Granat Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications
The long-term X-ray variability of the black hole binary GRS 1915+105
Tachibana, Y et al., 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3323 (2018)
The new X-ray outburst of GRO J1744-28 detected with INTEGRAL
Mereminskiy, I, Grebenev, S & Krivonos, R, ATel 10073 (2017)
Swift/BAT detects an outburst from the X-ray nova and black hole candidate GRS 1739-278
Krimm, H et al., ATel, 5986, 1 (2014)
Ionization of H_2 by X-Rays in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center
Notani, M & Oka, T, 68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, RF06 (2013)
X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy: the Potential of Astrophysics-developed Techniques
Elvis, M et al., AGUFM, P43, 1903 (2012)
Particle acceleration and gamma-emission from solar flares
Miroshnichenko, L, Gan, W & Troitskaia, E, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3038 (2010)
About the Opportunity of the Large Flare Events Forecast Under Characteristics of New Emerging Magnetic Fluxses
Ishkov, V, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1328 (2008)
Modeling of 2.223 MeV gamma-line emission and the features of 20 January 2005 Solar event
Troitskaya, E et al., 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3214 (2008)
The First 25 Years of Space Astronomy in the USSR
Keel, W, AAS, 211, 2303 (2007)
IGR J17453-2853 = Granat 1741.9-2853?
Kuulkers, E et al., ATel, 1008, 1 (2007)
Radio Nuclides In The Galaxy Seen In Gamma-Rays
Schonfelder, V, Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics V, 361 (2004)
The expected photospheric emission of GRBs in the internal shock model
Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, ASPC, 312, 415 (2004)
Status and Plans of the Russian Deep Space Network with Emphasis on the VLBI/Delta-DOR Techniques
Molotov, I, ESASP, 548, 443 (2004)
The Sun as a Stellar Laboratory: Unsolved Problems
Brown, J, IAUS, 219, 1 (2004)
Short GRBs may not have Emission Below 100 keV
Kozyrev, A, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2008 (2004)
What High Energy Emissions Reveal about Solar Flares
Murphy, R & Share, G, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2952 (2004)
The E_peak distribution of long gamma-ray bursts observed by the PHEBUS experiment
Barat, C, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2960 (2004)
INTEGRAL observations of the GRS1758-258 in a bright state
Sunyaev, R, Lutovinov, A & Churazov, E, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3968 (2004)
Variability of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Pozanenko, A et al., 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 4028 (2004)
The Expected Thermal Precursors of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Internal Shock Model
Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission, 289 (2003)
Review of low-mass X-ray binaries near the Galactic center
Lutovinov, A et al., ANS, 324, 337 (2003)
GRS 1758-258
Sunyaev, R, Lutovinov, A & Molkov, S, ATel, 185, 1 (2003)
Review of X-Ray Bursters in the Galactic Center Region
Lutovinov, A et al., astro, ph, 5552 (2002)
High Energy Emission from Galactic Black Hole Systems
Goldwurm, A, astro, ph, 12502 (2002)
The US - European Cooperation in the X-38 and CRV Programs
Sygulla, D et al., IAF abstracts, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 945 (2002)
X-38 Full Scale TPS Flight Qualification
Hilfer, G, IAF abstracts, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 965 (2002)
The Thermal Precursors of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Daigne, F, Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology, 184 (2002)
The Transition from the Main Burst to the Afterglow from Granat/sigma Data
Burenin, R et al., nmgm, meet, 2415 (2002)
Integral -tracking extreme radiation across the Universe
xmm, pres, 8 (2002)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: GRANAT/PHEBUS catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts (Terekhov+, 1994-2002)
Terekhov, O et al., yCat, 9036, 0 (2002)
