Ginga Bibliography: Refereed Journals

photo of Ginga in the clean room
  1. X-ray emission from the mixed-morphology supernova remnant HB 9
    Saito, M et al., PASJ, tmp, 185 (2020)
  2. Similar shot profile morphology of fast variability in a cataclysmic variable, X-ray binary, and blazar: The MV Lyrae case
    Dobrotka, A et al., A&A, 631, 134 (2019)
  3. Long-term variations in the X-ray activity of HR 1099
    Perdelwitz, V et al., A&A, 616, 161 (2018)
  4. A Precise Measurement of the Orbital Period Parameters of Cygnus X-3
    Bhargava, Y et al., ApJ, 849, 141 (2017)
  5. The weak Fe fluorescence line and long-term X-ray evolution of the Compton-thick active galactic nucleus in NGC 7674
    Gandhi, P et al., MNRAS, 467, 4606 (2017)
  6. X-ray analysis of the galaxy group UGC 03957 beyond R200 with Suzaku
    Tholken, S et al., A&A, 592, 37 (2016)
  7. Hard X-Ray Tail Discovered in the Clocked Burster GS 1826-238
    Rodi, J et al., ApJ, 817, 101 (2016)
  8. The Spin of The Black Hole in the X-ray Binary Nova Muscae 1991
    Chen, Z et al., ApJ, 825, 45 (2016)
  9. Fermi GBM Observations of V404 Cyg During its 2015 Outburst
    Jenke, P et al., ApJ, 826, 37 (2016)
  10. Signature of the presence of a third body orbiting around XB 1916-053
    Iaria, R et al., A&A, 582, 32 (2015)
  11. An Extreme Gravitationally Redshifted Iron Line at 4.8 keV in Mrk 876
    Bottacini, E et al., ApJL, 798, L14 (2015)
  12. A multiwavelength study of the M dwarf binary YY Geminorum
    Butler, C et al., MNRAS, 446, 4205 (2015)
  13. The Spin of the Black Hole GS 1124-683: Observation of a Retrograde Accretion Disk?
    Morningstar, W et al., ApJL, 784, L18 (2014)
  14. Torque reversals and pulse profile of the pulsar 4U 1626-67
    Beri, A et al., MNRAS, 439, 1940 (2014)
  15. Searching for Black Holes in Space. The Key Role of X-Ray Observations
    Pounds, K, SSRv, 183, 5 (2014)
  16. Variable pulse profiles of Hercules X-1 repeating with the same irregular 35 d clock as the turn-ons
    Staubert, R et al., A&A, 550, 110 (2013)
  17. Photometric Evidence for a Neutron Star in the System of SS 433
    Goranskij, V, CEAB, 37, 251 (2013)
  18. WBVR observations of the X-ray star V1341 Cyg = Cyg X-2 in 1986-1992
    Sazonov, A, ARep, 55, 142 (2011)
  19. The Wavelet Analysis of the Activity Processes of Quasar 3C 273 in the Radio-X Wavebands
    Ryabov, M & Sukharev, A, OAP, 24, 92 (2011)
  20. X-ray Studies of the Black Hole Binary Cygnus X-1 with Suzaku
    Yamada, S, PhD Thesis, 1 (2011)
  21. Photoelectric Absorption in the Stellar Wind of the Binary System 4U 1538-52/QV Nor
    Rodes, J et al., ASSP, 14, 437 (2010)
  22. The Constant Inner-disk Radius of LMC X-3: A Basis for Measuring Black Hole Spin
    Steiner, J et al., ApJL, 718, L117 (2010)
  23. A Determination of the Spin of the Black Hole Primary in LMC X-1
    Gou, L et al., ApJ, 701, 1076 (2009)
  24. A Study of the Long-Term Evolution of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Accretion-Powered X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1626-67
    Kaur, R et al., ApJ, 676, 1184 (2008)
  25. A Parameterization Study of the Properties of the X-Ray Dips in the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    Hu, C et al., ApJ, 680, 1405 (2008)
  26. Deviations from the Flux-Recurrence Time Relationship in GS 1826-238: Potential Transient Spectral Changes
    Thompson, T et al., ApJ, 681, 506 (2008)
  27. Revisiting the radio/X-ray flux correlation in the black hole V404 Cyg: from outburst to quiescence
    Corbel, S et al., MNRAS, 389, 1697 (2008)
  28. An XMM-Newton view of the X-ray flat radio-quiet quasar PG 1416-129
    Porquet, D et al., A&A, 466, 23 (2007)
  29. A precessing accretion disc in the intermediate polar XY Arietis?
    Norton, A & Mukai, K, A&A, 472, 225 (2007)
  30. Suzaku observations of cyclotron resonances in binary X-ray pulsars
    Terada, Y et al., AdSpR, 40, 1485 (2007)
  31. Models of Type I X-Ray Bursts from GS 1826-24: A Probe of rp-Process Hydrogen Burning
    Heger, A et al., ApJL, 671, L141 (2007)
  32. A Bright Transient X-Ray Source Near the Galactic Center Found in Archival Ginga Data from 1987
    Yamauchi, S et al., PASJ, 59, 1141 (2007)
  33. Erratum: “Observations of Scorpius X-1 with IUE: Ultraviolet Results from a Multiwavelength Campaign&”
    Vrtilek, S et al., ApJ, 637, 1148 (2006)
  34. A Further Study of the Luminosity-dependent Cyclotron Resonance Energies of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0115+63 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
    Nakajima, M et al., ApJ, 646, 1125 (2006)
  35. New soft gamma-ray bursts in the BATSE records and spectral properties of X-ray rich bursts
    Tikhomirova, Y et al., MNRAS, 367, 1473 (2006)
  36. Periodic long-term X-ray and radio variability of Cygnus X-1
    Lachowicz, P et al., MNRAS, 368, 1025 (2006)
  37. X-Ray Spectral and Timing Observations of AO Piscium
    Johnson, E et al., PASP, 118, 797 (2006)
  38. RXTE broadband X-ray spectra of intermediate polars and white dwarf mass estimates
    Suleimanov, V et al., A&A, 435, 191 (2005)
  39. A search for changing-look AGN in the Grossan catalog
    Bianchi, S et al., A&A, 442, 185 (2005)
  40. Broad-band spectra of Cygnus X-1 and correlations between spectral characteristics
    Ibragimov, A et al., MNRAS, 362, 1435 (2005)
  41. An Ultrasoft Transient X-Ray Source in the Norma Region Discovered with Ginga
    Yamauchi, S, PASJ, 57, 465 (2005)
  42. An Observation of the Intermediate Polar XY Arietis with Chandra
    Salinas, A & Schlegel, E, AJ, 128, 1331 (2004)
  43. Periodic Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 and the Fuel Composition as a Function of Accretion Rate
    Galloway, D et al., ApJ, 601, 466 (2004)
  44. Luminosity-related Changes in the Cyclotron Resonance Structure of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0115+63
    Mihara, T et al., ApJ, 610, 390 (2004)
  45. Chandra Observation of V426 Ophiuchi: Weighing the Evidence for a Magnetic White Dwarf
    Homer, L et al., ApJ, 610, 991 (2004)
  46. Origin of the Soft Excess in X-Ray Pulsars
    Hickox, R et al., ApJ, 614, 881 (2004)
  47. The orbital period of the dipping, bursting, globular cluster X-ray source XB 1746-371 from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations
    Balucinska-Church, M et al., MNRAS, 347, 334 (2004)
  48. The hard X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 18325-5926: reflection from an ionized disc and variable iron K emission
    Iwasawa, K et al., MNRAS, 347, 411 (2004)
  49. Black hole accretion discs: reality confronts theory
    Gierlinski, M & Done, C, MNRAS, 347, 885 (2004)
  50. GX 339-4: the distance, state transitions, hysteresis and spectral correlations
    Zdziarski, A et al., MNRAS, 351, 791 (2004)
  51. An Ultrasoft Transient X-Ray Source near the Galactic Bulge Region
    Yamauchi, S & Nakamura, E, PASJ, 56, 803 (2004)
  52. A pulse phase-dependent spectroscopic study of Vela X-1 in the 8-100 keV band
    La Barbera, A et al., A&A, 400, 993 (2003)
  53. Using Multiwavelength Observations to Determine the Black Hole Mass and Accretion Rate in the Type 1 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5548
    Chiang, J & Blaes, O, ApJ, 586, 97 (2003)
  54. A Major Soft Gamma Repeater-like Outburst and Rotation Glitch in the No-longer-so-anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    Kaspi, V et al., ApJL, 588, L93 (2003)
  55. Long-Term X-Ray Variability of Circinus X-1
    Parkinson, P et al., ApJ, 595, 333 (2003)
  56. X-Ray Variability of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V1432 Aquilae and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814
    Mukai, K et al., ApJ, 597, 479 (2003)
  57. A Method for Black Hole Mass Determination in Accretion-powered X-Ray Sources
    Shrader, C & Titarchuk, L, ApJ, 598, 168 (2003)
  58. Magnetic fields of accreting X-ray pulsars
    Staubert, R, ChJAS, 3, 270 (2003)
  59. The ASCA and Chandra Observations of the Galactic center
    Koyama, K et al., ChJAS, 3, 297 (2003)
  60. Understanding the LMXB X2127+119 in M 15. I. X-ray eclipses and dips
    Ioannou, Z et al., A&A, 382, 130 (2002)
  61. A Phase-connected Timing Solution for the Magnetar Candidate 1E 1841-045
    Gotthelf, E et al., ApJL, 564, L31 (2002)
  62. Ubiquitous Variability of X-Ray-absorbing Column Densities in Seyfert 2 Galaxies
    Risaliti, G et al., ApJ, 571, 234 (2002)
  63. Superorbital Period Variations in the X-ray Pulsar LMC X-4
    Paul, B & Kitamoto, S, JApA, 23, 33 (2002)
  64. Long-Term X-Ray Variabilities of the Seyfert Galaxy MCG-2-58-22: Secular Flux Decrease and Flares
    Choi, C et al., JKAS, 35, 1 (2002)
  65. Long-term X-ray variability and state transition of GX 339-4
    Kong, A et al., MNRAS, 329, 588 (2002)
  66. The X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-2
    Done, C et al., MNRAS, 331, 453 (2002)
  67. ASCA observations of the Crab-like pulsar/nebula system PSR B0540-69
    Hirayama, M et al., MNRAS, 333, 603 (2002)
  68. The X-ray fast-time variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2) with RXTE
    O’Neill, P et al., MNRAS, 336, 217 (2002)
  69. The expected thermal precursors of gamma-ray bursts in the internal shock model
    Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, MNRAS, 336, 1271 (2002)
  70. X-ray and γ-ray spectra and variability of the black hole candidate GX 339-4
    Wardzinski, G et al., MNRAS, 337, 829 (2002)
  71. Log-Normal Distributions in Cygnus X-1: Possible Physical Link with Gamma-Ray Bursts and Blazars
    Negoro, H & Mineshige, S, PASJ, 54, L69 (2002)
  72. On the X-ray fast-time variability of Sco X-2 (GX 349+2)
    O’Neill, P et al., A&A, 370, 479 (2001)
  73. Excess hard X-ray emission from the obscured low luminosity AGN in the nearby galaxy M 51 (NGC 5194)
    Fukazawa, Y et al., A&A, 374, 73 (2001)
  74. BeppoSAX spectroscopy of MR 2251-178: A test for ionized reflection in radio quiet QSOs
    Orr, A et al., A&A, 376, 413 (2001)
  75. Erratic variability of LMC X-1 in the 1.5-10 keV range. Sporadic presence of a QPO in a black hole candidate
    Fiume, D et al., X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, 594 (2001)
  76. GINGA observations of the short high state in Her X-1
    Leahy, D, X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, 714 (2001)
  77. Short-term spectral variations during X-ray flares in black hole candidates and AGNs
    Negoro, H, X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, 798 (2001)
  78. Ginga Observations of Hercules X-1: Spectrum Dependence on 35 Day Phase
    Leahy, D, ApJ, 547, 449 (2001)
  79. RXTE Investigation into Extended Hard X-Ray Emission from Elliptical Galaxies
    Loewenstein, M et al., ApJ, 547, 722 (2001)
  80. Timing Analysis of the Light Curve of the Dipping-Bursting X-Ray Binary X1916-053
    Chou, Y et al., ApJ, 549, 1135 (2001)
  81. Multiepoch Multiwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C 279
    Hartman, R et al., ApJ, 553, 683 (2001)
  82. A Second Intense Burst with Photospheric Radius Expansion from X2127+119 in M15
    Smale, A, ApJ, 562, 957 (2001)
  83. Binary and Long-Term (Triple?) Modulations of 4U 1820-30 in NGC 6624
    Chou, Y & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 563, 934 (2001)
  84. Broadband X-Ray Spectra of the Persistent Black Hole Candidates LMC X-1 and LMC X-3
    Haardt, F et al., ApJS, 133, 187 (2001)
  85. X-Ray Archival Data Analysis of Time Variabilities in Seyfert Galaxy MCG--2-58-22
    Choi, C et al., JKAS, 34, 129 (2001)
  86. Normal-branch quasi-periodic oscillations during the high-intensity state of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R & van der Klis, M, MNRAS, 321, 537 (2001)
  87. A complete relativistic ionized accretion disc in Cygnus X-1
    Young, A et al., MNRAS, 325, 1045 (2001)
  88. No QPO time lags from Sco X-1 as seen with EXOSAT: a comparison with Cyg X-2
    Dieters, S et al., A&A, 353, 203 (2000)
  89. BeppoSAX spectroscopy of the NGC 7078 (M 15) globular cluster X-ray source X 2127+119
    Sidoli, L et al., A&A, 360, 520 (2000)
  90. X-ray observation of the super-luminal quasar 4C +73.18 (1928+738) by ASCA
    Yuan, W et al., A&A, 362, 19 (2000)
  91. The structure of Algol’s corona: a consistent scenario for the X-ray and radio emission
