HEAO-1 Bibliography: Non-refereed Publications
The MIT Program, Competition, and Ethics
Bradt, H, AAS, 221, 11301 (2013)
Origins of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Mission
Lamb, F, AAS, 221, 11307 (2013)
The Origin of the UCSD X-ray Astronomy Program - A Personal Perspective
Peterson, L, AAS, 221, 11309 (2013)
The HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D, AAS, 221, 11310 (2013)
My 35 Years in X-ray Astronomy (Not)
Urry, C, AAS, 221, 11316 (2013)
The first MAXI/GSC catalog in the high-Galactic latitude sky
Hiroi, K et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 328 (2012)
The XMM-Newton Slew Survey - the Whole Sky View, the Rarest Events & the Deepest Ever 2-10 keV ‘All-Sky’ Survey
Read, A et al., Half a Century of X-ray Astronomy, 137 (2012)
The Joys of Applying UV Spectroscopy to Understanding the Solar-Stellar Connection and Related Topics in Astrophysics
Linsky, J, AAS, 218, 21301 (2011)
The Cosmic X-ray Background at the peak of its emission: new results and implications
Frontera, F et al., Relativistic Astrophysics, 38 (2008)
X-ray Background and Earth Albedo with Swift/BAT
Ajello, M et al., HEAD, 10, 3202 (2008)
Obituary: Herbert Gursky, 1930-2006
Doschek, G & Dahlburg, J, BAAS, 39, 1060 (2007)
An accretion disk laboratory in the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy NGC 2992
Yaqoob, T, Murphy, K & Terashima, Y, IAUS, 238, 123 (2007)
Gamma-ray observations with Swift and their impact
Krimm, H & Swift Science Team, JPhCS, 60, 107 (2007)
On The 5-50 Kev Energy Spectrum Of The Unresolved X-ray Background
Weisskopf, M et al., HEAD, 9, 0731 (2006)
Swift: results from the first year of the mission
Krimm, H, SPIE, 6266, 04 (2006)
New outbursts of the black hole candidate H1743-322/IGR17464-3213 observed by INTEGRAL
Capitanio, F et al., VI Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond, 74 (2006)
The Mystery of the Hard X-ray Bright CV TW Pictoris
Mukai, K, XMM-Newton Proposal, 31 (2006)
A re-consideration of the HEAO-1 A2 Measurements of the Cosmic X-ray Background Surface Brightness
Jahoda, K, AAS, 207, 2006 (2005)
Galactic Black Hole transient in Outburst around the case of IGRJ17464-3213/H1743-322
Joinet, A, SF2A-2005: Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise, 455 (2005)
Obituary: Janet Akyüz Mattei, 1943-2004
Williams, T & Willson, L, BAAS, 36, 1681 (2004)
INTEGRAL and RXTE Observations of Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 111
Chernyakova, M et al., ESASP, 552, 563 (2004)
Cosmological Evolution of the Hard X-Ray AGN Luminosity Function: Formation History of Supermassive Black Holes
Ueda, Y et al., PThPS, 155, 209 (2004)
Cosmological Evolution of the AGN X-ray Luminosity Function
Ueda, Y, Hasinger, G & Miyaji, T, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 3751 (2004)
X-Ray Luminosity Functions of Active Galactic Nuclei
Miyaji, T, Multiwavelength AGN Surveys, 316 (2004)
X-ray Luminosity Functions of Active Galactic Nuclei
Miyaji, T, Multiwavelength AGN Surveys, 317 (2004)
XMM-Newton Proposal 03014504
Matt, G, XMM-Newton Proposal, 50 (2004)
The Absence of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect: Constraints on a Cosmological Constant
Boughn, S & Crittenden, R, The Emergence of Cosmic Structure, 67 (2003)
EXIST: Deep Hard X-ray Imaging Survey for Black Holes
Grindlay, J, APS April Meeting Abstracts, 4004 (2003)
RXTE ASM Observations of H1743-322 = IGR J17464-3213
Remillard, R, ATel, 138, 1 (2003)
Monitoring the Cyclotron Line Energy of Hercules X-1
Coburn, W et al., HEAD, 7, 1728 (2003)
a Search for Variablity in the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Hercules X-1
Coburn, W, RXTE Proposal, 80015 (2003)
A Search for Variablity in the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Hercules X-1
Coburn, W, RXTE Proposal, 80115 (2003)
XMM-Newton Proposal 02006604
Matt, G, XMM-Newton Proposal, 32 (2003)
XMM-Newton Proposal 02024905
Matt, G, XMM-Newton Proposal, 131 (2003)
The Far-Infrared-X-ray Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray-selected Active Galaxies
Wilkes, B et al., AAS, 201, 13801 (2002)
In.XS: project for a future spaceborne hard x-ray all-sky survey
Marty, P et al., SPIE, 4497, 1 (2002)
Resolving the Hard X-Ray Background in the Chandra Deep Field South
Gilli, R et al., Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology, 573 (2002)
a Search for Variability in the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Hercules X-1
Coburn, W, RXTE Proposal, 70010 (2002)
X0922-314: a Neglected, Persistent X-Ray Source in the Galaxy
Remillard, R, RXTE Proposal, 70042 (2002)
Analysis of Sky Fluctuations from HEXTE V
Gruber, D, RXTE Proposal, 60153 (2001)
Partnership in Variable Star Research from Ground and Space
Mattei, J & Hanson, G, AAS, 196, 1205 (2000)
Fast X-ray Transients and their relation to GRBs
Arefiev, V, Borozdin, K & Priedhorsky, W, Gamma-ray Bursts, 5th Huntsville Symposium, 245 (2000)
Updated Measurements of Fluctuations in the Hard X-ray Background with RXTE
MacDonald, D & Gruber, D, HEAD, 5, 0212 (2000)
Spectral and Timing Investigations of Dwarf Novae Selected in Hard X-Rays
Thorstensen, J & Remillard, R, STIN, 00, 17682 (2000)
A Long Look at LMC X-3
Boyd, P & Smale, A, Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, 20 (2000)
Hoffman, Jeffrey A (1944-)
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3713 (2000)
High Energy Astrophysical Observatory (HEAO)
