Granat Bibliography: Refereed Journals
Possible gamma-ray burst radio detections by the Square Kilometre Array. New perspectives
Ruggeri, A & Capozziello, S, Ap&SS, 361, 279 (2016)
Suzaku Wide-band All-sky Monitor measurements of duration distributions of gamma-ray bursts
Ohmori, N et al., PASJ, 68, 30 (2016)
Correlation between the line width and the line flux of the double-peaked broad Hα of 3C390.3
Zhang, X, MNRAS, 429, 2274 (2013)
Particle acceleration and gamma rays in solar flares: Recent observations and new modeling
Miroshnichenko, L & Gan, W, AdSpR, 50, 736 (2012)
Lavochkin and Kovtunenko scientific and production association: Intersection of destinies that gave a new impetus to the development of national unmanned astronautics
Shevalev, I, SoSyR, 46, 578 (2012)
The Wavelet Analysis of the Activity Processes of Quasar 3C 273 in the Radio-X Wavebands
Ryabov, M & Sukharev, A, OAP, 24, 92 (2011)
Reconciliation of Waiting Time Statistics of Solar Flares Observed in Hard X-rays
Aschwanden, M & McTiernan, J, ApJ, 717, 683 (2010)
νFν Spectra of Intense Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Peak at about 1 MeV
Barat, C & Lestrade, J, ApJ, 667, 1033 (2007)
Model of the solar cosmic ray burst on March 19, 1990
Ermakov, S et al., CosRe, 45, 97 (2007)
The Ep distribution of long-duration γ-ray bursts observed by the PHEBUS experiment
Barat, C, Skinner, G & Lestrade, J, AdSpR, 38, 1329 (2006)
ART-P/GRANAT observations of the X-ray source KS 1731-260
Chelovekov, I, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, AstL, 32, 166 (2006)
EXITE2 Observation of the SIGMA Source GRS 1227+025
Grindlay, J et al., ApJ, 618, 852 (2005)
Broadband X-ray spectrum of GRS 1734-292, a luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy behind the Galactic Center
Sazonov, S et al., A&A, 421, L21 (2004)
Two Years of Observations of the X-ray Pulsar SMC X-1 with the ART-P Telescope onboard the GRANAT Observatory
Lutovinov, A et al., AstL, 30, 50 (2004)
A Hard X-ray Sky Survey with the SIGMA Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory
Revnivtsev, M et al., AstL, 30, 527 (2004)
Observations of the X-ray Pulsar GX 301-2 with the ART-P Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory
Tsygankov, S et al., AstL, 30, 540 (2004)
Reflection Model as Applied for the Analysis of Enhancements of Solar Cosmic Rays at Different Heliocentric Distances: An Example of the Event Observed in June 1991 onboard GRANAT and ULYSSES Spacecraft
Grigorenko, E & Lyubimov, G, CosRe, 42, 219 (2004)
Production of γ-ray lines by energetic ion interactions (determination of solar atmospheric abundances)
Chupp, E & Dunphy, P, NewAR, 48, 113 (2004)
Stereoscopic observations of the giant hard X-ray/gamma-ray solar flare on 1991 June 30 at 0255 UT
Trottet, G et al., A&A, 403, 1157 (2003)
XMM-Newton study of the persistent X-ray source 1E 1743.1-2843 located in the Galactic Center direction
Porquet, D et al., A&A, 406, 299 (2003)
High energy particles accelerated during the large solar flare of 1990 May 24: X/γ-ray observations
Vilmer, N et al., A&A, 412, 865 (2003)
Fast X-Ray Transients and Their Connection to Gamma-Ray Bursts
Arefiev, V, Priedhorsky, W & Borozdin, K, ApJ, 586, 1238 (2003)
SIGMA Observations of the Bursting Pulsar GRO J1744-28
Mejia, J et al., ApJ, 566, 387 (2002)
A catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts detected by the PHEBUS instrument on the GRANAT observatory: October 1994-December 1996
Tkachenko, A et al., AstL, 28, 353 (2002)
Localization of the Solar Flare SF900610 in X-rays with the WATCH Instrument of the GRANAT Observatory
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 28, 853 (2002)
The expected thermal precursors of gamma-ray bursts in the internal shock model
Daigne, F & Mochkovitch, R, MNRAS, 336, 1271 (2002)
A comparison between statistical properties of solar X-ray flares and avalanche predictions in cellular automata statistical flare models
Georgoulis, M, Vilmer, N & Crosby, N, A&A, 367, 326 (2001)
System for prelaunch test and inflight calibration of the Podsolnuh device of the Granat project
Markov, V, ARBl, 16, 107 (2001)
Podsolnuh-D X-ray telescope from the Granat project: research program and some specifics in its hardware implementation
Markov, V, Melioranski, A & Filipov, L, ARBl, 16, 112 (2001)
The SIGMA/Granat Telescope: Calibration and Data Reduction
Bouchet, L et al., ApJ, 548, 990 (2001)
A Transition to the Soft State in GRS 1758-258
Smith, D et al., ApJL, 554, L41 (2001)
BATSE Search for the ∼540 keV Feature in the Crab Spectrum Observed by Granat-SIGMA
Wallyn, P et al., ApJ, 559, 342 (2001)
Long-Term Multiwavelength Observations of GRS 1758-258 and the Advection-dominated Accretion Flow Model
Keck, J et al., ApJ, 563, 301 (2001)
The X-ray Source SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1: The Spectral States and an X-ray Burst
Pavlinsky, M et al., AstL, 27, 297 (2001)
