artist concept of HEAO-2

The Einstein Databases and Catalogs

The access for the listed databases and catalogs is via the HEASARC on-line service Browse.

* Databases :
Name Description Associated data
HRIIMAGE Images Obtained with the High Resolution Imager (HRI) Images (FITS & GIF)
IPCIMAGE Images Obtained with the Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) Images (FITS & GIF)
SSS Source Spectra and Lightcurves for each SSS Pointing Source and Background Spectra, Lightcurves (FITS & GIF), Response Matrixies (FITS)
FPCSFITS Spectra and Photon Event List Obtained with the Focal Plane Crystal Spectrometer (0.2 - 3 keV) Raw Data (Event List) & Spectra (FITS)
HRIPHOT Photon Event List Obtained with the HRI Raw Data, Screened Photon Event List (FITS)
IPCPHOT Photon Event List Obtained with the IPC Raw Data, Screened Photon Event List (FITS)
IPCUNSCRND Unscreened Photon Event List Obtained with the IPC Raw Data, Unscreened Photon Event List (FITS)
SSSRAW Raw Data Obtained with the Solid State Spectrometer (SSS) Raw Data (FITS) One SSS mode for each extension, Main Mode: A Spectrum Every 40.96 sec, The simultaneous MPC Data are Also included
MPCRAW Raw Data Obtained with the The Monitor Proportional Counter (MPC) Raw Data (FITS) MPC Spectrum Every 40.96 sec

* Catalogs :
Name Description Reference
IPC Einstein IPC Source List Catalog None
IPCDEEP Einstein IPC Source List Catalog of Deep Survey Primini, F.A. et al. 1991, ApJ 374:440
IPCSLEW Einstein IPC Source List Catalog of Slew Survey Elvis, M. et al. 1992, ApJS (May issue)
IPCOSTARS Catalog of O Stars detected with Einstein None
IPCLXLBOL Catalog of LX & LBL O Stars Detected with Einstein T. Chlebowski et al. 1989 June 1, ApJ 341:427-455
TWOSIGMA Einstein Two-Sigma Source List Detection Moran, E.C. et al. 1996, ApJ 461:127
LMCXRAY LMC X-Ray Source Catalog Wang, Q., et al. 1991, ApJ 374:475
SMCXRAY SMC X-Ray Source Catalog Wang, Q., and Wu, X. 1992, ApJS 78:391
EXSS Extended Source Survey Catalog Detected in the IPC Oppenheimer, B.R. et al. 1997, Astronomical Journal, 113, 2134, Oppenheimer, B.R. et al. 1997,
HRICFA Einstein HRI Source List Catalog of CFA Sources None
HRIDEEP Einstein HRI Source List Catalog of Deep Survey Primini, F.A. et al. 1991, ApJ 374:440
HRIEXO Einstein HRI Source List Catalog of ESTEC Sources None
EMSS Einstein IPC Source List Catalog of EMSS Survey Gioia et al. 1990, Stocke et al. 1991
EINLOG Einstein Observation Log None

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Monday, 20-Apr-2020 17:43:48 EDT

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