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4643 (2000)
Orbital Modulation of the New HMXB X1908+075
Remillard, R, RXTE Proposal, 50079 (2000)
Recent data restoration additions to the HEASARC archive
Angelini, L et al., AAS, 194, 8301 (1999)
The Magnetic Lives of Giant Stars
Ayres, T & Brown, A, HEAD, 4, 0904 (1999)
The optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
Stephens, J, Coe, M & Buckley, D, astro, ph, 6106 (1999)
Looking Into a Hole in the Cosmic X-Ray Background
Arnaud, K, RXTE Proposal, 40138 (1999)
The Low-Mass X-ray Binary in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652: A serendipitous ASCA observation
Mukai, K & Smale, A, AAS, 192, 6809 (1998)
Optical Follow-Up Observations of the ASCA Large Sky Survey
Akiyama, M et al., IAUS, 188, 465 (1998)
Optical Spectroscopy of Obscured Active Galaxies
de Almeida Lopes, V & Steiner, J, MsT, , 4 (1998)
Evidence for Hot, Diffuse Gas in the Local Supercluster
Boughn, S, astro, ph, 7308 (1998)
The Nature of the Large Scale Extended X-Ray Emission around Abell Clusters
Miyaji, T & Kneissel, R, Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces, 157 (1998)
Large Angular Scale Fluctuations in the X-Ray Background
Treyer, M et al., Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces, 361 (1998)
Cool Star Binaries with ALEXIS
Stern, R, nasa rept (1998)
Spectral and Timing Investigations of Dwarf Novae Selected in Hard X-Rays
Remillard, R, RXTE Proposal, 30026 (1998)
New Limits on the Magnetic Field in Galaxy Clusters
Henriksen, M, AAS, 190, 0307 (1997)
The Nature of the Large Scale X-ray Emission around Abell Clusters
Miyaji, T & Kneissl, R, AAS, 191, 5303 (1997)
Granularity of the Sky at 15-25 KeV
MacDonald, D et al., AAS, 191, 8511 (1997)
Proposed (to) EXIST: Hard X-ray Imaging All Sky Survey/Monitor
Grindlay, J et al., All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade, 247 (1997)
ASCA observations of deep ROSAT fields
Georgantopoulos, I et al., Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, 263 (1997)
Effects of Compton scattering on BATSE gamma ray burst spectral analysis
Hua, X & Lingenfelter, R, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 182 (1996)
GGOD: A Comprehensive Monte-Carlo Simulation Package of Particle Interaction
Lei, F et al., ESASP, 392, 97 (1996)
Zhang, S et al., IAUC, 6468, 1 (1996)
Periodic P0-oscillations of the Sun and ten AGN’s and possibility for cosmological explanation
Kotov, V, Lyutyj, V & Chanejchuk, V, IzKry, 93, 90 (1996)
Cross-correlating extragalactic soft and hard X-ray skies
Miyaji, T et al., Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe, 333 (1996)
Coordinated X-Ray and VLBI Observations of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects
Kollgaard, R, RXTE Proposal, 10341 (1996)
Pca/hexte Observations of Coma and A2319
Rephaeli, Y, RXTE Proposal, 10368 (1996)
The Parsec-Scale Radio Structure of X-ray Selected BL Lacs
Kollgaard, R, Feigelson, E & Gabuzda, D, AAS, 186, 2409 (1995)
Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST)
Grindlay, J et al., AAS, 187, 7115 (1995)
Constraints on Relativistic Beaming Models of BL Lacs
Kollgaard, R et al., AAS, 187, 8414 (1995)
AX J2315-592
Misaki, K et al., IAUC, 6260, 1 (1995)
Granularity of the Diffuse Background Observed
Gruber, D et al., STIN, 99, 46422 (1995)
Spectral models for the diffuse X-ray background
Leahy, D, Particle Physics and Cosmology, 353 (1995)
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The HEAO A-1 X-Ray Source Catalog (Wood+, 1984)
Wood, K et al., yCat, 7080, 0 (1995)
HEAO A-1 Archival Observations of Galactic X-Ray Binaries
Cominsky, L et al., AAS, 184, 0907 (1994)
HEAO-1 A2 Maps of the Hard X-ray Sky
Jahoda, K, Allen, J & Whitlock, L, AAS, 185, 7411 (1994)
A transient MeV range gamma-ray sources observed by HEAO-1
Briggs, M et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 255 (1994)
The canonical Seyfert spectrum: the implications of OSSE observations
Johnson, W et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 515 (1994)
Upper Limit on Transient Emission of a Broad, Redshifted 0.511 MeV gamma -Ray Line from the Galactic Center Region
Harris, M, Share, G & Leising, M, AAS, 182, 5509 (1993)
Seyfert Galaxy Fe Kalpha Lines and the Weakening Accretion Disk Connection
Weaver, K, AAS, 183, 3003 (1993)
Non-isothermal X-ray Emitting Gas in Clusters of Galaxies
Henriksen, M & Merrill, W, AAS, 183, 5304 (1993)
OSSE Observations of Seyfert AGN
Johnson, W et al., AAS, 183, 6403 (1993)
Laboratory performance of the proportional counter array experiment for the X-ray Timing Explorer
Zhang, W et al., SPIE, 2006, 324 (1993)
Eclipsing cataclysmic variables. Deep eclipses in H0928+501. YY Draconis, the whirling dervish. New X ray pulsar candidates from HEAO-1
Patterson, J, cuny rept (1993)
Starburst Galaxies: Hard X-ray spectra and contribution to the diffuse background
Gruber, D, ucsd rept (1993)
No detection of the iron line in Cygnus X--3 by BBXRT
Smale, A, AAS, 181, 2003 (1992)
A Multi-Frequency Study of an X-ray Selected Sample of AGN II: Line Emission Studies and the X-ray Luminosity Function
Grossan, B, Remillard, R & Bradt, H, AAS, 181, 3515 (1992)
The Search for Gamma Ray Burst Spectral Lines in BATSE Spectroscopy Detector Observations
Band, D et al., AAS, 181, 8501 (1992)
The Evolution of X-ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
Annis, J, Henry, J & Gioia, I, AAS, 181, 10503 (1992)
Problems for the standard blackhole/accretion disk models in Cygnus X-1?
