EXOSAT Bibliography: Refereed Publications

artist concept of EXOSAT in space
  1. Long-term variations in the X-ray activity of HR 1099
    Perdelwitz, V et al., A&A, 616, 161 (2018)
  2. A Precise Measurement of the Orbital Period Parameters of Cygnus X-3
    Bhargava, Y et al., ApJ, 849, 141 (2017)
  3. New orbital ephemerides for the dipping source 4U 1323-619: constraining the distance to the source
    Gambino, A et al., A&A, 589, 34 (2016)
  4. Orbital evolution and search for eccentricity and apsidal motion in the eclipsing HMXB 4U 1700-37
    Islam, N & Paul, B, MNRAS, 461, 816 (2016)
  5. Signature of the presence of a third body orbiting around XB 1916-053
    Iaria, R et al., A&A, 582, 32 (2015)
  6. Discovery of periodic dips in the light curve of GX 13+1: the X-ray orbital ephemeris of the source
    Iaria, R et al., A&A, 561, 99 (2014)
  7. A 33 Yr Constancy of the X-Ray Coronae of AR Lac and Eclipse Diagnosis of Scale Height
    Drake, J et al., ApJ, 783, 2 (2014)
  8. Broadband spectrum of the total X-ray emission from the galaxy M31
    Revnivtsev, M et al., AstL, 40, 22 (2014)
  9. Searching for Black Holes in Space. The Key Role of X-Ray Observations
    Pounds, K, SSRv, 183, 5 (2014)
  10. HD 45314: a new γ Cassiopeiae analog among Oe stars
    Rauw, G et al., A&A, 555, L9 (2013)
  11. Observations of the High-mass X-Ray Binary A 0535+26 in Quiescence
    Rothschild, R et al., ApJ, 770, 19 (2013)
  12. Short time-scale AGN X-ray variability with EXOSAT: black hole mass and normalized variability amplitude.
    McHardy, I, MNRAS, 430, L49 (2013)
  13. A Comparison of Broad Iron Emission Lines in Archival Data of Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binaries
    Cackett, E et al., ApJ, 755, 27 (2012)
  14. Quasi-periodic flares in EXO 2030+375 observed with INTEGRAL
    Klochkov, D et al., A&A, 536, L8 (2011)
  15. Fast optical and X-ray variability in the UCXB 4U0614+09
    Hakala, P et al., MNRAS, 416, 644 (2011)
  16. The Wavelet Analysis of the Activity Processes of Quasar 3C 273 in the Radio-X Wavebands
    Ryabov, M & Sukharev, A, OAP, 24, 92 (2011)
  17. Spin-Down of the Long-Period Accreting Pulsar 4U 2206+54
    Finger, M et al., ApJ, 709, 1249 (2010)
  18. The Constant Inner-disk Radius of LMC X-3: A Basis for Measuring Black Hole Spin
    Steiner, J et al., ApJL, 718, L117 (2010)
  19. Spectroscopy in Utrecht: A Brief History
    Verbunt, F & Bleeker, J, SSRv, 157, 3 (2010)
  20. Discovery of slow X-ray pulsations in the high-mass X-ray binary 4U 2206+54
    Reig, P et al., A&A, 494, 1073 (2009)
  21. Neutral absorber dips in the periodic burster LMXB XB 1323-619 from Suzaku
    Balucinska-Church, M et al., A&A, 500, 873 (2009)
  22. The Discovery of a Very Faint X-Ray Transient in the Globular Cluster M15
    Heinke, C et al., ApJ, 692, 584 (2009)
  23. The aperiodic broad-band X-ray variability of Cygnus X-3
    Axelsson, M et al., MNRAS, 394, 1544 (2009)
  24. A very rare triple-peaked type-I X-ray burst in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
    Zhang, G et al., MNRAS, 398, 368 (2009)
  25. A Study of the Long-Term Evolution of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Accretion-Powered X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1626-67
    Kaur, R et al., ApJ, 676, 1184 (2008)
  26. A Parameterization Study of the Properties of the X-Ray Dips in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    Hu, C et al., ApJ, 680, 1405 (2008)
  27. X-ray broad-band study of the symbiotic X-ray binary 4U 1954+31
    Masetti, N et al., A&A, 464, 277 (2007)
  28. Power Spectra of Black Holes and Neutron Stars as a Probe of Hydrodynamic Structure of the Source: Diffusion Theory and Its Application to Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-2 X-Ray Observations
    Titarchuk, L et al., ApJ, 660, 556 (2007)
  29. Detection of a 1258-Hz high-amplitude kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation in the ultracompact X-ray binary 1A 1246-588
    Jonker, P et al., MNRAS, 378, 1187 (2007)
  30. Broad band variability of SS433: accretion disk at work?
    Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 447, 545 (2006)
  31. Detecting X-ray QPOs in active galaxies
    Vaughan, S & Uttley, P, AdSpR, 38, 1405 (2006)
  32. V818 Scorpii: Insights from the AAVSO and RASNZ Databases
    Plummer, A, JAVSO, 34, 212 (2006)
  33. Simultaneous X-ray/optical observations of GX9+9 (4U1728-16)
    Kong, A et al., MNRAS, 368, 781 (2006)
  34. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Observations of AO Piscium
    Johnson, E et al., PASP, 118, 797 (2006)
  35. Rapid X-Ray Variability of Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    Vaughan, S et al., Ap&SS, 300, 119 (2005)
  36. Discovery of a Transition to Global Spin-up in EXO 2030+375
    Wilson, C et al., ApJL, 620, L99 (2005)
  37. Recovery of the Orbital Parameters and Pulse Evolution of V0332+53 during a Huge Outburst
    Zhang, S et al., ApJL, 630, L65 (2005)
  38. The INTEGRAL/IBIS Source AX J1838.0-0655: A Soft X-Ray-to-TeV γ-Ray Broadband Emitter
    Malizia, A et al., ApJL, 630, L157 (2005)
  39. The Low Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of the Transient X-Ray Burster EXO 1747-214
    Tomsick, J et al., ApJ, 635, 1233 (2005)
  40. Discovery of absorption features of the accretion disc corona and systematic acceleration of the X-ray burst rate in XB1323-619
    Church, M et al., MNRAS, 359, 1336 (2005)
  41. X-ray variability of NGC 3227 and 5506 and the nature of active galactic nucleus ‘states’
    Uttley, P & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 363, 586 (2005)
  42. Binary corrected X-ray light curve of Cygnus X-3: Implications for the timing properties of the compact binary system
    Choudhury, M et al., A&A, 420, 665 (2004)
  43. X-ray astronomy of stellar coronae
    Gudel, M, A&ARv, 12, 71 (2004)
  44. Periodicities in the X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar
    Rana, V et al., AJ, 127, 489 (2004)
  45. The orbital period of the dipping, bursting, globular cluster X-ray source XB 1746-371 from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations
    Balucinska-Church, M et al., MNRAS, 347, 334 (2004)
  46. The energy balance of polars revisited
    Ramsay, G & Cropper, M, MNRAS, 347, 497 (2004)
  47. Measurements of accretion disc corona size in LMXB: consequences for Comptonization and LMXB models
    Church, M & Balucinska-Church, M, MNRAS, 348, 955 (2004)
  48. X-ray properties of 4U 1543-624
    Schultz, J, A&A, 397, 249 (2003)
  49. X-Ray Variability of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V1432 Aquilae and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814
    Mukai, K et al., ApJ, 597, 479 (2003)
  50. Timing and spectral studies of the peculiar x-ray binary Circinus X-1
    Parkinson, P, PhD Thesis, 105 (2003)
  51. X-ray and optical monitoring of the peculiar source 4U 1700+24/V934 Her
    Masetti, N et al., A&A, 382, 104 (2002)
  52. X-ray bursts at extreme mass accretion rates from GX 17+2
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 382, 947 (2002)
  53. A study of accretion discs around rapidly rotating neutron stars in general relativity and its applications to four low mass X-ray binaries
    Bhattacharyya, S, A&A, 383, 524 (2002)
  54. Analysis of archival EXOSAT data on the X-ray burst source Serpens X-1
    Seon, K & Min, K, A&A, 395, 141 (2002)
  55. A Decade in the Life of EXO 2030+375: A Multiwavelength Study of an Accreting X-Ray Pulsar
    Wilson, C et al., ApJ, 570, 287 (2002)
  56. A Ten-Year-Long Peak of the X-ray Flux from the Burster 4U 1724-307 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 2: Evolution of the Donor Star or the Influence of a Third Star?
    Emelyanov, A et al., AstL, 28, 12 (2002)
  57. Superorbital Period Variations in the X-ray Pulsar LMC X-4
    Paul, B & Kitamoto, S, JApA, 23, 33 (2002)
  58. Long-Term X-Ray Variabilities of the Seyfert Galaxy MCG-2-58-22: Secular Flux Decrease and Flares
    Choi, C et al., JKAS, 35, 1 (2002)
  59. Measuring the broad-band power spectra of active galactic nuclei with RXTE
    Uttley, P et al., MNRAS, 332, 231 (2002)
  60. Correlated multiwavelength emission from the X-ray-bright Seyfert galaxy III Zw 2
    Salvi, N et al., MNRAS, 335, 177 (2002)
  61. The Ultraviolet Light Curve of LMC X-4: X-Ray Heating of the O Star and Accretion Disk
    Preciado, M et al., PASP, 114, 340 (2002)
  62. New class of low frequency QPOs: Signature of nuclear burning or accretion disk instabilities?
    Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 372, 138 (2001)
  63. The coronal FeXXI lambda 1354.094 line in AB Doradus
    Vilhu, O et al., A&A, 375, 492 (2001)
  64. BeppoSAX spectroscopy of MR 2251-178: A test for ionized reflection in radio quiet QSOs
    Orr, A et al., A&A, 376, 413 (2001)
  65. Estimation of the flaring loop size from the thermal energy evolution during the rise phase
    Pres, P, AdSpR, 26, 1785 (2001)
  66. EUVE Observations of PKS 2155-304: Variability, Spectra, and a Polarization Measurement Attempt
    Marshall, H et al., ApJ, 549, 938 (2001)
  67. Timing Analysis of the Light Curve of the Dipping-Bursting X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    Chou, Y et al., ApJ, 549, 1135 (2001)
  68. The Nature of the Emission Components in the Quasar/NLS1 PG 1211+143
    Janiuk, A et al., ApJ, 557, 408 (2001)
  69. 4U 2206+54: An Unusual High-Mass X-Ray Binary with a 9.6 Day Orbital Period But No Strong Pulsations
    Corbet, R & Peele, A, ApJ, 562, 936 (2001)
  70. A Burst from the Direction of UZ Fornacis with XMM-Newton
    Still, M & Mukai, K, ApJL, 562, L71 (2001)
  71. Long-Term Multiwavelength Observations of GRS 1758-258 and the Advection-dominated Accretion Flow Model
    Keck, J et al., ApJ, 563, 301 (2001)
  72. Normal-branch quasi-periodic oscillations during the high-intensity state of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R & van der Klis, M, MNRAS, 321, 537 (2001)
  73. A complete relativistic ionized accretion disc in Cygnus X-1
    Young, A et al., MNRAS, 325, 1045 (2001)
  74. No QPO time lags from Sco X-1 as seen with EXOSAT: a comparison with Cyg X-2
    Dieters, S et al., A&A, 353, 203 (2000)
  75. The structure of Algol’s corona: a consistent scenario for the X-ray and radio emission
    Favata, F et al., A&A, 362, 628 (2000)
  76. Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images. IV. The northern hemisphere sample
    Cutispoto, G et al., A&A, 364, 205 (2000)
  77. LMC X-2: The First Extragalactic Z Source?
    Smale, A & Kuulkers, E, ApJ, 528, 702 (2000)
  78. X1908+075: An X-Ray Binary with a 4.4 Day Period
    Wen, L et al., ApJ, 532, 1119 (2000)
  79. Temperature Profiles of Accretion Disks around Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars in General Relativity and the Implications for Cygnus X-2
    Bhattacharyya, S et al., ApJ, 542, 473 (2000)
  80. BeppoSAX observations of the BL Lac object 1E1207.9+3945
    Cusumano, G et al., BlazD, 2, 2 (2000)
  81. The timing properties of Sco X-1 along its Z track with EXOSAT
    Dieters, S & van der Klis, M, MNRAS, 311, 201 (2000)
  82. The distribution of X-ray dips with orbital phase in Cygnus X-1
    Balucinska-Church, M et al., MNRAS, 311, 861 (2000)
  83. X-ray analysis of the cluster 3C 129
    Leahy, D & Yin, D, MNRAS, 313, 617 (2000)
  84. BeppoSAX-ROSAT PSPC observations of the Shapley supercluster: A3562
    Ettori, S et al., MNRAS, 318, 239 (2000)
  85. A multi-mission study of changes in the accretion geometry of the low mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676
    Thomas, B, PhD Thesis, 7 (2000)
  86. Reprocessing and variable cold absorption in the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 390.3
    Grandi, P et al., A&A, 343, 33 (1999)
  87. The EXOSAT medium-energy slew survey catalog
    Reynolds, A et al., A&AS, 134, 287 (1999)
  88. Two Neutron Star Soft X-Ray Transients in Quiescence: 4U 2129+47 and EXO 0748-676
    Garcia, M & Callanan, P, AJ, 118, 1390 (1999)
  89. Accretion Disk Blobs
    Kamaya, H, ApJ, 510, 862 (1999)
  90. BATSE Observations and Orbit Determination of the BE/X-Ray Transient EXO 2030+375
    Stollberg, M et al., ApJ, 512, 313 (1999)
  91. High-Energy Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of GRO J1008-57
    Shrader, C et al., ApJ, 512, 920 (1999)
  92. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of the Anomalous Pulsar 4U 0142+61
    Wilson, C et al., ApJ, 513, 464 (1999)
  93. Do the Spectra of Soft X-Ray Transients Reveal Bulk-Motion Inflow Phenomenon?
    Borozdin, K et al., ApJ, 517, 367 (1999)
  94. The optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
    Stevens, J et al., MNRAS, 309, 421 (1999)
  95. High-resolution X-ray imaging observations of two low-luminosity Seyfert galaxies
    Singh, K, MNRAS, 309, 991 (1999)
  96. The peculiar X-ray behaviour of the outbursting symbiotic star AG Draconis
    Viotti, R et al., NuPhS, 69, 40 (1999)
  97. BeppoSAX observations of the exotic black hole candidate GX 339-4
    Chiappetti, L et al., NuPhS, 69, 340 (1999)
  98. A simple new method for analysing gapped time-series: X-ray variability of MCG-6-30-15
    Yaqoob, T & McKernan, B, NuPhS, 69, 515 (1999)
  99. Intraday variability in X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects
    Heidt, J & Wagner, S, A&A, 329, 853 (1998)
  100. Photospheric metals in hot DA white dwarfs
    Wolff, B et al., A&A, 329, 1045 (1998)
  101. X-ray observations of the slowest known Be/X-ray pulsars RXJ0146.9+6121 and XPersei
    Haberl, F et al., A&A, 330, 189 (1998)
  102. Broad band X-ray spectrum of Cygnus X-1
    Chitnis, V et al., A&A, 331, 251 (1998)
  103. Analyzing short-term X-ray variability of Cygnus X-1 with Linear State Space Models
    Pottschmidt, K et al., A&A, 334, 201 (1998)
  104. RXTE observations of RX J0146.9+6121: a new X-ray outburst of the Be/X-ray pulsar
    Haberl, F et al., A&A, 335, 587 (1998)
  105. RXTE observations of Proxima Centauri
    Haisch, B et al., A&A, 335, L101 (1998)
  106. The comptonized X-ray source X 1724-308 in the globular cluster Terzan 2
    Guainazzi, M et al., A&A, 339, 802 (1998)
  107. A comparison of the fast timing behaviour of 4U 1705-44 to that of 4U 1608-52 and Cygnus X-1
    Berger, M & van der Klis, M, A&A, 340, 143 (1998)
  108. A Fit to the Simultaneous Broadband Spectrum of Cygnus X-1 Using the Transition Disk Model
    Misra, R et al., ApJ, 495, 407 (1998)
  109. A Recalibration of the Diffraction Efficiency of the Transmission Grating Spectrometers on EXOSAT
    Paerels, F et al., ApJ, 496, 473 (1998)
  110. On the Nature of the X-Ray Emission from M32
    Loewenstein, M et al., ApJ, 497, 681 (1998)
  111. Coronal and Transition Region Structure in the RS Canum Venaticorum Binaries V711 Tauri, AR Lacertae, and II Pegasi. I. Data Analysis and Emission Measure Distributions
    Griffiths, N & Jordan, C, ApJ, 497, 883 (1998)
  112. EXOSAT X-ray Light Curves of SS ARI
    Kim, Y, JASS, 15, 65 (1998)
  113. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151.
    Kotov, V et al., KFNT, 14, 67 (1998)
  114. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151.
