EXOSAT Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications

artist concept of EXOSAT in space
  1. The HEASARC in 2016: 25 Years and Counting
    Drake, S & Smale, A, HEAD, 15, 11616 (2016)
  2. One-Click Data Analysis Software for Science Operations
    Navarro, V, Science Operations 2015: Science Data Management, 15 (2015)
  3. X-ray Fe-lines from Relativistic Accretion Disks Around Neutron Stars and Black Holes
    Stella, L, AAS, 221, 11313 (2013)
  4. Interplay Between Theory and Observation
    Hebb Swank, J, AAS, 221, 11314 (2013)
  5. My 35 Years in X-ray Astronomy (Not)
    Urry, C, AAS, 221, 11316 (2013)
  6. From EXOSAT to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive (HEASARC): X-ray Astronomy Comes of Age
    White, N, AAS, 221, 11318 (2013)
  7. The HEASARC in 2013 and Beyond: NuSTAR, Astro-H, NICER..
    Drake, S et al., HEAD, 13, 11705 (2013)
  8. UK contributions to the development of X-ray astronomy as a major international discipline.
    Pounds, K & Watson, M, MmSAI, 84, 501 (2013)
  9. From zone plate to microcalorimeter . 50 years of cosmic X-ray spectroscopy at SRON
    Bleeker, J & Verbunt, F, MmSAI, 84, 512 (2013)
  10. A comparison of broad iron emission lines in archival data of neutron star LMXBs
    Cackett, E et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 304 (2012)
  11. Solving the Software Legacy Problem with RISA
    Ibarra, A & Gabriel, C, ASPC, 461, 643 (2012)
  12. Obituary: Hakki Ogelman (1940-2011)
    Orio, M, BAAS, 43, 037 (2011)
  13. The HEASARC at 20: Highlights of the Last Two Decades and Future Prospects
    Drake, S et al., HEAD, 12, 2105 (2011)
  14. Dips In Hz Her/Her-X1’s Light Curve: The Debate Continues
    Igna, C & Leahy, D, AAS, 215, 36004 (2010)
  15. ESA New Generation Science Archives: SOHO and EXOSAT
    Osuna, P et al., ASPC, 434, 3 (2010)
  16. ESA New Generation Science Archives: State of the Art Data Management Techniques for SOHO and EXOSAT Science Archives
    Leon, I et al., ASPC, 434, 201 (2010)
  17. ESA New Generation Science Archives: New Technologies Applied to Graphical User Interface Creation
    Fernandez, M et al., ASPC, 434, 313 (2010)
  18. Measuring the Spins of Stellar-Mass Holes in X-ray Binaries, Phase 2
    McClintock, J, NASA ADAP Proposal, 108 (2010)
  19. ESA Science Archives and associated VO activities
    Arviset, C et al., 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 798 (2010)
  20. The phases of X-ray emission of RS Oph
    Ness, J et al., arXiv, 0908, 0082 (2009)
  21. Chandra’s First Decade Observing AR Lac
    Ratzlaff, P et al., Chandra’s First Decade of Discovery, 185 (2009)
  22. A study of the long term evolution of quasi periodic oscillations in the accretion powered X-ray pulsar 4U 1626--67
    Kaur, R et al., 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1470 (2008)
  23. Pulsar high-energy emission: soft X-rays
    Zavlin, V, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3595 (2008)
  24. Power Spectra of Black Holes (bh) and Neutron Stars (ns) as a Probe of Hydrodynamical Structure of the Source:. Diffusion Theory and its Application to X-Ray Observations of NS and BH Sources
    Titarchuk, L et al., The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, 589 (2008)
  25. Power spectra of black holes (BH) and neutron stars (NS) as a probe of hydrodynamical structure of the source: Diffusion theory and its application to X-ray observations of NS and BH sources
    Titarchuk, L et al., XIIth Brazilian School of Cosmololy and Gravitation, 334 (2007)
  26. The Phases of X-Ray Emission of RS Oph
    Ness, J et al., PThPS, 169, 187 (2007)
  27. RS Oph: A Recurrent Symbiotic Nova Explosion
    Starrfield, S et al., AAS, 208, 0508 (2006)
  28. X-ray timing of Active Galaxies
    Vaughan, S, HEAD, 9, 1004 (2006)
  29. Planetary Nebulae and Their Central Stars in the X-ray and EUV Regions
    Guerrero, M, IAUS, 234, 153 (2006)
  30. GRI: The Gamma-Ray Imager mission
    Knodlseder, J & GRI Consortium,, SF2A-2006: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, 163 (2006)
  31. Crab: the standard x-ray candle with all (modern) x-ray satellites
    Kirsch, M et al., SPIE, 5898, 22 (2005)
  32. X-ray variability, viscous time scale and Lindblad resonances in LMXBs
    Gilfanov, M & Arefiev, V, astro, ph, 1215 (2005)
  33. Deep Searches for Coherent Pulsations from Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    Ray, P et al., HEAD, 8, 2515 (2004)
  34. New VLA low frequency observations of the SNR W44
    Castelletti, G et al., 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1137 (2004)
  35. A New Method for Determining the Stability of Material Accreting onto Neutron Stars
    Heyl, J & Narayan, R, HEAD, 7, 4204 (2003)
  36. Studies of Novae in the 20th Century
    Starrfield, S, Classical Nova Explosions, 89 (2002)
  37. X-ray Observations of Novae
    Krautter, J, Classical Nova Explosions, 345 (2002)
  38. X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy in Space
    Schnopper, H, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 7002 (2002)
  39. Eclipse Observations of EXO0748-676 and X1658-298 with USA and RXTE
    Hertz, P et al., APS April Meeting Abstracts, 17099 (2002)
  40. From Exosat to Integral
    Courvoisier, T, ESASP, 1261, 85 (2002)
  41. Temperature Profiles and Spectra of Accretion Disks around Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars
    Bhattacharyya, S, astro, ph, 5133 (2002)
  42. Astrophysical X-Ray Spectroscopy: Then, Then Again, and Now
    Kahn, S, High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with XMM-Newton and Chandra, 20 (2002)
  43. Long Term X-ray Variability of Narrow Line Seyfert 1
    Horikawa, T et al., ASPC, 251, 360 (2001)
  44. A multi-mission study of the Crab nebula: spectral response of hard X-ray detectors
    Rao, A & Vadawale, S, ESASP, 459, 517 (2001)
  45. New Cosmic Horizons: Space Astronomy from the V2 to the Hubble Space Telescope
    Leverington, D, nch book (2001)
  46. Theory and observations of Type I X-Ray bursts from neutron stars
    Bildsten, L, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 359 (2000)
  47. X-rays from Planetary Nebulae
    Chu, Y et al., ASPC, 199, 419 (2000)
  48. The X-ray Properties of R Aquarii
    Kellogg, E et al., HEAD, 5, 2508 (2000)
  49. Simultaneous RXTE and Chandra HETGS Observations of Serpens X-1
    Markwardt, C et al., HEAD, 5, 2517 (2000)
  50. Theory and Observations of Type I X-Ray Bursts from Neutron Stars
    Bildsten, L, Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, 65 (2000)
  51. Hoffman, Jeffrey A (1944-)
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3713 (2000)
  52. Exosat (European X-ray Observatory Satellite)
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4629 (2000)
  53. From Starfish to EXOSAT - my Various Interactions with Riccardo Giacconi
    Pounds, K, Exploring the Universe, 95 (2000)
  54. VizieR Online Data Catalog: UBVy photometry of cool stars (Cutispoto+, 2000)
    Cutispoto, G et al., yCat, 336, 40205 (2000)
  55. X-ray and lower energy variability in NGC 3516 and other AGN
    Edelson, R, AAS, 194, 3408 (1999)
  56. Recent data restoration additions to the HEASARC archive
    Angelini, L et al., AAS, 194, 8301 (1999)
  57. The Soft X-Ray Luminosity Function of Polars
    Barrett, P et al., ASPC, 157, 180 (1999)
  58. A Transition disk model Fit to Cygnus X-1
    Misra, R, ASSL, 234, 385 (1999)
  59. LMC X--2: The First Extragalactic Z-Source?
    Smale, A & Kuulkers, E, HEAD, 4, 1525 (1999)
  60. X-ray variability of AGN
    Nandra, K, HEAD, 4, 2301 (1999)
  61. The low mass X-ray binary XB 1916-053: a new explanation.
    Morley, R et al., MmSAI, 70, 1173 (1999)
  62. The optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
    Stephens, J et al., astro, ph, 6106 (1999)
  63. High Resolution X-ray Imaging Observations of two low luminosity Seyfert Galaxies
    Pal Singh, K, astro, ph, 7090 (1999)
  64. Lithium in X-ray Selected Active Cool Stars
    Pastori, L et al., Galaxy Evolution: Connecting the Distant Universe with the Local Fossil Record, 443 (1999)
  65. VizieR Online Data Catalog: EXMS catalog (Reynolds+ 1999)
    Reynolds, A et al., yCat, 413, 40287 (1999)
  66. New Perspectives on AGN Variability
    Nandra, K, AAS, 192, 3204 (1998)
  67. The UPS and Downs of QQ VUL
    Mills, A & Howell, S, AAS, 193, 10302 (1998)
  68. A simple new method for analysing gapped time-series: Power spectrum of MCG-6-30-15
    Yaqoob, T & McKernan, B, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 223 (1998)
  69. Thermonuclear Burning on Rapidly Accreting Neutron Stars
    Bildsten, L, ASIC, 515, 419 (1998)
  70. X-Ray Coronae from Stars
    Pallavicini, R, IAUS, 188, 13 (1998)
  71. A Broad-band Spectral and Timing Study of the X-Ray Binary System Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M, nasa rept (1998)
  72. VizieR Online Data Catalog: F, G and K stars BVRI photometry (Metanomski+ 1998)
    Metanomski, A et al., yCat, 413, 10197 (1998)
  73. RXTE Measurement of the Galactic Ridge Diffuse X-ray Emission
    Valinia, A & Marshall, F, AAS, 190, 1301 (1997)
  74. M31 transients observed with EXOSAT
    Garcia, L & Angelini, L, AAS, 191, 4907 (1997)
  75. The Unique Standing of Circinus X-1 Among LMXBs in Light of QPOs Observed by RXTE
    Shirey, R et al., AAS, 191, 10003 (1997)
  76. Orbit determination for the Be/X-ray transient EXO 2030+375
    Stollberg, M et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 803 (1997)
  77. A Hard X-ray Survey of the Galactic Ridge with RXTE
    Valinia, A et al., APS April Meeting Abstracts, 1512 (1997)
  78. Analyzing the X-Ray Variability of Cygnus X-1
    Pottschmidt, K & Konig, M, ASSL, 218, 187 (1997)
  79. Analyzing X-ray Variability by State Space Models
    Koenig, M et al., ASSL, 218, 265 (1997)
  80. X-Rays and Gamma-Rays from Accretion Flows onto Black Holes in Seyferts and X-Ray Binaries
    Zdziarski, A et al., ESASP, 382, 373 (1997)
  81. A Continued Study of Accretion in Magnetic Systems
    Szkody, P, EUVE Proposal, 50 (1997)
  82. Continuous Ultraviolet Monitoring of NGC 3516
    Edelson, R, HST Proposal, 7355 (1997)
  83. Radio Through X-Ray Spectra of EXOSAT Seyferts
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, 281 (1997)
  84. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Seyfert 2 galaxies multiwavelength catalog (Polletta+ 1996)
    Polletta, M et al., yCat, 210, 60399 (1997)
  85. X-ray spectroscopy of RS CVn binaries: the EXOSAT and SSS spectra revisited
    Ortolani, A et al., ASPC, 109, 279 (1996)
  86. X-ray Variability of Blazars
    McHardy, I, ASPC, 110, 293 (1996)
  87. Periodic P0-oscillations of the Sun and ten AGN’s and possibility for cosmological explanation.
    Kotov, V et al., IzKry, 93, 90 (1996)
  88. Stellare Winde in massereichen Röntgen-Doppelsternsystemen.
    Haberl, F, S&W, 35, 542 (1996)
  89. Temporal and Spectral Variations of 2S 0921-630 and LMC X-2
    Schmidtke, P, asu rept (1996)
  90. EXOSAT lightcurves & spectra
    Angelini, L, elas book (1996)
  91. The strange case of the missing white dwarfs... and other mysteries.
    Barstow, M, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 77 (1996)
  92. Five X-ray observations of the intermediate polar FO Aqr spanning ten years.
    Beardmore, A et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 123 (1996)
  93. The long term temporal behavior of two high mass X-ray binaries in the LMC observed with ROSAT.
    Haberl, F et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 143 (1996)
  94. Recurrent X-ray behaviour of the Z-source Cygnus X-2.
    Kuulkers, E & van der Klis, M, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 155 (1996)
  95. The nature of the X-ray source in NGC 4151.
    Magdziarz, P & Zdziarski, A, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 469 (1996)
  96. ROSAT observations of radio-loud AGN.
    Rother, F et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 503 (1996)
  97. The soft and medium-energy X-ray variability of NGC 5548: a reanalysis of EXOSAT observations.
    Tagliaferri, G et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 511 (1996)
  98. Lightcurve of 4U2129 + 47 in a low state
    Garcia, M & Callanan, P, sao rept (1996)
  99. VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray quasar spectra (Schartel+ 1996)
    Schartel, N et al., yCat, 330, 70033 (1996)
  100. X-ray Observations of X2127+119 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: an X-ray Measure of Metallicity?
