Ginga Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications

photo of Ginga in the clean room
  1. stginga: Ginga Plugins for Data Analysis and Quality Assurance of HST and JWST Science Data
    Lian Lim, P & Jeschke, E, ASPC, 523, 325 (2019)
  2. Fermi/GBM is Detecting Pulsations from Cep X-4
    Jenke, P et al., ATel 11780 (2018)
  3. MAXI/GSC detection of X-ray outburst from Be/X-ray binary pulsar Cep X-4
    Nakajima, M et al., ATel 11791 (2018)
  4. Imexam Version 0.8.0 Release
    Sosey, M, zndo, 10, 42809 (2017)
  5. X-ray studies of neutron stars and their magnetic fields
    Makishima, K, PJAB, 92, 135 (2016)
  6. MYRaf: A new Approach with IRAF for Astronomical Photometric Reduction
    Kilic, Y et al., RMxAC, 48, 38 (2016)
  7. Using the Ginga Science Viewer in Jupyter Notebooks
    Jeschke, E, Python in Astronomy 2016, 30 (2016)
  8. Enhancements to Ginga: a Python Package for Building Astronomical Data Viewers
    Jeschke, E et al., ASPC, 495, 169 (2015)
  9. MYRaf: An Easy Aperture Photometry GUI for IRAF
    Niaei, M et al., ASPC, 496, 299 (2015)
  10. Variable Star Section: V404 Cygni: A black hole awakens
    Poyner, G, JBAA, 125, 192 (2015)
  11. MAXI/GSC detection an onset of outburst from the Be/X-ray binary pulsar Cep X-4
    Nakajima, M et al., ATel, 6212, 1 (2014)
  12. Swift observations of Cep X-4 in outburst
    Evans, P et al., ATel, 6243, 1 (2014)
  13. Interplay Between Theory and Observation
    Hebb Swank, J, AAS, 221, 11314 (2013)
  14. My 35 Years in X-ray Astronomy (Not)
    Urry, C, AAS, 221, 11316 (2013)
  15. Introducing the Ginga FITS Viewer and Toolkit
    Jeschke, E et al., ASPC, 475, 319 (2013)
  16. UK contributions to the development of X-ray astronomy as a major international discipline
    Pounds, K & Watson, M, MmSAI, 84, 501 (2013)
  17. From Sco X-1 to magnetars . Past, present, and future of X-ray studies of neutron stars
    Makishima, K, MmSAI, 84, 547 (2013)
  18. Ginga: Flexible FITS viewer
    Jeschke, E, ascl, soft, 03020 (2013)
  19. Swift detection of ginga 0834-430
    Barthelmy, S et al., GCN 13388 (2012)
  20. The HEASARC at 20: Highlights of the Last Two Decades and Future Prospects
    Drake, S et al., HEAD, 12, 2105 (2011)
  21. Detection of high-frequency variability in chromospherically active stars
    Zhilyaev, B et al., arXiv, 1109, 5207 (2011)
  22. Dips In Hz Her/Her-X1’s Light Curve: The Debate Continues
    Igna, C & Leahy, D, AAS, 215, 36004 (2010)
  23. The Spin of the Black Hole Primary in LMC X-1
    Gou, L et al., AAS, 215, 41942 (2010)
  24. The Spin Of The Black Hole Primaries In LMC X-1 And A0620-00
    Gou, L et al., HEAD, 11, 4204 (2010)
  25. Measuring the Spins of Stellar-Mass Holes in X-ray Binaries, Phase 2
    McClintock, J, NASA ADAP Proposal, 108 (2010)
  26. Ginga Observation of a Recurrent Soft X-Ray Transient Source 1RXS J170930.2-263927
    Yamauchi, S, The First Year of MAXI: Monitoring Variable X-ray Sources, P27 (2010)
  27. Maxi/gsc
    Mihara, T & Maxi Team, The First Year of MAXI: Monitoring Variable X-ray Sources, P57 (2010)
  28. Swift/BAT detects renewed activity from Ginga 1843+009
    Krimm, H et al., ATel, 1959, 1 (2009)
  29. Refined position for Ginga 1843+009 with the Swift/XRT
    Krimm, H et al., ATel, 1973, 1 (2009)
  30. The ongoing outbursts of Aql X-1 and Ginga 1843+009 as seen with INTEGRAL/IBIS-ISGRI
    Rodriguez, J et al., ATel, 1977, 1 (2009)
  31. Suzaku and Historical X-ray Observations of the Jet and Disk in 3c 273: Constraints on Ionization and Reprocessing
    Yaqoob, T et al., HEAD, 10, 2620 (2008)
  32. A study of the long term evolution of quasi periodic oscillations in the accretion powered X-ray pulsar 4U 1626--67
    Kaur, R et al., 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1470 (2008)
  33. Development of wide-band GRB detectors and the GRB monitor for the CALET Experiment
    Yoshida, A et al., 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3557 (2008)
  34. Changes of Magnetic Fields on Highly Magnetized Neutron Stars
    Nakajima, M, AstHe, 100, 264 (2007)
  35. INTEGRAL Observations of SS433: Analysis of Precessional and Orbital X-Ray Periodicities
    Cherepashchuk, A et al., ESASP, 622, 319 (2007)
  36. Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku
    Kokubun, M et al., PThPS, 169, 109 (2007)
  37. Establishing the response function of the x-ray telescopes onboard the Suzaku satellite
    Okada, S et al., SPIE, 6688, 0F (2007)
  38. Hard X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by Swift/BAT
    Krimm, H et al., ATel, 769, 1 (2006)
  39. Suzaku observations of cyclotron resonances in binary X-ray pulsars
    Terada, Y et al., 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2752 (2006)
  40. Luminosity Dependent Changes of Cyclotron Resonance Energies in Binary X-ray Pulsars
    Nakajima, N et al., 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2894 (2006)
  41. First Results on X-Ray Flashes from Swift
    Sakamoto, T & Swift Team, AAS, 206, 2903 (2005)
  42. Multiple Cyclotron Lines in V0332+53
    Coburn, W et al., ATel, 381, 1 (2005)
  43. Hard X-ray brightening of Ginga 1843+009 seen by INTEGRAL
    Leyder, J et al., ATel, 472, 1 (2005)
  44. Crab: the standard x-ray candle with all (modern) x-ray satellites
    Kirsch, M et al., SPIE, 5898, 22 (2005)
  45. HETE-2 Observation of the Extremely Soft X-Ray Flashes, XRF010213 and XRF020903
    Sakamoto, T et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery, 106 (2004)
  46. The expected photospheric emission of GRBs in the internal shock model
    Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, ASPC, 312, 415 (2004)
  47. Deep Searches for Coherent Pulsations from Low Mass X-ray Binaries
    Ray, P et al., HEAD, 8, 2515 (2004)
  48. An Ultrasoft Transient X-Ray Source near the Galactic Bulge Region Discovered with Ginga
    Yamauchi, S & Nakamura, E, PThPS, 155, 445 (2004)
  49. The E-Peak Distribution of the GRBs Detected by HETE FREGATE Instrument
    Barraud, C et al., Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, 59 (2003)
  50. The Expected Thermal Precursors of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Internal Shock Model
    Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, 289 (2003)
  51. Detection of Orbital Period of EXO 1722-363
    Markwardt, C & Swank, J, ATel, 179, 1 (2003)
  52. Long-term X-ray variability of Cir X-1
    Saz Parkinson, P et al., HEAD, 7, 1723 (2003)
  53. Estimate of 1-100 TeV neutrino flux from X-ray flux measured in a sample of AGN blazars
    Palazzo, G & Zappala, R, MmSAI, 74, 500 (2003)
  54. Astro-E2 mission: the third X-ray observatory in the 21st century
    Inoue, H, SPIE, 4851, 289 (2003)
  55. Long-term X-ray variability of Circinus X-1
    Saz Parkinson, P et al., AAS, 201, 5404 (2002)
  56. X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy in Space
    Schnopper, H, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 7002 (2002)
  57. Eclipse Observations of EXO0748-676 and X1658-298 with USA and RXTE
    Hertz, P et al., APS April Meeting Abstracts, 17099 (2002)
  58. 15 Years Going Steady - Timing the Magnetar 1E 1841-045
    Gotthelf, E et al., ASPC, 271, 309 (2002)
  59. Studying the Iron Line Complex in the Bright Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5506
    Nicastro, F, STIN, 02, 41913 (2002)
  60. The Gain History of the Ginga LAC
    Hatsukade, I et al., 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II, 327 (2002)
  61. Diffuse X-rays in the Galactic center region -- The zoo of iron line clumps, non-thermal filaments and hot plasmas --
    Bamba, A et al., astro, ph, 2010 (2002)
  62. The Thermal Precursors of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Daigne, F, Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology, 184 (2002)
  63. A Complex Super-Eddington Burst with Radius Expansion from X2127+119 in M15
    Smale, A, AAS, 198, 1205 (2001)
  64. Multi wavelength observations of the IMBH in M82
    Matsumoto, H et al., AAS, 198, 5605 (2001)
  65. On the nature of the nonthermal emission from the supernova remnant IC 443
    Sturner, S et al., Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, 528 (2001)
  66. Development of the ISAS Ginga Archive
    Asai, K et al., ASPC, 251, 514 (2001)
  67. Multi-wavelengths observations of AGN: fifteen years along
    Wamsteker, W, AnShO, 22, 133 (2001)