    Kotov, V et al., KPCB, 14, 52 (1998)
  115. Evidence for pole switching in the magnetic cataclysmic variable BY Camelopardalis
    Mason, P et al., MNRAS, 295, 511 (1998)
  116. The changing X-ray light curves of the intermediate polar FO Aquarii
    Beardmore, A et al., MNRAS, 297, 337 (1998)
  117. X-ray spectroscopy of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111
    Reynolds, C et al., MNRAS, 299, 410 (1998)
  118. X-ray and soft gamma-ray spectra of broad-line radio galaxies
    Wozniak, P et al., MNRAS, 299, 449 (1998)
  119. Period derivative of the M15 X-ray binary AC211/X2127+119
    Homer, L & Charles, P, NewA, 3, 435 (1998)
  120. Rapid Oscillations in Cataclysmic Variables. XIII. WZ Sagittae Revisited
    Patterson, J et al., PASP, 110, 403 (1998)
  121. Aperiodic and Quasi-Periodic Variability in Scorpius X-1
    Parker, N, PhD Thesis, 6 (1998)
  122. Attenuation of dipping at low energies in the LMXB source X 1755-338.
    Church, M & Balucinska-Church, M, A&A, 317, L47 (1997)
  123. ROSAT observations of the RSCVn binary σ Geminorum.
    Yi, Z et al., A&A, 318, 791 (1997)
  124. The ultraviolet to X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy E 1615+061: accretion disk and reflection models.
    Piro, L et al., A&A, 319, 74 (1997)
  125. Correlated X-ray spectral and fast-timing behaviour of 4U 1636-53.
    Prins, S & van der Klis, M, A&A, 319, 498 (1997)
  126. Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure. III. The X-ray source HD 116544 = IN Virginis.
    Strassmeier, K, A&A, 319, 535 (1997)
  127. Archival observations of the ultra-soft X-ray transient 4U 1630-47.
    Parmar, A et al., A&A, 319, 855 (1997)
  128. The Piccinotti AGN sample observed in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey.
    Schartel, N et al., A&A, 320, 696 (1997)
  129. Correlation between variability time scale and X-ray spectral index in AGN.
    Koenig, M et al., A&A, 326, L25 (1997)
  130. Analyzing X-ray variability by linear state space models
    Konig, M & Timmer, J, A&AS, 124, 589 (1997)
  131. Direct demodulation image reconstruction of ME/EXOSAT Galactic Plane Survey.
    Lu, F et al., AcASn, 38, 56 (1997)
  132. The discovery of 8.7 S pulsations from the ultrasoft X-ray source 4U0142+61
    Israel, G et al., AdSpR, 19, 41 (1997)
  133. Evidence for an Anomalous State in the Black Hole Candidate 4U 1630-47
    Kuulkers, E et al., ApJL, 474, L47 (1997)
  134. On the Relationship between the Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Accreting X-Ray Pulsars
    Lazzati, D & Stella, L, ApJ, 476, 267 (1997)
  135. X-Ray Observations of X2127+119/AC 211 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: An X-Ray Measure of Metallicity?
    Christian, D et al., ApJ, 477, 424 (1997)
  136. The EXOSAT Data on GX 339-4: Further Evidence for an “Intermediate” State
    Mendez, M & van der Klis, M, ApJ, 479, 926 (1997)
  137. Postburst Quasi-periodic Oscillations from GRO J1744-28 and from the Rapid Burster
    Kommers, J et al., ApJL, 482, L53 (1997)
  138. Evidence of an Ionized Iron Emission Line from the Radio-Quiet Quasar E1821+643 by ASCA
    Yamashita, A et al., ApJ, 486, 763 (1997)
  139. A Transition Disk Model Fit for the Broadband X-Ray Spectrum of Cygnus X-1
    Misra, R et al., ApJ, 487, 388 (1997)
  140. The Long-Term Periodic Oscillation of the NGC 4151 Nucleus
    Kotov, V et al., ApJ, 488, 195 (1997)
  141. Interpretation of the Center-filled Emission from the Supernova Remnant W44
    Harrus, I et al., ApJ, 488, 781 (1997)
  142. Testing the X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei with the non-linear prediction method
    Czerny, B & Lehto, H, MNRAS, 285, 365 (1997)
  143. An exceptional X-ray flare on the dMe star EQ1839.6+8002
    Pan, H et al., MNRAS, 285, 735 (1997)
  144. GX17+2: X-ray spectral and timing behaviour of a bursting Z source
    Kuulkers, E et al., MNRAS, 287, 495 (1997)
  145. An X-ray survey of quasars using ASCA
    Reeves, J et al., MNRAS, 292, 468 (1997)
  146. A Broad-Band Spectral and Timing Study of the X-Ray Binary System Centaurus X-3
    Audley, M, PhD Thesis, 13 (1997)
  147. Determining the Orbit of the X-Ray Transient EXO 2030+375 with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment
    Stollberg, M, PhD Thesis, 22 (1997)
  148. Redshift dependence of soft X-ray quasar spectra.
    Schartel, N et al., A&A, 307, 33 (1996)
  149. The X-ray and EUV spectrum of the dwarf nova VW Hydri in outburst and quiescence.
    Wheatley, P et al., A&A, 307, 137 (1996)
  150. DA white dwarfs in pointed observations from the ROSAT archive.
    Wolff, B et al., A&A, 307, 149 (1996)
  151. ROSAT PSPC spectra of six PG quasars and PHL 1657.
    Rachen, J et al., A&A, 310, 371 (1996)
  152. Search for neutron star spin periods in X-ray bursts.
    Jongert, H & van der Klis, M, A&A, 310, 474 (1996)
  153. Secular variations in the Z source CygnusX-2.
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 311, 197 (1996)
  154. Accretion torques in the transient X-ray pulsar EXO2030+375.
    Reynolds, A et al., A&A, 312, 872 (1996)
  155. GX340+0 with EXOSAT: its correlated X-ray spectral and timing behaviour.
    Kuulkers, E & van der Klis, M, A&A, 314, 567 (1996)
  156. Branches and loops in the X-Ray colour-colour diagram of Cygnus X-3.
    Smit, J & van der Klis, M, A&A, 316, 115 (1996)
  157. Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images. III. Photometric properties.
    Cutispoto, G et al., A&AS, 115, 41 (1996)
  158. X-ray map from the EXOSAT galactic plane survey and a direct demodulation technique.
    Lu, F et al., A&AS, 115, 395 (1996)
  159. Hard X-ray and IR observations of Cygnus X-3.
    Matz, S et al., A&AS, 120, 235 (1996)
  160. A persistent hard X-ray source observed in the Terzan 1 globular cluster by the SIGMA telescope.
    Borrel, V et al., A&AS, 120, 249 (1996)
  161. The canonical X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of Seyfert 1s and low-state Galactic black hole candidates.
    Zdziarski, A et al., A&AS, 120, 553 (1996)
  162. The Broadband Energy Distribution of the Misaligned Gamma-Ray Blazar PKS 0521-365
    Pian, E et al., ApJ, 459, 169 (1996)
  163. The Soft and Medium-Energy X-Ray Variability of NGC 5548: A Reanalysis of EXOSAT Observations
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ApJ, 465, 181 (1996)
  164. Anticorrelation of Variability Amplitude with X-Ray Luminosity for Active Galactic Nuclei
    Bao, G & Abramowicz, M, ApJ, 465, 646 (1996)
  165. Corona(e) of AR Lacertae. II. The Spatial Structure
    Siarkowski, M et al., ApJ, 473, 470 (1996)
  166. A Multiwavelength Catalog of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Observed in the 2--10 keV Energy Band
    Polletta, M et al., ApJS, 106, 399 (1996)
  167. The origin of the correlation between the UV and X-rays in NGC 4151
    Zdziarski, A & Magdziarz, P, MNRAS, 279, L21 (1996)
  168. The average X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of radio-quiet Seyfert 1s
    Gondek, D et al., MNRAS, 282, 646 (1996)
  169. Periodic UV modulation of X1850-087: a double degenerate binary in the globular cluster NGC 6712?
    Homer, L et al., MNRAS, 282, L37 (1996)
  170. Broad-band γ-ray and X-ray spectra of NGC 4151 and their implications for physical processes and geometry.
    Zdziarski, A et al., MNRAS, 283, 193 (1996)
  171. Cataclysmic Variables: Temporal and Spectral Studies
    Richman, H, PhD Thesis, 4 (1996)
  172. A systematic search for new X-ray pulsators in ROSAT fields
    Israel, G, PhD Thesis, 11 (1996)
  173. X-ray Spectroscopy of Stellar Coronae: History - Present - Future
    Mewe, R, SoPh, 169, 335 (1996)
  174. Circinus X-1 revisited: fast-timing properties in relation to spectral state.
    Oosterbroek, T et al., A&A, 297, 141 (1995)
  175. A comparison between the Hercules X-1 pre-eclipse and anomalous dips.
    Reynolds, A & Parmar, A, A&A, 297, 747 (1995)
  176. EXOSAT observations of the ultra-soft X-ray binary 4U 1957+11.
    Ricci, D et al., A&A, 299, 731 (1995)
  177. X-ray and radio observations of the globular cluster Terzan 2.
    Mereghetti, S et al., A&A, 302, 713 (1995)
  178. Detection of 26Hz quasi-periodic oscillations in the flaring branch of CygnusX-2.
    Kuulkers, E & van der Klis, M, A&A, 303, 801 (1995)
  179. The EXOSAT GSPC iron line catalog.
    Gottwald, M et al., A&AS, 109, 9 (1995)
  180. Radio to X-ray energy distribution of BL Lacertae objects.
    Giommi, P et al., A&AS, 109, 267 (1995)
  181. Determination of Plasma Temperatures and Luminosities Using Multiple Extreme-Ultraviolet and X-Ray Filters
    Wood, B et al., ApJ, 438, 350 (1995)
  182. Eclipse Timings of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676: Statistical Arguments against Orbital Period Changes
    Hertz, P et al., ApJ, 438, 385 (1995)
  183. Propagation of Nuclear Burning Fronts on Accreting Neutron Stars: X-Ray Bursts and Sub-Hertz Noise
    Bildsten, L, ApJ, 438, 852 (1995)
  184. Emission Spectrum Integrated over an Accretion Disk: Comparison with Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Shimura, T & Takahara, F, ApJ, 440, 610 (1995)
  185. EXOSAT Observations of the Low-Luminosity X-Ray Burster 4U 0614+091: Evidence for a Hard Power-Law Tail
    Barret, D & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 440, 841 (1995)
  186. Evidence for Elemental Variation in the Ejecta of the TYCHO Supernova Remnant
    Vancura, O et al., ApJ, 441, 680 (1995)
  187. Dynamic Processes in Be Star Atmospheres. III. Rapid Multiwavelength Variability in gamma Cassiopeiae
    Smith, M, ApJ, 442, 812 (1995)
  188. Coronal Heating in Flare Stars: Resonant MHD Absorption?
    Mullan, D & Johnson, M, ApJ, 444, 350 (1995)
  189. Burstlike Events in the Z Source Cygnus X-2
    Kuulkers, E et al., ApJ, 450, 748 (1995)
  190. New Features of the X-Ray Dip Source 1755-338
    Seon, K et al., ApJ, 454, 463 (1995)
  191. PSR 1509-58 and Its Plerionic Environment
    Greiveldinger, C et al., ApJ, 454, 855 (1995)
  192. Radiation Hydrodynamic Models of Eclipsing Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Murray, S et al., ApJL, 454, L133 (1995)
  193. X-Ray Spectra of Z Sources
    Psaltis, D et al., ApJL, 454, L137 (1995)
  194. The X-Ray Spectra of Blazars: Analysis of the Complete EXOSAT Archive: Erratum
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJS, 99, 295 (1995)
  195. Multifrequency Spectra of EXOSAT Blazars
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJS, 100, 37 (1995)
  196. Anisotropic Emissions from Blazars
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, JApAS, 16, 189 (1995)
  197. Instability of Gravitating Grainy Plasma
    Kaur, B & Kalra, G, JApAS, 16, 294 (1995)
  198. Non-Equilibrium Ionization and Elemental Abundances in Two Supernova Remnants
    Singh, K & Hughes, J, JApAS, 16, 294 (1995)
  199. A detailed X-ray variability study of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051
    Papadakis, I & Lawrence, A, MNRAS, 272, 161 (1995)
  200. X-ray observations of NGC 1851 and the globular cluster LMXBs
    Callanan, P et al., MNRAS, 273, 201 (1995)
  201. Long-term X-ray variability of NGC 4151
    Papadakis, I & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 273, 923 (1995)
  202. Multifrequency monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4593 - II. A small, compact nucleus?
    Santos-Lleo, M et al., MNRAS, 274, 1 (1995)
  203. X-ray timing and spectral behaviour of the Rapid Burster
    Rutledge, R et al., MNRAS, 277, 523 (1995)
  204. EXOSAT observations of Z sources
    Kuulkers, E, PhD Thesis, 199 (1995)
  205. X-ray reprocessing and UV continuum in AGN : the case of NGC 4151.
    Perola, G & Piro, L, A&A, 281, 7 (1994)
  206. X-ray irradiation of white dwarf atmospehres : the soft X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis.
    van Teeseling, A et al., A&A, 281, 119 (1994)
  207. The X-ray continuum of Tycho’s remnant measured with Ginga.
    Fink, H et al., A&A, 283, 635 (1994)
  208. Hot stars near the position of X0512-401 in the globular cluster NGC 1851.
    Auriere, M et al., A&A, 284, 457 (1994)
  209. The EUV spectrum of AU Microscopii: temperature and density diagnostic from EUVE Spectrometers observations.
    Monsignori Fossi, B & Landini, M, A&A, 284, 900 (1994)
  210. Soft X-ray observations of EXO 2030+375
    Mavromatakis, F, A&A, 285, 209 (1994)
  211. Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images II. Lithium abundances
    Tagliaferri, G et al., A&A, 285, 272 (1994)
  212. Soft and hard X-ray observations of 4U 1626-67
    Mavromatakis, F, A&A, 285, 503 (1994)
  213. G191-B2B: accurate abundances for nitrogen, silicon, and iron from GHRS observations.
    Vidal-Madjar, A et al., A&A, 287, 175 (1994)
  214. Modeling the X-ray spectrum of Kepler’s supernova remnant.
    Decourchelle, A & Ballet, J, A&A, 287, 206 (1994)
  215. X-ray spectra of a complete sample of extragalactic core-dominated radio sources.
    Brunner, H et al., A&A, 287, 436 (1994)
  216. The X-ray spectrum of EXO 2030+375.
    Sun, X et al., A&A, 289, 127 (1994)
  217. Spectral and correlated timing behaviour of GX5-1.
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 289, 795 (1994)
  218. Analysis of ROSAT pointed observations of 15 hot DA white dwarfs.
    Jordan, S et al., A&A, 290, 834 (1994)
  219. Discovery of the new intermediate polar RXJ0558.0+5353.
    Haberl, F et al., A&A, 291, 171 (1994)
  220. Hydrodynamic model of Kepler’s supernova remnant constrained by EINSTEIN and EXOSAT X-ray spectra.
    Rothenflug, R et al., A&A, 291, 271 (1994)
  221. High time resolution observations of Cygnus X-3 with EXOSAT.
    Berger, M & van der Klis, M, A&A, 292, 175 (1994)
  222. Connection between X-Ray and Optical Variability in NGC 4151
    Oknyanskij, V, Ap&SS, 222, 157 (1994)
  223. X-Ray Continuum and Iron K Emission Line from the Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3
    Inda, M et al., ApJ, 420, 143 (1994)
  224. Two Very Luminous Variable X-Ray Sources in M82
    Collura, A et al., ApJL, 420, L63 (1994)
  225. X-Ray Spectral Study of Two X-Ray Binaries: 4U 1957+11 and 2S 1543-624
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 421, 753 (1994)
  226. Elemental Abundances of the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8: Evidence for a Massive Progenitor
    Hughes, J & Singh, K, ApJ, 422, 126 (1994)
  227. X-Ray Emission from a Simulated Cluster of Galaxies
    Tsai, J et al., ApJ, 423, 553 (1994)
  228. Generalized Spectral Model for 1--100 keV X-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 Based on EXOSAT Data
    Rajeev, M et al., ApJ, 424, 376 (1994)
  229. Transition in the X-Ray Light Curve of the AM Herculis System V834 Centauri (E1405-451): 1985--1986 EXOSAT Observations
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 424, 947 (1994)