Energetic Ions Accelerated during the large solar flare of 24 May 1990: high energy gamma-ray observations
Vilmer, N et al., AGUFM, SH32, 08 (2001)
Non-pulsing Emission from X-ray Pulsars
Lutovinov, A, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, ASPC, 251, 380 (2001)
Observation of Solar Flares through the ART-P Telescope Side Shield
Lutovinov, A, Pavlinsky, M & Grebenev, S, ASPC, 251, 562 (2001)
Black-Hole Candidate GRS 1758-258 Enters an "Off" State
Smith, D et al., ATel, 66, 1 (2001)
Spectral behaviour of some X-ray binaries with the Sigma/Granat telescope
Sabat, H et al., ESASP, 459, 337 (2001)
Preliminary results on the EOS of water in the megabar range
Henry, E et al., SPIE, 4424, 524 (2001)
A Very Massive Stellar Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy
eso, pres, 24 (2001)
Gamma-Ray Evidence for Time-Dependent Heavy Ion Enhancement on Flare Particle Acceleration Time Scale
Lenters, G et al., AAS, 195, 10707 (2000)
The EGSE science software of the IBIS instrument on-board INTEGRAL satellite
La Rosa, G et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 693 (2000)
X-Ray Bursters A1742-294 and SLX1744-299/300 Near the Galactic Center
Lutovinov, A et al., astro, ph, 9349 (2000)
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4639 (2000)
GRANAT/SIGMA Observations of Early Afterglows from Gamma-Ray Bursts in Soft Gamma-Rays
Pelaez, F et al., AAS, 194, 0301 (1999)
X-ray Spectral Variability of Black Hole Binaries
Gilfanov, M, Churazov, E & Sunyaev, R, ASSL, 234, 319 (1999)
A Comparison between the WATCH Flare Data Statistical Properties and Predictions of the Statistical Flare Model
Crosby, N, Georgoulis, M & Vilmer, N, ESASP, 446, 247 (1999)
Multi-wavelength study of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 and of high-energy binary sources in the Galaxy
Chaty, S, Mirabel, I & Rodriguez, L, HEAD, 4, 1601 (1999)
SIGMA observations of galactic black holes
Laurent, P, MmSAI, 70, 1127 (1999)
The hardness-intensity correlation and the spatial distribution of GRBs
Dezalay, J et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 15 (1998)
PHEBUS burst spectra between 0.1 and 10 MeV
Barat, C et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 278 (1998)
Study of the possible connection between gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei
Gorosabel, J & Castro-Tirado, A, Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 610 (1998)
Gamma ray bursts and extreme energy cosmic rays
Scarsi, L, Workshop on Observing Giant Cosmic Ray Air Showers From >10(20) eV Particles From Space, 42 (1998)
High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Observations
Yoshimori, M, Saita, N & Shiozawa, A, HiA, 11, 755 (1998)
Investigation of 30 GRB fields
Baranovskij, A et al., IBUAA, 12, 88 (1998)
Analysis of the event in solar cosmic rays in June 1991 according to AES ‘Granat’ data
Lyubimov, G & Grigorenko, E, MUPB, 53, 22 (1998)
The new progress of observations and studies on solar flare gamma-rays
Gan, W & Lin, C, PABei, 16, 321 (1998)
Optical communications terminals for multimedia applications
Baister, G et al., SPIE, 3266, 135 (1998)
AIR WATCH: air-induced fluorescence by radiation laboratory experiments
Giarrusso, S et al., SPIE, 3445, 460 (1998)
AIR WATCH: a space mission to observe the UV fluorescence induced in the Earth atmosphere by extreme-energy cosmic radiation
Scarsi, L et al., SPIE, 3445, 505 (1998)
Search for gamma-ray bursts above 20 TeV with the HEGRA AIROBICC Cherenkov array
HEGRA collaboration: L. Padilla et al., astro, ph, 7342 (1998)
Hard X-rays From the Galactic Nucleus: Present and Future Observations
Goldwurm, A et al., 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, 341 (1998)
ESA presents INTEGRAL, its space observatory for Gamma-ray astronomy
xmm, pres, 30 (1998)
ESA presents INTEGRAL, its space observatory for Gamma-ray astronomy
xmm, pres, 51 (1998)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: WATCH Solar X-Ray Burst Catalogue (Crosby+ 1998)
Crosby, N et al., yCat, 413, 00233 (1998)
INTEGRAL Galactic Plane Survey
Ubertini, P & INTEGRAL Science Team, AAS, 190, 3204 (1997)
Are gamma-ray bursts related to active galactic nuclei?
