Einstein (HEAO-2) Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications
From Einstein to Chandra: Dramatic long-term X-ray variability in AGNs
Garcia, G & Moran, E, AAS, 235, 30433 (2020)
Lessons from the development and operation of the Chandra x-ray observatory
Schwartz, D, SPIE, 9144, 0S (2014)
Observations of the supernova remnant SNR G284.3-1.8 from X-rays to VHE gamma-rays with XMM-Newton, Fermi and H.E.S.S
de Ona Wilhelmi, E et al., 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2803 (2010)
Theory of Radiative Transfer in Neutron Star Atmospheres and Its Applications
Zavlin, V, ASSL, 357, 181 (2009)
X-ray source populations in the Magelanic Clouds
Haberl, F & Pietsch, W, X-rays From Nearby Galaxies, 32 (2008)
Radiowave neutrino detection (ARENA06 Conference Summary talk, Newcastle, UK, June 28 July 1, 2006)
Besson, D, JPhCS, 81, 012026 (2007)
Intrinsic Curvature in the X-ray Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects
Perlman, E et al., ASPC, 350, 191 (2006)
Crab: the standard x-ray candle with all (modern) x-ray satellites
Kirsch, M et al., SPIE, 5898, 22 (2005)
MAXIM x-ray interferometry mission
Gendreau, K et al., SPIE, 5168, 420 (2004)
MAXIM science and technology
Cash, W & Gendreau, K, SPIE, 5491, 199 (2004)
Bl Lac X-Ray Spectra:. Simpler than we thought
Perlman, E et al., Multiwavelength AGN Surveys, 295 (2004)
Do Stellar X-ray Observations Provide Evidence For Solar-like Cycles?
Stern, R et al., csss, 12, 906 (2003)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Second Catalogue of X-ray Sources (Amnuel+ 1982)
Amnuel, P et al., yCat, 9008, 0 (2003)
Mass Loss and Magnetospheres: X-rays from Hot Stars and Young Stellar Objects
Gagne, M et al., ASPC, 262, 31 (2002)
XTE J1901+014 is 1RXS J190141.0+012618 ?
Wijnands, R, ATel, 89, 1 (2002)
X-ray observations of cluster mergers before 2000 AD
Buote, D, HiA, 12, 501 (2002)
Super Soft Sources
Kahabka, P, astro, ph, 12037 (2002)
Einstein Observatory (HEAO-2)
Bond, P, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4626 (2002)
EINSTEIN Cluster Alignments Revisited
Chambers, S et al., AAS, 197, 1701 (2000)
Clusters of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift: The EMSS Sample Revisited
Lewis, A, AAS, 197, 12405 (2000)
X-Ray Variability in M87
Harris, D et al., STIN, 00, 64087 (2000)
Spectroscopy and X-Ray Astronomy
Holt, S, Atomic Data Needs for X-ray Astronomy, 1 (2000)
X-Ray Astronomy from UHURU to Einstein
Tucker, W & Tananbaum, H, Exploring the Universe, 17 (2000)
The Blazar Content of the Einstein Surveys
Perlman, E et al., AAS, 195, 1601 (1999)
The Einstein Observatory: A New Public/Private Observatory Complex for Community Education and Scientific Research
Sowell, J, AAS, 195, 10503 (1999)
A Multiwavelength Study of BL Lacs: Implications for Unification
Rector, T & Stocke, J, ASPC, 159, 301 (1999)
Resolving X-ray Spectral Variations in η Carinae
Corcoran, M et al., ASPC, 179, 46 (1999)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray observations of galactic Supernova Remnants (Seward, 1990)
Seward, F, yCat, 207, 30781 (1999)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies. (Fabbiano+, 1992)
Fabbiano, G et al., yCat, 208, 00531 (1999)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein extended deep survey (Primini+, 1991)
Primini, F et al., yCat, 9022, 0 (1999)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The Einstein Observatory HRI Source List (Giacconi+, 1979)
Giacconi, R & et al.,, yCat, 9024, 0 (1999)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein Observatory IPC Parameters (HEAO-2, 1978-1981)
Giacconi, R & et al.,, yCat, 9025, 0 (1999)
Position and X-ray Variability of 2A 1704+241
Morgan, W & Garcia, M, AAS, 193, 4309 (1998)
Properties of the EMSS Sample of X-Ray-Selected BL Lacertae Objects
Rector, T et al., AAS, 193, 10713 (1998)
X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Elliptical Galaxies: Implications for Dark Matter Halos
White, R & Davis, D, ASPC, 136, 299 (1998)
1SAX J0103.2-7209, AX J0051-722, and XTE J0055-724
Israel, G et al., IAUC, 6999, 1 (1998)
Diffuse EUV Emission from Clusters of Galaxies
Bowyer, S et al., IAUS, 188, 185 (1998)
X-Ray Observation of the Normal Spiral Galaxies NGC2903 and NGC628 with ASCA
Mizuno, T et al., IAUS, 188, 284 (1998)
ASCA Observations
Helfand, D, STIN, 99, 09048 (1998)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein X-ray survey of galaxies. I. (Burstein+ 1997)
Burstein, D et al., yCat, 211, 10163 (1998)
What is the Nature of 1E-1740.7-2942?
Martin, A, AAS, 189, 12022 (1997)
The Nature of the X-Ray Point Source in the Bar of NGC 6822
Eskridge, P & White, R, AAS, 190, 0201 (1997)
Identifications of Selected Einstein Slew Survey Sources with the ROSAT HRI
Chisholm, J et al., AAS, 191, 0315 (1997)
Clues to Quasar Structure from Emission Line/Continuum Correlations
Kuraszkiewicz, J et al., AAS, 191, 3103 (1997)
Revised Position of the X-ray Source near the Nucleus of M31
Primini, F et al., AAS, 191, 4909 (1997)
A Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Spiral Galaxy Luminosities
Shapley, A et al., AAS, 191, 7701 (1997)
The COMPTON Observatory: Reflections on its origins and history
Kniffen, D & Gehrels, N, Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 524 (1997)
Emission Lines and the Spectral Energy Distributions of Quasars
Wilkes, B et al., ASPC, 113, 126 (1997)
The Effect Of Cooling Flows On General Cluster Properties — an X-Ray Image Deprojection Analysis Of 207 Cluster Of Galaxies
White, D, ASPC, 115, 210 (1997)
X-Ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Elliptical Galaxies: Implications for Cooling Flow Models
White, R & Davis, D, ASPC, 115, 217 (1997)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: EINSTEIN extended source survey (EXSS) (Oppenheimer+ 1997)
Oppenheimer, B et al., yCat, 9018, 0 (1997)
The 3–53 keV spectrum of the quasar 1508+5714: X-rays from Z = 4.3
Moran, E & Helfand, D, AAS, 188, 2304 (1996)
Supernova remnants in the Magellanic Clouds
Dickel, J, AAS, 188, 6506 (1996)
A Comprehensive Ultra-Soft Survey of the Einstein IPC Database: Initial Results
Thompson, R et al., AAS, 189, 0901 (1996)
X-ray Variability in M87
Harris, D et al., AAS, 189, 3102 (1996)
ROSAT HRI X-Ray Observations of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636
Cox, C & Sarazin, C, AAS, 189, 3711 (1996)
A ROSAT Observation of the Jet and Nucleus of 3C 120
Sadun, A et al., AAS, 189, 4002 (1996)
X-ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Elliptical Galaxies
White, R & Davis, D, AAS, 189, 4104 (1996)
The Contribution of Galaxies to the X-ray Spectra of Clusters of Galaxies
Henricksen, M & Silk, J, ASPC, 88, 213 (1996)
X-ray spectroscopy of RS CVn binaries: the EXOSAT and SSS spectra revisited
Ortolani, A et al., ASPC, 109, 279 (1996)
Supernova remnants in the Magellanic Clouds
Dickel, J, BAAS, 28, 931 (1996)
GRO J1744-28
Dotani, T et al., IAUC, 6368, 2 (1996)
A Complete Public Archive for the Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter
Helfand, D, cuny rept (1996)
Origin of High X-Ray Luminosities in Optically Passive Galaxies and Resolving the Source of X-Rays in IC1613
Helfand, D, cuny rept (1996)
η Carinae: variability in a new light
Corcoran, M et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 25 (1996)
Isolating the foreground of the X-ray background
Refregier, A et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 337 (1996)
ROSAT survey: the Einstein EMSS galaxy clusters revisited
Norci, L et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 603 (1996)
Cooling flows and general properties of 207 galaxy clusters
White, D, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 621 (1996)
ASCA observations of starburst galaxies
Awaki, H et al., UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 327 (1996)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein sample multiparametric analysis. I. (Eskridge+ 1995)
Eskridge, P et al., yCat, 209, 70141 (1996)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The 2E Catalogue (Harris+ 1994)
Harris, D et al., yCat, 9013, 0 (1996)
A Model for the NGC 6251 Jet
Koupelis, T, AAS, 186, 1504 (1995)
A Search for “Failed Clusters” of Galaxies
Tucker, W et al., AAS, 186, 5602 (1995)
Panning for Galactic Old Local Dead Stars in the Einstein Database
Yancopoulos, S, AAS, 187, 3304 (1995)
The Spatial Structure of the Cosmic X-Ray Background: Correlation with Local Galaxies and Gravitational Lensing by Clusters
Refregier, A et al., AAS, 187, 4701 (1995)
The Association of Supernova Remnants and Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Banas, K & Hughes, J, AAS, 187, 7802 (1995)
X-ray Observations of X2127+119 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: an X-ray Measure of Metallicity?
Swank, J et al., AAS, 187, 8210 (1995)
Long-Term IPC Light Curves of X-ray Binaries, AGN, and Other Variable Sources
Schachter, J et al., AAS, 187, 8407 (1995)
The New Astrophysics Data System
Eichhorn, G et al., ASPC, 77, 28 (1995)
The EINSTEIN On-Line Service
Harris, D et al., ASPC, 77, 48 (1995)
Recreating Einstein Level One Processing Exposure Masks and Background Maps in IRAF
van Stone, D et al., ASPC, 77, 418 (1995)
The Einstein On-Line Service
Harris, D & Grant, C, ASSL, 203, 37 (1995)
The association of supernova remnants and molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Banas, K & Hughes, J, BAAS, 27, 1395 (1995)
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox and the Pauli Exclusion Principle
O’Hara, P, NYASA, 755, 880 (1995)
GRO: Studies of high energy pulsars with EGRET
Ruderman, M, cuny rept (1995)
No x-ray-luminous starbursts in the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey, either
Halpern, J et al., Diffuse Emission and Pathological Seyfert Spectra, 1 (1995)
A long-term space astrophysics research program: an x-ray perspective of the components and structure of galaxies
Fabbiano, G, sao rept (1995)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Infrared CO line list for X 1Σ+ state (Goorvitch, 1994)
Goorvitch, D, yCat, 209, 50535 (1995)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Radio to X-Ray distribution of BL Lac Objects (Giommi+, 1995)
Giommi, P et al., yCat, 410, 90267 (1995)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein EMSS Survey (Gioia+ 1990, Stocke+ 1991)
Gioia, I et al., yCat, 9015, 0 (1995)
Maximum Likelihood Models for the X-ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei
Schwartz, D et al., AAS, 185, 1904 (1994)
X-Ray Absorption Dips in WZ Sagittae
Richman, H & Patterson, J, AAS, 185, 2112 (1994)
An X-ray study of the supernova remnant W44
Harrus, I & Hughes, J, AAS, 185, 5011 (1994)
X-ray--luminous, IR-selected H II Galaxies and the X-ray Background
Moran, E, AAS, 185, 7001 (1994)
K-Band Galaxy Luminosity Functions in X-Ray Selected Clusters at z=1/3
Gardner, J & Annis, J, AAS, 185, 7406 (1994)
Cluster X-Ray Substructure and Radio Galaxy Correlations
Ledlow, M & Burns, J, AAS, 185, 7414 (1994)
Cosmological Constraints from Cluster X-ray Morphologies
Mohr, J et al., AAS, 185, 11902 (1994)
The Einstein Solid State Spectrometer and Monitor Proportional Counter Survey of Low Mass X-ray Binaries
Christian, D, The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 193 (1994)
AGN in X- and r-Rays: A View of the Heart
Wilkes, B, ASPC, 54, 41 (1994)
On the Effects of X-Ray Subclumps and Cluster/Subcluster Mergers on Extended Radio Sources
Burns, J et al., ASPC, 54, 325 (1994)
Einstein Hardness Ratios from a User-Developed IRAF Script
Rhode, K & Harnden, F, ASPC, 61, 379 (1994)
X-ray 0bservatiotus of Herbig Ae/Be stars
Damiani, F et al., ASPC, 62, 291 (1994)
A Variability Study of X-Ray Emission of Pleiades Stars
Sciortino, S et al., ASPC, 64, 140 (1994)
The Correlation Between Lithium and Activity in Late-Type Main Sequence Stars
Favata, F et al., ASPC, 64, 276 (1994)
The Einstein Observatory Survey of the Orion Nebula
Gagne, M & Caillault, J, ASPC, 64, 408 (1994)
The Rest of Orion: Low Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars Outside the Orion Nebula
Walter, F, ASPC, 64, 492 (1994)
The Einstein Observatory Soft X-ray Source List
McDowell, J, HEAO 2.C.. (1994)
The EINSTEIN On-Line Service (EOLS)
Harris, D et al., IAUJD, 20, 277 (1994)
ROSAT observations of Einstein EMSS AGNs
Cappi, M et al., IAUS, 159, 370 (1994)
ROSAT observations of star forming regions
Krautter, J et al., RMxAA, 29, 41 (1994)
Abundance Gradients in Cooling Flow Clusters: Ginga Lac & Einstein SSS Spectra of A496, A1795, A2142 & A2199
White, R et al., astro, ph, 4066 (1994)
Einstein Observatory Evidence for a Widespread Baryon Overdensity in Clusters of Galaxies
White, D & Fabian, A, New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 565 (1994)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Einstein database of quasars. I. (Wilkes+, 1994)
Wilkes, B et al., yCat, 209, 20053 (1994)
Comparative X-ray Studies of the Tycho and Cas A Supernova Remnants
Vancoura, O et al., AAS, 182, 0212 (1993)
The Einstein IPC Unscreened Data Archive
McDowell, J et al., AAS, 182, 0302 (1993)
ROSAT images of the double quasar 0957+561
Chartas, G et al., AAS, 182, 1204 (1993)
Diffuse X-Ray Emission from HII Complexes — Scent of SNRs
Chu, Y, AAS, 182, 2706 (1993)
1ES1113+432: Luminous, Soft X-ray Outburst from a Nearby Cataclysmic Variable
Remillard, R et al., AAS, 182, 6314 (1993)
Formation and Evolution of Supersoft X-Ray Sources
Rappaport, S & Di Stefano, R, AAS, 182, 6901 (1993)
Multiwavelength Observations of Flat Radio Spectrum Quasars and Active Galaxies
Bloom, S et al., AAS, 182, 7007 (1993)
Is There a Foreground to the X-ray Background?
Refregier, A et al., AAS, 183, 0310 (1993)
Periodic X-ray Emission in Flare Stars: Resonant MHD Absorption?
Mullan, D & Johnson, M, AAS, 183, 1503 (1993)
A CGRO/OSSE Survey of Pulsars
Schroeder, P et al., AAS, 183, 3701 (1993)
UV Emission Lins vs. X-Rays in QSOs
Green, P et al., AAS, 183, 4603 (1993)
GINGA LAC and Einstein SSS X-ray Spectral Evidence of Abundance Gradients in Galaxy Clusters
White, R et al., AAS, 183, 5301 (1993)
Non-isothermal X-ray Emitting Gas in Clusters of Galaxies
Henriksen, M & Merrill, W, AAS, 183, 5304 (1993)
A Survey of the Broadband 0.1 to 3.5 keV Spectra of X-ray-Selected AGN
Thompson, R, AAS, 183, 6406 (1993)
High Energy Emission from Four New Radio Pulsars
Zepka, A et al., AAS, 183, 9304 (1993)
Stellar X-ray Emission in the Orion Nebula Region
Gagne, M et al., AAS, 183, 9902 (1993)
An X-ray Loud Low Redshift QSO Near the BALQSO UM 232
Junkkarinen, V et al., AAS, 183, 10501 (1993)
Methods for Determination of the Slew Survey logN-logS
Schacter, J et al., AAS, 183, 10602 (1993)
A Possible LBV in NGC 1313?