Done, C et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 196 (1992)
VLA studies of X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects
Kollgaard, R et al., American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 463 (1992)
A search for the dipole anisotropy of the Cosmic X ray background
Evans, T, STIN, 92, 25504 (1992)
HEAO-1 analysis of Low Energy Detectors (LED)
Nousek, J, psu rept (1992)
Scientific investigations with the data base HEAO-1 scanning modulator collimator
Schwartz, D, sao rept (1992)
Observation of annihilation radiation from the galactic center: The point and ridge components
Gruber, D & Briggs, M, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, 58 (1991)
Multiwavelength Observation of Fourteen New X-Ray Selected AGN from the HEAO 1 All-Sky Survey
Brissenden, R et al., BAAS, 23, 892 (1991)
V1223 Sagittarii
Briggs, M et al., IAUC, 5229, 1 (1991)
ADP study of gamma-ray bursts
Lamb, D et al., gsfc rept (1991)
Long-Term Variations of the Black-Hole Binary LMC X-3
Cowley, A, IUE Proposal, 3952 (1991)
Luminous Symbiotic-Like Variable in the LMC
Remillard, R, IUE Proposal, 4025 (1991)
HEAO-1 A2 LED X-Ray Spectrum of the Cygnus Loop
Leahy, D, Fink, R & Nousek, J, BAAS, 22, 752 (1990)
Constraints on AGN Iron Line Parameters and Reflection Models using HEAO1-A2 Data
Weaver, K, Arnaud, K & Mushotzky, R, BAAS, 22, 1317 (1990)
COMPTEL observations of active galactic nuclei
Schonfelder, V, NASCP, 3071, 303 (1990)
The HEAO A-1 X ray source catalog (Wood et al. 1984): Documentation for the machine-readable version
Warren, W, STIN, 91, 31069 (1990)
Multifrequency Observations of Z-Ray-Bright BL Lac Objects
Urry, C, IUE Proposal, 3778 (1990)
The Apparently Diffuse X-ray Emission along the Galactic Plane as Observed by HEAO-1 A2
Jahoda, K, Large-Scale Surveys of the Sky, 93 (1990)
Radioactivity observed in scintillation counters during the HEAO-1 mission
Gruber, D, Jung, G & Matteson, J, High-Energy Radiation Background in Space, 232 (1989)
X-Ray Constraints on Large Scale Clustering
de Zotti, G et al., ASSL, 151, 303 (1989)
Ten Cataclysmic Variables Discovered as HEAO-1 X-Ray Sources; One with an Orbital Period Inside the Period Gap
Remillard, R et al., BAAS, 21, 1080 (1989)
Application of the HEAO-1 A-2 low energy detector data to the diffuse X-ray background
Fink, R, BAAS, 21, 1190 (1989)
Application of the HEAO-1 A-2 Low Energy Detector Data to the Diffuse X-ray Background
Fink, R, BAAS, 21, 1191 (1989)
The HEAO-1 Sky Survey Sub-Catalog of Bright, Hard X-ray Emitting BL Lac Objects
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 21, 777 (1989)
HEAO-1 and Infrared Observations of the X-Ray Pulsar 1E:2259+586
Davies, S, Coe, M & Wood, K, ESASP, 296, 381 (1989)
Timing Analysis of Binary X-Ray Pulsars Observed by HEAO-1
Soong, Y & Swank, J, ESASP, 296, 617 (1989)
Is Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN Spectral Evolution Needed for the CXB / Cosmic X-Ray Background
Boldt, E, ESASP, 296, 797 (1989)
Long Timescale X-Ray Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei / AGN
Abraham, R & McHardy, I, ESASP, 296, 865 (1989)
HEAO-1 A-2 Low Energy Detector All-Sky X-ray Maps
Fink, R et al., BAAS, 20, 1019 (1988)
Lower Limits to Intracluster Magnetic Field Strength from HEAO-1
Gruber, D & Rephaeli, Y, BAAS, 20, 1085 (1988)
The temporal-spectral behavior of Hercules X-1
Soong, Y, Gruber, D & Rothschild, R, Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 79 (1988)
Twelve X-ray emitting Be candidates from HEAO-1
Tuohy, I et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 93 (1988)
The HEAO-1 modulation collimator today
Bradt, H et al., Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes, 527 (1988)
X-Ray Observational Constraints on Massive Black-Holes
Mushotzky, R, Supermassive Black Holes, 143 (1988)
Additional Identifications of Active Galactic Nuclei from the HEAO-1 X-ray Survey
Remillard, R et al., BAAS, 19, 699 (1987)
Spectral Observation of A0535+26 from 2-180 keV by HEAO-1
Rothschild, R & Swank, J, BAAS, 19, 720 (1987)