Gorosabel, J & Castro-Tirado, A, Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 1333 (1997)
IBIS: The imaging Gamma-Ray telescope on board INTEGRAL
Ubertini, P & IBIS Collaboration, Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, 1527 (1997)
Hard X-Ray Observations of GX 339-4 with GRANAT/SIGMA
Trudolyubov, S et al., ESASP, 382, 205 (1997)
Properties of the Hard X-Ray Emission from the Black Hole Candidates: Cygnus X-1 and 1E1740. 7-2942
Kuznetsov, S et al., ESASP, 382, 213 (1997)
Hard X-Ray Observations of X-Ray Nova Ophiuchi 1993 (GRS 1716-249) with GRANAT/SIGMA
Revnivtsev, M et al., ESASP, 382, 273 (1997)
Detection of the Hard X-Ray Emission from X-Ray Burster 4U1705-44 with GRANAT/SIGMA
Revnivtsev, M et al., ESASP, 382, 277 (1997)
Stellar Wind Accretion Driven Pulsar A0535+26: GRANAT/WATCH Long-Term Observations
Chichkov, M et al., ESASP, 382, 291 (1997)
Spectroscopy and Timing of Her X-1 During On an Off Phases of the 35-Day Cycle with GRANAT/ART-P
Grebenev, A, Lutovinov, S & Sunyaev, R, ESASP, 382, 295 (1997)
WATCH Bursts in the Context of the BATSE 3B Catalogue
Gorosabel, J et al., ESASP, 382, 469 (1997)
Status of the Search for Optical Counterparts in GRB Error Boxes from the WATCH Instrument on the GRANAT Satellite
Guziy, S et al., ESASP, 382, 485 (1997)
Creation of the Space Research Group in Nikolaev
Shlyapnikov, A & Guziy, S, ESASP, 382, 503 (1997)
The loop heat pipe experiment on board the ‘GRANAT’ spacecraft
Orlov, A et al., ESASP, 400, 341 (1997)
The Search for Infrared Candidates in Gamma-Ray Burst Error Boxes
Shlyapnikov, A, Marchinskiy, D & Castro-Tirado, A, ESASP, 401, 337 (1997)
GRS 1737-31
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 6599, 2 (1997)
1E 1740.7-2942 and GRO J1744-28
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6603, 3 (1997)
XTE J1755-324
Paul, J et al., IAUC, 6746, 2 (1997)
Observations of bright X-ray transients by MIR-KVANT module in 1988-1996
Borozdin, K et al., All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 49 (1997)
COSMIC: A Compton Telescope for All-sky Monitoring of Low-Energy Gamma-Rays
Paciesas, W, Kippen, R & Pendleton, G, All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 337 (1997)
AIR - WATCH: A Conceptual study for detecting Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays
D’Ali Staiti, G, High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos: Origin, Production and Detection, 14 (1997)
Hard X-ray sources 1E1740.7-2942, GRS1758-258 and SLX1735-269 in the Galactic center field
Grebenev, S, Pavlinsky, M & Sunyaev, R, Proc. of the 2nd INTEGRAL Workshop "The Transparent Universe" (held in St. Malo, 183 (1997)
Search of the correlation between locations of gamma-ray bursts sources and Abell clusters
Burenin, R et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 253 (1997)
The emission/absorption features in the HER X-1 “high-on” spectrum. Pulse phase spectroscopy
Lutovinov, A et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 276 (1997)
GRANAT/SIGMA observations of 4U1705-44 and 4U1608-52 and spectral states of X-ray bursters
Revnivtsev, M et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 289 (1997)
Recommended Priorities for NASA’S Gamma Ray Astronomy Program 1996 - 2010
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Report, S (1997)
"Microquasar" Discoveries Win Prize for Astronomers
nrao, pres, 2 (1997)
ESA’s gamma-ray astronomy mission’s Russian launch confirmed
xmm, pres, 41 (1997)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: GRANAT/WATCH catalogue of gamma-ray bursts (Sazonov+ 1998)
Sazonov, S et al., yCat, 412, 90001 (1997)
Determination of Element Abundances in Solar Atmosphere and Solar Flare Accelerated Particles Using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
Mandzhavidze, N & Ramaty, R, AAS, 188, 2606 (1996)
Thin target γ-ray line production during the 1991 June 1 flare
Trottet, G et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 153 (1996)
Subsecond time variations in solar flares around 100 keV: Diagnostics of electron acceleration
Vilmer, N et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 311 (1996)