  68. X-Ray Spectral Study of a Newly Ginga-Detected DQ Her
    Vrtilek, S, STIN, 01, 36661 (2001)
  69. Mysterious "Twofaced" Star Explained, Scientists Say
    cxo, pres, 19 (2001)
  70. Accretion in High Density and Temperature Conditions (V426 Oph)
    Szkody, P, Chandra Proposal, 792 (2001)
  71. Simultaneous RXTE and Infocus Measurements of AGN Compton Reflection Spectra
    Tueller, J, RXTE Proposal, 60136 (2001)
  72. The Discovery of two Luminous Low Mass X-ray Binaries in the Globular Cluster M15
    White, N & Angelini, L, Two Years of Science with Chandra, 181 (2001)
  73. M15 and the nature of X2127+119
    Hannikainen, D et al., Two Years of Science with Chandra, 249 (2001)
  74. Re-evaluation of the Temporal behavior of the Gravitationally Redshifted Fe K alpha line in MCG-6-30-15 and with Archival Ginga Data
    Sivron, R & Franklin, T, AAS, 196, 5010 (2000)
  75. Clocked bursts from GS 1826-238
    Cocchi, M et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 203 (2000)
  76. ISAS Data Archive and Transmission System (DARTS)
    Miura, A et al., ASPC, 216, 180 (2000)
  77. X-Ray Observations of the Early Phases of Star Formation
    Koyama, K, ESASP, 445, 257 (2000)
  78. Evidence for Blackbody Emission in Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra
    Preece, R, HEAD, 5, 3005 (2000)
  79. RXTE and ASCA Simultaneous Observation of GRO J1744-28 in the Low State
    Ebisawa, K & Nishiuchi, M, Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, 54 (2000)
  80. On the X-ray spectra of soft X-ray transients in the high and very high states
    Zycki, P, Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, 119 (2000)
  81. Fe K lines and Compton reflection in Seyfert 1s: average properties and correlations
    Zdziarski, A et al., Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, 124 (2000)
  82. Astro
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4527 (2000)
  83. Ginga (Astro-C)
    Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4638 (2000)
  84. Simultaneous RXTE and Infocus Measurements of AGN Compton Reflection Spectra
    Tueller, J, RXTE Proposal, 50158 (2000)
  85. A complete relativistic ionized accretion disc in Cygnus X--1
    Young, A et al., AAS, 195, 12604 (1999)
  86. RXTE Observations of the IPs PQ GEM and AO PSC
    Schlegel, E, ASPC, 157, 60 (1999)
  87. ASCA Observations of BL Lacertae in 1997 Outburst
    Makino, F et al., ASPC, 159, 176 (1999)
  88. X-Ray Dependencies on Luminosity in AGN
    Nandra, K, ASPC, 162, 65 (1999)
  89. Strong gravity and X-ray spectroscopy
    Maciolek-Niedzwiecki, A & Magdziarz, P, ASSL, 234, 231 (1999)
  90. A Transition disk model Fit to Cygnus X-1
    Misra, R, ASSL, 234, 385 (1999)
  91. Are the X-rays coming from the inside of the accretion disk of the black hole?
    Negoro, H, ASSL, 234, 389 (1999)
  92. AX J1841.0-0535.8
    Bamba, A & Koyama, K, IAUC, 7324, 4 (1999)
  93. Spectral Evolution of Her X-1 over the 35-Day Cycle
    Leahy, D, 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC26), Volume 4, 127 (1999)
  94. On Accretion Flow in Soft X-ray Transients
    Zycki, P et al., Disk Instabilities in Close Binary Systems, 273 (1999)
  95. Systematic Spectral and Timing Study of Dips in HER X-1
    Staubert, R, RXTE Proposal, 40015 (1999)
  96. X-Ray Monitoring of 1e 2259+586 in the High State
    Stark, M, RXTE Proposal, 40082 (1999)
  97. a Search for Non-Thermal Emission in 2 Abell Clusters of Galaxies
    Valinia, A, RXTE Proposal, 40191 (1999)
  98. Probing YSOs with Hard X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy
    Koyama, K, Star Formation 1999, 269 (1999)
  99. A Model of the Variable Optical, Ultraviolet, and X-ray Continuum of NGC 5548
    Blaes, O et al., AAS, 192, 3614 (1998)
  100. New Analysis of the Extreme 12-s pulsar in the SNR Kes 73
    Vasisht, G et al., AAS, 193, 4102 (1998)
  101. Broad-band burst spectra: Sharp breaks and GeV bursts
    Schaefer, B et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 379 (1998)
  102. X-ray spectral properties of γ-ray bursts
    Strohmayer, T et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 461 (1998)
  103. Spectral variability in relativistic MHD winds
    Thompson, C, Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 737 (1998)
  104. Gamma-ray bursts as hypernovae
    Paczynski, B, Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 783 (1998)
  105. Modeling X/γ-ray spectra of Galactic black holes and Seyferts
    Poutanen, J, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 89 (1998)
  106. Geometry of accretion in Soft X-ray Transients
    Zycki, P et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 319 (1998)
  107. Magnetic reconnection as the origin of superhot plasmas in the Galactic center
    Yokoyama, T et al., IAUS, 184, 355 (1998)
  108. X-Ray Coronae from Stars
    Pallavicini, R, IAUS, 188, 13 (1998)
  109. Quick Observations of the Fading X-Rays from Gamma-Ray Bursts with ASCA
    Murakarni, T, IAUS, 188, 171 (1998)
  110. Thermal; Non-Thermal X-Rays from SN 1006 and IC 443
    Ozaki, M & Koyama, K, IAUS, 188, 256 (1998)
  111. ASCA Study of Shapley Supercluster
    Hanami, H, IAUS, 188, 300 (1998)
  112. A Model of the Broad-B; Continuum of NGC 5548
    Magdziarz, P & Blaes, O, IAUS, 188, 430 (1998)
  113. ROSAT X-Ray Observations of the Radio Galaxy 4C46.09
    Leahy, D, IAUS, 188, 447 (1998)
  114. LMC X-1 and LMC X-3 as Seen by RXTE
    Wilms, J et al., STIN, 99, 62746 (1998)
  115. Probing the Emission Sites of GRBs
    Papathanassiou, H, astro, ph, 10068 (1998)
  116. Cool Star Binaries with ALEXIS
    Stern, R, nasa rept (1998)
  117. RXTE Observation of the TYCHO Supernova Remnant
    The, L, nasa rept (1998)
  118. An Orbital Period Change for the Intermediate Polar XY Ari
    Hellier, C, RXTE Proposal, 30017 (1998)
  119. X-Ray Monitoring of 1e 2259+586 in High State
    Baykal, A, RXTE Proposal, 30126 (1998)
  120. GX339-4 in the X-Ray High, Soft State
    Grove, J, RXTE Proposal, 30168 (1998)
  121. Multifrequency Study of the Most Energetic Tev Blazar - MKN501 -
    Kataoka, J, RXTE Proposal, 30249 (1998)
  122. Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of the SNR IC443
    Gorenstein, P, sao rept (1998)
  123. Advection-dominated accretion model of X-ray Nova Muscae in outburst
    Esin, A et al., Eighteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, 741 (1998)
  124. Aperiodic variability and broad band spectral properties of the X-ray burster GS1826-24
    Boirin, L et al., 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, 331 (1998)
  125. SAX Observation of the Peculiar Source 1822-371
    Robba, N et al., 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, 359 (1998)
  126. RXTE Measurement of the Galactic Ridge Diffuse X-ray Emission
    Valinia, A & Marshall, F, AAS, 190, 1301 (1997)
  127. X-ray Fast Timing and Spectral Behavior of Ten Black Hole Candidates Observed with Ginga
    Rutledge, R, AAS, 190, 4507 (1997)
  128. RXTE Observations of LMC X-1
    Schmidtke, P & Cowley, A, AAS, 191, 11004 (1997)
  129. Timing analysis of four years of COMPTEL data on PSR B1509-58
    Carraminana, A et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 583 (1997)
  130. Observations of pulse evolution in Her X-1
    Scott, D et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 748 (1997)
  131. Observations of Vela X-1 with RXTE
    Kretschmar, P et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 788 (1997)
  132. Relativistic effects in the X-ray spectra of the black hole candidate GS 2023+338
    Zycki, P et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 962 (1997)
  133. Broad-band continuum and variability of NGC 5548
    Magdziarz, P et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 1288 (1997)
  134. Scattered emission and the X-γ spectra of Seyfert galaxies
    Chiang, J et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 1308 (1997)
  135. X-Rays and Gamma-Rays from Accretion Flows onto Black Holes in Seyferts and X-Ray Binaries
    Zdziarski, A et al., ESASP, 382, 373 (1997)
  136. The X/Gamma-Ray Spectral Properties of NGC 7172
    Ryde, F et al., ESASP, 382, 455 (1997)
  137. GS 1843+00
    Takeshima, T, IAUC, 6595, 2 (1997)
  138. LMC X-4
    dal Fiume, D et al., IAUC, 6608, 2 (1997)
  139. GS 1826-238
    Ubertini, P et al., IAUC, 6611, 1 (1997)
  140. BL Lacertae