Schlegel, E et al., ASPC, 35, 416 (1993)
Evolution of stellar activity in early post-main-sequence phases
Maggio, A et al., ASPC, 40, 648 (1993)
Measuring Omega in Compact Objects: Equivalent Widths of Quasar Emission Lines and Gravitational Microlensing
Dalcanton, J et al., ASPC, 51, 43 (1993)
Search for Starbursts among X-Ray-Selected Galaxies
Fruscione, A et al., ASPC, 51, 296 (1993)
X-Ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
Gioia, I, ASPC, 51, 354 (1993)
X-Ray Constraints on the Shape of the Dark Matter in Five Abell Clusters
Buote, D & Canizares, C, ASPC, 51, 377 (1993)
Radio Galaxies, X-Ray Subclumps, and Mergers within Clusters of Galaxies
Burns, J et al., ASPC, 51, 407 (1993)
Correlative Studies of X-Ray and Radio Emission in Abell Clusters of Galaxies
Rhee, G et al., ASPC, 51, 414 (1993)
Cosmological Implictions of Slew Survey Source Samples
Schachter, J et al., ASPC, 51, 475 (1993)
The X-ray Emission of T Tauri Stars in Taurus-Auriga as Seen from the EINSTEIN Observatory IPC
Damiani, F & Micela, G, ASSL, 183, 283 (1993)
An Analysis of the Stellar Content of the EINSTEIN Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey Using Age-Homogeneous X-ray Luminosity Functions
Favata, F et al., ASSL, 183, 287 (1993)
Soft X-ray spectrum of BL Lac object AO 0235+164 as a tracer of elemental abundances in an intervening galaxy at z = 0.524
Madejski, G, BAAS, 25, 812 (1993)
X-ray Properties of Early-Type Galaxies
Fabbiano, G, ESOC, 45, 617 (1993)
A multi-color method for the classification of low resolution X-ray spectra
Collura, A et al., MmSAI, 64, 637 (1993)
Classical novae and recurrent novae: General properties
Hack, M et al., NASSP, 507, 261 (1993)
Correlation between low level fluctuations in the X ray background and faint galaxies
Tolstoy, E & Griffiths, R, Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 99 (1993)
Analysis of the Einstein sample of early-type galaxies
Eskridge, P & Fabbiano, G, Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 104 (1993)
The detection of large amounts of cool, X ray absorbing gas in distant clusters of galaxies. What does this mean?
Wang, Q & Stocke, J, Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 279 (1993)
Using X ray images to detect substructure in a sample of 40 Abell clusters
Mohr, J et al., Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 285 (1993)
A study of the X ray environment of radio galaxies
Rhee, G et al., Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 287 (1993)
The environment of X ray selected BL Lacs: Host galaxies and galaxy clustering
Wurtz, R et al., Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 299 (1993)
X-ray probing of the dark matter
Koyama, K & Tsuru, T, Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics, 387 (1993)
Spectral and temporal behavior of low mass X-ray binaries observed with the Einstein Solid State Spectrometer (SSS) and Monitor Proportional Counter (MPC), and the broad band X-ray telescope
Christian, D, stbl book (1993)
Soft X-ray Line Emission from X-ray Photoionized Gas in Accretion-powered Sources: the Einstein OGS Spectrum of GX9+9
Morariu, B et al., AAS, 179, 9313 (1992)
Multiwavelength Observations of Ultrasoft X-Ray Emitting Active Galactic Nuclei
Thompson, R et al., AAS, 180, 0210 (1992)
Einstein Observatory of Ultrasoft X-Ray Sources in the Magellanic Clouds
Brown, T et al., AAS, 180, 2804 (1992)
X-Ray and Optical Study of the Supernova Remnant W44
Rho, J et al., AAS, 180, 3909 (1992)
ROSAT HRI X-Ray Observations of the Bulge of M31
Primini, F et al., AAS, 180, 4911 (1992)
X-Ray Constraints on the Shape of the Dark Matter in Five Abell Clusters
Buote, D & Canizares, C, AAS, 180, 5808 (1992)
Optical and X-ray Properties of Groups of Galaxies
dell’Antonio, I et al., AAS, 181, 1506 (1992)
Correlative Studies of Cluster X-ray and Radio Emission
Rhee, G et al., AAS, 181, 1512 (1992)
A Search for New Classes of X-ray Background Contributors
Moran, E et al., AAS, 181, 1804 (1992)
Spectral and Temporal Behavior of Low Mass X-ray Binaries Observed by the Einstein SSS and MPC, and the Broad Band X-ray Telescope
Christian, D & Swank, J, AAS, 181, 3204 (1992)
A Re-Analysis of Einstein SSS Spectra of Active Binary Stars
Drake, S & White, N, AAS, 181, 3205 (1992)
Radio to X-ray Energy Distribution of samples of AGN
Giommi, P & Ansari, S, AAS, 181, 3501 (1992)
Analysis of the EINSTEIN Sample of Early-Type Galaxies
Eskridge, P & Fabbiano, G, AAS, 181, 4013 (1992)
Measurement of Degree Scale Clustering of Faint X-Ray Sources
Hamilton, T, AAS, 181, 7905 (1992)
An New Method for Source Detection from Photon-limited Imaging Data
Zepka, A et al., AAS, 181, 9901 (1992)
EINSTEIN SSS Observations of Two Intermediate Polars
Singh, J & Swank, J, AAS, 181, 9910 (1992)
The Evolution of X-ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
Annis, J et al., AAS, 181, 10503 (1992)
The Gaseous Environs of Galaxy Clusters with Wide-Angle Tailed Radio Sources
Burns, J et al., AAS, 181, 11106 (1992)
The Einstein On-Line System
Karakashian, T et al., ASPC, 25, 44 (1992)
XIMAGE a Multi-Mission X-ray Image Analysis Package
Giommi, P et al., ASPC, 25, 100 (1992)
Einstein Slew Survey: Data Analysis Innovations
Elvis, M et al., ASPC, 25, 356 (1992)
Conversion of the Einstein Observatory Level 1 Processing Systems
Orszak, J et al., ASPC, 25, 513 (1992)
The ROE / NRL Cluster Catalog — Part Two — Correlation with Serendipitous Einstein X-Ray Sources
Gursky, H et al., ASSL, 174, 353 (1992)
The Einstein Slew Survey Catalog
Schachter, J et al., ASSL, 174, 441 (1992)
X-ray and optical study of the supernova remnant W44
Rho, J et al., BAAS, 24, 1073 (1992)
New Heavily Absorbed AGN and BL Lac Objects Identified from X-Ray/Radio/Optical Databases
Schachter, J et al., ESOC, 43, 491 (1992)
Coronal emission and stellar evolution
Vaiana, G et al., MmSAI, 63, 545 (1992)
X-ray spectroscopy of solar & stellar coronae
Mewe, R, MmSAI, 63, 681 (1992)
Stellar coronae and their relation to convection zones and rotation rates
Jordan, C & Montesinos, B, MmSAI, 63, 735 (1992)
Results from an extensive Einstein Observatory survey of B-type stars
Grillo, F et al., MmSAI, 63, 739 (1992)
X-ray emission at low-mass end of the MS — Results from an extensive Einstein Observatory survey
Barbera, M et al., MmSAI, 63, 743 (1992)
Ultrasoft X-ray bursts: a clue to the origin of gamma-ray bursts?
Helfand, D et al., NASCP, 3137, 317 (1992)
Reanalysis of X ray emission from M87 II: Multiphase models
Tsai, J & Bertschinger, E, STIN, 92, 24975 (1992)
X-ray emitting gas and binding matter distribution in two galaxy clusters
Durret, F et al., Distribution of Matter in the Universe, 67 (1992)
The soft X-ray excess in Einstein quasar spectra
Masnou, J et al., ersf, meet, 23 (1992)
Identifications of Einstein Slew Survey Sources
Schachter, J et al., Frontiers Science Series, 695 (1992)
Quasar X-Ray Spectra Revisited
Shastri, P et al., Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, 102 (1992)
ROSAT all-sky survey on the Einstein EMSS sample
Maccacaro, T, sao rept (1992)
Iterative deconvolution of x ray and optical SNR images
Nisenson, P et al., sao rept (1992)
The Einstein All-Sky Slew Survey
Schachter, J et al., slew rept (1992)
Identifications of Einstein Slew Survey sources
Schachter, J et al., slew rept (1992)
The X-Ray Properties of a Large Uniform QSO Sample — Einstein Observations of the LBQS
Margon, B et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 81 (1992)
Extragalactic Counterparts to Einstein Slew Survey Sources
Schachter, J et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 85 (1992)
Spectra of Radio-Loud Quasars Observed in the Rosat/xrt All-Sky Survey
Brunner, H et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 198 (1992)
ROSAT X-Ray Spectra of Quasars with a Range of Continuum Properties and Redshift
Wilkes, B et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 210 (1992)
Preliminary Results on the Properties of the EMSS AGN / Active Galactic Nuclei as Derived from the RASS
Molendi, S et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 216 (1992)
ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of IRAS Galaxies
Boller, T et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 231 (1992)
Soft X-Ray Segregation of Seyfert Galaxies
Mas-Hesse, J et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 238 (1992)
The Evolution of AGN / Active Galactic Nuclei at X-Ray Wavelengths
Maccacaro, T et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 291 (1992)
Where have all the Sources Gone
Helfand, D & Hamilton, T, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 315 (1992)
QSOS to B<22 and the Cosmic X-Ray Background Radiation — a Fluctuation Correlation Approach
Anderson, S & Wu, X, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 373 (1992)
X-ray and radio continuum correlation in late-type galaxies
Fabbiano, G, ASPC, 18, 135 (1991)
The cosmological evolution and luminosity function of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei
della Ceca, R & Maccacaro, T, ASPC, 21, 150 (1991)
How Many Naked T Tauri Stars are There? The First Results of an Unbiased Optical Search
Walter, F & Barden, S, BAAS, 23, 885 (1991)
An Einstein Observatory Catalog of B-Type Stars
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 23, 913 (1991)
Are the Eridanus Einstein Deep Survey X-Ray Sources Unusual?
Worrall, D et al., BAAS, 23, 932 (1991)
X-Ray Observations of X2127 + 119 (AC211) Located in the Globular Cluster M15
Christian, D & Swank, J, BAAS, 23, 945 (1991)
A Study of Time Variability in Einstein Slew Survey Sources
Slane, P et al., BAAS, 23, 957 (1991)
The Cosmic X-Ray Background and QSOs to B < 22: A Search for Correlated Fluctuations
Wu, X et al., BAAS, 23, 957 (1991)
High Resolution X-Ray Observations of the Central Region of M31
Primini, F & Garcia, M, BAAS, 23, 965 (1991)
PROS, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Report for the period Feb 1990 — Jan 1991
Worrall, D, BAAS, 23, 1007 (1991)
Ultrasoft X-ray bursts: a clue to the origin of gamma-ray bursts?
Hamilton, T et al., BAAS, 23, 1320 (1991)
An Optical and X-Ray Determination of Substructure for a Large Sample of Abell Clusters
Mohr, J et al., BAAS, 23, 1337 (1991)
Einstein X-Ray Images of the Hot Intracluster Medium
Jones, C & Forman, W, BAAS, 23, 1338 (1991)
Where Have all the Sources Gone?
Helfand, D & Hamilton, T, BAAS, 23, 1352 (1991)
The Complete EINSTEIN Observatory X-Ray Survey of the Orion Nebula Region
Gagne, M & Caillault, J, BAAS, 23, 1375 (1991)
The Hot Gas in η Carina and the Carina Nebula
Swank, J et al., BAAS, 23, 1379 (1991)
Discrete Sources of the Extragalactic X-Ray Background (XRB)
Griffiths, R, BAAS, 23, 1401 (1991)
LMC-2 as the Blow-Out of a Hot Superbubble
Wang, Q, BAAS, 23, 886 (1991)
Elemental Abundances in the Supernova Remnant G292.0 + 1.8: Evidence for a Massive Progenitor
Hughes, J & Singh, K, BAAS, 23, 918 (1991)
The Observed Relationship of X-Ray and Infrared Emission in Active and Normal Galaxies
Green, P et al., BAAS, 23, 957 (1991)
Counterparts of Sources in the Einstein Slew Survey
Schachter, J et al., BAAS, 23, 958 (1991)
Silver Needles in the 2σ Haystack
Moran, E et al., BAAS, 23, 1335 (1991)
Identifications of Sources in the Einstein Slew Survey: Results and Methods
Schachter, J et al., BAAS, 23, 1431 (1991)
The Shape of the X-Ray Luminousity Function of AGN
Schwartz, D & Tucker, W, BAAS, 23, 1469 (1991)
Galactic Center
Prince, T et al., IAUC, 5252, 1 (1991)
More Einstein Views of Wolf-Rayet Stars
Pollock, A, IAUS, 143, 105 (1991)
Massive Stars and Giant HII Regions: the High-Energy Picture (review)
Montmerle, T, IAUS, 143, 397 (1991)
An X-Ray Image of the Large Magellanic Cloud: Detection of the Hot Interstellar Medium
Helfand, D, IAUS, 148, 37 (1991)
Binary X-Ray Sources in the LMC
Hutchings, J & Cowley, A, IAUS, 148, 285 (1991)
Optical identification of celestial high energy sources
Bignami, G et al., Msngr, 66, 10 (1991)
Sharing Praise — X-Ray Optics / Einstein and AXAF
van Speybroeck, L, S&T, 81, 574 (1991)
Extreme ultraviolet astronomy
Malina, R & Bowyer, S, STIA, 93, 25725 (1991)
Einstein Deep Surveys
Murray, S et al., Asteroids to Quasars. A Symposium Honouring William Liller, 245 (1991)
An Einstein survey of clusters of galaxies
Forman, W & Jones, C, Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies, 113 (1991)
Absorption of the X ray background by the large magellanic cloud
Hamilton, T, cuny rept (1991)
A complete database for the Einstein imaging proportional counter
Helfand, D, cuny rept (1991)
The EXOSAT database system. On-line user’s guide
Barron, C, edso book (1991)
The Einstein Swindle
Dayal, G, eisw book (1991)
Einstein Observatory slew survey
Plummer, D, eoss book (1991)
An Ultrasolf Einstein X-Ray Survey
Cordova, F et al., Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy, 30 (1991)
On the Origin of the Diffuse X-Ray Background
Helfand, D, High-Energy Astrophysics. American and Soviet Perspectives, 174 (1991)
X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei
Mushotzky, R, High-Energy Astrophysics. American and Soviet Perspectives, 297 (1991)
X-ray emission from normal stars
Rosner, R, High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century, 11 (1990)
Future X-ray observations of ‘normal’ galaxies
Fabbiano, G, High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century, 74 (1990)
A Search for Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the High-Latitude Molecular Clouds — Part Two — a Survey of the Einstein Database
Caillault, J & Magnani, L, ASPC, 9, 301 (1990)
Ram-Pressure Stripping of the Multiphase ISM of the Giant Elliptical Galaxy M86
White, D et al., BAAS, 22, 755 (1990)
Spectral and Temporal Behavior of Low Mass X-ray Binaries Observed with the SSS and MPC
Christian, D & Swank, J, BAAS, 22, 803 (1990)
The X-Ray Spectrum of 3C264
Kim, L et al., BAAS, 22, 805 (1990)
Coronal Temperatures of Late-type Stars
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 22, 858 (1990)
Bremsstrahlung from the Jovian Aurora
Waite, J et al., BAAS, 22, 1067 (1990)
An Atlas of Quasar Energy Distributions
McDowell, J et al., BAAS, 22, 1192 (1990)
The Relation Between Radio and X-Ray Emission in Quasars
Wilkes, B et al., BAAS, 22, 1193 (1990)
Einstein X-Ray Observations of the Lensed Quasar 0957+561
Forman, W et al., BAAS, 22, 1195 (1990)
First Identifications of Einstein IPC Slew Survey Sources
Schachter, J et al., BAAS, 22, 1195 (1990)
X-Ray Properties of Distant Galaxy Clusters
Kellogg, E & Mathur, S, BAAS, 22, 1227 (1990)
Multi-Wavelength Study of a Sample of X-Ray Starburst Galaxy Candidates
Fruscione, A et al., BAAS, 22, 1243 (1990)
Analysis of the Complete EINSTEIN X-Ray Survey of the Orion Nebula Region Using PROS
Gagne, M et al., BAAS, 22, 1255 (1990)
Some New and Old Soft X-Ray Observations of Hot DA White Dwarfs
Kidder, K & Holberg, J, BAAS, 22, 1288 (1990)
The X-Ray Spectra of Normal Galaxies and Their Emission Mechanism
Kim, D et al., BAAS, 22, 1317 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory All Data Sky Map
Hamilton, T, BAAS, 22, 1320 (1990)
X-Ray Spectra of Cataclysmic Variables from the Einstein Observatory
Eracleous, M et al., BAAS, 22, 1339 (1990)
Structure of Einstein X-ray Sources in Distant Clusters
Kellogg, E et al., BAAS, 22, 883 (1990)
Non-Equilibrium Ionization in Three Regions of Puppis A
Flanagan, K, BAAS, 22, 1304 (1990)
Reanalysis of X-Ray Emission from M87
Tsai, J & Bertschinger, E, BAAS, 22, 802 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 1E: Documentation
Harris, D et al., EObsC 1 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 2E: Right ascension range 00h 00m to 03h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 2 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 3E: Right ascension range 04h 00m to 07h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 3 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 4E: Right ascension range 08h 00m to 11h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 4 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 5E: Right ascension range 12h 00m to 15h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 5 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 6E: Right ascension range 16h 00m to 19h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 6 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory catalog of IPC X ray sources. Volume 7E: Right ascension range 20h 00m to 23h 59m
Harris, D et al., EObsC 7 (1990)
IUE and Einstein observations of the Liner galaxy NGC 4579
Reichert, G et al., ESASP, 310, 535 (1990)
Galactic Center
Mandrou, P, IAUC, 5032, 1 (1990)
X-Ray Variability in the Orion Nebula
Caillault, J & Zoonematkermani, S, IAUS, 137, 159 (1990)
Properties of the Medium Causing Asymmetric Depolarization in Strong Double Radio Sources with One Jet
Crusius-Watzel, A et al., IAUS, 140, 482 (1990)
Identification of Serendipitously Discovered Extragalactic X-Ray Sources with Catalogued Astronomical Objects
Pizzichini, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1 (1990)
Identification of Serendipitously Discovered X-Ray Sources with Catalogued Galactic Objects and the Correlation Between X-Ray and Optical Luminosity in Normal Stars
Pizzichini, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 27 (1990)
The Onset of Galactic Winds in Early Type Galaxies
Forman, W et al., NASCP, 3084, 185 (1990)
Book-Review — Imaging X-Ray Astronomy — a Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements
Elvis, M & White, N, Natur, 347, 437 (1990)
Einstein’s Greatest Hits
S&T, 80, 345 (1990)
Hubble Meets Einstein
S&T, 80, 591 (1990)
Extra-soft X-ray excess of quasars
Zhou, Y et al., SCSMP, 33, 720 (1990)
IPC two-color analysis of X ray galaxy clusters
White, R, STIN, 92, 10724 (1990)
Book-Review — Imaging X-Ray Astronomy — a Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements
Elvis, M, Sci, 249, 1314 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory Catalog of IPC X-ray Sources
Harris, D, eoci book (1990)
The Einstein Observatory database of HRI X-ray images
Garcia, M, eodh book (1990)
A comparison of three regions of Puppis A
Fischbach, K et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 172 (1990)
Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements
Elvis, M, ixra conf (1990)
Personal recollections on the origins of the Einstein Observatory
Rossi, B et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 3 (1990)
From Einstein to AXAF
Tananbaum, H, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 15 (1990)
EINSTEIN and Stellar Sources
Linsky, J, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 39 (1990)
Accreting Galactic X-Ray Sources
Hertz, P, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 109 (1990)
Sky Surveys with Einstein
Gioia, I, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 191 (1990)
The Einstein Survey of O-Stars
Sciortino, S et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 227 (1990)
A New Boundary for the VELA Supernova Remnant
Seward, F, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 241 (1990)
Largescale Structures of the Soft X-Ray Background
Micela, G et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 247 (1990)
The Softest Einstein Active Galactic Nuclei
Cordova, F et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 273 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory Data Bases
Fabbiano, G, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 307 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory Source Catalog
Harris, D et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 309 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory Stella X-Ray Database
Harnden, F et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 313 (1990)
Einstein Observations of Supernova Remnants
Seward, F, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 319 (1990)
The Einstein Normal Galaxy Database
Fabbiano, G et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 323 (1990)
The Einstein Database of Optically and Radio Selected Quasars
Wilkes, M et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 327 (1990)
The Einstein All-Sky Slew Survey Data Base
Elvis, M et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 331 (1990)
The Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey Database
Gioia, I et al., Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 333 (1990)
The Einstein Observatory Deep Survey Database
Primini, F, Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, 337 (1990)
The EINSTEIN Observatory Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey: An X-Ray Survey at Low Fluxes
Gioia, I et al., Large-Scale Surveys of the Sky, 37 (1990)
The X-ray source in the core of 47 Tucanae
Auriere, M et al., ASIC, 262, 225 (1989)
A new 60-msec X-ray pulsar and its massive Early-Type companion
Caraveo, P et al., ASIC, 262, 243 (1989)
X-ray spectral variability of low-mass X-ray binaries
Garcia, M, ASIC, 262, 257 (1989)
Analysis of Nearly Simultaneous X-Ray and Optical Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
Webb, J, BAAS, 21, 718 (1989)
Einstein Source Information System
Murray, S & Stoll, C, BAAS, 21, 720 (1989)
X-Ray Data Archive on Compact Discs
Stoll, C & Schwarz, J, BAAS, 21, 721 (1989)
Probing the Intercloud Medium with AXAF
Lum, K & Canizares, C, BAAS, 21, 754 (1989)
Small Spatial Scale Fluctuations in the X-ray Surface Brightness of Clusters of Galaxies
Soltan, A & Fabricant, D, BAAS, 21, 772 (1989)
An IRAS Deep Far-Infrared Survey
Gregorich, D et al., BAAS, 21, 775 (1989)
PROS — an X-ray astronomy analysis software package
Worrall, D et al., BAAS, 21, 785 (1989)
The Einstein "All-Sky" IPC Slew Survey
Plummer, D et al., BAAS, 21, 1074 (1989)
A Survey for X-ray Selected Cataclysmic Variables in the Galactic Bulge
Hertz, P et al., BAAS, 21, 1079 (1989)
The Einstein "All-Sky" IPC Slew Survey
Elvis, M, BAAS, 21, 1100 (1989)
Diffuse X-Ray Emission Around OB Associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Mac Low, M & Chu, Y, BAAS, 21, 1155 (1989)
Correlated Deep X-Ray and Optical Imaging in Pavo
Griffiths, R & Ewald, S, BAAS, 21, 1168 (1989)
A New Radio Halo in a Distant Cluster of Galaxies
Harris, D et al., BAAS, 21, 1169 (1989)
A Comprehensive Study of the X-Ray Emisson from the LMC
Wang, Q, BAAS, 21, 1177 (1989)
A Search for QSO’s Near Globular Clusters
Guetter, H et al., BAAS, 21, 1195 (1989)
Low Energy Line Emission from Low Mass X-ray Binaries
White, N & van der Woerd, H, BAAS, 21, 1207 (1989)
The Intensity and Spectrum of the Diffuse X-ray Background
Wu, X, BAAS, 21, 1220 (1989)
Soft X-ray/XUV Excesses in Einstein Quasar Spectra
Wilkes, B et al., BAAS, 21, 1225 (1989)
Structure of the Wind from the Massive X-ray Binary 4U 1700-37
Corcoran, M & Heap, S, BAAS, 21, 747 (1989)
Faint Radio Galaxies and the Origin of the X-Ray Background
Helfand, D et al., BAAS, 21, 1220 (1989)
X-ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects from Combined Einstein Observatory SSS and MPC Data
Madejski, G et al., BAAS, 21, 1130 (1989)
The Centers of X-Ray Clusters with cD Galaxies
Malumuth, E et al., BAAS, 21, 1168 (1989)
The Spectrum of Arcminute Scale Fluctuations in the Cosmic X-Ray Background
Hamilton, T & Helfand, D, BAAS, 21, 1220 (1989)
The Brighest Low Luminosity X-ray Sources in Globulars: CV’s or LMXB’s?
Grindlay, J et al., BAAS, 21, 1221 (1989)
Ein Pulsar für Einstein
Buhrke, T, BiWis, 25, 132 (1989)
Variability of the X-Ray Sources in M31
Collura, A et al., ESASP, 296, 359 (1989)
Einstein SSS and MPC Observations of AQUILAE-X-1 and 4U:1820-30
Kelley, R et al., ESASP, 296, 459 (1989)
Spectral Signatures of X-Ray Photoionized Nebulae
Liedahl, D et al., ESASP, 296, 505 (1989)
EXOSAT Deep Exposure of the Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 Region
Pietsch, W et al., ESASP, 296, 573 (1989)
Spatial Fluctuations in the Diffuse X-Ray Background
Warwick, R & Stewart, G, ESASP, 296, 727 (1989)
Einstein IPC Observations of the 1-3-KEV X-Ray Background
Barcons, X & Fabian, A, ESASP, 296, 733 (1989)
Active Star-Forming Galaxies in the X-Ray Foreground
Griffiths, R & Padovani, P, ESASP, 296, 743 (1989)
Ultrasoft Components in X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
Cordova, F & Kartje, J, ESASP, 296, 843 (1989)
The Einstein All-Sky IPC Slew Survey
Elvis, M et al., ESASP, 296, 847 (1989)
Long Timescale X-Ray Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
Abraham, R & McHardy, I, ESASP, 296, 865 (1989)
The Dependence of the Soft X-Ray Spectral Slope with Radio Property Luminosity and Redshift for a Large Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN from the Einstein IPC Data Base
Brunner, H et al., ESASP, 296, 905 (1989)
QSO Optical Counts and Constraints on the X-Ray Background
Chokshi, A et al., ESASP, 296, 909 (1989)
Spatial and spectral features of soft diffuse X-ray background seen by the Einstein Observatory
Micela, G et al., ESASP, 296, 1005 (1989)
Comparing measurements of AGN X-ray spectra with the shape of the diffuse X-ray background spectrum
Schwartz, D et al., ESASP, 296, 1043 (1989)
The soft X-ray excess in Einstein quasar spectra
Wilkes, B et al., ESASP, 296, 1081 (1989)
Einstein SSS+MPC observations of Seyfert type galaxies
Holt, S et al., ESASP, 296, 1105 (1989)
Extended X-Ray Emission in Seyfert Galaxies
Elvis, M et al., ESOC, 32, 243 (1989)
X-Ray Emission and Extranuclear Activity in Galaxies
Fabbiano, G, ESOC, 32, 325 (1989)
Einstein X-ray observations of planetary nebulae and their implications
Tarafdar, S & Apparao, K, IAUS, 131, 304 (1989)
Short Time Scale Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: Einstein IPC Observations of PKS 2155-304 — a Report of Rapid Variations of Instrumental Origin
Beall, J et al., IAUS, 134, 106 (1989)
The X-Ray Spectra of High Redshift Quasars
Canizares, C & White, J, IAUS, 134, 161 (1989)
Soft X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies
Urry, C et al., IAUS, 134, 173 (1989)
The Shape of Soft X-Ray Spectra of Quasars
Schwartz, D et al., IAUS, 134, 175 (1989)
The Infrared and X-Ray Continua of Quasars: is There a Connection?
Elvis, M et al., IAUS, 134, 184 (1989)
X-Ray Selected AGN from the Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
Gioia, I et al., IAUS, 134, 203 (1989)
X-Ray Background Constraints on the Log N-Log S Relation for AGN
Boldt, E, IAUS, 134, 205 (1989)
Low-Activity Nuclei in Spiral Galaxies
Fabbiano, G, IAUS, 134, 517 (1989)
X-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center (review)
Skinner, G, IAUS, 136, 567 (1989)
Recent advances in stellar coronal physics
Pallavicini, R, MmSAI, 60, 33 (1989)
Nearby and bright star samples from the Einstein Observatory stellar X-ray catalog
Sciortino, S et al., MmSAI, 60, 125 (1989)
A magnitude limited X-ray survey of late-type evolved stars with the Einstein Observatory
Maggio, A et al., MmSAI, 60, 217 (1989)
Variability of the X-ray sources in M 33
Peres, G et al., MmSAI, 60, 221 (1989)
An Einstein Observatory view of large-scale (equal to or greater than 1 deg) soft X-ray background structures — A status report
Micela, G et al., MmSAI, 60, 239 (1989)
Spectroscopic investigations with a reflection-grating spectrometer
Brinkman, A et al., SPIE, 1159, 495 (1989)
Soft electron background in x-ray telescopes using grazing incidence optics in near-Earth orbits
Sumner, T, SPIE, 1160, 362 (1989)
The search for absorption of 1 keV X-rays by the Small Magellanic Cloud
Marazas, B, STIN, 89, 26784 (1989)
Measurement of the VELA pulsar’s proper motion and detection of the optical counterpart of its compact X-ray nebula
Oegelman, H et al., STIN, 89, 29288 (1989)
The softest Einstein AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei)
Cordova, F et al., STIN, 90, 15020 (1989)
Properties of a Large Sample of X-ray Selected Active Galactic Nuclei from the Einstein Observatory Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
Wolter, A, Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 175 (1989)
On the interaction of a pulsar with the ambient medium utilizing X-ray images of the Crab nebula
Bork, T, ipwa book (1989)
X-ray observations of gravitational lenses
Kellogg, E et al., 14. Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG-14, 141 (1989)
An unusual red envelope galaxy in an X-ray selected cluster
Gioia, I et al., World of Galaxies (Le Monde des Galaxies), 492 (1989)
Cooling flows in clusters and galaxies
Fabian, A, ASIC 229 (1988)
Clusters of Galaxies and Cooling Hot Gas
Forman, W, ASIC, 229, 17 (1988)
a Catalog (ue) of Cooling Flows
Arnaud, K, ASIC, 229, 31 (1988)
Einstein Observatory Solid State Detector Observations of Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies
Mushotzky, R & Szymkowiak, A, ASIC, 229, 53 (1988)
X-Ray Emission Lines from Cooling Flows
Canizares, C et al., ASIC, 229, 63 (1988)
Cooling Flows in Galaxies
Thomas, P, ASIC, 229, 235 (1988)
Radio and X-Ray Emission in Early-Type Galaxies
Trinchieri, G, ASIC, 229, 273 (1988)
The Current Evolution of X-Ray Cluster Cooling Flows
White, R, ASIC, 229, 343 (1988)
Quasar Sample
Maccacaro, T et al., ASPC, 2, 300 (1988)
Sensitivity Survey Sample of BL Lacertae Objects
Stocke, J et al., ASPC, 2, 311 (1988)
A Joint Deep X-Ray and UV-Excess Survey in Pavo Quasars at Z 1 Contributing to the Extragalactic X-Ray Flux
Griffiths, R et al., ASPC, 2, 351 (1988)
X-ray Flaring Activity and Binary Phase Correlated Intensity Variations in the RS CVn Binary HR 1099
Agrawal, P & Vaidya, J, BAAS, 20, 648 (1988)
X-ray Spectra of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources with the Einstein Observatory IPC
Worrall, D & Wilkes, B, BAAS, 20, 734 (1988)
Initial Results of An Einstein Observatory "Shallow Survey" Near HEAO-1X-ray Source Locations
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 20, 735 (1988)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of Four Active Galaxies: Upper Limits on Oxygen Line Emission and Gas Density
Lum, K et al., BAAS, 20, 969 (1988)
E1326+12: A New X-ray Selected BL Lac
Marshall, F et al., BAAS, 20, 971 (1988)
The Einstein Slew Survey
Plummer, D et al., BAAS, 20, 974 (1988)
Imaging Diffuse X-rays with the Einstein IPC
Wu, X et al., BAAS, 20, 974 (1988)
Determination of the Absolute Flux of the Cosmic X-ray Background in the 1-3 keV Band
Hamilton, T et al., BAAS, 20, 980 (1988)
An EINSTEIN Survey of the Soft X-Ray Background at Low Galactic Latitudes
Stanford, J et al., BAAS, 20, 1019 (1988)
Variability in the Steep X-ray Spectrum of the Quasar PG1211+143
Elvis, M et al., BAAS, 20, 1024 (1988)
The Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
Wolter, A et al., BAAS, 20, 1034 (1988)
The Einstein Observatroy Source Catalog CfA Einstein Catalog Committee (CfA)
BAAS, 20, 1042 (1988)
A Search for Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from X-Ray Binaries in the Energy Range 0.6–4.5 keV
Kelley, R et al., BAAS, 20, 1046 (1988)
Searching for Quasars and Other Kinds of Active Galactic Nuclei at X-ray Wavelengths
Maccacaro, T, BAAS, 20, 1067 (1988)
The Mass and Dynamics of Clusters of Galaxies from Optical and X-ray Observations
Dixon, W et al., BAAS, 20, 1086 (1988)
Einstein X-ray Observations of High Redshift Clusters
Jones, C & Porter, A, BAAS, 20, 1088 (1988)
Detection of Coherent 7.6 Hz Oscillations During a Burst from Aql X-1
Schoelkopf, R & Kelley, R, BAAS, 20, 1099 (1988)
A Survey of the X-ray Spectra of Stars
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 20, 1101 (1988)
The Gas Content of Abell 665
Birkinshaw, M et al., BAAS, 20, 719 (1988)
Faint Radio Source Counts and the Origin of the X-ray Background
Helfand, D & Hamilton, T, BAAS, 20, 974 (1988)
Comparison of VLBI Radio Core and X-Ray Flux Densities of Extragalactic Radio Sources
Bloom, S & Marscher, A, BAAS, 20, 1025 (1988)
X-rays from OB Associations, Bubbles, and Superbubbles in the LMC
Wang, Q & Helfand, D, BAAS, 20, 1104 (1988)
A Multi-Spectral Analysis System Using Large Databases
Brugel, E et al., ESOC, 28, 3 (1988)
The Einstein Observatory Stellar X-ray Database: an overview
Sciortino, S et al., ESOC, 28, 483 (1988)
Low Luminosity Globular Cluster X-Ray Sources
Hertz, P, IAUS, 126, 685 (1988)
X-Ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
Gioia, I et al., IAUS, 130, 542 (1988)
Serendipitous sources in EXOSAT images
Giommi, P et al., MmSAI, 59, 33 (1988)
The Einstein Observatory extended medium sensitivity survey sample of BL Lacertae objects
Stocke, J et al., STIA, 93, 50512 (1988)
From Einstein to AXAF
feta conf (1988)
The Einstein Observatory Source Catalog
Cfa Einstein Catalog Committee,, From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 1 (1988)
The Einstein Observatory Stellar X-ray Database
Harnden, F et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 2 (1988)
The Einstein Slew Survey
Elvis, M et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 3 (1988)
The Einstein Deep X-ray Survey Database
Primini, F, From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 5 (1988)
The Einstein Supernova Remnant Catalog
Seward, F, From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 6 (1988)
The Einstein Galaxy Database
Fabbiano, G et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 7 (1988)
The Unanticipated Impact of Einstein Observations on Our Understanding of Low Mass Star Formation
Walter, F, From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 9 (1988)
Studies of Stellar X-ray Emission using the Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey
Fleming, T, From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 11 (1988)
The X-ray Emission of Late-Type Giant and Supergiant Stars: Results of the Einstein Observatory Magnitude-Limited X-ray Survey
Maggio, A et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 12 (1988)
Relationship between Optical and X-ray Properties of O-type Stars Surveyed by Einstein
Sciortino, S et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 13 (1988)
An Einstein Observatory View of Large-Scale Soft X-ray Background Structures: A Status Report
Micela, G et al., From Einstein to AXAF, A Symposium to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the launch of HEAO-2, the Einstein Observatory, 28 (1988)
Observations of X-ray pulsars
Nagase, F, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 1 (1988)
Quasars contributing to the extragalactic X-ray flux: the deep X-ray survey in Pavo
Griffiths, R et al., Post-Recombination Universe, 91 (1988)
An X-Ray Perspective on Quasar Continua
Elvis, M, Supermassive Black Holes, 131 (1988)
Ultra-Soft Excesses in the Soft X-Ray Spectra of Quasars
Wilkes, B & Elvis, M, Supermassive Black Holes, 169 (1988)
Recent X-Ray Observations of Supernova Remnants and Their Interpretation
Aschenbach, B, IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 99 (1988)
X-Ray Images of Supernova Remnants
Seward, F, IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 115 (1988)
Einstein Bragg Crystal Spectrometer Observations of CAS a — a Nonequilibrium Ionization Interpretation
Markert, T et al., IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 129 (1988)
Plasma Diagnostics with X-Ray Lines of Oxygen in Puppis a
Fischbach, K et al., IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 153 (1988)
X-Ray Images of PKS1209-52 and its Central Compact X-Ray Source
Matsui, Y et al., IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 157 (1988)
Stellar coronae
Pallavicini, R, Solar and Stellar Coronal Structure and Dynamics, 19 (1988)
Broadband Multicolour Photometry of Ch-Cygni
Milone, E et al., ASSL, 132, 283 (1987)
The X-ray Emission of Spiral Galaxies
Fabbiano, G & Trinchieri, G, BAAS, 19, 644 (1987)
Einstein IPC Imaging and Spectral Observations of HB9 and HB21
Leahy, D, BAAS, 19, 647 (1987)
Are Elliptical Galaxies Really Round?