Identifications of HEAO-1 Survey X-ray Sources with Clusters of Galaxies
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 19, 1079 (1987)
Distributed Galactic Emission Observed from 80 keV to above 0.5 MeV by HEAO-1
Gruber, D, BAAS, 19, 643 (1987)
The Cosmic X-Ray Background /
Boldt, E, IAUS, 124, 611 (1987)
The X-ray properties of AM HER stars
Beuermann, K, STIN, 88, 23704 (1987)
EX56a study of extended X-ray emission around isolated galaxies EX56b identification and spectra of bright X-ray sources at high galactic latitude
Schwartz, D, sao rept (1987)
A search for rapidly modulated emission in bright X-ray sources using the HEAO A-1 data base
Fairbank, W, stan rept (1987)
Periodicities of low mass X-ray binaries from HEAO-1
Hertz, P & Wood, K, Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources, 221 (1987)
A Progress Report on the Full HEAO 1 A-2 Fast X-Ray Transient Survey
Connors, A, Serlemitsos, P & Swank, J, BAAS, 18, 636 (1986)
The X-ray galactic ridge observed by HEAO A-1
Geldzahler, B, Hertz, P & Wood, K, BAAS, 18, 1023 (1986)
EXOSAT Study of the Accretion Flow Galaxy PKS2354-35, Identified with 4U0009-33 by the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 18, 707 (1986)
The X-ray Galactic Ridge Observed by HEAO A-1
Gldzahler, B, Hertz, P & Wood, K, BAAS, 18, 1023 (1986)
Galactic high-velocity clouds and their interaction with quiescent gas
Hirth, W, Mebold, U & Mueller, P, KlBer, 29, 483 (1986)
HEAO Results on the Cosmic X-Ray Background
Boldt, E, Cosmic Pathways: Contemporary Perpectives in Physics and Astrophysics, 229 (1986)
A 1/4 keV X-ray Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud with HEAO-1
Nousek, J et al., BAAS, 17, 586 (1985)
Newly Discovered BL Lacertae Objects Identified as Bright X-ray Source Counterparts by HEAO-1
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 17, 608 (1985)
The Optical Identification and Spectral Analysis of HEAO-1 X-ray Sources
Remillard, R, BAAS, 17, 889 (1985)
HEAO-1 LED Maps of the Eridanus Soft X-ray Enhancement
Burrows, D et al., BAAS, 17, 883 (1985)
Soft X-ray maps of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Singh, K et al., ESASP, 239, 131 (1985)
HEAO-1 Observations of Gamma Ray Bursts
Hueter, G & Matteson, J, 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC19), Volume 1, 1 (1985)
Spectra and Positions of Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources
Knight, F et al., 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC19), Volume 1, 217 (1985)
Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Diffuse Component Observed from HEAO-1
Gruber, D et al., 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC19), Volume 1, 349 (1985)
New identifications of bright X-ray sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., STIA, 86, 49629 (1985)
The physical implications of an isothermal model for the hot intracluster medium
Hendriksen, M & Mushotzky, R, STIN, 85, 21089 (1985)
Consequences of hot gas in the broad line region of active galactic nuclei
Kallman, T & Mushotzky, R, STIN, 85, 21090 (1985)
X-ray Spectra of Supernova Remnants: Observations in Continuum and Lines
Bleeker, J, Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy, 77 (1985)
A high energy X-ray study of the galactic center
Knight, F, sao rept (1985)
Search for new X-ray pulsars in the galactic plane by the HEAO-1 Large Area Sky Survey experiment
Norris, J & Wood, K, X-ray Astronomy '84, 267 (1985)
New identifications of bright X-ray sources with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Schwartz, D et al., X-ray Astronomy '84, 455 (1985)
SMC X-1: Another tilted precessing accretion disk?
Gruber, D, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 150 (1984)
Observation of an absorption feature in a gamma ray burst spectrum
Hueter, G, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 373 (1984)
Identification of Sources in the HEAO A-1 X-ray Catalog
Hertz, P & Wood, K, BAAS, 16, 469 (1984)
Hard Transients from the HEAO-1 A2 Short Transient Survey: Are They Flares from dMe Stars?