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 6708, 3 (1997)
  141. X1354-644 = GS 1354-64
    Harmon, B & Robinson, C, IAUC, 6774, 1 (1997)
  142. X1354-644 = GS1354-64
    Harmon, B & Robinson, C, STIN, 99, 19567 (1997)
  143. X-ray spectral properties of (gamma)-ray bursts
    Strohmayer, T et al., STIN, 99, 39570 (1997)
  144. Correlation Between Luminosity and Accretion Torque in 4U 1626-67 and GX 301-2
    Vaughan, B & Kitamoto, S, astro, ph, 7105 (1997)
  145. GRBs as Hypernovae
    Paczynski, B, astro, ph, 12123 (1997)
  146. ASM on the GINGA Satellite
    Tsunemi, H, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 15 (1997)
  147. Observations of bright X-ray transients by MIR-KVANT module in 1988-1996
    Borozdin, K et al., All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 49 (1997)
  148. Properties of the Black Hole Candidates Observed with GINGA and ASCA
    Ebisawa, K, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 69 (1997)
  149. Long and Short-term X-ray Variabilities of Galactic Black Hole Candidates
    Negoro, H, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 97 (1997)
  150. Correlation Between Luminosity and Accretion Torque in Persistent Accreting X-ray Pulsars
    Kitamoto, S & Vaughan, B, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 103 (1997)
  151. Luminosity Dependence of Cyclotron Energy in X-ray Binary Pulsars -- A New Measurement of the Distance to a Pulsar
    Mihara, T et al., All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 135 (1997)
  152. Importance to Observe GRBs in Soft X-Ray Energies - Summary of the HAKUCHO, GINGA and ASCA Observations in Soft X-Ray Energies
    Murakami, T, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 147 (1997)
  153. Theoretical Aspects of Magnetic Fields for Gamma Ray Bursts
    Hanami, H, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 183 (1997)
  154. UV/X-ray correlation in NGC 5548
    Magdziarz, P et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 278 (1997)
  155. GRANAT/SIGMA observations of 4U1705-44 and 4U1608-52 and spectral states of X-ray bursters
    Revnivtsev, M et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 289 (1997)
  156. Monitoring the Hard X-Ray Emission from Eta Carinae
    Corcoran, M, RXTE Proposal, 20003 (1997)
  157. The Shock Temperature in AM Herculis
    Beardmore, A, RXTE Proposal, 20010 (1997)
  158. XTE Observations of Intermediate Polars
    Schlegel, E, RXTE Proposal, 20021 (1997)
  159. Fo Aquarii -- the Key to Intermediate Polar Spin-Pulses
    Hellier, C, RXTE Proposal, 20022 (1997)
  160. a Study of Cyclotron Scattering Resonance Features in the Spectrum of CEN X-3
    Audley, M, RXTE Proposal, 20103 (1997)
  161. Systematic Study of Aperiodic Time Variability from Binary X-Ray Pulsars (ii. - too -
    Takeshima, T, RXTE Proposal, 20143 (1997)
  162. XTE Observation of the TYCHO Supernova Remnant
    The, L, RXTE Proposal, 20255 (1997)
  163. Determination of the Thermal and Non-Thermal Emissions in the X-Ray Spectrum of Kepler’s Supernova Remnant
    Decourchelle, A, RXTE Proposal, 20256 (1997)
  164. RCW86 and G156.2+5.7: Old SNR with Hard X-Ray Tails
    Petre, R, RXTE Proposal, 20260 (1997)
  165. X-Ray Observations of PKS 0558-504: a Test of Models for Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
    Leighly, K, RXTE Proposal, 20307 (1997)
  166. Searching for a Hard X-Ray State of NGC 4151 with XTE, OSSE and ASCA
    Zdziarski, A, RXTE Proposal, 20323 (1997)
  167. a Search for X-Ray Variability in Seyfert 2 Galaxies
    Smith, D, RXTE Proposal, 20330 (1997)
  168. Testing the Pairs-Reflection Model with X-Ray Spectral Variability and X-Ray Properties of Complete Samples of Radio-Selected BL Lacertae Objects
    Urry, C, stsc rept (1997)
  169. X-RAY/γ-RAY Spectra of Cygnus X-1 from GINGA and OSSE and Their Theoretical Implications
    Gierlinski, M & Zdziarski, A, X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas, 465 (1997)
  170. VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray lightcurves of bright AGNs from Ginga (Hayashida+ 1998)
    Hayashida, K et al., yCat, 9019, 0 (1997)
  171. A critical review of observations of classical gamma-ray bursts
    Higdon, J, High Velocity Neutron Stars, 137 (1996)
  172. Soft gamma-ray repeater spectral properties
    Hamilton, T, High Velocity Neutron Stars, 175 (1996)
  173. Pulses in gamma ray bursts
    Nemiroff, R et al., High Velocity Neutron Stars, 187 (1996)
  174. Cyclotron resonant scattering model fits to the spectra from gamma-ray burst GB870303
    Freeman, P et al., High Velocity Neutron Stars, 211 (1996)
  175. Unified empirical spectral model of X-ray pulsars including the cyclotron resonance effects
    Makishima, K, High Velocity Neutron Stars, 216 (1996)
  176. Effects of Compton scattering on BATSE gamma ray burst spectral analysis
    Hua, X & Lingenfelter, R, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 182 (1996)
  177. Cyclotron line formation in a relativistic outflow
    Isenberg, M et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 187 (1996)
  178. X-Ray Transient near SMC X-1
    Clark, G & Woo, J, IAUC, 6444, 2 (1996)
  179. Cygnus X-2
    Smale, A et al., IAUC, 6452, 2 (1996)
  180. GRB 960720
    Piro, L et al., IAUC, 6480, 1 (1996)
  181. Cygnus X-1
    Zhang, S et al., IAUC, 6510, 1 (1996)
  182. Periodic P0-oscillations of the Sun and ten AGN’s and possibility for cosmological explanation
    Kotov, V et al., IzKry, 93, 90 (1996)
  183. Soft excesses of hard X-ray selected Seyfert 1 galaxies
    Ricci, R et al., MmSAI, 67, 551 (1996)
  184. Stellare Winde in massereichen Röntgen-Doppelsternsystemen
    Haberl, F, S&W, 35, 542 (1996)
  185. X-ray Spectra of BAL Quasars
    Begelman, M & Madejski, G, STIN, 96, 70998 (1996)
  186. Temporal and Spectral Variations of 2S 0921-630 and LMC X-2
    Schmidtke, P, asu rept (1996)
  187. Shot profiles of Cygnus X-1
    Negoro, H, Basic Physics of Accretion Disks, 153 (1996)
  188. EUVE Spectrometer/Deep Survey Observations of Her X-1 in the Short-On State
    Leahy, D, EUVE Proposal, 48 (1996)
  189. Pg 1416-129: the Only X-Ray Bright BAL QSO, or the Missing Link?
    Green, P, HST Proposal, 6528 (1996)
  190. Five X-ray observations of the intermediate polar FO Aqr spanning ten years
    Beardmore, A et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 123 (1996)
  191. The first simultaneous X-ray/γ-ray observations of Cyg X-1 by Ginga and OSSE
    Gierlinski, M et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 139 (1996)
  192. Ginga and ROSAT observations of AO Psc and V1223 Sgr
    Taylor, P et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 197 (1996)
  193. ROSAT observations of radio-loud AGN
    Rother, F et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 503 (1996)
  194. The Complex X-Ray Spectrum of EF ERI
    Done, C, RXTE Proposal, 10018 (1996)
  195. Fast Timing of Z Sources
    van der Klis, M, RXTE Proposal, 10061 (1996)
  196. Correlated Observations of the X-Ray Burster 4u 1608-522
    Zhang, S, RXTE Proposal, 10093 (1996)
  197. Spectroscopy of the Globular Cluster Dip Source X1746-371
    Parmar, A, RXTE Proposal, 10112 (1996)
  198. The First Theoretical Predictions of the Existence of Photon Bubble Oscillations(pbo) in Xray Pulsars: a Search with XTE
    Klein, R, RXTE Proposal, 10133 (1996)
  199. a Study of Cyclotron Scattering Resonance Features in the Spectra of CEN X-3 and LMC X-4
    Audley, M, RXTE Proposal, 10134 (1996)
  200. Timing and Broad Band Pulse Phase Resolved Spectroscopy of VELA X-1: Confirmation of Cyclotron Lines
    Kretschmar, P, RXTE Proposal, 10141 (1996)
  201. The Transient X-Ray Pulsar CEP X-4
    Schulz, N, RXTE Proposal, 10180 (1996)
  202. Monitoring the Stable Pulsar B1509-58
    Rots, A, RXTE Proposal, 10208 (1996)
  203. Monitoring Hard-Tails of LMC X-3 and LMC X-1
    Ebisawa, K, RXTE Proposal, 10252 (1996)
  204. Generic Observation of all “BRIGHT” Too’s with Very High Time Resolution and High Telemetry Rate
    Giles, A, RXTE Proposal, 10263 (1996)
  205. Investigating the X-Ray Reprocessor in MCG-5-23-16
    Weaver, K, RXTE Proposal, 10307 (1996)
  206. Monitoring MRK 509: the Origin of the Reflection
    Leighly, K, RXTE Proposal, 10311 (1996)
  207. The Hard X-Ray Spectrum of Two Seyfert 2s Detected during GINGA Manuevers
    Leighly, K, RXTE Proposal, 10321 (1996)