  230. Disk-Overflow Accretion in GK Persei?
    Hellier, C & Livio, M, ApJL, 424, L57 (1994)
  231. Simultaneous Soft and Hard X-Ray Spectroscopy of AM Herculis with EXOSAT: Discovery of Photospheric Absorption Features
    Paerels, F et al., ApJ, 426, 313 (1994)
  232. Nonthermal Pair Models, Reflection, and X-Ray Spectral Variability of Active Galaxies
    Grandi, P et al., ApJ, 428, 599 (1994)
  233. The X-Ray Selected Cataclysmic Variables H0459+246 and H0857-242
    Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 428, 785 (1994)
  234. An X-Ray and Optical Study of the Supernova Remnant W44
    Rho, J et al., ApJ, 430, 757 (1994)
  235. The Complex Optical to Soft X-Ray Spectrum of Low-Redshift Radio-quiet Quasars. I. The X-Ray Data
    Fiore, F et al., ApJ, 431, 515 (1994)
  236. Spectral Variations in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 0614+09
    Singh, K & Apparao, K, ApJ, 431, 826 (1994)
  237. Weak Soft X-Ray Excesses Need Not Result from the High-Frequency Tail of the Optical/Ultraviolet Bump in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Czerny, B & Zycki, P, ApJL, 431, L5 (1994)
  238. The Discovery of 8.7 Second Pulsations from the Ultrasoft X-Ray Source 4U 0142+61
    Israel, G et al., ApJL, 433, L25 (1994)
  239. Active Galactic Nuclei. V. X-Ray Variability and the Black Hole Cluster Paradigm
    Pacholczyk, A & Stoeger, W, ApJ, 434, 435 (1994)
  240. The X-Ray Spectra of Blazars Observed with EXOSAT
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 434, 468 (1994)
  241. Generalized Comptonization Models and Application to the Recent High-Energy Observations
    Titarchuk, L, ApJ, 434, 570 (1994)
  242. Determining Gravitational Masses of Galaxy Clusters with Virial Equilibrium and Arclike Images
    Wu, X, ApJL, 436, L115 (1994)
  243. On the Predicted Abundances of Iron and Nickel Supported by Radiative Levitation in the Atomospheres of Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Chayer, P et al., ApJL, 436, L161 (1994)
  244. An EXOSAT Detection of the Transient X-Ray Pulsar GRO J1008-57
    Macomb, D et al., ApJ, 437, 845 (1994)
  245. High-Energy Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei. I. The Catalog
    Malaguti, G et al., ApJS, 94, 517 (1994)
  246. The X-Ray Spectra of Blazars: Analysis of the Complete EXOSAT Archive
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJS, 95, 371 (1994)
  247. Oscillation phenomena in the galactic bulge X-ray source GX 9 + 1
    Yu, W et al., ChA&A, 18, 426 (1994)
  248. Detection of the iron K-bet emission line and two-component X-ray emission from EX Hya.
    Ishida, M et al., MNRAS, 266, 367 (1994)
  249. Mapping the accretion region in AM HER systems: ST LMi.
    Cropper, M & Horne, K, MNRAS, 267, 481 (1994)
  250. High Precision Photometry of the Rs-Canum Binary System Xy-Ursae and a Dark-Zone Photometric Model
    Hilditch, R & Bell, S, MNRAS, 267, 1081 (1994)
  251. A Hard X-Ray Halo around CYGNUS-X-3
    Kafuku, S et al., MNRAS, 268, 437 (1994)
  252. ROSAT/XRT-PSPC observations and the ionizing continuum of Seyfert 1 galaxy MKN 478
    Gondhalekar, P et al., MNRAS, 268, 973 (1994)
  253. Multifrequency monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4593 - I. Isolating the nuclear emission.
    Santos-Lleo, M et al., MNRAS, 270, 580 (1994)
  254. X-ray and optical studies of intermediate polars
    Garlick, M, PhD Thesis, 180 (1994)
  255. Hard X-ray spectrum of 4U 1907+09.
    Chitnis, V et al., A&A, 268, 609 (1993)
  256. The nature of the X-ray spectrum of VW Hydri.
    van Teeseling, A et al., A&A, 270, 159 (1993)
  257. Variability of the Seyfert galaxy MKN 766 in the ROSAT all sky survey.
    Molendi, S et al., A&A, 271, 18 (1993)
  258. Similarity of the variability patterns in the EXOSAT and GINGA folded light curves of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814.
    Abramowicz, M et al., A&A, 272, 400 (1993)
  259. An extended correlation between the Balmer and soft X-ray emission from solar and stellar flares.
    Butler, C, A&A, 272, 507 (1993)
  260. Compton modelling of spectral variations observed in Z sources.
    Schulz, N & Wijers, R, A&A, 273, 123 (1993)
  261. X-ray spectral variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4593.
    Ghosh, K & Soundarajaperumal, S, A&A, 273, 397 (1993)
  262. The X-ray time variability and spectrum of gamma Cassiopeiae (X 0053+604).
    Parmar, A et al., A&A, 275, 227 (1993)
  263. The X Persei system in the ROSAT all-sky survey.
    Mavromatakis, F, A&A, 276, 353 (1993)
  264. Photon spectrum and period evolution of GX 1+4 as observed at hard X-ray energies by SIGMA.
    Laurent, P et al., A&A, 278, 444 (1993)
  265. Multifrequency observations of AB Doradus. X-ray flaring and rotational modulation of a young star.
    Vilhu, O et al., A&A, 278, 467 (1993)
  266. Analysis of the DA white dwarf HZ 43A and its companion star.
    Napiwotzki, R et al., A&A, 278, 478 (1993)
  267. On the nature of the 25-min periodicity from 4U 0142+614 : a nearby, slowly spinning neutron star/Be system ?
    Mereghetti, S et al., A&A, 278, L23 (1993)
  268. The discovery and properties of the ultra-soft X-ray transient EXO 1846-031.
    Parmar, A et al., A&A, 279, 179 (1993)
  269. The luminosity dependence of the phase-averaged X-ray spectrum of the transient 42 second pulsar EXO 2030+375
    Parmar, A et al., AdSpR, 13, 12 (1993)
  270. Rosat observations of single pulsars
    Oegelman, H, AdSpR, 13, 135 (1993)
  271. Einstein and EXOSAT observations of Geminga revisited
    Mereghetti, S et al., AdSpR, 13, 343 (1993)
  272. The highly ionised absorbing material in MR2251-178
    Mineo, T & Stewart, G, AdSpR, 13, 347 (1993)
  273. Two-component continuum spectrum X-ray pulsar EXO2030+375
    Sun, X et al., AdSpR, 13, 383 (1993)
  274. A multi-frequency study of Wolf-Rayet stars: A case for long-period binaries
    van der Hucht, K & Williams, P, AdSpR, 13, 561 (1993)
  275. Multiwavelength astronomy using ESIS
    Giommi, P & Ansari, S, AdSpR, 13, 621 (1993)
  276. Photospheric composition and structure in white dwarfs
    Barstow, M, AdSpR, 13, 15 (1993)
  277. X-Ray Light Curves of Active Galactic Nuclei Are Phase Incoherent
    Krolik, J et al., ApJ, 402, 432 (1993)
  278. An X-Ray Excited Wind in Centaurus X-3
    Day, C & Stevens, I, ApJ, 403, 322 (1993)
  279. The Distant Future of Solar Activity: A Case Study of beta Hydri. III. Transition Region, Corona, and Stellar Wind
    Dravins, D et al., ApJ, 403, 412 (1993)
  280. Effects of Inclination Angle on the Spectra of X-Ray Binaries
    Vrtilek, S et al., ApJ, 404, 696 (1993)
  281. Detection of Radio Continuum Emission from Procyon
    Drake, S et al., ApJ, 406, 247 (1993)
  282. ROSAT Observations of the Blazar PKS 0537-441
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 406, 447 (1993)
  283. A Spectral Study of Four X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Objects with EXOSAT
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 408, 452 (1993)
  284. The Discovery of Pulsed Iron Line Emission from Centaurus X-3
    Day, C et al., ApJ, 408, 656 (1993)
  285. Extreme Ultraviolet Observations of HZ 43 and the Local H/He Ratio with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope
    Kimble, R et al., ApJL, 408, L41 (1993)
  286. The Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Very Low Frequency Noise of Scorpius X-1 as Transient Chaos: A Dripping Handrail?
    Scargle, J et al., ApJL, 411, L91 (1993)
  287. High-Energy Spectrum of Cygnus X-1 Revisited
    Haardt, F et al., ApJL, 411, L95 (1993)
  288. A Catalog of Intracluster Gas Temperatures
    David, L et al., ApJ, 412, 479 (1993)
  289. The Luminosity Dependence of the X-Ray Spectrum of the Transient 42 Second Pulsar EXO 2030+375
    Reynolds, A et al., ApJ, 414, 302 (1993)
  290. X-Ray Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: A Universal Power Spectrum with Luminosity-dependent Amplitude
    Lawrence, A & Papadakis, I, ApJL, 414, L85 (1993)
  291. The EXOSAT Medium Energy (ME) Sample of Dwarf Novae
    Mukai, K & Shiokawa, K, ApJ, 418, 863 (1993)
  292. Cygnus X-3 in an “Ultrahigh” X-Ray State with No Detected K alpha Line Emission
    Smale, A et al., ApJ, 418, 894 (1993)
  293. X-Ray Observations of the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 419, 127 (1993)
  294. A Catalog of X-Ray Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects
    Ciliegi, P et al., ApJS, 85, 111 (1993)
  295. X-ray studies of Be/X-ray binaries.
    Saraswat, P, BASI, 21, 359 (1993)
  296. Cosmic-abundance absorption dips in X1755-33.
    Church, M & Balucinska-Church, M, MNRAS, 260, 59 (1993)
  297. The broad-band X-ray spectral variability of MRK 841.
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 260, 111 (1993)
  298. X-ray orbital modulations in intermediate polars.
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 260, 299 (1993)
  299. AGN X-ray light curves - shot noise or low-dimensional attractor ?
    Lehto, H et al., MNRAS, 261, 125 (1993)
  300. Unusual features in the persistent emission of the raoid burster.
    Lubin, L et al., MNRAS, 261, 149 (1993)
  301. The soft X-ray excesses of high-luminosity AGN.
    Saxton, R et al., MNRAS, 262, 63 (1993)
  302. Further probing of the X-ray source in NGC 4151 : new constraints on the nuclear geometry.
    Yaqoob, T et al., MNRAS, 262, 435 (1993)
  303. Further constraints on the warm absorber in MR 2251-17.8 from GINGA and EXOSAT observations.
    Mineo, T & Stewart, G, MNRAS, 262, 817 (1993)
  304. X-ray observations of EX Hydrae with the Einstein solid state spectrometer.
    Singh, J & Swank, J, MNRAS, 262, 1000 (1993)
  305. ROSAT studies of the composition and structure of DA white dwarf atmospheres.
    Barstow, M et al., MNRAS, 264, 16 (1993)
  306. Stellar accretion in active galactic nuclei.
    King, A & Done, C, MNRAS, 264, 388 (1993)
  307. A detailed X-ray and radio study of the supernova remnant W 44.
    Jones, L et al., MNRAS, 265, 631 (1993)
  308. On the nature of rapid X-ray variability in active galactic nuclei.
    Green, A et al., MNRAS, 265, 664 (1993)
  309. Quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray emission from the Seyfert galaxy NGC5548
    Papadakis, I & Lawrence, A, Natur, 361, 233 (1993)
  310. Detection of supersoft X-ray emission from GQ Muscae nine years after a nova outburst
    Oegelman, H et al., Natur, 361, 331 (1993)
  311. Extreme Ultraviolet Opacity Sources in the DA White Dwarf G191-B2B.
    Wilkinson, E, PhD Thesis, 1 (1993)
  312. X-ray spectrum of NGC 3783 : detection of soft excess and an emission line.
    Ghosh, K et al., A&A, 255, 119 (1992)
  313. Variability pattern from X-ray to IR wavelengths in the active nucleus ofNGC 1566.
    Baribaud, T et al., A&A, 256, 375 (1992)
  314. The origin of the X-ray emission in 3C 273 and 3C 120.
    Walter, R & Courvoisier, T, A&A, 258, 255 (1992)
  315. Nearly simultaneous observations of chromospheric and coronal radiative losses of cool stars.
    Schrijver, C et al., A&A, 258, 432 (1992)
  316. The X-ray variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814.
    Fiore, F et al., A&A, 261, 405 (1992)
  317. EXOSAT measurement of the spectrum of Markarian 382.
    Singh, K et al., A&A, 262, 49 (1992)
  318. Periodic outbursts in the peculiar X-ray binary 2S 0114+65.
    Finley, J et al., A&A, 262, L25 (1992)
  319. A GINGA observation of the supergiant X-ray binary system 4U 1700-37/HD 153919.
    Haberl, F & Day, C, A&A, 263, 241 (1992)
  320. First X-ray spectrum of the most luminous quasar PKS 2126-158.
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, A&A, 265, 413 (1992)
  321. X-ray variability in a sample of Seyfert 1 type AGN.
    Walter, R & Courvoisier, T, A&A, 266, 57 (1992)
  322. A link between X-ray variability and ultraviolet emission in Seyfert 1 type AGN.
    Walter, R & Courvoisier, T, A&A, 266, 65 (1992)
  323. A magnetic flare model for X-ray variability in AGN.
    de Vries, M & Kuijpers, J, A&A, 266, 77 (1992)
  324. X-ray observations of flat spectrum radio sources with the HEAO-A, Einstein and EXOSAT observatories.
    Biermann, P et al., A&AS, 96, 339 (1992)
  325. X-ray astronomy missions.
    Bradt, H et al., ARA&A, 30, 391 (1992)
  326. EXOSAT X-Ray Spectra of Quasars
    Comastri, A et al., ApJ, 384, 62 (1992)
  327. X-Ray Continuum and Line Emission of the Seyfert Galaxy MCG-5-23-16
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 385, 132 (1992)
  328. On the Power Spectra of the Wind-fed X-Ray Binary Pulsar GX 301-2
    Orlandini, M & Morfill, G, ApJ, 386, 703 (1992)
  329. CNO Destruction by Spallation and Type I X-Ray Bursts
    Tillett, J & MacDonald, J, ApJ, 388, 555 (1992)
  330. The X-Ray Spectra of High-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Observed by Ginga
    Williams, O et al., ApJ, 389, 157 (1992)
  331. EXOSAT Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJ, 389, 179 (1992)
  332. On the Optical Counterpart of 1E 1207.4-5209, the Central X-Ray Source of a Ring-shaped Supernova Remnant
    Bignami, G et al., ApJL, 389, L67 (1992)
  333. The Constitution of the Atmospheric Layers and the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrum of Hot Hydrogen-rich White Dwarfs
    Vennes, S, ApJ, 390, 590 (1992)
  334. X-Ray to Infrared Observations of the Cataclysmic Variable KO Velorum (E1013-477)
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 391, 750 (1992)
  335. Whole Earth Telescope Observations of V471 Tauri: The Nature of the White Dwarf Variations
    Clemens, J et al., ApJ, 391, 773 (1992)
  336. Optimal Grazing Incidence Optics and Its Application to Wide-Field X-Ray Imaging
    Burrows, C et al., ApJ, 392, 760 (1992)
  337. Correlated Hard X-Ray and Ultraviolet Variability in NGC 5548
    Clavel, J et al., ApJ, 393, 113 (1992)
  338. The Coolest DA White Dwarfs Detected at Soft X-Ray Wavelengths
    Kidder, K et al., ApJ, 394, 288 (1992)
  339. An Ionized Accretion Disk in Cygnus X-1
    Done, C et al., ApJ, 395, 275 (1992)
  340. A New Hard X-Ray Source 15 Away from 3C 273?
    Jourdain, E et al., ApJL, 395, L69 (1992)
  341. S-154 in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Spectral Evolution from a Luminous Fe II Variable to a Symbiotic-like Star
    Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 396, 668 (1992)
  342. X-Ray Observations of Planetary Nebulae with Binary Nuclei
    Apparao, K et al., ApJ, 397, 534 (1992)
  343. X-Ray Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy MCG 2-58-22
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJ, 398, 501 (1992)
  344. First Results from ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of the Hyades Cluster
    Stern, R et al., ApJL, 399, L159 (1992)
  345. The X-Ray Variability of NGC 6814: Power Spectrum
    Done, C et al., ApJ, 400, 138 (1992)
  346. An Interpretation of the Spectral Properties of Hot Hydrogen-rich White Dwarfs with Stratified H/He Model Atmospheres
    Vennes, S & Fontaine, G, ApJ, 401, 288 (1992)
  347. EXOSAT Observations of the Be/X-Ray Binary 4U 2206+54
    Saraswat, P & Apparao, K, ApJ, 401, 678 (1992)
  348. EXOSAT Observations of the X-Ray Binary Pulsar 4U 1538-52
    Robba, N et al., ApJ, 401, 685 (1992)
  349. X-Ray Luminosity and Spectral Variability of Hard X-Ray--selected Active Galactic Nuclei
    Grandi, P et al., ApJS, 82, 93 (1992)
  350. The investigation of TT ARIETIS at the beginning of its present active state
    Wenzel, W et al., CoSka, 22, 69 (1992)
  351. A simultaneous X-ray and optical study of TT ARIETIS during its active state - X-ray observations and discussion
    Hudec, R et al., CoSka, 22, 81 (1992)
  352. GINGA and EXOSAT observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies.
    Allen, S et al., MNRAS, 254, 51 (1992)
  353. The X-ray spectrum of the superluminal quasar 1928+73.
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, MNRAS, 254, 563 (1992)
  354. GINGA observations of the old nova GK Persei in quiescence and outburst.
    Ishida, M et al., MNRAS, 254, 647 (1992)