Low State of the X-ray Burster SLX 1732-304 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 1 According to RXTE Data
Molkov, S, Grebenev, S & Lutovinov, A, AstL, 27, 363 (2001)
X-ray Bursts from the Source A1742-294 in the Galactic-Center Region
Lutovinov, A et al., AstL, 27, 501 (2001)
Observations of black hole candidate GRS 1758-258 by the GRATIS balloon-borne telescope and other observatories
Keck, J, PhD Thesis, 2 (2001)
The orbital period of the recurrent X-ray transient in Terzan 6
in’t Zand, J et al., A&A, 355, 145 (2000)
Observations of the soft gamma-ray early afterglow emission from two bright gamma-ray bursts
Tkachenko, A et al., A&A, 358, L41 (2000)
Flare Frequency-Size Distributions for Individual Active Regions
Wheatland, M, ApJ, 532, 1209 (2000)
Gamma-Ray Burst Arrival-Time Localizations: Simultaneous Observations by Ulysses, Pioneer Venus Orbiter, SIGMA, WATCH, and PHEBUS
Hurley, K et al., ApJ, 533, 884 (2000)
Observation of an Extra Emission around 2 MeV in the Spectrum of an Intense Gamma-Ray Burst
Barat, C et al., ApJ, 538, 152 (2000)
The Ulysses Supplement to the Granat/WATCH Catalog of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
Hurley, K et al., ApJS, 128, 549 (2000)
ART-P/GRANAT Observations of the X-ray Pulsar 4U0115+634 during the Outburst in February 1990
Lutovinov, A, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, AstL, 26, 1 (2000)
Observations of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Main Detector of the SIGMA Telescope onboard the GRANAT Observatory
Burenin, R et al., AstL, 26, 413 (2000)
Spectral Variability of the X-ray Pulsar Hercules X-1
Lutovinov, A et al., AstL, 26, 691 (2000)
X-ray Variability of the Pulsar Vela X-1 as Observed with ART-P/Granat
Lutovinov, A et al., AstL, 26, 765 (2000)
Determination of Motion of the Granat Spacecraft According to the Data of Measurements of Its Radial Velocity in the Noninterrogative Mode
Meshkov, M et al., CosRe, 38, 131 (2000)
Hard X-rays from the galactic nucleus: present and future observations
Goldwurm, A et al., NuPhS, 80, 1511 (2000)
Do Solar Flares Exhibit an Interval-size Relationship?
Wheatland, M, SoPh, 191, 381 (2000)
A serendipitous observation of the gamma-ray burst GRB 921013b field with EUVE
Castro-Tirado, A et al., A&A, 342, 47 (1999)
Spring, 1997 it GRANAT/SIGMA observations of the Galactic Center: discovery of the X-ray nova GRS 1737-31
Trudolyubov, S et al., A&A, 342, 496 (1999)
GRANAT/SIGMA observation of the early afterglow from GRB 920723 in soft gamma-rays
Burenin, R et al., A&A, 344, L53 (1999)
Discovery of type-I X-ray bursts from GRS 1741.9-2853
Cocchi, M et al., A&A, 346, L45 (1999)
Observations of short-duration X-ray transients by WATCH on GRANAT
Castro-Tirado, A et al., A&A, 347, 927 (1999)
GRANAT/SIGMA observation of GRB 920723 soft gamma-ray afterglow
Burenin, R et al., A&AS, 138, 443 (1999)
Surprisingly Intense Neutron Emission from a Flare behind the Limb of the Sun
Murphy, R et al., ApJ, 510, 1011 (1999)
SIGMA and RXTE Observations of the Soft X-Ray Transient XTE J1755-324
Goldoni, P et al., ApJ, 511, 847 (1999)
A General Gamma-Ray Source Catalog
Macomb, D & Gehrels, N, ApJS, 120, 335 (1999)
Observations of CENX-3 and 4U0115+634 with the Telescope Art-P on Board GRANAT
Lutovinov, A et al., ApL&C, 38, 85 (1999)
Granatiart-P Observations of GX3+1: Type i X-Ray Burst and Persistent Emission
Molkov, S et al., ApL&C, 38, 141 (1999)
Compact and Diffuse Sources in the Galactic Center Region
Churazov, E et al., ApL&C, 38, 289 (1999)
Deep Sigma Observations of the Central Square Degree of the Galaxy
Goldoni, P et al., ApL&C, 38, 305 (1999)
A Search for Optical Transients in GRB Error Boxes Provided by Watch and BATSE
Guziy, S, Salykin, A & Shlyapnikov, A, ApL&C, 39, 273 (1999)
Observations of Soft Gamma-Ray Afterglow from Two Bright GRB Detected by the Phebus/granat
Tkachenko, A et al., ApL&C, 39, 277 (1999)
Attitude Reconstruction of the GRANAT Satellite Operating in the Scanning Mode
Denis, M et al., ApL&C, 39, 433 (1999)
ART-P/Granat observations of the x-ray pulsar Centaurus X-3
Lutovinov, A, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, AstL, 25, 59 (1999)
Long-term variability of the hard X-ray source GRS 1758-258: GRANAT/SIGMA observations
Kuznetsov, S et al., AstL, 25, 351 (1999)
Afterglow of the gamma-ray burst of July 23, 1992, as observed by the SIGMA/Granat telescope
Burenin, R et al., AstL, 25, 411 (1999)
GRANAT and RXTE observations of the X-ray Nova XTE J1755-324
Revnivtsev, M et al., AstL, 25, 493 (1999)
Several Small Proton Events in Years 1990-1991 by Data of the GRANAT Satellite
Grigorenko, E & Lubimov, G, CosRe, 37, 352 (1999)
Several small proton events in the years 1990 - 1991 by data of the GRANAT satellite
Grigorenko, E & Lyubimov, G, KosIs, 37, 374 (1999)
Observations of Cen X-3 witha GRANAT/ART-P
Lutovinov, A et al., NuPhS, 69, 166 (1999)
The experiment AIR-WATCH from SPACE
Scarsi, L, NuPhS, 75, 128 (1999)
Frequency distributions of solar gamma ray events related and not related with spes in 1980-1995
