BBXRT Bibliography: Non-refereed publications

artist concept of BBXRT in the Shuttle bay in flight
  1. Intrinsic Curvature in the X-ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects
    Perlman, E et al., HEAD, 8, 0429 (2004)
  2. BL Lac X-ray Spectra: Simpler than we thought
    Perlman, E et al., AAS, 203, 14605 (2003)
  3. Recent advance in segmented thin-foil x-ray optics
    Soong, Y et al., SPIE, 4496, 54 (2002)
  4. Astrophysical X-Ray Spectroscopy: Then, Then Again, and Now
    Kahn, S, High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with XMM-Newton and Chandra, 20 (2002)
  5. Precision assembly station for high-resolution segmented optics
    Bergner, H et al., SPIE, 4138, 134 (2000)
  6. A Broad-band Spectral and Timing Study of the X-Ray Binary System Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M, nasa rept (1998)
  7. Monitoring the Hard X-Ray Emission from Eta Carinae
    Corcoran, M, RXTE Proposal, 20003 (1997)
  8. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Calibrating Broad Band X-ray Telescope (Weaver+ 1995)
    Weaver, K et al., yCat, 209, 60303 (1997)
  9. X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnants.
    Petre, R, IAU Colloq. 145: Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, 357 (1996)
  10. The Iron K Line Profile in NGC 4151 and the Evidence for a Relativistic Accretion Disk
    Yaqoob, T et al., AAS, 187, 5013 (1995)
  11. X-ray Observations of X2127+119 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: an X-ray Measure of Metallicity?
    Swank, J et al., AAS, 187, 8210 (1995)
  12. BBXRT Spectra of the Clusters A262 and A496
    Schlegel, E et al., AAS, 187, 11104 (1995)
  13. The HEASARC facility
    Heasarc Team, ASSL, 203, 139 (1995)
  14. Conical thin foil x-ray mirror fabrication via surface replication
    Soong, Y et al., SPIE, 2515, 64 (1995)
  15. Free-Free Radiation Cannot Make the UV/Soft-X-Ray Excess in AGN
    Kriss, G, AAS, 184, 1308 (1994)
  16. New X-ray Spectral Data of NGC 4151 observed with Asuka
    Weaver, K et al., AAS, 184, 5910 (1994)
  17. Low-Energy Line Emission in Cygnus X--2: a Study with ASCA, BBXRT and the Einstein SSS
    Smale, A et al., AAS, 185, 10204 (1994)
  18. The BBXRT Observation of the Black Hole Candidate LMC X-1
    Schlegel, E, The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 119 (1994)
  19. ASCA and BBXRT Observations of the 7 Second X-ray Pulsator 1E2259+586
    Corbet, R & Smale, A, New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 415 (1994)
  20. The BBXRT Observation of Cen X-3
    Kelley, R & Audley, M, New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 417 (1994)
  21. Spatially Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy of Puppis A
    Petre, R et al., AAS, 182, 0214 (1993)
  22. BBXRT Observation of MX0836-42
    Zhang, W & Swank, J, AAS, 182, 0707 (1993)
  23. BBXRT Observations of Fe Lines in CAS A
    Szymkowiak, A, AAS, 182, 1907 (1993)
  24. The BBXRT Observation of Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M & Kelley, R, AAS, 182, 6907 (1993)
  25. Seyfert Galaxy Fe Kalpha Lines and the Weakening Accretion Disk Connection
    Weaver, K, AAS, 183, 3003 (1993)
  26. The diffuse X-ray emission of the supernova remnant CTB 109
    Rho, J & Petre, R, AAS, 183, 10107 (1993)
  27. BBXRT : a preview to astronomical x-ray spectroscopy in the 90's : journal papers and selected conference contributions
    Serlemitsos, P & Shrader, S, bapt conf (1993)
  28. The hot interstellar medium in NGC 1399
    Loewenstein, M & Serlemitsos, P, Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 101 (1993)
  29. A ROSAT high resolution X ray image of NGC 1068
    Halpern, J, insg rept (1993)
  30. Highlights of the BBXRT mission.
    Petre, R et al., UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, 424 (1993)
  31. BBXRT Observation of the Black Hole Candidate Cygnus X-1
    Marshall, F et al., AAS, 181, 2001 (1992)
  32. No detection of the iron line in Cygnus X--3 by BBXRT
    Smale, A, AAS, 181, 2003 (1992)
  33. Spectral and Temporal Behavior of Low Mass X-ray Binaries Observed by the Einstein SSS and MPC, and the Broad Band X-ray Telescope
    Christian, D & Swank, J, AAS, 181, 3204 (1992)
  34. Iron Line Observation of VELA X-1 with BBXRT Instrument
    Soong, Y, AAS, 181, 3207 (1992)
  35. X-ray spectrum of BL Lac object PKS2155-304
    Madejski, G et al., AAS, 181, 5203 (1992)
  36. ROSAT and BBXRT observations of IC443
    Rho, J & Petre, R, AAS, 181, 5604 (1992)
  37. The Origin of the Soft X-ray Excess in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 2110
    Weaver, K et al., AAS, 181, 9806 (1992)
  38. BBXRT observations of NGC4151: Fe K line diagnostics
    Weaver, K et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 192 (1992)
  39. A ROSAT high resolution X-ray image of NGC 1068
    Halpern, J, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 524 (1992)
  40. BBXRT observation of the black hole candidate Cygnus X-1.
    Marshall, F et al., BAAS, 24, 1152 (1992)
  41. BBXRT observation of supernova remnants
    Petre, R et al., HiA, 9, 229 (1992)
  42. In-flight performance of the Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope
    Petre, R et al., SPIE, 1546, 72 (1992)