    Favata, F et al., A&A, 362, 628 (2000)
  92. ASCA Observations of the Supernova Remnant G156.2+5.7
    Yamauchi, S et al., AdSpR, 25, 567 (2000)
  93. ASCA Studies of Young Pulsars and SNRS
    Torii, K et al., AdSpR, 25, 669 (2000)
  94. Changes in the Long-Term Intensity Variations in Cygnus X-2 and LMC X-3
    Paul, B et al., ApJ, 528, 410 (2000)
  95. Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Observations of an Outburst of Recurrent X-Ray Nova GS 1354-644
    Revnivtsev, M et al., ApJ, 530, 955 (2000)
  96. GINGA All-Sky Monitor Observations of Cygnus X-1
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 531, 546 (2000)
  97. Nonthermal Radiation of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursters
    Smolsky, M & Usov, V, ApJ, 531, 764 (2000)
  98. Hard X-Ray Emission from Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Barret, D et al., ApJ, 533, 329 (2000)
  99. A Giant Glitch in the Energetic 69 Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar AXS J161730-505505
    Torii, K et al., ApJL, 534, L71 (2000)
  100. Spectral Lags of Gamma-Ray Bursts From Ginga and BATSE
    Wu, B & Fenimore, E, ApJL, 535, L29 (2000)
  101. Metallicity Gradients in the Intracluster Gas of Abell 496
    Dupke, R & White, R, ApJ, 537, 123 (2000)
  102. Gravitational Waves from Inspiraling Compact Binaries with Magnetic Dipole Moments
    Ioka, K & Taniguchi, K, ApJ, 537, 327 (2000)
  103. Diffuse Continuum Gamma Rays from the Galaxy
    Strong, A et al., ApJ, 537, 763 (2000)
  104. The 35 Day Evolution of the Hercules X-1 Pulse Profile: Evidence for a Resolved Inner Disk Occultation of the Neutron Star
    Scott, D et al., ApJ, 539, 392 (2000)
  105. Hard X-Ray Observation of Abell 496
    Valinia, A et al., ApJ, 541, 550 (2000)
  106. The distribution of X-ray dips with orbital phase in Cygnus X-1
    Balucinska-Church, M et al., MNRAS, 311, 861 (2000)
  107. The multi-temperature X-ray spectrum of the intermediate polar V1223 Sagittarii
    Beardmore, A et al., MNRAS, 315, 307 (2000)
  108. Ginga observations of Her X-1 in the short high state: evidence for an extended emission region
    Leahy, D, MNRAS, 315, 735 (2000)
  109. Similar shot noise in Cyg X-1, GRO J0422+32 and IE 1724-3045
    Yu, W & Li, T, NuPhS, 80, 1524 (2000)
  110. Unusual Properties of X-Ray Emission near the Galactic Center
    Tanaka, Y et al., PASJ, 52, L25 (2000)
  111. The phase-delay spectrum of GX 5-1 on its normal branch
    Vaughan, B et al., A&A, 343, 197 (1999)
  112. Rotational modulation of X-ray flares on late-type stars: T Tauri stars and Algol
    Stelzer, B et al., A&A, 344, 154 (1999)
  113. BeppoSAX observations of MKN 3: Piercing through the torus of a Seyfert 2 galaxy
    Cappi, M et al., A&A, 344, 857 (1999)
  114. Determination of the thermal and non-thermal emissions in the X-ray spectrum of Kepler’s supernova remnant
    Decourchelle, A & Petre, R, AN, 320, 203 (1999)
  115. ASCA and Ginga Observations of GX 1+4
    Kotani, T et al., ApJ, 510, 369 (1999)
  116. Fast X-Ray Transients and Gamma-Ray Bursts: Constraints on Beaming
    Grindlay, J, ApJ, 510, 710 (1999)
  117. Further GINGA Observations of PSR B0540-69
    Deeter, J et al., ApJ, 512, 300 (1999)
  118. The Prompt X-Ray Emission of Gamma-Ray Burst 980519
    in ’t Zand, J et al., ApJL, 516, L57 (1999)
  119. LOG N-LOG S Relations and Spectral Properties of Sources from the ASCA Large Sky Survey: Their Implications for the Origin of the Cosmic X-Ray Background (CXB)
    Ueda, Y et al., ApJ, 518, 656 (1999)
  120. On the Spin History of the X-Ray Pulsar in Kes 73: Further Evidence for an Ultramagnetized Neutron Star
    Gotthelf, E et al., ApJL, 522, L49 (1999)
  121. The X-Ray Spectra and Spectral Variability of Intermediate-Type Seyfert Galaxies: ASCA Observations of NGC 4388 and ESO 103-G35
    Forster, K et al., ApJ, 523, 521 (1999)
  122. Statistical Analysis of Spectral Line Candidates in Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 870303
    Freeman, P et al., ApJ, 524, 753 (1999)
  123. Resonant Cyclotron Radiation Transfer Model Fits to Spectra from Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 870303
    Freeman, P et al., ApJ, 524, 772 (1999)
  124. A Study of the X-Ray Emission of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable AE Aquarii
    Choi, C et al., ApJ, 525, 399 (1999)
  125. Cyclotron Resonance Effects in Two Binary X-Ray Pulsars and the Evolution of Neutron Star Magnetic Fields
    Makishima, K et al., ApJ, 525, 978 (1999)
  126. Using the Bulge of M31 as a Template for the Integrated X-Ray Emission from Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Irwin, J & Bregman, J, ApJ, 527, 125 (1999)
  127. Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole Candidates as an Indicator of Transition between Low and High States
    Rutledge, R et al., ApJS, 124, 265 (1999)
  128. AGN Models for the X and γ-RAY Backgrounds
    Comastri, A, ApL&C, 39, 181 (1999)
  129. X-ray spectral evolution of GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg) during decline after outburst
    Zycki, P et al., MNRAS, 305, 231 (1999)
  130. The L_X-T relation and intracluster gas fractions of X-ray clusters
    Arnaud, M & Evrard, A, MNRAS, 305, 631 (1999)
  131. RXTE monitoring observations of Markarian 3
    Georgantopoulos, I et al., MNRAS, 307, 815 (1999)
  132. The 1989 May outburst of the soft X-ray transient GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg)
    Zycki, P et al., MNRAS, 309, 561 (1999)
  133. Short-term X-ray variability of black hole candidates: Ginga results
    Negoro, H, NuPhS, 69, 344 (1999)
  134. Relativistic smearing of the reflection spectrum in Galactic Black Hole Candidates
    Done, C et al., NuPhS, 69, 352 (1999)
  135. The X-ray spectrum of the polar BY Cam
    Done, C & Magdziarz, P, NuPhS, 69, 376 (1999)
  136. Gamma-ray burst spectra and time histories from 2 to 400keV
    Fenimore, E, NuPhS, 69, 635 (1999)
  137. An X-ray spectroscopic study of the SMC X-1/Sk 160 X-ray binary system
    Wojdowski, P, PhD Thesis, 21 (1999)
  138. The broad-band X-ray spectra of heavily obscured AGN
    Griffiths, R, PhD Thesis, 245 (1999)
  139. NGC 5548, a case study for active galactic nuclei. Inconsistencies of photoionized models for the BLR
    Dumont, A et al., A&A, 331, 11 (1998)
  140. On the outburst light curves of soft X-ray transients as response of the accretion disk to mass deposition
    Ertan, U & Ali Alpar, M, A&A, 336, 220 (1998)
  141. Limits for an inverse bremsstrahlung origin of the diffuse Galactic soft gamma-ray emission
    Pohl, M, A&A, 339, 587 (1998)
  142. GINGA Faint Source Survey
    Yamauchi, S et al., AN, 319, 92 (1998)
  143. Astro-E Mission and the X-ray survey
    Takahashi, T et al., AN, 319, 159 (1998)
  144. Cyclotron line variability
    Mihara, T et al., AdSpR, 22, 987 (1998)
  145. Gamma-Ray--Burst Spectral Shapes from 2 keV to 500 MeV
    Schaefer, B et al., ApJ, 492, 696 (1998)
  146. Cyclotron Line Formation in a Radiation-driven Outflow
    Isenberg, M et al., ApJ, 493, 154 (1998)
  147. Are Gamma-Ray Bursts in Star-Forming Regions?
    Paczynski, B, ApJL, 494, L45 (1998)
  148. A Fit to the Simultaneous Broadband Spectrum of Cygnus X-1 Using the Transition Disk Model
    Misra, R et al., ApJ, 495, 407 (1998)
  149. Recent X-Ray Measurements of the Accretion-powered Pulsar 4U 1907+09
    in ’t Zand, J et al., ApJ, 496, 386 (1998)
  150. Evolution of the Accretion Flow in Nova MUSCAE 1991
    Zycki, P et al., ApJL, 496, L25 (1998)
  151. Central Black Hole Masses in Active Galactic Nuclei Inferred from X-Ray Variability
    Hayashida, K et al., ApJ, 500, 642 (1998)
  152. X-Ray Spectral Characteristics of GINGA Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Strohmayer, T et al., ApJ, 500, 873 (1998)
  153. Quasi-periodic Occultation by a Precessing Accretion Disk and Other Variabilities of SMC X-1
    Wojdowski, P et al., ApJ, 502, 253 (1998)
  154. The 35 Day Evolution of the Hercules X-1 Pulse Profile: GINGA Observations and Their Implications
    Deeter, J et al., ApJ, 502, 802 (1998)
  155. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source GX 5-1
    Wijnands, R et al., ApJL, 504, L35 (1998)
  156. A Peculiar Emission-Line Feature in the X-Ray Spectrum of the Quasar PKS 0637-752
    Yaqoob, T et al., ApJL, 505, L87 (1998)
  157. ASCA Observations of Seyfert 1 Galaxies. III. The Evidence for Absorption and Emission Due to Photoionized Gas
    George, I et al., ApJS, 114, 73 (1998)
  158. A Monte Carlo Simulation for the X-ray Detection Efficiency of a Multi-Cell Proportional Counter
    Lee, K et al., JASS, 15, 341 (1998)
  159. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151
    Kotov, V et al., KFNT, 14, 67 (1998)
  160. New data on the P0-oscillation of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151
    Kotov, V et al., KPCB, 14, 52 (1998)
  161. White dwarf masses in magnetic cataclysmic variables: multi-temperature FITS to GINGA data
    Cropper, M et al., MNRAS, 293, 222 (1998)
  162. The changing X-ray light curves of the intermediate polar FO Aquarii
    Beardmore, A et al., MNRAS, 297, 337 (1998)
  163. A comparison of white dwarf mass estimators using the intermediate polar XY Ari
    Ramsay, G et al., MNRAS, 297, 1269 (1998)
  164. Complex absorption and reflection of a multitemperature cyclotron-bremsstrahlung X-ray cooling shock in BY Cam
    Done, C & Magdziarz, P, MNRAS, 298, 737 (1998)
  165. X-ray and soft gamma-ray spectra of broad-line radio galaxies
    Wozniak, P et al., MNRAS, 299, 449 (1998)
  166. A spectral decomposition of the variable optical, ultraviolet and X-ray continuum of NGC 5548
    Magdziarz, P et al., MNRAS, 301, 179 (1998)
  167. Broad-band X-ray/gamma-ray spectra and binary parameters of GX 339-4 and their astrophysical implications
    Zdziarski, A et al., MNRAS, 301, 435 (1998)
  168. The ultraviolet to X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy E 1615+061: accretion disk and reflection models
    Piro, L et al., A&A, 319, 74 (1997)
  169. A double peaked pulse profile observed in GX 1+4
    Paul, B et al., A&A, 319, 507 (1997)
  170. Archival observations of the ultra-soft X-ray transient 4U 1630-47
    Parmar, A et al., A&A, 319, 855 (1997)
  171. γ-ray evidence for galactic in-situ electron acceleration
    Schlickeiser, R, A&A, 319, L5 (1997)
  172. Spectral and timing behaviour of GS 2023+338
    Oosterbroek, T et al., A&A, 321, 776 (1997)
  173. Energy dependence in the quasi-periodic oscillations and noise of black hole candidates in the very high state
    Belloni, T et al., A&A, 322, 857 (1997)
  174. GINGA observations of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R et al., A&A, 323, 399 (1997)
  175. The variable X/gamma -ray spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7172
    Ryde, F et al., A&A, 328, 69 (1997)
  176. Ultraviolet variability of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9
    Recondo-Gonzalez, M et al., A&AS, 121, 461 (1997)
  177. Soft excesses of hard X-ray selected Seyfert 1 galaxies studied with the ROSAT-PSPC
    Piro, L et al., A&AS, 126, 525 (1997)
  178. Coronal mass ejections and mass transfer in Algol-type binaries and related objects
    Pustylnik, I, A&AT, 13, 309 (1997)
  179. The origin of the x-ray emission in SS 433 in a hydrodynamical model
    Aleksandrova, O et al., ARep, 41, 648 (1997)
  180. The origin of the X-ray emission in SS433 in a hydrodynamical model
    Aleksandrova, O et al., AZh, 74, 731 (1997)
  181. Comparison of ASCA and ROSAT Cluster Temperatures: A2256, A3558, and AWM 7
    Markevitch, M & Vikhlinin, A, ApJ, 474, 84 (1997)
  182. A Low State Eclipse Spectrum of Hercules X-1 Observed with ASCA
    Choi, C et al., ApJL, 476, L81 (1997)
  183. The X-Ray Warm Absorber in NGC 3516
    Mathur, S et al., ApJ, 478, 182 (1997)
  184. Results of Ginga/ROSAT Simultaneous Observation of the X-Ray Burst Source 1735-444
    Seon, K et al., ApJ, 479, 398 (1997)
  185. X-Ray Emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Tavani, M, ApJ, 480, 351 (1997)
  186. Measurement of the Hubble Constant from X-Ray and 2.1 Millimeter Observations of Abell 2163
    Holzapfel, W et al., ApJ, 480, 449 (1997)
  187. Hard X-Ray Emission from the Galactic Ridge
    Yamasaki, N et al., ApJ, 481, 821 (1997)
  188. Harmonic Coupling of the Red Noise in X-Ray Pulsars