Perez Enriquez, R & Miroshnichenko, L, SoPh, 188, 169 (1999)
Hard X-ray observations of X-ray Nova Ophiuchi 1993 (GRS 1716-249) with GRANAT/SIGMA
Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 331, 557 (1998)
The SIGMA pulse profiles of GX 1+4: four years of monitoring
David, P et al., A&A, 332, 165 (1998)
Deka-keV X-ray observations of solar bursts with WATCH/GRANAT: frequency distributions of burst parameters
Crosby, N et al., A&A, 334, 299 (1998)
Hard X-ray observations of GX 339-4 with GRANAT/SIGMA
Trudolyubov, S et al., A&A, 334, 895 (1998)
A BATSE-based search for repeaters in the sample of gamma-ray bursts detected by the WATCH experiment
Gorosabel, J et al., A&A, 336, 57 (1998)
Search for gamma-ray bursts above 20 TeV with the HEGRA AIROBICC Cherenkov array
Padilla, L et al., A&A, 337, 43 (1998)
GRANAT/WATCH catalogue of cosmic gamma-ray bursts: December 1989 to September 1994
Sazonov, S et al., A&AS, 129, 1 (1998)
The WATCH solar X-ray burst catalogue
Crosby, N et al., A&AS, 130, 233 (1998)
Search for a correlation of gamma-ray bursts with quasars and active galactic nuclei
Burenin, R et al., AstL, 24, 427 (1998)
A catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts recorded by PHEBUS/Granat: January 1993-September 1994
Tkachenko, A et al., AstL, 24, 722 (1998)
Radio counterparts to GRANAT sources
Marti, J et al., NewAR, 42, 621 (1998)
Multi-wavelength study of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 and of high-energy binary sources in the Galaxy
Chaty, S, PhD Thesis, 33 (1998)
Perspectives of gamma-ray astronomy beyond 2000
Vedrenne, G, PhyBl, 54, 633 (1998)
The optical counterpart of GRS 1009-45 (X-ray Nova Velorum 1993)
della Valle, M et al., A&A, 318, 179 (1997)
Rapid X-ray variability of the superluminal source GRS 1915+105
Paul, B et al., A&A, 320, L37 (1997)
A candidate optical and infrared counterpart for GRS 1739-278
Marti, J et al., A&A, 323, 158 (1997)
Spectral states of galactic black hole candidates: results of observations with ART-P/Granat
Grebenev, S, Sunyaev, R & Pavlinsky, M, AdSpR, 19, 15 (1997)
GRANAT/SIGMA observations of X-ray nova persei 1992
Finogeunov, A et al., AdSpR, 19, 35 (1997)
LMXBS and black hole candidates in the Galactic Center Region
Churazov, E et al., AdSpR, 19, 55 (1997)
SIGMA//it GRANAT Discovery of GRS 1739-278, a Hard X-Ray Transient in the Galactic Bulge
Vargas, M et al., ApJL, 476, L23 (1997)
Broadband High-Energy Observations of the Superluminal Jet Source GRO J1655-40 during an Outburst
Zhang, S et al., ApJ, 479, 381 (1997)
The Giant 1991 June 1 Flare: Evidence for Gamma-Ray Production in the Corona and Accelerated Heavy Ion Abundance Enhancements from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
Ramaty, R et al., ApJ, 479, 458 (1997)
Further Evidence for Some Gamma-Ray Bursts Consistent with Primordial Black Hole Evaporation
Cline, D, Sanders, D & Hong, W, ApJ, 486, 169 (1997)
Super-Eddington x-ray luminosity of the bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28: WATCH/Granat observations
Sazonov, S, Sunyaev, R & Lund, N, AstL, 23, 286 (1997)
Temporal and spectral properties of the May 11, 1990 solar flare (Granat Data)
Tkachenko, A et al., AstL, 23, 557 (1997)
On the correlation of cosmic gamma-ray bursts with rich clusters of galaxies
Burenin, R et al., AstL, 23, 768 (1997)
June 1991 Cosmic-Ray Event from the Granat Satellite Data
Grigorenko, E & Lyubimov, G, CosRe, 35, 554 (1997)
June 1991 cosmic-ray event from the GRANAT satellite data
Grigorenko, E & Lyubimov, G, KosIs, 35, 593 (1997)
Super-Eddington luminosity in the bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28. GRANAT/WATCH results
Sazonov, S, Sunyaev, R & Lund, N, LNP, 487, 199 (1997)
Properties of the hard X-ray radiation from Cygnus X-1 and 1E1740.7-2942
Kuznetsov, S et al., MNRAS, 292, 651 (1997)
SIGMA hard X-ray observations of the Galactic Bulge source SLX 1735-269
Goldwurm, A et al., A&A, 310, 857 (1996)
ROSAT-HRI observations of SIGMA hard X-ray sources of the Galactic Center region
Barret, D & Grindlay, J, A&A, 311, 239 (1996)
SIGMA discovery of a transient hard X-ray source in the galactic center region
Vargas, M et al., A&A, 313, 828 (1996)
ROSAT observation of GRS 1739-278
Greiner, J, Dennerl, K & Predehl, P, A&A, 314, L21 (1996)
Observations and physics of galactic superluminal sources
Levinson, A & Blandford, R, A&AS, 120, 129 (1996)
On galactic superluminal transients
Tavani, M, A&AS, 120, 201 (1996)
Observations of the unusual X-ray source GRS 1915+105 in Aquila
Paciesas, W et al., A&AS, 120, 205 (1996)
A persistent hard X-ray source observed in the Terzan 1 globular cluster by the SIGMA telescope
Borrel, V et al., A&AS, 120, 249 (1996)
On the ^7^Be^*^ and ^7^Li^*^ de-excitation lines as a possible explanation of the gamma-ray feature observed in Nova Muscae1991
Durouchoux, P et al., A&AS, 120, 265 (1996)
SIGMA survey of the Galactic Center region and discovery of a hard X-ray transient