  43. Frontiers of X-ray astronomy. Proceedings.
    Tanaka, Y & Koyama, K, fxap book (1992)
  44. BBXRT Spectroscopy of the X-Ray Binaries Cygnus X-2 and XB0614+09
    Smale, A et al., Frontiers Science Series, 129 (1992)
  45. First Results from BBXRT
    Serlemitsos, P et al., Frontiers Science Series, 221 (1992)
  46. BBXRT Observations of AGN
    Marshall, F et al., Frontiers Science Series, 233 (1992)
  47. BBXRT Observations of the Perseus Clusters
    Arnaud, K et al., Frontiers Science Series, 481 (1992)
  48. Two New Soft Excess Results: A BBXRT Observation of MKN335 and a ROSAT Observation of MKN841
    Turner, T & BBXRT Science Team, Frontiers Science Series, 535 (1992)
  49. BBXRT Observations of BL Lac Objects PKS 2155-304 and H1426+428
    Madejski, G et al., Frontiers Science Series, 583 (1992)
  50. BBXRT and GINGA observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MRK 335
    Turner, T et al., sesd rept (1992)
  51. The X-ray background. Proceedings.
    Barcons, X & Fabian, A, xbp book (1992)
  52. BBXRT Observations of DXRB - First Results
    Jahoda, K et al., The X-ray Background, 240 (1992)
  53. BBXRT Observations of Galactic Sources
    Jahoda, K, BAAS, 23, 841 (1991)
  54. BBXRT Observations of NGC 1068, PKS 2155-304, and Mkn 335
    Marshall, F, BAAS, 23, 841 (1991)
  55. BBXRT Observations of Clusters and Elliptical Galaxies
    Petre, R, BAAS, 23, 841 (1991)
  56. Phase-Resolved X-Ray Spectra of Cen X-3 Obtained with BBXRT
    Kelley, R, BAAS, 23, 901 (1991)
  57. BBXRT Observations of M82, NGC253, and M81
    Petre, R, BAAS, 23, 932 (1991)
  58. BBXRT Observations of Active Galaxies
    Marshall, F, BAAS, 23, 958 (1991)
  59. BBXRT Observations of Hot Stars
    Corcoran, M & Swank, J, BAAS, 23, 1263 (1991)
  60. BBXRT Observation of Abell 2256
    Miyaji, T & BBXRT Science Team, BAAS, 23, 1336 (1991)
  61. BBXRT Observations of Seyferts, BL Lacs and Quasars
    Mushotzky, R, BAAS, 23, 1400 (1991)
  62. BBXRT Observations of the Supernova Remnant IC 443
    Petre, R, BAAS, 23, 1464 (1991)
  63. BBXRT observations of Cas A.
    Szymkowiak, A, BAAS, 23, 1464 (1991)
  64. BBXRT Spectroscopy of the X-Ray Binaries Cygnus X-2 and X0614 + 09
    Smale, A, BAAS, 23, 945 (1991)
  65. First Results from BBXRT
    Serlemitsos, P, BAAS, 23, 958 (1991)
  66. BBXRT Observations of X-Ray Binaries
    Smale, A, BAAS, 23, 1319 (1991)
  67. BBXRT Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1068
    Marshall, F & Netzer, H, BAAS, 23, 1429 (1991)
  68. BBXRT Observations of BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304
    Madejski, G & BBXRT Team, BAAS, 23, 928 (1991)
  69. The BBXRT Spectrum of X0748-676
    Smale, K, BAAS, 23, 1319 (1991)
  70. BBXRT Observations of Cas A
    Szymkowiak, A, BAAS, 23, 1464 (1991)
  71. X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei
    Mushotzky, R, High-Energy Astrophysics. American and Soviet Perspectives, 297 (1991)
  72. Interactive stars: Normal and compact stars in close binaries
    Swank, J, Astrophysics from the Moon, 178 (1990)
  73. The Broad Band X-Ray Telescope - BBXRT on ASTRO-1
    Serlemitsos, P, ASSL, 166, 294 (1990)
  74. Coordinated Ground Observations to Support ASTRO-1
    Schlegel, E & Green, D, IAUC, 4973, 1 (1990)
  75. Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments IV : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
    Melugin, R & Pruitt, G, SPIE 1340 (1990)
  76. Flight-qualified solid argon cooler for the BBXRT instrument
    Cygnarowicz, T et al., SPIE, 1340, 325 (1990)
  77. Two Axis Pointing System (TAPS) attitude acquisition, determination, and control
    Azzolini, J & McGlew, D, fmet, symp, 341 (1990)
  78. Coordinated Observations of Four AGNs observed by BBXRT
    Sun, W, IUE Proposal, 3855 (1990)
  79. BBXRT clip: The Broad Band X-ray Telescope
    nasa rept (1990)
  80. BBXRT Observations of X-Ray Binaries
    Marshall, F, ESASP, 296, 515 (1989)
  81. Signposts to the Future / Active Galactic Nuclei
    Mushotzky, R, ESASP, 296, 857 (1989)
  82. Broad band x-ray telescope displacement monitor system testing and calibration
    Hagopian, J & Northcutt, W, SPIE, 1111, 307 (1989)
  83. NASA future missions
    Pellerin, C & Stachnik, R, ESASP, 281, 0277 (1988)
  84. Diffraction-limited performance of grazing incidence optical systems
    Harvey, J, SPIE, 640, 2 (1986)
  85. Broad band X-ray telescope (BBXRT)
    Serlemitsos, P, xras, nasa, 441 (1981)

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