    Swank, J et al., AAS, 187, 8210 (1995)
  101. The HEASARC facility
    Heasarc Team, ASSL, 203, 139 (1995)
  102. The European Space Information System (ESIS)
    Giommi, P & Ansari, S, ASSL, 203, 185 (1995)
  103. Exploring the X-Ray Universe
    Seward, F & Charles, P, exru book (1995)
  104. VizieR Online Data Catalog: UBV(RI) photometry of cool stars (Cutispoto+, 1996)
    Cutispoto, G et al., yCat, 411, 50041 (1995)
  105. VizieR Online Data Catalog: EXOSAT Observation Log (EXOSAT Obs 1987; Sternberg+ 1986)
    EXOSAT Observatory,, yCat, 6043, 0 (1995)
  106. ROSAT Observations of CH CYG
    Leahy, D & Volk, K, AAS, 184, 4510 (1994)
  107. The Ultraviolet Evolution of GQ Mus from 1986 to 1994
    Starrfield, S et al., AAS, 185, 1103 (1994)
  108. Low-Energy Line Emission in Cygnus X--2: a Study with ASCA, BBXRT and the Einstein SSS
    Smale, A et al., AAS, 185, 10204 (1994)
  109. A Study of Pulse Profile Variations from EXO 2030+375 with BATSE
    Paciesas, W et al., AAS, 185, 10209 (1994)
  110. Search for Faint Black Hole Transients: Results for EXO1846-031
    Grindlay, J et al., AAS, 185, 11607 (1994)
  111. Possible line feature at 13 keV from III ZW 2 and 3C 382.
    Ma, Y et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 341 (1994)
  112. The canonical Seyfert spectrum: the implications of OSSE observations.
    Johnson, W et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 515 (1994)
  113. EXOSAT Studies of Dips in Hercules X-1
    Reynolds, A & Parmar, A, The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 471 (1994)
  114. GX 5-1 and GX 17+2 with EXOSAT: New Insights in Two Z-Sources
    Kuulkers, E et al., The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 539 (1994)
  115. X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters.
    Arnaud, M, ASIC, 441, 197 (1994)
  116. The European Space Information System (ESIS)
    Giommi, P & Ansari, S, ASPC, 61, 22 (1994)
  117. The ESIS Spectral Package
    Ansari, S et al., ASPC, 61, 447 (1994)
  118. Optical Studies of Cool Stars Discovered by EXOSAT: Li Abundances and H alpha Spectroscopy
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ASPC, 64, 303 (1994)
  119. Photometry of Serendipitous X-Ray Sources Detected by EXOSAT. II. an Update
    Cutispoto, G et al., ASPC, 64, 687 (1994)
  120. G 5-1 with Exosat: how to Become a Z-Source
    Kuulkers, E et al., ASSL, 187, 611 (1994)
  121. The X-Ray Spectra of Blazars: Analysis of the Complete EXOSAT Archive
    Sambruna, R et al., ASSL, 187, 681 (1994)
  122. HEASARC. The design and architecture of an astrophysics information system.
    Richmond, A & White, N, BAAS, 26, 995 (1994)
  123. Multifrequency Spectra of EXOSAT Blazars
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, IAUS, 159, 505 (1994)
  124. Radio to X-ray Energy Distribution of BL Lacertae Objects
    Giommi, P et al., IAUS, 159, 506 (1994)
  125. EXOSAT observations of the Be/X-ray binaries 2S0114+65 and 4U2206+54
    Saraswat, P & Apparao, K, IAUS, 162, 208 (1994)
  126. EXOSAT observations of the ultra-soft X-ray binary 4U 1957+11.
    Ricci, D et al., MmSAI, 65, 417 (1994)
  127. Manufacturing technologies for high-throughput imaging x-ray telescopes: XMM carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) technology compared to other x-ray systems
    Boerret, R et al., SPIE, 2210, 348 (1994)
  128. Continuum Power Spectrum Components in X-Ray Sources: Detailed Modelling and Search for Coherent Periodicities
    Stella, L et al., astro, ph, 11050 (1994)
  129. VW Hydri in Outburst and Quiescence
    Mauche, C, EUVE Proposal, 2 (1994)
  130. Power Spectrum Fits to EXOSAT Long Looks
    Papadakis, I & Lawrence, A, The Nature of Compact Objects in Active Galactic Nuclei, 274 (1994)
  131. VizieR Online Data Catalog: EXOSAT GSPC iron line catalog (Gottwald+, 1995)
    Gottwald, M et al., yCat, 410, 90009 (1994)
  132. A Study of Four Supernova-Rich Fields in the Carina Spiral Arm
    Hwang, U et al., AAS, 182, 0218 (1993)
  133. X-ray Timing and Spectral Behavior of the Rapid Burster
    Rutledge, R et al., AAS, 182, 0703 (1993)
  134. The EUV Spectrum of AU MIC
    Monsignori Fossi, B & Landini, M, AAS, 182, 3809 (1993)
  135. A ROSAT Wide Field Camera Survey of All Nondegenerate Stars Within 10 PC
    Wood, B et al., AAS, 182, 4123 (1993)
  136. Periodic X-ray Emission in Flare Stars: Resonant MHD Absorption?
    Mullan, D & Johnson, M, AAS, 183, 1503 (1993)
  137. A Possible EXOSAT Detection of the Hard X-Ray Transient GRO J1008-57
    Macomb, D & Shrader, C, AAS, 183, 3713 (1993)
  138. The Orbital Period of EXO0748-676: Secular Change or Stochastic Jitter?
    Hertz, P et al., AAS, 183, 5515 (1993)
  139. Access, retrieval, and analysis of data from large heterogeneous databases: the ESIS approach
    Ciarlo, A et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 570 (1993)
  140. Fast X-Ray Variability of Bright AGNs Observed with EXOSAT: do the Power Spectra Provide Evidence for Flicker Noise?
    Arlandi, E et al., ASPC, 51, 612 (1993)
  141. The EXOSAT Database and Archive
    Reynolds, A & Parmar, A, ASPC, 52, 70 (1993)
  142. Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of Cool Stars Serendipitously Discovered by EXOSAT
    Cavallaro, M et al., ASSL, 183, 295 (1993)
  143. Lithium in Stars X-ray Selected by EXOSAT
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ASSL, 183, 307 (1993)
  144. The EXOSAT ME Sample of Dwarf Novae
    Mukai, K & Shiokawa, K, AnIPS, 10, 301 (1993)
  145. Charged-particle induced background expected in X-ray detecting CCDs in highly eccentric earth orbits
    Danner, R, ExA, 4, 105 (1993)
  146. U 0142+614
    Israel, G et al., IAUC, 5889, 1 (1993)
  147. Classical novae and recurrent novae: General properties
    Hack, M et al., NASSP, 507, 261 (1993)
  148. Particle induced background by Roentgen satellites
    Danner, R, STIN, 94, 19714 (1993)
  149. IUEAGN: A database of ultraviolet spectra of active galactic nuclei
    Pike, G et al., Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment, 313 (1993)
  150. The EXOSAT operational experience
    Parkes, A et al., eoe book (1993)
  151. EUV Spectroscopy of Anomalous AM Her Stars
    Siegmund, O, EUVE Proposal, 34 (1993)
  152. Time variability of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 observed by EXOSAT
    Dal Fiume, D et al., Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 207 (1993)
  153. Results from ROSAT.
    Truemper, J, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-4), 55 (1993)
  154. X-ray irradiation of magnetic white dwarfs.
    van Teeseling, A & Heise, J, UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, 595 (1993)
  155. X-Ray and Optical Study of the Supernova Remnant W44
    Rho, J et al., AAS, 180, 3909 (1992)
  156. QPO from Cygnus X-1
    Angelini, L et al., AAS, 181, 2010 (1992)
  157. A Re-Analysis of Einstein SSS Spectra of Active Binary Stars
    Drake, S & White, N, AAS, 181, 3205 (1992)
  158. Radio to X-ray Energy Distribution of samples of AGN
    Giommi, P & Ansari, S, AAS, 181, 3501 (1992)
  159. EUVE Observations of Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Finley, D et al., AAS, 181, 5005 (1992)
  160. Timing Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar SMC X-1
    Gruber, D, AAS, 181, 6004 (1992)
  161. Can We Observe Accreting, Isolated Neutron Stars?
    Blaes, O & Madau, P, AAS, 181, 6007 (1992)
  162. EXOSAT ME sample of dwarf novae
    Mukai, K & Shiokawa, K, AAS, 181, 7303 (1992)
  163. Simultaneous Soft and Hard X-ray Spectroscopy of AM Herculis with EXOSAT
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, AAS, 181, 7305 (1992)
  164. Dense Clouds near the Center of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Sivron, R & Tsuruta, S, AAS, 181, 8402 (1992)
  165. Orbital models for the periodic X-ray flares of NGC 6814
    Abramowicz, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 69 (1992)
  166. The X-ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814
    Done, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 83 (1992)
  167. Problems for the standard blackhole/accretion disk models in Cygnus X-1?
    Done, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 196 (1992)
  168. The nature of the broad line region: Optical/UV/X-ray studies
    Ulrich, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 539 (1992)
  169. Photometry of Serendipitous X-ray Sources Detected by EXOSAT
    Cutispoto, G et al., ASPC, 26, 119 (1992)
  170. Optical Spectroscopy of Cool Stars Detected by EXOSAT
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ASPC, 26, 122 (1992)
  171. International Ultraviolet Explorer - Uniform low dispersion archive. Active galactic nuclei, Vol.A; Vol.B
    Courvoisier, T & Paltani, S, ESASP 1153 (1992)
  172. Archival Astronomy with ESIS: Multi-Wavelength Studies of Selected Seyfert Galaxies and BL-Lac Objects
    Giommi, P et al., ESOC, 43, 291 (1992)
  173. Cygnus X-1
    Angelini, L et al., IAUC, 5580, 2 (1992)
  174. Optical Properties of Cool Stars Discovered by EXOSAT
    Tagliaferri, G et al., LNP, 397, 340 (1992)
  175. Coronal emission and stellar evolution.
    Vaiana, G et al., MmSAI, 63, 545 (1992)
  176. X-ray spectroscopy of solar & stellar coronae.
    Mewe, R, MmSAI, 63, 681 (1992)
  177. Variability of solar and stellar coronae.
    Cheng, C & Pallavicini, R, MmSAI, 63, 697 (1992)
  178. Periodic X ray flares of NGC 6814: Gravitational lensing of an accreting neutron star?
    Chakrabarti, S & Bao, G, STIN, 93, 31073 (1992)
  179. Variability of the Seyfert galaxy MKN 766 in the ROSAT all sky survey
    Molendi, S et al., STIN, 94, 17591 (1992)
  180. Active galactic nuclei: the view from space.
    Perola, G, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 59 (1992)
  181. Spectrum and Variability of the Accretion Disk of NGC 5548
    Kaastra, J, EUVE Proposal, 5 (1992)
  182. Coronal Magnetic Structures of AB Doradus
    Ricinski, S, EUVE Proposal, 12 (1992)
  183. Heavy Elements in Hot DA White Dwarfs: The Effective Temperature/Gravit Connection
    Bowyer, C, EUVE Proposal, 113 (1992)
  184. Heavy Elements in Hot DA White Dwarfs: A Group of Exceptiona EUV-Selected Objects
    Bowyer, C, EUVE Proposal, 114 (1992)
  185. EXOSAT X-Ray Spectra of Quasars
    Comastri, A, Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, 80 (1992)
  186. The X-Ray Variability of NGC6814 - a New Analysis of the EXOSAT Observations with Non-Linear Methods
    Fiore, F et al., Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, 84 (1992)
  187. The broad-band X ray spectral variability of MKN 841
    George, I et al., sesd rept (1992)
  188. The X ray variability of NGC6814: Power spectra
    Done, C et al., sesd rept (1992)
  189. The X ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814
    Done, C et al., sesd rept (1992)
  190. ESA’s report to the 29th COSPAR Meeting
    Appourchaux, T et al., wadc meet (1992)
  191. X-Ray Luminosity and Spectral Variability of a Complete Sample of AGN / Active Galactic Nuclei
    Grandi, P et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 17 (1992)
  192. Chaotic Behaviour of X-Ray Lightcurves of AGN / Active Galactic Nuclei
    Czerny, B et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 54 (1992)
  193. Power Spectrum Modelling of the X-Ray Variability of NGC4051
    Papadakis, I & Lawrence, A, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 91 (1992)
  194. Soft X-ray spectra of AGN: properties of large samples using Einstein IPC, EXOSAT and ROSAT PSPC data.
    Brunner, H et al., AGAb, 6, 108 (1991)
  195. The position of GRS1758-258
    Skinner, G, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 358 (1991)
  196. Low state hard x-ray observation of Cyg X-1
    Bazzano, A et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 370 (1991)
  197. The EXOSAT database system.
    White, N & Giommi, P, ASSL, 171, 11 (1991)
  198. White dwarfs
    Barstow, M, AdSpR, 11, 47 (1991)
  199. Solar and stellar coronal loops
    Mewe, R, AdSpR, 11, 127 (1991)
  200. A Database of IUE Spectra of Active Glactic Nuclei
    Pike, G et al., BAAS, 23, 894 (1991)
  201. Time Series Analysis of 10 EXOSAT Observations of PKS 2155-30
    Garcia, L et al., BAAS, 23, 1421 (1991)
  202. Elemental Abundances in the Supernova Remnant G292.0 + 1.8: Evidence for a Massive Progenitor
    Hughes, J & Singh, K, BAAS, 23, 918 (1991)
  203. EXOSAT Medium Energy Observations of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar SMC X1
    Zang, Z, IAUS, 148, 390 (1991)
  204. The 160-minute oscillations of some extragalactic objects.
    Kotov, V & Liutyi, V, IzKry, 83, 216 (1991)
  205. X-ray Lines in Stellar Coronae
    Mewe, R, LNP, 385, 13 (1991)
  206. Low-Resolution Spectra of Stellar Coronae and Flares with EXOSAT: The Iron K-line
    Pallavicini, R & Tagliaferri, G, LNP, 385, 26 (1991)
  207. Thermal X-ray Emission from Centre-filled Supernova Remnants
    Jones, L, LNP, 385, 45 (1991)
  208. Iron Lines in X-ray Spectra of High Mass X-ray Binaries
    Haberl, F, LNP, 385, 122 (1991)
  209. The EXOSAT GSPC Iron Line Catalogue
    Gottwald, M & White, N, LNP, 385, 134 (1991)
  210. Narrow Iron K-line and Warm Iron K-edge in Pulse Phase Spectra of Hercules X-1
    Kahabka, P, LNP, 385, 138 (1991)
  211. Iron Kα lines and the absorption structure of intermediate polars
    Norton, A et al., LNP, 385, 155 (1991)
  212. Optical identification of celestial high energy sources.
    Bignami, G et al., Msngr, 66, 10 (1991)
  213. Dead-time effects in microchannel-plate imaging detectors
    Zombeck, M & Fraser, G, SPIE, 1549, 90 (1991)
  214. A comparative examination of LMC X-4 and HER X-1 X ray double star systems
    Dennerl, K, STIN, 93, 28202 (1991)
  215. The EXOSAT Database System
    Osborne, J, StaUN 127 (1991)
  216. The EXOSAT database system
    Osborne, J, StarB, 8, 8 (1991)
  217. Ginga and Exosat observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
    Allen, S et al., Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies, 81 (1991)
  218. The EXOSAT database system. Available databases.
    Barron, C, edsa book (1991)
  219. The EXOSAT database system. BROWSE. Version 3.0. User’s guide.
    Barron, C, edsb book (1991)
  220. The EXOSAT database system. On-line user’s guide.
    Barron, C, edso book (1991)
  221. EXOSAT Extreme Ultraviolet Observations
    White, N, Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy, 15 (1991)
  222. Results of High-Resolution Soft X-Ray Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Hot White Dwarfs with EXOSAT
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy, 47 (1991)
  223. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Röntgendoppelsternsysteme LMC X-4 und Her X-1.