White, J & Canizares, C, BAAS, 19, 682 (1987)
An Analysis of X-Ray Fluxes of O-Type Stars
Chlebowski, T, BAAS, 19, 703 (1987)
The EINSTEIN Survey of the Young Stars in the Orion Nebula
Zoonematkermani, S & Caillault, J, BAAS, 19, 717 (1987)
Ionization Structure of the X-Ray Emitting Plasma in Puppis A
Fischbach, K et al., BAAS, 19, 721 (1987)
Morphological Studies of the Supernova Remnant E0102.2-72.2
Hughes, J et al., BAAS, 19, 729 (1987)
The Hot Gas Surrounding Cygnus A
Harris, D & Bohlen, E, BAAS, 19, 731 (1987)
X-ray Variability of Mrk 335
Lee, M et al., BAAS, 19, 733 (1987)
Composition and Einstein Redshift for the White Dwarf van Maanen 2
Hammond, G, BAAS, 19, 755 (1987)
Comparison of Predicted vs. Measured Stellar Magnetic Fields
Quillen, A et al., BAAS, 19, 1027 (1987)
An Einstein Observatory Stellar X-ray Catalog
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 19, 1040 (1987)
The Integrated Spectrum of Faint Structure in the Extragalactic X-ray Background
Hamilton, T, BAAS, 19, 1049 (1987)
Absorption Edges in Galactic X-Ray Binaries
Holt, S & Kelley, R, BAAS, 19, 1056 (1987)
On-Orbit Contamination of the EINSTEIN and EXOSAT Mirrors: AXAF Performance Implications
Davis, M, BAAS, 19, 1066 (1987)
The Geminga X-ray Counterpart and a Blue Optical Identification
Halpern, J & Tytler, D, BAAS, 19, 1067 (1987)
Survey of Column Densities to Galactic X-ray Sources Using the Einstein OGS
Vrtilek, S et al., BAAS, 19, 1076 (1987)
The Determination of Orientations and Ellipticities of X-ray Images of Galaxy Clusters
McMillan, S et al., BAAS, 19, 1080 (1987)
Orientations, Ellipticities and Nearest-Neighbor Correlations in Abell Clusters
Ulmer, M et al., BAAS, 19, 1080 (1987)
X-ray Study of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the Chamaeleon Dark Cloud
Feigelson, E & Kriss, G, BAAS, 19, 1095 (1987)
The Einstein Galactic Plane Survey Extension: Source Counts and the X-ray Number-Flux Relation
Geldzahler, B & Hertz, P, BAAS, 19, 680 (1987)
The Low Luminosity X-ray Sources in Omega Centauri
Margon, B & Bolte, M, BAAS, 19, 720 (1987)
Radio, Optical and X-ray Characteristics of the M87 Jet
Biretta, J et al., BAAS, 19, 1047 (1987)
The X-Ray Spectra of Faint Extragalactic Sources
Wolter, A et al., BAAS, 19, 696 (1987)
PSR 0656+14
Cordova, F et al., IAUC, 4490, 1 (1987)
Cooling Flows and the Formation of Dark Matter
Fabian, A et al., IAUS, 117, 201 (1987)
Active Galactic Nuclei from the Extended Einstein Medium Survey
Gioia, I et al., IAUS, 121, 329 (1987)
X-Ray Emission as Evidence of Activity in Otherwise "normal" Galaxies
Maccacaro, T et al., IAUS, 121, 469 (1987)
Radio emission from young stellar objects in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud
Andre, P et al., IAUS, 122, 61 (1987)
The Einstein Survey of the Young Stars in the Orion Nebula
Caillault, J & Zoonematkermani, S, IAUS, 122, 119 (1987)
What can be learnt from full disk X-ray observations of stellar flares?
Schmitt, J et al., IAUS, 122, 373 (1987)
The Distribution of X-Ray Emitting Quasars in Space /
Setti, G, IAUS, 124, 579 (1987)
X-Ray Surveys as Tools to Investigate the Cosmological Evolution of Quasars, BL Lac Objects and Clusters of Galaxies /
Gioia, I et al., IAUS, 124, 593 (1987)
Log N–Log S Slope Determination in Imaging X-Ray Astronomy
Maccacaro, T et al., IAUS, 124, 597 (1987)
The EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey /
Giommi, P & Tagliaferri, G, IAUS, 124, 601 (1987)
The Cosmic X-Ray Background /
Boldt, E, IAUS, 124, 611 (1987)
Neutron Stars in Twelve Supernova Remnants
Seward, F, IAUS, 125, 99 (1987)
Neutron Star Cooling: Criticical Test of Dense Matter Physics
Itoh, N, IAUS, 125, 439 (1987)
Einstein Observatory Limits on Neutron Star Surface Temperatures (abstract)
Harnden, F, IAUS, 125, 457 (1987)
X-rays from elliptical galaxies
Fabian, A & Thomas, P, IAUS, 127, 155 (1987)
Properties of the X-ray emitting gas in early type galaxies
Canizares, C et al., IAUS, 127, 431 (1987)
Hot DA white dwarfs seen with Einstein, an ultrahot H- and HE-poor white dwarf and Zanstra temperatures of planetary nebula nuclei
Shipman, H, MmSAI, 58, 49 (1987)
X-ray astronomical spectroscopy
Holt, S, NASCP, 2464, 379 (1987)
A Dust Scattered Halo in the Starburst Galaxy M82
Rohan, M et al., NASCP, 2466, 485 (1987)
The ionizing X-ray to ultraviolet continuum of quasars
Elvis, M, RALR, 109, 20 (1987)
Soft X-ray observations of pre-main sequence stars in the chamaeleon dark cloud
Feigelson, E & Kriss, G, STIN, 88, 11579 (1987)
Recent X-ray observations of supernova remnants and their interpretation
Aschenbach, B, STIN, 88, 17563 (1987)
The X-ray properties of AM HER stars
Beuermann, K, STIN, 88, 23704 (1987)
Evolution of surface abundances in cool white dwarfs
Koester, D, IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars, 329 (1987)
X-ray selected high redshift clusters of galaxies
Gioia, I et al., High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies, 231 (1987)
X-Ray Emission from Pre-Main Sequence Stars
Feigelson, E, Protostars and Molecular Clouds, 123 (1987)
X-ray and gamma-ray observations of the galactic center
Leventhal, M, txra, symp, 382 (1987)
Soft X-ray variability and spectra of Seyfert galaxies
Urry, C et al., Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 15 (1987)
Rapid X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4593
Barr, P et al., Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 43 (1987)
X-ray variability of high luminosity AGN
Schwartz, D & Madejski, G, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 65 (1987)
The Einstein soft X-ray survey of the Pleiades
Caillault, J & Helfand, D, ASNYN, 2, 29 (1986)
Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter Observations of the Supernova Remnant HB9
Leahy, D, BAAS, 18, 693 (1986)
Rotation and Activity in X-ray Selected Late Type Stars
Takalo, L, BAAS, 18, 697 (1986)
Mass Models for NGC 1399 from Optical and X-Ray Data
Killeen, N & Bicknell, G, BAAS, 18, 902 (1986)
A Study of X-ray Emitting Gas in 2A0335+096 and A1060 Clusters of Galaxies
Westergaard, N et al., BAAS, 18, 906 (1986)
EXOSAT Observations of the Hot DA White Dwarf LB 1663
Rogers, R et al., BAAS, 18, 917 (1986)
Long Term Variability of Cygnus X-2
Vrtilek, S et al., BAAS, 18, 919 (1986)
QED: The Radio/X-ray Connection
Elvis, M & Wilkes, B, BAAS, 18, 925 (1986)
QED: Widespread Ultra-soft Excesses
Wilkes, B & Elvis, M, BAAS, 18, 925 (1986)
Rapid X-ray Variability of Quiescent Late-Type Dwarfs: Implications for Coronal Heating
Ambruster, C et al., BAAS, 18, 985 (1986)
Correlation of X-ray and Infrared Emission of Radio-Quiet QSOs
Worrall, D, BAAS, 18, 995 (1986)
X-Ray Variability of Seyfert Galaxies Observed with the Einstein Observatory
Urry, C et al., BAAS, 18, 1000 (1986)
Soft X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies
Kruper, J et al., BAAS, 18, 1001 (1986)
The Deep X-ray Survey in Pavo: Optical Identifications
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 18, 1046 (1986)
Einstein Observations of the X-ray Variability of BL LAC Objects
Schwartz, D & Madejski, G, BAAS, 18, 1046 (1986)
A Hard X-ray Source in the Nearest Molecular Cloud
Halpern, J & Patterson, J, BAAS, 18, 923 (1986)
Study of X-ray Emission from Some Young Supernova Remnants
Singh, K et al., BAAS, 18, 950 (1986)
The Extragalactic Diffuse X-ray Background
Boldt, E, BAAS, 18, 1004 (1986)
Study of the Ultraviolet Spectra of Eta-Carinae
Altamore, A et al., ESASP, 263, 303 (1986)
Observations of active galactic nuclei with IUE and comparison with X-ray data
Ulrich, M, ESASP, 263, 523 (1986)
Einstein and sunspots
Yavelov, B, IAIss, 18, 105 (1986)
R Aquarii
Viotti, R et al., IAUC, 4169, 1 (1986)
EXO 020528+1454.8
Cordova, F et al., IAUC, 4207, 1 (1986)
4U 1820-30
Garcia, M et al., IAUC, 4259, 1 (1986)
X-Ray to IR Continua of Optically Selected Quasars
Elvis, M, IAUS, 119, 73 (1986)
Results from X-Ray Satellites
Zamorani, G, IAUS, 119, 223 (1986)
The Medium Sensitivity Survey and the X-Ray Selected Quasar Sample
Gioia, I et al., IAUS, 119, 233 (1986)
Radio Induced X-Ray Emission in Radio Quasars
Kembhavi, A, IAUS, 119, 239 (1986)
The X-Ray Properties of High Redshift Quasi-Stellar Objects
Anderson, S & Margon, B, IAUS, 119, 247 (1986)
X-Ray Studies of Seyfert Galaxies and Quasars
Canizares, C et al., IAUS, 119, 253 (1986)
The Diverse Soft X-Ray Slopes of QSOs
Wilkes, B & Elvis, M, IAUS, 119, 261 (1986)
A Statistical Study of the Relationship Between X-Ray Optical and Radio Luminosity for a Sample of QSOs
Worrall, D et al., IAUS, 119, 263 (1986)
X-Ray Selected BL Lac Objects : Time Variability and X-Ray Spectrum
Maccagni, D et al., IAUS, 119, 265 (1986)
X-Ray Intensity Variations in BL Lac Sources H2155-304 & PKS 0548-322
Agrawal, P et al., IAUS, 119, 273 (1986)
The X-Ray Jet in 3c 273
Harris, D & Stern, C, IAUS, 119, 275 (1986)
Constraints on the cosmological evolution of AGNs from X-ray data
Danese, L et al., IAUS, 119, 489 (1986)
Radio and X-ray observations of M87
Feigelson, E et al., NRAOW, 16, 113 (1986)
Technology Mirror Assembly mirror quality requirements and achievements
Glenn, P et al., SPIE, 640, 45 (1986)
Observational study of ion-electron equilibration and of cloud evaporation in supernova remnants under the HEAO-2 guest investigator program
Teske, R, STIN, 87, 13365 (1986)
A soft X-ray observation of omega Centauri with EXOSAT
Verbunt, F et al., STIN, 87, 17575 (1986)
The diverse soft X-ray slopes of QSOs
Wilkes, B & Elvis, M, IN: Continuum emission in active galactic nuclei; Proceedings of the Workshop, 56 (1986)
X-ray spectra of BL Lacertae objects
Urry, C, IN: Continuum emission in active galactic nuclei; Proceedings of the Workshop, 91 (1986)
The cosmic inquirers : modern telescopes and their makers
Tucker, W & Tucker, K, cimt book (1986)
A program of ground-based astronomy to complement Einstein observations
Helfand, D, cuny rept (1986)
A study of the discrepant QSO X-ray luminosity function from the HEAO-2 data archive
Margon, B, uwsa rept (1986)
Galactic Bulge X-Ray Burst Sources From Disrupted Globular Clusters?
Grindlay, J & Hertz, P, ASSL, 113, 79 (1985)
Flare Activity and the Quiescent X-ray Emission in dMe Stars
Doyle, J & Butler, C, ASSL, 116, 237 (1985)
Multiwavelength Investigation of the Adolescent Supernova Remnant IC443
McCollough, M et al., BAAS, 17, 546 (1985)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Cygnus Loop
Vedder, P et al., BAAS, 17, 546 (1985)
The Link Between the X-ray and the Radio Emission of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies
Fabbiano, G & Trinchieri, G, BAAS, 17, 548 (1985)
EINSTEIN Observations of Aql X-1
Czerny, M et al., BAAS, 17, 554 (1985)
Discovery of the First X-ray Burst from 4U2129+470
Garcia, M & Grindlay, J, BAAS, 17, 565 (1985)
X-ray to IR Continua of PG Quasars
Elvis, M et al., BAAS, 17, 576 (1985)
Fluctuation Analysis of High Sensitivity IPC Images
Burg, R et al., BAAS, 17, 578 (1985)
Hot Gas and Massive Halos Around Early Type Galaxies]
Forman, W & Jones, C, BAAS, 17, 586 (1985)
High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Three Galactic Bulge Sources
Vrtilek, S et al., BAAS, 17, 590 (1985)
H0323+022: A Remarkably Variable BL Lac Object
Feigelson, E et al., BAAS, 17, 608 (1985)
Are There Optically-Selected X-ray-Quiet QSOs?
Avni, Y & Tananbaum, H, BAAS, 17, 829 (1985)
X-ray and Radio Observations of Steep Spectrum Radio Sources: I. 4 Fields from Clark Lake Observatory 26 MHz Survey
Harris, D et al., BAAS, 17, 831 (1985)
X-ray Emission from the Jet in 3C273
Stern, C & Harris, D, BAAS, 17, 831 (1985)
Observations of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from GX 5-1 with the Einstein (HEAO-2) Observatory
Elsner, R et al., BAAS, 17, 854 (1985)
X-Ray Selected M Dwarfs and the Diffuse X-Ray Background
Caillault, J et al., BAAS, 17, 879 (1985)
The X-Ray Structure and Spectrum of IC 443
Petre, R et al., BAAS, 17, 883 (1985)
Radio and X-ray Properties of Elliptical and SO Galaxies
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 17, 889 (1985)
Interpretation of the Einstein X-ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects
Madejski, G, BAAS, 17, 889 (1985)
An X-ray Image of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Helfand, D & Hamilton, T, BAAS, 17, 893 (1985)
Using an X-ray color-color diagram to search for hot neutron stars and set a limit on the magnetic monopole flux
Cordova, F et al., BAAS, 17, 906 (1985)
Cooling Flows and the X-ray Emission of Elliptical Galaxies
Sarazin, C, BAAS, 17, 907 (1985)
Further Results on QSO Soft X-ray Spectra
Wilkes, B & Elvis, M, BAAS, 17, 576 (1985)
An X-Ray Survey of the North Ecliptic Pole Region
Marshall, F et al., BAAS, 17, 596 (1985)
Extended X-Ray Emission from Early Type Galaxies
Schwarz, J et al., BAAS, 17, 611 (1985)
Structure of the X-ray Background on Arc-minute Scales
Hamilton, T & Helfand, D, BAAS, 17, 857 (1985)
On the Properties of Well-studied, Early Type Stars Observed with the Einstein X-ray Observatory
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 17, 862 (1985)
EXOSAT and Einstein Observations of the X-ray Pulsar 2S 1145-61
Mereghetti, S et al., BAAS, 17, 867 (1985)
The X-ray properties of normal galaxies. What do we know and what canwe learn with the next generation of X-ray telescopes?