Connors, A, Serlemitsos, P & Swank, J, BAAS, 16, 472 (1984)
X-ray Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with HEAO A-1
Snyder, W & Wood, K, BAAS, 16, 480 (1984)
Identifications of New, X-ray Bright, Cataclysmic Variables with HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 16, 514 (1984)
Variability of Galactic X-ray Sources from HEAO A-1
Hertz, P & Wood, K, BAAS, 16, 944 (1984)
Survey for New Pulsars by the HEAO A-1 Experiment
Norris, J & Wood, K, BAAS, 16, 944 (1984)
VLA Observations of Unidentified HEAO-1 X-Ray Sources
Schmelz, J, Feigelson, E & Schwartz, D, BAAS, 16, 472 (1984)
The HEAO-1 diffuse component spectrum from 15 to above 500 keV
Gruber, D et al., MPERp, 184, 129 (1984)
Local Contributions to the 0.6 KEV Diffuse X-Ray Background
Burrows, D, NASCP, 2345, 215 (1984)
HEAO-1 Diffuse Soft X-Ray Sky Maps
Nousek, J, Garmire, G & Weaver, G, NASCP, 2345, 219 (1984)
Inverse Relations Between 0.25 KEV Counts and Local Interstellar Dust
Knude, J et al., NASCP, 2345, 226 (1984)
X-ray emission from PKS 2155-304
Kunieda, H, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 99 (1984)
The high energy X-ray spectrum of 3C 273
Bezler, M, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 118 (1984)
The HEAO-1 diffuse component spectrum from 15 to above 500 keV
Gruber, D, X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, 129 (1984)
RS CVn systems - The high energy picture
Charles, P, ASSL, 102, 415 (1983)
Constraints on the Evolution of Globular Cluster X-ray Sources from a Survey with HEAO-1
Hertz, P & Wood, K, BAAS, 15, 1004 (1983)
The HEAO A-1 Survey for Fast X-ray Transients
Ambruster, C & Wood, K, BAAS, 15, 979 (1983)
Potential Black-Hole Candidates
White, N & Marshall, F, IAUC, 3806, 2 (1983)
Large scale features of the hot component of the interstellar medium
Garmire, G, IAUS, 101, 347 (1983)
X-Rays from Cosmic Ray Interactions
Wolfendale, A et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 23 (1983)
Observation of AN Absorption Feature in Gamma Ray Burst Spectrum
Hueter, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 95 (1983)
Origin of the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background
Protheroe, R & Kazanas, D, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 169 (1983)
Rapporteur paper on high energy gamma-ray astronomy, sessions XG4 andXG5 (of the conference)
Porter, N, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 435 (1983)
X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies
Mushotzky, R, STIN, 83, 33826 (1983)
The MXB1916-053/4U1915-05: Burst properties and constraints on a 50 minute binary secondary
Swank, J, Taam, R & White, N, STIN, 83, 34862 (1983)
Boundary layers in cataclysmic variables: The HEAO-1 X-ray constraints
Jensen, K, STIN, 84, 13046 (1983)
Support of research in X-ray astronomy
Garmire, G, psu rept (1983)
Studies of highly variable galactic X-ray sources with HEAO-1
Cominsky, L, ucb rept (1983)
Frequency of gamma-ray bursts >∼3×10-6 erg/cm2
Share, G et al., Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena, 35 (1982)
Detection of Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Hard X-Ray and Low Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on HEAO-1
Hueter, G, Hudson, H & Matteson, J, BAAS, 14, 619 (1982)
HEAO-1 and HEAO-2 Observations of Features in the 0.5-1.5 keV Diffuse Background near the Galactic Center
Fried, P, Nousek, J & Garmire, G, BAAS, 14, 661 (1982)
Identifications of Southern X-ray Sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Remillard, R et al., BAAS, 14, 891 (1982)
E1405-451 and E1013-477
Mason, K et al., IAUC, 3684, 2 (1982)
Nuclear processes in solar flares
Ramaty, R, STIN, 82, 22134 (1982)
Einstein Observatory solid state spectrometer observations of M87 and the Virgo cluster
Lea, S, Mushotzky, R & Holt, S, STIN, 82, 34314 (1982)
A 2 component X-ray spectrum from SMC X-1
Marshall, F, White, N & Becker, R, STIN, 83, 15235 (1982)
X-ray properties of the Be/X-ray systems 2S0114+650 = LSI+65 deg 010
Koenigsberger, G et al., STIN, 83, 35956 (1982)
Seyfert and active galaxies
Ward, M, ang proc (1982)
Hard X-ray observations of fast pulsars from HEAO-1
Gruber, D, Accreting Neutron Stars, 41 (1982)
Line features in the X-ray spectrum of the Crab pulsar
Hasinger, G, Accreting Neutron Stars, 130 (1982)
An absorption feature in the spectrum of a gamma ray burst on 25 March 1978
Hueter, G & Gruber, D, Accreting Neutron Stars, 213 (1982)
Precise Locations of HEAO-1 X-ray Sources
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 13, 558 (1981)
Discovery of Two X-ray Emitting Be Stars with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 13, 834 (1981)
HEAO-1 Observations of High-Energy X-rays from the Galactic Center Region
Matteson, J et al., BAAS, 13, 867 (1981)
HEAO A-1 X-ray Survey of Southern Clusters
Kowalski, M, Ulmer, M & Cruddace, R, BAAS, 13, 870 (1981)
Observations of NGC 4151 at 2 keV - 2 MeV from HEAO-1
Baity, W et al., BAAS, 13, 849 (1981)
4U 1916-05
Walter, F, White, N & Swank, J, IAUC, 3611, 2 (1981)
The cosmic X-ray background
Boldt, E, STIA, 81, 26925 (1981)
X-ray astronomy from UHURU to HEAO-1
Clark, G, STIA, 83, 11833 (1981)
PKS 2155-304 relativistically beamed synchrotron radiation from BL LAC object