Comparison of the properties of short and long gamma-ray bursts observed with Phebus
Dezalay, J et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 37 (1996)
Hardness ratio versus duration for PVO compared to BATSE and PHEBUS
Smith, I et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 101 (1996)
Gross spectral differences between bright and very bright gamma-ray bursts
Atteia, J et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 301 (1996)
GRBs observed with WATCH and BATSE (3B catalogue)
Gorosabel, J et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 378 (1996)
The IHW Large--Scale Phenomena Network and Observations of Comets to Support the ULYSSES Mission
Petersen, C & Brandt, J, ASPC, 107, 299 (1996)
GRO J1744-28
Sazonov, S, Sunyaev, R & Swank, J, IAUC, 6291, 1 (1996)
GRO J1744-28
Bouchet, L et al., IAUC, 6343, 2 (1996)
GRS 1739-278
Paul, J et al., IAUC, 6348, 1 (1996)
GRS 1739-278 and GRO J1744-28
Borozdin, K, Alexandrovich, N & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6350, 1 (1996)
GRS 1739-278
Durouchoux, P et al., IAUC, 6383, 1 (1996)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6459, 2 (1996)
Interplanetary medium diagnostic during the large event in March 1991 based on GRANAT records
Chuchkov, E et al., RadMe, 26, 437 (1996)
Imager onboard INTEGRAL
Ubertini, P et al., SPIE, 2806, 246 (1996)
Two Distinct Modes In The Low (Hard) State Of Cyg X-1 And 1E1740-294
Kuznetsov, S et al., astro, ph, 3118 (1996)
X-ray and radio observations of the globular cluster Terzan 2
Mereghetti, S et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 55 (1996)
Population of X-ray sources near the Galactic center according to ART-P/GRANAT
Grebenev, S, Pavlinsky, M & Sunyaev, R, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 141 (1996)
Two distinct modes in the low (hard) state of Cygnus X-1 and 1E 1740.7-2942
Kuznetsov, S et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 157 (1996)
Hard X-ray observations of X-ray Nova Ophiuchi 1993 (GRS 1716-249) with GRANAT/SIGMA
Revnivtsev, M et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 185 (1996)
Long-term X-ray observations of galactic superluminal sources with GRANAT/WATCH
Sazonov, S, Sunyaev, R & Lund, N, Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 187 (1996)
Hard X-ray observations of GRS/KS 1730-312 with GRANAT/SIGMA
Trudolyubov, S et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 201 (1996)
GRS 1915+105
Greiner, J, RXTE Proposal, 10256 (1996)
Relaxation time of relativistic plasma
Tkaczyk, W, The Structure of Space and Time, 96 (1996)
BATSE Observations of Galactic Positron-Annihilation Radiation
Smith, D et al., AAS, 187, 4601 (1995)
Timing of X-ray Pulsars with ART-P/Granat
Lutovinov, A et al., ASIC, 450, 401 (1995)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6196, 2 (1995)
X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius and GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6201, 2 (1995)
X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
Sazonov, S et al., IAUC, 6209, 1 (1995)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S et al., IAUC, 6209, 2 (1995)
GRO J1735-27
Grebenev, S, Borozdin, K & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6216, 2 (1995)
The Galactic Center
Churazov, E et al., IAUC, 6226, 1 (1995)
U 0115+634
Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6272, 2 (1995)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 6274, 2 (1995)
The Solar Cosmic Ray Event of June 4-19, 1991 According to the Granat Spacecraft Data
Chuchkov, E et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 228 (1995)
Low-frequency QPO in the X-Ray transient GRO J1719-24
van der Hooft, F et al., STIN, 96, 31482 (1995)
Population synthesis of X-ray sources at the Galactic center
Popov, S et al., astro, ph, 4066 (1995)
Population synthesis of X-ray sources at the Galactic center
Popov, S et al., astro, ph, 9155 (1995)
SIGMA observations of the Galactic Center in the hard X-ray and soft γ-ray regime
Cordier, B, Gamma Ray Sky with Compton GRO and SIGMA, 243 (1995)