    Dennerl, K, evud book (1991)
  224. Interacting binary DB white dwarf stars.
    Ulla, A, Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 123 (1991)
  225. Optical Variability of 6 BL Lacertae Objects Serendipitously Discovered by EXOSAT
    Grandi, P et al., Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei, 108 (1991)
  226. EXOSAT deep exposure of the LMC X-4 region.
    Pietsch, W et al., AGAb, 4, 79 (1990)
  227. X-ray emission from normal stars
    Rosner, R, High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century, 11 (1990)
  228. The Relationship Between EXOSAT Soft X-Ray and MT. Wilson CAII H+K Flux Densities
    Schrijver, C et al., ASPC, 9, 136 (1990)
  229. The EXOSAT Results Database
    Parmar, A & White, N, ASSL, 166, 462 (1990)
  230. Astronomy with EXOSAT
    White, N, AdSpR, 10, 21 (1990)
  231. EXOSAT observations of the iron line in CEN X-3
    Takalo, L et al., AdSpR, 10, 105 (1990)
  232. Time variability of stellar coronal sources observed by EXOSAT
    Pallavicini, R & Schmitt, J, AdSpR, 10, 125 (1990)
  233. Temperatures of coronae of cool stars, derived from EXOSAT observations
    Mewe, R et al., AdSpR, 10, 129 (1990)
  234. X-ray observations of supernova remnants
    Bleeker, J, AdSpR, 10, 143 (1990)
  235. X-Ray Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Sources
    Boer, M et al., Ap&SS, 169, 153 (1990)
  236. A VLA Study of 4U1820-30 Over its 176-day Cycle
    Fischer, M & Gibson, D, BAAS, 22, 804 (1990)
  237. On the X-Ray-Emitting Boundary Layer of the Dwarf Nova VW Hydri
    Mauche, C et al., BAAS, 22, 1211 (1990)
  238. Some New and Old Soft X-Ray Observations of Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Kidder, K & Holberg, J, BAAS, 22, 1288 (1990)
  239. Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of AM Her with Exosat
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, BAAS, 22, 1338 (1990)
  240. Orbital Modulation of the X-Ray Spectrum of Cygnus X-3
    Molnar, L et al., BAAS, 22, 1339 (1990)
  241. AGN X-ray Variability with the EXOSAT Database
    Tagliaferri, G et al., BAAS, 22, 805 (1990)
  242. Supernova remnants and the Exosat satellite.
    Smith, A, ESABu, 62, 59 (1990)
  243. The Exosat database system.
    White, N, ESABu, 62, 65 (1990)
  244. Multiwavelength monitoring of the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 4593
    Santos-Lleo, M et al., ESASP, 310, 539 (1990)
  245. X-ray observations, scaling laws and magnetic fields
    Peres, G & Vaiana, G, MmSAI, 61, 401 (1990)
  246. Cygnus X-3: The recent X-ray period measurements and gamma-ray astronomy
    van der Klis, M, NuPhS, 14, 107 (1990)
  247. Utilization of the archive data from EXOSAT.
    Hang, H et al., PABei, 8, 159 (1990)
  248. EXOSAT medium energy observations of binary X-ray pulsar 4U 1538-52
    Zang Zhi-Yun, & Hang Heng-Rong,, PPMtO, 9, 15 (1990)
  249. Installation and modification of an X-ray data analysis system: LDAS.
    Han, H et al., PPMtO, 9, 245 (1990)
  250. ESA’s report to the 28th COSPAR meeting
    Chicarro, A et al., STIN, 90, 30141 (1990)
  251. Bicolored photometry and spectral accommodation in X-ray region of mass impregnated stellar X-ray binaries
    Schulz, N, STIN, 91, 10808 (1990)
  252. Space research in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1988 and 1989
    STIN, 91, 16849 (1990)
  253. An atlas of optical counterparts of low mass X ray binaries. Part 1: The Northern Sample
    Gottwald, M et al., STIN, 92, 10723 (1990)
  254. X ray observations of gamma ray burst sources
    Boer, M et al., STIN, 92, 27048 (1990)
  255. The EXOSAT database
    Pollock, A, StarB, 5, 12 (1990)
  256. Light and color variations of 1556-605.
    Schmidtke, P, Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 35 (1990)
  257. EXOSAT observations of five luminous globular cluster X-ray sources.
    Parmar, A et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 47 (1990)
  258. QPOs and preferred variability timescales in X-ray pulsars.
    Angelini, L et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 67 (1990)
  259. Soft X-ray emission from AE Aquarii.
    Osborne, J, Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 215 (1990)
  260. The X-ray eclipse in EX Hya: emission from two poles.
    Mason, K & Rosen, S, Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 225 (1990)
  261. ESA’s report to the 28th COSPAR meeting, The Hague (Netherlands), Jun 1990.
    Appourchaux, T & Burke, W, ert book (1990)
  262. Activities report of the Space Science Department
    Huber, M et al., Annual Report, 1988 (1990)
  263. Emission lines from hot astrophysical plasmas
    Raymond, J, IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 1 (1990)
  264. The differential emission measure of Lambda And
    Landini, M et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 36 (1990)
  265. Spectroscopy of stellar coronal sources with the medium energy experiment on EXOSAT
    Pallavicini, R et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 122 (1990)
  266. An EXOSAT observation of spectral variability from the RS CVn binary AR Lac
    White, N et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 176 (1990)
  267. Line structures in the X-ray spectra of Cygnus X-2 observed with EXOSAT
    Freeman, P et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 197 (1990)
  268. X-Ray Absorption by Ionized Gas in EXOSAT Spectra from the Binary System 4U:1700-37 / HD153919
    Haberl, F et al., IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 201 (1990)
  269. Signatures of cooling flows
    Fabian, A, IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas, 219 (1990)
  270. Nearly simultaneous optical, ultraviolet, and X ray observations of three PG quasars
    Kriss, G, jhu rept (1990)
  271. ESA Long Term Plans and Status
    Macchetto, D, The Next Generation Space Telescope, 27 (1990)
  272. X-ray spectroscopy of AGN.
    Pounds, K, nwus, 2, 265 (1990)
  273. Zweifarbenphotometrie und spektrale Anpassung im Röntgenbereich an massearmen Röntgendoppelsternen.
    Schulz, N, zusa book (1990)
  274. X-Ray Experiments: XMM; ROSAT; Jet-X; AXAF-LETG; EXOSAT
    AGAb, 2, 6 (1989)
  275. The EXOSAT database.
    Gottwald, M et al., AGAb, 2, 13 (1989)
  276. Non-Planckian behaviour of burst spectra: dependence of the blackbody radius on the duration of bursts
    Damen, E, ASIC, 262, 251 (1989)
  277. The luminosity dependence of the pulse period and profile of the transient X-ray pulsar EXO 2030+375
    Parmar, A et al., ASIC, 262, 283 (1989)
  278. Spectral classification of bright LMXB’s with color-color diagrams
    Schulz, N et al., ASIC, 262, 295 (1989)
  279. Time Variability of the X-Ray Emission from Seyfert Galaxies
    Fiore, F & Massaro, E, ASSL, 156, 267 (1989)
  280. Shot Model Parameters through Phase Portrait Fitting
    Lochner, J, BAAS, 21, 750 (1989)
  281. X-ray Eclipse Mapping of Stellar Activity in RSCVn Systems with EXOSAT
    Culhane, J et al., BAAS, 21, 1083 (1989)
  282. A Systematic Study of AGN X-ray Variability Using the EXOSAT Database
    Giommi, P et al., BAAS, 21, 1130 (1989)
  283. The X-ray Absorption Spectra of Massive X-ray Binaries
    Hoberl, F & White, N, BAAS, 21, 1207 (1989)
  284. Low Energy Line Emission from Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    White, N & van der Woerd, H, BAAS, 21, 1207 (1989)
  285. X-ray Emission From Hybrid-Chromosphere Stars
    Brown, A et al., BAAS, 21, 1115 (1989)
  286. Exosat X-ray Spectra of Quasars
    Mushotzky, R, BAAS, 21, 1225 (1989)
  287. The EXOSAT Spectral Survey of AGN*
    Turner, T & Pounds, K, BAAS, 21, 718 (1989)
  288. Search for Millisecond X-ray Pulsations from GX9+1 with a Connection Machine
    Wood, K et al., BAAS, 21, 749 (1989)
  289. The X-Ray Absorption Spectra of Massive X-Ray Binaries
    Haberl, F, ESASP, 296, 31 (1989)
  290. Spectra Variability of Large Magellanic Cloud X-4
    Dennerl, K, ESASP, 296, 39 (1989)
  291. Qpos and Preferred Timescales in the Variability of X-Ray Pulsars
    Angelini, L, ESASP, 296, 81 (1989)
  292. Globular Cluster X-Ray Binaries
    Charles, P, ESASP, 296, 129 (1989)
  293. X-Ray Observations of SS:433 and its Jets
    Stewart, G et al., ESASP, 296, 163 (1989)
  294. M15 = AC:211 / X:2127+119 - Optical Curve Improved Ephemeris and Phasing of EXOSAT X-Ray Data
    Auriere, M et al., ESASP, 296, 267 (1989)
  295. EXOSAT Observations of CYGNUS-X-1 - Study of the Soft X-Ray Excess
    Balucinska, M & Hasinger, G, ESASP, 296, 269 (1989)
  296. The Soft X-Ray Spectrum of CYGNUS-X-1
    Barr, P & van der Woerd, H, ESASP, 296, 275 (1989)
  297. Noise Variability in the CYGNUS-X-1 and HERCULES-X-1
    Belloni, T & Hasinger, G, ESASP, 296, 283 (1989)
  298. XB:1905+00 - a Very Compact Low-Mass Binary Viewed at Low Inclination
    Chevalier, C & Ilovaisky, S, ESASP, 296, 345 (1989)
  299. Is Ko-Velorum = E:1013-477 an Intermediate Polar
    Chiappetti, L et al., ESASP, 296, 349 (1989)
  300. X-Ray Timing and Spectral Measurements of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U:1538-52
    Cusumano, G et al., ESASP, 296, 369 (1989)
  301. UBVRI Photopolarimetry and the X-Ray Dips of V471-TAURI
    Hakala, P et al., ESASP, 296, 419 (1989)
  302. The X-Ray Dip Source 4U:1624-49
    Jones, M & Watson, M, ESASP, 296, 439 (1989)
  303. EXOSAT Observations of the Pulse Profile of HERCULES-X-1 during Intermediate Intensity States in a 35-DAY Cycle in 1985
    Kahabka, P, ESASP, 296, 447 (1989)
  304. 2S:0114+65 and its Peculiar Companion
    van Kerkwijk, M & Waters, L, ESASP, 296, 473 (1989)
  305. Optical Emission from the High Inclination X-Ray Transient EXO:0748-676
    Motch, C et al., ESASP, 296, 545 (1989)
  306. EXOSAT Deep Exposure of the Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 Region
    Pietsch, W et al., ESASP, 296, 573 (1989)
  307. Self-Consistent Comptonised Models for the Spectra of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Ponman, T et al., ESASP, 296, 585 (1989)
  308. The Pulsed Lightcurve of VELA-X-1
    Raubenheimer, B, ESASP, 296, 595 (1989)
  309. The Role of Comptonisation in Energy Spectra of Standard QPO Sources
    Schulz, N & Wijers, R, ESASP, 296, 601 (1989)
  310. EXOSAT Observation of the Pulsar PSR:1509-58
    Trussoni, E et al., ESASP, 296, 657 (1989)
  311. EXOSAT Medium Energy Observations of Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U:1538-52
    Zhang, Z & Hang, H, ESASP, 296, 697 (1989)
  312. The X-Ray Spectra of Emission Line Active Galactic Nuclei
    Pounds, K, ESASP, 296, 753 (1989)
  313. Rapid X-Ray Variability in Bl-Lacertae Objects
    Barr, P et al., ESASP, 296, 831 (1989)
  314. Long Timescale X-Ray Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
    Abraham, R & McHardy, I, ESASP, 296, 865 (1989)
  315. The X-Ray Time Variability of NGC6814 Revisited
    Fiore, F & Massaro, E, ESASP, 296, 935 (1989)
  316. A Search for Iron Features in the EXOSAT Spectral Survey Sources
    Leighly, K et al., ESASP, 296, 961 (1989)
  317. The X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15.
    Nandra, K et al., ESASP, 296, 1021 (1989)
  318. X-ray spectrum and variability of MrK 509 as observed with EXOSAT and GINGA.
    Singh, K et al., ESASP, 296, 1053 (1989)
  319. Detection of hard X-ray emission from a type 2 (?) Seyfert galaxy.
    Skinner, G & Hanson, C, ESASP, 296, 1059 (1989)
  320. X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei.
    McHardy, I, ESASP, 296, 1111 (1989)
  321. The EXOSAT Spectral Survey of Emission Line AGN
    Pounds, K & Turner, T, IAUS, 134, 155 (1989)
  322. EXOSAT Observations of Flux and Spectral Variability in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5548
    Branduardi-Raymont, G, IAUS, 134, 177 (1989)
  323. The Flux and Spectral Variability of NGC 6814 AS Observed with EXOSAT
    Mittaz, J & Branduardi-Raymont, G, IAUS, 134, 179 (1989)
  324. Variable X-Ray Absorption in NGC 4151
    Warwick, R et al., IAUS, 134, 182 (1989)
  325. An X-Ray Spectral Survey of BL Lac Objects
    Barr, P et al., IAUS, 134, 191 (1989)
  326. X-Ray Emission from Hot DA White Dwarfs - EXOSAT Results and Implications for Atmospheric Models
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, LNP, 328, 198 (1989)
  327. Bl-Lacertae Objects from the EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey - Constraints on the Logn-Logs and on the Cosmological Evolution
    Giomm, P et al., LNP, 334, 231 (1989)
  328. Two New Bl-Lacertae Objects Discovered in the Error Boxes of Hard X-Ray Sources
    Tagliaferri, G et al., LNP, 334, 257 (1989)
  329. Bl-Lacertae Objects as X-Ray Sources - the EXOSAT Observations
    Maccagni, D et al., LNP, 334, 281 (1989)
  330. The EXOSAT Spectral Survey of Bl-Lacertae Objects
    Barre, P et al., LNP, 334, 290 (1989)
  331. Recent advances in stellar coronal physics.
    Pallavicini, R, MmSAI, 60, 33 (1989)
  332. Hydrodynamic simulations of stellar flares in various magnetic field geometries
    Reale, F et al., MmSAI, 60, 203 (1989)
  333. Spectroscopic investigations with a reflection-grating spectrometer
    Brinkman, A et al., SPIE, 1159, 495 (1989)
  334. Measurement of the VELA pulsar’s proper motion and detection of the optical counterpart of its compact X-ray nebula
    Oegelman, H et al., STIN, 89, 29288 (1989)
  335. Nonequilibrium ionization in supernova remnants: The case of TYCHO
    Brinkmann, W et al., STIN, 90, 13295 (1989)
  336. An atlas of aperiodic variability in HMXB
    Belloni, T & Hasinger, G, STIN, 90, 16605 (1989)
  337. Recent and future X ray observations of classical novae during the outburst stage
    Oegelman, H, STIN, 90, 16606 (1989)
  338. EXOSAT measurements of the pulse period of VELA X-1
    Raubenheimer, B & Oegelman, H, STIN, 90, 16673 (1989)
  339. Multi-Wavelength Observations of Stellar Flares
    Byrne, P, SoPh, 121, 61 (1989)
  340. Long-Duration Solar and Stellar Flares
    Poletto, G, SoPh, 121, 313 (1989)
  341. Exosat observations of clusters of galaxies
    Edge, A & Stewart, G, Clusters of Galaxies, 51 (1989)
  342. X-ray emission from stellar flares: EXOSAT results.
    Pallavicini, R & Tagliaferri, G, Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P17 (1989)
  343. Independence of chromospheric active and soft X-ray flaring on the flare star EV Lacertae.
    Ambruster, C et al., Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P27 (1989)
  344. A study of the decay phase of an X-ray flare on Algol.
    Mewe, R et al., Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P123 (1989)
  345. The X-ray flare of π1 UMa: temperature and emission measure.
    Landini, M & Monsignori Fossi, B, Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P127 (1989)
  346. A giant X-ray flare from a B9 + post-T Tauri system detected by EXOSAT.
    Tagliaferri, G et al., Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P131 (1989)
  347. EXOSAT observations of Cygnus X-1: Study of the soft X ray excess
    Balucinska, M & Hasinger, G, Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 11 (1989)
  348. Noise variability in CYG X-1 and HER X-1
    Belloni, T & Hasinger, G, Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 17 (1989)
  349. EXOSAT observations of the pulse profile of HER X-1 during intermediate intensity states in a 35-day-cycle in 1985
    Kahabka, P, Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 22 (1989)
  350. The pulsed light curve of VELA X-1
    Raubenheimer, B, Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 28 (1989)
  351. EXOSAT deep exposure of the LMC X-4 region
    Pietsch, W et al., Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 33 (1989)
  352. Spectral variability of LMC X-4
    Dennerl, K, Contributions of the X Ray Astronomy Group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, 38 (1989)
  353. Cooling flows in clusters and galaxies
    Fabian, A, ASIC 229 (1988)
  354. EXOSAT Data on Clusters
    Westergaard, N, ASIC, 229, 165 (1988)
  355. Some EXOSAT Results on Stellar Coronae
    Pallavicini, R, ASIC, 249, 121 (1988)
  356. EXOSAT Observations of the Virgo Cluster
    Edge, A et al., ASIC, 249, 335 (1988)
  357. Modeling of long-decay stellar flares on EQ Peg and Prox Cen
    Pallavicini, R et al., ASSL, 143, 171 (1988)