    Burderi, L et al., ApJ, 481, 943 (1997)
  189. Weak Gravitational Lensing and X-Ray Analysis of Abell 2163
    Squires, G et al., ApJ, 482, 648 (1997)
  190. X-Ray Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3
    Leighly, K et al., ApJ, 483, 767 (1997)
  191. BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search. V. Probability of Detecting a Line in a Burst
    Band, D et al., ApJ, 485, 747 (1997)
  192. Evidence of an Ionized Iron Emission Line from the Radio-Quiet Quasar E1821+643 by ASCA
    Yamashita, A et al., ApJ, 486, 763 (1997)
  193. The Long-Term Periodic Oscillation of the NGC 4151 Nucleus
    Kotov, V et al., ApJ, 488, 195 (1997)
  194. Interpretation of the Center-filled Emission from the Supernova Remnant W44
    Harrus, I et al., ApJ, 488, 781 (1997)
  195. Relativistically Smeared X-Ray Reprocessed Components in the GINGA Spectra of GS 2023+338
    Zycki, P et al., ApJL, 488, L113 (1997)
  196. Spectral and Temporal Variability in the X-Ray Flux of GS 1124-683, Nova Muscae 1991
    Takizawa, M et al., ApJ, 489, 272 (1997)
  197. Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GX 17+2
    Wijnands, R et al., ApJL, 490, L157 (1997)
  198. An exceptional X-ray flare on the dMe star EQ1839.6+8002
    Pan, H et al., MNRAS, 285, 735 (1997)
  199. A GINGA hard X-ray search for 1-3s quasi-periodic oscillations in AM Herculis systems
    Beardmore, A & Osborne, J, MNRAS, 286, 77 (1997)
  200. GINGA observations of absorption dips in Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D, MNRAS, 287, 622 (1997)
  201. The X-ray spectrum of the dwarf nova SS CYG in quiescence and outburst
    Done, C & Osborne, J, MNRAS, 288, 649 (1997)
  202. GINGA observations of the X-ray spectra of quasars
    Lawson, A & Turner, M, MNRAS, 288, 920 (1997)
  203. Simultaneous X-ray and gamma-ray observations of CYG X-1 in the hard state by GINGA and OSSE
    Gierlinski, M et al., MNRAS, 288, 958 (1997)
  204. GINGA and ROSAT observations of AO PSC and V1223 SGR
    Taylor, P et al., MNRAS, 289, 349 (1997)
  205. Simultaneous rapid hard X-ray and optical variability in AMHerculis: measurement of blob parameters
    Beardmore, A & Osborne, J, MNRAS, 290, 145 (1997)
  206. Fluctuations in the diffuse X-ray background observed with Ginga
    Butcher, J et al., MNRAS, 291, 437 (1997)
  207. An X-ray survey of quasars using ASCA
    Reeves, J et al., MNRAS, 292, 468 (1997)
  208. A study of the X- and gamma-ray emission characteristics of Seyfert 2 galaxies
    Malaguti, G et al., NCimC, 20, 739 (1997)
  209. The Dipping Source X1254-690 Observed with GINGA
    Uno, S et al., PASJ, 49, 353 (1997)
  210. Time Variation of X-Rays from GX 5--1
    Kamado, Y et al., PASJ, 49, 589 (1997)
  211. Cyclotron Line Formation in a Radiation-Drive Outflow
    Isenberg, M, PhD Thesis, 2 (1997)
  212. Resonant Cyclotron Radiation Transfer Model FITS to Spectra from Gamma-Ray Burst GB870303
    Freeman, P, PhD Thesis, 8 (1997)
  213. The large scale structure of the soft X-ray background. I. Clusters of galaxies
    Soltan, A et al., A&A, 305, 17 (1996)
  214. OSSE observations of the radio-quiet quasar PG 1416-129
    Staubert, R & Maisack, M, A&A, 305, L41 (1996)
  215. Redshift dependence of soft X-ray quasar spectra
    Schartel, N et al., A&A, 307, 33 (1996)
  216. The X-ray and EUV spectrum of the dwarf nova VW Hydri in outburst and quiescence
    Wheatley, P et al., A&A, 307, 137 (1996)
  217. On the origin of the iron line in GS 2023+338
    Oosterbroek, T et al., A&A, 309, 781 (1996)
  218. ROSAT PSPC spectra of six PG quasars and PHL 1657
    Rachen, J et al., A&A, 310, 371 (1996)
  219. Hard X-ray emission from X-ray bursters
    Tavani, M & Liang, E, A&AS, 120, 133 (1996)
  220. OSSE detection of the low mass X-ray binary GS 1826-24
    Strickman, M et al., A&AS, 120, 217 (1996)
  221. CGRO/OSSE observations of the X-ray burster 4U 1915-05 (XB 1916-053)
    Barret, D et al., A&AS, 120, 269 (1996)
  222. Low state hard X-ray outburst from the X-ray burster 4U 1608-522 observed by BATSE/CGRO
    Zhang, S et al., A&AS, 120, 279 (1996)
  223. Diffuse hard X-ray emission from the Galactic ridge
    Yamasaki, N et al., A&AS, 120, 393 (1996)
  224. Implications of the diffuse galactic continuum
    Skibo, J et al., A&AS, 120, 403 (1996)
  225. The canonical X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of Seyfert 1s and low-state Galactic black hole candidates
    Zdziarski, A et al., A&AS, 120, 553 (1996)
  226. Long-Term Behavior of Centaurus X-3 Observed with the All Sky Monitor on Board GINGA
    Tsunemi, H et al., ApJ, 456, 316 (1996)
  227. Abell 2163: Temperature, Mass, and Hydrostatic Equilibrium
    Markevitch, M et al., ApJ, 456, 437 (1996)
  228. The Weak Blue Bump of H2106-099 and Active Galactic Nuclei Dereddening
    Grossan, B et al., ApJ, 457, 199 (1996)
  229. Simultaneous Multiwavelength Spectrum and Variability of 3C 279 from 10 9 to 10 24 Hz
    Hartman, R et al., ApJ, 461, 698 (1996)
  230. X-Ray Spectral Variability in NGC 7469
    Leighly, K et al., ApJ, 463, 158 (1996)
  231. NGC 4945: The Brightest Seyfert 2 Galaxy at 100 keV
    Done, C et al., ApJL, 463, L63 (1996)
  232. Pulsations in the Ultraviolet and X-Ray Spectra of VELA X-1
    Boroson, B et al., ApJ, 465, 940 (1996)
  233. The Einstein Observatory Detection of Faint X-Ray Flashes
    Gotthelf, E et al., ApJ, 466, 779 (1996)
  234. The Absence of X-Ray Flashes from Nearby Galaxies and the Gamma-Ray Burst Distance Scale
    Hamilton, T et al., ApJ, 466, 795 (1996)
  235. Orbital Decay, Spin-down, and Pulse-Phase--resolved Spectroscopy of LMC X-4 from GINGA and ROSAT Observations
    Woo, J et al., ApJ, 467, 811 (1996)
  236. Temperature Distributions of Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Wang, J & Zhou, Y, ApJ, 469, 564 (1996)
  237. Pulse Phase--dependent Spectroscopic Study of VELA X-1
    Choi, C et al., ApJ, 471, 447 (1996)
  238. A GINGA Observation of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0352+30
    Robba, N et al., ApJ, 472, 341 (1996)
  239. Detection of a approximately 78 day Period in the RXTE, VELA 5B, and Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor Data of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R et al., ApJL, 473, L45 (1996)
  240. The broad iron K emission line in the Seyfert 2 galaxy IRAS 18325-5926
    Iwasawa, K et al., MNRAS, 279, 837 (1996)
  241. Phase lags and coherence of X-ray variability in black hole candidates
    Nowak, M & Vaughan, B, MNRAS, 280, 227 (1996)
  242. Unified theories of active galactic nuclei: a hard X-ray sample of Seyfert 2 galaxies
    Smith, D & Done, C, MNRAS, 280, 355 (1996)
  243. On the interpretation of intermediate polar X-ray power spectra
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 280, 937 (1996)
  244. The average X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of radio-quiet Seyfert 1s
    Gondek, D et al., MNRAS, 282, 646 (1996)
  245. Broad-band γ-ray and X-ray spectra of NGC 4151 and their implications for physical processes and geometry
    Zdziarski, A et al., MNRAS, 283, 193 (1996)
  246. X-Ray Observations of NGC 2110 with GINGA and ASCA
    Hayashi, I et al., PASJ, 48, 219 (1996)
  247. ASCA Observation of NGC 1808
    Awaki, H et al., PASJ, 48, 409 (1996)
  248. X-Ray/Soft Gamma-Ray Observation of Centaurus A and Its Implication on the Emission Mechanism
    Miyazaki, S et al., PASJ, 48, 801 (1996)
  249. The Spatial Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts: a New Statistical Approach
    Azzam, W, PhD Thesis, 3 (1996)
  250. Hochenergieröntgenspektren der akkretierenden Röntgenpulsare Vela X-1 und A 0535+26
    Kretschmar, P, PhD Thesis, 97 (1996)
  251. The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
    Warwick, R et al., VA, 40, 203 (1996)
  252. The X-ray spectra of Seyfert 2s observed by GINGA
    Done, C & Smith, D, VA, 40, 209 (1996)
  253. The gas distribution and binding mass in the A 2163 cluster
    Elbaz, D et al., A&A, 293, 337 (1995)
  254. Observations and models of the UV/soft X-ray spectrum of the quasar PG 1116+215
    Ulrich, M & Molendi, S, A&A, 293, 641 (1995)
  255. NGC 1808: X-ray emission from the nuclear starburst
    Junkes, N et al., A&A, 294, 8 (1995)
  256. Ionization structure of Cygnus X-3: Iron anomaly in Wolf-Rayet stars?
    Terasawa, N & Nakamura, H, A&A, 294, 443 (1995)
  257. ROSAT observation of GX 1+4
    Predehl, P et al., A&A, 294, L33 (1995)
  258. ROSAT spectra of quasars
    Buehler, P et al., A&A, 295, 309 (1995)
  259. A new outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar Cephei X-4
    Schulz, N et al., A&A, 295, 413 (1995)
  260. (Erratum) Spectral and correlated timing behavior of GX 5-1
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 295, 842 (1995)
  261. ROSAT/PSPC All Sky Survey observations of the ultra soft X-ray transient TrA X-1 (A1524-62). Detection during a "mini-outburst" and upper limit in quiescence
    Barret, D et al., A&A, 296, 459 (1995)
  262. X-ray flux variations of SS433 from GINGA observations
    Yuan, W et al., A&A, 297, 451 (1995)
  263. Multiwavelength analysis of active galaxies: implications on unified Seyfert models
    Mas-Hesse, J et al., A&A, 298, 22 (1995)
  264. ROSAT-PSPC X-ray observations and follow-up optical identification of GS1826-24 Discovery of a low-mass X-ray binary with a black hole primary?
    Barret, D et al., A&A, 303, 526 (1995)
  265. QSOs and the hard X-ray background
    Vikhlinin, A, A&A, 303, 714 (1995)
  266. Observations of spectral shape changes in Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D, A&AS, 113, 21 (1995)
  267. An IRAS-Selected Seyfert 2 Galaxy IRAS 18325-5926: The X-Ray Source and Nuclear Obscuration
    Iwasawa, K et al., AJ, 110, 551 (1995)
  268. Observations and theory of X-rays and gamma-rays from radio-quiet Seyferts
    Zdziarski, A, AdSpR, 15, 0527 (1995)
  269. Correlation of the 2-10 keV X-ray background with nearby galaxies
    Carrera, F et al., AdSpR, 16, 03111 (1995)
  270. Analysis of the Log N-Log P of the BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Belli, B, Ap&SS, 231, 43 (1995)
  271. The Energy Spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Old Puzzles, Recent Analysis and New Results
    Teegarden, B, Ap&SS, 231, 137 (1995)
  272. Gamma-Ray Burst Energy Spectra: Theoretical Models, Old and New
    Baring, M, Ap&SS, 231, 169 (1995)
  273. Eclipse Timings of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676: Statistical Arguments against Orbital Period Changes
    Hertz, P et al., ApJ, 438, 385 (1995)
  274. Joint ROSAT--Compton GRO Observations of the X-Ray--bright Seyfert Galaxy IC 4329A
    Madejski, G et al., ApJ, 438, 672 (1995)
  275. The Average X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies from GINGA and OSSE and the Origin of the Cosmic X-Ray Background
    Zdziarski, A et al., ApJL, 438, L63 (1995)
  276. OSSE Observations of GX 339-4
    Grabelsky, D et al., ApJ, 441, 800 (1995)
  277. Dynamic Processes in Be Star Atmospheres. III. Rapid Multiwavelength Variability in gamma Cassiopeiae
    Smith, M, ApJ, 442, 812 (1995)
  278. Large Hysteretic Behavior of Stellar Black Hole Candidate X-Ray Binaries
    Miyamoto, S et al., ApJL, 442, L13 (1995)
  279. The Spectrum and Pulses of 1E 2259+586 from ASCA and BBXRT Observations
    Corbet, R et al., ApJ, 443, 786 (1995)
  280. Geometry and Pulse Profiles of X-Ray Pulsars: Asymmetric Relativistic FITS to 4U 1538-52 and VELA X-1
    Bulik, T et al., ApJ, 444, 405 (1995)
  281. Detection of Soft Gamma-Ray Emission from the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4507 by the OSSE Telescope
    Bassani, L et al., ApJL, 444, L73 (1995)
  282. An Unusual High-Energy Transient
    Strohmayer, T et al., ApJ, 445, 731 (1995)
  283. Wind Dynamics in SMC X-1. II. GINGA and ROSAT Observations
    Woo, J et al., ApJ, 445, 896 (1995)
  284. A Confirmation of 2--40 keV Spectral Complexity in Seyfert Galaxies
    Weaver, K et al., ApJ, 447, 121 (1995)
  285. BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search. III. Line Detectability
    Band, D et al., ApJ, 447, 289 (1995)
  286. Five Eclipses of Hercules X-1 Observed by GINGA
    Leahy, D, ApJ, 450, 339 (1995)
  287. A Comparison of Thermal Comptonization Models
    Titarchuk, L & Hua, X, ApJ, 452, 226 (1995)