Balloon observations of the Galactic Center 511 keV line and their relationship to satellite results
Teegarden, B, Gamma Ray Sky with Compton GRO and SIGMA, 255 (1995)
X-ray imaging with ART-P/GRANAT. Application of the Wavelet Transform
Grebenev, S, Pavlinsky, M & Sunyaev, R, Proc. of the Workshop "Imaging in High Energy Astronomy" (held in Anacapri, 155 (1995)
Longitude : the true story of a lone genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of his time
Sobel, D, ltsl book (1995)
BATSE Observations of the Hard X-Ray Transient GRS1915+105
Deal, K et al., AAS, 185, 10208 (1994)
X-ray and gamma-ray observations of solar flares by GRANAT
Trottet, G, High-Energy Solar Phenomena - a New Era of Spacecraft Measurements, 3 (1994)
SIGMA/GRANAT results on weak sources of hard X-rays in the galactic center region
Goldwurm, A et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 421 (1994)
SIGMA/GRANAT deep survey of the Galactic Center region status report
Cordier, B et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 446 (1994)
BATSE observations of GX 354-0
Harmon, B et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 456 (1994)
WATCH Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts During 1990-1992
Castro-Tirado, A et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 17 (1994)
Comparison of WATCH and IPN Locations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Hurley, K et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 364 (1994)
Optical Follow-Up of Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by WATCH
Castro-Tirado, A et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts, 404 (1994)
Review of Galactic Center Observations with GRANAT
Churazov, E et al., ASSL, 187, 35 (1994)
Gamma-Ray Burst
Goldwurm, A et al., IAUC, 5932, 1 (1994)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S, Sunyaev, R & Lapshov, I, IAUC, 5959, 1 (1994)
X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
Hjellming, R et al., IAUC, 6077, 1 (1994)
X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
Greiner, J et al., IAUC, 6078, 1 (1994)
GRS 1915+105
Sazonov, S et al., IAUC, 6080, 1 (1994)
KS 1730-312
Borozdin, K et al., IAUC, 6083, 1 (1994)
KS 1730-312
Gilfanov, M et al., IAUC, 6091, 2 (1994)
X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus
Harmon, B et al., IAUC, 6104, 1 (1994)
Thermal or non-thermal X-rays from AGNs?
Ghisellini, G & Haardt, F, IAUS, 159, 33 (1994)
Review of GRANAT observations of AGNs
Churazov, E et al., IAUS, 159, 63 (1994)
Studying the thermal/non-thermal crossover in solar flares
Schwartz, R, STIN, 95, 30785 (1994)
JPRS report: Science and technology. Central Eurasia: Space
JPRS report: Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Space, V (1994)
JPRS report: Science and technology. Central Eurasia: Space
JPRS report: Science and Technology. Central Eurasia: Space, W (1994)
New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA
Makino, F & Ohashi, T, nhxr conf (1994)
Overview of GRANAT Results
Sunyaev, R et al., New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 211 (1994)
SIGMA/GRANAT Deep Imaging Survey of the Galactic Center in Hard X-rays
Goldwurm, A et al., New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 495 (1994)
Observations of the Galactic Center Field with the ART-P Telescope Aboard GRANAT
Pavlinsky, M, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA, 499 (1994)
Superluminal Motion Found In Milky Way
nrao, pres, 2 (1994)
Overview of the SIGMA results
Paul, J, Particle Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Gravitation, 3 (1994)
A Constraint on the Pair Density Ratio (Z+) in an Electron-Positron Pair Wind
Moscoso, M & Wheeler, J, Physics of Accretion Disks Around Compact and Young Stars, 5 (1994)
The WATCH experiment: 1000 days observing the X-ray universe
Castro Tirado, A, wedo book (1994)
The mystery the optical counterparts of the Galactic Center gamma-ray sources 1E1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
Gehrels, N & Chen, W, AAS, 182, 0712 (1993)
A Systematic and Statistical Study of X-Ray Novae Light Curves