  358. Simultaneous EXOSAT and VLA observations of the W UMa binaries, VW Cep and XY Leo: a flare on VW Cep.
    Vilhu, O et al., ASSL, 143, 179 (1988)
  359. EXOSAT observations of RSCVn stars
    Pasquini, L et al., ASSL, 143, 241 (1988)
  360. EXOSAT observations of quiescent and flaring emission from M dwarf flare stars
    Pallavicini, R, ASSL, 143, 249 (1988)
  361. X-ray variability of dM stars observed by EXOSAT
    Collura, A et al., ASSL, 143, 253 (1988)
  362. The flux variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC6814 as observed with exosat
    Branduardi-Raymont, G & Mittaz, J, AdSpR, 8, 61 (1988)
  363. Detection of transient periodicity in an EXOSAT observation of NGC4151
    Fiore, F et al., AdSpR, 8, 65 (1988)
  364. X-ray time variability and luminosity correlations in BL lacertae objects
    Giommi, P et al., AdSpR, 8, 79 (1988)
  365. Results of high resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy of hot white dwarfs with EXOSAT
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, AdSpR, 8, 249 (1988)
  366. Accretion disc boundary layers with white dwarfs
    van der Woerd, H, AdSpR, 8, 265 (1988)
  367. X-ray properties of AM Herculis binaries
    Beuermann, K, AdSpR, 8, 283 (1988)
  368. The accretion geometry of intermediate polars (DQ her stars)
    Mason, K et al., AdSpR, 8, 293 (1988)
  369. An overview of observations quasi-periodic oscillations in low mass X-ray binaries
    Stella, L, AdSpR, 8, 367 (1988)
  370. A spectral classification of QPO sources
    Hasinger, G, AdSpR, 8, 377 (1988)
  371. Time lags in QPO sources
    van der Klis, M, AdSpR, 8, 383 (1988)
  372. Circinus X-1, as viewed by EXOSAT
    Tennant, A, AdSpR, 8, 397 (1988)
  373. Simulataneous X-ray and optical observations of LMC X-2
    Bonnet-Bidaud, J et al., AdSpR, 8, 405 (1988)
  374. Spectral and QPO analysis of GX5-1 at very high intensity
    Collmar, W et al., AdSpR, 8, 411 (1988)
  375. X-ray bursts - Some recent developments
    van Paradijs, J & Lewin, W, AdSpR, 8, 461 (1988)
  376. Energy distribution and variability of BL Lac objects: Recent observations and a theoretical scheme
    Maraschi, L, AdSpR, 8, 85 (1988)
  377. Multicolor Infrared Photometry of Cygnus X-3
    Molnar, L et al., BAAS, 20, 736 (1988)
  378. Variability in the Steep X-ray Spectrum of the Quasar PG1211+143
    Elvis, M et al., BAAS, 20, 1024 (1988)
  379. X-ray Emission from Stellar Coronae
    Rosner, R, BAAS, 20, 1025 (1988)
  380. The EXOSAT Results Database
    Giommi, P et al., BAAS, 20, 1035 (1988)
  381. An Overview of the EXOSAT Database
    White, N et al., BAAS, 20, 1035 (1988)
  382. The Luminosity Dependence of the Pulse Period and Profile of the Transient X-ray Pulsar EXO 2030 + 375
    Parmar, A et al., BAAS, 20, 1044 (1988)
  383. Comparison of VLBI Radio Core and X-Ray Flux Densities of Extragalactic Radio Sources
    Bloom, S & Marscher, A, BAAS, 20, 1025 (1988)
  384. Multi-mission Observations of 4U1538-52
    Cominsky, L, BAAS, 20, 1044 (1988)
  385. Correlations Between Pulse Shape and X-Ray Luminosity in Compact X-Ray Pulsars
    Collmar, W & Gruber, D, BAAS, 20, 1044 (1988)
  386. 160.01-Min oscillations of compact extragalactic objects and plausible cosmological consequences
    Kotov, V & Lyutyi, V, BCrAO, 79, 130 (1988)
  387. Simultaneous IUE, EXOSAT, and optical observations of the unusual AM HER type variable H 0538+608.
    Shrader, C et al., ESASP, 281, 01137 (1988)
  388. The unique high-energy spectrum of the QSO PKS 0558-504
    Remillard, R et al., ESASP, 281, 02273 (1988)
  389. Software for selecting, processing and analysing IUE data
    Feggans, J et al., ESASP, 281, 02349 (1988)
  390. X-ray Surveys from the EXOSAT Results Data Base
    Giommi, P et al., ESOC, 28, 35 (1988)
  391. The EXOSAT results database.
    White, N, ESOC, 28, 93 (1988)
  392. EXOSAT Observations of Omega-Centauri
    Koch-Miramond, L & Auriere, M, IAUS, 126, 687 (1988)
  393. The 160.01 minutes oscillations of compact extragalactic objects and plausible cosmological consequences.
    Kotov, V & Lyutyj, V, IzKry, 79, 139 (1988)
  394. X-Ray Observations of the Supernova Remnant G:292.0+1.8
    Claas, J, LNP, 316, 146 (1988)
  395. The EXOSAT Observatory.
    White, N & Peacock, A, MmSAI, 59, 7 (1988)
  396. Serendipitous sources in EXOSAT images.
    Giommi, P et al., MmSAI, 59, 33 (1988)
  397. X-ray spectroscopy with transmission gratings.
    Heise, J, MmSAI, 59, 53 (1988)
  398. Stellar coronae - The EXOSAT picture
    Pallavicini, R, MmSAI, 59, 71 (1988)
  399. EXOSAT observations of supernova remnants.
    Smith, A, MmSAI, 59, 95 (1988)
  400. Magnetic cataclysmic variables seen by EXOSAT.
    Osborne, J, MmSAI, 59, 117 (1988)
  401. X-ray orbital modulations from low-mass X-ray binaries.
    Parmar, A & White, N, MmSAI, 59, 147 (1988)
  402. EXOSAT observations of Hercules X-1.
    Oegelman, H & Truemper, J, MmSAI, 59, 169 (1988)
  403. Quasi-periodic oscillations in low mass X-ray binaries.
    Stella, L, MmSAI, 59, 185 (1988)
  404. X-ray bursts - some recent developments.
    van Paradijs, J & Lewin, W, MmSAI, 59, 213 (1988)
  405. Galactic black-hole candidates.
    Ilovaisky, S, MmSAI, 59, 229 (1988)
  406. EXOSAT observations of variability in active galactic nuclei.
    McHardy, I, MmSAI, 59, 239 (1988)
  407. X-ray spectra of Seyfert-type AGN observed with EXOSAT.
    Pounds, K & Turner, T, MmSAI, 59, 261 (1988)
  408. EXOSAT observations of BL Lac objects.
    Maraschi, L & Maccagni, D, MmSAI, 59, 277 (1988)
  409. The nebular stage of nova GQ MUSCAE - Physical parameters from spectroscopic observations
    Krautter, J & Williams, R, Msngr, 54, 33 (1988)
  410. Cygnus X-3, a critical review.
    Bonnet-Bidaud, J & Chardin, G, PhR, 170, 325 (1988)
  411. Tycho’s and Kepler’s Supernovae 400 Years Later / X-Ray by EXOSAT
    S&T, 75, 577 (1988)
  412. EXOSAT und die Röntgenburster. Teil 1.
    Gottwald, M, S&W, 27, 658 (1988)
  413. EXOSAT und die Röntgenburster. Teil 2: Bursterbeobachtungen.
    Gottwald, M, S&W, 27, 714 (1988)
  414. A review of quasi-periodic oscillations in low-mass X-ray binaries
    Lewin, W et al., SSRv, 46, 273 (1988)
  415. SW UMa and V426 Oph: EXOSAT surprises
    Szkody, P, STIN, 88, 26269 (1988)
  416. Spectral classification of Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB) energy spectra with color-color diagrams
    Schulz, N et al., STIN, 88, 28837 (1988)
  417. ESA report to the 27th COSPAR meeting
    Domingo, V et al., STIN, 88, 30556 (1988)
  418. A third X-ray spectral mode in SCO X-1: Similarities to the other bright bulge sources
    Hasinger, G et al., STIN, 89, 18287 (1988)
  419. Time and spectral variability of the low mass X-ray binaries
    Langmeier, A, STIN, 89, 24238 (1988)
  420. Soft X-ray observations of the VELA Pulsar PSR 0833-45
    Oegelman, H & Zimmermann, H, STIN, 89, 25080 (1988)
  421. Vijf jaar na EXOSAT.
    van Paradijs, J, Zenit, 15, 148 (1988)
  422. The EXOSAT Coordinated Observation Program - the Lesson Learnt
    Barr, P, Coordination of Observational Projects in Astronomy, 207 (1988)
  423. Variable spectra of active galaxies
    Halpern, J, cuny rept (1988)
  424. Report on the activites of the Space Science Department
    Huber, M et al., Annual Report, 1986 (1988)
  425. In-flight experience with the maneuvering of the EXOSAT spaceborne observatory.
    Schutz, A, Guidance and Control Conference, 463 (1988)
  426. Recent observations of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304.
    Treves, A, New Ideas in Astronomy, 195 (1988)
  427. Observations of X-ray pulsars.
    Nagase, F, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 1 (1988)
  428. EXOSAT observations of the 50-minute dipping source XB 1916-053.
    Smale, A et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 201 (1988)
  429. Recent results of X-ray bursts.
    Inoue, H, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 235 (1988)
  430. Exploring variability timescales in the X-ray emisison of active galaxies with EXOSAT and Ginga.
    Pounds, K & McHardy, I, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 285 (1988)
  431. The spectrum and variability of the quasar 3C 273.
    Turner, M et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 365 (1988)
  432. EXOSAT and Ginga observations of NGC 4151.
    Warwick, R et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 369 (1988)
  433. Photoionization and variability of X-ray absorption in the QSO MR 2251-178.
    Pan, H et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 375 (1988)
  434. Observations of DQ Her stars.
    Berriman, G, Polarized Radiation of Circumstellar Origin, 281 (1988)
  435. X-Ray Observational Constraints on Massive Black-Holes
    Mushotzky, R, Supermassive Black Holes, 143 (1988)
  436. EXOSAT Observations of Shortterm Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Turner, T & Pounds, K, Supermassive Black Holes, 154 (1988)
  437. X-Ray Observations of Supernova Remnants - the State of the Art
    Brinkmann, W, Supernovae, Remnants, Active Galaxies, Cosmology, 69 (1988)
  438. Recent X-Ray Observations of Supernova Remnants and Their Interpretation
    Aschenbach, B, IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 99 (1988)
  439. EXOSAT Observations of Young SNRs
    Smith, A, IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 119 (1988)
  440. A Hydrodynamical Model of Kepler’s Supernova Remnant Constrained by X-Ray Spectra
    Ballet, J et al., IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium, 141 (1988)
  441. Stellar coronae.
    Pallavicini, R, Solar and Stellar Coronal Structure and Dynamics, 19 (1988)
  442. Activities report of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
    Sedlmayr, E, tech rept (1988)
  443. X-ray astronomy with EXOSAT
    Pallavicini, R & White, N, xraw book (1988)
  444. The EXOSAT Observatory
    White, N & Peacock, A, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 7 (1988)
  445. Serendipitous sources in EXOSAT images
    Giommi, P et al., X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 33 (1988)
  446. Stellar coronae - The EXOSAT picture
    Pallavicini, R, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 71 (1988)
  447. EXOSAT observations of supernova remnants
    Smith, A, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 95 (1988)
  448. Magnetic cataclismic variables seen by EXOSAT
    Osborne, J, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 117 (1988)
  449. EXOSAT observations of Hercules X-1
    Oegelman, H & Truemper, J, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 169 (1988)
  450. EXOSAT observations of variability in active galactic nuclei
    McHardy, I, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 239 (1988)
  451. X-ray spectra of Seyfert-type AGN observed with EXOSAT
    Pounds, K & Turner, T, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 261 (1988)
  452. EXOSAT observations of BL Lac objects
    Maraschi, L & Maccagni, D, X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT, 277 (1988)
  453. The Symbiotic System Ch-Gygni
    Leahy, D & Taylor, A, ASSL, 132, 285 (1987)
  454. X-Ray Observations of Cataclysmic Variables
    Osborne, J, Ap&SS, 130, 207 (1987)
  455. X-Ray Emission from Non-Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
    van der Woerd, H, Ap&SS, 130, 225 (1987)
  456. New EXOSAT Observations of Tv-Columbae - Preliminary Results
    Schrijver, J et al., Ap&SS, 130, 261 (1987)
  457. EXOSAT Observations of H2252-035 - Pulse Phase and Orbital Phase Dependent Low Energy Absorption and Iron Line Emission
    Pietsch, W et al., Ap&SS, 130, 281 (1987)
  458. The may 1985 Super Outburst of Oy-Carinae - Part Two - Phase-Resolved IUE Spectroscopy and EXOSAT Observations
    Hassall, B et al., Ap&SS, 130, 371 (1987)
  459. X-Ray and Optical Observations of the Am-Herculis Star H0139-68
    Schwope, A & Beuermann, K, Ap&SS, 131, 637 (1987)
  460. Changes in the Soft and Hard X-Ray Lightcurves of the Am-Herculis Object E:1405-451
    Osborne, J et al., Ap&SS, 131, 643 (1987)
  461. EXOSAT Medium Energy Observations of CYGNUS-X-2 Spectra and Qpos
    Chiappetti, L et al., Ap&SS, 131, 691 (1987)
  462. X-Ray and Optical Observations of the X-Ray Source EX:0020528+1454.8
    Hudec, R et al., Ap&SS, 131, 697 (1987)
  463. EXOSAT and IUE Observations of the Symbiotic Binary R-Aquarii during Maximum and Minimum
    Viotti, R et al., Ap&SS, 131, 771 (1987)
  464. EXOSAT Observations of Cygnus-A
    Arnaud, K, BAAS, 19, 696 (1987)
  465. Simultaneous EXOSAT and VLA Observations of Active Cool Binaries VW Cep and XY Leo. A Flare in VW Cep
    Vilhu, O et al., BAAS, 19, 706 (1987)
  466. Studies of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
    Garcia, M, BAAS, 19, 720 (1987)
  467. EXOSAT X-ray Absorption Spectra from the Binary System 4U1700-37/HD153919
    Haberl, F et al., BAAS, 19, 721 (1987)
  468. Time-Resolved Spectral Analysis of the Gamma-Ray Burst GB850805
    Paciesas, W et al., BAAS, 19, 956 (1987)
  469. Infrared and X-Ray Constraints on SS 433
    Band, D, BAAS, 19, 1035 (1987)
  470. A Helium Cataclysmic Variable Model for AM CVn
    Robinson, E, BAAS, 19, 1057 (1987)
  471. X-Ray, UV, and Optical Observations of the Unusual AM Her Type Variable, H0538+608
    Remillard, R et al., BAAS, 19, 1058 (1987)
  472. On-Orbit Contamination of the EINSTEIN and EXOSAT Mirrors: AXAF Performance Implications
    Davis, M, BAAS, 19, 1066 (1987)
  473. X-Ray Spectral Variability in the Quasar NRAO 140: A Unique Absorption Event
    Marscher, A, BAAS, 19, 719 (1987)
  474. EXOSAT Observations of DA White Dwarf Stars and the m(He)/n(H)vs. Teff Correlation
    Petre, R & Shipman, H, BAAS, 19, 1041 (1987)
  475. The Jets in SS433
    Brinkmann, W & Massaglia, S, BAAS, 19, 692 (1987)
  476. The Low Luminosity X-ray Sources in Omega Centauri
    Margon, B & Bolte, M, BAAS, 19, 720 (1987)
  477. Shortest period binary system discovered by Exosat
    CIBu, 108, 55 (1987)