  288. Statistics of X-Ray Fluctuations from Cygnus X-1: Reservoirs in the Disk?
    Negoro, H et al., ApJL, 452, L49 (1995)
  289. Implications of Gamma-Ray Transparency Constraints in Blazars: Minimum Distances and Gamma-Ray Collimation
    Becker, P & Kafatos, M, ApJ, 453, 83 (1995)
  290. New Features of the X-Ray Dip Source 1755-338
    Seon, K et al., ApJ, 454, 463 (1995)
  291. PSR 1509-58 and Its Plerionic Environment
    Greiveldinger, C et al., ApJ, 454, 855 (1995)
  292. A Gamma-Ray Monte Carlo Study of the Clumpy Debris of SN 1987A
    Burrows, A & van Riper, K, ApJ, 455, 215 (1995)
  293. On Accretion Component of the Flare Activity in Algol
    Pustylnik, I, BaltA, 4, 64 (1995)
  294. The GINGA hard X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis
    Beardmore, A et al., MNRAS, 272, 749 (1995)
  295. Detection of broad iron K lines in active galaxies
    Mushotzky, R et al., MNRAS, 272, L9 (1995)
  296. X-ray observations of NGC 1851 and the globular cluster LMXBs
    Callanan, P et al., MNRAS, 273, 201 (1995)
  297. Optical properties of the new polar RXJ1940.2-1025
    Watson, M et al., MNRAS, 273, 681 (1995)
  298. ROSAT and GINGA observations of the magnetic cataclysmic variable QQ Vul: evidence for two-pole accretion
    Beardmore, A et al., MNRAS, 273, 742 (1995)
  299. Nearby galaxies and the GINGA X-ray background
    Carrera, F et al., MNRAS, 275, 22 (1995)
  300. The soft X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151 revisited
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 275, 1003 (1995)
  301. The EF ERI GINGA data and physical models for the X-ray spectra of AM Herculis systems
    Done, C et al., MNRAS, 276, 483 (1995)
  302. The EUV/X-ray spectrum of SS Cygni in outburst
    Ponman, T et al., MNRAS, 276, 495 (1995)
  303. Analysis of an eclipse INGRESS during a high state of Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D & Yoshida, A, MNRAS, 276, 607 (1995)
  304. X-Ray Spectrum of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 0548-322 Observed with GINGA
    Tashiro, M et al., PASJ, 47, 131 (1995)
  305. The Dipping Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1916-05 Observed with GINGA
    Yoshida, K et al., PASJ, 47, 141 (1995)
  306. Orbital Period Changes of Cygnus X-3
    Kitamoto, S et al., PASJ, 47, 233 (1995)
  307. Iron Line Energy and Equivalent Width of the Galactic Ridge Emission
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, PASJ, 47, 439 (1995)
  308. Discovery of X-Ray Bursts from GX 13+1 (4U 1811-17)
    Matsuba, E et al., PASJ, 47, 575 (1995)
  309. Development of a New Detector for Hard X-Ray Observations of Non-Thermal Emission from Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Manandhar, R, PhD Thesis, 10 (1995)
  310. Theoretical and Observational Studies of the Central Engines of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Sivron, R, PhD Thesis, 20 (1995)
  311. The Accretion Flows in the X-Ray Binary Pulsars VELA X-1 and Hercules X-1 Inferred from Time-Resolved Multiwavelength Spectroscopy
    Boroson, B, PhD Thesis, 26 (1995)
  312. Observational study of X-ray spectra of binary pulsars with Ginga
    Mihara, T, PhD Thesis, 215 (1995)
  313. Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of GX 340+0
    Oosterbroek, T et al., A&A, 281, 803 (1994)
  314. PG 1416-129 : a broad absorption line QSO with low intrinsic X-ray absorption
    de Kool, M & Meurs, E, A&A, 281, L65 (1994)
  315. Radio, infrared and X-ray activity of Cygnus X-3
    Kitamoto, S et al., A&A, 281, L85 (1994)
  316. The X-ray continuum of Tycho’s remnant measured with Ginga
    Fink, H et al., A&A, 283, 635 (1994)
  317. An X-ray study of IC443 and the discovery of a new supernova remnant by ROSAT
    Asaoka, I & Aschenbach, B, A&A, 284, 573 (1994)
  318. Simultaneous observations of Seyfert 1 galaxies with IUE, ROSAT and GINGA
    Walter, R et al., A&A, 285, 119 (1994)
  319. Near-simultaneous ROSAT and GINGA observations of the 1991 X-ray transient in Musca
    Greiner, J et al., A&A, 285, 509 (1994)
  320. HEXE observations of black hole X-ray transients
    Doebereiner, S et al., A&A, 287, 105 (1994)
  321. Modeling the X-ray spectrum of Kepler’s supernova remnant
    Decourchelle, A & Ballet, J, A&A, 287, 206 (1994)
  322. The soft component in the X-ray spectrum of 4U 1700-37
    Haberl, F et al., A&A, 288, 796 (1994)
  323. Spectral and correlated timing behaviour of GX5-1
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 289, 795 (1994)
  324. Black-hole stellar accretion in active galactic nuclei
    Hameury, J et al., A&A, 292, 404 (1994)
  325. Extended soft X-ray emission in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388 discovered with the ROSAT HRI
    Matt, G et al., A&A, 292, L13 (1994)
  326. Connection between X-Ray and Optical Variability in NGC 4151
    Oknyanskij, V, Ap&SS, 222, 157 (1994)
  327. X-Ray Continuum and Iron K Emission Line from the Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3
    Inda, M et al., ApJ, 420, 143 (1994)
  328. Detection of X-Rays from SN 1987A with ROSAT
    Gorenstein, P et al., ApJL, 420, L25 (1994)
  329. X-Ray Bumps, Iron K alpha Lines, and X-Ray Suppression by Obscuring Tori in Seyfert Galaxies
    Krolik, J et al., ApJL, 420, L57 (1994)
  330. Evidence for X-Ray Flux and Spectral Modulation by Absorption in NGC 6814. I. The Nature of the Most Rapid Variability
    Leighly, K et al., ApJ, 421, 69 (1994)
  331. The Time-Delay Spectrum of GX 5-1 in Its Horizontal Branch
    Vaughan, B et al., ApJ, 421, 738 (1994)
  332. Detection of Rotational Modulation in the Coronal Extreme-Ultraviolet Emission from V711 Tauri?
    Drake, J et al., ApJL, 421, L43 (1994)
  333. OSSE Observations of the Bright Seyfert 1 Galaxy IC 4329A: Erratum
    Fabian, A et al., ApJL, 421, L95 (1994)
  334. A Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope Observation of the Black Hole Candidate LMC X-1
    Schlegel, E et al., ApJ, 422, 243 (1994)
  335. Properties of a B0 I Stellar Wind and Interstellar Grains Derived from GINGA Observations of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52
    Clark, G et al., ApJ, 422, 336 (1994)
  336. The Multifrequency Spectral Evolution of Blazar 3C 345 during the 1991 Outburst
    Webb, J et al., ApJ, 422, 570 (1994)
  337. An X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the Pre-Eclipse Dips of Hercules X-1
    Choi, C et al., ApJ, 422, 799 (1994)
  338. Structure of X-Ray Shots of Cygnus X-1 in Its Low State
    Negoro, H et al., ApJL, 423, L127 (1994)
  339. Search for Gamma-Ray--Burst Correlation with Neutrinos
    Losecco, J, ApJ, 425, 217 (1994)
  340. Time-dependent Disk Accretion in X-Ray Nova MUSCAE 1991
    Mineshige, S et al., ApJ, 426, 308 (1994)
  341. Evidence of Circumstellar Matter Surrounding the Hercules X-1 System
    Choi, C et al., ApJ, 427, 400 (1994)
  342. Observation of Pulsed Hard X-Rays/ gamma -Rays from PSR 1509-58
    Gunji, S et al., ApJ, 428, 284 (1994)
  343. Nonthermal Pair Models, Reflection, and X-Ray Spectral Variability of Active Galaxies
    Grandi, P et al., ApJ, 428, 599 (1994)
  344. A Search for Astrophysical Sources of Low-Energy Neutrinos Using the IMB Detector
    Miller, R et al., ApJ, 428, 629 (1994)
  345. ROSAT/Optical Observations of 2S 0114+65: A Study of the 2.8 Hour Periodic Outbursts
    Finley, J et al., ApJ, 429, 356 (1994)
  346. Nonpolytropic Model for the Coma Cluster
    Fusco-Femiano, R & Hughes, J, ApJ, 429, 545 (1994)
  347. On the X-Ray Spectrum of Kepler’s Supernova Remnant
    Borkowski, K et al., ApJ, 429, 710 (1994)
  348. The Complex Optical to Soft X-Ray Spectrum of Low-Redshift Radio-quiet Quasars. I. The X-Ray Data
    Fiore, F et al., ApJ, 431, 515 (1994)
  349. X-Ray Observations of Cygnus A Using the GINGA Satellite
    Ueno, S et al., ApJL, 431, L1 (1994)
  350. Weak Soft X-Ray Excesses Need Not Result from the High-Frequency Tail of the Optical/Ultraviolet Bump in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Czerny, B & Zycki, P, ApJL, 431, L5 (1994)
  351. Correlation between X-Ray Intensity and Radio Outbursts of Cygnus X-3
    Watanabe, H et al., ApJ, 433, 350 (1994)
  352. Abundance Gradients in Cooling Flow Clusters: GINGA Large Area Counters and Einstein Solid State Spectrometer Spectra of A496, A1795, A2142, and A2199
    White, R et al., ApJ, 433, 583 (1994)
  353. Hard X-Rays from NGC 4151: A Thermal Origin?
    Titarchuk, L & Mastichiadis, A, ApJL, 433, L33 (1994)
  354. BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search. I. Search for Narrow Lines in Spectroscopy Detector Data
    Palmer, D et al., ApJL, 433, L77 (1994)
  355. The Pulsed Hard X-Ray Spectrum of PSR B1509-58
    Matz, S et al., ApJ, 434, 288 (1994)
  356. Spectral Evolution during Pre-Eclipse Dips in Hercules X-1
    Leahy, D et al., ApJ, 434, 341 (1994)
  357. Active Galactic Nuclei. V. X-Ray Variability and the Black Hole Cluster Paradigm
    Pacholczyk, A & Stoeger, W, ApJ, 434, 435 (1994)
  358. BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search. II. Bayesian Consistency Methodology
    Band, D et al., ApJ, 434, 560 (1994)
  359. Generalized Comptonization Models and Application to the Recent High-Energy Observations
    Titarchuk, L, ApJ, 434, 570 (1994)
  360. Searches for Millisecond Pulsations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries. II
    Vaughan, B et al., ApJ, 435, 362 (1994)
  361. Normalized Power Spectral Densities of Two X-Ray Components from GS 1124-683
    Miyamoto, S et al., ApJ, 435, 398 (1994)
  362. X-Ray Emission of the Pulsar--Be Star Binary PSR 1259-63
    King, A & Cominsky, L, ApJ, 435, 411 (1994)
  363. The 1993 Multiwavelength Campaign on 3C 279: The Radio to Gamma-Ray Energy Distribution in Low State
    Maraschi, L et al., ApJL, 435, L91 (1994)
  364. Time Variations in the X-Rays from Cygnus X-3 Observed with Ginga: Erratum
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 436, 418 (1994)
  365. Discovery of the Quasi-periodic Oscillations from V0332+53
    Takeshima, T et al., ApJ, 436, 871 (1994)
  366. Iron Line Intensity Variations of Hercules X-1 over the Pulse Phase and the 35 Day Cycle
    Choi, C et al., ApJ, 437, 449 (1994)
  367. On the Location of the Acceleration and Emission Sites in Gamma-Ray Blazars
    Dermer, C & Schlickeiser, R, ApJS, 90, 945 (1994)