  208. Broad Band Spectra and Variability of the Remarkable Seyfert 2 IRAS 18325-5926: AN Ionized Accretion Disk?
    Brandt, W, RXTE Proposal, 10328 (1996)
  209. XTE Observations of Broad-Line Radio Galaxies
    Mushotzky, R, RXTE Proposal, 10339 (1996)
  210. Analysis of LAC Observations of Clusters of Galaxies and Supernova Remnants
    Hughes, J, sao rept (1996)
  211. GINGA Studies of Black Hole Candidates. Multiwavelength Studies Using Temporal Lags and GINGA Archival Studies of QPOs in LMXB Z-Sources
    Michelson, P, stan rept (1996)
  212. GINGA Studies of Black Hole Candidates: Multiwavelength Studies Using Temporal Lags and Coherence Function Analysis and GINGA Archival Studies of QPOs in LMXB Z-Sources
    Michelson, P, stan rept (1996)
  213. ROSAT/GINGA observation of the galaxy cluster A3921
    Arnaud, M et al., UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 163 (1996)
  214. Collision-ionized and photo-ionized plasma from our Galactic Center
    Maeda, Y et al., UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, 185 (1996)
  215. VizieR Online Data Catalog: X-ray quasar spectra (Schartel+ 1996)
    Schartel, N et al., yCat, 330, 70033 (1996)
  216. The HUT Spectrum of Fairall 9
    Zheng, W et al., AAS, 186, 2001 (1995)
  217. An X-ray Synchrotron Nebula Associated with the Radio Pulsar PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44
    Harrus, I & Hughes, J, AAS, 187, 1608 (1995)
  218. Hard X-ray Outbursts from the X-ray Burster 4U 1608--522 Observed by BATSE/CGRO
    Zhang, S et al., AAS, 187, 2602 (1995)
  219. Cyclotron Line Formation in a Relativistic Outflow
    Isenberg, M et al., AAS, 187, 2606 (1995)
  220. Cyclotron Lines and Continuum Spectra of X-ray Binary Pulsars with GINGA
    Mihara, T et al., AAS, 187, 10403 (1995)
  221. Reformatting the Ginga Database to FITS and the Creation of a Data Products Archive
    Corbet, R et al., ASPC, 77, 211 (1995)
  222. GINGA and ASCA Observations of AM HER and EF ERI
    Osborne, J et al., ASPC, 85, 128 (1995)
  223. The Ginga Hard X-Ray Spectrum of AM Herculis
    Beardmore, A et al., ASSL, 205, 471 (1995)
  224. Penn State University ground software support for X-ray missions
    Townsley, L et al., BAAS, 27, 901 (1995)
  225. GRO J1735-27
    Aschenbach, B et al., IAUC, 6212, 1 (1995)
  226. GRO J1735-27
    Castro-Tirado, A & Birkle, K, IAUC, 6223, 2 (1995)
  227. AX J2315-592
    Misaki, K et al., IAUC, 6260, 1 (1995)
  228. U 0115+634
    Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6272, 2 (1995)
  229. Broad Band X-Ray Spectra of Bright X-Ray Binaries
    Lewin, W, STIN, 96, 71096 (1995)
  230. X-Ray Spectroscopy of CYG X-2
    Vrtilek, S, HST Proposal, 5873 (1995)
  231. The X-ray Spectra of Seyfert 2s Observed by GINGA
    Done, C & Smith, D, Oxford Torus Workshop, 179 (1995)
  232. Spectral models for the diffuse X-ray background
    Leahy, D, Particle Physics and Cosmology, 353 (1995)
  233. A new model for the spectral variability of AGN which works for MCG -6-30-15
    Sivron, R et al., AAS, 184, 6407 (1994)
  234. Cyclotron Resonant Scattering in the Spectrum of GB870303
    Freeman, P et al., AAS, 185, 1511 (1994)
  235. The X-Ray Spectrum and Fe Kalpha Line of 3C 390.3, as Observed by ASCA
    Eracleous, M et al., AAS, 185, 1815 (1994)
  236. An X-ray study of the supernova remnant W44
    Harrus, I & Hughes, J, AAS, 185, 5011 (1994)
  237. Identification of the Optical Counterpart of LMC X-1
    Anderson, A et al., AAS, 185, 10206 (1994)
  238. 35-Day Evolution of the HER X-1 Pulse Profile:Evidence For an Inner Disk Occultation of the Pulsar
    Scott, D, AAS, 185, 10212 (1994)
  239. Spectral Variability in HER X-1
    Leahy, D, AAS, 185, 10215 (1994)
  240. An April 1991 outburst from 4U 0115+63 observed by BATSE
    Cominsky, L et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 294 (1994)
  241. Pulse shape variations in the X-ray pulsar Her X-1
    Leahy, D, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 333 (1994)
  242. The canonical Seyfert spectrum: the implications of OSSE observations
    Johnson, W et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 515 (1994)
  243. Cyclotron Line Search: BATSE-Ginga Consistency
    Band, D et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 256 (1994)
  244. Spectral Study of GX339-4 in the Low Intensity State Observed with Ginga
    Ueda, Y et al., The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 181 (1994)
  245. The Dipping X-Ray Binary X1916-05 Observed with Ginga
    Yoshida, K, The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 185 (1994)
  246. Fractal Analysis of X-Ray Emission from Centaurus X-3 Observed with Ginga
    Kanetake, R & Takeuti, M, The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 522 (1994)
  247. Searches for Millisecond Pulsations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries with Ginga Data
    Vaughan, B et al., The Evolution of X-ray Binariese, 553 (1994)
  248. The mass distribution(s) in clusters of galaxies
    Stewart, G, ASIC, 441, 139 (1994)
  249. X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters
    Arnaud, M, ASIC, 441, 197 (1994)
  250. The X-ray Behavior of Two CVs: TT Ari and DP Leo
    Robinson, C & Cordova, F, ASPC, 56, 146 (1994)
  251. The European Space Information System (ESIS)
    Giommi, P & Ansari, S, ASPC, 61, 22 (1994)
  252. Simultaneous ROSAT, GINGA, VLA, IUE and Optical Observations of the Bright Quasar H1821 + 643
    Kolman, M et al., ASSL, 187, 695 (1994)
  253. GINGA observations of active galactic nuclei
    Inoue, H, IAUS, 159, 73 (1994)
  254. The X-ray Emission of Quasars as observed by GINGA
    Lawson, A & Turner, M, IAUS, 159, 123 (1994)
  255. Simultaneous observations of Seyfert 1 galaxies with IUE, ROSAT and GINGA
    Orr, A et al., IAUS, 159, 330 (1994)
  256. X-ray observations of blazars with GINGA and ASCA
    Tashiro, M et al., IAUS, 159, 383 (1994)
  257. Abundance Gradients in Cooling Flow Clusters: Ginga Lac & Einstein SSS Spectra of A496, A1795, A2142 & A2199
    White, R et al., astro, ph, 4066 (1994)
  258. An Overview of Observations with X-Ray Astronomy Satellite GINGA
    Makino, F, Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory, 477 (1994)
  259. VW Hydri in Outburst and Quiescence
    Mauche, C, EUVE Proposal, 2 (1994)
  260. Observation of Her X-1 During the Short-On Phase
    Leahy, D, EUVE Proposal, 26 (1994)
  261. The Soft Spectral Component in the Exceptional Intermediate Polar Binary, REJ0751+14
    Rosen, S, EUVE Proposal, 46 (1994)
  262. Investigation of physical parameters in stellar flares observed by GINGA
    Stern, R, lock rept (1994)
  263. Investigation of physical parameters in stellar flares observed by GINGA
    Stern, R, lock rept (1994)
  264. Determination of the atmospheric structure of the BO star companion of SMC X-1 by analysis of GINGA observations
    Clark, G, mit rept (1994)
  265. New Ginga Observation and Model of NGC 6814 Periodicity
    Tsuruta, S et al., The Nature of Compact Objects in Active Galactic Nuclei, 270 (1994)
  266. The Average X-ray/Gamma-ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies from Ginga and OSSE
    Zdziarski, A et al., New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 601 (1994)
  267. X-ray temporal and spectral studies of blazars with the GINGA satellite
    Urry, C, stsc rept (1994)
  268. ROSAT/Optical Observations of the X-ray Binary 2S0114+65
    Finley, J et al., AAS, 181, 11704 (1993)
  269. Analysis of Pre-Eclipse Dips in Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D, AAS, 182, 0705 (1993)
  270. BBXRT Observation of MX0836-42
    Zhang, W & Swank, J, AAS, 182, 0707 (1993)
  271. A New Class of High Energy Transient?
    Strohmayer, T et al., AAS, 182, 3305 (1993)
  272. Thermal Comptonization Model for the High Energy Emission of Seyfert Active Galactic Nuclei
    Dermer, C, AAS, 182, 5303 (1993)
  273. An April 1991 Outburst from 4U0115+63 observed by BATSE
    Roberts, M et al., AAS, 182, 6404 (1993)
  274. Thermal Comptonization Model for the High Energy Emission of Seyfert Active Galactic Nuclei
    Dermer, C, AAS, 183, 3001 (1993)
  275. Seyfert Galaxy Fe Kalpha Lines and the Weakening Accretion Disk Connection
    Weaver, K, AAS, 183, 3003 (1993)
  276. GINGA LAC and Einstein SSS X-ray Spectral Evidence of Abundance Gradients in Galaxy Clusters
    White, R et al., AAS, 183, 5301 (1993)
  277. A Systematic and Statistical Study of X-Ray Novae Light Curves
    Shrader, C et al., AAS, 183, 5504 (1993)