Vargas, M et al., A&AS, 120, 291 (1996)
BATSE observations of galactic positron-annihilation radiation
Smith, D et al., A&AS, 120, 361 (1996)
Limits on Reported Transient Emission Events near 0.5 MeV from the Crab and 1E 1740.7-2942
Smith, D et al., ApJ, 458, 576 (1996)
SIGMA Detection of Hard X-Ray Emission from the Terzan 1 Globular Cluster
Borrel, V et al., ApJ, 462, 754 (1996)
ASCA Measurement of the Hydrogen Column Density to 1E 1740.7-2942
Sheth, S et al., ApJ, 468, 755 (1996)
Old Isolated Accreting Neutron Stars: The Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Galactic Center
Zane, S, Turolla, R & Treves, A, ApJ, 471, 248 (1996)
The Hardness-Duration Diagram of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Dezalay, J et al., ApJL, 471, L27 (1996)
Deuterium synthesis during the solar flare of March 22, 1991 (Granat Data)
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 22, 143 (1996)
PHEBUS/GRANAT observations of high-energy solar flares
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 22, 362 (1996)
SIGMA/GRANAT observations of the X-ray transient KS/GRS 1730-312 in Scorpius
Trudolyubov, S et al., AstL, 22, 664 (1996)
SIGMA/GRANAT Observations of the X-Ray Nova Persei 1992
Finoguenov, A et al., AstL, 22, 721 (1996)
ROSAT observations of the SIGMA source GRS 1227+025 near 3C 273
Leach, C & McHardy, I, MNRAS, 278, 465 (1996)
Broad-band γ-ray and X-ray spectra of NGC 4151 and their implications for physical processes and geometry
Zdziarski, A, Johnson, W & Magdziarz, P, MNRAS, 283, 193 (1996)
Deka-KeV X-Ray Emission Associated with the Onset of Radio Noise Storms
Crosby, N et al., SoPh, 167, 333 (1996)
ROSAT/PSPC All Sky Survey observations of the ultra soft X-ray transient TrA X-1 (A1524-62). Detection during a "mini-outburst" and upper limit in quiescence
Barret, D et al., A&A, 296, 459 (1995)
Broad-band X-ray observations of NGC 4151. by the ART-P and SIGMA telescopes in 1990-92
Finoguenov, A et al., A&A, 300, 101 (1995)
Time series analysis of bright galactic X-ray sources
Priedhorsky, W, Brandt, S & Lund, N, A&A, 300, 415 (1995)
X-ray and radio observations of the globular cluster Terzan 2
Mereghetti, S et al., A&A, 302, 713 (1995)
Sigma observations of the low mass X-ray binaries of the galactic bulge
Goldwurm, A et al., AdSpR, 15, 055 (1995)
SIGMA observations of the low mass X-ray binaries of the galactic bulge
Goldwurm, A et al., AdSpR, 15, 0541 (1995)
Observations of hard galactic center source 1E1740.7-2942 with art-p/granat
Grebenev, S, Pavlinsky, M & Sunyaev, R, AdSpR, 15, 05115 (1995)
Gamma-ray astronomy - future prospects
Skinner, G, AdSpR, 15, 05161 (1995)
New developments in X-ray and ultraviolet astronomy. Proceedings. E1.2 Meeting of COSPAR Scientific Commission E held during the Thirtieth COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Hamburg (Germany), 11 - 21 Jul 1994
Drew, J, AdSpR, 16, 03 (1995)
A long-term observation of 4U 1700-37 by the granat/watch all-sky monitor
Sazonov, S et al., AdSpR, 16, 0387 (1995)
The X-ray burster SLX1732-304 in the globular cluster terzan-1: observations with the ART-P telescope on board the GRANAT observatory
Pavlinsky, M et al., AdSpR, 16, 0395 (1995)
Timing of accreting neutron stars with the ART-P telescope aboard GRANAT
Lutovinov, A et al., AdSpR, 16, 03135 (1995)
Review of GRANAT Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Terekhov, O et al., Ap&SS, 231, 31 (1995)
Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by PHEBUS
Dezalay, J et al., Ap&SS, 231, 115 (1995)
Search for extended hardγ-ray emission in GRB’s
Tkachenko, A et al., Ap&SS, 231, 131 (1995)
Spectral properties of GRB’s observed by PHEBUS
Denissenko, D et al., Ap&SS, 231, 211 (1995)
Study of WATCH GRB Error Boxes
Gorosabel, J et al., Ap&SS, 231, 297 (1995)
Hard X-Ray Variability of X-Ray Nova Persei 1992: Granat/SIGMA Results
Vikhlinin, A et al., ApJ, 441, 779 (1995)
Detection of the A1742-294 X-Ray Burster above 35 keV
Churazov, E et al., ApJ, 443, 341 (1995)
SIGMA Observations of the Galactic Center at 511 keV
Malet, I et al., ApJ, 444, 222 (1995)
Two Classes of Gamma-Ray--emitting Active Galactic Nuclei
Dermer, C & Gehrels, N, ApJ, 447, 103 (1995)
Catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts detected with the PHOEBUS instrument aboard the GRANAT observatory between June 1991 and December 1992
Terekbov, O et al., AstL, 21, 73 (1995)
GRANAT observations of a bright cosmic γ-ray burst on July 23, 1992
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 21, 217 (1995)
WATCH/GRANAT observations of the x-ray pulsar GX 301-2
Chichkov, M et al., AstL, 21, 435 (1995)
Imaging Techniques Applied to the Coded Mask SIGMA Telescope
Goldwurm, A, ExA, 6, 9 (1995)
Model of the cosmic ray event of March 23 - 31, 1991
Ermakov, S, Lyubimov, G & Tulupov, V, KosIs, 33, 128 (1995)
Short-Duration X-ray Transients Observed with WATCH on Granat: Are Some of Them Related to Stellar Flares?