  368. Ionization Structure of Cygnus X-3: A Massive Iron-depleted Companion?
    Terasawa, N & Nakamura, H, ApJS, 92, 477 (1994)
  369. Detection of the iron K-bet emission line and two-component X-ray emission from EX Hya
    Ishida, M et al., MNRAS, 266, 367 (1994)
  370. Constraining the complexities in Seyfert X-ray spectra - an analysis of simultaneous observations with GINGA and ROSAT
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 267, 193 (1994)
  371. X-ray reprocessing by cold clouds in active galactic nuclei
    Nandra, K & George, I, MNRAS, 267, 974 (1994)
  372. GINGA observations of the X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies
    Nandra, K & Pounds, K, MNRAS, 268, 405 (1994)
  373. A Hard X-Ray Halo around CYGNUS-X-3
    Kafuku, S et al., MNRAS, 268, 437 (1994)
  374. Is GS:2000+25 an Eclipsing Black-Hole Binary
    Shahbaz, T et al., MNRAS, 268, 763 (1994)
  375. Physical processes in the X-ray/gamma-ray source of IC 4329A
    Zdziarski, A et al., MNRAS, 269, L55 (1994)
  376. ROSAT observations of a soft X-ray emission component in the intermediate polar RE 0751+14
    Duck, S et al., MNRAS, 271, 372 (1994)
  377. Estimating the power spectra of unevenly sampled X-ray time series: unresolved Gaussian fitting to the autocorrelation function
    Merrifield, M & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 271, 899 (1994)
  378. ROSAT PSPC observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies Ark 564, NGC 985, KAZ 163, MRK 79 and RX J2256.6+0525
    Brandt, W et al., MNRAS, 271, 958 (1994)
  379. The Be Star Gamma Cassiopeiae: X-Ray, Far-UV, and Optical Observations in Early 1989
    Horaguchi, T et al., PASJ, 46, 9 (1994)
  380. Equivalent Width of Cyclotron Lines in Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra: Noncoherent Scattering
    Nishimura, O, PASJ, 46, 45 (1994)
  381. Spectral Study of GX 339-4 in the Low-Intensity State Observed with GINGA
    Ueda, Y et al., PASJ, 46, 107 (1994)
  382. X-Ray Variability from the BL Lacertae Object H0323+022
    Kohmura, Y et al., PASJ, 46, 131 (1994)
  383. Fractal Analysis of X-Ray Emission from Centaurus X-3 Observed by GINGA
    Kanetake, R et al., PASJ, 46, 235 (1994)
  384. GINGA Observations of SN 1006 and the Lupus Region
    Ozaki, M et al., PASJ, 46, 367 (1994)
  385. Spectral Evolution of the Bright X-Ray Nova GS 1124-68 (Nova MUSCAE 1991) Observed with GINGA
    Ebisawa, K et al., PASJ, 46, 375 (1994)
  386. GINGA Observation of the Orion B Cloud Region
    Yamauchi, S et al., PASJ, 46, 473 (1994)
  387. Spectral Variations along the Branches in GX 5-1
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 46, 479 (1994)
  388. Do X-Ray Sporadic Flare-ups of GS 2023+338 (=V404 Cyg) Relate to Orbital Motion ?
    Terada, K et al., PASJ, 46, 677 (1994)
  389. The X-Ray Emission of 3C 273 Observed with ASCA
    Yaqoob, T et al., PASJ, 46, L49 (1994)
  390. ASCA Observations of the Wolf-Rayet Binary HD 193793
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 46, L93 (1994)
  391. An ASCA Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3
    Iwasawa, K et al., PASJ, 46, L167 (1994)
  392. GINGA and ROSAT Observations of the Cataclysmic Variable S193
    Szkody, P et al., PASP, 106, 616 (1994)
  393. X-ray emission and temperature profiles for optically selected models of elliptical galaxies
    Bertin, G et al., A&A, 271, 381 (1993)
  394. NGC 5548 : a perfect laboratory for testing AGN models ?
    Rokaki, E et al., A&A, 272, 8 (1993)
  395. Similarity of the variability patterns in the EXOSAT and GINGA folded light curves of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814
    Abramowicz, M et al., A&A, 272, 400 (1993)
  396. An extended correlation between the Balmer and soft X-ray emission from solar and stellar flares
    Butler, C, A&A, 272, 507 (1993)
  397. The orbit and pulse period of X 1538-522 from GINGA observations
    Corbet, R et al., A&A, 276, 52 (1993)
  398. Multifrequency observations of AB Doradus. X-ray flaring and rotational modulation of a young star
    Vilhu, O et al., A&A, 278, 467 (1993)
  399. UV and X-ray emission in the interacting binary U Cephei
    Gimenez, A et al., A&AS, 97, 261 (1993)
  400. On the cyclotron lines in gamma-ray burs spectra
    Zheleznyakov, V & Serber, A, AZh, 70, 1002 (1993)
  401. ROSAT observations of galaxy clusters and cosmological implications
    Boehringer, H, AdSpR, 13, 12181 (1993)
  402. BBXRT and Ginga observations of AGN
    Done, C, AdSpR, 13, 12211 (1993)
  403. Ginga observations of Seyfert galaxies
    Awaki, H & Koyama, K, AdSpR, 13, 12221 (1993)
  404. ROSAT deep surveys
    Hasinger, G, AdSpR, 13, 12241 (1993)
  405. Fluctuation analyses of the X-ray background
    Barcons, X, AdSpR, 13, 12253 (1993)
  406. The structure of the IC443 supernova remnant complex derived from ROSAT and Ginga observations
    Asaoka, I & Aschenbach, B, AdSpR, 13, 12277 (1993)
  407. The highly ionised absorbing material in MR2251-178
    Mineo, T & Stewart, G, AdSpR, 13, 12347 (1993)
  408. The luminosity dependence of the phase-averaged X-ray spectrum of the transient 42 second pulsar EXO 2030+375
    Parmar, A et al., AdSpR, 13, 12355 (1993)
  409. Two-component continuum spectrum X-ray pulsar EXO2030+375
    Sun, X et al., AdSpR, 13, 12383 (1993)
  410. A multi-frequency study of Wolf-Rayet stars: A case for long-period binaries
    van der Hucht, K & Williams, P, AdSpR, 13, 12561 (1993)
  411. Multiwavelength monitoring of active galactic nuclei
    Urry, C, AdSpR, 13, 12573 (1993)
  412. A review of recent results on cosmic gamma-ray bursts
    Hurley, K, AdSpR, 13, 12679 (1993)
  413. Hard X-ray spectral properties and discovery of narrow annihilation line in the spectrum of Nova Muscae
    Gilfanov, M et al., AdSpR, 13, 12695 (1993)
  414. Variability of X-Ray Emission from CEN X-3 Observed with GINGA
    Kanetake, R et al., Ap&SS, 210, 113 (1993)
  415. Simultaneous ROSAT, GINGA, VLA, IUE, and Optical Observations of the Bright Quasar H1821+643
    Kolman, M et al., ApJ, 402, 514 (1993)
  416. The Unstable Long-Term Periodicity of Aquila X-1
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 403, 315 (1993)
  417. Simultaneous GINGA and IUE Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3516
    Kolman, M et al., ApJ, 403, 592 (1993)
  418. Spectral Variations of LMC X-3 Observed with GINGA
    Ebisawa, K et al., ApJ, 403, 684 (1993)
  419. Another Canonical Time Variation of X-Rays from Black Hole Candidates in the Very High Flare State?
    Miyamoto, S et al., ApJL, 403, L39 (1993)
  420. The X-Ray Spectral Variability of the BL Lacertae Type Object PKS 2155-304
    Sembay, S et al., ApJ, 404, 112 (1993)
  421. GINGA Observations of the Coma Cluster and Studies of the Spatial Distribution of Iron
    Hughes, J et al., ApJ, 404, 611 (1993)
  422. The 6.7 keV Iron Line Distribution in the Galaxy
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, ApJ, 404, 620 (1993)
  423. Soft Variability and Reflection Features in the X-Ray Spectrum of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5506
    Bond, I et al., ApJ, 405, 179 (1993)
  424. Hard X-Rays from the Orion Nebula Region
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, ApJ, 405, 268 (1993)
  425. The X-Ray Outburst from X0115+634 in 1990 February: Erratum
    Tamura, K et al., ApJ, 405, 402 (1993)
  426. BBXRT and GINGA Observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 335
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 407, 556 (1993)
  427. Optical and X-Ray Observations of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    Thomas, B et al., ApJ, 408, 651 (1993)
  428. The Discovery of Pulsed Iron Line Emission from Centaurus X-3
    Day, C et al., ApJ, 408, 656 (1993)
  429. X-Ray Evidence for Seyfert Activity Buried in the Infrared Galaxy NGC 4945
    Iwasawa, K et al., ApJ, 409, 155 (1993)
  430. Discovery of Orbital Decay in SMC X-1
    Levine, A et al., ApJ, 410, 328 (1993)
  431. A Turbulent Model of Time Variability in X-Ray Binary Pulsars
    Hoshino, M & Takeshima, T, ApJL, 411, L79 (1993)
  432. A Catalog of Intracluster Gas Temperatures
    David, L et al., ApJ, 412, 479 (1993)
  433. The X-Ray Baldwin Effect
    Iwasawa, K & Taniguchi, Y, ApJL, 413, L15 (1993)
  434. Soft X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert 2 Galaxies
    Mulchaey, J et al., ApJ, 414, 144 (1993)
  435. Active Galactic Nuclei Make the Cosmic X-Ray Background
    Zdziarski, A et al., ApJL, 414, L81 (1993)
  436. EGRET Limits on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from X-Ray-- and Low-Energy Gamma-Ray--selected Seyfert Galaxies
    Lin, Y et al., ApJL, 416, L53 (1993)
  437. OSSE Observations of the Bright Seyfert 1 Galaxy IC 4329A
    Fabian, A et al., ApJL, 416, L57 (1993)
  438. A BBXRT Observation of the High-Luminosity Quasar H1821+643
    Yaqoob, T et al., ApJ, 418, 638 (1993)
  439. Cygnus X-3 in an “Ultrahigh” X-Ray State with No Detected K alpha Line Emission
    Smale, A et al., ApJ, 418, 894 (1993)
  440. Spatially Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2256
    Miyaji, T et al., ApJ, 419, 66 (1993)
  441. X-Ray Observations of the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 419, 127 (1993)
  442. GINGA Observations of X0512-401 in the Globular Cluster NGC1851
    Ercan, E et al., IJMPD, 2, 497 (1993)
  443. SN 1987A: A View from Space
    Wamsteker, W, LNP, 416, 199 (1993)
  444. The broad-band X-ray spectral variability of MRK 841
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 260, 111 (1993)
  445. The subdegree angular structure of the X-ray sky as seen by the GINGA satellite
    Carrera, F et al., MNRAS, 260, 376 (1993)
  446. A ROSAT observation of NGC 5548
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 260, 504 (1993)
  447. Simultaneous ROSAT/Ginga observations of 4U 1820-30
    van der Klis, M et al., MNRAS, 260, 686 (1993)
  448. Unified model fitting to variable X-ray spectra of Cygnus X-3
    Nakamura, H et al., MNRAS, 261, 353 (1993)
  449. The soft X-ray excesses of high-luminosity AGN
    Saxton, R et al., MNRAS, 262, 63 (1993)
  450. Iron K-alpha lines from X-ray photoionized accretion discs
    Matt, G et al., MNRAS, 262, 179 (1993)
  451. Detection of a 5.7h period in the globular cluster X-ray source 4U 1746-371
    Sansom, A et al., MNRAS, 262, 429 (1993)
  452. Further probing of the X-ray source in NGC 4151 : new constraints on the nuclear geometry
    Yaqoob, T et al., MNRAS, 262, 435 (1993)
  453. GINGA observations of X 1820-303 in the globular cluster NGC 6624
    Ercan, E et al., MNRAS, 262, 511 (1993)
  454. Further constraints on the warm absorber in MR 2251-17.8 from GINGA and EXOSAT observations
    Mineo, T & Stewart, G, MNRAS, 262, 817 (1993)
  455. A ROSAT PSPC observation of Abell 478 : the distribution of X-ray absorbing matter in a massive cooling flow
    Allen, S et al., MNRAS, 262, 901 (1993)
  456. X-ray observations of EX Hydrae with the Einstein solid state spectrometer
    Singh, J & Swank, J, MNRAS, 262, 1000 (1993)
  457. Unified theories of active galactic nuclei : the hard X-ray spectrum of NGC 1068
    Smith, D et al., MNRAS, 263, 54 (1993)
  458. Stellar accretion in active galactic nuclei
    King, A & Done, C, MNRAS, 264, 388 (1993)
  459. An estiumate of the central black hole mass in NGC 6814
    Campana, S & Stella, L, MNRAS, 264, 395 (1993)
  460. Is X1957+11 a black hole candidate ?
    Yaqoob, T et al., MNRAS, 264, 411 (1993)
  461. X-ray properties of active galaxies with high intrinsic absorption
    Warwick, R et al., MNRAS, 265, 412 (1993)
