BBXRT Bibliography: Refereed Journals

artist concept of BBXRT in the Shuttle bay in flight
  1. A multi-mission study of changes in the accretion geometry of the low mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676
    Thomas, B, PhD Thesis, 7 (2000)
  2. The Ultraviolet Peak of the Energy Distribution in 3C 273: Evidence for an Accretion Disk and Hot Corona around a Massive Black Hole
    Kriss, G et al., ApJ, 527, 683 (1999)
  3. A Dusty X-Ray Absorber in the Perseus Cluster?
    Arnaud, K & Mushotzky, R, ApJ, 501, 119 (1998)
  4. X-Ray Observations of X2127+119/AC 211 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: An X-Ray Measure of Metallicity?
    Christian, D et al., ApJ, 477, 424 (1997)
  5. An X-Ray Absorption Feature in the BL Lacertae Object H1426+428
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 483, 774 (1997)
  6. X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Supernova Remnant CTB 109 and Its Associated Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    Rho, J & Petre, R, ApJ, 484, 828 (1997)
  7. Evidence of an Ionized Iron Emission Line from the Radio-Quiet Quasar E1821+643 by ASCA
    Yamashita, A et al., ApJ, 486, 763 (1997)
  8. A Broad-Band Spectral and Timing Study of the X-Ray Binary System Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M, PhD Thesis, 13 (1997)
  9. A High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M et al., ApJ, 457, 397 (1996)
  10. Broad Band X-Ray Telescope Observations of the Clusters of Galaxies Abell 262 and Abell 496
    MacKenzie, M et al., ApJ, 468, 86 (1996)
  11. Evidence for Elemental Variation in the Ejecta of the TYCHO Supernova Remnant
    Vancura, O et al., ApJ, 441, 680 (1995)
  12. The Origin of the Soft X-Ray Excess in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 2110
    Weaver, K et al., ApJ, 442, 597 (1995)
  13. The Spectrum and Pulses of 1E 2259+586 from ASCA and BBXRT Observations
    Corbet, R et al., ApJ, 443, 786 (1995)
  14. The Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrum of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304
    Koenigl, A et al., ApJ, 446, 598 (1995)
  15. The Iron K alpha Line Profile in NGC 4151
    Yaqoob, T et al., ApJL, 453, L81 (1995)
  16. Calibrating the Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
    Weaver, K et al., ApJS, 96, 303 (1995)
  17. ROSAT soft X-ray observations of the Be/X-ray binary X Persei.
    Haberl, F, A&A, 283, 175 (1994)
  18. The Complex Soft X-Ray Excess in NGC 4151
    Weaver, K et al., ApJ, 423, 621 (1994)
  19. Predicted Optical/Ultraviolet Line Fluxes for the Warm Absorber in Abell 2256
    Pistinner, S & Sarazin, C, ApJ, 433, 577 (1994)
  20. X-Ray Color Analysis of the Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Netzer, H et al., ApJ, 435, 106 (1994)
  21. An ASCA Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3
    Iwasawa, K et al., PASJ, 46, L167 (1994)
  22. BBXRT observations of supernova remnants
    Petre, R et al., AdSpR, 13, 57 (1993)
  23. BBXRT and Ginga observations of AGN
    Done, C, AdSpR, 13, 211 (1993)
  24. HEAO-1 and BBXRT non-source X-ray observations
    Jahoda, K, AdSpR, 13, 231 (1993)
  25. A New X-Ray Spectral Observation of NGC 1068
    Marshall, F et al., ApJ, 405, 168 (1993)
  26. BBXRT and GINGA Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 335
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 407, 556 (1993)
  27. A Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope Spectrum of the Massive X-Ray Binary X Persei
    Schlegel, E et al., ApJ, 407, 744 (1993)
  28. Resolving the Iron K Line in Cygnus X-2: an Observation with BBXRT
    Smale, A et al., ApJ, 410, 796 (1993)
  29. Ionized Absorbers, Ionized Emitters, and the X-Ray Spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Netzer, H, ApJ, 411, 594 (1993)
  30. Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope Observations of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable H0538+608 = BY Camelopardalis
    Kallman, T et al., ApJ, 411, 869 (1993)
  31. A BBXRT Observation of the High-Luminosity Quasar H1821+643
    Yaqoob, T et al., ApJ, 418, 638 (1993)
  32. The Broad-Band X-Ray Spectrum of the Nucleus of M81
    Petre, R et al., ApJ, 418, 644 (1993)
  33. Cygnus X-3 in an “Ultrahigh” X-Ray State with No Detected K alpha Line Emission
    Smale, A et al., ApJ, 418, 894 (1993)
  34. Spatially Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2256
    Miyaji, T et al., ApJ, 419, 66 (1993)
  35. The X-Ray Spectrum of Cygnus X-1
    Marshall, F et al., ApJ, 419, 301 (1993)
  36. Unified theories of active galactic nuclei : the hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 1068.
    Smith, D et al., MNRAS, 263, 54 (1993)
  37. Spectral and Temporal Behavior of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries Observed with the Einstein SSS and MPC, and the Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
    Christian, D, PhD Thesis, 2 (1993)
  38. The complex broadband x-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies
    Weaver, K, PhD Thesis, 3 (1993)
  39. Broad Band X-Ray Telescope Observations of NGC 4151: Iron Line Diagnostics
    Weaver, K et al., ApJL, 401, L11 (1992)
  40. The discovery of large amounts of cold, X-ray absorbing matter in coolingflows.
    White, D et al., MNRAS, 252, 72 (1991)
  41. X-Ray Spectra of Active Galaxies
    Mushotzky, R, LNP, 307, 239 (1988)
  42. The Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
    Petre, R & Serlemitsos, P, SSRv, 40, 707 (1985)
  43. Broad band X-ray astronomical spectroscopy.
    Serlemitsos, P et al., ITNS, 31, 786 (1984)

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