Castro-Tirado, A et al., LNP, 454, 158 (1995)
Observations of γ-ray bursts and solar flares with Granat
Terekhov, O et al., LNP, 454, 353 (1995)
Luminosity dependence of the hardness of the 13-80 keV X-ray spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries
van Paradijs, J & van der Klis, M, A&A, 281, L17 (1994)
NGC 1068 : a genuine hidden Seyfert 1 galaxy ?
Jourdain, E et al., A&A, 281, L57 (1994)
Optical studies in the fields of gamma ray burst sources II. GRB 910219 and the detection of flashing optical counterpart
Hudec, R et al., A&A, 284, 839 (1994)
Application of the V/V_max_ test to PHEBUS gamma-ray bursts
Dezalay, J et al., A&A, 286, 103 (1994)
Simultaneous observations of γ-ray bursts with Phebus/Granat and ULYSSES GRB
Atteia, J et al., A&A, 288, 213 (1994)
SIGMA/GRANAT observations of the bright nearby millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715
Barret, D et al., A&A, 288, 472 (1994)
The investigation of the error boxes of KVANT and GRANAT X-ray sources in the region of Galactic center
Cherepashchuk, A et al., A&A, 289, 419 (1994)
Observational Evidence Linking a Quasar with an Optical Transient
Vrba, F et al., ApJ, 424, 68 (1994)
Discovery of a Low-Frequency Broad Quasi-periodic Oscillation Peak in the Power Density Spectrum of Cygnus X-1 with Granat/SIGMA
Vikhlinin, A et al., ApJ, 424, 395 (1994)
X-Ray Images of the Galactic Center Obtained with Art-P/Granat: Discovery of New Sources, Variability of Persistent Sources, and Localization of X-Ray Bursters
Pavlinsky, M, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, ApJ, 425, 110 (1994)
Evidence for Intense Coronal Prompt Gamma-Ray Line Emission from a Solar Flare
Barat, C et al., ApJL, 425, L109 (1994)
On the Optical Counterparts, Long-Term Variabilities, Radio Jets, and Accretion Sources in 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258
Chen, W, Gehrels, N & Leventhal, M, ApJ, 426, 586 (1994)
Evidence for a Soft X-Ray Excess in the Spectrum of GRS 1758-258
Mereghetti, S, Belloni, T & Goldwurm, A, ApJL, 433, L21 (1994)
Solar Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations from GRANAT
Vilmer, N, ApJS, 90, 611 (1994)
A wide-field monitor for INTEGRAL
Lund, N, ApJS, 92, 337 (1994)
Review of 3 Years of Observations with the Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Telescope SIGMA Onboard GRANAT
Mandrou, P et al., ApJS, 92, 343 (1994)
A Review of Recent Results in Gamma-Ray Astronomy Obtained from High-Altitude Balloons
Teegarden, B, ApJS, 92, 363 (1994)
Review of GRANAT/SIGMA observations of the Galactic center region
Churazov, E et al., ApJS, 92, 381 (1994)
Observation of Transient High-Energy Emission Features in the Spectra of Black Hole Candidates and the Crab Nebula by GRANAT/SIGMA
Gilfanov, M et al., ApJS, 92, 411 (1994)
Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters: Black Holes in Giant Molecular Clouds?