  478. Report on the scientific satellites of the European Space Agency.
    Frisk, U et al., ESASP 1090 (1987)
  479. The EXOSAT results database.
    EXOSA, 18, 4 (1987)
  480. GX 340+0
    van Paradijs, J et al., IAUC, 4308, 1 (1987)
  481. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Castagnoli, C et al., IAUC, 4332, 1 (1987)
  482. EXO 165228+3930.3
    Bassani, L et al., IAUC, 4389, 2 (1987)
  483. EXO 033319-2554.2
    Giommi, P et al., IAUC, 4486, 1 (1987)
  484. V818 Scorpii
    Hasinger, G & van der Klis, M, IAUC, 4489, 3 (1987)
  485. Multifrequency Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy 3c 120 IN 1983-1986
    Maraschi, L et al., IAUS, 121, 215 (1987)
  486. The R Aquarii jet.
    Cassatella, A et al., IAUS, 122, 469 (1987)
  487. The EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey /
    Giommi, P & Tagliaferri, G, IAUS, 124, 601 (1987)
  488. The Globular Cluster Population of X-Ray Binaries
    Verbunt, F & Hut, P, IAUS, 125, 187 (1987)
  489. The X-Ray Transient EXO 2030+375 (abstract)
    Parmar, A et al., IAUS, 125, 203 (1987)
  490. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    van der Klis, M, IAUS, 125, 321 (1987)
  491. Observations of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in CYG X-2
    Hasinger, G, IAUS, 125, 333 (1987)
  492. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations
    Lewin, W, IAUS, 125, 363 (1987)
  493. Some Constraints on Neutron Star Properties from Gamma Ray Burster Observations
    Hurley, K, IAUS, 125, 489 (1987)
  494. A New Aspect of Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission - SNRS in a Tenuous Medium?
    Koyama, K, IAUS, 125, 535 (1987)
  495. EXOSAT News on Geminga (abstract)
    Caraveo, P & Bignami, G, IAUS, 125, 545 (1987)
  496. X-Ray Observations of Two Gamma-Ray Burst Source Locations
    Pizzichini, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 30 (1987)
  497. X-ray and optical observations of the flare star Wolf 630 AB and of VB 8 G.
    Tagliaferri, G et al., LNP, 291, 176 (1987)
  498. The Coronal Dividing Line (Invited review)
    Haisch, B, LNP, 291, 269 (1987)
  499. A Large X-ray Flare on σ2 Coronae Borealis Observed with EXOSAT
    van den Oord, G et al., LNP, 291, 494 (1987)
  500. The X-Ray Orbital Lightcurve of AR Lac
    White, N et al., LNP, 291, 521 (1987)
  501. Solar and Stellar Coronae
    Pallavicini, R, LNP, 292, 98 (1987)
  502. Der 35-Tage-Zyklus von Hercules X-1.
    Kahabka, P, MPERp 204 (1987)
  503. A Detailed Analysis of X-Ray Burst from 4U 1705-44
    Gottwald, M et al., MitAG, 70, 455 (1987)
  504. Hot DA white dwarfs seen with Einstein, an ultrahot H- and HE-poor white dwarf and Zanstra temperatures of planetary nebula nuclei.
    Shipman, H, MmSAI, 58, 49 (1987)
  505. A 9.25 minute periodic X-ray pulsation and X-ray absorption dips in V471 Tauri.
    Shipman, H, MmSAI, 58, 145 (1987)
  506. The dwarf component of symbiotic binaries.
    Viotti, R, MmSAI, 58, 147 (1987)
  507. The ionizing X-ray to ultraviolet continuum of quasars.
    Elvis, M, RALR, 109, 20 (1987)
  508. Soft X-ray observations of the radio pulsar PSR 1055-52
    Brinkmann, W & Oegelman, H, STIN, 87, 28475 (1987)
  509. Investigations of the X-ray emission of the double star system HER X-1/HZ HER
    Wiedenmann, G, STIN, 87, 29401 (1987)
  510. Recent X-ray observations of supernova remnants and their interpretation
    Aschenbach, B, STIN, 88, 17563 (1987)
  511. A 23 hour EXOSAT observation of the X-ray pulsar 1E2259+586 and the associated supernova remnant G109.1-1.0
    Hanson, C et al., STIN, 88, 21882 (1987)
  512. The X-ray properties of AM HER stars
    Beuermann, K, STIN, 88, 23704 (1987)
  513. The thermal evolution of the jets in SS433
    Brinkmann, W et al., STIN, 88, 23705 (1987)
  514. X-ray spectral variability of the BL Lac object PKS2155-304: EXOSAT observations in 1985
    Morini, M et al., Cosmic-Physics National Conference, 169 (1987)
  515. EXOSAT observations of the radio-galaxy Centaurus A
    Anselmo, F et al., Cosmic-Physics National Conference, 195 (1987)
  516. EXOSAT observations of BL Lac objects
    Garilli, B et al., Cosmic-Physics National Conference, 199 (1987)
  517. EXOSAT observations of soft X-ray excesses in Seyfert galaxies
    Morini, M, Cosmic-Physics National Conference, 205 (1987)
  518. EXOSAT data analysis facilities in Milano
    Chiappetti, L et al., Cosmic-Physics National Conference, 289 (1987)
  519. Trace elements in the photospheres of hot white dwarf stars
    Shipman, H, IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars, 273 (1987)
  520. Observations of hot DA white dwarfs
    Holberg, J, IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars, 285 (1987)
  521. Evolution of surface abundances in cool white dwarfs.
    Koester, D, IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars, 329 (1987)
  522. The detection of four new pulsation periods in PG 1159-035.
    Koupelis, T & Winget, D, IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars, 623 (1987)
  523. The jets in SS433
    Brinkmann, W, HE-UHE Behaviour of Accreting X-ray Sources, 61 (1987)
  524. Quasi-periodic oscillations in low-mass X-ray binaries
    van der Klis, M, HE-UHE Behaviour of Accreting X-ray Sources, 93 (1987)
  525. Optical Spectroscopy of Nova Muscae 1983
    Bode, M et al., RS Ophiuchi (1985) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon, 85 (1987)
  526. Modelling the X-ray Emission of RS Ophiuchi
    O'Brien, T et al., RS Ophiuchi (1985) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon, 177 (1987)
  527. EX56a study of extended X-ray emission around isolated galaxies EX56b identification and spectra of bright X-ray sources at high galactic latitude
    Schwartz, D, sao rept (1987)
  528. EXOSAT guest observer program. Binary parameters of the X-ray Pulsar 4U1626-67
    McClintock, J, sao rept (1987)
  529. The variety of short-term variability in AGN.
    Pounds, K & Turner, T, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 1 (1987)
  530. Scale invariant variability in NGC 4051.
    Lawrence, A, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 29 (1987)
  531. Rapid X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4593.
    Barr, P et al., Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 43 (1987)
  532. Rapid X-ray variations in the high luminosity Seyfert galaxy III Zw 2.
    Kaastra, J & de Korte, P, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 47 (1987)
  533. Fractal time-variability and spectral invariance of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506.
    McHardy, I & Czerny, B, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 59 (1987)
  534. X-ray spectral variability of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 in 1983 - 85.
    Morini, M et al., Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 87 (1987)
  535. X-ray spectral formation in LMXRB.
    White, N, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 165 (1987)
  536. Pulsating X-ray sources.
    Truemper, J, ASIC, 162, 217 (1986)
  537. The evolution of galactic x-ray binaries
    Truemper, J et al., ASIC 167 (1986)
  538. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of CYG X-2 and Their Relation to the Source Spectra
    Hasinger, G, ASIC, 167, 139 (1986)
  539. The Orbital Periods of the Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
    White, N, ASIC, 167, 227 (1986)
  540. EXOSAT Observations of the 35-DAY Cycle of HER X-1; Evidence for Neutron Star Precession
    Truemper, J et al., ASIC, 167, 239 (1986)
  541. Timing Analysis of the Galactic Bulge X-Ray Source GX 17+2
    Langmeier, A et al., ASIC, 167, 253 (1986)
  542. EXOSAT observations of two gamma-ray burst sources
    Boer, M et al., AdSpR, 6, 65 (1986)
  543. A search for optical flashes from the “Perseus Flasher”
    Vanderspek, R et al., AdSpR, 6, 69 (1986)
  544. The measured radiation environment within Spacelabs 1 and 2 and comparison with predictions
    Pallavicini, R et al., AdSpR, 6, 125 (1986)
  545. Differential emission measure distributions of Capella and σ2 CrB
    Mewe, R et al., AdSpR, 6, 133 (1986)
  546. Coronal models of late-type stars observed with EXOSAT
    Monsignori-Fossi, B et al., AdSpR, 6, 137 (1986)
  547. Coronal X-ray temperatures from Einstein and EXOSAT observations
    Schmitt, J et al., AdSpR, 6, 141 (1986)
  548. Magnetic reconnection and energy release in a long-duration stellar flare
    Poletto, G et al., AdSpR, 6, 145 (1986)
  549. Evolution of the chromospheric and coronal activity of intermediate mass stars
    Brown, A, AdSpR, 6, 195 (1986)
  550. X-ray Emission from the Symbiotic System CH Cyg
    Leahy, D & Taylor, A, BAAS, 18, 636 (1986)
  551. EXOSAT Observations of the 5 March 1979 Gamma-Ray Burst Source Location
    Rothschild, R et al., BAAS, 18, 672 (1986)
  552. EXOSAT Low-Energy Observations of the Wolf 630 System
    Johnson, H, BAAS, 18, 696 (1986)
  553. EXOSAT Observations of AR Lac: X-Ray Light Curve Reconstruction &the 3D Structure of Stellar Active Regions
    Shafer, R et al., BAAS, 18, 704 (1986)
  554. A Study of X-ray Emitting Gas in 2A0335+096 and A1060 Clusters of Galaxies
    Westergaard, N et al., BAAS, 18, 906 (1986)
  555. The Steep X-ray Spectra of the QSO’s PKS0558-504 and 1 Zw 1
    Remillard, R et al., BAAS, 18, 915 (1986)
  556. EXOSAT Observations of the Hot DA White Dwarf LB 1663
    Rogers, R et al., BAAS, 18, 917 (1986)
  557. Simultaneous infrared and X-ray observations of Cygnus X-3 during the1985 radio outburst.
    Cordova, F et al., BAAS, 18, 919 (1986)
  558. A Luminous X-Ray Binary and Black Hole Candidate in M82
    Stocke, J & Kuhr, H, BAAS, 18, 920 (1986)
  559. The EXOSAT High Galactic latitude Survey
    Giommi, P & Tagliaferri, G, BAAS, 18, 1040 (1986)
  560. The Discovery of a 685 Second Orbital Period from the X-ray Source 4U1820-30 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6624
    White, N & Priedhorsky, W, BAAS, 18, 1048 (1986)
  561. EXOSAT Study of the Accretion Flow Galaxy PKS2354-35, Identified with 4U0009-33 by the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
    Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 18, 707 (1986)
  562. EXOSAT Observations of Two AGNs: PHL5200 and MK509
    Schnopper, H et al., BAAS, 18, 907 (1986)
  563. Study of X-ray Emission from Some Young Supernova Remnants
    Singh, K et al., BAAS, 18, 950 (1986)
  564. Temperature Measurements of the Hot Gas in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies
    Gorenstein, P et al., BAAS, 18, 1015 (1986)
  565. The Mass of the Coma Cluster from X-ray Observations
    Hughes, J, BAAS, 18, 1015 (1986)
  566. X-Ray Observations of Flare Stars with EXOSAT
    Pallavicini, R, BAAS, 18, 962 (1986)
  567. Exosat: 1000 days in orbit
    CIBu, 106, 77 (1986)
  568. Exosat mission ends
    CIBu, 106, 83 (1986)
  569. Exosat - end of orbital operations.
    White, N & Taylor, B, ESABu, 48, 58 (1986)
  570. An episode of mass expulsion from the M-dwarf flare star EV Latertae ?
    Ambruster, C et al., ESASP, 263, 137 (1986)
  571. Report presented by the European Space Agency to the 26th COSPAR meeting, Toulouse, France, June 1986.
    Burke, W, ESASP 1078 (1986)
  572. Coronal magnetic fields
    Pallavicini, R, HiA, 7, 447 (1986)
  573. On active stars, coronal loops, magnetic braking and all that
    Vilhu, O, HiA, 7, 467 (1986)
  574. X-ray emission from supernova remnants.
    Aschenbach, B, HiA, 7, 649 (1986)
  575. R Aquarii
    Viotti, R et al., IAUC, 4169, 1 (1986)
  576. GX 3+1
    Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 4170, 1 (1986)
  577. EXO 020528+1454.8
    Hudec, R et al., IAUC, 4172, 1 (1986)
  578. Terzan 2
    Belli, B et al., IAUC, 4174, 1 (1986)
  579. 4U 1820-30
    Priedhorsky, W et al., IAUC, 4247, 1 (1986)
  580. EXO 023432-5232.3
    Beuermann, K et al., IAUC, 4289, 2 (1986)
  581. X-Ray Selected BL Lac Objects : Time Variability and X-Ray Spectrum
    Maccagni, D et al., IAUS, 119, 265 (1986)
  582. X-Ray Bursting Activity in the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304
    Maccagni, D et al., IAUS, 119, 267 (1986)
  583. Rapid X-Ray Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Barr, P et al., IAUS, 119, 269 (1986)
  584. End of EXOSAT
    JBAA, 96, 259 (1986)
  585. Coronae of Late-Type Stars Observed with EXOSAT
    Pallavicini, R et al., LNP, 254, 212 (1986)
  586. EXOSAT Detection of a Very Large Flare on EQ Peg
    Pallavicini, R et al., LNP, 254, 225 (1986)
  587. Coordinated EXOSAT and Optical Observations of HD 36705
    Collier Cameron, A et al., LNP, 254, 313 (1986)
  588. Coordinated EXOSAT and Spectroscopic Observations of Flare Stars and Coronal Heating
    Butler, C & Rodono, M, LNP, 254, 329 (1986)
  589. The Physics of Accretion onto Compact Objects
    Mason, K et al., LNP 266 (1986)
  590. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
    van der Klis, M, LNP, 266, 157 (1986)
  591. The X-ray Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Warwick, R, LNP, 266, 195 (1986)
  592. X-ray Observations of the Jets in SS 433
    Stewart, G & Watson, M, LNP, 266, 303 (1986)
  593. X-ray Spectral Formation in Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    White, N, LNP, 266, 377 (1986)
  594. The Soft X-ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Branduardi-Raymont, G, LNP, 266, 407 (1986)
  595. Simultaneous Optical- and EXOSAT-Observations of the Spot Active Eclipsing Binary XY UMa
    Bedford, D & Geyer, E, MitAG, 67, 305 (1986)
  596. Radio to X-ray observations of the quasar 3C 273.
    Courvoisier, T, Msngr, 45, 21 (1986)
  597. Radio continuum processes in clusters of galaxies. Proceedings of workshop held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, USA, 4 - 8 August 1986.