Urry, C & Mushotzky, R, STIN, 81, 26998 (1981)
HEAO 1 measurements of the galactic ridge
Worrall, D et al., STIN, 82, 20097 (1981)
A complete X-ray sample of the high latitude sky from HEAO-1 A-2: log N lo S and luminosity functions
Piccinotti, G et al., cxrs book (1981)
Variability of Chromospheric & Transition Region UV Emission Lines in X-Ray Active Cool Stars
Stern, R, IUE Proposal, 838 (1981)
X-Ray Astronomy from UHURU to HEAO-1
Clark, G, uhur, symp, 17 (1981)
Hard X-ray astrophysics
Rothschild, R, xras, nasa, 599 (1981)
The X-Ray Spectra of Clusters of Galaxies
Mushotzky, R, ASIC, 60, 171 (1980)
Results from the HEAO-1 High Energy X-Ray Sky Survey
Levine, A et al., BAAS, 12, 463 (1980)
HEAO-1 Observations of the Perseus Cluster Above 15 keV
Primini, F et al., BAAS, 12, 472 (1980)
Locations of Unidentified X-ray Sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Garcia, M et al., BAAS, 12, 527 (1980)
Hard X-ray Spectrum of the Crab Nebula from HEAO-1
Gruber, D et al., BAAS, 12, 541 (1980)
Log N-Log S of Extragalactic X-Ray Sources from the HEAO 1 A2 All Sky Survey
Piccinotti, G, Mushotzky, R & Boldt, E, BAAS, 12, 543 (1980)
Fluctuations in the Diffuse X-Ray Background with HEAO-1: Simple Models and their Comparison with Resolved Sources
Shafer, R, Boldt, E & Piccinotti, G, BAAS, 12, 543 (1980)
HEAO-1 X-Ray Observations of Time Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei
Tennant, A, Mushotzky, R & Boldt, E, BAAS, 12, 544 (1980)
High Energy Observations of Pulsars with HEAO-1
Bautz, M et al., BAAS, 12, 840 (1980)
Results from the HEAO-1 High Energy X-Ray Sky Survey
Levine, A et al., BAAS, 12, 472 (1980)
Optical Candidate for LMC X-1
Pakull, M, IAUC, 3472, 2 (1980)
H 2252-035
Warner, B et al., IAUC, 3511, 1 (1980)
A VLA Sequel to HEAO-1 Detections of Main Sequence Stars
Johnson, H & Cash, W, SAOSR, 389, 137 (1980)
The cosmic X-ray background
Boldt, E, STIN, 80, 23247 (1980)
Variable X-ray spectra of BL Lac objects: HEAO-1 observations of PKS 0548-322 and 2A 1219+305
Worrall, D et al., STIN, 80, 31283 (1980)
Spectroscopy of compact extragalactic X-ray sources
Holt, S, STIN, 80, 33332 (1980)
HEAO - Signature of a successful space science program
Speer, F, toky, iafc, Q (1980)
Low-energy X-ray observations of small-scale extended sources from HEAO-1
Riegler, G & Agrawal, P, BAAS, 11, 392 (1979)
Improved Position of the 38 sec-X-ray Pulsar near OAO 1653-40 Obtained with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Armstrong, T et al., BAAS, 11, 425 (1979)
More Seyfert Galaxy X-Ray Sources Observed with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Dower, R et al., BAAS, 11, 442 (1979)
Location of H1743-322 and H0632+18 determined with the Scanning Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1
Garcia, M et al., BAAS, 11, 447 (1979)
Location of Unidentified Galactic X-ray Sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Reid, C et al., BAAS, 11, 451 (1979)
Location of Variable X-ray Sources near Southern Clusters of Galaxies using the Scanning Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 11, 459 (1979)
X-ray Centroids and Sizes of Abell 119 and the Centaurus Cluster as Observed with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwarz, J et al., BAAS, 11, 460 (1979)
X-ray Locations of U Gem and a Transient Source near Cas A as determined with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Conroy, M et al., BAAS, 11, 464 (1979)
HEAO-1 Observations of High Energy X-rays from MKN509
Dil, S et al., BAAS, 11, 467 (1979)
HEAO-1 Observations of A0538-66
Szymkowiak, A et al., BAAS, 11, 467 (1979)
HEAO-1 Observations of X-Ray Emission from Stellar Flares
Linsky, J et al., BAAS, 11, 471 (1979)
HEAO-1 observations of spectral structure in the diffuse soft X-ray background
Stern, R et al., BAAS, 11, 609 (1979)
HEAO A-1 Survey of Distant Clusters of Galaxies
Ulmer, M et al., BAAS, 11, 657 (1979)
Her X-1 Hard X-Ray Pulsations Observed from HEAO-1
Gruber, D et al., BAAS, 11, 701 (1979)
The Hard X-ray Spectrum of Cyg X-1 from HEAO-1
Nolan, P et al., BAAS, 11, 721 (1979)
Observations of the Soft, Variable Source H0137-68 from HEAO-1 and HEAO-2
Riegler, G & Agrawal, P, BAAS, 11, 783 (1979)
HEAO-1 Observations of X-ray Emission from Zwicky Clusters Containing Distorted Radio Sources
McKee, J & Holman, G, BAAS, 11, 785 (1979)
Analysis of HEAO-1 Solar Gamma-Ray Spectra
Bai, T, Hudson, H & Lingfelter, R, BAAS, 11, 658 (1979)
2A 0311-227
Griffiths, R et al., IAUC, 3326, 1 (1979)
OAO 1653-40
White, N et al., IAUC, 3342, 1 (1979)
Ultraviolet and X-ray observations of Seyfert galaxies and low Z QSOs
Wu, C et al., IUE1, symp, 157 (1979)
Probable optical identification of LMC X-2
Pakull, M, Msngr, 16, 38 (1979)
Highlights from the HEAO-1 survey of cataclysmic variable stars
Cordova, F, STIA, 80, 21985 (1979)
HEAO A-2 extragalactic results
Boldt, E, STIN, 79, 29136 (1979)
HEAO-1 spectra of X-ray emitting Seyfert 1 galaxies
Mushotzky, R et al., STIN, 79, 31117 (1979)
The diffuse X-ray background spectrum from 3 to 50keV
Marshall, F et al., STIN, 79, 31132 (1979)
Low latitude atmospheric X-rays observed by HEAO-1
Luhmann, J et al., aero rept (1979)
Ground attitude determination and gyro calibration procedures for the HEAO missions