  278. The Orbital Period of EXO0748-676: Secular Change or Stochastic Jitter?
    Hertz, P et al., AAS, 183, 5515 (1993)
  279. Spectral Study of GX339-4 in the Low Intensity State Observed with GINGA
    Ebisawa, K et al., AAS, 183, 5516 (1993)
  280. OSSE Observations of Seyfert AGN
    Johnson, W et al., AAS, 183, 6403 (1993)
  281. Multifrequency Campaign for the Optically Violent Variable Quasar 3C 279: X-ray Observations
    Madejski, G et al., AAS, 183, 10711 (1993)
  282. Ultra hot gas in the Galaxy: possible origins and implications
    Ozernoy, L et al., Back to the Galaxy, 73 (1993)
  283. Ginga observations of isolated pulsars: PSR 1509-58 and the Crab pulsar
    Kawai, N et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 213 (1993)
  284. The Ginga Rate of Observing cyclotron Lines
    Fenimore, E et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 917 (1993)
  285. Sensitivity of the BATSE spectroscopy detector to gamma-ray burst spectral lines like those seen in Ginga
    Freeman, P et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 922 (1993)
  286. Sensitivity of the BATSE Spectroscopy Detector to Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines Like Those Seen in Ginga
    Freeman, P et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 992 (1993)
  287. RX J1940.2-1025
    Staubert, R et al., IAUC, 5901, 2 (1993)
  288. Consistency between BATSE and Ginga Detections of Absorption Lines in Gamma Ray Burst Continua
    Band, D et al., 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC23), Volume 1, 120 (1993)
  289. Location of the Acceleration and Emission Sites in Gamma-Ray Blazars
    Dermer, C & Schlickeiser, R, 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC23), Volume 1, 160 (1993)
  290. Calibrations of imaging gas scintillation proportional counters on ASTRO-D
    Kohmura, Y et al., SPIE, 2006, 78 (1993)
  291. Fractal analysis of X-ray emission from Centaurus X-3 observed with Ginga
    Kanetake, R, SRToh, 13, 133 (1993)
  292. An April 1991 outburst from 4U0115+63 observed by BATSE
    Cominsky, L et al., STIN, 94, 27440 (1993)
  293. Currents in Astrophysics and Cosmology
    Fazio, G & Silberberg, R, cac book (1993)
  294. Recent gamma-ray burst studies by Ginga
    Nishimura, J, Currents in Astrophysics and Cosmology, 116 (1993)
  295. ROSAT and radio observations of stellar flares on AD Leo
    Dulk, G, cub rept (1993)
  296. X-ray probing of the dark matter
    Koyama, K & Tsuru, T, Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics, 387 (1993)
  297. Overview of Ginga observations
    Makino, F, Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 165 (1993)
  298. X-ray study of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
    Ohashi, T, International Symposium on the Origin and Evolution of the Elements, 96 (1993)
  299. Isolated Pulsars
    van Riper, K et al., ispu conf (1993)
  300. X-rays of IC443 - remnant of Tang dynasty supernova
    Wang, Z, UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, 407 (1993)
  301. PG1416-129: a Close BALQSO with Low Intrinsic X-Ray Absorption
    Meurs, E & de Kool, M, AAS, 181, 1107 (1992)
  302. No detection of the iron line in Cygnus X--3 by BBXRT
    Smale, A, AAS, 181, 2003 (1992)
  303. Pulsations in the UV and X-ray Spectra of VELA X-1
    Boroson, B et al., AAS, 181, 2005 (1992)
  304. Measuring Black Hole Masses from X-ray Observations of Accretion Disk Spectra
    Ebisawa, K et al., AAS, 181, 3206 (1992)
  305. Sensitivity of the BATSE Spectroscopy Detector to Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines Like TLike those Seen in Ginga
    Freeman, P et al., AAS, 181, 7802 (1992)
  306. Dense Clouds near the Center of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Sivron, R & Tsuruta, S, AAS, 181, 8402 (1992)
  307. The Search for Gamma Ray Burst Spectral Lines in BATSE Spectroscopy Detector Observations
    Band, D et al., AAS, 181, 8501 (1992)
  308. The Sensitivity of the GRO BATSE Spectroscopy Detectors to Cyclotron Lines in Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Palmer, D et al., AAS, 181, 8503 (1992)
  309. ROSAT PSPC Observations of Seyfert 2 Galaxies
    Wilson, A et al., AAS, 181, 9804 (1992)
  310. Orbital models for the periodic X-ray flares of NGC 6814
    Abramowicz, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 69 (1992)
  311. The X-ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814
    Done, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 83 (1992)
  312. Temporal and spectral X-ray variability from the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 6814
    Leighly, K et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 93 (1992)
  313. Hard x-ray observations of AGN: Evidence for cold matter
    Nandra, K et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 163 (1992)
  314. Hard x-ray observations of AGN - Do accretion disks exist?
    Matsuoka, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 173 (1992)
  315. Problems for the standard blackhole/accretion disk models in Cygnus X-1?
    Done, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 196 (1992)
  316. Constraints on pairs and reflection in active galaxies
    Maisack, M et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 362 (1992)
  317. The X-ray spectrum of 3C 273 as observed with ROSAT
    Staubert, R et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 366 (1992)
  318. The nature of the broad line region: Optical/UV/X-ray studies
    Ulrich, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 539 (1992)
  319. Gamma-ray bursts
    Paciesas, W & Fishman, G, AIPC 265 (1992)
  320. GINGA Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Murakami, T et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 28 (1992)
  321. The Possibility of a Detonative Shell Flash on a Neutron Star and a Gamma-Ray Burst
    Miyaji, S & Okada, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 135 (1992)
  322. Line Strength Variations in Gamma-Ray Burst GB870303: Possible Evidence of Neutron Star Rotation
    Graziani, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 211 (1992)
  323. Issues in the Analysis and Interpretation of Cyclotron Lines in Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Lamb, D, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 221 (1992)
  324. Recent results from Ginga on X-ray binaries: selected topics
    Tanaka, Y, ASIC, 377, 37 (1992)
  325. International Ultraviolet Explorer - Uniform low dispersion archive. Active galactic nuclei, Vol.A; Vol.B
    Courvoisier, T & Paltani, S, ESASP 1153 (1992)
  326. Recent GINGA results on extragalactic x-ray sources
    Tanaka, Y, HiA, 9, 193 (1992)
  327. Recent GINGA results on galactic X-ray binaries
    Tanaka, Y, HiA, 9, 211 (1992)
  328. Cygnus X-1
    Vikhlinin, A et al., IAUC, 5576, 1 (1992)
  329. RCW 103
    Aoki, T et al., IAUC, 5588, 2 (1992)
  330. 144 second periodic flux variations during X-ray turn-on of Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D et al., NASCP, 3137, 193 (1992)
  331. Discovery of orbital decay in SMC X-1
    Levine, A et al., STIN, 92, 23531 (1992)
  332. Ginga - ein äußerst erfolgreicher japanischer Röntgensatellit
    Greiner, J, aks conf (1992)
  333. XRONOS: a timing analysis software package
    Stella, L & Angelini, L, Data Analysis in Astronomy, 59 (1992)
  334. Active galactic nuclei: the view from space
    Perola, G, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 59 (1992)
  335. ROSAT: observations of active galactic nuclei
    Fink, H, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 77 (1992)
  336. X-ray spectral structure of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 5506
    Bond, I et al., Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 141 (1992)
  337. Soft X-ray emission from supergiant X-ray binaries detected in the ROSAT all-sky survey
    Haberl, F et al., Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 163 (1992)
  338. A2163: an exceptionally hot cluster of galaxies
    Arnaud, M, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 177 (1992)
  339. Coronal Magnetic Structures of AB Doradus
    Ricinski, S, EUVE Proposal, 12 (1992)
  340. The Quiescent and Flaring EUV Spectrum of Algol and it Relationship to Other Active Cool Star Binaries
    Stern, R, EUVE Proposal, 88 (1992)
  341. Ginga Observations of X-Ray Pulsar 1E2259+586
    Iwasawa, K et al., Frontiers Science Series, 49 (1992)
  342. Ginga Observation of X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0352+30
    Robba, N et al., Frontiers Science Series, 93 (1992)
  343. Ginga Observations of a Binary X-Ray Pulsar EXO2030+375
    Sun, X et al., Frontiers Science Series, 95 (1992)
  344. Ginga Observation of X-Ray Dips from X1916-05
    Yoshida, K & Inoue, H, Frontiers Science Series, 131 (1992)
  345. Magnetized Cataclysmic Variables Observed with Ginga
    Ishida, M et al., Frontiers Science Series, 283 (1992)
  346. Spectral Variation of LMC X-3 Observed with Ginga
    Ebisawa, K et al., Frontiers Science Series, 351 (1992)
  347. Ginga Observation of an Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant
    Asaoka, I et al., Frontiers Science Series, 385 (1992)
  348. Ginga Observation of Cas A
    Hatsukade, I & Tsunemi, H, Frontiers Science Series, 387 (1992)
  349. Ginga Observation of the G. C. Region
    Takeshima, T et al., Frontiers Science Series, 421 (1992)
  350. Ginga Observations of Normal Galaxies
    Ohashi, T & Tsuru, T, Frontiers Science Series, 435 (1992)
  351. X-Ray Studies of Hot Gas Ejected from Galaxies Ginga Observations of Poor Clusters