    O’Dea, C et al., NRAOW 16 (1986)
  598. EXOSAT observations of the Virgo cluster.
    Edge, A et al., NRAOW, 16, 105 (1986)
  599. EXOSAT.
    Turner, M, RALR, 63, 3 (1986)
  600. EXOSAT Mission Ends
    S&T, 72, 29 (1986)
  601. Measurements of surface scattering from mirrored surfaces using a triple axis X-ray spectrometer
    Christensen, F et al., SPIE, 597, 119 (1986)
  602. Absorption effects in parallel plate proportional counters
    Lapington, J et al., SPIE, 597, 222 (1986)
  603. EX-111 thermal emission from hot white dwarfs: The suggested He abundance-temperature correlation. EX-112: The unique emission line white dwarf star GD 356
    Shipman, H, STIN, 86, 31470 (1986)
  604. A spectral study of the persistent X-ray flux from 4U/MXB 1636-53
    Vacca, W et al., STIN, 87, 15156 (1986)
  605. A soft X-ray observation of omega Centauri with EXOSAT
    Verbunt, F et al., STIN, 87, 17575 (1986)
  606. Observations of quasi-periodic oscillations in CYG X-2
    Hasinger, G, STIN, 87, 17576 (1986)
  607. Observations of quasi-periodic oscillations in CYG X-2
    Hasinger, G, STIN, 87, 17576 (1986)
  608. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of GX 3+1 (4U 1744-26)
    Lewin, W et al., STIN, 87, 18479 (1986)
  609. Constraints on the mass-radius relation of the neutron star in 4U 1746-37/NGC 6441
    Sztjano, M et al., STIN, 87, 19317 (1986)
  610. EXOSAT observations of X-rays from classical novae during outburst stage
    Oegelman, H et al., STIN, 87, 19345 (1986)
  611. EXOSAT observations of 4U/MXB 1636-53. On the relation between the amount of accreted fuel and the strength of an X-ray burst
    Lewin, W et al., STIN, 87, 20164 (1986)
  612. A search for X-ray emission from a nearby pulsar: PSR 1929+10
    Alpar, A et al., STIN, 87, 25265 (1986)
  613. EXOSAT observations of 4U1705-44: Type 1 bursts and persistent emission
    Langmeier, A et al., STIN, 87, 25266 (1986)
  614. The globular cluster population of X-ray binaries
    Verbunt, F & Hut, P, bist nasa (1986)
  615. On the connection between high-frequency radio and X-ray emission in quasars.
    Marscher, A, IN: Continuum emission in active galactic nuclei; Proceedings of the Workshop, 143 (1986)
  616. Simultaneous observations of an X-ray and optical flare in QSO 1156+295.
    Webb, J & McHardy, I, IN: Continuum emission in active galactic nuclei; Proceedings of the Workshop, 150 (1986)
  617. The EXOSAT observation log.
    Sternberg, J et al., eol book (1986)
  618. Report on the activites of the Space Science Department
    Page, D et al., Annual Report, 1984 (1986)
  619. Discovery of millisecond quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting neutron stars.
    van der Klis, M & Jansen, F, Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 847 (1986)
  620. Quasi-periodic oscillations in Cyg X-2.
    Stella, L et al., Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 861 (1986)
  621. Stellar observations with the Voyager EUV objective grating spectrograph
    Holberg, J et al., Planetary Astronomy, 1985, 148 (1986)
  622. Quasiperiodic Oscillations in Bright Galactic X-Ray Sources - Preliminary Results from Recent EXOSAT Observations
    Stella, L, Plasma Penetration into Magnetospheres, 199 (1986)
  623. Variability studies of 3C 371
    Worrall, D, sao rept (1986)
  624. The exosat mission
    Taff, L et al., AdSpR, 5, 35 (1985)
  625. The X-ray structure of the crab nebula
    Brinkmann, W et al., AdSpR, 5, 45 (1985)
  626. Exosat observations of the supernova remnant cas a
    Jansen, F et al., AdSpR, 5, 49 (1985)
  627. X-ray observations of Vela-X
    Smith, A & Zimmermann, H, AdSpR, 5, 53 (1985)
  628. X-ray emission from the planetary nebula NGC 1360
    de Korte, P et al., AdSpR, 5, 57 (1985)
  629. Soft X-ray characteristics of white dwarfs observed by EXOSAT
    Heise, J et al., AdSpR, 5, 61 (1985)
  630. A simultaneous X-ray and radio observation of a flare from Algol
    Parmar, A et al., AdSpR, 5, 69 (1985)
  631. A search for X-ray emitting coronal structures in algol
    Culhane, J et al., AdSpR, 5, 73 (1985)
  632. The soft X-ray superoutburst of VW hydri: 14 second periodicity
    van der Woerd, H et al., AdSpR, 5, 77 (1985)
  633. Is cygnus X-3 a low-mass X-ray binary?
    van der Klis, M & Jansen, F, AdSpR, 5, 109 (1985)
  634. Exosat observations of the galactic bulge X-ray source GX17+2
    Sztajno, M et al., AdSpR, 5, 113 (1985)
  635. Optical and X-ray observations of 4U2129+47/V1727 CYG in a quiescent state
    Pietsch, W et al., AdSpR, 5, 117 (1985)
  636. Search for millisecond rotational periods in some low-mass X-ray binaries observed by EXOSAT
    Langmeier, A et al., AdSpR, 5, 121 (1985)
  637. EXOSAT observations of active galactic nuclei
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., AdSpR, 5, 129 (1985)
  638. EXOSAT observations of the Perseus cluster
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., AdSpR, 5, 133 (1985)
  639. Spectral and temporal studies of various late-type stars
    Brinkman, A et al., AdSpR, 5, 65 (1985)
  640. Einstein and EXOSAT observations of geminga (1E0630+178). A summary of the short - and medium - term variability data
    Bignami, G et al., AdSpR, 5, 145 (1985)
  641. EXOSAT Observations of the Transient EXO 0748-676
    Gottwald, M et al., BAAS, 17, 590 (1985)
  642. Rapid X-ray Variability in NGC 3031 (M81)
    Barr, P et al., BAAS, 17, 608 (1985)
  643. X-ray and Optical Observations of Four X-ray Selected BL Lac Objects
    Giommi, P et al., BAAS, 17, 608 (1985)
  644. Possiblity of a 17,000 Sec Pulsation in the X-Ray Spectrum of the BL Lac Object Mkn 421
    Brodie, J & Bowyer, S, BAAS, 17, 757 (1985)
  645. EXOSAT Soft X-ray Observations of PG1159-035
    Holberg, J & Barstow, M, BAAS, 17, 838 (1985)
  646. A Dependence between Burst Properties and the Strength of the Persistent Emission in the X-ray Burster EXO 0748-676
    Gottwald, M et al., BAAS, 17, 849 (1985)
  647. Recent EXOSAT Results
    Heise, J, BAAS, 17, 853 (1985)
  648. An IUE, Optical and EXOSAT Rotational Modulation Study of the Active Flare Star EV Lac
    Ambruster, C & Pettersen, B, BAAS, 17, 880 (1985)
  649. EXOSAT X-Ray and VLBI Radio Observations of the Quasar NRAO 140
    Marscher, A, BAAS, 17, 890 (1985)
  650. EXOSAT 1985 Observations of the ∼60 sec Periodicity of 1E 0630+178
    Caraveo, P et al., BAAS, 17, 868 (1985)
  651. EXOSAT and Einstein Observations of the X-ray Pulsar 2S 1145-61
    Mereghetti, S et al., BAAS, 17, 867 (1985)
  652. Exosat — Two years in orbit
    CIBu, 104, 32 (1985)
  653. Exosat: two years in orbit.
    Peacock, A & Andrews, D, ESABu, 43, 82 (1985)
  654. Reflections of two years of EXOSAT operations.
    Peacock, A & Taylor, B, ESABu, 44, 44 (1985)
  655. Recent Results on Cataclysmic Variables: ESA:SP236, 1985
    Burke, W, ESASP 236 (1985)
  656. Multifrequency Observations of Dwarf Novae Outbursts
    Szkody, P, ESASP, 236, 39 (1985)
  657. EXO:0748-676 - an Exciting New X-Ray Transient
    Parmar, A et al., ESASP, 236, 119 (1985)
  658. Observations of the HERCULES-X-1 Accretion Disk
    Kahabka, P et al., ESASP, 236, 123 (1985)
  659. The Spectral and Temporal Variability of GX:13+1
    Stella, L et al., ESASP, 236, 125 (1985)
  660. Unusual X-Ray Burst Profiles from 4U/MXB:1636-53
    Sztajno, M et al., ESASP, 236, 129 (1985)
  661. X-Ray Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of the Am-Herculis Object E2003+225
    Bonnet-Bidaud, J et al., ESASP, 236, 155 (1985)
  662. X-ray, optical and UV observations of the AM Her object E 2003+225.
    Osborne, J et al., ESASP, 236, 161 (1985)
  663. Ef-Eridani - Structure of the X-Ray Lightcurve
    Watson, M et al., ESASP, 236, 169 (1985)
  664. Geometry and Magnetic Field of the Am-Herculis Star H:0139-68
    Schwope, A & Beuermann, K, ESASP, 236, 173 (1985)
  665. X-Ray Observations of Classical Novae during the Outburst Stage by EXOSAT
    Oegelman, H et al., ESASP, 236, 177 (1985)
  666. 3000-SECOND X-Ray Variations of Gk-Persei - Evidence for Transition Fronts in the Inner Accretion Disk
    Duschl, W et al., ESASP, 236, 221 (1985)
  667. EXOSAT Observations of the X-Ray Source in the Globular Cluster TERZAN:2
    Belli, B et al., ESASP, 236, 263 (1985)
  668. 4U:2129+47 / V1727-CYGNI - a Low-Mass X-Ray Binary in an Extended Quiescent State
    Steinle, H et al., ESASP, 236, 273 (1985)
  669. Discovery of Intensity Dependent Quasiperiodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of GX:5-1
    van der Klis, M et al., ESASP, 236, 291 (1985)
  670. Accreting neutron stars in close binary systems.
    Ilovaisky, S, ESASP, 239, 49 (1985)
  671. The X-ray spectrum of emission line stars (superluminous and symbiotic).
    Baratta, G et al., ESASP, 239, 95 (1985)
  672. Non ionization equilibrium effects in the SNR RCW 86.
    Claas, J & Peacock, A, ESASP, 239, 107 (1985)
  673. X-ray spectra of bursting neutron stars: effects of Comptonization and bound-free opacity.
    Ebisuzaki, T & Nomoto, K, ESASP, 239, 111 (1985)
  674. EXOSAT CMA observations of X0512-401 = NGC 1851.
    Ercan, E et al., ESASP, 239, 121 (1985)
  675. EXOSAT observations of the poor cluster of galaxies 2A 0335+096.
    Noorgaard-Nielsen, H et al., ESASP, 239, 155 (1985)
  676. The Hyades: EXOSAT broad band spectroscopy.
    Westergaard, N et al., ESASP, 239, 159 (1985)
  677. Long-term X-ray variability in the Hyades cluster.
    Zolcinski, M & Stern, R, ESASP, 239, 163 (1985)
  678. ESO Workshop on the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies : Garching, 4-7 September 1984 : proceedings
    Richter, O & Binggeli, B, ESOC 20 (1985)
  679. EXOSAT observations of the Virgo cluster.
    Smith, A & Stewart, G, ESOC, 20, 345 (1985)
  680. EXOSAT, European X-Ray Astronomy Satellite.
    EXOSA 9 (1985)
  681. The sensitivity of the EXOSAT Channel Multiplier Array.
    Giommi, P, EXOSA, 12, 33 (1985)
  682. EXOSAT absolute source location. A progress report.
    Gronenschild, E, EXOSA, 12, 53 (1985)
  683. A description of the EXOSAT Timing Analysis Interactive System.
    Stella, L, EXOSA, 14, 31 (1985)
  684. 1E 1402.3+0416
    Giommi, P & Barr, P, IAUC, 4033, 3 (1985)
  685. PG 0834+488
    Cook, M & Green, D, IAUC, 4038, 3 (1985)
  686. EXO 0748-676
    Parmar, A et al., IAUC, 4039, 1 (1985)
  687. GX 5-1 (4U 1758-250)
    van der Klis, M et al., IAUC, 4043, 1 (1985)
  688. 4U 1323-62
    van der Klis, M et al., IAUC, 4044, 1 (1985)
  689. NGC 3031
    Barr, P & Giommi, P, IAUC, 4044, 2 (1985)
  690. RS Ophiuchi
    Cordova, F et al., IAUC, 4049, 3 (1985)
  691. EXO 1846-031
    Parmar, A & White, N, IAUC, 4051, 1 (1985)
  692. 4U 1624-49
    Watson, M et al., IAUC, 4051, 2 (1985)
  693. NGC 4051
    Lawrence, A et al., IAUC, 4054, 2 (1985)
  694. EXO 0748-676
    Parmar, A et al., IAUC, 4057, 1 (1985)
  695. EXO 1747-214
    Parmar, A et al., IAUC, 4058, 2 (1985)
  696. Scorpius X-1
    Middleditch, J & Priedhorsky, W, IAUC, 4060, 1 (1985)
  697. Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
    Gehrz, R et al., IAUC, 4065, 2 (1985)
  698. EXO 2030+375
    Parmar, A et al., IAUC, 4066, 1 (1985)
  699. V818 Scorpii
    van der Klis, M et al., IAUC, 4068, 1 (1985)
  700. V1341 Cygni
    Hasinger, G et al., IAUC, 4070, 2 (1985)
  701. EXO 063111+1801.9
    Bignami, G et al., IAUC, 4081, 1 (1985)
  702. AG Draconis
    Piro, L et al., IAUC, 4082, 3 (1985)
  703. R Aquarii
    Viotti, R et al., IAUC, 4083, 2 (1985)
  704. 1E 1048.1-5937
    Smale, A et al., IAUC, 4083, 3 (1985)
  705. BR Circini
    Tennant, A et al., IAUC, 4096, 2 (1985)
  706. EXO 041604-5504.9
    Alloin, D et al., IAUC, 4097, 3 (1985)
  707. GX 349+2
    Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 4101, 2 (1985)
  708. GX 17+2
    Stella, L et al., IAUC, 4102, 2 (1985)
  709. V471 Tauri
    Jensen, K, IAUC, 4102, 3 (1985)
  710. MXB 1730-335
    Stella, L et al., IAUC, 4110, 1 (1985)
  711. 4U 1705-44
    Sztajno, M et al., IAUC, 4111, 1 (1985)
  712. EXO 2030+375
    White, N et al., IAUC, 4112, 1 (1985)
  713. GX 349+2
    Cooke, B et al., IAUC, 4116, 1 (1985)
  714. 4U 1820-30
    Stella, L et al., IAUC, 4117, 1 (1985)
  715. Gamma Cassiopeiae
    dal Fiume, D et al., IAUC, 4131, 1 (1985)
  716. GX 5-1
    van der Klis, M et al., IAUC, 4140, 1 (1985)
  717. GX 17+2
    Langmeier, A et al., IAUC, 4147, 1 (1985)
  718. V1341 Cygni
    Hasinger, G et al., IAUC, 4153, 2 (1985)
  719. The Electron Spectra in the Synchrotron Nebula of the Supernova Remnant G 29. 7 - 0. 3
    Koch-Miramond, L et al., 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC19), Volume 2, 394 (1985)
  720. The in-orbit performance of the Exosat gas scintillation proportional counter
    Peacock, A et al., ITNS, 32, 108 (1985)
  721. X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and radio observations of cool stars
    Pallavicini, R, MmSAI, 56, 813 (1985)
  722. The Local Stellar Environment / LSE / the B Emission Line Stars
    Doazan, V, Msngr, 39, 17 (1985)
  723. Nova MUSCAE 1983 - Coordinated Observations from X-Rays to the Infrared Regime
    Krautter, J et al., Msngr, 39, 25 (1985)