Fallon, L, Harrop, I & Sturch, C, aiaa meet (1979)
High energy X-ray results from HEAO-1: X-ray pulsars, and the all sky survey
Levine, A, msfc, symp, 140 (1979)
Correlated ground based observations in support of the HEAO-1 X-ray observatory
Mufson, S, msfc, symp, 214 (1979)
The HEAO-1 neutron star timing experiment
Lamb, F, msfc, symp, 223 (1979)
X-ray iron-line emission from the SN 185 remnant
Winkler, P, msfc, symp, 244 (1979)
HEAO-1 observations of X-ray fluorescent emission lines from the earth’s sunlit atmosphere
Rugge, H, McKenzie, D & Charles, P, Space Research XIX, 243 (1979)
X-ray astronomy; Proceedings of the Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, May 29-June 10, 1978
Baity, W & Peterson, L, xras proc (1979)
Optical Identification of Transient X-Ray Sources Positioned with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Griffiths, R et al., X-ray Astronomy, 93 (1979)
HEAO A-1 observations of X-ray emission from BL Lacertae objects
Wood, K et al., X-ray Astronomy, 97 (1979)
HEAO-1 observations of dwarf novae
Mason, K, Cordova, F & Swank, J, X-ray Astronomy, 121 (1979)
HEAO-1 soft X-ray observations of Sirius
Lampton, M et al., X-ray Astronomy, 125 (1979)
HEAO-1 Observations of X-Ray Emission from RS CVn Systems
Charles, P, Walter, F & Cash, W, X-ray Astronomy, 129 (1979)
HEAO-1 observations of AM Herculis between 0.1 and 3 keV
Tuohy, I et al., X-ray Astronomy, 197 (1979)
Variability of Cygnus X-1 on millisecond timescales
Meekins, J et al., X-ray Astronomy, 205 (1979)
Circinus X-1 observations with HEAO A-1
Sadeh, D et al., X-ray Astronomy, 209 (1979)
Recent observations of Hercules X-1 with HEAO-1 and OSO-8
Pravdo, S et al., X-ray Astronomy, 219 (1979)
A survey of supernova remnants with the HEAO A-1 experiment
Shulman, S et al., X-ray Astronomy, 337 (1979)
HEAO A-1 search for X-ray pulsations from the pulsar PSR 0833-45 in Vela
Yentis, D et al., X-ray Astronomy, 345 (1979)
High energy X-ray observations of extragalactic objects
Baity, W et al., X-ray Astronomy, 373 (1979)
HEAO-1: low energy X-ray observations of clusters of galaxies
Lea, S et al., X-ray Astronomy, 417 (1979)
Location of Unidentified Weak X-Ray Sources by the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., X-ray Astronomy, 435 (1979)
HEAO-1 observations of Her X-1 at energies above 13 keV in February 1978
Matteson, J et al., X-ray Astronomy, 493 (1979)
X-ray emission in the vicinity of high-energy gamma -ray sources
Share, G et al., X-ray Astronomy, 535 (1979)
A search for gamma-ray spectral lines from the galactic center by HEAO-1
Matteson, J, Nolan, P & Peterson, L, X-ray Astronomy, 543 (1979)
Position and Structure of the X-Ray source in Cen A measured with the Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1
Doxsey, R et al., BAAS, 10, 390 (1978)
Precise Positions of LMC X-1, X-2, and X-3 with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Johnston, M et al., BAAS, 10, 390 (1978)
HEAO-1 Measurement of the Energy Dependence of the Fluctuations in the Cosmic X-Ray Background
Shafer, R et al., BAAS, 10, 390 (1978)
HEAO-1 A-4 Observations of Two Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts
Knight, F et al., BAAS, 10, 396 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of 4U1626-67
Pravdo, S et al., BAAS, 10, 446 (1978)
The HEAO A-1 All-Sky X-Ray Survey (invited)
Friedman, H, BAAS, 10, 499 (1978)
Extragalactic Results from the Scanning Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1 (invited)
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 10, 499 (1978)
Locations and X-Ray Sizes of Abell Clusters Observed with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Briel, U et al., BAAS, 10, 500 (1978)
Recent Indentifications of Galactic X-Ray Sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Doxsey, R et al., BAAS, 10, 500 (1978)
HEAO-1 A-1 Survey of Clusters of Galaxies
Shulman, S et al., BAAS, 10, 500 (1978)
Observations of the Lunar Occultation of Abell 401 with HEAO-1 A-1
Ulmer, M et al., BAAS, 10, 500 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of Iron Line Emission from Clusters of Galaxies
Lea, S et al., BAAS, 10, 501 (1978)
Preliminary Results of a Search for the Local Supercluster in the X-Ray Background with HEAO-1
Pravdo, S et al., BAAS, 10, 501 (1978)
Search for Pointlike X-Ray Components in the Perseus, Virgo, and Coma Clusters with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Schwarz, J et al., BAAS, 10, 501 (1978)
HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator Observations of Cyg A
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 10, 503 (1978)
HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator Observations of X-Ray Seyferts and Other Active Galactic Nuclei
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 10, 503 (1978)
Observations of BL Lacertae Objects with HEAO-1
Kinzer, R et al., BAAS, 10, 503 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of Compact Extragalactic X-Ray Sources
Mushotzky, R et al., BAAS, 10, 503 (1978)
Observations of QSO’s and N-Galaxies with HEAO A-1
Wood, K et al., BAAS, 10, 503 (1978)
A Deep X-Ray Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Johnston, M et al., BAAS, 10, 504 (1978)