    Tsuru, T et al., Frontiers Science Series, 485 (1992)
  352. High Luminosity AGN Observed by Ginga
    Turner, M et al., Frontiers Science Series, 553 (1992)
  353. Ginga Observations of Blazars
    Kii, T et al., Frontiers Science Series, 577 (1992)
  354. Small-Scale Anisotropies of the X-Ray Background from Ginga
    Carrera, F et al., Frontiers Science Series, 651 (1992)
  355. Spatial Fluctuations in the X-Ray Background Observed with Ginga LAC
    Hayashida, K et al., Frontiers Science Series, 653 (1992)
  356. An Unbiased Sky Survey at High Galactic Latitude with Ginga
    Kondo, H et al., Frontiers Science Series, 655 (1992)
  357. Soft X-ray observations of gamma-ray bursts by Ginga
    Murakami, T et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 239 (1992)
  358. Gamma-ray burst spectra and the thermonuclear model
    Hameury, J, Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 314 (1992)
  359. Cyclotron lines observed with GINGA
    Yoshida, A et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 399 (1992)
  360. Cyclotron line strength variations in gamma-ray burst GB 870303: possible evidence of neutron star rotation
    Graziani, C et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 407 (1992)
  361. Cyclotron resonant scattering and absorption
    Harding, A & Daugherty, J, Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 435 (1992)
  362. Time-Resolved UV Spectrometry of Massive X-Ray Binaries: Cycle 3 Medium
    McCray, R, HST Proposal, 4285 (1992)
  363. Ginga results of X-ray spectra from galactic and extragalactic compact objects
    Koyama, K & Awaki, H, Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 863 (1992)
  364. The atmospheric structures of the companion stars of eclipsing binary X ray sources
    Clark, G, mit rept (1992)
  365. X-Ray Observations of MARKARIAN:501 and MARKARIAN:421 with Rosat/xrt and GINGA
    Fink, H et al., Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, 82 (1992)
  366. Recent Observations of PKS:2155-304 by GINGA
    Sembay, S et al., Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, 100 (1992)
  367. The broad-band X ray spectral variability of MKN 841
    George, I et al., sesd rept (1992)
  368. BBXRT and GINGA observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MRK 335
    Turner, T et al., sesd rept (1992)
  369. The X ray variability of NGC6814: Power spectra
    Done, C et al., sesd rept (1992)
  370. The X ray variability of AGN and the anomalous behavior of NGC6814
    Done, C et al., sesd rept (1992)
  371. Pulse-timing studies of X ray pulsars
    Deeter, J & Boynton, P, uwsa rept (1992)
  372. The X-ray background. Proceedings
    Barcons, X & Fabian, A, xbp book (1992)
  373. The X-ray Background
    Barcons, X & Fabian, A, xrb work (1992)
  374. The Contribution of GINGA to Studies of the X-Ray Background
    Stewart, G, The X-ray Background, 259 (1992)
  375. GINGA and ROSAT Observations of the X-Ray Spectra of SEYFERT-1 Galaxies
    Pounds, K et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 1 (1992)
  376. X-Ray Spectral Structure of Seyfert Galaxies
    Bond, I et al., X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 36 (1992)
  377. Recent Results on 3C273
    Staubert, R, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 42 (1992)
  378. GINGA Results of TYPE-2 AGN / Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Contributions to the Cosmic X-Ray Background
    Koyama, K, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 74 (1992)
  379. Energy Spectrum of the Cosmic X-Ray Background - Some Considerations Based on the GINGA Results
    Tanaka, Y, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 303 (1992)
  380. Clustering Properties of X-Ray Sources from the Analysis of the GINGA P D Distribution
    Toffolatti, L & Barcons, X, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 358 (1992)
  381. The GINGA Satellite and the Largescale Structure of the Universe
    Carrera, F & Barcons, X, X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background, 362 (1992)
  382. Major Campaign on the Flare Star 101420 AD Leonis
    Mattei, J, AAN, 143, 1 (1991)
  383. Special Multiwavelength Monitoring of 0201+14 TT Arietis
    Mattei, J, AAN, 146, 1 (1991)
  384. Bremsstrahlung emission of the SN1987A interior
    Lih-Sin The, & Clayton, D, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 267 (1991)
  385. Bremsstrahlung Emission of the SN1987A Interior
    The, L & Clayton, D, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 267 (1991)
  386. Gamma ray bursts and spectral features
    Vedrenne, G & Jourdain, E, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 317 (1991)
  387. Galactic X-Ray Sources with Extremely Hard Spectra from "KVANT" Module Observations
    Sunyaev, R et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 373 (1991)
  388. Cyclotron lines in gamma-ray bursts and magnetic field decay
    Hartmann, D, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 395 (1991)
  389. The possibility of a detonative shell flash on a neutron star and a gamma-ray burst
    Miyaji, S & Okada, M, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 135 (1991)
  390. Line strength variations in gamma-ray burst GB870303: Possible evidence of neutron star rotation
    Graziani, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 211 (1991)
  391. Cosmic X-Ray Background
    Inoue, H, ASSL, 169, 325 (1991)
  392. X-Ray Iron Line of Cluster of Galaxies
    Koyama, K, ASSL, 169, 387 (1991)
  393. X-Ray Transient in Musca (GRS 1121-68 = GS 1124-683)
    Lund, N et al., IAUC, 5161, 1 (1991)
  394. PSR 0540-69
    Ogelman, H et al., IAUC, 5162, 2 (1991)
  395. X-Ray Transient in Musca
    McNaught, R et al., IAUC, 5163, 2 (1991)
  396. Nova MUSCAE 1991 (X-Ray Transient in Musca)
    West, R et al., IAUC, 5165, 1 (1991)
  397. Nova MUSCAE 1991
    Gonzalez-Riestra, R et al., IAUC, 5174, 1 (1991)
  398. X-Ray Outburst in the Field of GRS 0831-429
    Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5180, 1 (1991)
  399. Coordinated Observations of AD Leonis
    Bookbinder, J & Saar, S, IAUC, 5255, 2 (1991)
  400. 3C 345
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 5281, 2 (1991)
  401. GRS 0834-430
    Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5294, 2 (1991)
  402. Nova MUSCAE 1991
    Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5310, 2 (1991)
  403. PSR 0540-69
    Ogelman, H et al., IAUC, 5321, 2 (1991)
  404. Observation of GS2000+25 by GINGA (ASTRO-C)
    Takizawa, M, MsT, , 1 (1991)
  405. Optical identification of celestial high energy sources
    Bignami, G et al., Msngr, 66, 10 (1991)
  406. Ginga’s Mission Ends
    S&T, 82, 588 (1991)
  407. Imaging gas scintillation proportional counters for ASTRO-D
    Ohashi, T et al., SPIE, 1549, 9 (1991)
  408. X-ray observations of supernova remnants. Birth of neutron stars and their evolution
    Koyama, K, SRToh, 11, 149 (1991)
  409. GINGA and SSS observations of A478
    Johnstone, R et al., Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies, 29 (1991)
  410. Ginga and Exosat observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
    Allen, S et al., Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies, 81 (1991)
  411. Search for correlated UV and X ray absorption of NGC 3516
    Martin, C et al., cuny rept (1991)
  412. ADP study of gamma-ray bursts
    Lamb, D et al., gsfc rept (1991)
  413. X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei
    Mushotzky, R, High-Energy Astrophysics. American and Soviet Perspectives, 297 (1991)
  414. Long-Term Variations of the Black-Hole Binary LMC X-3
    Cowley, A, IUE Proposal, 3952 (1991)
  415. X-Ray Observation of Supernova 1987A from GINGA
    Tanaka, Y, Supernovae, 269 (1991)
  416. Ginga Observations of X-ray Variability in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
    Kaastra, J, Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei, 232 (1991)
  417. The X-ray large array (XLA)
    Wood, K, High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century, 314 (1990)
  418. GINGA Observations of a Long Duration X-Ray Flare in the Algol System
    Stern, R et al., ASPC, 9, 224 (1990)
  419. Co-Ordinated GINGA IUE and VLA Observations of Flaring Activity in SIGMA-2 CRB
    Stern, R et al., ASPC, 9, 227 (1990)
  420. X-Ray Study of Normal Galaxies with GINGA
    Ohashi, T et al., ASSL, 160, 243 (1990)
  421. Cosmic Background Radiation: Components in Other Wavelength Ranges and Their Relevance to Microwave Background
    Hayakawa, S, ASSL, 164, 215 (1990)
  422. X-Ray Astronomy Satellite GINGA
    Makino, F, ASSL, 166, 41 (1990)
  423. X-ray observations by Ginga
    Makino, F & Nagase, F, AstHe, 83, 156 (1990)
  424. Observations of X-ray pulsars with Ginga
    Makishima, K et al., AstHe, 83, 159 (1990)
  425. Ginga observations of quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray sources
    Mitsuda, K & Dotani, T, AstHe, 83, 165 (1990)
  426. Ginga Observations of the 6s X-ray Pulsar 1E1048.1-5937
    Corbet, R & Day, C, BAAS, 22, 748 (1990)
  427. The Ginga Observations of the Dipping LMXB XB1916-053
    Mukai, K et al., BAAS, 22, 1294 (1990)
  428. LMC X-4: Ginga Observations and Search for Orbital Decay
    Levine, A et al., BAAS, 22, 1295 (1990)
  429. U 0115+63
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4967, 1 (1990)
  430. GINGA Observations of NGC 5548
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4990, 2 (1990)
  431. OAO 1657-415
    Mereghetti, S, IAUC, 5017, 2 (1990)
  432. GX 1+4, KS 1731-260, GRS 1741.9-2853, A1524-62
    Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5104, 1 (1990)
