The EXOSAT CDsThe images, lightcurves and spectra on these CDs were obtained by the European X-ray Observatory Satellite (EXOSAT) which was operational from May 1983 to April 1986. In that time, EXOSAT made 1780 detailed observations of a wide variety of astronomical objects. The EXOSAT scientific payload consisted of two low energy imaging telescopes (LEITs or LE), a medium energy (ME) proportional counter, and a gas scintillator proportional counter (GSPC). The images, lightcurves and spectra on the CDs are stored in FITS and as GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) files. EXOSAT The Images - June 1995The CDs in vol1 contain all images taken with the two low energy telescopes (LE) (0.05-2 keV) operating with the CMA detectors (CMA1 and CMA2) in conjunction with broad band filters. The set of CMA1 images is divided between the two discs. The CMA2 images are all in disc 2. Clicking on the highlighted names will bring up the cross-reference list for the discs. The GIFs can be viewed by clicking on the items in the lists.
EXOSAT Lightcurves & Spectra - June 1996The CDs in "Lightcurves & Spectra" contain: lightcurves for each 'source' detected in the images of the LE telescopes with the CMA detectors used in conjunction with filters; lightcurves and spectra for each observation taken with the ME; lightcurves and spectra for bright sources taken with the GSPC; lightcurves and spectra of sources taken with the TGS. Disc 1 contains data for the CMA1, CMA2 and GSPC experiments. Disc 2 contains data for the ME and TGS experiments. Clicking on the highlighted names will bring up the cross-reference list for the discs. The GIFs can be viewed by clicking on the items in the lists.
IMPORTANT: The TGS response matrices on the "Lightcurves & Spectra" CD were remade in August 1997. Click here for further information
These CDs can be downloaded from
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 08:51:00 EDT |