Fabbiano, G, ESASP, 239, 33 (1985)
Stellar activity: the X-ray picture
Serio, S, ESASP, 239, 59 (1985)
Interpretation of the oxygen VII soft X-ray spectrum from the Puppis-A supernova remnant
Gabriel, A et al., ESASP, 239, 137 (1985)
X-ray spectra and the rotation-activity connection of RS CVn binaries
Majer, P et al., ESASP, 239, 141 (1985)
The Hyades: EXOSAT broad band spectroscopy
Westergaard, N et al., ESASP, 239, 159 (1985)
Einstein OGS observations of Cyg X-1
Balucinska, M & Chlebowski, T, ESASP, 239, 201 (1985)
The Einstein Astrophysical Observatory
Soder, J, IAPPP, 21, 15 (1985)
NGC 3031
Barr, P & Giommi, P, IAUC, 4044, 2 (1985)
NGC 6212
Biermann, P et al., IAUC, 4060, 2 (1985)
1E 1048.1-5937
Smale, A et al., IAUC, 4083, 3 (1985)
Coronal temperatures
Swank, J, NASCP, 2358, 86 (1985)
Der Krebs-Nebel — ein Prüfstein für Supernova-Modellvorstellungen
Brinkmann, W, S&W, 24, 76 (1985)
The physical implications of an isothermal model for the hot intracluster medium
Hendriksen, M & Mushotzky, R, STIN, 85, 21089 (1985)
Consequences of hot gas in the broad line region of active galactic nuclei
Kallman, T & Mushotzky, R, STIN, 85, 21090 (1985)
Optical observations of HEAO-B objects
Mook, D, STIN, 85, 28895 (1985)
The HEAO-2 Guest Investigator Program: Non-linear growth of instabilities in line-driven stellar winds
Rybicki, G, STIN, 85, 35840 (1985)
X-rays from the radio halo of Virgo A = M87
STIN, 86, 13285 (1985)
Search for a shock wave around the Crab Nebula
Mauche, C & Gorenstein, P, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 81 (1985)
An introduction to SNR 0540-693
Reynolds, S, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 159 (1985)
The 50 millisecond pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the X-raypulse emission mechanism
Seward, F et al., The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 165 (1985)
X-ray observations of Crablike remnants
Becker, R, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 187 (1985)
X-ray observations of the Crab Nebula
Brinkmann, W, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 197 (1985)
The X-ray morphology of the Vela X region
Harnden, F et al., The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 203 (1985)
X-ray images of W28 and 3C400.2: two radio-shell supernova remnants with centrally-peaked X-ray emission
Matsui, Y & Long, K, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 211 (1985)
Einstein collection, 1980–1981
Gorelik, G, eico book (1985)
The Spectra of Sco X-1 and Similar Bulge Sources
Swank, J & Serlemitsos, P, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 175 (1985)
The Creation of Compact Objects in the Local Group
Helfand, D, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 207 (1985)
X-Ray from Non-Accreting Pulsars
Harnden, F, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 239 (1985)
Einstein IPC Spectra of Quasars: First Results
Elvis, M, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 291 (1985)
Studies of Galactic X-ray Sources
Grindlay, J, Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy, 17 (1985)
Extragalactic X-ray Source Counts and Optical Identifications
Maccacaro, T & Gioia, I, Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy, 147 (1985)
Solar and stellar coronal plasmas
Golub, L, sao rept (1985)
X-ray coronae of late-type stars: theoretical implications
Schmitt, J, X-ray Astronomy '84, 17 (1985)
X-ray emission from solar-type stars: X-ray luminosity function of late F and G stars
Maggio, A et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 39 (1985)
X-rays and colliding winds in symbiotic novae
Leahy, D & Kwok, S, X-ray Astronomy '84, 81 (1985)
Supernovae and supernova remnants
Canizares, C, X-ray Astronomy '84, 275 (1985)
Einstein observation of supernova remnant HB 3
Leahy, D et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 309 (1985)
High resolution X-ray and radio observations of NGC 4636 and NGC 4649
Stanger, V et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 377 (1985)
Identifications of X-ray point sources in the LMC
Cowley, A et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 399 (1985)
Hot Gaseous Coronae around Early-Type Galaxies
Forman, W et al., ASSL, 111, 297 (1984)
Implications of HEAO-A-1 and Einstein Satellite Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Ulmer, M et al., ASSL, 111, 307 (1984)
Dark Matter in Poor Clusters of Galaxies
Kriss, G, ASSL, 111, 313 (1984)
Einstein Images of Clusters of Galaxies — Galaxy Haloes the Intracluster Medium and the Intercluster Gas
Jones, C & Forman, W, ASSL, 111, 319 (1984)
Kepler’s Supernova Remnant — Self-consistant Models for the X-Ray Emission
Hughes, J & Helfand, D, BAAS, 16, 466 (1984)
Further Analysis of the Pleiades X-Ray Data
Caillault, J & Helfand, D, BAAS, 16, 469 (1984)
Dramatic Variability in the X-Ray Flux of Hercules X-1 Preceding the Binary Eclipse
Vrtilek, S et al., BAAS, 16, 471 (1984)
Survey for Cataloged Stars within 25 Parsecs of the Sun that were not Targeted in the Einstein Data Bank
Johnson, H, BAAS, 16, 472 (1984)
Einstein X-ray Observations of dMe Stars
Jensen, K & Swank, J, BAAS, 16, 514 (1984)
An X-ray Survey of Late-Type Dwarf Stars
Bookbinder, J et al., BAAS, 16, 515 (1984)
The Einstein Observatory Medium Sensitivity Survey: Toward a Sample of 1000 Sources
Gioia, I et al., BAAS, 16, 515 (1984)
Period Behavior of the New LMC Pulsar
Harnden, F & Seward, F, BAAS, 16, 542 (1984)
Effects of Optical Variability on X-ray Optical Correlations
Webb, J et al., BAAS, 16, 727 (1984)
Endpoints of stellar evolution: X-ray surveys of the Local Group
Helfand, D, BAAS, 16, 874 (1984)
Objective Grating X-Ray Spectroscopy of Compact Sources
Kahn, S, BAAS, 16, 880 (1984)
The Einstein Observatory Medium Sensitivity Survey: Present Results and Future Prospects
Maccacaro, T, BAAS, 16, 880 (1984)
On Fast X-ray Rotators with Long Term Periodicities
Elsner, R et al., BAAS, 16, 913 (1984)
EXOSAT Observations of the X-Ray SNR 1E1149.6+6209, First Seen with the Einstein IPC
Bignami, G et al., BAAS, 16, 926 (1984)
X-ray Halos around Supernova Remnants
Mauche, C & Gorenstein, P, BAAS, 16, 926 (1984)
A Statistical Study of the Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Hughes, J & Helfand, D, BAAS, 16, 927 (1984)
Multifrequency Observations of the QSO PG 1211+143
Bechtold, J et al., BAAS, 16, 931 (1984)
Soft X-Ray Spectra of Optically Selected Seyfert Galaxies
Kruper, J & Canizares, C, BAAS, 16, 931 (1984)
Einstein X-ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects
Madejski, G & Schwartz, D, BAAS, 16, 931 (1984)
X-Ray Spectroscopy of BL Lacertae Objects
Urry, C et al., BAAS, 16, 931 (1984)
First Einstein IPC Results on X-ray Spectra of Quasars
Wilkes, B et al., BAAS, 16, 931 (1984)
X-Ray Line Emission From 3C 120
Petre, R et al., BAAS, 16, 932 (1984)
X-ray Spectra of Stars in the Cygnus OB-2 Association
Harnden, F, BAAS, 16, 948 (1984)
The CFA Einstein Observatory High-Sensitivity X-ray Survey: Imaging Proportional Counter Results
Primini, F et al., BAAS, 16, 964 (1984)
EINSTEIN Observations of the Soft X-Ray Background Close to the Galactic Plane
Caillault, J & Kahn, S, BAAS, 16, 981 (1984)
Measurement of X-ray Scattering from Interstellar Grains
Gorenstein, P et al., BAAS, 16, 981 (1984)
High Resolution X-ray Observations of Nearby Binary Systems: Flaring and Evidence for Unseen Companions
Harris, D & Johnson, H, BAAS, 16, 983 (1984)
The X-ray Emission from Normal Early Type Galaxies: A Statistical Analysis
Trinchieri, G & Fabbiano, G, BAAS, 16, 990 (1984)
X-ray Selected BL Lacs Objects: Where Are They?
Maccacaro, T et al., BAAS, 16, 481 (1984)
X-Ray Observations of Late-Type Stars
Stern, R, BAAS, 16, 880 (1984)
An X-ray Survey of Solar-Type Stars
Bookbinder, J et al., BAAS, 16, 940 (1984)
A Six-Second Periodic X-ray Source in Carina
Seward, F & Charles, P, BAAS, 16, 983 (1984)
The Complex X-ray Emission of NGC 253
Fabbiano, G & Trinchieri, G, BAAS, 16, 439 (1984)
An X-Ray Survey of Variable Radio Bright Quasars
Henriksen, M et al., BAAS, 16, 481 (1984)
HI Deficient Galaxies in X-ray Clusters
Haynes, M et al., BAAS, 16, 882 (1984)
X-Ray Astronomy &PLASMA Astrophysics
Canizares, C, ESASP, 207, 159 (1984)
Plasma in the Clusters of Galaxies
Michalec, A, ESASP, 207, 223 (1984)
VLBI in space and X-ray observations of compact sources in active galactic nuclei
Biermann, P, ESASP, 213, 157 (1984)
Corona models tested with IUE and Einstein observations
Hammer, R & Linsky, J, ESASP, 218, 25 (1984)
X-Ray Pulsar in Large Magellanic Cloud
Seward, F et al., IAUC, 3928, 2 (1984)
X-Ray Survey of the Pleiades — Dependence of X-Ray Luminosity on Stellar Age
Micela, G et al., IAUS, 105, 101 (1984)
X-ray surveys of the Magellanic Clouds
Helfand, D, IAUS, 108, 293 (1984)
Spectroscopy of stellar X-ray sources in the Magellanic Clouds
Hutchings, J, IAUS, 108, 305 (1984)
X-ray surveys of quasars with the Einstein Observatory
Maccacaro, T, MPERp, 184, 63 (1984)
Interacting binary systems
Rahe, J, NASCP, 2349, 51 (1984)
The UV spectra of intermediate redshift quasars
Kinney, A et al., NASCP, 2349, 133 (1984)
Coordinated multifrequency observations of the BL Lac objects Mrk 180, Mrk 421, and Mrk 501
Mufson, S et al., NASCP, 2349, 143 (1984)
Active late-type stars and the applicability of coronal loop models
Giampapa, M et al., NASCP, 2349, 454 (1984)
Ultraviolet, radio and X-ray observations of hybrid stars
Drake, S et al., NASCP, 2349, 472 (1984)
Stellar Coronas, X-rays, and Einstein
Stern, R, S&T, 68, 24 (1984)
Scientific Specification of the Data Analysis System for the EINSTEIN Observatory (HEAO-2) Imaging Proportional Counter
Harnden, F et al., SAOSR 393 (1984)
An X-ray survey of variable radio bright quasars
Henriksen, M et al., STIN, 84, 24512 (1984)
X-Ray and Radio Evidence for Activity in Very Young Objects Associated with the Rho-Ophiuchi Cloud
Montmerle, T, Active Phenomena in the Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars, 125 (1984)
A program of ground-based astronomy to complement einstein observations
Helfand, D, cuny rept (1984)
The Transition Regions of X-Ray Emitting Main-Sequence A Stars
Giampapa, M, IUE Proposal, 1812 (1984)
V-V compact group of galaxies
Bahcall, N, prnc rept (1984)
Research relative to high energy astrophysics
Gorenstein, P, sao rept (1984)
A study of the discrepant QSO X-ray luminosity function from the HEAO-2 data archive
Margon, B, uwsa rept (1984)
The X-ray structure of the Crab Nebula
Brinkmann, W et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 1 (1984)
X-ray coronae of late type stars: Theoretical implications
Schmitt, J, Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 1 (1984)
The X-ray structure of the Crab Nebula
Asenbach, B et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 8 (1984)
Optical studies of X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
Pakull, M, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 28 (1984)
Preliminary results on the ultraviolet observations of a complete X-ray selected sample of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
Boisson, C, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 40 (1984)
X-ray surveys of quasars with the Einstein observatory
Maccacaro, T, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 63 (1984)
Soft X-ray emission from BL Lac objects
Maccagni, D, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 92 (1984)
The X-ray properties of high-redshift, optically selected QSOs
Anderson, S, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 132 (1984)
On the surface density of X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects
Gioia, I, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 135 (1984)
The Quest for Elusive Geminga: a Unique Object Proposed as the Counterpart of 2CG 195+04
Caraveo, P et al., Positron-Electron Pairs in Astrophysics, 152 (1983)
Quiescent coronae of active chromosphere stars
Golub, L, ASSL, 102, 83 (1983)
Einstein and IUE observations of nearby red dwarfs
Johnson, H, ASSL, 102, 109 (1983)
X-Ray Emission from Flare Stars
Agrawal, P et al., ASSL, 102, 125 (1983)
Stellar X-ray activity in the Hyades
Stern, R & Zolcinski, M, ASSL, 102, 131 (1983)
X-ray observations of stellar flares
Haisch, B, ASSL, 102, 255 (1983)
RS CVn systems — The high energy picture
Charles, P, ASSL, 102, 415 (1983)
X-rays from jets and lobes
Feigelson, E, ASSL, 103, 165 (1983)
X-ray jets in BL Lac objects?
Biermann, P, ASSL, 103, 173 (1983)
Extended Soft X-Ray Emission from NGC4151
Briel, U et al., ASSL, 103, 183 (1983)
High energy satellite surveys
Bennett, K, ASSL, 105, 271 (1983)
Einstein OGS/MPC Observations of Cygnus X-2
Vrtilek, S et al., BAAS, 15, 636 (1983)
X-Rays from the SNR 3C391
Wang, Z & Seward, F, BAAS, 15, 637 (1983)
X-Ray Variability in the Hyades Star Cluster
Zolcinski, M & Stern, R, BAAS, 15, 647 (1983)
The Number-Diameter Relationship for the Supernova Remnants
Hughes, J & Helfand, D, BAAS, 15, 668 (1983)
X-Ray Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei
Reichert, G et al., BAAS, 15, 675 (1983)
Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (I. P. C. ) Observations of the Supernova Remnant HB3
Leahy, D et al., BAAS, 15, 953 (1983)
X-Rays from Clusters of Galaxies
Forman, W, BAAS, 15, 956 (1983)
The Radial X-Ray Brightness Profile of the Coma Cluster
Chanan, G & Abramopoulos, F, BAAS, 15, 974 (1983)
Einstein Observations of the Southern Supercluster Around SC0627-54
Jones, C et al., BAAS, 15, 974 (1983)
Search for Scattered X-Ray Haloes Around Variable Sources
Bode, M et al., BAAS, 15, 989 (1983)
Optical Studies of the Einstein Galactic Plane Survey
Grindlay, J & Hertz, P, BAAS, 15, 1004 (1983)
Pleiades X-Ray Sources in HRI Fields of the Einstein Data Bank
Johnson, H, BAAS, 15, 1004 (1983)
The Unusually Soft X-Ray Spectra of the Black Hole Candidates LMC X-3 and LMC X-1
Marshall, F & White, N, BAAS, 15, 1005 (1983)
Combined X-ray, Ultraviolet and Ground-based Observations of the Symbiotic Star AG Draconis at Quiescence
Slovak, M et al., BAAS, 15, 665 (1983)
Optical and X-Ray Studies of Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies
Culver, J et al., BAAS, 15, 670 (1983)
X-ray Emission from A and F Stars — What Do We Learn About Convection and Dynamos?
Schmitt, J et al., BAAS, 15, 948 (1983)
An X-ray Detection of Stephan’s Quintet and Upper Limits for Four Other Compact Groups
Harris, D et al., BAAS, 15, 978 (1983)
X-ray Spectra and Pulsation Upper Limits for the Vela Pulsar
Harnden, F & Grant, P, BAAS, 15, 1006 (1983)
The Einstein X-ray Observatory HRI Deep Survey in Ursa Minor
Burg, R et al., BAAS, 15, 914 (1983)
X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei
Schwartz, D et al., HiA, 6, 499 (1983)
What can we learn about contact binaries with the help of far UV and X-ray observations?