Shrader, C et al., AAS, 183, 5504 (1993)
Annihilation and backscattered lines in black hole candidates
Durouchoux, P & Wallyn, P, Back to the Galaxy, 77 (1993)
The Emax distribution of gamma-ray bursts observed by the PHEBUS experiment
Dezalay, J et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 783 (1993)
The Digital Archive of the International Halley Watch
Klinglesmith, D et al., ASPC, 52, 13 (1993)
Variations of energetic particles in the radiation belts during the strong magnetic storm of March 24-26, 1991
Pavlov, N et al., GeoAe, 33, 41 (1993)
Gamma-Ray Burst
Goldwurm, A et al., IAUC, 5720, 2 (1993)
GRS 1915+105
Mirabel, I et al., IAUC, 5773, 2 (1993)
Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5861, 2 (1993)
GRS 1009-45
Lapshov, I et al., IAUC, 5864, 1 (1993)
GRS 1716-249 = GRO J1719-24
Ballet, J et al., IAUC, 5874, 1 (1993)
X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus
della Valle, M et al., IAUC, 5876, 1 (1993)
X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus
Tanaka, Y, IAUC, 5877, 1 (1993)
X-Ray Novae
Kaniovsky, A et al., IAUC, 5878, 1 (1993)
X-Ray Nova in VELA
Borozdin, K, Sunyaev, R & Alexandrovich, N, IAUC, 5886, 1 (1993)
Unsuccessful Search for an Optical Counterpart of GRS 1915+105
Wenzel, W, Splittgerber, E & Greiner, J, IBVS, 3882, 1 (1993)
GRANAT Mission: A Solar Cosmic Ray Event in March 1991
Chuchkov, E et al., 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC23), Volume 3, 21 (1993)
The large solar flare in March 1991
Ermakov, S et al., RoIzF, 57, 7 (1993)
INTEGRAL: the next major gamma-ray astronomy mission?
Skinner, G et al., SPIE, 1945, 112 (1993)
In-flight star tracker SED 12 performances on-board the SIGMA experiment
Jouret, M et al., STIA, 95, 85790 (1993)
BATSE observations of Nova MUSCAE 1991
Paciesas, W et al., STIN, 95, 12464 (1993)
Low Energy Gamma Ray Observations with the SIGMA Telescope Aboard the Russian GRANAT Mission
Vedrenne, G, Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics, 554 (1993)
GRANAT overview
Churazov, E et al., Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, 175 (1993)
INTEGRAL confirmed as next scientific mission
xmm, pres, 28 (1993)
High energy continuum measurements of active galactic nuclei
Gehrels, N & Cheung, C, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 348 (1992)
Gamma-ray bursts
Paciesas, W & Fishman, G, AIPC 265 (1992)
Observation of Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra at High Energy by the Phebus Experiment
Barat, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 43 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by the WATCH Experiment
Lund, N, Brandt, S & Castro-Tirado, A, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 53 (1992)
A Possible Method to Evaluate the Luminosity Function in Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
Belli, B, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 100 (1992)
Short Cosmic Events: A Subset of Classical GRBs?
Dezalay, J et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 304 (1992)
Search for Optical Flashes Coincident with Gamma-Ray Bursts with the KONUS-Sunflower-BRW Experiment Aboard the GRANAT Spacecraft
Aptekar’, R et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 317 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Burst Astrometry III: More Results
Taff, L & Holfeltz, S, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 378 (1992)
GRS 0834-430
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5437, 2 (1992)
Lund, N, Brandt, S & Castro-Tirado, A, IAUC, 5448, 1 (1992)
Galactic Center
Schmitz-Fraysse, M et al., IAUC, 5472, 2 (1992)
Galactic Center Region
Gilfanov, M et al., IAUC, 5474, 1 (1992)
Crab Nebula
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5481, 1 (1992)
Ballet, J et al., IAUC, 5536, 1 (1992)
Cygnus X-1
Vikhlinin, A et al., IAUC, 5576, 1 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Claret, A et al., IAUC, 5579, 1 (1992)
GRO J0422+32 = GRS 0417+335
Castro-Tirado, A et al., IAUC, 5587, 1 (1992)
GRO J0422+32
Wagner, R et al., IAUC, 5589, 1 (1992)
GRS 1915+105