  355. A GINGA observation of FO AQR : discless accretion and multiple emission components.
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 254, 705 (1992)
  356. Hard X-rays from the contact binary VW Cephei.
    Tsuru, T et al., MNRAS, 255, 192 (1992)
  357. X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy Markarian 618.
    Rao, A et al., MNRAS, 255, 197 (1992)
  358. The spectral signature of the cooling flow in Abell 478.
    Johnstone, R et al., MNRAS, 255, 431 (1992)
  359. Extensive X-ray monitoring of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382.
    Barr, P & Giommi, P, MNRAS, 255, 495 (1992)
  360. Models for the remnants of recurrent novae - III. Comparison with the X-ray observations of RS Ophiuchi (1985).
    O’Brien, T et al., MNRAS, 255, 683 (1992)
  361. H 0414+009 - an X-ray bright BL Lac with a radio tail in a distant cluster of galaxies.
    McHardy, I et al., MNRAS, 256, 655 (1992)
  362. Pulse phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the transient high-mass X-ray binary V 0332+53.
    Unger, S et al., MNRAS, 256, 725 (1992)
  363. UV spectroscopy of Z Chamaeleontis - I. Time-dependent dips in superoutburst.
    Harlaftis, E et al., MNRAS, 257, 607 (1992)
  364. The EXOSAT obseravtions of SS Cygni.
    Jones, M & Watson, M, MNRAS, 257, 633 (1992)
  365. Properties of cooling flows in a flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies.
    Edge, A et al., MNRAS, 258, 177 (1992)
  366. Non-thermal pair models of the X-ray spectral index variability in NGC 4151.
    Yaqoob, T, MNRAS, 258, 198 (1992)
  367. Energy structure of the accretion disc corona in X 1822-371.
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 258, 457 (1992)
  368. A search for the 2omega-omega frequency in the X-ray light curves of intermediate polars.
    Hellier, C, MNRAS, 258, 578 (1992)
  369. BG Canis Minoris/3A 0729+103 : the true spin period revealed ?
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 258, 697 (1992)
  370. A new kind of oscillation in the persistent emission of the Rapid Burster.
    Lubin, L et al., MNRAS, 258, 759 (1992)
  371. X-ray spectra of eight Seyfert galaxies.
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, MNRAS, 259, 175 (1992)
  372. Radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars observed by EXOSAT.
    Lawson, A et al., MNRAS, 259, 743 (1992)
  373. Does an orbiting star cause periodic modulation of X-rays from NGC6814?
    Sikora, M & Begelman, M, Natur, 356, 224 (1992)
  374. Orbital Period Change of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO0748-676
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 44, 633 (1992)
  375. X-Ray Continuum with an Iron Emission Line from the Radio-Quiet Quasar PHL 909
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, PASP, 104, 258 (1992)
  376. Steady-state numerical models of accreting neutron stars: The effect of atmospheric CNO depletion and diffusion
    Tillett, J, PhD Thesis, 2 (1992)
  377. EXOSAT observations of Cygnus X-1 : study of the soft X-ray excess.
    Balucinska, M & Hasinger, G, A&A, 241, 439 (1991)
  378. Quiscent and flaring X-rays from both Gliese 867A and Gliese 867B.
    Pollock, A et al., A&A, 241, 451 (1991)
  379. X-ray observations of the broad line radio galaxy 3C 382 : variability, an iron line and soft X-ray emission.
    Kaastra, J et al., A&A, 242, 27 (1991)
  380. EXOSAT observations of the quasar PKS 2135-147
    Singh, K et al., A&A, 243, 67 (1991)
  381. The "noisy" pulsar in HER X-1.
    Belloni, T et al., A&A, 245, L29 (1991)
  382. Observations of X-ray spectra of two nearby QSO’s : MRK 205 and MRK 1148.
    Singh, K et al., A&A, 248, 37 (1991)
  383. The soft X-ray variability of NGC 5548.
    Kaastra, J, A&A, 249, 70 (1991)
  384. New constraints on neutron star models of gamma-ray bursts. II. X-ray observations of three gamma-ray burst error boxes.
    Boer, M et al., A&A, 249, 118 (1991)
  385. EXOSAT observations of the X-ray burst source 4U 1702-42.
    Oosterbroek, T et al., A&A, 250, 389 (1991)
  386. A study of the flaring and quiscent X-ray and UV emission from II Pegasi.
    Tagliaferri, G et al., A&A, 251, 161 (1991)
  387. X-ray spectrum of the radio-loud quasar PKS 1217+023.
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, A&A, 252, 53 (1991)
  388. Scattering of X-rays on the winds of supergiant X-ray binaries.
    Haberl, F, A&A, 252, 272 (1991)
  389. Evidence of an interacting stellar wind and possible high energy emissionin the open cluster Berkeley 87.
    Polcaro, V et al., A&A, 252, 590 (1991)
  390. X-ray spectroscopy of stellar coronae
    Mewe, R, A&ARv, 3, 127 (1991)
  391. Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images. I. Time variability and spectral classification of eight southern stars.
    Cutispoto, G et al., A&AS, 87, 233 (1991)
  392. UBV Photometry of Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Kidder, K et al., AJ, 101, 579 (1991)
  393. The X-ray spectrum (0.1-1.0 keV) of the broad line radio galaxy: 3C 390.3.
    Ghosh, K & Sondararajaperumal, S, AJ, 102, 1298 (1991)
  394. The Orbital Ephemeris and Eclipse Transitions of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 366, 253 (1991)
  395. Coordinated X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and Optical Observations of 3C 120
    Maraschi, L et al., ApJ, 368, 138 (1991)
  396. On the Detectability of Pulsars in Close Binary Systems
    Johnston, H & Kulkarni, S, ApJ, 368, 504 (1991)
  397. Accretion Mechanisms in the Be/X-Ray Transient System A0535+26
    Motch, C et al., ApJ, 369, 490 (1991)
  398. A Ubiquitous Absorption Feature in the X-Ray Spectra of BL Lacertae Objects
    Madejski, G et al., ApJ, 370, 198 (1991)
  399. Multimission Observations of 4U 1538-52
    Cominsky, L & Moraes, F, ApJ, 370, 670 (1991)
  400. The Discovery of an X-Ray Burst and a Study of Aperiodic Variability from SMC X-1
    Angelini, L et al., ApJ, 371, 332 (1991)
  401. Ultraviolet Variability of NGC 5548: Dynamics of the Continuum Production Region and Geometry of the Broad-Line Region
    Krolik, J et al., ApJ, 371, 541 (1991)
  402. EXOSAT Observations of the X-Ray Source 2S 0114+65
    Apparao, K et al., ApJ, 371, 772 (1991)
  403. X-Ray Luminosity and Spectral Variability in the Seyfert Type I Galaxy: PG 2130+099
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 372, 49 (1991)
  404. On the X-Ray--emitting Boundary Layer of the Dwarf Nova VW Hydri
    Mauche, C et al., ApJ, 372, 659 (1991)
  405. X-Ray Emission from Hybrid-Chromosphere Stars
    Brown, A et al., ApJ, 373, 614 (1991)
  406. Thermal X-Ray Emission from Classical Novae in Optical Decline
    MacDonald, J & Vennes, S, ApJL, 373, L51 (1991)
  407. X-Ray to Infrared Observations of the AM Herculis System E1405-451 (V834 Centauri)
    Sambruna, R et al., ApJ, 374, 744 (1991)
  408. The X-Ray Properties of GX 301-2 (4U 1223-62)
    Haberl, F, ApJ, 376, 245 (1991)
  409. Shot Model Parameters for Cygnus X-1 through Phase Portrait Fitting
    Lochner, J et al., ApJ, 376, 295 (1991)
  410. The X-Ray Cooling Flow in the Cluster of Galaxies around PKS 2354-35
    Schwartz, D et al., ApJ, 376, 424 (1991)
  411. X-Ray Observations of the Bright Seyfert Galaxy IC 4329A
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 377, 417 (1991)
  412. On Spectra of X-Ray Bursters in the Expansion Phase
    Lapidus, I, ApJL, 377, L93 (1991)
  413. The EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey
    Giommi, P et al., ApJ, 378, 77 (1991)
  414. Persistence and Change in the Soft X-Ray Spectrum of the Quasar PG 1211+143
    Elvis, M et al., ApJ, 378, 537 (1991)
  415. Short-Term X-Ray Variability of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304: Power Spectrum and Cross-Correlation Analysis
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ApJ, 380, 78 (1991)
  416. X-Ray Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 464
    Piro, L et al., ApJ, 380, 357 (1991)
  417. Einstein Observatory SSS and MPC Observations of the Complex X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 381, 85 (1991)
  418. Numerical Simulations of Flares on M Dwarf Stars. I. Hydrodynamics and Coronal X-Ray Emission
    Cheng, C & Pallavicini, R, ApJ, 381, 234 (1991)
  419. V795 Herculis (=PG 1711+336), A Peculiar Intermediate Polar without Strong X-Ray Emission
    Zhang, E et al., ApJ, 381, 534 (1991)
  420. Low-Flux Hard X-Ray Observation of Cygnus X-1
    Ubertini, P et al., ApJ, 383, 263 (1991)
  421. EXOSAT Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3516
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJ, 383, 574 (1991)
  422. Iron Lines in X-ray Pulsators
    Nagase, F, LNP, 385, 111 (1991)
  423. Behaviour of the Iron Line in Cygnus X-1 During Dips and Persistent Emission
    Balucinska-Church, M & Barr, P, LNP, 385, 130 (1991)
  424. Iron Line Variability and Geometry in Seyfert Galaxies
    Walter, R, LNP, 385, 247 (1991)
  425. X-ray and optical observations of the Shapley supercluster in Hydra-Centaurus.
    Raychaudhury, S et al., MNRAS, 248, 101 (1991)
  426. Implications of the ionizing continuum of 3C 263.
    Crawford, C et al., MNRAS, 248, 139 (1991)
  427. Optical and X-ray observations of AO PISCIUM and the origin of the spin pulse in intermediate polars.
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 248, 233 (1991)
  428. Compton reflection and the variable X-ray spectrum of NGC 5548.
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 248, 760 (1991)
  429. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the Z source GX 340+0.
    Penninx, W et al., MNRAS, 249, 113 (1991)
  430. Quasi-periodic oscillations in short type II bursts from the Rapid Burster.
    Lubin, L et al., MNRAS, 249, 300 (1991)
  431. GINGA X-ray observation of EX Hya : new constraints on the accretion model.
    Rosen, S et al., MNRAS, 249, 417 (1991)
  432. On the relation between the X-ray properties of clusters of galaxies and their brightest cluster member.
    Edge, A, MNRAS, 250, 103 (1991)
  433. The rapid burster and its type II burst profiles.
    Tan, J et al., MNRAS, 251, 1 (1991)
  434. Dust scattering in the high-state eclipse of CEN X-3.
    Day, C & Tennant, A, MNRAS, 251, 76 (1991)
  435. Do observations reveal accretion discs in intermediate polars ?
    Hellier, C, MNRAS, 251, 693 (1991)
  436. Erratic profiles of type II bursts of very low fluence from the rapid burster.
    Lubin, L et al., MNRAS, 252, 190 (1991)
  437. EXOSAT observations of clusters of galaxies - I. The X-ray data.
    Edge, A & Stewart, G, MNRAS, 252, 414 (1991)
  438. EXOSAT observations of clusters of galaxies - II. X-ray to optical correlations.
    Edge, A & Stewart, G, MNRAS, 252, 428 (1991)
  439. Detection of a stellar flare at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths
    Barstow, M et al., Natur, 353, 635 (1991)
  440. Atmospheric Parameters of a Soft X-Ray Selected Set of Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Kidder, K, PhD Thesis, 5 (1991)
  441. X-Ray Spectra, Variability and Pair Wind Models of Seyfert 1 Nuclei
    Leighly, K, PhD Thesis, 75 (1991)
  442. X-ray and optical studies of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Mittaz, J, PhD Thesis, 294 (1991)
  443. X-ray astronomy in its thirtieth year.
    Pounds, K, QJRAS, 32, 355 (1991)
  444. EXOSAT observation toward S 147 and A 0535+26.
    Sauvageot, J et al., A&A, 227, 183 (1990)
  445. Flaring and quiescent X-rays from Castor.
    Pallavicini, R et al., A&A, 227, 483 (1990)
  446. Variability in the noise properties of Cygnus X-1.
    Belloni, T & Hasinger, G, A&A, 227, L33 (1990)
  447. The bimodal spectral and QPO-behaviour of GX 17+2.
    Langmeier, A et al., A&A, 228, 89 (1990)
  448. EXOSAT observations of a long X-ray burst from XB 1905+000.
    Chevalier, C & Ilovaisky, S, A&A, 228, 115 (1990)
  449. X-ray emission from solar neighbourhood flare stars : a comprehensivesurvey of EXOSAT results.
    Pallavicini, R et al., A&A, 228, 403 (1990)
  450. X-ray spectra of three BL Lac objects.
    Garilli, B & Maccagni, D, A&A, 229, 88 (1990)
  451. EXOSAT measurements of the pulse period of VELA X-1.
    Raubenheimer, B & Oegelman, H, A&A, 230, 73 (1990)
  452. An atlas of aperiodic variability in HMXB.
    Belloni, T & Hasinger, G, A&A, 230, 103 (1990)
  453. Rotational modulation and flares on RS Canum Venaticorum and BY Draconis-type stars. XIV. Phasen eclipse and flare observations of YY Geminorum by EXOSAT and IUE.
    Haisch, B et al., A&A, 230, 419 (1990)
  454. An X-ray flare observed from van Biesbroeck 8.
    Tagliaferri, G et al., A&A, 231, 131 (1990)
  455. BD +37 1160 : a probable optical counterpart of the X-ray source 1H 0521+373.
    Polcaro, V et al., A&A, 231, 354 (1990)
  456. Rotational modulation and flares on RS Canum Venaticorum and BY Draconis-type stars. XV. Observations of Proxima Centauri and solar calibration data.
    Haisch, B et al., A&A, 232, 387 (1990)
  457. The ultraviolet and X-ray spectrum of NGC 5548 : evidence for thermal Comptonization and geometrical variations.
    Walter, R & Courvoisier, T, A&A, 233, 40 (1990)
  458. Constraints on the inner accretion flow of 4U /MXB 1636-53 (V 801 Arae) from a comparison of X-ray burst and persistent emission.
    Damen, E et al., A&A, 233, 121 (1990)
  459. The cause ofthe pulsations ofthe white dwarf component in V 471 Tauri.
    Stanghellini, L et al., A&A, 233, L13 (1990)
  460. Multi-wavelength observations of 3C 273. II. 1986-1988.
    Courvoisier, T et al., A&A, 234, 73 (1990)
  461. The pulsed light curve of VELA X-1.
    Raubenheimer, B, A&A, 234, 172 (1990)
  462. Relations between the photospheric magnetic field and the emission from the outer atmospheres of cool stars.
    Schrijver, C, A&A, 234, 315 (1990)
  463. EXOSAT observation of the supernova remnant MSH 15-52.
    Trussoni, E et al., A&A, 234, 403 (1990)
  464. X-ray bursts with photospheric radius expansion and the gravitational redshift of neutron stars.
    Damen, E et al., A&A, 237, 103 (1990)
  465. WW Horologii : revised period and X-ray light curve.
    Beuermann, K et al., A&A, 238, 187 (1990)
  466. EXOSAT observations of three DA white dwarfs.
    Koester, D et al., A&A, 239, 260 (1990)
  467. The EXOSAT low energy imaging telescopes and transmission grating spectrometers, calibration and in-flight verification.