  462. The ionization structure of Cygnus X-3 : a massive iron-depleted companion ?
    Terasawa, N & Nakamura, H, MNRAS, 265, L1 (1993)
  463. Disc-overflow accretion in the intermediate polar FO Aquarii
    Hellier, C, MNRAS, 265, L35 (1993)
  464. Two sources of diffuse X-ray emission from the Galactic Centre
    Markevitch, M et al., Natur, 364, 40 (1993)
  465. On the Nature of SCT X-1
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, PASJ, 45, 449 (1993)
  466. Extended Hot-Gas Halos around Starburst Galaxies
    Tomisaka, K & Bregman, J, PASJ, 45, 513 (1993)
  467. Hard X-Ray Emission from the Region near the Supernova Remnant HB 9 and the Radio Galaxy 4C 46.09
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, PASJ, 45, 545 (1993)
  468. Model Spectra for GX 17+2 in the Flaring and Horizontal Branches
    Hoshi, R & Asaoka, I, PASJ, 45, 567 (1993)
  469. Low State Properties of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary X1608-522 Observed with GINGA
    Yoshida, K et al., PASJ, 45, 605 (1993)
  470. Diffuse Emission from the Coma--A1367 Supercluster and Cosmic X-Ray Background
    Tawara, Y et al., PASJ, 45, 661 (1993)
  471. X-Ray Spectrum and Structure of the Supernova Remnant RX 04591+5147
    Yamauchi, S et al., PASJ, 45, 795 (1993)
  472. GINGA Observations of GX 3+1: Long-Term Variabilities, Branches, and X-Ray Bursts
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 45, 801 (1993)
  473. Possible X-Ray Emission from a New Southern QSO HE 1029-1401
    Iwasawa, K et al., PASJ, 45, L7 (1993)
  474. The complex broadband x-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies
    Weaver, K, PhD Thesis, 3 (1993)
  475. The 35-DAY Pulse Evolution Cycle of HER X-1
    Scott, D, PhD Thesis, 12 (1993)
  476. The Stellar Wind Structure of the Massive Companions of the Binary X-Ray Pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds
    Woo, J, PhD Thesis, 26 (1993)
  477. The origin of the X-ray emission in 3C 273 and 3C 120
    Walter, R & Courvoisier, T, A&A, 258, 255 (1992)
  478. Time-resolved spectral analysis of three Seyfert galaxies observed with Ginga
    Fiore, F et al., A&A, 262, 37 (1992)
  479. HEXE observations of active galactic nuclei : constraints on pairs and Compton reflection
    Maisack, M et al., A&A, 262, 433 (1992)
  480. A GINGA observation of the supergiant X-ray binary system 4U 1700-37/HD 153919
    Haberl, F & Day, C, A&A, 263, 241 (1992)
  481. SIGMA observations of the Virgo cluster
    Lebrun, F et al., A&A, 264, 22 (1992)
  482. X-ray spectroscopy of the young supernova remnant RCW 86
    Kaastra, J et al., A&A, 264, 654 (1992)
  483. Coordinated X-ray and optical observations of Scorpins X-1
    Augusteijn, T et al., A&A, 265, 177 (1992)
  484. Dynamic phenomena on the RS Canum Venaticorum binary II Pegasi in August 1989. I. Observational data
    Doyle, J et al., A&AS, 96, 351 (1992)
  485. Time Variations in the X-Rays from Cygnus X-3 Observed with GINGA
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 384, 263 (1992)
  486. Dark Matter in NGC 4472
    Loewenstein, M, ApJ, 384, 474 (1992)
  487. X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Seyfert I Galaxy NGC 4051
    Kunieda, H et al., ApJ, 384, 482 (1992)
  488. X-Ray Study of NGC 1399 in the Fornax Cluster of Galaxies
    Ikebe, Y et al., ApJL, 384, L5 (1992)
  489. Simultaneous X-Ray and Radio Observations of GX 5-1
    Tan, J et al., ApJ, 385, 314 (1992)
  490. The X-Ray Spectra of High-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Observed by Ginga
    Williams, O et al., ApJ, 389, 157 (1992)
  491. EXOSAT Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 382
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, ApJ, 389, 179 (1992)
  492. X-Ray Scattering and Fluorescence in the Wind of a Massive X-Ray Binary
    Lewis, W et al., ApJ, 389, 665 (1992)
  493. The X-Ray Outburst from X0115+634 in 1990 February
    Tamura, K et al., ApJ, 389, 676 (1992)
  494. H0538+608 (= BY Camelopardalis): an Asynchronously Rotating AM Herculis Binary?
    Silber, A et al., ApJ, 389, 704 (1992)
  495. A2163: an Exceptionally Hot Cluster of Galaxies
    Arnaud, M et al., ApJ, 390, 345 (1992)
  496. Evidence for an Ionized Reprocessor in NGC 6814
    Turner, T et al., ApJ, 391, 102 (1992)
  497. X-Ray Spectrum and Time Variation of X1850-087 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6712
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 391, 220 (1992)
  498. Coordinated Ginga, IUE, and VLA Observations of Stellar Activity in sigma 2 Coronae Borealis
    Stern, R et al., ApJ, 391, 760 (1992)
  499. Canonical Time Variations of X-Rays from Black Hole Candidates in the Low-Intensity State
    Miyamoto, S et al., ApJL, 391, L21 (1992)
  500. Correlated Hard X-Ray and Ultraviolet Variability in NGC 5548
    Clavel, J et al., ApJ, 393, 113 (1992)
  501. Shot Noise in Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Belli, B, ApJ, 393, 266 (1992)
  502. Rotational Parameters of PSR 0540-69 as Measured at Optical Wavelengths
    Gouiffes, C et al., ApJ, 394, 581 (1992)
  503. Discovery and X-Ray Properties of GS 1124-683 (=Nova Muscae)
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 394, 609 (1992)
  504. An Ionized Accretion Disk in Cygnus X-1
    Done, C et al., ApJ, 395, 275 (1992)
  505. X-Ray Spectral Structure of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 6814
    Yamauchi, M et al., ApJ, 395, 453 (1992)
  506. The Polar CAP Structure of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52
    Bulik, T et al., ApJ, 395, 564 (1992)
  507. GINGA Observations of Centaurus X-3
    Nagase, F et al., ApJ, 396, 147 (1992)
  508. X-Ray Variability of Scorpius X-1 during a Multiwavelength Campaign
    Hertz, P et al., ApJ, 396, 201 (1992)
  509. The X-Ray Spectrum of Abell 665
    Hughes, J & Tanaka, Y, ApJ, 398, 62 (1992)
  510. X-Ray Spectra of Bright Core-dominant Quasars: NRAO 140 and 4C 34.47
    Ohashi, T et al., ApJ, 398, 87 (1992)
  511. Hard X-Ray Emission from a Narrow-Line Radio Galaxy IC 5063 and Obscured Active Nucleus
    Koyama, K et al., ApJL, 399, L129 (1992)
  512. The X-Ray Variability of NGC 6814: Power Spectrum
    Done, C et al., ApJ, 400, 138 (1992)
  513. GINGA Observations of X-Ray Flares on Algol
    Stern, R et al., ApJ, 400, 321 (1992)
  514. GINGA Observations of the Dipping Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries XB 1916-053 and EXO 0748-676
    Smale, A et al., ApJ, 400, 330 (1992)
  515. Modelling of the Large X-ray Flare on II Peg Observed with GINGA
    Kellett, B et al., LNP, 397, 289 (1992)
  516. GINGA and EXOSAT observations of the Perseus cluster of galaxies
    Allen, S et al., MNRAS, 254, 51 (1992)
  517. GINGA observations of the old nova GK Persei in quiescence and outburst
    Ishida, M et al., MNRAS, 254, 647 (1992)
  518. A GINGA observation of FO AQR : discless accretion and multiple emission components
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 254, 705 (1992)
  519. Hard X-rays from the contact binary VW Cephei
    Tsuru, T et al., MNRAS, 255, 192 (1992)
  520. The spectral signature of the cooling flow in Abell 478
    Johnstone, R et al., MNRAS, 255, 431 (1992)
  521. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the Z source GX 5-1
    Lewin, W et al., MNRAS, 256, 545 (1992)
  522. The relation between the bolometric flux and the blackbody temperature atthe peak of type II bursts from the Rapid Burster
    Lubin, L et al., MNRAS, 256, 624 (1992)
  523. A search for the iron absorption edge in the tail of an X-ray burst from X1636-53
    Day, C et al., MNRAS, 257, 471 (1992)
  524. Non-thermal pair models of the X-ray spectral index variability in NGC 4151
    Yaqoob, T, MNRAS, 258, 198 (1992)
  525. Energy structure of the accretion disc corona in X 1822-371
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 258, 457 (1992)
  526. BG Canis Minoris/3A 0729+103 : the true spin period revealed ?
    Norton, A et al., MNRAS, 258, 697 (1992)
  527. A new, EUV-bright intermediate polar discovered in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey
    Mason, K et al., MNRAS, 258, 749 (1992)
  528. X-ray spectra of eight Seyfert galaxies
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, MNRAS, 259, 175 (1992)
  529. X-ray spectral signatures of very thick cold matter in the spectra of Seyfert galaxies
    Piro, L et al., NCimC, 15, 811 (1992)
  530. High-energy spectral changes in three Seyfert galaxies observed with GINGA
    Fiore, F et al., NCimC, 15, 819 (1992)
  531. X-ray signatures of cold accretion disks in AGNs
    Matt, G et al., NCimC, 15, 825 (1992)
  532. A perspective view to hard-X-ray astronomy
    dal Fiume, D & Frontera, F, NCimC, 15, 851 (1992)
  533. A 6.5-day periodicity in the recurrent nova V404 Cygni implying the presence of a black hole
    Casares, J et al., Natur, 355, 614 (1992)
  534. Does an orbiting star cause periodic modulation of X-rays from NGC6814?
    Sikora, M & Begelman, M, Natur, 356, 224 (1992)
  535. Pulse Period History and Cyclotron Resonance Feature of the X-Ray Pulsar 1E 2259+586
    Iwasawa, K et al., PASJ, 44, 9 (1992)
  536. Equivalent Width of Cyclotron Lines in Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra
    Nishimura, O & Ebisuzaki, T, PASJ, 44, 109 (1992)
  537. On X-Ray Luminosities of the Quiescent X-Ray Novae: GS 2000+25 and GS 2023+338
    Mineshige, S et al., PASJ, 44, 117 (1992)
  538. Hard X-Rays from the Supernova Remnant IC 443
    Wang, Z et al., PASJ, 44, 303 (1992)
  539. GINGA Observation of SS Cygni
    Yoshida, K et al., PASJ, 44, 537 (1992)
  540. Orbital Period Change of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO0748-676
    Asai, K et al., PASJ, 44, 633 (1992)
  541. Discovery of Two Transient X-Ray Sources in the Vela-Puppis Region: Pulsar GS0834-430 and Burster GS0836-429
    Aoki, T et al., PASJ, 44, 641 (1992)
  542. Black Hole Accretion Disks Exhibiting Superhumps
    Mineshige, S et al., PASJ, 44, L15 (1992)
  543. Discovery of a Hard X-Ray Flare from the Rho Ophiuchi Dark Cloud
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 44, L255 (1992)
  544. Temporal and Spectral Variability in Luminous X-Ray Binaries
    Vaughan, B, PhD Thesis, 1 (1992)
  545. The X-ray emission of SS 433
    Brinkmann, W et al., A&A, 241, 112 (1991)
  546. X-ray observations of the broad line radio galaxy 3C 382 : variability, an iron line and soft X-ray emission
    Kaastra, J et al., A&A, 242, 27 (1991)
  547. GINGA observation of distant galaxy clusters : temperature and iron abundance of A 2507 and A 483
    Arnaud, M et al., A&A, 243, 56 (1991)
  548. The iron line and high energy bump as X-ray signatures of cold matter in Seyfert 1 galaxies
    Matt, G et al., A&A, 247, 25 (1991)
  549. A search for reflection features in the X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
    Maisack, M & Yaqoob, T, A&A, 249, 25 (1991)
  550. Erratum - GINGA Observation of Distant Galaxy Clusters - Temperature and Iron Abundance of A:2507 and A:483
    Arnaud, M et al., A&A, 250, 580 (1991)
  551. X-ray spectrum of the radio-loud quasar PKS 1217+023
    Ghosh, K & Soundararajaperumal, S, A&A, 252, 53 (1991)
  552. A spectral signature of thick matter in the X-ray spectrum from the Seyfert 1 galaxy, IC4329A
    Matsuoka, M et al., AdSpR, 11, 0841 (1991)
  553. The most recent results of GRB observations with Ginga
    Murakami, T, AdSpR, 11, 08119 (1991)