  724. Variations of the high resolution Hα-line profiles of the very young stars: HR 5999 and HD 163296.
    The, P et al., Msngr, 41, 8 (1985)
  725. Magnetic Activity in Cool Stars
    Schrijver, C, SSRv, 40, 3 (1985)
  726. An EXOSAT Observation of the Morphology of the Coronal X-Ray Emission from Algol
    White, N et al., SSRv, 40, 25 (1985)
  727. Observation of an X-Ray Outburst and Quiescent Emission from the Rs-Canum Binary HR1099
    Barstow, M, SSRv, 40, 35 (1985)
  728. EXOSAT Observations of Late-Type Stars - the Application of Coronal Loop Models
    Landini, M et al., SSRv, 40, 43 (1985)
  729. X-Ray Observations of Active Chromosphere Stars
    Bedford, D et al., SSRv, 40, 51 (1985)
  730. The Extremely X-Ray Bright Wolf-Rayet Star HD193793
    Pollock, A, SSRv, 40, 63 (1985)
  731. EXOSAT Observations of M Dwarfs
    Schmitt, J & Sztajno, M, SSRv, 40, 69 (1985)
  732. EXOSAT observations of active stellar coronae in the Cygnus Loop, T Tau & NGC 2264 regions
    Charles, P et al., SSRv, 40, 73 (1985)
  733. X-Ray Emission from Isolated Hot White Dwarfs
    Heise, J, SSRv, 40, 79 (1985)
  734. X-ray and optical variability at the hour timescale for 1E 0630+178 (GEMINGA) and its proposed optical couterpart
    Vigroux, L et al., SSRv, 40, 91 (1985)
  735. X-Ray Emission from Cataclysmic Variables
    Mason, K, SSRv, 40, 99 (1985)
  736. 2AO526-328 - the White Dwarf Rotation Period Revealed
    Schrijver, J et al., SSRv, 40, 121 (1985)
  737. EXOSAT / Optical Observations of the Am-Herculis Star H0139-68
    Beuermann, K et al., SSRv, 40, 135 (1985)
  738. X-Ray Variability of the Am-Herculis Star CW1103+254
    Beuermann, K & Stella, L, SSRv, 40, 139 (1985)
  739. New EXOSAT Results from the Intermediate Polar V1223-SAGITTARIUS
    Osborne, J et al., SSRv, 40, 143 (1985)
  740. X-Ray Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of the Am-Herculis System E2003+225
    Mukai, K et al., SSRv, 40, 151 (1985)
  741. The Discovery of a 25-MIN Regular Modulation in the X-Ray Flux from 2S0142+61
    White, N et al., SSRv, 40, 157 (1985)
  742. The Decay of Dwarf Nova Outbursts
    van der Woerd, B & Heise, J, SSRv, 40, 163 (1985)
  743. The Structure of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    White, N & Mason, K, SSRv, 40, 167 (1985)
  744. The Big Dipper - 4U1624-49
    Watson, M et al., SSRv, 40, 195 (1985)
  745. Spectral variability of scorpius X-1, as observed with EXOSAT
    Brinkman, A et al., SSRv, 40, 201 (1985)
  746. High and medium resolution spectroscopy of the X-ray transient 4U1543-47
    Chiappetti, L et al., SSRv, 40, 207 (1985)
  747. An Investigation Into the Nature of the 4.4-HOUR Periodic Source 4U1755-33
    Parmar, A et al., SSRv, 40, 213 (1985)
  748. An EXOSAT observation of the peculiar X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 during optical eclipse
    Mason, K et al., SSRv, 40, 225 (1985)
  749. LHG83 - another Outstanding X-Ray Binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Pakull, M et al., SSRv, 40, 229 (1985)
  750. EXOSAT Medium-Energy Observations of CYGNUS-X-2
    Hasinger, G et al., SSRv, 40, 233 (1985)
  751. Coordinated optical-EXOSAT-tenma observations of a burst from 2S1636-536
    Turner, M et al., SSRv, 40, 249 (1985)
  752. EXOSAT and Optical Observations of the X-Ray Burst Source 4U/MXB1636-53
    Trumper, J et al., SSRv, 40, 255 (1985)
  753. EXOSAT Observations of Bursts from 2S1636-536 - Burst Morphology
    Turner, M et al., SSRv, 40, 263 (1985)
  754. The Quiescent Spectrum of 2S1636-536
    Breedon, L et al., SSRv, 40, 269 (1985)
  755. EXOSAT results on the X-ray burster 2S 1254-690.
    Courvoisier, T et al., SSRv, 40, 275 (1985)
  756. Coordinated EXOSAT and Optical Observations of the X-Ray Burster 4U1737-44
    Smale, A et al., SSRv, 40, 281 (1985)
  757. First Detection of an X-Ray Burst and a One-Hour Intensity Dip in 4U1323-62
    van der Klis, M et al., SSRv, 40, 287 (1985)
  758. Detection of Iron Lines in the Persistent Emission of Some X-Ray Burst Sources Observed by EXOSAT
    Sztajno, M et al., SSRv, 40, 293 (1985)
  759. The Variable Iron Line in CYGNUS-X-3
    van der Klis, M et al., SSRv, 40, 297 (1985)
  760. Temporal Intensity Fluctuations of HERCULES-X-1 around 100-SECOND Timescales
    Voges, W et al., SSRv, 40, 339 (1985)
  761. 35-DAY Cycle and the Rotation Period of HERCULES-X-1
    Oegelman, H et al., SSRv, 40, 347 (1985)
  762. EXOSAT Observations of the Iron Line Emission of HERCULES-X-1 during a 35-DAY Cycle
    Kahabka, P et al., SSRv, 40, 355 (1985)
  763. Spectra and time variability of GX 5-1
    Kendziorra, E et al., SSRv, 40, 361 (1985)
  764. EXOSAT Observations of the Bright X-Ray Source GX9+1
    Langmeier, A et al., SSRv, 40, 367 (1985)
  765. Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 - 13.4 Pulsations and an X-Ray Flare Observed by EXOSAT
    Pietsch, W et al., SSRv, 40, 371 (1985)
  766. Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 AO:538-66 and Surrounding X-Ray Sources Observed with EXOSAT
    Pakull, M et al., SSRv, 40, 379 (1985)
  767. The Discovery of Low-Level Iron Line Emission from CYGNUS-X-1
    Barr, P et al., SSRv, 40, 383 (1985)
  768. The Spectral and Temporal Variability of the X-Ray Transient 4U1630-47
    Parmar, A et al., SSRv, 40, 391 (1985)
  769. EXOSAT observations of the X-ray pulsar 4U1145-619
    Warwick, R et al., SSRv, 40, 429 (1985)
  770. A High Quality Low State Observation of CIRCINUS-X-1
    Tennant, A, SSRv, 40, 433 (1985)
  771. A New View of the Galactic Plane with EXOSAT
    Turner, M et al., SSRv, 40, 437 (1985)
  772. Galactic Supernova Remnants
    Aschenbach, B, SSRv, 40, 447 (1985)
  773. X-Ray Spectrum of the TYCHO SNR Observed with EXOSAT
    Davelaar, J et al., SSRv, 40, 467 (1985)
  774. EXOSAT PSD and CMA observations of the SNR PKS 1209-52
    Kellett, B, SSRv, 40, 475 (1985)
  775. Mapping of the Cygnus Loop with EXOSAT
    Ballet, J et al., SSRv, 40, 481 (1985)
  776. EXOSAT Le-Canis Observations of the VELA Supernova Remnant
    Smith, A & Zimmermann, H, SSRv, 40, 487 (1985)
  777. Some crucial X-ray observations — One or two SNR(s) in Crux?
    Mereghetti, S et al., SSRv, 40, 495 (1985)
  778. 2 10 KeV spectra of Crab-like SNR’s as observed by EXOSAT
    Davelaar, J & Smith, A, SSRv, 40, 513 (1985)
  779. Spectral observation of the composite supernova remnant G 29.7-0.3
    Koch-Miramond, L et al., SSRv, 40, 521 (1985)
  780. Thermal radiation from a radio pulsar PSR 1055-52
    Brinkmann, W et al., SSRv, 40, 527 (1985)
  781. The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
    Pounds, K et al., SSRv, 40, 585 (1985)
  782. Simultaneous EXOSAT-IUE observations of NGC 4151
    Perola, G et al., SSRv, 40, 593 (1985)
  783. EXOSAT Observations of the Bl-Lacertae Object MKN421
    Warwick, R et al., SSRv, 40, 597 (1985)
  784. X-Ray Variability of the Bright Bl-Lacertae Object PKS2155-304
    Morini, M et al., SSRv, 40, 601 (1985)
  785. Variability of Bl-Lacertae Objects at X-Ray and Other Frequencies
    Pollock, A et al., SSRv, 40, 607 (1985)
  786. H0323+022 - Classification as a Bl-Lacertae and EXOSAT Coordinated Observations
    Bradt, H et al., SSRv, 40, 613 (1985)
  787. MR2251-178: Preliminary results of an X-ray monitoring programme
    Stewart, G et al., SSRv, 40, 619 (1985)
  788. X-Ray Spectral Variability of 3C273
    Turner, M et al., SSRv, 40, 623 (1985)
  789. EXOSAT observation of the QSO galaxy pair 1E0104.2+3153
    Giommi, P et al., SSRv, 40, 627 (1985)
  790. EXOSAT spectra of some bright QSO’s
    McGlynn, T et al., SSRv, 40, 633 (1985)
  791. The X-Ray and Optical Variability of the BLRG 3C390.3
    Shafer, R et al., SSRv, 40, 637 (1985)
  792. Optical Observations of Serendipitous EXOSAT Sources in the Coma Cluster
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., SSRv, 40, 647 (1985)
  793. EXOSAT 2 10 KeV observations of M87 and the Virgo cluster
    Smith, A & Stewart, G, SSRv, 40, 661 (1985)
  794. Abell 1367 and 1060 observed with EXOSAT
    Norgaard-Nielsen, H et al., SSRv, 40, 669 (1985)
  795. EXOSAT observations of NGC 1399 and NGC 1404: Two elliptical galaxies in the center of the Fornax cluster
    Mason, K & Rosen, S, SSRv, 40, 675 (1985)
  796. EXOSAT and EINSTEIN High Resolution Images of the Small Magellanic Cloud
    Jones, L et al., SSRv, 40, 693 (1985)
  797. Neutron stars as cosmic hadron physics laboratories
    Pines, D, STIA, 86, 37056 (1985)
  798. Active galactic nuclei
    Dyson, J, agn book (1985)
  799. EXOSAT observations of active galactic nuclei.
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., Active Galactic Nuclei, 238 (1985)
  800. EXOSAT observations of flux variation from NGC 4151.
    Whitehouse, D, Active Galactic Nuclei, 243 (1985)
  801. A new interpretation of the Crab pulsar X-ray interpulse radiation.
    Hasinger, G, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 47 (1985)
  802. X-ray observations of Crablike remnants.
    Becker, R, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 187 (1985)
  803. X-ray observations of the Crab Nebula.
    Brinkmann, W, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 197 (1985)
  804. EXOSAT spectral observations of Crab-like SNR’s.
    Davelaar, J & Smith, A, The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants, 219 (1985)
  805. Spectra of X-Ray Bursts
    van Paradijs, J, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 79 (1985)
  806. Cyg X-3: The Dependence of the Iron-Line Parameters on Orbital Phase
    van der Klis, M, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 195 (1985)
  807. Broad Band X-Ray Spectra and Time Variability of Selected Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with EXOSAT
    Pounds, K, Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources, 261 (1985)
  808. Multifrequency observations of symbiotic stars
    Cassatella, A & et al.,, Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources, 97 (1985)
  809. X-ray observation of SS 433
    Brinkmann, W & Doll, H, Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources, 117 (1985)
  810. X-ray Spectra of Supernova Remnants: Observations in Continuum and Lines
    Bleeker, J, Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy, 77 (1985)
  811. X-ray Timing and Spectral Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
    McHardy, I, Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy, 117 (1985)
  812. EXOSAT hard X-ray observations of EX Hydrae.
    Beuermann, K & Osborne, J, X-ray Astronomy '84, 23 (1985)
  813. EXOSAT observations of late-type stars: preliminary results.
    Landini, M et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 31 (1985)
  814. X-ray emission from the planetary nebula NGC 1360.
    de Korte, P et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 35 (1985)
  815. The soft X-ray superoutburst of VW Hydri: 14 second periodicity.
    van der Woerd, H et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 55 (1985)
  816. EXOSAT observations of AM Her objects - preliminary results.
    Osborne, J et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 59 (1985)
  817. EXOSAT observations of intermediate polars: preliminary results.
    Osborne, J et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 63 (1985)
  818. Simultaneous EXOSAT and optical observations of the pulsing X-ray binary H2252-035/AO Psc.
    Pietsch, W et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 67 (1985)
  819. Spectral studies of low-mass X-ray binaries observed by EXOSAT.
    Sztajno, M et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 111 (1985)
  820. Discovery of regularities in the cycle-to-cycle variability of Cygnus X-3.
    van der Klis, M & Jansen, F, X-ray Astronomy '84, 115 (1985)
  821. EXOSAT observations of 4U 1705-44.
    Langmeier, A et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 121 (1985)
  822. EXOSAT observations of 1636-536.
    Breedon, L & Turner, M, X-ray Astronomy '84, 145 (1985)
  823. Recent results of EXOSAT observations of 2S 1254-690.
    Courvoisier, T et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 153 (1985)
  824. Pulse phase spectroscopy of Her X-1 with EXOSAT.
    Kahabka, P et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 193 (1985)
  825. EXOSAT observations of the 35d intensity variations of Her X-1.
    Ogelman, H et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 197 (1985)
  826. EXOSAT observation of "Geminga".
    Caraveo, P et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 213 (1985)
  827. EXOSAT observations of 3A 1954+319.
    Cook, M et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 225 (1985)
  828. EXOSAT observations of the X-ray transient V 0332+53.
    Davelaar, J et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 235 (1985)
  829. Observations of LMC X-3 with EXOSAT.
    Treves, A et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 259 (1985)
  830. EXOSAT observations of the supernova remnant Cas A.
    Jansen, F et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 289 (1985)
  831. EXOSAT observations of SN 1006.
    Jones, L et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 305 (1985)
  832. Recent results on the Crab-pulsar X-ray light curve.
    Hasinger, G, X-ray Astronomy '84, 321 (1985)
  833. EXOSAT observations of the Andromeda nebula.
    McKechnie, S et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 373 (1985)
  834. EXOSAT observations of active galactic nuclei.
    Pounds, K et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 409 (1985)
  835. EXOSAT observations of three bright BL Lac objects.
    Warwick, R et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 467 (1985)
  836. IUE-EXOSAT observations of NGC 4151.
    Perola, G et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 475 (1985)