Grindlay, J, ApJS, 92, 465 (1994)
Discovery and Observations by WATCH of the X-Ray Transient GRS 1915+105
Castro-Tirado, A et al., ApJS, 92, 469 (1994)
Hot Plasmas and the Generation of Gamma Rays
Fabian, A, ApJS, 92, 555 (1994)
Spectral Characteristics of Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by the Anticoincidence Shield of the SIGMA Telescope aboard GRANAT
Pelaez, F et al., ApJS, 92, 651 (1994)
Gamma-Ray Astronomy---A Status Report
Holt, S, ApJS, 92, 693 (1994)
The discovery of the short-lived GRS1724+21 x-ray source by the WATCH instrument onboard the GRANAT observatory
Sazonov, S et al., AstL, 20, 1 (1994)
The discovery and observations of the hard x-ray transient source GRS 1009-45 by the WATCH instrument of the GRANAT observatory
Lapshov, I et al., AstL, 20, 205 (1994)
A catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts registered by the PHEBUS instrument of the GRANAT Observatory, December 1989-May 1991
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 20, 265 (1994)
Timing of x-ray pulsars from data obtained with the ART-P telescope of the GRANAT space observatory in 1990-1992
Lutovinov, A et al., AstL, 20, 538 (1994)
Two years of observations of the transient X-ray source GRS 1915+105 with the WATCH instrument of the GRANAT Observatory
Sazonov, S et al., AstL, 20, 787 (1994)
Observations of high-energy (E≥10 MeV) gamma-rays with the PHEBUS instrument
Vilmer, N et al., LNP, 432, 197 (1994)
Possible evidence against a massive black hole at the Galactic Centre
Goldwurm, A et al., Natur, 371, 589 (1994)
Fine scale temporal structures in solar hard X-rays bursts observed by PHEBUS
Vilmer, N et al., SSRv, 68, 233 (1994)
Neutron and electromagnetic emissions during the 1990 May 24 solar flare
Kocharov, L et al., SoPh, 155, 149 (1994)
The orbital astrophysical observatory “Granat”: problems of control
Kuleshova, N, Tserenin, I & Shejkhet, A, ZemVs, 2, 21 (1994)
"Granat" and investigation of cosmic radiation
Zosim, L, ZemVs, 2, 30 (1994)
SIGMA soft gamma-ray observations of 1E 1740.7-2942 in the spring of 1992 : discovery of a sub-luminous state of emission and precise gamma-ray position measurement
Cordier, B et al., A&A, 272, 277 (1993)
The soft gamma-ray source 1E 1740.7-2942 revisited : SIGMA observation of a new transient activity beyond 200 keV
Cordier, B et al., A&A, 275, L1 (1993)
Recent advances in high energy astronomy
Lequeux, J & Mandrou, P, A&AS 97 (1993)
Overview of two-year observations with SIGMA on board GRANAT
Mandrou, P et al., A&AS, 97, 1 (1993)
Observations of gamma-ray burst spectra between 5 keV and 100 MeV
Barat, C, A&AS, 97, 43 (1993)
The duration VS intensity diagram for a subset of PHEBUS gamma-ray bursts
Lestrade, J et al., A&AS, 97, 79 (1993)
A search for weak gamma-ray bursts with GRANAT/SIGMA
Sunyaev, R et al., A&AS, 97, 85 (1993)
SIGMA observations of extragalactic sources
Bassani, L et al., A&AS, 97, 89 (1993)
Hard X-ray observation of GRS 1758-258
Bazzano, A et al., A&AS, 97, 169 (1993)
Spectral states of 1E 1740.7-2942
Churazov, E et al., A&AS, 97, 173 (1993)
Optical observations of high energy sources
Bignami, G, Caraveo, P & Mereghetti, S, A&AS, 97, 229 (1993)
Two transient X-ray sources observed with the WATCH experiment
Brandt, S et al., A&AS, 97, 257 (1993)
Observations of black hole candidates with GRANAT
Grebenev, S et al., A&AS, 97, 281 (1993)
The spectra of nova MUSCAE 1991 between 3 keV and 1 MeV observed with GRANAT
Gilfanov, M et al., A&AS, 97, 303 (1993)
WATCH observations of the X-ray pulsar GX 301-2
Castro-Tirado, A et al., A&AS, 97, 329 (1993)
Temporal and spectral characteristics of the June 11, 1991 gamma-ray flare
Trottet, G et al., A&AS, 97, 337 (1993)
Temporal characteristics of solar hard X-ray/gamma-ray bursts observed by PHEBUS
Talon, R et al., AdSpR, 13, 09171 (1993)
Radio and X-ray/gamma-ray observations of two solar flares
Trottet, G et al., AdSpR, 13, 09285 (1993)
Observations of extragalactic objects with telescope AR T-P onboard Granat
Apalkov, Y et al., AdSpR, 13, 12273 (1993)
High angular resolution observations in the soft gamma-ray band with sigma
Paul, J et al., AdSpR, 13, 12665 (1993)
Hard X-ray spectral properties and discovery of narrow annihilation line in the spectrum of Nova Muscae
Gilfanov, M et al., AdSpR, 13, 12695 (1993)
SIGMA/GRANAT observations of hard X-ray emission from type I X-ray bursters
Barret, D et al., AdSpR, 13, 12719 (1993)
SIGMA hard X-ray observations of GX339-4
Bouchet, L et al., AdSpR, 13, 12743 (1993)
SIGMA observations of the soft Gamma-Ray Source GRS 1758-258
Laurent, P et al., AdSpR, 13, 12751 (1993)
A High-Sensitivity Search for Gamma-Ray Bursts by the Sigma Telescope on Board GRANAT (the Galactic Center and All Sky Data)
Sunyaev, R et al., ApJ, 402, 579 (1993)
SIGMA Upper Limits to the Hard X-Ray/Soft Gamma-Ray Emission from the Millisecond Pulsars of the Nearby Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
Barret, D et al., ApJL, 405, L59 (1993)
The Center of the Galaxy in the Recent Past: A View from GRANAT