  554. Archival flash images: Optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts or defects?
    Greiner, J & Wenzel, W, AdSpR, 11, 08149 (1991)
  555. GINGA Observations of Three X-Ray--luminous Galaxies: NGC 4472, NGC 4636, and NGC 3998
    Awaki, H et al., ApJ, 366, 88 (1991)
  556. The Orbital Ephemeris and Eclipse Transitions of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary EXO 0748-676
    Parmar, A et al., ApJ, 366, 253 (1991)
  557. "Superlow-State" Hard X-Ray Observation of Cygnus X-1
    Ubertini, P et al., ApJ, 366, 544 (1991)
  558. A New X-Ray Pulsar GS 2138+56 (Cepheus X-4)
    Koyama, K et al., ApJL, 366, L19 (1991)
  559. GINGA Observation of an AM Herculis Type Source H0538+608
    Ishida, M et al., ApJ, 367, 270 (1991)
  560. X-Ray Continuum and Evidence for an Iron Emission Line from the Quasar E1821+643
    Kii, T et al., ApJ, 367, 455 (1991)
  561. Discovery of 111 Second Pulsation from the X-Ray Source Scutum X-1
    Koyama, K et al., ApJL, 370, L77 (1991)
  562. Changes in the 11 Minute Period of 4U 1820-30
    Tan, J et al., ApJ, 374, 291 (1991)
  563. Cyclotron Resonant Scattering and Absorption
    Harding, A & Daugherty, J, ApJ, 374, 687 (1991)
  564. A Jet Model for a Very High State of GX 339-4
    Miyamoto, S & Kitamoto, S, ApJ, 374, 741 (1991)
  565. Cyclotron Line Features in the Spectrum of the Transient X-Ray Pulsar X0115+634
    Nagase, F et al., ApJL, 375, L49 (1991)
  566. Observations of Scorpius X-1 with IUE: Ultraviolet Results from a Multiwavelength Campaign
    Vrtilek, S et al., ApJ, 376, 278 (1991)
  567. An X-Ray Pulsator in the Direction of Molecular Cloud MBM 12 (Lynds 1457)
    Koyama, K et al., ApJ, 377, 240 (1991)
  568. Searches for Millisecond Pulsations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Wood, K et al., ApJ, 379, 295 (1991)
  569. A Measurement of the Value of the Hubble Constant from the X-Ray Properties and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect of Abell 665
    Birkinshaw, M et al., ApJ, 379, 466 (1991)
  570. Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonance Feature at 30 keV from the Transient X-Ray Pulsar Cepheus X-4
    Mihara, T et al., ApJL, 379, L61 (1991)
  571. Discovery of Periodic Eclipses in the X-Ray Pulsar 1H 0253+193
    Kamata, Y et al., ApJL, 379, L65 (1991)
  572. LMC X-4: GINGA Observations and Search for Orbital Period Changes
    Levine, A et al., ApJ, 381, 101 (1991)
  573. Discovery of a Long-Term Periodic Variation in LMC X-3
    Cowley, A et al., ApJ, 381, 526 (1991)
  574. Multifrequency Observations of BL Lacertae in 1988
    Kawai, N et al., ApJ, 382, 508 (1991)
  575. Decrease in the Orbital Period of Hercules X-1
    Deeter, J et al., ApJ, 383, 324 (1991)
  576. Relativistic Enhancement of the Compton-reflected Component in Active Galactic Nuclei
    Rogers, R, ApJ, 383, 550 (1991)
  577. X-Ray Variability of GX 339-4 in Its Very High State
    Miyamoto, S et al., ApJ, 383, 784 (1991)
  578. V/V max Test Applied to GINGA Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Ogasaka, Y et al., ApJL, 383, L61 (1991)
  579. X-Ray and Radio Pulse Phase Comparison for PSR 1509-58
    Kawai, N et al., ApJL, 383, L65 (1991)
  580. GINGA Observations of AB Doradus
    Vilhu, O et al., LNP, 385, 30 (1991)
  581. Iron Line Emission Features in Clusters of Galaxies
    Koyama, K, LNP, 385, 67 (1991)
  582. Iron Lines in X-ray Pulsators
    Nagase, F, LNP, 385, 111 (1991)
  583. GINGA Observation of X1820-303 and Its Iron-line Emission
    Kellett, B et al., LNP, 385, 143 (1991)
  584. Iron Kα lines and the absorption structure of intermediate polars
    Norton, A et al., LNP, 385, 155 (1991)
  585. Spectral Features in AGN: Problems and Questions
    Piro, L, LNP, 385, 187 (1991)
  586. The Origin of the X-ray Spectra of AGN
    Ghisellini, G et al., LNP, 385, 214 (1991)
  587. Iron K-lines from Accretion Disks Around Schwarzschild Black Holes
    Stella, L & Campana, S, LNP, 385, 230 (1991)
  588. Rapid Variability of Iron Line from NGC 6814
    Kunieda, H et al., LNP, 385, 241 (1991)
  589. Iron Line Variability and Geometry in Seyfert Galaxies
    Walter, R, LNP, 385, 247 (1991)
  590. Simultaneous detection of a large flare in the X-ray and optical regions on the RS CVn-type star II Peg
    Doyle, J et al., MNRAS, 248, 503 (1991)
  591. A three-year record of the branch behaviour of the Z source GX 5-1 (4U 1758-25)
    van der Klis, M et al., MNRAS, 248, 751 (1991)
  592. Compton reflection and the variable X-ray spectrum of NGC 5548
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 248, 760 (1991)
  593. The X-ray spectral variability of NGC 4151
    Yaqoob, T & Warwick, R, MNRAS, 248, 773 (1991)
  594. Quasi-periodic oscillations in the Z source GX 340+0
    Penninx, W et al., MNRAS, 249, 113 (1991)
  595. GINGA X-ray observation of EX Hya : new constraints on the accretion model
    Rosen, S et al., MNRAS, 249, 417 (1991)
  596. The correlation function of the 4-12 keV X-ray background intensity measured with the GINGA LAC
    Carrera, F et al., MNRAS, 249, 698 (1991)
  597. Non-periodic intensity variations in the X-ray pulsar GX301-2
    Tashiro, M et al., MNRAS, 252, 156 (1991)
  598. GINGA observations of the Shapley supercluster
    Day, C et al., MNRAS, 252, 394 (1991)
  599. On the puzzling nature of the X-ray binary Circinus X-X-1
    Stewart, R et al., MNRAS, 253, 212 (1991)
  600. Gamma-ray burst observations: overview of recent results
    Vedrenne, G, NYASA, 647, 556 (1991)
  601. Gamma-ray burst theory
    Hartmann, D, NYASA, 647, 575 (1991)
  602. The origin of the X-ray background
    Fabian, A, NYASA, 647, 663 (1991)
  603. Iron distribution in the intracluster gas of the Virgo cluster of galaxies
    Koyama, K et al., Natur, 350, 135 (1991)
  604. A rapid energetic X-ray flare in the quasar PKS0558-504
    Remillard, R et al., Natur, 350, 589 (1991)
  605. A γ-ray burst preceded by X-ray activity
    Murakami, T et al., Natur, 350, 592 (1991)
  606. A hot gas model for iron-line X-ray emission from the rapidly varying Seyfert galaxy NGC6814
    Hayakawa, S, Natur, 351, 214 (1991)
  607. GINGA to fall soon
    Swinbanks, D, Natur, 353, 782 (1991)
  608. X-ray observations of SN 1987A with Ginga
    Inoue, H et al., PASAu, 9, 107 (1991)
  609. Two Hard X-Ray Sources in the Central Region of the Virgo Cluster
    Takano, S & Koyama, K, PASJ, 43, 1 (1991)
  610. Relation between the Qausi-Periodic Oscillations and the Low-Frequency Noise of GX 5-1 in the Horizontal Branch
    Mitsuda, K et al., PASJ, 43, 113 (1991)
  611. X-Ray Implications of a Unified Model of Seyfert Galaxies
    Awaki, H et al., PASJ, 43, 195 (1991)
  612. X-Ray Observation of SN 1987A from GINGA
    Inoue, H et al., PASJ, 43, 213 (1991)
  613. X-Ray Spectrum of Hercules X-1 in the Low State of the 35-Day Cycle
    Mihara, T et al., PASJ, 43, 501 (1991)
  614. Discovery of Strong Absorption in the X-Ray Spectrum of Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4507
    Awaki, H et al., PASJ, 43, L37 (1991)
  615. Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux from Centaurus X-3 Observed with GINGA
    Takeshima, T et al., PASJ, 43, L43 (1991)
  616. A New Detection of Cyclotron Lines Seen in a Gamma-Ray Burst GB890929
    Yoshida, A et al., PASJ, 43, L69 (1991)
  617. Search of signatures for pair production and reflection in high energy X ray spectra of active galaxies
    Maisack, M, PhD Thesis, 4 (1991)
  618. Spectral Study of Black Hole Candidates Observed with Ginga
    Ebisawa, K, PhD Thesis, 55 (1991)
  619. Radiation Transfer in Massive Binary X-Ray Systems
    Lewis, W, PhD Thesis, 68 (1991)
  620. X-Ray Spectra, Variability and Pair Wind Models of Seyfert 1 Nuclei
    Leighly, K, PhD Thesis, 75 (1991)
  621. X-ray astronomy in its thirtieth year
    Pounds, K, QJRAS, 32, 355 (1991)
  622. GINGA X-ray observations of two gamma-ray burst error boxes
    Murakami, T et al., A&A, 227, 451 (1990)
  623. EXOSAT measurements of the pulse period of VELA X-1
    Raubenheimer, B & Oegelman, H, A&A, 230, 73 (1990)
  624. Multifrequency observations of Cygnus X-2 : X-ray observations with Ginga
    Hasinger, G et al., A&A, 235, 131 (1990)
  625. Effect of X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies on the cosmic X-ray background
    Morisawa, K et al., A&A, 236, 299 (1990)
  626. Ginga Observations of the Dwarf Novae BV Pup and V426 Oph
    Szkody, P et al., AJ, 100, 546 (1990)
  627. X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
    Bleeker, J & Hermsen, W, AdSpR, 10, 02 (1990)
  628. Progress in gamma-ray burst astronomy with GINGA
    Murakami, T, AdSpR, 10, 0263 (1990)
  629. X-ray observations of SS433 by Ginga
    Kawai, N et al., AdSpR, 10, 02109 (1990)
  630. Nonthermal X-Ray Emission from 3C 273: The Core of a Knotty Problem?
    Dean, A et al., ApJ, 349, 41 (1990)
  631. GINGA Observations of Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Type II Bursts from the Rapid Burster
    Dotani, T et al., ApJ, 350, 395 (1990)
  632. Gamma-Ray Bursts from Magnetospheric Plasma Oscillations
    Melia, F, ApJ, 351, 601 (1990)
  633. GINGA Observations of the 50 Millisecond Pulsar PSR 0540-69
    Nagase, F et al., ApJL, 351, L13 (1990)
  634. X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Fluxes from SN 1987A
    The, L et al., ApJ, 352, 731 (1990)
  635. Discovery of a Cyclotron Absorption Line in the Spectrum of the Binary X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1538-52 Observed by GINGA
    Clark, G et al., ApJ, 353, 274 (1990)
  636. Dust-Grain Scattering of X-Rays Observed during the Lunar Occultation of a Transient X-Ray Source near the Galactic Center
    Mitsuda, K et al., ApJ, 353, 480 (1990)
  637. Discovery of a Peculiar X-Ray Pulsar GS 1843+00
    Koyama, K et al., ApJL, 356, L47 (1990)
  638. X-Ray Spectral Signatures of Very Thick Cold Matter in the Spectra of the Seyfert 1 Galaxies NGC 7469 and IC 4329A
    Piro, L et al., ApJL, 360, L35 (1990)
  639. X-Ray Spectral Variability and Complex Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxies NGC 4051 and MCG -6-30-15
    Matsuoka, M et al., ApJ, 361, 440 (1990)
  640. Independence of Short Time Scale Fluctuations of Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Low-Frequency Noise in GX 5-1
    Norris, J et al., ApJ, 361, 514 (1990)
  641. Outburst, Identification, and X-Ray Light Curve of GS 1354-64 (=MX 1353-64?, Centaurus X-2?)
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 361, 590 (1990)
  642. Iron K-Shell Emission from NGC 1068
    Band, D et al., ApJ, 362, 90 (1990)
  643. Hard X-Ray Emission from the Carina Nebula
    Koyama, K et al., ApJ, 362, 215 (1990)
  644. Spatial Structure of the Cygnus Loop in the X-Ray Region above 1.5 keV
    Hatsukade, I & Tsunemi, H, ApJ, 362, 566 (1990)
  645. GINGA Observations of X-Rays from the Seyfert I Galaxy Markarian 509
    Singh, K et al., ApJ, 363, 131 (1990)
  646. Electron-Positron Pairs, Compton Reflection, and the X-Ray Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei
    Zdziarski, A et al., ApJL, 363, L1 (1990)
  647. Simultaneous X-Ray, Ultraviolet, and Optical Observations of LMC X-3
    Treves, A et al., ApJ, 364, 266 (1990)
  648. X-Ray Spectrum of the Spiral Galaxy M51 (NGC 5194)
    Makishima, K et al., ApJ, 365, 159 (1990)
  649. X-Ray Observations of NGC 253 and M83 with GINGA
    Ohashi, T et al., ApJ, 365, 180 (1990)
  650. Optically Thin Hot Plasma near the Galactic Center: Mapping Observations of the 6.7 keV Iron Line
    Yamauchi, S et al., ApJ, 365, 532 (1990)
  651. Radio and X-Ray States in the X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1
    Hjellming, R et al., ApJ, 365, 681 (1990)
  652. Discovery of a Prominent Cyclotron Absorption Feature from the Transient X-Ray Pulsar X0331+53
    Makishima, K et al., ApJL, 365, L59 (1990)
  653. The 1989 Outburst of V404-CYGNI - a Very Unusual X-Ray Nova
    Wagner, R et al., LNP, 369, 429 (1990)
  654. GINGA observations of Abell 2218 : implications for Ho
    McHardy, I et al., MNRAS, 242, 215 (1990)
  655. The X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15 and its temporal variability
    Nandra, K et al., MNRAS, 242, 660 (1990)
  656. The X-ray spectrum of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 445
    Pounds, K, MNRAS, 242, P20 (1990)
  657. X-ray illuminated accretion discs : a model for the iron line in NGC 3227
    George, I et al., MNRAS, 242, P28 (1990)
  658. Quasi-periodic oscillations in GX 17+2
    Penninx, W et al., MNRAS, 243, 114 (1990)
  659. A fluctuation analysis of the X-ray background in the Einstein Observatory IPC
    Barcons, X & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 243, 366 (1990)
  660. GINGA observations of the 6-s X-ray pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937
    Corbet, R & Day, C, MNRAS, 243, 553 (1990)
  661. Simultaneous multifrequency observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 : constant optical-infrared emission observed during large-amplitude X-ray variability
    Done, C et al., MNRAS, 243, 713 (1990)
  662. The X-ray emission of 3C 273
    Turner, M et al., MNRAS, 244, 310 (1990)
  663. The ephemeris of X 1822-371
    Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 244, P39 (1990)
  664. The rising of X-ray bursts from MXB 1728-34 : constraints on the spreading of thermonuclear flashes over the surface of the neutron star
    Day, C & Tawara, Y, MNRAS, 245, P31 (1990)
  665. When will the peculiar X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 resume the fast spin-up?
    Sakao, T et al., MNRAS, 246, P11 (1990)
  666. GINGA observations of an intense variable iron line in MRK 841
    Day, C et al., MNRAS, 247, P15 (1990)