    Paerels, F et al., A&AS, 85, 1021 (1990)
  468. X-ray spectral diagnostics for coronal loop sizes and heating rates in the active K dwarf AB Doradus
    Collier Cameron, A & Vilhu, O, AdSpR, 10, 135 (1990)
  469. X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
    Bleeker, J & Hermsen, W, AdSpR 10 (1990)
  470. H0534-581: A New Intermediate Polar?
    Buckley, D & Tuohy, I, ApJ, 349, 296 (1990)
  471. X-Ray Eclipse Mapping of AR Lacertae
    White, N et al., ApJ, 350, 776 (1990)
  472. EXOSAT Observations of the Rapidly Rotating Flare Star Gliese 890
    Rao, A & Singh, K, ApJ, 352, 303 (1990)
  473. Multifrequency Observations of BL Lacertae
    Bregman, J et al., ApJ, 352, 574 (1990)
  474. The Complex 0.4--12 keV X-Ray Spectrum of Cygnus X-1
    Barr, P & van der Woerd, H, ApJL, 352, L41 (1990)
  475. Period Measurements of the 50 Millisecond Pulsar PSR 0540-69 with the EXOSAT Satellite
    Oegelman, H & Hasinger, G, ApJL, 353, L21 (1990)
  476. Search for Millisecond X-Ray Pulsations from the Galactic Bulge X-Ray Source GX 9+1
    Hertz, P et al., ApJ, 354, 267 (1990)
  477. An Interpretation of X-Ray Spectra of Type II Bursts from the “Rapid Burster”: Comptonization Due to Accretion Flow
    Hirotani, K et al., ApJ, 355, 577 (1990)
  478. A Study of BL Lacertae--Type Objects with EXOSAT. I. Flux Correlations, Luminosity, Variability, and Spectral Variability
    Giommi, P et al., ApJ, 356, 432 (1990)
  479. X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy MCG 8-11-11
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 359, 98 (1990)
  480. The Temperature Scale of Hot DA White Dwarfs: Temperatures from Far-Ultraviolet Continuum Fluxes
    Finley, D et al., ApJ, 359, 483 (1990)
  481. Correlation of X-Ray Burst Properties with Source State in the “Atoll” Source 4U/MXB 1636-53
    van der Klis, M et al., ApJL, 360, L19 (1990)
  482. The X-Ray Absorption Spectrum of VELA X-1
    Haberl, F & White, N, ApJ, 361, 225 (1990)
  483. X-Ray Spectral Variability and Complex Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxies NGC 4051 and MCG -6-30-15
    Matsuoka, M et al., ApJ, 361, 440 (1990)
  484. EXOSAT Observations of Cygnus X-2 Continuum and Line Spectrum
    Chiappetti, L et al., ApJ, 361, 596 (1990)
  485. GINGA Observations of X-Rays from the Seyfert I Galaxy Markarian 509
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 363, 131 (1990)
  486. On the Interpretation of the EXOSAT Photometry of Two Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Vennes, S et al., ApJ, 364, 647 (1990)
  487. EXOSAT Observations of the Suspected Flare Star BD +48 degrees 1958A
    Rao, A et al., ApJ, 365, 332 (1990)
  488. EXOSAT Observations of the Blazar PKS 1510-089
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 365, 455 (1990)
  489. X-ray orbital modulations in low-mass X-ray binaries
    Pandey, U, BASI, 18, 211 (1990)
  490. The variable X-ray absorption and soft X-ray excess of the QSO MR 2251-178.
    Pan, H et al., MNRAS, 242, 177 (1990)
  491. The photospheric temperature and metal abundance of the compact star H 1504+65.
    Barstow, M & Tweedy, R, MNRAS, 242, 484 (1990)
  492. The X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15 and its temporal variability.
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 242, 660 (1990)
  493. Is V426 Ophiuchi really an intermediate polar ?
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 242, P32 (1990)
  494. Localization of one of the galactic centre X-ray burst sources.
    Skinner, G et al., MNRAS, 243, 72 (1990)
  495. LTE model atmospheres for hot, helium-rich degenerate stars
    Barstow, M, MNRAS, 243, 182 (1990)
  496. The X-ray orbital lightcurve of TY Pyx : a 3.2-day eclipsing RS CVn system.
    Culhane, J et al., MNRAS, 243, 424 (1990)
  497. X-ray spectral variations in NGC 4151.
    Fiore, F et al., MNRAS, 243, 522 (1990)
  498. Coronal X-ray emission from the short-period eclipsing binary XY UMa.
    Bedford, D et al., MNRAS, 243, 557 (1990)
  499. Multi-frequency variations of the Wolf-rayet system HD 193793 - I. Infrared, X-ray and radio observations.
    Williams, P et al., MNRAS, 243, 662 (1990)
  500. Simultaneous multifrequency observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 : constant optical-infrared emission observed during large-amplitude X-ray variability.
    Done, C et al., MNRAS, 243, 713 (1990)
  501. The X-ray emission of 3C 273.
    Turner, M et al., MNRAS, 244, 310 (1990)
  502. The ephemeris of X 1822-371.
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 244, P39 (1990)
  503. The photospheric temperatures and composition of very hot He-rich white dwarfs.
    Barstow, M & Holberg, J, MNRAS, 245, 370 (1990)
  504. An X-ray flux-limited sample of clusters of galaxies : evidence for evolution of the luminosity function.
    Edge, A et al., MNRAS, 245, 559 (1990)
  505. The changing soft X-ray light curve of the AM HER system MR Serpentis (PG 1550+191).
    Angelini, L et al., MNRAS, 245, 652 (1990)
  506. Self-consistent comptonized models for the spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries.
    Ponman, T et al., MNRAS, 246, 287 (1990)
  507. An X-ray flare on the short-period, eclipsing binary UMa.
    Jeffries, R & Bedford, D, MNRAS, 246, 337 (1990)
  508. X-ray observations of the radio galaxy Pictor A.
    Singh, K et al., MNRAS, 246, 706 (1990)
  509. Optical and X-ray observations of 4U 0614+09.
    Machin, G et al., MNRAS, 247, 205 (1990)
  510. Variability of GX 3+1 observed with EXOSAT.
    dal Fiume, D et al., NCimC, 13, 463 (1990)
  511. Coordinated observation of the massive system 4U 1700+24 = HD 154791.
    Dal Fiume, D et al., NCimC, 13, 481 (1990)
  512. X-ray reflection from cold matter in the nuclei of active galaxies
    Pounds, K et al., Natur, 344, 132 (1990)
  513. GINGA Observations of a Wolf-Rayet Star HD 193793
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 42, L1 (1990)
  514. Optical Variability of the Low-Mass, X-Ray Binary 1556-605
    Schmidtke, P, PASP, 102, 144 (1990)
  515. Compact extragalactic objects : a search for 160-minute periodicity in the X-ray data.
    Lyuty, V & Kotov, V, PAZh, 16, 771 (1990)
  516. Statistical investigation of the AGN observations of the X ray satellite EXOSAT
    Kuhnle, V, PhD Thesis, 17 (1990)
  517. A study of x-ray bursts with EXOSAT
    Damen, E, PhD Thesis, 153 (1990)
  518. Accretion flows in compact binary stars
    Hellier, C, PhD Thesis, 239 (1990)
  519. Utilization of the Archive Data from EXOSAT
    Hang, H et al., PrA, 8, 172 (1990)
  520. Astronomical X-ray spectroscopy—ten years on
    Pounds, K, VA, 33, 83 (1990)
  521. EXOSAT observations of the X-ray burst source 4U 1608-52.
    Penninx, W et al., A&A, 208, 146 (1989)
  522. A combined radio and X-ray observation of Algol.
    van den Oord, G et al., A&A, 209, 296 (1989)
  523. Coordinated observations of a large impulsive flare on UV Ceti.
    de Jager, C et al., A&A, 211, 157 (1989)
  524. LMC X-2 : an extragalactic bulge-type source.
    Bonnet-Bidaud, J et al., A&A, 213, 97 (1989)
  525. The X-ray flare and the quiescent emission from Algol as detected by EXOSAT.
    van den Oord, G & Mewe, R, A&A, 213, 245 (1989)
  526. Soft X-ray observations of the VELA pulsar PSR 0833-45.
    Oegelman, H & Zimmermann, H, A&A, 214, 179 (1989)
  527. The X-ray ephemeris of Cygnus X-3.
    van der Klis, M & Bonnet-Bidaud, J, A&A, 214, 203 (1989)
  528. X-ray and optical observations of LDS 587.
    Pasquini, L et al., A&A, 218, 187 (1989)
  529. The EXOSAT view of the north and east Cygnus loop.
    Ballet, J & Rothenflug, R, A&A, 218, 277 (1989)
  530. An X-ray and optical study of the low-mass X-ray source 4U 1556-605.
    Motch, C et al., A&A, 219, 158 (1989)
  531. EXO 032957-2606.9 : a new long-period probable AM Herculis binary.
    Beuermann, K et al., A&A, 219, L7 (1989)
  532. Variable X-ray emission from the dMe star EXO 040830-7134.7.
    van der Woerd, H et al., A&A, 220, 221 (1989)
  533. Non-equilibrium ionisation in supernova remnants : the case of Tycho.
    Brinkmann, W et al., A&A, 221, 385 (1989)
  534. EXOSAT observations of five luminous globular cluster X-ray sources.
    Parmar, A et al., A&A, 222, 96 (1989)
  535. One-pole and two-pole X-ray emission in the AM Herculis binary BL Hyi.
    Beuermann, K & Schwope, A, A&A, 223, 179 (1989)
  536. Spectral classification of low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) energy spectra with color-color diagrams.
    Schulz, N et al., A&A, 225, 48 (1989)
  537. Two patterns of correlated X-ray timing and spectral behaviour in low-mass X-ray binaries.
    Hasinger, G & van der Klis, M, A&A, 225, 79 (1989)
  538. Soft and hard X-ray variability from the accretion disk of NGC 5548.
    Kaastra, J & Barr, P, A&A, 226, 59 (1989)
  539. X-ray spectroscopy of RS CVn stars with EXOSAT.
    Pasquini, L et al., A&A, 226, 225 (1989)
  540. X-ray emission from stellar coronae
    Pallavicini, R, A&ARv, 1, 177 (1989)
  541. X-rays from normal galaxies.
    Fabbiano, G, ARA&A, 27, 87 (1989)
  542. X-Ray Observations of the Starburst Galaxy M82
    Schaaf, R et al., ApJ, 336, 722 (1989)
  543. Comparison of Einstein and EXOSAT Observations of SS 433
    Band, D, ApJ, 336, 937 (1989)
  544. The Mass of the Coma Cluster: Combined X-Ray and Optical Results
    Hughes, J, ApJ, 337, 21 (1989)
  545. Non--Equilibrium Ionization Effects in the Supernova Remnant RCW 86
    Claas, J et al., ApJ, 337, 399 (1989)
  546. A Third X-Ray Spectral Mode in Scorpius X-1: Similarities to the Other Bright Bulge Sources
    Hasinger, G et al., ApJ, 337, 843 (1989)
  547. The Transient 42 Second X-Ray Pulsar EXO 2030+375. I. The Discovery and the Luminosity Dependence of the Pulse Period Variations
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 338, 359 (1989)
  548. The Discovery of 2.93 Hour Periodic Intensity Dips from X1323-619
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 338, 1024 (1989)
  549. A Soft X-Ray Survey of Hot White Dwarfs with EXOSAT
    Paerels, F & Heise, J, ApJ, 339, 1000 (1989)
  550. X-Ray Bursts from 4U 1705-44: Another Case of Burst Properties Dependent on the Strength of the Persistent Emission
    Gottwald, M et al., ApJ, 339, 1044 (1989)
  551. Detection of a Strong Excess Noise Component in the Low State of 4U 1705-44
    Langmeier, A et al., ApJL, 340, L21 (1989)
  552. Coronal Activity in F-, G-, and K-Type Stars. III. The Coronal Differential Emission Measure Distribution of Capella, sigma 2 Coronae Borealis, and Procyon
    Lemen, J et al., ApJ, 341, 474 (1989)
  553. Coronal Activity in F-, G-, and K-Type Stars. IV. Evidence for Expanding Loop Geometries in Stellar Coronae
    Schrijver, C et al., ApJ, 341, 484 (1989)
  554. Simultaneous X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and Optical Observations of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 341, 733 (1989)
  555. X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and Optical Observations of the Intermediate Polar FO Aquarii (H2215-086)
    Chiappetti, L et al., ApJ, 342, 493 (1989)
  556. Can the EXOSAT Observations of DA White Dwarfs Be Explained by Layered Atmospheric Structures?
    Koester, D, ApJ, 342, 999 (1989)
  557. An EXOSAT X-Ray Observation of One Orbital Cycle of 4U 1700-37/HD 153919
    Haberl, F et al., ApJ, 343, 409 (1989)
  558. X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Ultrasoft Transient 4U 1543-47
    van der Woerd, H et al., ApJ, 344, 320 (1989)
  559. Reanalysis of the 1973 Outburst of the X-Ray Transient V0332+53
    Whitlock, L, ApJ, 344, 371 (1989)
  560. A Spectroscopic, Photometric, and X-Ray Study of the DQ Herculis System 1H0542-407
    Buckley, D & Tuohy, I, ApJ, 344, 376 (1989)
  561. A New Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy: IRAS 1652+395
    Bassani, L et al., ApJ, 344, 726 (1989)
  562. X-Ray Observations of Planetary Nebulae with the EXOSAT Satellite
    Apparao, K & Tarafdar, S, ApJ, 344, 826 (1989)
  563. Two X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Objects Observed with the HEAO 1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
    Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 345, 140 (1989)
  564. Is GX 1+4 the Compact 511 keV Galactic Center Source?
    McClintock, J & Leventhal, M, ApJ, 346, 143 (1989)
  565. X-Ray Timing and Spectral Measurements of X Persei
    Robba, N & Warwick, R, ApJ, 346, 469 (1989)
  566. The Discovery of 0.2 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of the Transient 42 Second Pulsar EXO 2030+374
    Angelini, L et al., ApJ, 346, 906 (1989)
  567. Is Hercules X-1 a Strange Attractor?
    Norris, J & Matilsky, T, ApJ, 346, 912 (1989)
  568. Small-Amplitude Coherent Signals in the X-Ray Emission of NGC 4151
    Fiore, F et al., ApJ, 347, 171 (1989)
  569. The X-Ray Structure of Centaurus A from 0.1 to 50 keV Observations with EXOSAT
    Morini, M et al., ApJ, 347, 750 (1989)
  570. EXOSAT Observations of the Kepler Supernova Remnant
    Smith, A et al., ApJ, 347, 925 (1989)
  571. The Perseus Flasher: Investigation using Ondřejov Plates
    Borovicka, J & Hudec, R, BAICz, 40, 170 (1989)
  572. The Effect of CNO Metal Abundances on the Soft X-Ray Emission from he Rich White Dwarfs
    Barstow, M, LNP, 328, 202 (1989)
  573. A New Temperature Determination for Sirius-B from IUE - Implications for the Observed Soft X-Ray Fluxes
    Kidder, K et al., LNP, 328, 350 (1989)
  574. The Atmospheric Composition of the Hot Pre-Degenerate Star H:1504+65 Revisited
    Vennes, S et al., LNP, 328, 363 (1989)
  575. Stratified Model Atmospheres for Hot DA White Dwarfs
    Vennes, S et al., LNP, 328, 368 (1989)
  576. Discovery of an X-Ray Selected Optically Highly Variable Quasar
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., LNP, 334, 261 (1989)
  577. The X-Ray Variability of PKS:2155-304 - a Power Spectrum Analysis
    Tagliaferri, G et al., LNP, 334, 314 (1989)
  578. Variable X-ray absorption in NGC 4151.
    Yaqoob, T et al., MNRAS, 236, 153 (1989)
  579. Discovery of a BL Lacertae object (EXO 055625-3838.6) in the error box of H 0557-385.
    Giommi, P et al., MNRAS, 236, 375 (1989)
  580. An indication of the Eddington luminosity during X-ray bursts and constraints on the mass and radius of neutron stars in 4U 1608-52 and MXB1728-34.
    Fujimoto, M & Gottwald, M, MNRAS, 236, 545 (1989)
  581. Detection of iron features in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy MCG -6-30-15.
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 236, P39 (1989)
  582. Absorption dips and the properties of the accretion stream in polars.
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 237, 299 (1989)
  583. Non-Planckian behaviour of burst spectra : dependence of the blackbodyradius on the duration of bursts.
    Damen, E et al., MNRAS, 237, 523 (1989)
  584. A 4.1 keV spectral feature in a type 1 X-ray burst from EXO 1747-214.
    Magnier, E et al., MNRAS, 237, 729 (1989)
  585. Spin modulated X-ray emission from intermediate polars.
    Norton, A & Watson, M, MNRAS, 237, 853 (1989)
  586. The 2.8-hour flux modulation of the cataclysmic variable PG 1711+336.
    Rosen, S et al., MNRAS, 237, 1037 (1989)
  587. EXOSAT observations of the remnant of SN 1006.
    Jones, L & Pye, J, MNRAS, 238, 567 (1989)
  588. X-ray fluorescence from the inner disc in Cygnus X-1.
    Fabian, A et al., MNRAS, 238, 729 (1989)
  589. A search for quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U/MXB 1735-44.
    Penninx, W et al., MNRAS, 238, 851 (1989)
  590. The X-ray spectrum of QSO 1821+643.
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 238, 917 (1989)
  591. The flux and spectral variability of NGC 6814 as observed with EXOSAT.
    Mittaz, J & Branduardi-Raymont, G, MNRAS, 238, 1029 (1989)
  592. Connections between X-ray and optical variability in the low mass X-ray binary 1735-444.
    Corbet, R et al., MNRAS, 239, 533 (1989)
  593. EXOSAT observations of X 1822-371 : modelling of the accretion disc rim.
    Hellier, C & Mason, K, MNRAS, 239, 715 (1989)
  594. On the nature of the old nova CP Puppis.
    O’Donoghue, D et al., MNRAS, 240, 41 (1989)
  595. Iron features in the X-ray spectra of three Seyfert galaxies.
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 240, 769 (1989)
  596. The EXOSAT spectral survey of AGN.
    Turner, T & Pounds, K, MNRAS, 240, 833 (1989)
  597. Coded mask X-ray images of the Large Magellanic Cloud : hard X-ray emission from EXO 053109-6609.2
    Hanson, C et al., MNRAS, 240, P1 (1989)
  598. Accretion-powered X-ray pulsars.
    Nagase, F, PASJ, 41, 1 (1989)
  599. The Supernova Remnant G109.1-1.0 and the X-Ray Pulsar 1E2259+586.
    Davies, S, PhD Thesis, 6 (1989)
  600. Chaos and Random Processes in the X-Ray Variability of Cygnus X-1.
    Lochner, J, PhD Thesis, 8 (1989)
  601. X-Ray Observations of SS 433 and the QSO MR 2251 -178.
    Pan, H, PhD Thesis, 11 (1989)
  602. X-Ray Emission from Low-Mass Binary Systems.
    Breedon, L, PhD Thesis, 18 (1989)
  603. The Soft X-ray Telescopes on Ariel 6 and EXOSAT Observations of Cataclysmic Variables
    Osborne, J, PhD Thesis, 36 (1989)
  604. Accretion flows in compact binary stars
    Hellier, C, PhD Thesis, 223 (1989)
  605. The hard X-ray eclipse in the intermediate polar EX Hydrae.
    Beuermann, K & Osborne, J, A&A, 189, 128 (1988)
  606. Rotational modulation and flares on RS CVn and BY DRA systems. VIII. Simultaneous EXOSAT and H alpha observations of a flare on the dMe star GL 644 AB (Wolf 630) on 24/25 August 1985.