Vilhu, O, HiA, 6, 643 (1983)
X-ray observations of the stellar winds of OB supergiants with compact secondaries
White, N & Kallman, T, HiA, 6, 651 (1983)
Supernova remnants and their X-ray emission : symposium no. 101, held in Venice, Italy, 30 August-2 September 1982
Danziger, J & Gorenstein, P, IAUS 101 (1983)
The mass and structure of the remnant of Tycho’s supernova
Gorenstein, P et al., IAUS, 101, 1 (1983)
X-ray spectra of young supernova remnants
Holt, S, IAUS, 101, 17 (1983)
An X-ray halo around Cassiopeia A
Stewart, G et al., IAUS, 101, 59 (1983)
Non-equilibrium ionization X-ray emission from supernova remnants
Shull, J, IAUS, 101, 99 (1983)
The evolution of young supernova remnants
Fabian, A et al., IAUS, 101, 119 (1983)
X-ray study of the Crab Nebula and the Crab and VELA pulsars
Harnden, F, IAUS, 101, 131 (1983)
The Peculiar X-Ray Morphology of the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 — Evidence for an Asymmetric Supernova Explosion
Clark, D & Tuohy, I, IAUS, 101, 153 (1983)
High resolution X-ray spectra of supernova remnants
Canizares, C et al., IAUS, 101, 205 (1983)
Non-equilibrium ionization in Puppis A
Winkler, P et al., IAUS, 101, 245 (1983)
Detalied X-ray observations of the Cygnus Loop
Ku, W et al., IAUS, 101, 253 (1983)
Einstein observations of the SNRs IC443, W44 and W49B
Watson, M et al., IAUS, 101, 273 (1983)
The X-ray structure of the supernova remnant G78.2 + 2.1
Higgs, L et al., IAUS, 101, 281 (1983)
High resolution X-ray images of Puppis A and IC 443
Petre, R et al., IAUS, 101, 289 (1983)
Supernova remnants with compact X-ray sources
Seward, F et al., IAUS, 101, 417 (1983)
Supernova Remnants with Compact X-Ray Sources — Part Two — the Crab Nebula
Clark, D et al., IAUS, 101, 418 (1983)
Precessing jet model for the supernova remnant G109.1-1.0
Gregory, P & Fahlman, G, IAUS, 101, 429 (1983)
Comparison of radio and X-ray observations of SNR G109.1–1.0
Gregory, P et al., IAUS, 101, 437 (1983)
The pulsation period and possible orbit of 1E2259+586
Fahlman, G & Gregory, P, IAUS, 101, 445 (1983)
X-ray studies of SS433
Grindlay, J et al., IAUS, 101, 459 (1983)
X-rays from radio pulsars — The portable supernova remnants
Helfand, D, IAUS, 101, 471 (1983)
The X-ray properties of supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Long, K, IAUS, 101, 525 (1983)
Soft X-ray observation of Supernova Remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Inoue, H et al., IAUS, 101, 535 (1983)
N49: The site of a gamma-ray burst — Preliminary results from X-ray observations
Pizzichini, G et al., IAUS, 101, 573 (1983)
X-ray, optical and UV observations of the young supernova remnant in the irregular galaxy NGC 4449
Blair, W et al., IAUS, 101, 579 (1983)
The X-ray emission of a clumpy irregular galaxy from thousands of supernova remnants?
Heeschen, D & Heidmann, J, IAUS, 101, 591 (1983)
Stellar X-ray emission as an indicator of stellar magnetic activity
Vaiana, G, IAUS, 102, 165 (1983)
The coronal rotation-activity relations in late-type stars
Walter, F, IAUS, 102, 193 (1983)
Coronal activity in F-, G-, and K-type stars — Empirical relations between stellar parameters
Mewe, R et al., IAUS, 102, 205 (1983)
The role of magnetic fields in stellar chromospheres and transition regions
Linsky, J, IAUS, 102, 313 (1983)
Coronal and chromospheric structures in AR Lac. I — Data and models
Gibson, D et al., IAUS, 102, 369 (1983)
X-ray sources of cosmological relevance
Maccacaro, T & Gioia, I, IAUS, 104, 7 (1983)
X-Ray Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
Urry, C et al., IAUS, 104, 347 (1983)
X-Ray Variability of BL Lac Objects : H2155-304 Amd PKS 0548-322
Agrawal, P et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3 (1983)
Detection of AN X-Ray Flare in the RS CVN Binary Sigma Corona Borealis
Agrawal, P et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 7 (1983)
a Statistical X-Ray Osos Classification
Coradini, A et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 35 (1983)
The Einstein observatory medium sensitivity survey — The quasars sample
Gioia, I & Maccacaro, T, LIACo, 24, 63 (1983)
Luminosity function and cosmological evolution of X-ray selected quasars
Maccacaro, T & Gioia, I, LIACo, 24, 260 (1983)
Groups, concentrations and associations of quasars
Arp, H, LIACo, 24, 307 (1983)
QSO X-ray spectra and the contribution of QSOs to the X-ray background radiation
Worrall, D & Marshall, F, LIACo, 24, 430 (1983)
X-Ray Variability of Quasars
Zamorani, G et al., LIACo, 24, 451 (1983)
X-ray observations of quasars
Zamorani, G, MmSAI, 54, 659 (1983)
Book-Review — X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
Lawrence, A, Obs, 103, 175 (1983)
Einstein observations of the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud : an X-ray Xmas tree
Montmerle, T et al., RMxAA, 7, 230 (1983)
X-Ray Jets of Centaurus A and M87
Feigelson, E & Schreier, E, S&T, 65, 6 (1983)
TYCHO Kepler and Einstein / Supernova Remnants
Reid, P et al., S&T, 65, 223 (1983)
10000 White Dwarfs Per Globular Cluster / Einstein X-Ray Satellite / HEAO-2 Data
S&T, 66, 216 (1983)
Rapid X-ray variability from the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051
Marshall, F et al., STIN, 83, 23265 (1983)
Soft X-ray spectral observations of quasars and high X-ray luminosity Seyfert galaxies
Petre, R et al., STIN, 84, 14082 (1983)
The broad-band X-ray spectrum of a QSO sample
Worrall, D & Marshall, F, STIN, 84, 33333 (1983)
Temperature and elemental abundances in the Abell cluster A 576 derived from X-ray observations
Rothenflug, R et al., STIN, 84, 35238 (1983)
X-ray emission from normal galaxies
Long, K & van Speybroeck, L, Accretion-Driven Stellar X-ray Sources, 117 (1983)
X-Ray Emission from Flare Stars
Agrawal, P et al., IAU Colloq. 71: Activity in Red-Dwarf Stars, 125 (1983)
An X-Ray Survey of Clusters of Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory and a Study of Iron Sedimentation in the Intracluster Gas
Abramopoulos, F, axrs book (1983)
Dynamical evolution of clusters of galaxies
Forman, W & Jones, C, Clustering in the Universe, 275 (1983)
The X-ray structure of clusters
Jones, C & Forman, W, Clustering in the Universe, 287 (1983)
The X-ray spectrum of the cluster A 576
Rothenflug, R et al., Clustering in the Universe, 307 (1983)
X-ray observations by the Einstein satellite and neutron star cooling
Tsuruta, S, High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology, 64 (1983)
Quasar Emission Lines and Ionizing Radiation
Glassgold, A, IUE Proposal, 1445 (1983)
The Hyades Star Cluster X-Ray Luminosity Function and its Variation
Zolcinski, M & Stern, R, IAU Colloq. 76: Nearby Stars and the Stellar Luminosity Function, 433 (1983)
The T Tauri stars
Kuhi, L, Nonlinear, Nonthermal Systems in Astronomy, 285 (1983)
High Resolution Imager (HRI) for the Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) definition study
sao rept (1983)
An X-ray portrait of our Galaxy
Grindlay, J, Astronomy from Space: Sputnik to Space Telescope, 141 (1983)
Optical supernova remnants in external galaxies
Dopita, M, ASIC, 90, 483 (1982)
X-ray spectroscopy and imagery of supernova remnants with the Einstein Observatory
Winkler, P et al., ASIC, 90, 501 (1982)
Einstein observations of supernova remnants
Seward, F, ASIC, 90, 519 (1982)
An X-ray survey of supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Helfand, D & Long, K, ASIC, 90, 529 (1982)
X-ray detection of the symbiotic star AG Draconis
Anderson, C et al., ASSL, 95, 117 (1982)
Data and data retrieval in space astronomy
Vette, J, ASSL, 97, 243 (1982)
The very unusual ultraviolet spectra of R Arae
Kondo, Y & McCluskey, G, ASSL, 98, 321 (1982)
Variability of soft X-ray emission of EX Hydrae observed with Einstein Observatory
Kruszewski, A et al., ASSL, 98, 457 (1982)
The origin of the X-ray background
Zamorani, G, ASSL, 99, 203 (1982)
The X-ray Source in the Nucleus of M33
Markert, T et al., BAAS, 14, 602 (1982)
X-ray Observations of AM Her in Its Low State
Fabbiano, G, BAAS, 14, 632 (1982)
X-Ray Line Spectra of the Puppis A Supernova Remnant: Spatial Variations
Winkler, P et al., BAAS, 14, 636 (1982)
The Einstein Observatory Medium Sensitivity Survey
Gioia, I et al., BAAS, 14, 644 (1982)
X-Ray Observations of Supernova-Like Quasars
Bregman, J et al., BAAS, 14, 648 (1982)
The Curvature of Radio Jets and Tails in the Intracluster Media of Abell 1440 and 2220
Burns, J & Balonek, T, BAAS, 14, 659 (1982)
X-ray Images of Late Type Galaxies
MacDonald, A et al., BAAS, 14, 659 (1982)
HEAO-1 and HEAO-2 Observations of Features in the 0.5-1.5 keV Diffuse Background near the Galactic Center
Fried, P et al., BAAS, 14, 661 (1982)
Radio and X-ray Observations of the Halo Source in A1367
Gavazzi, G & Trinchieri, G, BAAS, 14, 664 (1982)
Einstein Observations of the Size and Structure of Clusters of Galaxies
Jones, C & Forman, W, BAAS, 14, 664 (1982)
Chromospheres and Coronae of Cool Stars
Dupree, A & Rosner, R, BAAS, 14, 864 (1982)
The Einstein Globular Cluster Survey
Hertz, P & Grindlay, J, BAAS, 14, 888 (1982)
Observation of X-Ray Scattering by Interstellar Dust
Catura, R, BAAS, 14, 893 (1982)
X-Ray Observations of the Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
Vedder, P & Clark, G, BAAS, 14, 915 (1982)
A Sharp X-ray Absorption Feature in the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304
Kruper, J & Canizares, C, BAAS, 14, 933 (1982)
X-Ray Observations of BL Lac Objects
Maccacaro, T et al., BAAS, 14, 933 (1982)
Measurements of the Physical Parameters of the X-ray Emitting Gas in Tyoho’s SNR
Markert, T et al., BAAS, 14, 935 (1982)
An X-Ray Image of the Remnant of SN185
Pisarski, R et al., BAAS, 14, 935 (1982)
Kepler’s Supernova Remnant — Nonequilibrium Ionization Effects
Hughes, J et al., BAAS, 14, 936 (1982)
Measurement of the Interstellar Oxygen Absorption Edge in the X-ray Spectrum of the Crab Nebula
Schattenburg, M & Canizares, C, BAAS, 14, 936 (1982)
The Discovery of Short Timescale X-ray Absorption Variation from 4U1700-37
White, N et al., BAAS, 14, 944 (1982)
X-ray Observations of Spiral Galaxies
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 14, 948 (1982)
Limits on Diffuse X-ray Emission from M101
McCammon, D, BAAS, 14, 961 (1982)
The Optical Identification Content of the Medium-Sensitivity X-ray Survey with the Einstein Observatory
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 14, 659 (1982)
Optical and X-ray Observations of a Faint, Complete Quasar Sample
Marshall, H et al., BAAS, 14, 909 (1982)
X-Ray Pulse Timing Measurements of X-Perseus
Weisskopf, M et al., BAAS, 14, 965 (1982)
High Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectra of Scorpius X-1: The Structure of Circumsource Accreting Material
Kahn, S et al., BAAS, 14, 944 (1982)
X-ray Emission from Herbig Ae/Be Stars
Sanders, W et al., BAAS, 14, 629 (1982)
X-Ray Observations of 20 Bright Radio Galaxies
Feigelson, E & Berg, C, BAAS, 14, 932 (1982)
Skinner, G et al., IAUC, 3671, 2 (1982)
Eclipsing AM Herculis-Type Magnetic Binary
Biermann, P et al., IAUC, 3680, 1 (1982)
3A 0729+103
McHardy, I et al., IAUC, 3687, 1 (1982)
A morphological classification of clusters of galaxies from Einstein images
Jones, C & Forman, W, IAUS, 97, 97 (1982)
Radio and X-ray structure of Centaurus A
Feigelson, E, IAUS, 97, 107 (1982)
X-Ray and Optical Observations of Quasars
Tananbaum, H & Marshall, H, IAUS, 97, 269 (1982)
X-ray emission from BL Lac objects — Comparison to the synchrotron self-Compton models
Schwartz, D et al., IAUS, 97, 383 (1982)
Time-dependent X-ray observations of Wolf-Rayet binaries with O-type and with suspected compact companions
Moffat, A et al., IAUS, 99, 577 (1982)
X-rays from Wolf-Rayet stars observed by the Einstein Observatory
Sanders, W et al., IAUS, 99, 589 (1982)
Book-Review — X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
Giacconi, R & Fabian, A, JBAA, 92, 287 (1982)
IUE and Einstein observations of NGC 5204
Fabbiano, G & Panagia, N, NASCP, 2238, 145 (1982)
X-ray and UV spectra of two quasars: PKS 0637-75 and PKS 1004+13 (4C 13.41)
Elvis, M & Fabbiano, G, NASCP, 2238, 205 (1982)
On the UV variability of LSI+61 303 (≡ GT 0236)
Tanzi, E et al., NASCP, 2238, 615 (1982)
Perspectives on Space Astronomy
Greenstein, J, S&T, 64, 317 (1982)
STCOEX: The stellar X-ray coronal Explorer
Vaiana, G et al., SAOSR, 392, 253 (1982)
X-ray scattering of superpolished flat mirror samples
Aschenbach, B et al., SPIE, 316, 187 (1982)
Einstein Observatory solid state spectrometer observations of M87 and the Virgo cluster
Lea, S et al., STIN, 82, 34314 (1982)
A 2 component X-ray spectrum from SMC X-1
Marshall, F et al., STIN, 83, 15235 (1982)
Goddard X-ray astronomy contributions to the IAU/COSPAR (1982)
Holt, S et al., STIN, 83, 19666 (1982)
X-ray eclipses in AR Lac: Preliminary results
Gibson, D & Walter, F, STIN, 83, 20879 (1982)
X-ray properties of the Be/X-ray systems 2S0114+650 = LSI+65 deg 010
Koenigsberger, G et al., STIN, 83, 35956 (1982)
Einstein solid state spectrometer observation of the peculiar red dwarf Wolf 630 AB
Swank, J & Johnson, H, STIN, 85, 12843 (1982)
Imaging from Space. (Book Reviews: X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite)
Chanan, G, Sci, 215, 1232 (1982)
Imaging from Space. (Book Reviews: X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite)
Chanan, G, Sci, 215, 1232 (1982)
Book Review: X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
Lipunov, V & Sil’chenko, O, SvA, 26, 741 (1982)
The observed properties of X-ray pulsars
White, N, Accreting Neutron Stars, 29 (1982)
Compact X-ray sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Pakull, M, Accreting Neutron Stars, 75 (1982)
Pulse phase spectroscopy of 0115+63 and an observation of 4U1223-62
Hall, R, Accreting Neutron Stars, 107 (1982)
Neutron stars as sources of gamma-ray bursts: Constraints from X-ray observations of source locations
Pizzichini, G et al., Accreting Neutron Stars, 237 (1982)
Einstein X-Ray Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Forman, W, Comparative HI Content of Normal Galaxies, 87 (1982)
On seeing a neutron star
Helfand, D, Compendium in Astronomy, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 111 (1982)
A program of ground-based astronomy to complement Einstein observations
Helfand, D & Chanan, G, cuny rept (1982)
Galactic X-Ray Sources as Observed with the Einstein Observatory
Schreier, E, Galactic X-ray Sources, 381 (1982)
High Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectra with the Objective Rating Spectrometer Aboard Einstein Observatory
Heise, J & Brinkman, A, Galactic X-ray Sources, 393 (1982)
Galactic X-ray sources as observed with the Einstein observatory
Schreier, E, Galactic X-ray sources, 381 (1982)
High resolution soft X-ray spectra with the objective grating spectrometer aboard Einstein Observatory
Heise, J & Brinkman, A, Galactic X-ray sources, 393 (1982)
Scientific satellite data communications
Roberts, C, icc, 1, 1 (1982)
The Efeect of X-Ray & UV Ionizing Radiation on Quasas Emission Lines
Glassgold, A, IUE Proposal, 1100 (1982)
IUE studies of X-ray K-M dwarfs
Johnson, H, lock rept (1982)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy from the Einstein Observatory
Markert, T et al., xray, symp, 19 (1982)
X-Ray Observations of Peculiar Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Fabbiano, G, xray, symp, 33 (1982)
Einstein Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
Elvis, M, xray, symp, 43 (1982)
Evidence for chromospheres and coronae in stars: recent observations, some unanswered theoretical questions, and a speculative scenario
Linsky, J, ASIC, 68, 99 (1981)
X-ray astronomy with the Einstein satellite : proceedings of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society meeting on x-ray astronomy held at the Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., January 28-30, 1980
Giacconi, R, ASSL 87 (1981)
The Einstein/CFA stellar survey — Overview of the data and interpretation of results
Vaiana, G, ASSL, 87, 1 (1981)
Theory of stellar coronae — an interpretation of X-ray emission from non-degenerate stellar sources
Linsky, J, ASSL, 87, 19 (1981)
X-ray imaging — Supernova remnants
Helfand, D, ASSL, 87, 39 (1981)
X-ray sources in globular clusters
Grindlay, J, ASSL, 87, 79 (1981)
X-ray emission from normal galaxies
van Speybroeck, L & Bechtold, J, ASSL, 87, 153 (1981)
Einstein imaging observations of clusters of galaxies
Forman, W et al., ASSL, 87, 187 (1981)
X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies
Canizares, C, ASSL, 87, 215 (1981)
Extragalactic radio sources and X-ray astronomy
Longair, M, ASSL, 87, 241 (1981)
X-ray imaging observations of active galactic nuclei and quasars
Henry, J, ASSL, 87, 261 (1981)
The number-intensity distribution for extragalactic X-ray sources
Murray, S, ASSL, 87, 281 (1981)
Observations of stellar winds in early type stars
Conti, P, ASSL, 89, 1 (1981)
Mass loss from cool stars
Dupree, A, ASSL, 89, 87 (1981)
Winds in late-type stars — Mechanisms of mass outflow
Linsky, J, ASSL, 89, 187 (1981)
New Einstein Observations of the Eta Carinae Nebula
Chlebowski, T & Seward, F, BAAS, 13, 512 (1981)
The Corona and Chromosphere of Proxima Centauri during Flare and Quiescent Times
Haisch, B et al., BAAS, 13, 515 (1981)
The unusual outer atmosphere of 56 Pegasi (K0 IIp)
Schindler, M et al., BAAS, 13, 547 (1981)
Optical Studies of X-Ray Selected Quasars and Active Galaxies
Kriss, G et al., BAAS, 13, 549 (1981)
Einstein Observations of A1367
Bechtold, J et al., BAAS, 13, 550 (1981)
The Nuclear X-ray Source in M81
Elvis, M & van Speybroeck, L, BAAS, 13, 550 (1981)
Einstein X-ray Observations of the 5.2 Hour X-ray Binary 4U2129+47
McClintock, J et al., BAAS, 13, 558 (1981)
X-ray Optical and UV Observations of the Supernova Remnant in NGC 4449
Blair, W et al., BAAS, 13, 795 (1981)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Supernova Remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Berg, C et al., BAAS, 13, 796 (1981)
X-ray Maps of Peculiar Galaxies
Trinchieri, G & Fabbiano, G, BAAS, 13, 799 (1981)
High-Resolution Studies of Arcturus with IUE &Einstein: A Sensitive Search for High-Temperature Emission
Ayres, T et al., BAAS, 13, 811 (1981)
Simultaneous X-Ray and Optical Photometry of the Cataclysmic Variable TT Arietis
Jensen, K et al., BAAS, 13, 818 (1981)
X-ray Variability of SS433
Grindlay, J et al., BAAS, 13, 834 (1981)
The X-ray Lobes of SS433
Watson, M et al., BAAS, 13, 834 (1981)
Two X-Ray-Selected BL Lacertae-Type Objects
Chanan, G et al., BAAS, 13, 848 (1981)
Deep X-Ray Surveys of Two Quasar Grism Fields
Kriss, G & Canizares, C, BAAS, 13, 848 (1981)
X-ray Observations of Emission-Line Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 13, 849 (1981)
X-ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Einstein Observatory
Halpern, J & Grindlay, J, BAAS, 13, 849 (1981)
Extended Soft X-ray Emission from NGC4151
Elvis, M et al., BAAS, 13, 850 (1981)
The EINSTEIN Objective Grating X-ray Spectrum of the Crab Nebula
Kahn, S et al., BAAS, 13, 865 (1981)
Search for Periodic Pulsation in Four Globular Cluster X-Ray Sources
Leahy, D et al., BAAS, 13, 866 (1981)
A Study of Pulsing X-Ray Sources
Naranan, S et al., BAAS, 13, 866 (1981)
Mass Distribution in cD Galaxies from Einstein Observations
Richstone, D et al., BAAS, 13, 869 (1981)
Observations of the Transient Cen X-4 During Quiescence
Petro, L et al., BAAS, 13, 900 (1981)
X-ray Observations of Late Type Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Fabbiano, G & van Speybroeck, L, BAAS, 13, 550 (1981)
Can Relativistic Beaming Reconcile X-ray Data with Self-Compton Predictions?