  667. Is the 5-kpc galactic arm a colony of X-ray pulsars?
    Koyama, K et al., Natur, 343, 148 (1990)
  668. X-ray reflection from cold matter in the nuclei of active galaxies
    Pounds, K et al., Natur, 344, 132 (1990)
  669. Rapid variability of the iron fluorescence line from the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC6814
    Kunieda, H et al., Natur, 345, 786 (1990)
  670. New observations of the cyclotron absorption feature in Hercules X-1
    Mihara, T et al., Natur, 346, 250 (1990)
  671. X-ray evidence of an obscured nucleus in the type 2 Seyfert galaxy Mkn3
    Awaki, H et al., Natur, 346, 544 (1990)
  672. Discovery of an X-ray burst from X2127+11 in the globular cluster M15
    Dotani, T et al., Natur, 347, 534 (1990)
  673. The X-Ray Spectrum of Kepler’s Supernova Remnant
    Hatsukade, I et al., PASJ, 42, 279 (1990)
  674. Further GINGA Observations of the New X-Ray Pulsar X1722--36
    Takeuchi, Y et al., PASJ, 42, 287 (1990)
  675. Do All the Crab-Like Supernova Remnants Have an X-Ray Photon Index near a Value of 2?
    Asaoka, I & Koyama, K, PASJ, 42, 625 (1990)
  676. A Very Energetic X-Ray Burst from 4U 2129+11 in M15
    van Paradijs, J et al., PASJ, 42, 633 (1990)
  677. X-Ray Observations of OAO 1657-415 with TENMA and GINGA
    Kamata, Y et al., PASJ, 42, 785 (1990)
  678. GINGA Observations of a Wolf-Rayet Star HD 193793
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 42, L1 (1990)
  679. Discovery of the Quasi-Periodic Oscillations from the X-Ray Pulsar X1627-673
    Shinoda, K et al., PASJ, 42, L27 (1990)
  680. GINGA Observation of the 2S 0114+650 System
    Yamauchi, S et al., PASJ, 42, L53 (1990)
  681. Discovery of a New X-Ray Pulsar GS 1843-02
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 42, L59 (1990)
  682. Evidence of a Largely Extended X-Ray Emission around M82
    Tsuru, T et al., PASJ, 42, L75 (1990)
  683. New X-Ray Sources near the Galactic Bulge Region
    Yamauchi, S & Koyama, K, PASJ, 42, L83 (1990)
  684. Study of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Tan, J, PhD Thesis, 38 (1990)
  685. Astronomical X-ray spectroscopy—ten years on
    Pounds, K, VA, 33, 83 (1990)
  686. Supernova 1987A : envelope metallicity and the nature of the soft X-ray component
    Mastichiadis, A et al., A&A, 208, L11 (1989)
  687. X-ray emission from gamma-ray bursters
    Hameury, J & Lasota, J, A&A, 211, L15 (1989)
  688. SS 433 - the puzzle continues
    Brinkmann, W et al., A&A, 218, L13 (1989)
  689. The probability of detecting absorption features in gamma-ray burst spectra
    Melia, F, A&A, 223, L9 (1989)
  690. X-rays from normal galaxies
    Fabbiano, G, ARA&A, 27, 87 (1989)
  691. A binary model for SN 1987 A and the hard X-ray excess
    Liu, C et al., AcASn, 30, 375 (1989)
  692. Magnetized Neutron Stars as Gamma-Ray Bursters: Detection Rates at High Energies
    Meszaros, P et al., ApJL, 337, L23 (1989)
  693. Discovery of a Bright X-Ray Nova, GS 2000+25
    Tsunemi, H et al., ApJL, 337, L81 (1989)
  694. The Late Behavior of Supernova 1987A. II. Gamma-Ray Transparency of the Ejecta
    Fu, A & Arnett, W, ApJ, 340, 414 (1989)
  695. Formation of Cyclotron Lines in Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra
    Alexander, S & Meszaros, P, ApJL, 344, L1 (1989)
  696. Gamma Rays, X-Rays, and Optical Light from the Cobalt and the Neutron Star in SN 1987A
    Kumagai, S et al., ApJ, 345, 412 (1989)
  697. Search for Soft X-Ray Emission from SN 1987A with a CCD X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer
    Burrows, D et al., ApJ, 347, 1114 (1989)
  698. X-Ray Outburst of the Quasar 3C 279
    Makino, F et al., ApJL, 347, L9 (1989)
  699. X-Ray Studies of Bl-Lacertae Objects with GINGA
    Ohashi, T, LNP, 334, 296 (1989)
  700. Iron features in the X-ray spectra of three Seyfert galaxies
    Pounds, K et al., MNRAS, 240, 769 (1989)
  701. Intense 6.7-keV iron line emission from the Galactic Centre
    Koyama, K et al., Natur, 339, 603 (1989)
  702. Large scale extended X-ray emission from the Virgo cluster of galaxies
    Takano, S et al., Natur, 340, 289 (1989)
  703. GS2023+338: a new class of X-ray transient source?
    Kitamoto, S et al., Natur, 342, 518 (1989)
  704. X-ray time variations from Cygnus X-1 and implications for the accretion process
    Miyamoto, S & Kitamoto, S, Natur, 342, 773 (1989)
  705. Accretion-powered X-ray pulsars
    Nagase, F, PASJ, 41, 1 (1989)
  706. The large area counter on Ginga
    Turner, M et al., PASJ, 41, 345 (1989)
  707. The origin and behavior of the background in the large area counters on GINGA and its effect on the sensitivity
    Hayashida, K et al., PASJ, 41, 373 (1989)
  708. All sky monitor on board the GINGA satellite and its performance
    Tsunemi, H et al., PASJ, 41, 391 (1989)
  709. The gamma-ray burst detector system on board Ginga
    Murakami, T et al., PASJ, 41, 405 (1989)
  710. Peculiar pulse profile of GX 1+4 observed in the spin-down phase
    Dotani, T et al., PASJ, 41, 427 (1989)
  711. Pulse periods and the long-term variations of the X-ray pulsars VELA X-1 and Centaurus X-3
    Tsunemi, H, PASJ, 41, 453 (1989)
  712. GINGA observation of the X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586 in the supernova remnant G 109.1-1.0
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 41, 461 (1989)
  713. Discovery of 413.9-second X-ray pulsation from X 1722-36
    Tawara, Y et al., PASJ, 41, 473 (1989)
  714. Are there many Be star binary X-ray pulsars in the galactic ridge ?
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 41, 483 (1989)
  715. GINGA observations of the X-ray eclipse of SS 433
    Kawai, N et al., PASJ, 41, 491 (1989)
  716. Soft X-ray emission from gamma-ray bursts observed with Ginga
    Yoshida, A et al., PASJ, 41, 509 (1989)
  717. Discovery of 0.08-Hz quasi-periodic oscillations from the black-hole candidate LMC X-1
    Ebisawa, K et al., PASJ, 41, 519 (1989)
  718. X-ray spectra of varying X-ray emission components in the low-mass X-ray binary GX 3+1
    Makishima, K et al., PASJ, 41, 531 (1989)
  719. Energy-dependent time lags in QPO from Cygnus X-2
    Mitsuda, K & Dotani, T, PASJ, 41, 557 (1989)
  720. Asymmetric peak of the quasi-periodic oscillations in the power spectra of X 1820-30 observed with Ginga
    Dotani, T et al., PASJ, 41, 577 (1989)
  721. GINGA observations of 4U 1820-30 in NGC 6624 : the 11-minute flux modulation
    Sansom, A et al., PASJ, 41, 591 (1989)
  722. GINGA observations of the dipping X-ray binary XB 1916-053
    Smale, A et al., PASJ, 41, 607 (1989)
  723. GINGA observation of X-ray emission from the dark cloud LYNDS 1457
    Takano, S et al., PASJ, 41, 651 (1989)
  724. X-ray and radio observations of flares from the RS Canum Venaticorum system UX Arietis
    Tsuru, T et al., PASJ, 41, 679 (1989)
  725. X-ray spectral study of M 31 with Ginga
    Makishima, K et al., PASJ, 41, 697 (1989)
  726. X-ray spectrum of the BL Lacertae object PKS 2155-304
    Ohashi, T et al., PASJ, 41, 709 (1989)
  727. A GINGA observation of NGC 4151
    Warwick, R et al., PASJ, 41, 721 (1989)
  728. An intense iron line emission from NGC 1068
    Koyama, K et al., PASJ, 41, 731 (1989)
  729. Hard X-ray emission from Markarian 348
    Warwick, R et al., PASJ, 41, 739 (1989)
  730. X-Ray and gamma-Rays from a Non-Spherical Patchy Supernova Ejecta
    Yamada, Y et al., PThPh, 81, 93 (1989)
  731. Acceleration of Cosmic Rays by the Collision of\Supernova Ejecta with the Circumstellar Matter Cloud
    Honda, M et al., PThPh, 82, 315 (1989)
  732. High energy X ray observations on the Crab nebula and the double star source GX 1+4
    Carli, R, PhD Thesis, 3 (1989)
  733. X-Ray Observations of SS 433 and the QSO MR 2251 -178
    Pan, H, PhD Thesis, 11 (1989)
  734. Cyclotron resonant scattering in the spectra of γ-ray bursts
    Wang, J et al., PhRvL, 63, 1550 (1989)
  735. Hard X-rays and gamma-rays from SN 1987A and mixing of the supernovaejecta
    Kumagai, S et al., A&A, 197, L7 (1988)
  736. Spectral characteristics of the emerging X-rays from a possible pulsar in supernova 1987A
    Mastichiadis, A et al., A&A, 201, L19 (1988)
  737. QPO sources observed from ginga
    Mitsuda, K & GINGA Lac Team, AdSpR, 8, 02391 (1988)
  738. X-Rays from Supernova 1987A
    Xu, Y et al., ApJ, 327, 197 (1988)
  739. The Effect of Mixing of the Ejecta on the Hard X-Ray Emissions from SN 1987A
    Ebisuzaki, T & Shibazaki, N, ApJL, 327, L5 (1988)
  740. X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emissions Expected from Supernova 1987A
    Ebisuzaki, T & Shibazaki, N, ApJ, 328, 699 (1988)
  741. X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission from Supernova 1987A
    Pinto, P & Woosley, S, ApJ, 329, 820 (1988)
  742. An X-Ray Outburst from 4U 0115+63 in 1987 February/March
    Tsunemi, H & Kitamoto, S, ApJL, 334, L21 (1988)
  743. Interpretation of Multiple Absorption Features in a Gamma-Ray Burst Spectrum
    Fenimore, E et al., ApJL, 335, L71 (1988)
  744. Detectability of Neutron Star Thermal Radiation from Supernova 1987A
    Tsuruta, S & Nomoto, K, ApL&C, 27, 241 (1988)
  745. X-ray observations with the GINGA satellite
    Koyama, K, ComAp, 12, 287 (1988)
  746. X-Ray Observation of Supernova 1987A from GINGA
    Tanaka, Y, LNP, 305, 399 (1988)
  747. Hard X-Ray Spectrum from SN 1987A and Radiative Neutrino Decay
    Hatsuda, T et al., MPLA, 3, 1133 (1988)
  748. Gamma-ray line emission from SN1987A
    Matz, S et al., Natur, 331, 416 (1988)
  749. The interaction of supernova 1987A with dense circumstellar gas
    Chevalier, R, Natur, 332, 514 (1988)
  750. Spin-down of the X-ray pulsar GX1 +4 during an extended low state
    Makishima, K et al., Natur, 333, 746 (1988)
  751. Evidence for cyclotron absorption from spectral features in gamma-ray bursts seen with Ginga
    Murakami, T et al., Natur, 335, 234 (1988)
  752. Circumstellar matter of SN1987A and soft X-ray emission
    Masai, K et al., Natur, 335, 804 (1988)
  753. A connection between the X-ray spectral branches and the radio brightness in GX17 + 2
    Penninx, W et al., Natur, 336, 146 (1988)
  754. Delayed hard X-rays from Cygnus X-l
    Miyamoto, S et al., Natur, 336, 450 (1988)
  755. The Elizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference on Supernova 1987A. Proceedings. The Elizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference on Supernova 1987A, Canberra (Australia), 20 - 21 Jun 1988
    Proust, K & Couch, W, PASAu 7 (1988)
  756. Observations of SN 1987A from Ginga
    Inoue, H, PASAu, 7, 479 (1988)
  757. Simple perspectives on SN 1987A
    Fu, A, PASAu, 7, 505 (1988)
  758. Radiative neutrino decay and the unusual X-ray flux from Sn 1987A
    Hatsuda, T et al., PhLB, 203, 462 (1988)
  759. X-ray observations of the eclipse of SS433
    Kawai, N & Matsuoka, M, VA, 31, 405 (1988)
  760. The formation of iron features in the cooling spectrum of X-ray bursts
    Foster, A et al., MNRAS, 228, 259 (1987)
  761. Japan’s Ginga (ASTRO-C) X-ray satellite
    Swinbanks, D, Natur, 326, 322 (1987)
  762. Discovery of an unusual hard X-ray source in the region of supernova 1987A
    Dotani, T et al., Natur, 330, 230 (1987)
  763. X-rays expected from supernova 1987A compared with the source discovered by the Ginga satellite
    Itoh, M et al., Natur, 330, 233 (1987)
  764. Thermal X-ray emission from supernova 1987A
    Masai, K et al., Natur, 330, 235 (1987)
  765. X-ray emission from SN 1987A
    Itoh, H et al., PASJ, 39, 529 (1987)
  766. What do we learn from space? Space science in Japan
    Oda, M, PhT, 40, 1226 (1987)

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