    Doyle, J et al., A&A, 191, 79 (1988)
  607. EXOSAT observations of M dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood.
    Schmitt, J & Rosso, C, A&A, 191, 99 (1988)
  608. Stellar coronae with EXOSAT : broad band spectroscopy of nearby coronal sources.
    Pallavicini, R et al., A&A, 191, 109 (1988)
  609. SC 2059-247 : no evidence for cluster evolution or extreme X-ray properties.
    Kaastra, J & de Korte, P, A&A, 192, 77 (1988)
  610. The recurrence behaviour of X-ray bursts from 4U/MXB 1735-44.
    van Paradijs, J et al., A&A, 192, 147 (1988)
  611. Far-ultraviolet and X-ray emission of the long period RS CVn star sigma Geminorum.
    Engvold, O et al., A&A, 192, 234 (1988)
  612. Rotational modulation and flares on RS CVn and BY DRA systems. VII. simultaneous X-ray, radio and optical data for the dMe star YZ CMi on 4/5 March 1985.
    Doyle, J et al., A&A, 193, 229 (1988)
  613. G 70.7+1.2 : supernova, nova, or stellar shell ?
    Jourdain de Muizon, M et al., A&A, 193, 248 (1988)
  614. A 23h EXOSAT observation of the X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586 and the associated supernova remnant G 109.1-1.0
    Hanson, C et al., A&A, 195, 114 (1988)
  615. Co-ordinated VLA and EXOSAT observations of the flrae stars UV Ceti, EQ Pegasi, YZ Canis Minoris and AD Leonis.
    Kundu, M et al., A&A, 195, 159 (1988)
  616. Effects of Galactic absorption on soft X-ray surveys
    Zamorani, G et al., A&A, 196, 39 (1988)
  617. The thermal evolution of the jets in SS 433.
    Brinkmann, W et al., A&A, 196, 313 (1988)
  618. Observations of (Fe VII) and (Fe X) in the symbiotic star HM SGE during the interval of 1983-1985.
    Wallerstein, G & Brugel, E, A&A, 197, 182 (1988)
  619. III ZW 2 : a look into the AGN machinery.
    Kaastra, J & de Korte, P, A&A, 198, 16 (1988)
  620. The interpretation of a multi-peaked structure observed in some X-raybursts from 4U/MXB 1636-53.
    Fujimoto, M et al., A&A, 199, L9 (1988)
  621. X-ray and optical observations of the old nova V603 Aql.
    Haefner, R et al., A&A, 200, 75 (1988)
  622. Coordinated X-ray and optical observations of the pulsating X-ray transient A 1118-61.
    Motch, C et al., A&A, 201, 63 (1988)
  623. Modeling of long-duration two-ribbon flares on M dwarf stars.
    Poletto, G et al., A&A, 201, 93 (1988)
  624. New constraints on neutron star models of gamma-ray bursts. I. EXOSATobservations of two gamma-ray burst error boxes.
    Boer, M et al., A&A, 202, 117 (1988)
  625. EXOSAT observations of the southern cluster of galaxies S 2008-569.
    Piro, L & Fusco-Femiano, R, A&A, 205, 26 (1988)
  626. An EXOSAT observation of an X-ray flare and quiescent emission from the RS CVn binary sigma2 CrB.
    van den Oord, G et al., A&A, 205, 181 (1988)
  627. Time variability in the X-ray emission of dM stars observed by EXOSAT.
    Collura, A et al., A&A, 205, 197 (1988)
  628. A correlation between Balmer and soft X-ray emission from stellar andsolar flares.
    Butler, C et al., A&A, 206, L1 (1988)
  629. Time-dependent heating phenomena in coronal loops.
    van den Oord, G & Barstow, M, A&A, 207, 89 (1988)
  630. The possible role of proton beams in flares on dwarf stars.
    van den Oord, G, A&A, 207, 101 (1988)
  631. Erratum - a 23H EXOSAT Observation of the X-Ray Pulsar 1E:2259+586 and the Associated Supernova Remnant G:109.1-1.0
    Hanson, C et al., A&A, 207, 204 (1988)
  632. X-ray and ultra-violet observations of Markarian 421
    George, I et al., AdSpR, 8, 95 (1988)
  633. Coordinated X-ray and ultraviolet observations of the intermediate polar H2215-086
    Chiappetti, L et al., AdSpR, 8, 309 (1988)
  634. Deterministic chaos in the X-ray variability of Her X-1
    Voges, W et al., AdSpR, 8, 497 (1988)
  635. A rapid change to double pulsing in Her X-1
    Gruber, D et al., AdSpR, 8, 503 (1988)
  636. The X-Ray Spectral Properties of Accretion Disks in X-Ray Binaries
    White, N et al., ApJ, 324, 363 (1988)
  637. Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335)
    Stella, L et al., ApJ, 324, 379 (1988)
  638. X-Ray Observations of IRAS Selected Seyfert Galaxies and Obscuration of the Broad-Line Region
    Ward, M et al., ApJ, 324, 767 (1988)
  639. SAS 3 and Einstein Observations of the 11 Minute Orbital Period of the Globular Cluster X-Ray Source 4U 1820-30
    Morgan, E et al., ApJ, 324, 851 (1988)
  640. The Stellar Composition of X-Ray Surveys from the Einstein Observatory
    Favata, F et al., ApJ, 324, 1010 (1988)
  641. The Detection of a High-Energy Break in the X-Ray Spectrum of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 0548-32
    Barr, P et al., ApJL, 324, L11 (1988)
  642. X-Ray Spectrum and Variability of the Black Hole Candidate LMC X-3
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 325, 119 (1988)
  643. EXOSAT Observations of the TYCHO Supernova Remnant
    Smith, A et al., ApJ, 325, 288 (1988)
  644. An Exceptional Change in the X-Ray Flux and Spectrum of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy E1615+061
    Piro, L et al., ApJL, 325, L25 (1988)
  645. 4U 1626-67: The Binary with the Smallest Known Mass Function
    Levine, A et al., ApJ, 327, 732 (1988)
  646. Time Lags in the Quasi-periodic Oscillations of the Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335)
    Stella, L et al., ApJL, 327, L13 (1988)
  647. EXOSAT and IUE Observations of SW UMa during Superoutburst
    Szkody, P et al., ApJ, 328, 243 (1988)
  648. Simultaneous X-Ray and Radio Observations of GX 13+1
    Garcia, M et al., ApJ, 328, 552 (1988)
  649. The Discovery of the 2 Hour Modulated X-Ray Source EXO 033319-2554.2, an AM Herculis System
    Osborne, J et al., ApJL, 328, L45 (1988)
  650. Measurements of the Gas Temperature and Iron Abundance Distribution in the Coma Cluster
    Hughes, J et al., ApJ, 329, 82 (1988)
  651. The High-Resolution Photospheric Soft X-Ray Spectrum of Sirius B
    Paerels, F et al., ApJ, 329, 849 (1988)
  652. Soft X-Ray Variability and the Covering Fraction of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Wachter, K et al., ApJ, 330, 91 (1988)
  653. X-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center by SPARTAN 1
    Kawai, N et al., ApJ, 330, 130 (1988)
  654. The X-Ray to Infrared Energy Distribution of the Quasar PG 0026+129
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 330, 178 (1988)
  655. EXOSAT Observations of the Hot Gas in the A1060 Cluster of Galaxies
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 330, 620 (1988)
  656. Observations of the Late Superhump in VW Hydri
    van der Woerd, H et al., ApJ, 330, 911 (1988)
  657. Simultaneous EXOSAT and VLA Observations of the Contact Binaries VW Cephei and XY Leonis: Quiescent Emission and a Flare on VW Cephei
    Vilhu, O et al., ApJ, 330, 922 (1988)
  658. An EXOSAT Observation of CTB 80
    Angelini, L et al., ApJL, 330, L43 (1988)
  659. Hard X-Ray Emission from a Type 2 Seyfert Galaxy (NGC 1068)
    Elvis, M & Lawrence, A, ApJ, 331, 161 (1988)
  660. Cooling Flow in the 2A 0335+096 Cluster of Galaxies
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 331, 672 (1988)
  661. Multifrequency Observations of the Optically Violent Variable 3C 446
    Bregman, J et al., ApJ, 331, 746 (1988)
  662. The Presence of Helium in Hot DA White Dwarfs: The Role of Radiative Levitation and the Case for Stratified Atmospheres
    Vennes, S et al., ApJ, 331, 876 (1988)
  663. EXOSAT Observations of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant
    Jansen, F et al., ApJ, 331, 949 (1988)
  664. An X-Ray Flare from a B9+ Post--T Tauri Star System in the Field of the Seyfert Galaxy III ZW 2
    Tagliaferri, G et al., ApJL, 331, L113 (1988)
  665. EXOSAT Observations of the Supernova Remnant G109.1-1.0 and the X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    Morini, M et al., ApJ, 333, 777 (1988)
  666. Contemporaneous X-Ray and VLBI Radio Observations of the Quasar NRAO 140
    Marscher, A, ApJ, 334, 552 (1988)
  667. The High-Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectrum of HZ 43. II. Bolometric X-Ray Flux, Effective Temperature, and Radius
    Heise, J et al., ApJ, 334, 958 (1988)
  668. EXOSAT Observations of the Globular Cluster X-ray Sources X0512-401 and X1745-203
    Ercan, E et al., ApL&C, 26, 349 (1988)
  669. EXOSAT X-ray and Optical Observations of the X-ray Source EXO 020528 + 1454.8 = G 035 - 027
    Hudec, R et al., BAICz, 39, 296 (1988)
  670. Giant Starspots and Stellar Flares: The View from Space
    Byrne, P, IrAJ, 18, 172 (1988)
  671. Serendipitous discovery of an AGN showing rapid X-ray variability.
    Barstow, M & Stanger, V, MNRAS, 230, 207 (1988)
  672. Observations of 1.4Hz quasi-periodic oscillations in CIR X-1.
    Tennant, A, MNRAS, 230, 403 (1988)
  673. Observations of three high-state eclipse egresses of Hercules X-1.
    Day, C et al., MNRAS, 231, 69 (1988)
  674. EXOSAT observations of variable coronal X-ray emission from the youngK dwarf AB Doradus (= HD 36705).
    Collier Cameron, A et al., MNRAS, 231, 131 (1988)
  675. The 1985 May superoutburst of the dwarf nova OY Carinae - II. IUE andEXOSAT observations.
    Naylor, T et al., MNRAS, 231, 237 (1988)
  676. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the bright galactic bulge X-ray sourceGX 340+0.
    van Paradijs, J et al., MNRAS, 231, 379 (1988)
  677. EXOSAT X-ray observations of the eclipsing magnetic cataclysmic variable EX Hya.
    Rosen, S et al., MNRAS, 231, 549 (1988)
  678. GK Per : X-ray observations in quiescence.
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 231, 783 (1988)
  679. The quasi-periodic oscillations of GX 349+2.
    Ponman, T et al., MNRAS, 231, 999 (1988)
  680. Variable low-energy absorption in the X-ray spectrum of ESO 103-G35.
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 231, 1145 (1988)
  681. Variability of the soft excess in the Seyfert I galaxy MKN 335.
    Turner, T & Pounds, K, MNRAS, 232, 463 (1988)
  682. A survey of the galactic plane with EXOSAT.
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 232, 551 (1988)
  683. X-ray observations of the 50-min dipping source XB 1916-053.
    Smale, A et al., MNRAS, 232, 647 (1988)
  684. The discovery of orbital dips in the soft X-ray emission of U GEM during an outburst.
    Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 232, 779 (1988)
  685. X-ray and ultraviolet observations of Markarian 421.
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 232, 793 (1988)
  686. The optical/IR counterpart to the newly-discovered X-ray source EXO 2030+375.
    Coe, M et al., MNRAS, 232, 865 (1988)
  687. Equilibrium models for large stellar coronal loops.
    Collier Cameron, A, MNRAS, 233, 235 (1988)
  688. Rapid soft X-ray variability in a newly discovered active galaxy : EXO 1128+691.
    Bedford, D et al., MNRAS, 234, 319 (1988)
  689. Erratum - X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of MARKARIAN:421
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 234, 799 (1988)
  690. EXO 023432-5232.3 - an eclipsing AM Herculis binary.
    Bailey, J et al., MNRAS, 234, P19 (1988)
  691. The ultraviolet to X-ray continua of BL Lac objects.
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 235, 787 (1988)
  692. Nonradial Oscillations of the Be Star Gamma Cassiopeiae
    Yang, S et al., PASP, 100, 233 (1988)
  693. Galactic X-Ray Astronomy with EXOSAT.
    Norton, A, PhD Thesis, 2 (1988)
  694. Analysis of an observation of the X ray astronomy satellite EXOSAT at the low mass X ray binary star system GX5-1
    Collmar, W, PhD Thesis, 8 (1988)
  695. EXOSAT observations of Seyfert type galaxies
    Turner, T, PhD Thesis, 9 (1988)
  696. Quasi-periodic oscillations in celestial X-ray sources
    van der Klis, M, SciAm, 259, 0550 (1988)
  697. The 35 day cycle of HER X-1 : quality of the clock mechanism.
    Oegelman, H, A&A, 172, 79 (1987)
  698. A spectral study of the persistent X-ray flux from 4U/MXB 1636-53.
    Vacca, W et al., A&A, 172, 143 (1987)
  699. EXOSAT observations of a broad absorption-line quasar : PHL 5200.
    Singh, K et al., A&A, 172, L11 (1987)
  700. Constraints on the mass-radius relation for the neutron star in the X-ray burst source 4U/MXB 1820-30 located in the globular cluster NGC 6624.
    van Paradijs, J & Lewin, W, A&A, 172, L20 (1987)
  701. Temporal variability of the massive X-ray binary 4U 1700-37.
    Doll, H & Brinkmann, W, A&A, 173, 86 (1987)
  702. Solar-type giants : new X-ray detections from EXOSAT observations.
    Gondoin, P et al., A&A, 174, 187 (1987)
  703. EXOSAT observations of the magnetic binary system E 1114+182.
    Schaaf, R et al., A&A, 174, 357 (1987)
  704. The central X-ray source in M 33.
    Gottwald, M et al., A&A, 175, 45 (1987)
  705. EXO 023432-5232.3 : a new 114-minute probable AM Herculis-type binary.
    Beuermann, K et al., A&A, 175, L9 (1987)
  706. EXOSAT observations of the 1983 outburst of the rapid burster : a newmode of behaviour.
    Barr, P et al., A&A, 176, 69 (1987)
  707. X-ray emission from the symbiotic system CH Cygni.
    Leahy, D & Taylor, A, A&A, 176, 262 (1987)
  708. A search for X-ray emission from a nearby pulsar : PSR 1929+10.
    Alpar, A et al., A&A, 177, 101 (1987)
  709. EXOSAT observations of X-rays from classical novae during the outburst stage.
    Oegelman, H et al., A&A, 177, 110 (1987)
  710. X-ray/optical brightness trends in 3C 66A.
    Maccagni, D et al., A&A, 178, 21 (1987)
  711. A comparison of coronal X-ray emission observed with the Einstein andEXOSAT observatories.
    Schmitt, J et al., A&A, 179, 193 (1987)
  712. Rotational modulation and flares on RS CVn and BY Dra-type stars. V. EXOSAT and IUE observations of a flare on EQ Pegasi.