Madejski, G et al., BAAS, 13, 822 (1981)
The luminosity of serendipitous X-ray QSOs: implications for the diffuse X-ray background radiation
Margon, B, BAAS, 13, 847 (1981)
"Einstein" Observatory HEAO-2 resumes operation
CIBu, 90, 96 (1981)
3.20. HEAO-2 completes flight mission
CIBu, 91, 53 (1981)
X-ray observations of jets
Schreier, E, ESASP, 162, 109 (1981)
X-ray emission from the radio galaxy 3C 66B
Tarenghi, M & Maccagni, D, ESASP, 162, 115 (1981)
X-Ray Flare in HD 27130
Stern, R et al., IAUC, 3585, 2 (1981)
4U 1916-05
Walter, F et al., IAUC, 3611, 2 (1981)
GX 17+2
Oda, M et al., IAUC, 3624, 1 (1981)
Agrawal, P et al., IAUC, 3649, 2 (1981)
On the Search for X-Ray Sources and Their Optical Counterparts in the Error Box of the Cos-B Source 2CG 135+01
Bignami, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 158 (1981)
Constraints Set by "einstein" X-Ray Observations on a Possible Compact Counterpart to the Cos-B Gamma-Ray Source Associated with the Rho OPH Cloud
Montmerle, T et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 162 (1981)
Variable X-Ray Sources in the Rho Ophiuchi Dark Cloud
Montmerle, T et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 166 (1981)
Einstein observations of the 1978 November 19 gamma ray burst source field
Pizzichini, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 40 (1981)
X-rays associated with high energy particles
Gorenstein, P, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 99 (1981)
X-ray surveys with the Einstein Observatory
Danziger, J, Msngr, 26, 5 (1981)
Coordinated IUE, Einstein and optical observations of accreting degenerate dwarfs
Fabbiano, B et al., NASCP, 2171, 501 (1981)
Book-Review — X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
Giacconi, R, Natur, 293, 767 (1981)
X-ray emission from stars
Vaiana, G, STIA, 82, 31574 (1981)
Book-Review — X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite
Giacconi, R, Sci, 214, 690 (1981)
HEAO-2 — the End at Last
SciN, 119, 312 (1981)
The recovery of the HEAO-2 observatory
Rose, R et al., In: Guidance and control 1981; Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Guidance and Control Conference, 339 (1981)
Magnetic Variability in Zeta Bootes A
Bowyer, C, IUE Proposal, 724 (1981)
A Study of RS CVN Stars in the Ultraviolet
Bowyer, C, IUE Proposal, 732 (1981)
The Transition Regions & Coronae of Solar-Type Stars
Giampapa, M, IUE Proposal, 751 (1981)
Spectral Characteristics and Behavior Intrinsic to the Compact Variable in BL Lac Objects
Hackney, R, IUE Proposal, 763 (1981)
IUE Studies of X-Ray K-M Dwarfs
Johnson, H, IUE Proposal, 778 (1981)
Quasi-Simultaneous Observations of BL LAC Objects in Several Wavelength Regions
Kondo, Y, IUE Proposal, 780 (1981)
The Einstein Observatory — An X-ray Eye in the Sky
Murray, S, scyr book (1981)
Stellar Chromosphere, Coronae and Winds: Present Status and Implications for Solar Astrophysics
Linsky, J, Solar instrumentation: What’s next?, 180 (1981)
Telescopes for the 1980s
Burbidge, G & Hewitt, A, tesc book (1981)
The Einstein Observatory and future X-ray telescopes
Giacconi, R et al., Telescopes for the 1980s, Annual Reviews Monograph, 195 (1981)
X-Ray Astronomy with the Einstein Observatory
Tananbaum, H, uhur, symp, 44 (1981)
X-ray emission from galaxies and the universe
Fabian, A, xras, nasa, 133 (1981)
Einstein Observations of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the Orion Nebula
Chanan, G, xray, symp, 1 (1981)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy from the Einstein Observatory
Markert, T et al., xray, symp, 19 (1981)
X-Ray Observations of Peculiar Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Fabbiano, G, xray, symp, 33 (1981)
X-ray astronomy
Giacconi, R & Setti, G, ASIC 60 (1980)
Observations of Supernova Remnants with the Einstein Observatory
Fabbiano, G, ASIC, 60, 15 (1980)
X-Ray Spectra of Supernova Remnants
Holt, S, ASIC, 60, 35 (1980)
Observations of Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the Einstein Observatory
Helfand, D & Long, K, ASIC, 60, 47 (1980)
High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy from the Einstein Observatory
Winkler, P et al., ASIC, 60, 61 (1980)
X-Rays from the Surface of Neutron Stars
Tsuruta, S, ASIC, 60, 73 (1980)
Study of High Luminosity X-Ray Sources in External Galaxies (M-31)
Giacconi, R, ASIC, 60, 103 (1980)
X-Ray Sources and Stellar Evolution
van den Heuvel, E, ASIC, 60, 115 (1980)
Stellar Coronae from Einstein: Observations and Theory
Rosner, R & Vaiana, G, ASIC, 60, 129 (1980)
The Structure and Evolution of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies
Jones, C, ASIC, 60, 153 (1980)
The X-Ray Spectra of Clusters of Galaxies
Mushotzky, R, ASIC, 60, 171 (1980)
Einstein Observations of the Virgo Cluster
Forman, W, ASIC, 60, 181 (1980)
Einstein Observations of Active Galaxies
Tananbaum, H, ASIC, 60, 291 (1980)
Einstein Observations of Quasars
Tananbaum, H, ASIC, 60, 311 (1980)
X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei
Holt, S, ASIC, 60, 327 (1980)
Deep Surveys with the Einstein Observatory
Giacconi, R, ASIC, 60, 385 (1980)
X-ray astronomy with the Einstein Observatory
Helfand, D, ASNYN, 1, 0611 (1980)
Observation of X-Rays from the Jovian System
Metzger, A et al., BAAS, 12, 450 (1980)
The HEAO A-2 Survey of Abell Clusters and the X-Ray Luminosity Function
McKee, J et al., BAAS, 12, 486 (1980)
Einstein X-ray and VLBI Radio Observations of the Variable Quasars NRAO 140 and NRAO 530
Marscher, A & Broderick, J, BAAS, 12, 487 (1980)
On X-Ray Survey of Nine Nearby Historical Novae
Becker, R, BAAS, 12, 500 (1980)
Implications of the Absence of Narrow X-Ray Line Emission from Scorpius X-1
Berg, C et al., BAAS, 12, 513 (1980)
X-Rays From Radio Pulsars
Helfand, D et al., BAAS, 12, 514 (1980)
Coordinated X-Ray, Optical, and Radio Observations of Flares from the dMe Star YZ Canis Minoris
Kahler, S et al., BAAS, 12, 526 (1980)
X-Ray Line Emission from LMC Supernova Remnants
Winkler, P et al., BAAS, 12, 532 (1980)
Upper Limits on X-ray Line Emission from the Crab Nebula
Schattenburg, M et al., BAAS, 12, 541 (1980)
Measurements of the Extent of Ionization Dis-Equilibrium in Supernova Remnants
Markert, T et al., BAAS, 12, 542 (1980)
X-ray Images of the Crab Nebula
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 12, 799 (1980)
X-Ray Line Emission from Puppis A: Evidence for Enrichment by a Type II Supernova
Winkler, P et al., BAAS, 12, 799 (1980)
Stellar Coronae in the Hyades
Stern, R et al., BAAS, 12, 801 (1980)
Spectroscopy of the X-ray Pulsations from Her X-1 with the Einstein Observatory
McCray, R et al., BAAS, 12, 821 (1980)
INVITED TALK X-Ray Spectroscopy from the Einstein Observatory
Holt, S, BAAS, 12, 852 (1980)
Stellar Contribution to Galactic Component of Diffuse Soft X-ray Background
Bookbinder, J et al., BAAS, 12, 871 (1980)
The X-Ray Luminosity Function of Normal Stars
Helfand, D & Caillault, J, BAAS, 12, 871 (1980)
Einstein Observations of A-Stars
Golub, L et al., BAAS, 12, 872 (1980)
X-ray Observations of Peculiar Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Fabbiano, G & Feigelson, E, BAAS, 12, 873 (1980)
An Einstein Observatory Survey of X-ray Emission from BL Lac Objects
Schwartz, D & Ku, W, BAAS, 12, 873 (1980)
Einstein Observations of M82
Watson, M & Griffiths, R, BAAS, 12, 873 (1980)
Medium Sensitivity Survey with the Einstein Observatory
Maccacaro, T et al., BAAS, 12, 874 (1980)
Coordinated Meter-Wavelength Observations of the X-ray Flare from YZ Canis Minoris
Crannell, C & Hobbs, R, BAAS, 12, 527 (1980)
The Optical Identification Content of the Einstein Deep Survey of a Region in Pavo
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 12, 795 (1980)
Observations of M100 with the Einstein Observatory Shortly After the Explosion of its Fourth Supernova, SN 1979c
Palumbo, G et al., BAAS, 12, 874 (1980)
X-Ray Spectra of Quasars with the Einstein Monitor Proportional Counter
Halpern, J & Elvis, M, BAAS, 12, 795 (1980)
An X-Ray Flare from NGC4051
Marshall, F et al., BAAS, 12, 796 (1980)
IUE and Einstein Observations of Cataclysmic Variables
Szkody, P, BAAS, 12, 819 (1980)
Observations of the Fast Soft X-Ray Transient, H1409-45
Jensen, K & Nousek, J, BAAS, 12, 820 (1980)
Stellar coronae
Vaiana, G, HiA, 5, 419 (1980)
X-ray properties of galactic nuclei
Weedman, D, HiA, 5, 623 (1980)
Recent X-ray observations of Seyfert and emissionline galaxies
Griffiths, R, HiA, 5, 641 (1980)
X-ray variability in active galaxy nuclei and quasars in less than one day
Elvis, M et al., HiA, 5, 653 (1980)
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the gas surrounding M87 and NGC 1275: emission line detection and evidence for radiatively regulated accretion
Canizares, C et al., HiA, 5, 657 (1980)
X-ray studies of quasars and active galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Ku, W, HiA, 5, 677 (1980)
X-ray observations of M87’s halo
Fabricant, D et al., HiA, 5, 689 (1980)
Observations of three radio galaxies with the Einstein X-ray Observatory
Feigelson, E & Schreier, E, HiA, 5, 695 (1980)
Review of recent observations of cluster X-ray sources using the Einstein Observatory
Murray, S, HiA, 5, 727 (1980)
X-ray spectra of clusters of galaxies
Mushotzky, R & Smith, B, HiA, 5, 735 (1980)
X-ray imaging studies of NGC 1275 and the core of the Perseus Cluster
Grindlay, J et al., HiA, 5, 741 (1980)
X-ray studies of clusters of galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Helfand, D et al., HiA, 5, 747 (1980)
Implications of results from the Einstein Observatory for the X-ray background
Gorenstein, P & Schwartz, D, HiA, 5, 763 (1980)
Constraint on quasar number counts from their contribution to the X-ray background
Henry, J et al., HiA, 5, 771 (1980)
X-ray observations of stellar coronae and winds
Swank, J, HiA, 5, 853 (1980)
KR Aurigae
Mufson, S et al., IAUC, 3471, 3 (1980)
HEAO Observations of X-Ray Sources
White, N et al., IAUC, 3482, 2 (1980)
H 2252-035
White, N et al., IAUC, 3514, 2 (1980)
X-Ray Emission from LSI+61 303
Bignami, G et al., IAUC, 3518, 2 (1980)
4U 1849-31 = V1223 Sagittarii
Steiner, J et al., IAUC, 3529, 1 (1980)
1E 0643.0-1648
Chlebowski, T et al., IAUC, 3529, 2 (1980)
4U 0115+63
Kriss, G et al., IAUC, 3543, 1 (1980)
X-ray observations of objects at cosmological distances from the ‘Einstein’ Observatory
Giacconi, R, IAUS, 92, 187 (1980)
Einstein observations of X-ray emission from variable stars
Serio, G & Vaiana, G, MmSAI, 51, 713 (1980)
The Einstein Observatory for high-energy astrophysics
Heise, J, NTNA, 46, 32 (1980)
Optical counterparts of compact galactic X-ray sources
Margon, B, NYASA, 336, 550 (1980)
Das Einstein-Röntgenobservatorium
Roser, M, S&W, 19, 214 (1980)
The Einstein Central Hyades Survey — a Progress Report
Stern, R et al., SAOSR, 389, 127 (1980)
Stellar Coronae — Overview of the Einstein / CFA Stellar Survey
Vaiana, G, SAOSR, 389, 195 (1980)
Two X-ray pulsars: 2S 1145-619 and 1E 1145.1-6141
Lamb, R et al., STIN, 80, 22147 (1980)
X-ray and UV spectroscopy of Cygnus X-1 = HDE226868
Pravdo, S et al., STIN, 80, 23228 (1980)
X-ray observations of Algol
White, N et al., STIN, 80, 23229 (1980)
High time resolution observation of the transient event of 5 March 1979
Weisskopf, M et al., STIN, 80, 25268 (1980)
The Goddard program of gamma ray transient astronomy
Cline, T et al., STIN, 80, 26230 (1980)
Is the remnant of SN1006 crab-like?