Sunyaev, R, Markevitch, M & Pavlinsky, M, ApJ, 407, 606 (1993)
Sigma Hard X-Ray Observations of GX 339-4 during the Hard State and a Transition to the Soft State
Bouchet, L et al., ApJ, 407, 739 (1993)
Low-Flux Hard State of 1E 1740.7-2942
Churazov, E et al., ApJ, 407, 752 (1993)
On the Hard X-Ray Variability of Centaurus A
Jourdain, E et al., ApJ, 412, 586 (1993)
Acceleration Efficiency in Nonthermal Sources and the Soft Gamma Rays from NGC 4151 Observed by OSSE and SIGMA
Zdziarski, A, Lightman, A & Maciolek-Niedzwiecki, A, ApJL, 414, L93 (1993)
Three Years of Monitoring GRS 1758-258: an Extremely Hard X-Ray Source near GX 5-1
Gilfanov, M et al., ApJ, 418, 844 (1993)
Deuterium synthesis during the solar flare of May 24, 1990 - GRANAT satellite observations of delayed 2.2-MeV gamma-line emission
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 19, 65 (1993)
Hard X-ray observations of the LMC field with SIGMA telescope on board "Granat". Upper limits on the flux from SN 1987A
Finoguenov, A et al., AstL, 19, 69 (1993)
Hard X-ray observations of the binary system 4U 1700-377/HD 153919 with the SIGMA Telescope on board GRANAT
Sitdikov, A et al., AstL, 19, 188 (1993)
The results of the X-ray source 4U 1700-37 observations with the WATCH instrument of the “GRANAT” observatory
Sazonov, S et al., AstL, 19, 272 (1993)
Observations of the GRB 920723 gamma-ray burst by the WATCH instrument of the “GRANAT” observatory
Terekhov, O et al., AstL, 19, 276 (1993)
Observations of the low-mass x-ray system 4U 1626-67/KZ TrA by the Granat Astrophysical Observatory
Loznikov, V et al., AstL, 19, 366 (1993)
Hard X-ray spectra of some X-ray binaries from balloon-borne observations
Chitnis, V et al., BASI, 21, 555 (1993)
INTEGRAL - the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory
Winkler, C, Pace, O & Volonte, S, ESAJ, 17, 207 (1993)
In flight energy calibration and gain corrections for the hard X- and soft gamma-ray telescope Sigma
Lei, F et al., ExA, 2, 399 (1993)
On re-acceleration, pairs and the high-energy spectrum of AGN and galactic black hole candidates
Ghisellini, G, Haardt, F & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 263, L9 (1993)
Particle acceleration in solar flares
Mandzhavidze, N & Ramaty, R, NuPhS, 33, 141 (1993)
Hard X-ray and γ-ray observations of solar flares with the Phebus experiment
Talon, R et al., SoPh, 147, 137 (1993)
The State commission and the "Granat" Observatory
Tamkovich, G, ZemVs, 1, 17 (1993)
X-ray telescope ART-P on board the Granat Observatory
Grebenev, S et al., ZemVs, 6, 3 (1993)
Discovery and early X-ray lightcurve of the transient GRS 1124-68 (Nova MUSCAE 1991)
Brandt, S et al., A&A, 254, L39 (1992)
Observations of a highly polarized radio filament near the great annihilator 1E 1740.7-2942
Reich, W & Schlickeiser, R, A&A, 256, 408 (1992)
SIGMA observation of a steep spectral shape in NGC 4151 above 35keV
Jourdain, E et al., A&A, 256, L38 (1992)
Detection of a type-I X-ray burst from 4U 0614+09
Brandt, S et al., A&A, 262, L15 (1992)
X-Ray Nova in Musca (GRS 1124-68): Hard X-Ray Source with Narrow Annihilation Line
Sunyaev, R et al., ApJL, 389, L75 (1992)
SIGMA/GRANAT Soft Gamma-Ray Observations of the X-Ray Nova in Musca: Discovery of Positron Annihilation Emission Line
Goldwurm, A et al., ApJL, 389, L79 (1992)
SIGMA Observation of Two Quasars: 3C 273 and 0241+62
Bassani, L et al., ApJ, 396, 504 (1992)
Nonthermal Electron-Positron Pairs and the Break in the Hard X-Ray Spectrum of NGC 4151
Coppi, P & Zdziarski, A, ApJL, 398, L37 (1992)
A double-sided radio jet from the compact Galactic Centre annihilator 1E1740.7-2942
Mirabel, I et al., Natur, 358, 215 (1992)
The Gamma-Ray Cosmos
Chupp, E, Sci, 258, 1894 (1992)
Solar hard X-ray and γ-ray bursts observed by the sigma anti-coincidence shield aboard granat
Pelaez, F et al., SoPh, 140, 121 (1992)
Observations of Nova MUSCAE with the "watch" instrument
Lapshov, I et al., SvAL, 18, 1 (1992)
Observations of Musca X-ray nova with the Art-P telescope onboard "Granat" : precise localization and spectral variability
Grebenev, S, Sunyaev, R & Pavlinsky, M, SvAL, 18, 5 (1992)
Discovery and preliminary results of observations of the transient X-ray source GRS 0834-43 with "watch" instrument of the "Granat" observatory
Lapshov, I et al., SvAL, 18, 12 (1992)
Two years of observations of the X-ray pulsar VELA X-1 with "watch" instrument of the "Granat" observatory
Lapshov, I et al., SvAL, 18, 16 (1992)
New X-ray sources GRS 1734-292, GRS 1736-297 and GRS 1747-312, discovered with the ART-P telescope onboard the "Granat" observatory in the Galactic Center field
Pavlinsky, M, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, SvAL, 18, 88 (1992)
The X-ray map of Galactic center region obtained with ART-P telescope on board the "Granat" observatory
Pavlinsky, M, Grebenev, S & Sunyaev, R, SvAL, 18, 116 (1992)
Observations of X-ray pulsar X-Per (4U 0352+30) by the "Granat" observatory
Babalyan, G et al., SvAL, 18, 121 (1992)
X-ray pulsar twins, 1E 1145.1-6141 and 2S 1145-619 according to observations with ART-P telescope aboard “GRANAT”
