X-ray profile of Her X-1
    Holt, S et al., Natur, 263, 484 (1976)
  283. Detection of hot gas in clusters of galaxies by observation of the microwave background radiation
    Gull, S & Northover, K, Natur, 263, 572 (1976)
  284. The hard X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-1 during the transition in November 1975
    Sommer, M et al., Natur, 263, 752 (1976)
  285. Periodic behaviour of the X-ray flux from the region near 3U 1727-33.
    White, N et al., Natur, 264, 342 (1976)
  286. Argon fluorescent X rays in the Earth’s atmosphere during solar flares
    Seward, F et al., Natur, 264, 421 (1976)
  287. Rise and fall of an X-ray star.
    Pounds, K, NewSc, 69, 494 (1976)
  288. On the nature of sources of bursts of hard X-ray emission.
    Shklovskii, I, PAZh, 2, 482 (1976)
  289. Transient X-ray sources (X-ray novae).
    Kubiak, M, PoAst, 24, 163 (1976)
  290. The Ariel 5 Programme
    Smith, J & Courtier, G, RSPSA, 350, 421 (1976)
  291. Observations of Binary X-Ray Sources with Ariel 5
    Pounds, K, RSPSA, 350, 441 (1976)
  292. Transient X-Ray Sources
    Willmore, A, RSPSA, 350, 463 (1976)
  293. Ariel Results on Extragalactic X-Ray Sources
    Sanford, P & Ives, J, RSPSA, 350, 491 (1976)
  294. Results from the Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor
    Holt, S, RSPSA, 350, 505 (1976)
  295. Ariel 5 Hard X-Ray Measurements of Galactic and Extragalactic X-Ray Sources
    Carpenter, G et al., RSPSA, 350, 521 (1976)
  296. Observations of binary X-ray sources with Ariel 5
    Pounds, K, RSPTA, 350, 441 (1976)
  297. Transient X-ray sources
    Willmore, A, RSPTA, 350, 463 (1976)
  298. Ariel results on extragalactic X-ray sources
    Sanford, P & Ives, J, RSPTA, 350, 491 (1976)
  299. Results from the Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor
    Holt, S, RSPTA, 350, 505 (1976)
  300. Ariel 5 hard X-ray measurements of galactic and extragalactic X-ray sources
    Carpenter, G et al., RSPTA, 350, 521 (1976)
  301. Proceedings of the symposium on the techniques of solar and cosmic X-ray spectroscopy. Held at Holmbury, England, 22 and 23 May 1975.
    Acton, L & Culhane, J, SSI, 2, 1 (1976)
  302. Calibration Data for the Ariel 5 Bragg Spectrometer
    Evans, K et al., SSI, 2, 313 (1976)
  303. The sources of hard X-ray bursts
    Shklovskii, I, SvAL, 2, 188 (1976)
  304. The light curve of a transient X-ray source.
    Kaluzienski, L et al., ApJL, 201, L121 (1975)
  305. An extended observation of Cen X-3 with the Ariel-5 sky survey.
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 172, 473 (1975)
  306. Ariel V sky survey: observations of the accretion wake in Vel X-1.
    Eadie, G et al., MNRAS, 172, P35 (1975)
  307. Observations of a line feature in the X-ray spectrum of Cygnus X-3.
    Sanford, P et al., MNRAS, 173, P9 (1975)
  308. Observations of the 1975 May X-ray outburst of Cygnus X-1.
    Eyles, C et al., MNRAS, 173, P63 (1975)
  309. Variable X-ray source near Cen X-3.
    Eyles, C et al., Natur, 254, 577 (1975)
  310. Observations of a transient X-ray source with regular periodicity of 6.75 min
    Ives, J et al., Natur, 254, 578 (1975)
  311. Possible identification of Ariel 1118-61
    Fabian, A et al., Natur, 255, 208 (1975)
  312. Possible models for some transient X-ray sources
    Pacini, F & Shapiro, S, Natur, 255, 618 (1975)
  313. Observations of a new transition in the emission from Cyg X-1
    Holt, S et al., Natur, 256, 108 (1975)
  314. Ariel V and Copernicus measurements of the X-ray variability of CYG X-1
    Sanford, P et al., Natur, 256, 109 (1975)
  315. Hard X-ray observations near Ariel 1118-61
    Carpenter, G et al., Natur, 256, 292 (1975)
  316. Observations of a transient X-ray source with a period of 104 S
    Rosenberg, F et al., Natur, 256, 628 (1975)
  317. Hard X-ray measurements of nova A0535+26 in Taurus
    Coe, M et al., Natur, 256, 630 (1975)
  318. Decay of X-ray source A0535+26
    Kaluzienski, L et al., Natur, 256, 633 (1975)
  319. Anomalous temporal behaviour of Her X-1
    Cooke, B & Page, C, Natur, 256, 712 (1975)
  320. Abell 478 and X-ray source 3U0405 + 10
    Elvis, M et al., Natur, 257, 33 (1975)
  321. X-ray outburst from the direction of the Galactic Centre.
    Eyles, C et al., Natur, 257, 291 (1975)
  322. Discovery of powerful transient X-ray source A0620-00 with Ariel V Sky Survey Experiment
    Elvis, M et al., Natur, 257, 656 (1975)
  323. The X-ray spectrum of A0620-00
    Ricketts, M et al., Natur, 257, 657 (1975)
  324. Observations of CEN X-3 from Ariel 5 and their interpretation
    Jackson, J, Obs, 95, 161 (1975)

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