Becker, R et al., STIN, 80, 26251 (1980)
Spectroscopy of compact extragalactic X-ray sources
Holt, S, STIN, 80, 33332 (1980)
Observation of the core of the Perseus cluster with the Einstein solid state spectrometer: Cooling gas and elemental abundances
Mushotzky, R et al., STIN, 81, 12958 (1980)
An X-ray survey of nine historical novae
Becker, R & Marshall, F, STIN, 81, 12961 (1980)
Two component X-ray emission from RS CVn binaries
Swank, J et al., STIN, 81, 15935 (1980)
Binary X-ray pulsars
Rappaport, S & Joss, P, aas meet (1980)
Review of Recent Observation of Cluster X-ray Sources Using the Einstein Observatory
Murray, S, Highlights of Astronomy (Reidel: Dordrecht) 101, 101 (1980)
Eclipse Coverage of the RS CVN Star: AR LAC
Bowyer, C, IUE Proposal, 417 (1980)
Simultaneous Observations of BL Lac Objects with the IUE and HEAO-2
Kondo, Y, IUE Proposal, 463 (1980)
A Study of Chromospheric Activity in Spectroscopic Binary Systems
Kuhi, L, IUE Proposal, 465 (1980)
Determination of Interstellar Abundance by Correlated X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations
Walker, A, IUE Proposal, 529 (1980)
X-ray imaging of supernova remnants and neutron stars — Can we distinguish Type I remnants
Helfand, D, Texas Workshop on Type I Supernovae, 20 (1980)
X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnants
Szymkowiak, A, Texas Workshop on Type I Supernovae, 32 (1980)
High Resolution Spectroscopy on the Einstein Observatory
Canizares, C, BAAS, 11, 408 (1979)
Observations of the Vela Pulsar from the Einstein Observatory
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 11, 424 (1979)
Observations of the X-ray Pulsar GX301-2 with SAS-3
Kelley, R et al., BAAS, 11, 424 (1979)
X-Ray Observations of the Crab Nebula with the Einstein Observatory
Tananbaum, H et al., BAAS, 11, 424 (1979)
X-ray Surveys Using Einstein: A Medium Sensitivity Survey and Spectra of "Deep Survey" Sources
Marshall, H et al., BAAS, 11, 442 (1979)
Progress on the Soft X-Ray Catalogue from HEAO A-2
Nugent, J et al., BAAS, 11, 442 (1979)
Studies of an X-ray Burst Imaged by the Einstein X-ray Observatory
Grindlay, J et al., BAAS, 11, 445 (1979)
Search for Thermal Emission from Neutron Stars with the Einstein Observatory
Novick, R et al., BAAS, 11, 445 (1979)
X-Ray Sources from O Star Associations
Rosner, R et al., BAAS, 11, 446 (1979)
Initial Results from the Einstein Survey of Stellar Low-Luminosity X-ray Sources
Vaiana, G et al., BAAS, 11, 446 (1979)
X-Ray Observations of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Forman, W et al., BAAS, 11, 459 (1979)
Solid State Spectrometer Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Mushotzky, R et al., BAAS, 11, 459 (1979)
Einstein Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Abramopoulos, F et al., BAAS, 11, 460 (1979)
Einstein Observations of Deep Survey Fields
Bechtold, J et al., BAAS, 11, 460 (1979)
Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants with HEAO-2
Chanan, G et al., BAAS, 11, 462 (1979)
A High Resolution X-Ray Image of the Remnant of Tycho’s Supernova from the Einstein Observatory
Gorenstein, P et al., BAAS, 11, 462 (1979)
Observations of the Supernova Remnant Cas A with the Einstein Observatory
Murray, S et al., BAAS, 11, 462 (1979)
X-Ray Properties of QSO’s from Einstein Observations
Soltan, A et al., BAAS, 11, 465 (1979)
The X-ray Structure of Centaurus
Feigelson, A et al., BAAS, 11, 466 (1979)
X-ray Observations of Emission-line Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 11, 466 (1979)
Observations of the Galactic Center with the Einstein Observatory
Epstein, A et al., BAAS, 11, 467 (1979)
Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud with the Imaging Proportional Counter Aboard the Einstein Satellite
Long, K et al., BAAS, 11, 467 (1979)
Preliminary results from the HEAO A-2 soft X-ray survey
Nugent, J et al., BAAS, 11, 609 (1979)
Observations of X-ray sources in M31 with the Einstein Observatory
van Speybroeck, L et al., BAAS, 11, 609 (1979)
Further Einstein Observations of the Orion Nebula
Chanan, G et al., BAAS, 11, 623 (1979)
Einstein Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Jones, C, BAAS, 11, 633 (1979)
Rich Cluster Evolution: An Observational Approach
Helfand, D et al., BAAS, 11, 636 (1979)
Extragalactic X-ray Source Counts Obtained with the Einstein Observatory
Murray, S, BAAS, 11, 642 (1979)
Simultaneous X-ray/Radio Flaring in RSCVn Binaries
Gibson, D, BAAS, 11, 651 (1979)
The Slope of the Faint X-ray Source Counts and Models of Cosmological Evolution
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 11, 652 (1979)
Further High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of M87
Canizares, C et al., BAAS, 11, 655 (1979)
The Effects of X-ray Absorption on the Spectra of Distant Objects
Shapiro, P & Bahcall, J, BAAS, 11, 694 (1979)
Neutron Star Cooling: Today’s Surface Temperatures Compared with the Einstein Observatory Results
van Riper, K & Lamb, D, BAAS, 11, 702 (1979)
Preliminary Results of an Extremely High Sensitivity X-Ray Survey of the Ursa Minor Region Using the EINSTEIN Observatory
Farmer, E et al., BAAS, 11, 771 (1979)
Observations of SMC X-1 with the Monitor Proportional Counter on the EINSTEIN (HEAO-2) Observatory
Darbro, W et al., BAAS, 11, 773 (1979)
Observations of 4U1626-67 with the Monitor Proportional Counter on the EINSTEIN (HEAO-2) Observatory
Weisskopf, M et al., BAAS, 11, 773 (1979)
High Resolution Soft X-ray Spectra of Her X-1 with the Objective Grating Spectrometer Aboard Einstein Observatory
Heise, J, BAAS, 11, 774 (1979)
X-ray Observations of the α Cen System from EINSTEIN
Golub, L et al., BAAS, 11, 775 (1979)
On Stars and OB Associations Observed from EINSTEIN
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 11, 775 (1979)
HEAO-2 Observations of Wolf 630
Johnson, H, BAAS, 11, 775 (1979)
X-Ray Studies of Quasars With the EINSTEIN OBSERVATORY
Ku, W, BAAS, 11, 776 (1979)
X-ray Observations of Very Late-Type Dwarf Stars from the EINSTEIN Observatory
Rosner, R et al., BAAS, 11, 776 (1979)
X-ray Properties of QSO’s from EINSTEIN Observations
Zamorani, G et al., BAAS, 11, 776 (1979)
An Optical Identification Program for Serendipitous EINSTEIN X-Ray Sources
Chanan, G et al., BAAS, 11, 777 (1979)
The MIT Survey of Seyfert Galaxies with the EINSTEIN Observatory IPC
Kriss, G et al., BAAS, 11, 777 (1979)
Neutron Star Evolution: Confronting Theoretical Cooling Curves with Results from the EINSTEIN Observatory
Lamb, D & van Riper, K, BAAS, 11, 779 (1979)
The EINSTEIN Central Hyades Survey: A Progress Report
Stern, R et al., BAAS, 11, 781 (1979)
A Magnitude Limited Stellar Survey with EINSTEIN
Topka, K et al., BAAS, 11, 781 (1979)
Discovery of X-Ray Emission Lines from σ Cr B with the EINSTEIN Observatory
Agrawal, P & Riegler, G, BAAS, 11, 782 (1979)
Observations of the Soft, Variable Source H0137-68 from HEAO-1 and HEAO-2
Riegler, G & Agrawal, P, BAAS, 11, 783 (1979)
EINSTEIN Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
Abramopoulos, F & Ku, W, BAAS, 11, 784 (1979)
X-ray Observations of the Centaurus Cluster with the Imaging Instruments on the EINSTEIN Observatory
Schwarz, J et al., BAAS, 11, 784 (1979)
An X-Ray Survey of Selected Cataclysmic Variable Stars Using the EINSTEIN Observatory
Cordova, F et al., BAAS, 11, 788 (1979)
Observations of the Rapid Burster (MXB1730-335) Using the EINSTEIN Observatory
Marshall, H et al., BAAS, 11, 788 (1979)
X-Ray Observations of the Crab Nebula with the Einstein Observatory
Harnden, F et al., BAAS, 11, 789 (1979)
An X-ray Map of SN 1006 with the EINSTEIN Observatory
Pye, J et al., BAAS, 11, 790 (1979)
X-Ray Observations of HB3 with the EINSTEIN Observatory
Venkatesan, D et al., BAAS, 11, 791 (1979)
Attempts to Detect Non-Thermal Sources with the EINSTEIN Observatory
Harris, D et al., BAAS, 11, 792 (1979)
Observations of Cygnus X-3 with the EINSTEIN (HEAO-2) X-Ray Observatory
Elsner, R et al., BAAS, 11, 794 (1979)
EINSTEIN (HEAO-2) Observations of Cygnus X-3: Model X-Ray Light Curves and Binary Orbit Determination
Ghosh, P et al., BAAS, 11, 794 (1979)
An X-ray Map of the W44 Supernova Remnant from the EINSTEIN Observatory
Rolf, D et al., BAAS, 11, 796 (1979)
A Study of the X-Ray Properties of A Sample of Late Type Peculiar Galaxies with Data from the EINSTEIN Observatory
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 11, 797 (1979)
Observations of Clusters of Galaxies with the Einstein Observatory
Gorenstein, P, BAAS, 11, 408 (1979)
Observations of Extragalactic Sources with the Imaging Proportional Counter aboard the Einstein Observatory
Long, K, BAAS, 11, 408 (1979)
SSS Observations of Binary X-Ray Pulsars
White, N et al., BAAS, 11, 425 (1979)
Einstein Observations of Active Galaxies
Ku, W et al., BAAS, 11, 466 (1979)
Observations of Clusters of Galaxies with the EINSTEIN Observatory
Bechtold, J et al., BAAS, 11, 785 (1979)
A Study of the X-ray Structure of Extended Emission from M87 with the Einstein Observatory
Fabricant, D et al., BAAS, 11, 426 (1979)
4U 1608-52
Oda, M et al., IAUC, 3349, 1 (1979)
H 0622-529
Riegler, G et al., IAUC, 3351, 1 (1979)
Gamma-ray Burst 79-03-05
Evans, D et al., IAUC, 3356, 1 (1979)
Eta Carinae
Viotti, R et al., IAUC, 3374, 2 (1979)
CP Puppis
Jensen, K, IAUC, 3382, 1 (1979)
The corona plus cool wind model for Of stars and OB supergiants
Cassinelli, J, IAUS, 83, 201 (1979)
Recent Advances in X-Ray Astronomy
Giacconi, R, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19 (1979)
Focal Plane Transport Assembly for the Heao-B X-Ray Telescope
Brissette, R et al., NASCP, 2080, 63 (1979)
The X-Ray Eyes of Einstein
Overbye, D, S&T, 57, 527 (1979)
HEAO-B — das Einstein-Observatorium — auf Umlaufbahn
Trumper, J, S&W, 18, 8 (1979)
Einstein Observatory /HEAO-B/ mirror design and performance
van Speybroeck, L, SPIE, 184, 2 (1979)
Quest for ultrahigh resolution in X-ray optics
Davis, J et al., SPIE, 184, 96 (1979)
Fabrication of the high-resolution mirror assembly for the HEAO-2 X-ray telescope
Young, P, SPIE, 184, 131 (1979)
Research study entitled advanced X-ray astrophysical observatory (AXAF)
Rasche, R, STIN, 79, 17767 (1979)
Observations of the transient X-ray source 4U0115+63
Rose, L et al., STIN, 79, 20947 (1979)
X-ray observations of H1908+050 (=SS433?)
Marshall, F et al., STIN, 79, 23858 (1979)
A search for X-ray emission from rich clusters, extended halos around clusters, and superclusters
Pravdo, S et al., STIN, 79, 28092 (1979)
Elemental abundances in a type I SNR
Becker, R et al., STIN, 79, 34132 (1979)
Monitor proportional counter
Weisskopf, M, STIN, 80, 14995 (1979)
Degenerate dwarfs in future hard X-ray experiments
Swank, J, Compact Galactic X-Ray Sources, 80 (1979)
Optical Identifications — Optical Candidate for the Binary Pulsar 1913+16 — Identification of 3c Sources — HEAO-2 Deep X-Ray Survey
Kristian, J et al., Hale Observatories Annual Report, 738 (1979)
A Comparative Study of the UV and X-Ray Line Spectra of Four Binary X-Ray Sources
Fabbiano, G, IUE Proposal, 194 (1979)
Ultraviolet Observations of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Wu, C, IUE Proposal, 263 (1979)
A high energy astronomy overview
Giacconi, R, msfc, symp, 262 (1979)
Nondispersive spectroscopy of celestial X-ray sources
Holt, S, msfc, symp, 292 (1979)
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy on the Einstein Observatory
Clark, G, msfc, symp, 329 (1979)
Einstein observations of extended galactic X-ray sources
Seward, F, msfc, symp, 368 (1979)
Einstein observations of active galaxies and quasars
Schreier, E, msfc, symp, 390 (1979)
The structure and evolution of X-ray clusters of galaxies
Jones, C, msfc, symp, 409 (1979)
Columbia/Einstein observations of galactic X-ray sources
Long, K, msfc, symp, 422 (1979)
Columbia/Einstein observations of extragalactic X-ray sources
Ku, W, msfc, symp, 439 (1979)
X-Ray Astronomy
Weisskopf, M, Shuttle to the Next Space Age, 71 (1979)
Hard X-Ray Properties of Cataclysmic Variables
Swank, J, IAU Colloq. 53: White Dwarfs and Variable Degenerate Stars, 135 (1979)
X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies and galactic nuclei
Fabian, A & Rees, M, X-ray Astronomy, 381 (1979)
The content of a typical HEAO-B field (
Fabian, A & Rees, M, X-ray Astronomy, 479 (1979)
HEAO A-2 Observations of X-Ray Bursts
Swank, J et al., BAAS, 10, 515 (1978)
Giacconi, R & Seward, F, IAUC, 3309, 2 (1978)
What can X-rays tell us about SNR’s ?
Winkler, P, MmSAI, 49, 599 (1978)
Waiting for HEAO B
Overbye, D, S&T, 56, 396 (1978)
Structural design, analysis, and testing of the High Energy Astronomy Observatory X-ray telescope
Miller, R et al., STIA, 78, 29795 (1978)
X-ray radiation of the close binaries with non-compact components
Prilutskij, O & Usov, V, STIN, 79, 23859 (1978)
Advanced missions for X-ray astronomy in the Shuttle ERA
Tananbaum, H & Giacconi, R, aans meet (1978)
HEAO-B and -C engineering design and scientific objectives
Dailey, C, aiaa meet (1978)
Future activity in astrophysics
Rosendhal, J, Electronics and Aerospace Systems Conference, 610 (1978)
New instrumentation for space astronomy
van der Hucht, K & Vaiana, G, nisa symp (1978)
The HEAO-B X-Ray Observatory
Schreier, E, nisa, symp, 189 (1978)
Design, fabrication and expected performance of the HEAO-B X ray telescope
van Speybroeck, L, SPIE, 106, 136 (1977)
The curved crystal X-ray spectrometer for the HEAO-B satellite
Canizares, C et al., SPIE, 106, 154 (1977)
Guide star targeting success for the HEAO-B observatory
Farrenkopf, R & Hoffman, D, Guidance and Control Conference, 33 (1977)
HEAO-B x-ray observatory consortium observing program
Giacconi, R & Schreier, E, hbxr book (1977)
Design, fabrication and expected performance of the HEAO-B X-ray telescope
van Speybroeck, L, X-ray Imaging, 136 (1977)
The curved crystal X-ray spectrometer for the HEAO-B satellite
Canizares, C et al., X-ray Imaging, 154 (1977)
The HEAO-B X-ray observatory
Giacconi, R & Tananbaum, H, BAAS, 8, 548 (1976)
The HEAO-B X-Ray Observatory
Giacconi, R & Tananbaum, H, BAAS, 8, 548 (1976)
HEAO Block 2 study executive summary
STIN, 76, 28123 (1976)
Technical assessment of high energy astronomy Observatory-B (HEAO-B) Attitude Control and and Determination Subsystem (ACDS)
STIN, 77, 19141 (1976)
Proposal to National Aeronautics and Space Administration for continuation of a grazing incidence imaging telescope for X-ray astronomy using sounding rockets
Murray, B, STIN, 78, 20027 (1976)
An X-ray red-shift test for clusters of galaxies up to z_geq _1
Boldt, E, xrtc book (1976)
The HEAO-B optical bench
Antrim, W et al., STIA, 75, 40957 (1975)
Si(Li) X-ray astronomical spectroscopy
Holt, S, sxas book (1975)
The HEAO A-2 experiment on the spatial and spectral structure of the X-ray sky /0.2-60 keV/
Boldt, E & Garmire, G, X-Rays in Space — Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1, 1146 (1975)
Bragg Crystal Spectrometer for Heao-B X-Ray Astronomy Experiment
Angel, J & Woodgate, B, X-ray Astronomy in the Near Future, 155 (1972)
Heao-B X-Ray Experiments. Non Dispersive Spectroscopy
Boldt, E, X-ray Astronomy in the Near Future, 163 (1972)
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