Grebenev, S, Pavlinsky, M & Sunyaev, R, SvAL, 18, 228 (1992)
First results from watch on granat
Lund, N, AdSpR, 11, 17 (1991)
Observations of bright X-ray sources with the WATCH instrument
Lapshov, I et al., AdSpR, 11, 25 (1991)
First results of X-ray pulsar observations with the ART-P telescope onboard “GRANAT” observatory
Gil’fanov, M et al., AdSpR, 11, 29 (1991)
A program for X-ray/optical identification of soft γ-ray sources discovered by the “SIGMA” telescope
Caraveo, P et al., AdSpR, 11, 83 (1991)
Gamma-ray burst observations with Konus-B on Granat spacecraft
Golenetskii, S et al., AdSpR, 11, 125 (1991)
First results of the PHEBUS Soviet-French gamma-ray bursts experiment onboard GRANAT satellite
Terekhov, O et al., AdSpR, 11, 129 (1991)
First gamma-ray burst observations with the sigma telescope
Pelaez, F et al., AdSpR, 11, 135 (1991)
Imaging of the Galactic Center field by KVANT and GRANAT
Sunyaev, R et al., AdSpR, 11, 177 (1991)
SIGMA: The hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray telescope on board the GRANAT space observatory
Paul, J et al., AdSpR, 11, 289 (1991)
Gamma-ray spectroscopy: Requirements and prospects
Matteson, J, AdSpR, 11, 397 (1991)
SIGMA Discovery of Variable E +- E - Annihilation Radiation from the Near Galactic Center Variable Compact Source 1E 1740.7-2942
Bouchet, L et al., ApJL, 383, L45 (1991)
Three Spectral States of 1E 1740.7-2942: From Standard Cygnus X-1 Type Spectrum to the Evidence of Electron-Positron Annihilation Feature
Sunyaev, R et al., ApJL, 383, L49 (1991)
Un an d’astronomie γ à haute résolution avec le télescope SIGMA: du centre de la Galaxie à la nova de la Mouche
Paul, J & Mandrou, P, CRASG, 8, 283 (1991)
SETI Through the Gamma-Ray Window: A Search for Interstellar Spacecraft
Harris, M, LNP, 390, 300 (1991)
Is the Galactic Centre gamma-ray source 1E1740.7 - 2942 accreting from a molecular cloud?
Bally, J & Leventhal, M, Natur, 353, 234 (1991)
Observations of one degree neighbourhood of the galactic center in 4-30 KEV X-ray band by ART-P telescope. Preliminary results
Sunyaev, R et al., PAZh, 17, 99 (1991)
First results of X-ray pulsar observations with ART-P telescope onboard “GRANAT” observatory
Gilfanov, M et al., PAZh, 17, 108 (1991)
Two hard X-ray sources in the field of the galactic center : well known 1E 174O.7-2942 and discovered GRS 1758-258
Sunyaev, R et al., PAZh, 17, 116 (1991)
"MIR - KVANT" observations of extremely hard X-ray source 1E 1740.7-2942
Sunyaev, R et al., PAZh, 17, 126 (1991)
First results of measurements of charged-particle fluxes on the GRANAT spacecraft
Chuchkov, E et al., PAZh, 17, 135 (1991)
Gamma-ray burst observations with KONUS-B on “GRANAT” spacecraft
Golenetskii, S et al., PAZh, 17, 195 (1991)
X-ray images of supernova 1987A field. ART-P/ “GRANAT” observations in 1990
Grebenev, S et al., PAZh, 17, 310 (1991)
Detection of 0.8 HZ quasi periodical oscillations from the black hole candidate GX 339-4
Grebenev, S et al., PAZh, 17, 985 (1991)
Observations of Musca nova with “GRANAT”/SIGMA : hard X-ray spectral properties and discovery of narrow annihilation line in the spectrum
Gilfanov, M et al., PAZh, 17, 1059 (1991)
Observations of the Galactic Center in the 4-30-KEV Range with the Art-P X-Ray Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory - Preliminary Results
Syunyaev, R et al., SvAL, 17, 42 (1991)
First Results of X-Ray Pulsar Observations by the Art-P Telescope on the GRANAT Observatory
Gilfanov, M et al., SvAL, 17, 46 (1991)
Measurements of Charged Particle Fluxes by the GRANAT Spacecraft - First Results
Chuchkov, E et al., SvAL, 17, 58 (1991)
Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Konus-B Instrument on the GRANAT Station
Golenetskii, S et al., SvAL, 17, 83 (1991)
X-Ray Images of the Region Near Supernova 1987A - Observations with the Art-P Telescope of the GRANAT Observatory in 1990
Grebenev, S et al., SvAL, 17, 130 (1991)
Observations of Nova MUSCAE with the Sigma Telescope on the GRANAT Observatory - Spectroscopic Properties in Hard X-Rays and Discovery of the Annihilation Line in the Spectrum
Gilfanov, M et al., SvAL, 17, 437 (1991)
X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
Bleeker, J & Hermsen, W, AdSpR, 10, 02 (1990)
The sigma mission on the granat satellite
Roques, J et al., AdSpR, 10, 02223 (1990)
X-ray telescopes ART-P and ART-S for the granat project
Siuniaev, R et al., AdSpR, 10, 02233 (1990)
The watch all-sky monitor for the granat project
Brandt, S, Lund, N & Rao, A, AdSpR, 10, 02239 (1990)
The Sigma telescope - A decisive step in high energy astronomy
Arduini, M & Chene, J, AerAs, 142, 45 (1990)
A Test of the Galactic Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Paczynski, B, ApJ, 348, 485 (1990)
Distribution of Intensities of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Paczynski, B & Long, K, ApJ, 333, 694 (1988)
The project EGRET (energetic gamma-ray experiment telescope) on NASA’s Gamma-Ray Observatory GRO
Kanbach, G et al., SSRv, 49, 69 (1988)
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