Castro-Tirado, A, Brandt, S & Lund, N, IAUC, 5590, 2 (1992)
GRO J0422+32
Han, X et al., IAUC, 5593, 1 (1992)
GRO J0422+32
Vikhlinin, A et al., IAUC, 5608, 2 (1992)
E 1740.7-2942
Cordier, B et al., IAUC, 5616, 1 (1992)
GRS 2037-404
Castro-Tirado, A, Brandt, S & Lund, N, IAUC, 5617, 1 (1992)
GRS 1915+105
Harmon, B, Paciesas, W & Fishman, G, IAUC, 5619, 2 (1992)
GRS 1734-292
Churazov, E et al., IAUC, 5623, 2 (1992)
Gamma-ray burst source locations with the new interplanetary network
Cline, T et al., NASCP, 3137, 60 (1992)
Soft gamma rays from black holes versus neutron stars
Liang, E, NASCP, 3137, 173 (1992)
Main lessons from the SIGMA mission for the future of hard x-ray and soft gamma-ray astronomy
Lebrun, F & Paul, J, SPIE, 1743, 155 (1992)
Evidence for a massive stellar black hole in X ray Nova MUSCAE
Chen, W, Gehrels, N & Cheng, F, STIN, 93, 18714 (1992)
Overview of first observations with the French telescope SIGMA on board GRANAT
Mandrou, P et al., Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects, 21 (1992)
Frontiers of X-ray astronomy. Proceedings
Tanaka, Y & Koyama, K, fxap book (1992)
Observations of Extragalactic Objects with Telescope ART-P on Board GRANAT
Apal’Kov, Y et al., Frontiers Science Series, 251 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Bursts Observations by the Phebus Instrument on the Granat Satellite
Terekhov, O et al., Frontiers Science Series, 253 (1992)
X-Ray Images of Supernova 1987A Field Obtained with Telescope ART-P Onboard GRANAT in 1990-1991
Grebenev, S et al., Frontiers Science Series, 255 (1992)
Detection of 0.8 Hz QPO from the Black Hole Candidate GX339-4 with ART-P Telescope Onboard GRANAT
Grebenev, S et al., Frontiers Science Series, 319 (1992)
Imaging Hard X-Ray / γ-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center Region
Grunsfeld, J et al., Frontiers Science Series, 417 (1992)
The sky according to WATCH
Lund, N, Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 188 (1992)
Two years of successful operations of the coded-mask telescope SIGMA for hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray astronomy
Paul, J et al., wadc iafc (1992)
The soft gamma-ray sources identified by SIGMA in the galactic center region
Paul, J et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 17 (1991)
Granat images of the Galactic Center region in 4-1300 keV band: Localization of the possible candidate for 511 keV source
Sunyaev, R et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 29 (1991)
Hard x-rays from supernova 1987A: results of Mir-Kvant and Granat in 1987-1990 and expectations
Sunyaev, R et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 211 (1991)
SIGMA results on the fast variability of Cyg X-1 in the hard x-ray/gamma-ray energy band
Mereghetti, S et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 355 (1991)
SIGMA: A soft gamma-ray imaging telescope in-flight performances
Mandrou, P et al., Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 492 (1991)
Gamma-ray bursts observed by the watch experiment
Lund, N, Brandt, S & Castro-Tirado, A, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 53 (1991)
Search for optical flashes coincident with gamma-ray bursts with the KONUS-Sunflower-BRW experiment aboard the GRANAT spacecraft
Aptekar, R et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 317 (1991)
Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Observations of Solar Bursts by the PHEBUS Experiment Aboard GRANAT
Barat, C et al., BAAS, 23, 1067 (1991)
High Precision Gamma-Ray Burst Source Locations of Early-1991 Events from the Ulysses/Granat/PVO Network
Cline, T et al., BAAS, 23, 1322 (1991)
X-Ray Transient in Musca (GRS 1121-68 = GS 1124-683)
Lund, N et al., IAUC, 5161, 1 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R, Jourdain, E & Laurent, P, IAUC, 5176, 1 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5179, 1 (1991)
X-Ray Outburst in the Field of GRS 0831-429
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5180, 1 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R, Jourdain, E & Goldwurm, A, IAUC, 5201, 1 (1991)
Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5204, 2 (1991)
GRS 1217+066
Lund, N, Brandt, S & Castro-Tirado, A, IAUC, 5207, 2 (1991)
Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R, Mandrou, P & Paul, J, IAUC, 5245, 2 (1991)
GRS 0834-430
Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5294, 2 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R, Roques, J & Goldwurm, A, IAUC, 5310, 2 (1991)
NGC 5128
Jourdain, E, Salotti, L & Gilfanov, M, IAUC, 5313, 2 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5329, 2 (1991)
GX 340-0 Region
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5342, 2 (1991)
GRS 1943-052
Lund, N, Castro-Tirado, A & Brandt, S, IAUC, 5370, 2 (1991)
GX 1+4
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5378, 2 (1991)
Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5398, 1 (1991)
Nova MUSCAE 1991
Sunyaev, R et al., IAUC, 5398, 2 (1991)
GRS 1715-44
Lund, N, Brandt, S & Castro-Tirado, A, IAUC, 5405, 3 (1991)
In-Orbit Performances of the Hard X-Ray/Soft Gamma-Ray Telescope Sigma on Board the Soviet Spacecraft Granat
Leray, J et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 495 (1991)
Solar cosmic ray flare in March 1990
Ermakov, S et al., IzSSR, 55, 1889 (1991)
Optical identification of celestial high energy sources
Bignami, G et al., Msngr, 66, 10 (1991)
Attitude measurement and star line of sight: From on-ground experiment to flight results
Vandermarcq, O, Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems, 179 (1991)
SIGMA VCHP radiator: In-orbit performance
Gayrard, J, ESA Special Publication, 729 (1991)
Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond
Kondo, Y, ASSL 166 (1990)
The Automatic Spacecraft GRANAT
Siuniaev, R, ASSL, 166, 21 (1990)
Lancement du satellite Franco-Soviétique granat d’astronomie
CIBu, 118, 54 (1990)
OAO 1657-415
Mereghetti, S, IAUC, 5017, 2 (1990)
Galactic Center
Mandrou, P, IAUC, 5032, 1 (1990)
U 1700-377
Paul, J, IAUC, 5096, 2 (1990)
GX 1+4, KS 1731-260, GRS 1741.9-2853, A1524-62
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5104, 1 (1990)
Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5112, 2 (1990)
X-Ray Nova GRS 0831-429
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5122, 2 (1990)
The Galactic Center
Sunyaev, R, IAUC, 5123, 2 (1990)
First Experiences with the Watch Instruments on Granat
Brandt, S et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 9 (1990)
The WATCH All-Sky Monitor for the Granat Project
Brandt, S, Lund, N & Rao, R, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 145 (1990)
Scientific Program of “Podsolnuch-D” Experiment “Granat” Mission and Some Specific Instrumental Aspects of its Realization
Filipov, L et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 212 (1990)
Astronomie populaire : 5 avril-10 juin 1990
Alberola, J, aspo book (1990)
Where the Soviet cosmonautics is going to?
Avduevskii, V & Leskov, L, Moscow Izdatel Znanie, 64 (1990)
Signposts to the Future / Active Galactic Nuclei
Mushotzky, R, ESASP, 296, 857 (1989)
Apparatura i metody issledovaniia kosmicheskogo prostranstva
Balebanov, V, imse book (1989)
The multiwire proportional chamber for the coded-aperture telescope ART-P (The Granat astrophysical observatory)
Iamburenko, N et al., Instrumentation and Methods for Space Exploration, 171 (1989)
The astronomical coded-aperture X-ray telescope ART-P for the Granat spaceborne astrophysical observatory
Iamburenko, N et al., Instrumentation and Methods for Space Exploration, 182 (1989)
Solar and stellar flare observations using WATCH
Brandt, S, Lund, N & Rao, A, Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers, P33 (1989)
Calibration system for prelaunch and inflight tests Podsolnuch experiment - Granat mission
Markov, V & Bliznakov, K, bang iafc (1988)
Future space instrumentation for multiwavelength astrophysics
Kriss, G, Multiwavelength Astrophysics, 361 (1988)
A Bold Agenda for Soviet Astrophysicists / GRANAT / Gamma
S&T, 74, 601 (1987)
The Great Observatories for Space Astrophysics
Harwit, M & Neal, V, gosa book (1986)
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