Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer Bibliography
Improving the Spectral Fit for the Diffuse Soft X-ray Background Using Atomdb CHARGE Exchange Models
Vazquez Perez, G & Foster, A, AAS, 233, 36503 (2019)
Spectroscopic Separation of Solar Wind Charge Exchange, Local Bubble, and Nearby Supernova Remnant X-rays: Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer Recent Results
Morgenthaler, J et al., AAS, 218, 21906 (2011)
Further Results from a Microcalorimeter Observation of the Hot ISM & IGM
Sanders, W et al., AAS, 201, 4705 (2002)
High Spectral Resolution Observations of the Soft X-ray Diffuse Background with Thermal Detectors
McCammon, D et al., AAS, 195, 13504 (2000)
Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer (DXS) Recent Results
Morgenthaler, J et al., AAS, 190, 4407 (1997)
Hot Gas in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium: The Soft X-ray Background
Sanders, W, AAS, 188, 3102 (1996)
DXS spectra of the local hot interstellar medium.
Edgar, R et al., BAAS, 28, 1193 (1996)
DXS spectra of the 0.25 keV diffuse background.
Sanders, W et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 339 (1996)
Diffuse X-ray spectrometer (DXS) observations of emission lines from the hot interstellar medium.
Sanders, W et al., UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 131 (1996)
Where is the Soft X-Ray Background Coming From?
Sanders, W, ASPC, 80, 498 (1995)
First Results from the Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer (DXS)
Sanders, W et al., AAS, 182, 0807 (1993)
Interpretation of the First Results of the Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer (DXS)
Edgar, R et al., AAS, 182, 0808 (1993)
Observations of S VIII and SI VIII in the Hot Interstellar Medium
Edgar, R et al., AAS, 183, 11401 (1993)
Preliminary results from the diffuse x-ray spectrometer
Sanders, W et al., SPIE, 2006, 221 (1993)
Diffuse x-ray spectrometer experiment
Sanders, W et al., SPIE, 1743, 60 (1992)
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy III. Proceedings.
Siegmund, O, SPIE 1743 (1992)
The SHEAL Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer experiment
Sanders, W et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 376 (1990)
NASA future missions
Pellerin, C & Stachnik, R, ESASP, 281, 0277 (1988)
Cosmic X-ray physics
McCammon, D et al., STIN, 85, 28910 (1985)
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 18:38:53 EDT