    Haisch, B et al., A&A, 181, 96 (1987)
  713. Soft X-ray transients in quiescence : observations of AQL X-1 and CenX-4.
    van Paradijs, J et al., A&A, 182, 47 (1987)
  714. Soft X-ray observations of the radio pulsar PSR 1055-52.
    Brinkmann, W & Oegelman, H, A&A, 182, 71 (1987)
  715. Discovery of soft X-ray oscillations in VW Hydri.
    van der Woerd, H et al., A&A, 182, 219 (1987)
  716. Hard X-ray observations of the quasar 3C 273.
    Damle, S et al., A&A, 182, L1 (1987)
  717. X-ray and UV observations of omega Centauri with EXOSAT.
    Koch-Miramond, L & Auriere, M, A&A, 183, 1 (1987)
  718. The relation between optical and X-ray flux variations of the black-hole candidate LMC X-3.
    van Paradijs, J et al., A&A, 184, 201 (1987)
  719. EUV photometry of DA white dwarfs with EXOSAT.
    Jordan, S et al., A&A, 185, 253 (1987)
  720. The bright QSO GD 1339.
    Bues, I et al., A&A, 186, 99 (1987)
  721. A classification of fast quasi-periodic X-ray oscillators : is 6 HZ afundamental frequency ?
    Hasinger, G, A&A, 186, 153 (1987)
  722. Soft X-ray imaging observations of the 39 millisecond pulsar PSR 1951+32.
    Oegelman, H & Buccheri, R, A&A, 186, L17 (1987)
  723. Search for X-Rays from the Region of the Aries-Perseus Flasher
    Lewin, W et al., AJ, 94, 429 (1987)
  724. Cataclysmic variables. Recent multi-frequency observations and theoretical developments; Proceedings of the 93rd IAU Colloquium, Bamberg, West Germany, June 16-19, 1986
    Drechsel, H et al., Ap&SS 130 (1987)
  725. A Simultaneous X-Ray and Optical Study of Tt-Arietis
    Hudec, R et al., Ap&SS, 130, 255 (1987)
  726. EXOSAT Observations of X-Rays from Classical Novae during Outburst Stage
    Ogelman, H et al., Ap&SS, 130, 279 (1987)
  727. Cataclysmic variables. Recent multi-frequency observations and theoretical developments
    Drechsel, H et al., Ap&SS 131 (1987)
  728. Optical Short-Time Variations in Gk-Persei during the 1983 Outburst
    Steinle, H & Pietsch, W, Ap&SS, 131, 485 (1987)
  729. H2215-068 / Fo-Aquarius - the King of Intermediate Polars Spins Down
    Pakull, M & Beuermann, K, Ap&SS, 131, 641 (1987)
  730. CCD Observations of X-Ray Binaries
    Steinle, H et al., Ap&SS, 131, 687 (1987)
  731. Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Pakull, M et al., Ap&SS, 131, 689 (1987)
  732. X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of Ag-Draconis during Quiescence and Outburst
    Cassatella, A et al., Ap&SS, 131, 763 (1987)
  733. EXOSAT observations of the ring nebula NGC 6888 and HD 192163
    Kaehler, H et al., Ap&SS, 135, 105 (1987)
  734. EXOSAT and Einstein Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1145-619
    Mereghetti, S et al., ApJ, 312, 755 (1987)
  735. The Discovery of a Second Orbital Period from the X-Ray Source 4U 1820-30 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6624
    Stella, L et al., ApJL, 312, L17 (1987)
  736. Correlation between Spectral State and Quasi-periodic Oscillation Parameters in GX 5-1
    van der Klis, M et al., ApJL, 313, L19 (1987)
  737. EXOSAT Observations of Double-peaked Bursts with Radius Expansion from 4U/MXB 1820-30
    Haberl, F et al., ApJ, 314, 266 (1987)
  738. X-Ray Sources in Regions of Star Formation. II. The Pre--Main-Sequence G Star HDE 283572
    Walter, F et al., ApJ, 314, 297 (1987)
  739. The Discovery of 15--30 Hertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray flux of 4U 1820-30
    Stella, L et al., ApJL, 315, L49 (1987)
  740. A New Soft X-Ray Mode in the AM Herculis Object E2003+225
    Osborne, J et al., ApJL, 315, L123 (1987)
  741. Intensity and Source State Dependence of the Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Scorpius X-1
    van der Klis, M et al., ApJ, 316, 411 (1987)
  742. Low-Energy X-Ray Observations of the Wolf 630 System
    Johnson, H, ApJ, 316, 458 (1987)
  743. The X-Ray Spectrum of Markarian 509 Observed by EXOSAT
    Morini, M et al., ApJ, 317, 145 (1987)
  744. Simultaneous Multifrequency Observations of Markarian 421
    Brodie, J et al., ApJ, 318, 175 (1987)
  745. EXOSAT Observations of 4U/MXB 1636-53: On the Relation between the Amount of Accreted Fuel and the Strength of an X-Ray Burst
    Lewin, W et al., ApJ, 319, 893 (1987)
  746. On the Theory of Type I X-Ray Bursts. The Energetics of Bursts and the Nuclear Fuel Reservoir in the Envelope
    Fujimoto, M et al., ApJ, 319, 902 (1987)
  747. First Unambiguous X-Ray Detection of R Aquarii
    Viotti, R et al., ApJL, 319, L7 (1987)
  748. The Complex Cross-Spectra of Cygnus X-2 and GX 5-1
    van der Klis, M et al., ApJL, 319, L13 (1987)
  749. Deterministic Chaos in Accreting Systems: Analysis of the X-Ray Variability of Herculis X-1
    Voges, W et al., ApJ, 320, 794 (1987)
  750. 4U 1820-30 as a Potential Test of the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory of Moffat
    Krisher, T, ApJL, 320, L47 (1987)
  751. Time Variability of Gamma Cassiopeiae in X-Rays
    Frontera, F et al., ApJL, 320, L127 (1987)
  752. Evidence from Meteor Patrol Photographs for a Nonastronomical Origin of the Reported Optical Flashes in Perseus
    Halliday, I et al., ApJL, 320, L153 (1987)
  753. The Discovery of 7 and 24--28 Hertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of GX 17+2 (4U 1812-14)
    Stella, L et al., ApJ, 321, 418 (1987)
  754. CAL 83: A Puzzling X-Ray Source in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Crampton, D et al., ApJ, 321, 745 (1987)
  755. The Low-Luminosity X-Ray Sources in Omega Centauri
    Margon, B & Bolte, M, ApJL, 321, L61 (1987)
  756. Multipeaked X-Ray Bursts from 4U/MXB 1636-53: Evidence against Burst-induced Accretion Disk Coronae
    Penninx, W et al., ApJL, 321, L67 (1987)
  757. X-Ray Observations of the Supernova Remnant N103B in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 322, 80 (1987)
  758. Determination of Photospheric Helium Abundances for the Hot White Dwarfs LB 1663 and CD -38 degrees 10980 from EXOSAT Soft X-Ray Photometry
    Paerels, F et al., ApJ, 322, 315 (1987)
  759. Search for X-Ray Emission from the Radio Lobes of Scorpius X-1
    Geldzahler, B & Hertz, P, ApJ, 322, 342 (1987)
  760. X-Ray and Optical Observations of X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Objects
    Giommi, P et al., ApJ, 322, 662 (1987)
  761. EXOSAT Observations of 4U 1705-44: Type I Bursts and Persistent Emission
    Langmeier, A et al., ApJ, 323, 288 (1987)
  762. The Properties of Bursts with Short Recurrence Times from the Transient X-Ray Source EXO 0748-676
    Gottwald, M et al., ApJ, 323, 575 (1987)
  763. On the Stability of the 13.2 Minute Oscillation of V1223 Sagittarii
    Jablonski, F & Steiner, J, ApJ, 323, 672 (1987)
  764. EXOSAT observations of the 5 March 1979 gamma-ray burst source location (GBS 0526-66).
    Rothschild, R et al., ApL, 25, 173 (1987)
  765. On the 9.25 minute X ray oscillations of V471 Tauri
    Sion, E, LNP, 274, 396 (1987)
  766. Discovery of a strong soft X-ray excess in MKN 335 - evidence for an accretion disc ?
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 224, 443 (1987)
  767. X-ray spectrum of sigma Geminorum : an RS Canum Venaticorum type binary.
    Singh, K et al., MNRAS, 224, 481 (1987)
  768. EXOSAT observations of the X-ray source in M 15.
    Callanan, P et al., MNRAS, 224, 781 (1987)
  769. Multiwavelength monitoring of the dwarf nova VW Hydri. I. Overview.
    Pringle, J et al., MNRAS, 225, 73 (1987)
  770. Multiwavelength monitoring of the dwarf nova VW Hydri. V. EXOSAT observations.
    van der Woerd, H & Heise, J, MNRAS, 225, 141 (1987)
  771. EXOSAT observations of the SNR PKS 1209-52.
    Kellett, B et al., MNRAS, 225, 199 (1987)
  772. Detailed EXOSAT and optical observations of the intermediate polar 3A0729+103 : discovery of two medium energy X-ray emission regions.
    McHardy, I et al., MNRAS, 225, 355 (1987)
  773. A pulse timing study of the X-ray pulsar 4U 1145-619.
    Cook, M & Warwick, R, MNRAS, 225, 369 (1987)
  774. The X-ray properties of 3A 1907+09.
    Cook, M & Page, C, MNRAS, 225, 381 (1987)
  775. The period of the globular cluster X-ray source X 1820-303; confirmation from Ariel V data.
    Smale, A et al., MNRAS, 225, P7 (1987)
  776. Constraints on the mass-radius relation of the neutron star in 4U 1746-37/NGC 6441.
    Sztajno, M et al., MNRAS, 226, 39 (1987)
  777. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of GX 3+1 (4U 1744-26).
    Lewin, W et al., MNRAS, 226, 383 (1987)
  778. Observations of a partial X-ray eclipse in the long-period low mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630.
    Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 226, 423 (1987)
  779. A 25 min modulation from the vicinity of the unusually soft X-ray source X 0142+614.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 226, 645 (1987)
  780. X-ray and optical flickering in EF Eri.
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 226, 867 (1987)
  781. Power spectra, with application to EXOSAT data.
    Tennant, A, MNRAS, 226, 963 (1987)
  782. High-frequency oscillations from CIR X-1.
    Tennant, A, MNRAS, 226, 971 (1987)
  783. Dramatic X-ray variability in the narrow emission line galaxy NGC 7314.
    Turner, T, MNRAS, 226, P9 (1987)
  784. X-ray observations of the Ophiuchus, PKS 0745-191 and Cygnus-A clusters of galaxies.
    Arnaud, K et al., MNRAS, 227, 241 (1987)
  785. An EXOSAT observation of 1.5 orbital cycles of the 0.7 day short-period RS CVn system ER Vul.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 227, 545 (1987)
  786. Spectral variability of 4U 1145-619 during X-ray outburst.
    Cook, M & Warwick, R, MNRAS, 227, 661 (1987)
  787. Synchrotron X-ray haloes around gamma ray sources
    Kifune, T et al., MNRAS, 228, 243 (1987)
  788. Observations of X-ray emission from the RS CVn binary HD 155555 and the detection of a nearby serendipitous source.
    Barstow, M, MNRAS, 228, 251 (1987)
  789. The formation of iron features in the cooling spectrum of X-ray bursts.
    Foster, A et al., MNRAS, 228, 259 (1987)
  790. Simultaneous observations of the X-ray and optical eclipse of SS 433 and their impplications.
    Stewart, G et al., MNRAS, 228, 293 (1987)
  791. An EXOSAT observation of the bursting X-ray transient 4U 1608-52.
    Gottwald, M et al., MNRAS, 229, 395 (1987)
  792. Observations of active galaxies
    Mushotzky, R, Natur, 325, 666 (1987)
  793. Low-frequency divergent X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC4051
    Lawrence, A et al., Natur, 325, 694 (1987)
  794. Fractal X-ray time variability and spectral invariance of the Seyfert galaxy NGC5506
    McHardy, I & Czerny, B, Natur, 325, 696 (1987)
  795. A spectroscopic and photometric study of 1H 0542-407 : a new magneticvariable.
    Buckley, D & Tuohy, I, PASAu, 7, 151 (1987)
  796. The neutron star of HER X-1 does not precess with the 35-day period.
    Sheffer, E, PAZh, 13, 204 (1987)
  797. Doppler effect as the cause of X-ray flux modulation from an ultra-short period binary.
    Postnov, K & Shakura, N, PAZh, 13, 300 (1987)
  798. I. Development of the Energetic X-Ray Imaging Telescope Experiment; and, II. Studies of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries.
    Garcia, M, PhD Thesis, 3 (1987)
  799. Investigation of nuclei of active galaxies as well as sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud using the X-ray astronomy satellite EXOSAT
    Brunner, H, PhD Thesis, 7 (1987)
  800. Model Atmospheres for Accreting Systems.
    Brooker, J, PhD Thesis, 18 (1987)
  801. Variable dust emission from Wolf-Rayet stars.
    Williams, P et al., QJRAS, 28, 248 (1987)
  802. X-ray astronomy - The view from orbit
    Davies, J, Space, 3, 38 (1987)
  803. The soft X-ray superoutburst of VW Hydri.
    van der Woerd, H et al., A&A, 156, 252 (1986)
  804. Optical and X-ray observations of 4U 2129+47/V1727 CYG in an extended quiescent state.
    Pietsch, W et al., A&A, 157, 23 (1986)
  805. EXOSAT detection of an X-ray flare from the solar type star pi 1 UMa.
    Landini, M et al., A&A, 157, 217 (1986)
  806. Wide-band X-ray observations of MK 501.
    Staubert, R et al., A&A, 162, 16 (1986)
  807. The optical and X-ray decline of V 0332+53 (X 0331+53, BQ Cam).
    Corbet, R et al., A&A, 162, 117 (1986)
  808. EXOSAT observations of GX 304-1 in an X-ray of state.
    Pietsch, W et al., A&A, 163, 93 (1986)
  809. GX 339-4 : EXOSAT observations in the off and soft states.
    Ilovaisky, S et al., A&A, 164, 67 (1986)
  810. A soft X-ray observation of ω Centauri with EXOSAT.
    Verbunt, F et al., A&A, 168, 169 (1986)
  811. A two-component model for the corona of lambda Andromedae.
    Mewe, R & Schrijver, C, A&A, 169, 178 (1986)
  812. Model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for white dwarfs with chemically stratified atmospheres.
    Jordan, S & Koester, D, A&AS, 65, 367 (1986)
  813. Solar and stellar activity. Proceedings of Symposium 11 and of the Topical Meeting of the COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission E (Meeting E2) of the COSPAR Twenty-sixth Plenary Meeting held in Toulouse, France, 30th June - 11th July 1986.
    Praderie, F & Hudson, H, AdSpR 6 (1986)
  814. X-ray, UV, optical and radio observations of the visual binary 53 AQR
    Pallavicini, R et al., AdSpR, 6, 121 (1986)
  815. EXOSAT observations of quiescent and flaring emission from active late-type stars
    Pallavicini, R et al., AdSpR, 6, 125 (1986)
  816. Dividing lines in the H-R diagram
    Haisch, B, AdSpR, 6, 179 (1986)
  817. X-Rays from the Magnetic White Dwarf PG 1658+441
    Pravdo, S et al., ApJ, 300, 819 (1986)
  818. X-Ray Spectral Observations of the Crab-like Supernova Remnants G21.5-0.9 and 3C 58
    Davelaar, J et al., ApJL, 300, L59 (1986)
  819. EXOSAT Observations of the 35 Day Cycle of Hercules X-1: Evidence for Neutron Star Precession
    Truemper, J et al., ApJL, 300, L63 (1986)
  820. An EXOSAT Observation of Quiescent and Flare Coronal X-Ray Emission from Algol
    White, N et al., ApJ, 301, 262 (1986)
  821. EXOSAT Results on V426 Ophiuchi: Indications of a DQ Herculis System
    Szkody, P, ApJL, 301, L29 (1986)
  822. EXOSAT and Einstein X-Ray Observations of the SNR 1E 1149.4-6209 in Crux: A Unified Picture?
    Bignami, G et al., ApJ, 302, 606 (1986)
  823. Rapid X-Ray and Optical Variability in the X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Object 1E 1402.3+0416
    Giommi, P et al., ApJ, 303, 596 (1986)
  824. The Evolution of the 1984 Outburst of the Transient X-Ray Source 4U 1630-47
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 304, 664 (1986)
  825. A 6 Second Periodic X-Ray Source in Carina
    Seward, F et al., ApJ, 305, 814 (1986)
  826. Discovery of Rapid Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Scorpius X-1
    Middleditch, J & Priedhorsky, W, ApJ, 306, 230 (1986)
  827. New Results on the X-Ray Emission and Its Correlation with the Ultraviolet in NGC 4151
    Perola, G et al., ApJ, 306, 508 (1986)
  828. The Detection of Photospheric X-Ray Pulsations from PG 1159-035 with EXOSAT
    Barstow, M et al., ApJL, 306, L25 (1986)
  829. X-Ray Variability of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 2155-304 in the 0.1--6 keV Range
    Morini, M et al., ApJL, 306, L71 (1986)
  830. Bimodal Quasi-oscillatory and Spectral Behavior in Scorpius X-1
    Priedhorsky, W et al., ApJL, 306, L91 (1986)
  831. Simultaneous EXOSAT and IUE Observations of Fairall 9: Short and Long-Term Variability
    Morini, M et al., ApJ, 307, 486 (1986)
  832. New X-Ray and Optical Observations of the X-Ray Discovered QSO-Galaxy Pair 1E 0104.2+3153
    Gioia, I et al., ApJ, 307, 497 (1986)
  833. The High-Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectrum of HZ 43
    Paerels, F et al., ApJ, 308, 190 (1986)
  834. The Discovery of 3.8 Hour Periodic Intensity Dips and Eclipses from the Transient Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 308, 199 (1986)
  835. The Bursting Behavior of the Transient X-Ray Burst Source EXO 0748-676: A Dependence between the X-Ray Burst Properties and the Strength of the Persistent Emission
    Gottwald, M et al., ApJ, 308, 213 (1986)
  836. Observations of Quasi-periodic Oscillations from GX 5-1 and Cygnus X-2 with the Einstein (HEAO 2) Observatory
    Elsner, R et al., ApJ, 308, 655 (1986)
  837. X-Ray and Optical Observations of the Ultrashort Period Dwarf Nova SW Ursae Majoris: A Likely New DQ Herculis Star
    Shafter, A et al., ApJ, 308, 765 (1986)