  433. Transient X-Ray Source near MX 0836-42
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 5139, 1 (1990)
  434. Transient X-Ray Sources near MX 0836-42
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 5142, 1 (1990)
  435. X-Ray Transients near MX 0836-42
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 5148, 2 (1990)
  436. Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by GINGA Satellite GINGA GBD Team
    Kondo, I et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 57 (1990)
  437. The X ray emission of SS433
    Brinkmann, W et al., STIN, 91, 16856 (1990)
  438. The X-ray light curve of GS 2023+338 (=V404 Cyg)
    Kitamoto, S, Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 21 (1990)
  439. Optical observations of the X-ray nova V404 Cygni
    Wagner, R et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 29 (1990)
  440. The low mass X-ray binary in M15
    Callanan, P et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 51 (1990)
  441. A GINGA observation of FO Aqr
    Norton, A et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 209 (1990)
  442. The X-ray eclipse in EX Hya: emission from two poles
    Mason, K & Rosen, S, Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 225 (1990)
  443. New DQ Hers
    Szkody, P et al., Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries, 251 (1990)
  444. Time Resolved UV Spectrometry of VELA X-1
    McCray, R, HST Proposal, 2572 (1990)
  445. An IUE Investigation of Flarelike Activity in Lambda Eri
    Smith, M, IUE Proposal, 3750 (1990)
  446. Multifrequency Observations of Z-Ray-Bright BL Lac Objects
    Urry, C, IUE Proposal, 3778 (1990)
  447. X-ray spectroscopy of AGN
    Pounds, K, nwus, 2, 265 (1990)
  448. Topics in X-ray astronomy from observations with GINGA
    Makishima, K, Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics, 43 (1990)
  449. Fractal and Chaotic time variation in Cygnus X-1
    Kitamoto, S & Miyamoto, S, ASIC, 262, 267 (1989)
  450. X-rays from a possible pulsar in supernova 1987A
    Mastichiadis, A, ASIC, 262, 305 (1989)
  451. X-ray observations of SN1987A with a coded mask imaging spectrometer
    in’t Zand, J et al., ASIC, 262, 317 (1989)
  452. Astronomy Cosmology & Fundamental Physics. 3rd ESO-CERN, 1989
    Caffo, M et al., ASSL 155 (1989)
  453. X-ray observation of SN1987A from GINGA
    Tanaka, Y, ASSL, 155, 341 (1989)
  454. Ginga Observations of the 50-min Dipping X-Ray Binary XB1916-053*
    Smale, A et al., BAAS, 21, 713 (1989)
  455. Ginga Observations of a Long-Duration X-ray Flare in Algol
    Stern, R et al., BAAS, 21, 1205 (1989)
  456. GINGA Observations of Two Globular Cluster Low Mass X-ray Binaries: NGC 6441 and NGC 6712
    Roussel-Dupre, D et al., BAAS, 21, 1208 (1989)
  457. Black-Holes in X-Ray Binaries - X-Ray Properties of the Galactic Black-Hole Candidates
    Tanaka, Y, ESASP, 296, 3 (1989)
  458. GINGA Observations of X-Ray Pulsars
    Nagase, F, ESASP, 296, 45 (1989)
  459. The Bright X-Ray Transient GS:2023+338 = V404-CYGNI in Optical Outburst and Decline
    Charles, P et al., ESASP, 296, 103 (1989)
  460. Studies of the Possible X-Ray Triple 4U:1915-05
    Grindlay, J, ESASP, 296, 121 (1989)
  461. Globular Cluster X-Ray Binaries
    Charles, P, ESASP, 296, 129 (1989)
  462. X-Ray Observations of SS:433 and its Jets
    Stewart, G et al., ESASP, 296, 163 (1989)
  463. Cyclotron Absorption in Gamma-Ray Bursts Seen with GINGA
    Murakami, T, ESASP, 296, 173 (1989)
  464. GINGA Observations of QPO
    Mitsuda, K, ESASP, 296, 197 (1989)
  465. QPO from the Rapid Burster
    Dotani, T, ESASP, 296, 209 (1989)
  466. Qpos from Black-Hole Candidates
    Kitamoto, S, ESASP, 296, 231 (1989)
  467. The Impacts of GINGA Results on QPO Models
    Shibazaki, N, ESASP, 296, 237 (1989)
  468. X-Ray Observations of GS:2023+338 by the KVANT Module
    Arefev, V et al., ESASP, 296, 255 (1989)
  469. The X-Ray Dip Source 4U:1624-49
    Jones, M & Watson, M, ESASP, 296, 439 (1989)
  470. GINGA Observations of SS:433
    Kawai, N, ESASP, 296, 453 (1989)
  471. New X-Ray Pulsars Discovered with the GINGA Satellite
    Koyama, K & Takeuchi, Y, ESASP, 296, 483 (1989)
  472. Gamma-Ray Bursts from Magnetospheric Plasma Oscillations
    Melia, F, ESASP, 296, 525 (1989)
  473. Is the Hard Tail of X-Rays from GX:339-4 a Compton Scattering Component
    Miyamoto, S et al., ESASP, 296, 531 (1989)
  474. High Energy X-Ray Observations of GX:1+4 with HEXE
    Mony, B et al., ESASP, 296, 541 (1989)
  475. GINGA Observations of Dipping Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Smale, A et al., ESASP, 296, 607 (1989)
  476. 3A:1954+319 - a Possible Supergiant X-Ray Binary
    Tweedy, R et al., ESASP, 296, 661 (1989)
  477. IUE Observations of CYGNUS-X-2 and SCORPIUS-X-1 - Accretion Disks and the Z-Shaped Curve
    Vrtilek, S et al., ESASP, 296, 671 (1989)
  478. A Multi-Wavelength Campaign to Observe SCORPIUS-X-1 - Preliminary Results from the X-Ray Data
    Wood, K et al., ESASP, 296, 689 (1989)
  479. Constraints on the SS:433 System from the GINGA Observations
    Zwitter, T & Calvani, M, ESASP, 296, 701 (1989)
  480. The X-Ray Spectra of Emission Line Active Galactic Nuclei
    Pounds, K, ESASP, 296, 753 (1989)
  481. Very Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
    Koyama, K, ESASP, 296, 763 (1989)
  482. The Spectra 2-10-KEV of High Luminosity Quasars
    Turner, M et al., ESASP, 296, 769 (1989)
  483. GINGA Observations of the X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
    Inoue, H, ESASP, 296, 783 (1989)
  484. 2019.00COMPLEX X-Ray Spectra and Thick Matter in SEYFERT-1 Galaxies
    Piro, L et al., ESASP, 296, 819 (1989)
  485. X-Ray Spectra of Optically Violent Variable QSOS
    Ohashi, T et al., ESASP, 296, 837 (1989)
  486. Detailed Non-Lte Calculations of the Iron Emission from NGC1068
    Band, D et al., ESASP, 296, 885 (1989)
  487. Ion-Heated Thermal Comptonization Models and X-Ray Spectral Correlations in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Dermer, C, ESASP, 296, 925 (1989)
  488. Iron Lines from X-Ray Illuminated Accretion Discs in Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
    George, I et al., ESASP, 296, 945 (1989)
  489. X-ray spectral variability in Seyfert 1 galaxies
    Matsuoka, M et al., ESASP, 296, 985 (1989)
  490. X-ray polarization of the reprocessed emission from accretion disk in Seyfert galaxies
    Matt, G et al., ESASP, 296, 991 (1989)
  491. Effect of X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies on the cosmic X-ray background
    Morisawa, K et al., ESASP, 296, 1011 (1989)
  492. The X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15
    Nandra, K et al., ESASP, 296, 1021 (1989)
  493. X-ray spectrum and variability of MrK 509 as observed with EXOSAT and GINGA
    Singh, K et al., ESASP, 296, 1053 (1989)
  494. Search for large scale extended diffuse X-ray emission from the Coma-A1367 supercluster
    Tawara, Y et al., ESASP, 296, 1065 (1989)
  495. X-ray spectral index variability in NGC 4151
    Yaqoob, T & Warwick, R, ESASP, 296, 1089 (1989)
  496. 3C 279
    Makino, F & Ohashi, T, IAUC, 4736, 3 (1989)
  497. 3C 279
    Kidger, M & Casares, J, IAUC, 4739, 2 (1989)
  498. X-Ray Pulsar in the Direction of LYNDS 1457
    Takano, S et al., IAUC, 4745, 1 (1989)
  499. A0535+26
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4768, 2 (1989)
  500. A0535+26
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4769, 1 (1989)
  501. GS 2023+338
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4782, 1 (1989)
  502. V404 Cygni = GS 2023+338
    Wagner, R et al., IAUC, 4783, 1 (1989)
  503. V404 Cygni = GS 2023+338
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4786, 1 (1989)
  504. 3C 279
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4802, 2 (1989)
  505. V745 Scorpii
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4825, 1 (1989)
  506. Coordinated Observations of Algol Binaries
    Guinan, E & Gimenez, A, IAUC, 4828, 1 (1989)
  507. X0331+53
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4858, 1 (1989)
  508. X0331+53
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4872, 2 (1989)
  509. EXOSAT measurements of the pulse period of VELA X-1
    Raubenheimer, B & Oegelman, H, STIN, 90, 16673 (1989)
  510. Multifrequency observations of CYG X-2: X ray observations with GINGA
    Hasinger, G et al., STIN, 90, 24192 (1989)
  511. X-ray Satellite "Ginga" and AGN Observations
    Inoue, H, Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 301 (1989)
  512. Ginga Observations of Near-by Normal Galaxies
    Makishima, K & Ohashi, T, Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 371 (1989)
  513. X-ray Study of BL Lac Objects from Ginga
    Ohashi, T & Makino, F, Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 379 (1989)
  514. X-ray Observation of SN1987A from Ginga
    Tanaka, Y, Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 481 (1989)
  515. Radio observations of the X ray binary Cygnus X-2
    Hjellming, R et al., Observations of Cygnus X-2 at X Ray, UV, Optical and Radio Frequencies, 103 (1989)
  516. Observation of X-rays from SN 1987A with Ginga
    Makino, F, Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 57 (1989)
  517. Multiwavelength Observations of Scorpius X-1
    Vrtilek, S, IUE Proposal, 3402 (1989)
  518. Simultaneous Studies of Two W UMa Systems in the UV and X-Ray
    Holberg, J, IUE Proposal, 3420 (1989)
  519. Search for Correlated UV and X-Ray Absorption in NGC 3516
    Martin, D, IUE Proposal, 3435 (1989)
  520. Observations of U Gem in Outburst
    Mauche, C, IUE Proposal, 3440 (1989)