  837. The soft X-ray emission from ON 235 and MK 766.
    Maccagni, D et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 479 (1985)
  838. X-ray astronomy in the EXOSAT era; Proceedings of the Eighteenth ESLAB Symposium
    Peacock, A, xray symp (1985)
  839. EXOSAT Observations of M Dwarfs
    Schmitt, J & Sztajno, M, xray, symp, 1 (1985)
  840. EXOSAT / Optical Observations of the Am-Herculis Star H0139-68
    Beuermann, K et al., xray, symp, 12 (1985)
  841. Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 A0538-66 and Surrounding X-Ray Sources Observed with EXOSAT
    Pakull, M et al., xray, symp, 19 (1985)
  842. Large Magellanic CLOUD-X-4 - 13.5-SEC Pulsations and an X-Ray Flare Observed by EXOSAT
    Pietsch, W et al., xray, symp, 23 (1985)
  843. EXOSAT Observations of the Iron Line Emission of HERCULES-X-1 during a 35-DAY Cycle
    Kahabka, P et al., xray, symp, 37 (1985)
  844. EXOSAT and Optical Observations of the X-Ray Burst Source 4U/MXB1636-53
    Trumper, J et al., xray, symp, 50 (1985)
  845. EXOSAT Medium Energy Observations of CYGNUS-X-2
    Hasinger, G et al., xray, symp, 58 (1985)
  846. Detection of Iron Lines in the Persistent Emission of Some X-Ray Burst Sources Observed by EXOSAT
    Sztajno, M et al., xray, symp, 64 (1985)
  847. EXOSAT Observations of the Bright X-Ray Source GX9+1
    Langmeier, A et al., xray, symp, 68 (1985)
  848. EXOSAT Observations
    Branduardi Raymont, G, ASSL, 111, 341 (1984)
  849. EXOSAT Observations of Galactic and Extra-Galactic Sources
    Mason, K et al., BAAS, 16, 469 (1984)
  850. EXOSAT Observations of a Double X-ray Periodicity in EX Hydrae
    Cordova, F et al., BAAS, 16, 514 (1984)
  851. Objective Grating X-Ray Spectroscopy of Compact Sources
    Kahn, S, BAAS, 16, 880 (1984)
  852. EXOSAT Observations of the X-Ray SNR 1E1149.6+6209, First Seen with the Einstein IPC
    Bignami, G et al., BAAS, 16, 926 (1984)
  853. EXOSAT Observations of the Radio Galaxy 3C390.3
    Shafer, R et al., BAAS, 16, 932 (1984)
  854. EXOSAT Observations of the X-ray Transient V0332+53
    Stella, L et al., BAAS, 16, 472 (1984)
  855. X-Ray Spectra of Low Luminosity Clusters of Galaxies
    Henriksen, M & Mushotzky, R, BAAS, 16, 882 (1984)
  856. An Extended Low State from Her X-1
    Parmar, A et al., BAAS, 16, 471 (1984)
  857. Atmospheric Structures in AR Lac. I. Mapping Quiescent Features by Occultations &Doppler Imaging
    Walter, F et al., BAAS, 16, 896 (1984)
  858. 2.12. Exosat: One year in orbit
    CIBu, 100, 28 (1984)
  859. EXOSAT: Un an en orbite
    CIBu, 101, 78 (1984)
  860. ESA’s astronomical data-base facilities.
    Schuetz, A, ESABu, 37, 86 (1984)
  861. Exosat probes the remnants of dead stars.
    Peacock, A, ESABu, 38, 17 (1984)
  862. An advanced concept for the pointing of a spaceborne observatory: Exosat.
    Massart, A et al., ESABu, 39, 90 (1984)
  863. Neutron stars, black holes and Exosat.
    Peacock, A, ESABu, 40, 38 (1984)
  864. VLBI in space and X-ray observations of compact sources in active galactic nuclei.
    Biermann, P, ESASP, 213, 157 (1984)
  865. Multifrequency observations of active galactic nuclei.
    Tanzi, E et al., ESASP, 218, 111 (1984)
  866. Preliminary results of coordinated optical, UV and X-ray observations of magnetic white dwarfs in binaries.
    Maraschi, L et al., ESASP, 218, 427 (1984)
  867. Evidence for variations in the phase-dependent ionization structure of the stellar wind in Vela X-1.
    van der Klis, M & Hammerschlag-Hensberge, G, ESASP, 218, 443 (1984)
  868. EXOSAT, European X-Ray Astronomy Satellite.
    EXOSA 3 (1984)
  869. EXOSAT Satellite.
    Andrews, D, EXOSA, 3, 1 (1984)
  870. EXOSAT, European X-Ray Astronomy Satellite.
    EXOSA 6 (1984)
  871. V0332+53
    White, N et al., IAUC, 3912, 3 (1984)
  872. Hercules X-1
    Trumper, J et al., IAUC, 3923, 1 (1984)
  873. 2S 1254-690
    Courvoisier, T et al., IAUC, 3932, 2 (1984)
  874. AN Ursae Majoris
    Osborne, J, IAUC, 3935, 1 (1984)
  875. VW Hydri
    Heise, J et al., IAUC, 3939, 1 (1984)
  876. 2S 1254-690
    Courvoisier, T et al., IAUC, 3952, 2 (1984)
  877. 4U 1323-62
    van der Klis, M et al., IAUC, 3961, 1 (1984)
  878. TV Columbae
    Brinkman, A & Schrijver, J, IAUC, 3980, 3 (1984)
  879. 2S 0142+61
    White, N et al., IAUC, 3996, 2 (1984)
  880. 2S 0142+61
    Seward, F, IAUC, 4001, 2 (1984)
  881. The EXOSAT imaging X-ray detectors.
    Mason, I et al., ITNS, 31, 795 (1984)
  882. EXOSAT observations of active galactic nuclei.
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., MPERp, 184, 88 (1984)
  883. Soft X-ray emission from BL Lac objects.
    Maccagni, D et al., MPERp, 184, 92 (1984)
  884. EXO 1102.8+2539, an X-ray variable AGN.
    Beuermann, K et al., MPERp, 184, 111 (1984)
  885. First Results from the X-Ray Satellite EXOSAT
    Biermann, P, MitAG, 62, 101 (1984)
  886. Study of the Overall Spectrum of the QSO 3C273
    Courvoisier, T, Msngr, 37, 8 (1984)
  887. The EXOSAT and Einstein observations of 1E0630 + 178 (‘Geminga’) as complementary data sets
    Salotti, L et al., NCimC, 7, 741 (1984)
  888. EXOSAT observation of ‘Geminga’
    Caraveo, P & Bignami, G, NCimC, 7, 748 (1984)
  889. Evidence for an increasing 59 S period in the X-ray emission from Geminga
    Bignami, G et al., NCimC, 7, 756 (1984)
  890. Broad-band X-ray spectrum of the bright Seyfert galaxy MKN 509
    Molteni, D et al., NCimC, 7, 864 (1984)
  891. Exosat: Europe’s New X-ray Satellite
    Cordova, F & Mason, K, S&T, 67, 397 (1984)
  892. EXOSAT on the Job
    White, N, S&T, 68, 493 (1984)
  893. Röntgenbilder von EXOSAT.
    Gottwald, M, S&W, 23, 308 (1984)
  894. De Europese Exosat: röntgensterrenkunde op eenzame hoogten.
    Beekman, G, Zenit, 11, 404 (1984)
  895. Report on the activities of the Space Science Department
    Page, D et al., Annual Report, 1982 (1984)
  896. The EXOSAT Mission - Status and Early Results
    Andresen, R et al., High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology, 485 (1984)
  897. Research relative to high energy astrophysics
    Gorenstein, P, sao rept (1984)
  898. Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy with EXOSAT (invited Paper)
    Mewe, R, IAU Colloq. 86: Eighth International Colloquium on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 59 (1984)
  899. Broad-Band Spectroscopy of Late-Type Stars with EXOSAT
    Landini, M et al., IAU Colloq. 86: Eighth International Colloquium on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 68 (1984)
  900. The X-ray structure of the Crab Nebula
    Brinkmann, W et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 1 (1984)
  901. Search for millisecond rotational periods in some low-mass X-ray binaries observed by EXOSAT
    Langmeier, A et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 5 (1984)
  902. The X-ray structure of the Crab Nebula
    Asenbach, B et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 8 (1984)
  903. Optical and X-ray observations of 4U2129+47/V1727 CYG in a quiescent state
    Pietsch, W et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 9 (1984)
  904. Recent results on the Crab Pulsar X-ray light curve
    Hasinger, G, Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 12 (1984)
  905. EXOSAT observations of the galactic bulge X-ray source GX17+2
    Sztajno, M et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 14 (1984)
  906. EXOSAT observations of the 35d intensity variations of HER X-1
    Oegelman, H et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 16 (1984)
  907. Pulse phase spectroscopy of HER X-1 with EXOSAT
    Kahabka, P et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 20 (1984)
  908. Simultaneous EXOSAT and optical observations of the pulsing X-ray binary H2252-035 / AO PSC
    Pietsch, W et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 25 (1984)
  909. Spectral studies of low-mass X-ray binaries observed by EXOSAT
    Szatajno, M et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 31 (1984)
  910. EXOSAT observations of 4U1705-44
    Langmeier, A et al., Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group, 35 (1984)
  911. Contributions of the X-ray astronomy group
    xras rept (1984)
  912. Contributions of the X-ray astronomy group
    xras rept (1984)
  913. EXOSAT observations of active galactic nuclei
    Branduar-Raymont, G, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 88 (1984)
  914. Soft X-ray emission from BL Lac objects
    Maccagni, D, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 92 (1984)
  915. EXO 1102.8+2539, an X-ray variable Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN)
    Beuermann, K, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 111 (1984)
  916. High energy satellite surveys
    Bennett, K, ASSL, 105, 271 (1983)
  917. Exosat. Den europeiska röntgensatelliten.
    Larsson, S, ATi, 16, 155 (1983)
  918. EXOSAT Observations of Geminga (==1E0630.9+1748=2CG 195+04)
    Caraveo, P et al., BAAS, 15, 908 (1983)
  919. 2.4. EXOSAT: One month in orbit
    CIBu, 98, 32 (1983)
  920. Switch-on of Exosat’s scientific payload
    Taylor, B, ESABu, 35, 14 (1983)
  921. The Exosat launch operations
    Altmann, G et al., ESABu, 35, 18 (1983)
  922. Highlights from Exosat’s early orbits.
    Peacock, A, ESABu, 36, 21 (1983)
  923. GK Persei
    Watson, M et al., IAUC, 3850, 2 (1983)
  924. MXB 1730-335
    Pollard, G et al., IAUC, 3854, 4 (1983)
  925. 4U 1543-45
    Blissett, R et al., IAUC, 3858, 1 (1983)
  926. GX 1+4
    Hall, R & Davelaar, J, IAUC, 3872, 1 (1983)
  927. 4U 2129+47 = V1727 Cygni
    Pietsch, W et al., IAUC, 3887, 3 (1983)
  928. V0332+53
    Terrell, J et al., IAUC, 3893, 1 (1983)
  929. V0332+53
    Stella, L & White, N, IAUC, 3902, 1 (1983)
  930. Exosat - the new extrasolar X-ray observatory.
    Hoff, H, JBIS, 36, 363 (1983)
  931. Optical identification of the transient X-ray source 4U1543-47.
    Pedersen, H, Msngr, 34, 21 (1983)
  932. New Space Observatories / IRAS / TENMA / Hakucho / Astron / EXOSAT
    S&T, 66, 216 (1983)
  933. European X-ray observatory satellite (Exosat)
    STIN, 83, 24532 (1983)
  934. Report on the scientific satellites of the European Space Agency
    Burke, W et al., STIN, 83, 32831 (1983)
  935. Europe’s High-Flying X-Ray Eye - EXOSAT
    Eberhart, J, SciN, 123, 358 (1983)
  936. Exosat/Delta - Demonstrated short-term backup launcher capability through international cooperation
    Ganoung, J et al., buda iafc (1983)
  937. Future directions in X-ray/gamma-ray observations
    Kniffen, D, The Galactic Center, 208 (1982)
  938. The European X-ray observatory Exosat - its mission and scientific instruments.
    Taylor, B et al., ESABu, 31, 20 (1982)
  939. The European X-ray Observatory Satellite - Exosat.
    Taylor, B et al., ESAJ, 6, 1 (1982)
  940. Europe’s place in space
    STIN, 83, 16374 (1982)
  941. EXOSAT: The European X-ray observatory satellite
    STIN, 83, 23337 (1982)
  942. Space research in the Netherlands
    STIN, 84, 19194 (1982)
  943. Observational capabilities of EXOSAT and ROSAT
    Aschenbach, B, Accreting Neutron Stars, 309 (1982)
  944. X-80 - A European spectroscopy, timing, and transient mission in X-ray astronomy
    Auer, R et al., Technology for Space Astrophysics Conference, 101 (1982)
  945. The development of the gas scintillation proportional counter for X-ray astronomy.
    Taylor, B, ESABu, 26, 6 (1981)
  946. Space astronomy in the European Space Agency.
    Macchetto, F, MmSAI, 52, 95 (1981)
  947. The EXOSAT Mission
    Taylor, B et al., SSRv, 30, 479 (1981)
  948. The X-Ray Imaging Telescopes on EXOSAT
    de Korte, P et al., SSRv, 30, 495 (1981)
  949. The medium energy instrument on EXOSAT.
    Turner, M et al., SSRv, 30, 513 (1981)
  950. The gas scintillation proportional counter on EXOSAT.
    Peacock, A et al., SSRv, 30, 525 (1981)
  951. Present status of the scientific satellite project Exosat
    Altmann, G, dglr meet (1981)
  952. The European X-ray astronomy satellite EXOSAT observer’s guide. Part_I: Executive summary. Part_II: Observer’s handbook.
    exas book (1981)
  953. Current European programmes and operational capabilities
    Steiner, R, Space Tracking and Data Systems, 17 (1981)
  954. Neutron star binaries, pulsars and burst sources
    Lamb, F, xras, nasa, 77 (1981)
  955. Space research in the Netherlands, 1979
    COSPAR Meeting, 2 (1980)
  956. Orbital manoeuvres of Exosat X-ray observatory satellite
    Rodriguez-Canabal, J, dglr meet (1980)
  957. X-ray imaging telescope on EXOSAT
    Laine, R et al., SPIE, 184, 181 (1979)
  958. X-ray scattering from epoxy replica surfaces
    de Korte, P, SPIE, 184, 189 (1979)
  959. EXOSAT, an ESA X-ray observatory satellite
    Schneider, K, muni iafc (1979)
  960. 2.5. Development contract for the scientific satellite EXOSAT entrusted to the industrial Consortium COSMOS
    CIBu, 83, 62 (1978)
  961. Technical development of scientific experiments for spacecraft
    Cocks, G & Heaton, J, 17th International Scientific-Technological Conference on Space, 483 (1977)
  962. Das europäische Roentgenobservatorium EXOSAT
    Zimmermann, H, MitAG, 40, 171 (1976)
  963. Optimization of the parameters of a stellar sensor, used for attitude reconstitution of a satellite
    Lecchi, P, STIN, 77, 26191 (1976)
  964. Recent advances and near future prospects in high energy astronomy
    Friedman, H, aiaa meet (1976)
  965. An introduction to the EXOSAT mission.
    Taylor, B, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 69 (1975)
  966. The medium energy experiment for EXOSAT.
    Hoffman, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 75 (1975)
  967. The low-energy experiment on EXOSAT.
    Bleeker, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 89 (1975)
  968. Low energy spectroscopy with EXOSAT.
    Bleeker, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 109 (1975)
  969. Lunar occultation of point X-ray sources.
    Reppin, C, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 119 (1975)
  970. Optical identification of X-ray sources
    Penston, M, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 129 (1975)
  971. Identifications of X-ray sources with radio objects.
    Lequeux, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 133 (1975)
  972. Pulsating and binary X-ray sources.
    van den Heuvel, E, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 147 (1975)
  973. Source structure via the occultation technique.
    Fabian, A, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 159 (1975)
  974. The structures of extragalactic X-ray sources
    Longair, M, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 175 (1975)
  975. X-ray halos.
    Spiegelhauer, H & Truemper, J, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 193 (1975)
  976. Proposals for the EXOSAT observation programme and choice of orbit.
    Andresen, R, X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics, 203 (1975)
  977. EXOSAT and "black holes".
    Andresen, R, ESROB, 23, 12 (1973)
  978. Giornate di studio sull’astronomia X spaziale. Il satellite EXOSAT.
    Bertotti, B, MmSAI, 44, 481 (1973)
  979. Introduzione storica al progetto EXOSAT (HELOS)
    Dilworth, C, MmSAI, 44, 481 (1973)
  980. Il progetto “EXOSAT” dell’organizzazione Europea per la Ricerca Spaziale (ESRO)
    Manno, V, MmSAI, 44, 483 (1973)
  981. Strumentazione del satellite EXOSAT
    Horstman, H, MmSAI, 44, 507 (1973)
  982. Problemi di identificazione ottica delle sorgenti X galattiche osservabili in occultazione lunare dal satellite EXOSAT (HELOS)
    Reina, C, MmSAI, 44, 603 (1973)

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