  838. X-ray spectrum of the 2A 0335+096 cluster of galaxies.
    Singh, K et al., ApJL, 308, L51 (1986)
  839. Hercules X-1: Pulsed Gamma Rays Detected above 250 GeV
    Gorham, P et al., ApJ, 309, 114 (1986)
  840. H1504+65: an Extraordinarily Hot Compact Star Devoid of Hydrogen and Helium
    Nousek, J et al., ApJ, 309, 230 (1986)
  841. The Discovery of 3.9 Hour Periodic Dips in the X-Ray Intensity of XB 1254-690
    Courvoisier, T et al., ApJ, 309, 265 (1986)
  842. Simultaneous X-Ray and Infrared Observations of Cygnus X-3
    Mason, K et al., ApJ, 309, 700 (1986)
  843. EXOSAT Observations of V471 Tauri: A 9.25 Minute White Dwarf Pulsation and Orbital Phase Dependent X-Ray Dips
    Jensen, K et al., ApJL, 309, L27 (1986)
  844. Measurement of the EUV Spectrum of the Hot White Dwarf Feige 24
    Paerels, F et al., ApJL, 309, L33 (1986)
  845. EXOSAT Observations of 3C 371
    Staubert, R et al., ApJ, 310, 694 (1986)
  846. Identification of two southern X-ray emitting cataclysmic variables.
    Tuohy, I et al., ApJ, 311, 275 (1986)
  847. Synchrotron and Inverse Compton Emission from Expanding Sources in Jets: Application to SS 433
    Band, D & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 311, 595 (1986)
  848. EXOSAT and IUE Observations of Contact Binaries
    Vilhu, O & Heise, J, ApJ, 311, 937 (1986)
  849. Multifrequency Observations of the Blazar PKS 0537-441 in a Moderately Active State
    Tanzi, E et al., ApJL, 311, L13 (1986)
  850. Quasi-periodic oscillations, ‘the latest’ in X-ray astronomy
    Lewin, W & van Paradijs, J, ComAp, 11, 127 (1986)
  851. Simultaneous X-Ray and Photometric Observations of the Flare Star YZ CMi
    Doyle, J & Butler, C, LNP, 254, 228 (1986)
  852. A study of the continuum and iron K line emission from low-mass X-raybinaries.
    White, N et al., MNRAS, 218, 129 (1986)
  853. The outer atmosphere of Procyon (alpha CMi F5IV-V) : evidence of supergranulation or active regions.
    Jordan, C et al., MNRAS, 218, 465 (1986)
  854. EXOSAT measurements of the quiescent X-ray spectrum of the burster 2S1636-536 : evidence for Comptonization in a hot corona.
    Breedon, L et al., MNRAS, 218, 487 (1986)
  855. The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151.
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 218, 685 (1986)
  856. The X-ray spectrum and variability of Markarian 421.
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 219, 39 (1986)
  857. The spectra shape and variability of the blazar 3C 446.
    Brown, L et al., MNRAS, 219, 671 (1986)
  858. The discovery of X-ray bursts from CIR X-1.
    Tennant, A et al., MNRAS, 219, 871 (1986)
  859. PKS 2005-489 : a very bright BL Lac object in a nearby galaxy.
    Wall, J et al., MNRAS, 219, P23 (1986)
  860. X-ray and optical observations of a dMe flare star in the T Tauri field.
    Smale, A et al., MNRAS, 221, 77 (1986)
  861. Neutron star model atmospheres - a comparison with MXB 1728-34.
    Foster, A et al., MNRAS, 221, 409 (1986)
  862. A unique triple-peaked type-1 X-ray burst from 4U/MXB 1636-53.
    van Paradijs, J et al., MNRAS, 221, 617 (1986)
  863. A multi-wavelength study of the long-period AM HER system E2003+225 -I. The soft X-ray light curve and overall energy spectrum.
    Osborne, J et al., MNRAS, 221, 823 (1986)
  864. A multi-wavelength study of the long-period AM HER system E2003+225 -II. Changes in the accretion geometry.
    Mukai, K et al., MNRAS, 221, 839 (1986)
  865. Rapid X-ray variability of the Seyfert galaxy MCG -6-30-15.
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 221, P7 (1986)
  866. Observations of type I X-ray bursts from CIR X-1.
    Tennant, A et al., MNRAS, 221, P27 (1986)
  867. Doppler-shifted X-ray line emission from SS 433.
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 222, 261 (1986)
  868. X-ray bursts from GX 17+2 : a new approach.
    Sztajno, M et al., MNRAS, 222, 499 (1986)
  869. A search for X-ray periodicities from 4U 1700-37.
    Gottwald, M et al., MNRAS, 222, P21 (1986)
  870. X-ray and optical variability in the low-mass burst source X 1735-444.
    Smale, A et al., MNRAS, 223, 207 (1986)
  871. Simultaneous X-ray and optical monitoring of the flare star YZ CMi.
    Doyle, J et al., MNRAS, 223, P1 (1986)
  872. EXOSAT observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469; rapid hard X-rayvariability and a soft X-ray excess.
    Barr, P, MNRAS, 223, P29 (1986)
  873. New results from Exosat
    Fabian, A, Natur, 319, 451 (1986)
  874. Coordinated Exosat and spectroscopic observations of flare stars and coronal heating
    Butler, C et al., Natur, 321, 679 (1986)
  875. Serendipitous EXOSAT sources in the field of the Coma cluster.
    Branduardi-Raymont, G, Obs, 106, 10 (1986)
  876. Serendipitous EXOSAT Sources in the Field of the Coma Cluster
    Raymont, G, Obs, 106, 10 (1986)
  877. EXOSAT observations of supernova remnants.
    Smith, A, Obs, 106, 10 (1986)
  878. Current issues in the X-ray properties of active galactic nuclei.
    Elvis, M, PASP, 98, 148 (1986)
  879. Recent advances on the formation and evolution of white dwarfs.
    Sion, E, PASP, 98, 821 (1986)
  880. X-ray, UV, and optical observations of the dwarf nova BV Puppis.
    Szkody, P et al., PASP, 98, 1151 (1986)
  881. EXOSAT observations of active galaxies in the medium-energy X-ray domain
    Maisack, M, PhD Thesis, 14 (1986)
  882. British X-ray astronomy.
    Pounds, K, QJRAS, 27, 435 (1986)
  883. An X-ray study of AM Herculis. I. Discovery of a new mode of soft X-ray emission.
    Heise, J et al., A&A, 148, L14 (1985)
  884. High speed photometry of GK Persei during the 1983 outburst.
    Mazeh, T et al., A&A, 149, 470 (1985)
  885. Astronomy from space. Proceedings of the Topical Meeting of the COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission E (Meetings E3, E4 and E5) of the COSPAR Twenty-fifth Plenary Meeting held in Graz, Austria, 25th June - 7th July 1984.
    Fazio, G et al., AdSpR 5 (1985)
  886. Recent optical identifications of HEAO-1 X-ray sources
    Schwartz, D et al., AdSpR, 5, 137 (1985)
  887. The discovery of 4.4 second X-ray pulsations from the rapidly variable X-ray transient V 0332+53.
    Stella, L et al., ApJL, 288, L45 (1985)
  888. The nucleus of M 82 at radio and X-ray bands : discovery of a new radio population of supernova candidates.
    Kronberg, P et al., ApJ, 291, 693 (1985)
  889. The decline and fall of classical novae.
    MacDonald, J et al., ApJ, 294, 263 (1985)
  890. The X-ray spectrum of the supernova remnant W 49B from EXOSAT.
    Smith, A et al., ApJ, 296, 469 (1985)
  891. EXOSAT observations of broad iron K line emission from Scorpius X-1.
    White, N et al., ApJ, 296, 475 (1985)
  892. Unusual X-ray burst profiles from 4U/MXB 1636-53.
    Sztajno, M et al., ApJ, 299, 487 (1985)
  893. Eighth North American Workshop on Cataclysmic Variables and Related Systems (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 27-March 1, 1984)
    Webbink, R, ComAp, 10, 189 (1985)
  894. EXOSAT- Present Status and Future Prospects
    Redfern, R, IrAJ, 17, 31 (1985)
  895. The Bright Pre-main Sequence Variable HR5999
    The, P et al., IrAJ, 17, 79 (1985)
  896. EXOSAT Observations of Flare Stars and Coronal Heating
    Butler, C & Rodono, M, IrAJ, 17, 131 (1985)
  897. EXOSAT soft X-ray observations of EX Hydrae.
    Cordova, F et al., MNRAS, 212, 447 (1985)
  898. The old nova GK Per : discovery of the X-ray pulse period.
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 212, 917 (1985)
  899. X-ray scattering by intergalactic dust
    Evans, A et al., MNRAS, 213, P1 (1985)
  900. EXOSAT MEDA observations of Cygnus X-3.
    Willingale, R et al., MNRAS, 215, 295 (1985)
  901. The identification of H 2311+77 with HD 220140, a probable RS CVn star.
    Pravdo, S et al., MNRAS, 215, P11 (1985)
  902. X-ray emission from the cataclysmic variable PG 0834+488.
    Cook, M, MNRAS, 215, P81 (1985)
  903. Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of the X-ray dip source X1755-338.
    Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 216, 1033 (1985)
  904. Serendipitous EXOSAT sources in the region of the Coma cluster : active galactic nuclei with steep X-ray spectra.
    Branduardi-Raymont, G et al., MNRAS, 216, 1043 (1985)
  905. The discovery of low-level iron K line emission from CYG X-1.
    Barr, P et al., MNRAS, 216, P65 (1985)
  906. EXOSAT observations of a strong soft X-ray excess in MKN 841.
    Arnaud, K et al., MNRAS, 217, 105 (1985)
  907. A model for the outburst of nova RS Ophiuchi in 1985.
    Bode, M & Kahn, F, MNRAS, 217, 205 (1985)
  908. Continuous rapid X-ray variability and spectral changes in NGC 4051.
    Lawrence, A et al., MNRAS, 217, 685 (1985)
  909. An extended X-ray low state from Hercules X-1
    Parmar, A et al., Natur, 313, 119 (1985)
  910. An X-ray corona in SS Cygni?
    King, A et al., Natur, 313, 290 (1985)
  911. The origin of soft X-ray pulsations in dwarf novae at outburst and the DQ Herculis phenomenon
    King, A, Natur, 313, 291 (1985)
  912. Transient quasi-periodic oscillations in in the X-ray flux of Cygnus X-3
    van der Klis, M & Jansen, F, Natur, 313, 768 (1985)
  913. EXOSAT observations of a 2,000-s intensity dip in Seyfert galaxy NGC4151
    Whitehouse, D & Cruise, A, Natur, 315, 554 (1985)
  914. The galactic ridge observed by Exosat
    Warwick, R et al., Natur, 317, 218 (1985)
  915. A cosmic-ray explanation of the galactic ridge of cosmic X-rays
    Bhat, C et al., Natur, 318, 267 (1985)
  916. GB841215, the fastest γ-ray burst?
    Laros, J et al., Natur, 318, 448 (1985)
  917. H-alpha variability in X-ray transient source X0331+53.
    Iye, M & Kodaira, K, PASP, 97, 1186 (1985)
  918. Multiwavelength Studies of Cygnus X-3
    Molnar, L, PhD Thesis, 12 (1985)
  919. Observation and Interpretation of the Cygnus X -1 System.
    Ninkov, Z, PhD Thesis, 16 (1985)
  920. REVIEW ARTICLE: X-ray telescopes
    Aschenbach, B, RPPh, 48, 579 (1985)
  921. X-ray astronomy in the EXOSAT ERA
    Peacock, A, SSRv 40 (1985)
  922. EXOSAT Observations of the Contact Binary Vw-Cephei
    Vilhu, O & Heise, J, SSRv, 40, 55 (1985)
  923. Hard X-Ray Observations of the Eclipsing Binary Ex-Hydrae
    Beuermann, K & Osborne, J, SSRv, 40, 117 (1985)
  924. Ss-Cygni in Outburst and Quiescence
    Watson, M et al., SSRv, 40, 127 (1985)
  925. Study of Rapid Variability in CYGNUS-X-1
    Page, C, SSRv, 40, 387 (1985)
  926. X-ray scattering by intergalactic dust
    Evans, A et al., SSRv, 40, 701 (1985)
  927. Scattering/absorption dips in 4U1755-33 - Evidence for disc oscillations?
    Frank, J & Sztajno, M, A&A, 138, L15 (1984)
  928. The EXOSAT mission - Status and early results
    Andresen, R et al., AdSpR, 3, 485 (1984)
  929. Evidence for 4.4 hour periodic dips in the X-ray flux from 4U 1755-33.
    White, N et al., ApJL, 283, L9 (1984)
  930. Feige 24 : wind : flare accretion by a hot DAZ1 degenerate.
    Sion, E & Starrfield, S, ApJ, 286, 760 (1984)
  931. The detection of X-rays from nova MUSCAE 1983 with the EXOSAT satellite.
    Oegelman, H et al., ApJL, 287, L31 (1984)
  932. Spectral and temporal features in bursts from 2S 1636-536 observed with EXOSAT.
    Turner, M & Breedon, L, MNRAS, 208, P29 (1984)
  933. EXOSAT observations of GH 2215^-086 : detection of the X-ray pulse period
    Cook, M et al., MNRAS, 210, P7 (1984)
  934. X-ray astronomy: Milestone for EXOSAT
    Watson, M, Natur, 308, 315 (1984)
  935. Evidence for an increasing 59-s period in the X-ray emission from Geminga
    Bignami, G et al., Natur, 310, 464 (1984)
  936. Exosat observation of the candidate X-ray counterpart of Geminga
    Caraveo, P et al., Natur, 310, 481 (1984)
  937. Exosat observations of the supernova remnant W49B.
    Jones, L, Obs, 104, 213 (1984)
  938. The European X-ray Astronomy Satellite EXOSAT: programme status.
    Peacock, A, PhST, 7, 216 (1984)
  939. Profile of scientific research in space to the year 2000
    Bleeker, J, Ruimt, 33, 142 (1984)
  940. Astronomy - the next space race.
    Henbest, N, NewSc, 97, 896 (1983)
  941. X-ray astronomy
    Taylor, B, Natur, 298, 798 (1982)
  942. The Universe in X-rays.
    Henbest, N, NewSc, 93, 720 (1982)
  943. Recent X-ray observations and the EXOSAT mission
    Obs, 102, 108 (1982)
  944. Recent X-ray observations and the EXOSAT mission. Summaries of papers presented at the RAS specialist discussion held 1981 November 13.
    Charles, P, Obs, 102, 108 (1982)
  945. The Relevance of EXOSAT to X-Ray Observations of Rs-Canum Systems and Cataclysmic Variables
    McHardy, I, Obs, 102, 111 (1982)
  946. Recent X-Ray Observations and the EXOSAT Mission
    Charles, P, Obs, 102, 108 (1982)
  947. An Astronomers Guide to EXOSAT
    Culhane, J, Obs, 102, 108 (1982)
  948. Exosat for ground-based observers.
    Giles, A, PASAu, 4, 458 (1982)
  949. EXOSAT X-ray imaging optics.
    de Korte, P et al., ApOpt, 20, 1080 (1981)
  950. Efficiency and resolution measurements of X-ray transmission gratings between 7.1 and 304 Å.
    Brinkman, A et al., ApOpt, 19, 1601 (1980)
  951. Star trackers - Principle, capabilities, operational modes, performances
    Doittau, F et al., AerAs, 79, 23 (1979)
  952. On the Analysis of Lunar Occultations of Point-like X-ray Sources
    Born, E, Ap&SS, 63, 439 (1979)
  953. Optimization of Lunar Occultations for Determining the Positions of Point-like X-ray Sources
    Born, E & Debrunner, H, Ap&SS, 63, 457 (1979)
  954. ESA’s future space flight program
    Braun, E, Ruimt, 27, 69 (1978)
  955. High-energy astronomy.
    Koch-Miramond, L, Rech, 6, 25 (1975)

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