  521. Simultaneous Ginga, Voyager, and IUE Observations of Beta Lyrae
    Polidan, R, IUE Proposal, 3455 (1989)
  522. The High Energy Spectrum of the QSO PKS 0558-504
    Remillard, R, IUE Proposal, 3469 (1989)
  523. UV-Bracketted X-Ray Observations of Agns
    Sun, W, IUE Proposal, 3471 (1989)
  524. Coordinated Multifrequency Observations of X-Ray Bright Bl Lacertae Pbjects
    Urry, C, IUE Proposal, 3499 (1989)
  525. Investigation of X ray variability in highly active cool stars
    Stern, R, lock rept (1989)
  526. X-ray observations of SN1987A with Ginga
    Tawara, Y, Nuclear Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Sources, 34 (1988)
  527. First Results from GINGA
    Tanaka, Y, ASIC, 249, 343 (1988)
  528. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4530, 2 (1988)
  529. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Makino, F & Beresford, A, IAUC, 4532, 1 (1988)
  530. New X-Ray Source
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4571, 2 (1988)
  531. X-Ray Outburst
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4575, 1 (1988)
  532. X-Ray Pulsar
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4577, 1 (1988)
  533. Transient X-Ray Source
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4583, 1 (1988)
  534. AE Aquarii
    Horne, K & McCray, R, IAUC, 4585, 1 (1988)
  535. X-Ray Sources
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4587, 1 (1988)
  536. X-Ray Nova in Vulpecula
    Makino, F & McNaught, R, IAUC, 4588, 1 (1988)
  537. X-Ray Nova in Vulpecula
    Okamura, S & Noguchi, T, IAUC, 4589, 1 (1988)
  538. ASM 2000+25
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4600, 2 (1988)
  539. ASM 2000+25
    Sunyaev, R & Kvant Team, IAUC, 4606, 1 (1988)
  540. ASM 2000+25
    Hjellming, R et al., IAUC, 4607, 1 (1988)
  541. 3C 279
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4618, 3 (1988)
  542. 3C 279
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4626, 2 (1988)
  543. 3C 279
    Urry, M & Webb, J, IAUC, 4632, 1 (1988)
  544. EXO 0748-676
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4633, 3 (1988)
  545. 3C 279
    Peterson, B et al., IAUC, 4634, 1 (1988)
  546. MXB 1730-333
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4639, 2 (1988)
  547. GS 1826-24
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4653, 2 (1988)
  548. GX 339-4
    Makishima, K & Miyamoto, S, IAUC, 4653, 3 (1988)
  549. GS 1843-024
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4661, 2 (1988)
  550. PSR 1957+20
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4674, 2 (1988)
  551. V1333 Aquilae
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4675, 2 (1988)
  552. Scutum X-1
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4679, 2 (1988)
  553. V1333 Aquilae
    Ilovaisky, S & Chevalier, C, IAUC, 4687, 2 (1988)
  554. Grazing incidence optics for the X-ray astronomy mission SXO
    Tanaka, Y & Makino, F, SPIE, 830, 242 (1988)
  555. Hard X-ray emission from SN 1987A
    Pietsch, W, 5th Force: Neutrino Physics, 265 (1988)
  556. Continuum Processes in BL Lacertae Objects
    Balbus, S, IUE Proposal, 3046 (1988)
  557. Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Stellar Flares
    Linsky, J, IUE Proposal, 3133 (1988)
  558. Multifrequency Observations of Bl Lac Objects
    Urry, C, IUE Proposal, 3198 (1988)
  559. Simultaneous IUE-Ginga Observations of Sigma 2 CRB
    Vilhu, O, IUE Proposal, 3227 (1988)
  560. Observations of X-ray pulsars
    Nagase, F, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 1 (1988)
  561. Ginga view of the galactic ridge
    Koyama, K, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 55 (1988)
  562. Ginga observation of the X-ray pulsar 1E2259+586 in the supernova remnant G109.1-1.0
    Shinoda, K et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 67 (1988)
  563. Transient X-ray pulsar with 414 sec period discovered by Ginga
    Tawara, Y et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 71 (1988)
  564. ASM observations of the X-ray pulsars Vela X-1 and Cen X-3
    Tsunemi, H, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 83 (1988)
  565. ASM observations of X-ray flares from 4U 0115+63 and ASM 1354-64
    Tsunemi, H & Kitamoto, S, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 87 (1988)
  566. Energy-dependent time lags in QPO from Cyg X-2
    Mitsuda, K, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 117 (1988)
  567. Characteristics of high-frequency QPO from GX 5-1
    Mitsuda, K et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 133 (1988)
  568. Low-frequency QPOs observed with Ginga
    Dotani, T & Mitsuda, K, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 143 (1988)
  569. Discovery of the 0.08 Hz quasi periodic oscillation from the black hole candidate LMC X-1
    Ebisawa, K et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 149 (1988)
  570. Time variations of X-ray sources
    Makishima, K, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 175 (1988)
  571. An observation of the ultra soft X-ray transient, ASM 1354-64, with the large area proportional counter on board Ginga
    Tomizono, S et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 205 (1988)
  572. Fractal and chaotic variability and hard X-ray lag time of Cygnus X-1
    Miyamoto, S et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 227 (1988)
  573. Ginga observations of the X-ray eclipse of SS433
    Kawai, N et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 231 (1988)
  574. Exploring variability timescales in the X-ray emisison of active galaxies with EXOSAT and Ginga
    Pounds, K & McHardy, I, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 285 (1988)
  575. X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei
    Ohashi, T, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 301 (1988)
  576. Spectral survey of AGNs with Ginga
    Makino, F et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 357 (1988)
  577. Spectral study of BL Lac objects from Ginga
    Ohashi, T & Makino, F, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 361 (1988)
  578. The spectrum and variability of the quasar 3C 273
    Turner, M et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 365 (1988)
  579. EXOSAT and Ginga observations of NGC 4151
    Warwick, R et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 369 (1988)
  580. Recent progress in gamma-ray burst astronomy achieved by Ginga
    Murakami, T, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 405 (1988)
  581. What are the gamma-ray bursts? - Consistency with the magnetized neutron star model
    Nishimura, J, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 413 (1988)
  582. X-Ray observation of SN 1987A from Ginga
    Tanaka, Y, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 431 (1988)
  583. A search for pulsations in the X-ray flux of SN 1987A
    Mitsuda, K et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 491 (1988)
  584. An upper limit on X-ray pulsations from the SNR CTB 80
    Takeshima, T et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 495 (1988)
  585. The X-ray spectrum of Kepler’s supernova remnant
    Hatsukade, I & Tsunemi, H, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 497 (1988)
  586. Ginga observation of X-ray emission from the dark cloud Lynds 1457
    Takano, S et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 503 (1988)
  587. All Sky Monitor on board Ginga and its results; long term variation for various sources with ASM
    Tsunemi, H et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 507 (1988)
  588. An unusual hard X-ray source in the region of SN 1987A
    Tanaka, Y, Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 349 (1988)
  589. The emergence of X-rays and gamma-rays from supernova 1987A
    Shull, J & Xu, Y, Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 371 (1988)
  590. The effects of mixing of the ejecta on the hard X-ray emissions from SN 1987A
    Ebisuzaki, T & Shibazaki, N, Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 398 (1988)
  591. Hard X- and gamma-rays from supernova 1987A
    Kumagai, S et al., Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 413 (1988)
  592. Thermal X-rays from SN 1987A?
    Nomoto, K et al., Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 417 (1988)
  593. Detectability of early thermal radiation from a neutron star in SN 1987A
    Nomoto, K & Tsuruta, S, Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, 421 (1988)
  594. X-ray astronomy satellite "Ginga"
    Makishima, K, AstHe, 80, 316 (1987)
  595. Recent Results from Ginga
    Koyama, K, BAAS, 19, 1067 (1987)
  596. X-Ray Diagnosis of the Progenitor of Supernova 1987A
    Nomoto, K et al., ESOC, 26, 503 (1987)
  597. Neutron Star Thermal Radiation from Supernova 1987A
    Nomoto, K & Tsuruta, S, ESOC, 26, 571 (1987)
  598. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4336, 1 (1987)
  599. 4U 0115+63 and X-Ray Nova
    Makino, F, IAUC, 4342, 1 (1987)
  600. X-Ray Nova 1354-64
    Pedersen, H et al., IAUC, 4357, 1 (1987)
  601. Nova Circini 1987
    Ilovaisky, S et al., IAUC, 4362, 1 (1987)
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4424, 2 (1987)
  603. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Makino, F & Moore, G, IAUC, 4447, 1 (1987)
  604. X-Ray Pulsars
    Makino, F & GINGA Team, IAUC, 4459, 2 (1987)
  605. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Makino, F et al., IAUC, 4466, 1 (1987)
  606. Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Matz, S et al., IAUC, 4510, 1 (1987)

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