A Low Energy X-Ray Survey from HEAO-1 (invited)
Riegler, G, BAAS, 10, 505 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of the Soft X-Ray Spectrum of Hercules X-1
Kahn, S et al., BAAS, 10, 506 (1978)
Observations of Three Slow X-Ray Pulsars from HEAO-1
Knight, F et al., BAAS, 10, 507 (1978)
Soft X-Ray Observations of SN1006 by HEAO-1
Galas, C, Tuohy, I & Garmire, G, BAAS, 10, 508 (1978)
Pointed Observations of AM Herculis from HEAO-1
Tuohy, I et al., BAAS, 10, 510 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of Nearby RS CVn Systems
Walter, F, Charles, P & Bowyer, S, BAAS, 10, 511 (1978)
HEAO-1 A-4 Observations of Two Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts
Knight, F et al., BAAS, 10, 514 (1978)
Observation of Gamma-Ray Bursts with the HEAO A-1 X-Ray Experiment
Share, G et al., BAAS, 10, 514 (1978)
HEAO-1 Response to Solar Gamma Rays
Hudson, H et al., BAAS, 10, 516 (1978)
Low Energy X-Ray Observations of New Extended Sources from HEAO-1
Agrawal, P & Riegler, G, BAAS, 10, 617 (1978)
Observation of the Peculiar Galaxy M82 with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Johnston, M et al., BAAS, 10, 628 (1978)
Observations of Supernova Remnants with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 10, 644 (1978)
Photoelectric Observations of Compact Extra-galactic Objects in Support of the HEAO-1 X-Ray Observatory
Wisniewski, W, Mufson, S & Hutter, D, BAAS, 10, 663 (1978)
Seyfert Galaxy X-ray Sources Observed with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Dower, R et al., BAAS, 10, 675 (1978)
Observations of the Crab Nebula by HEAO-1
Matteson, J et al., BAAS, 10, 679 (1978)
Further Observations of Pulsating Hard X-Ray Sources by HEAO-1
Doty, J et al., BAAS, 10, 685 (1978)
HEAO-1 observations of high energy X-rays from 3C 273
Primini, F et al., BAAS, 10, 689 (1978)
X-Ray Mapping with HEAO-1
Szymkowiak, A et al., BAAS, 10, 421 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of Low Energy X-Ray Line Emission from Supernova Remnants
Mason, K, Charles, P & Bowyer, S, BAAS, 10, 508 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of AM Her above 15 keV
Rothschild, R et al., BAAS, 10, 510 (1978)
A Search for X-ray Emission from NGC1129 with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 10, 628 (1978)
HEAO-1 Soft X-Ray Spectra of the Cygnus Loop and the Vela SNR
Charles, P, Lampton, M & Bowyer, S, BAAS, 10, 644 (1978)
Hercules X-1; Spectral Hard X-ray Observations from HEAO-1
Gruber, D et al., BAAS, 10, 433 (1978)
A Search for X-Ray Bursts from Extragalactic Supernovae Using the HEAO-1 Satellite
Chevalier, R et al., BAAS, 10, 644 (1978)
Locations and optical identifications of weak high-galactic latitude X-ray sources with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Griffiths, R et al., BAAS, 10, 662 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations of High Energy X-Rays from 3C 273
Primini, F et al., BAAS, 10, 689 (1978)
Characteristics of the Fluctuating Component of the Cosmic X-Ray Diffuse Background Determined from HEAO-1
Shafer, R et al., BAAS, 10, 502 (1978)
HEAO-1 Soft X-Ray Constraints on Hot White Dwarfs
Lampton, M & Kahn, S, BAAS, 10, 511 (1978)
4U 0115+63
Cominsky, L et al., IAUC, 3163, 1 (1978)
X-Ray Sources
Share, G et al., IAUC, 3169, 2 (1978)
4U 0115+63
Johns, M et al., IAUC, 3171, 1 (1978)
HR 1099 (= 4u 0336+01?)
Walter, F et al., IAUC, 3173, 3 (1978)
Brief X-Ray Transient
Kaluzienski, L et al., IAUC, 3174, 1 (1978)
2A 1052+606 = SAO 015338?
Liller, W et al., IAUC, 3176, 2 (1978)
Persistent X-Ray Emission from MXB1659-29
Lewin, W et al., IAUC, 3190, 1 (1978)
HEAO-1 Observations
Fishman, G, IAUC, 3206, 1 (1978)
MK 421 = 2A 1102+384
Walter, F, Mason, K & Garmire, G, IAUC, 3221, 4 (1978)
Optical Candidate for LMC X-2
Pakull, M, IAUC, 3313, 2 (1978)
The diffuse component of the cosmic X-radiation
Boldt, E & Garmire, C, STIN, 78, 21040 (1978)
The cosmic X-ray experiment aboard HEAO-1
Rothschild, R et al., STIN, 78, 27041 (1978)
X-ray observations of BL Lac objects
Mushotzky, R et al., STIN, 78, 32016 (1978)
The UCSD/MIT hard X-ray and low energy gamma-ray experiment for HEAO-1 - Design and early results
Matteson, J, aiaa meet (1978)
The scanning modulation collimator experiment on the HEAO-1
Schwartz, D et al., aiaa meet (1978)
X-ray observations of BL Lac objects
Mushotzky, R et al., BL Lac Objects, 169 (1978)
The fluctuating and isotropic components of the cosmic X-ray background
Boldt, E et al., cosp meet (1978)
Optical identifications of transient X-ray sources positioned with the HEAO-1 modulation collimator
Griffiths, R et al., cosp meet (1978)
HEAO-1 soft X-ray observations of Sirius
Lampton, M & Garmire, G, cosp meet (1978)
Location of unidentified weak X-ray sources by the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Schwartz, D et al., cosp meet (1978)
HEAO-1 observations of X-ray emission from RS CVn systems
Charles, P, Walter, F & Cash, W, cosp meet (1978)
HEAO-1 observations of X-ray fluorescent emission lines from the earth’s sunlit atmosphere
Rugge, H, McKenzie, D & Charles, P, cosp meet (1978)
The High Energy Astronomy Observatory /HEAO/ Program
Novick, M, Electronics and Aerospace Systems Conference, 623 (1978)
HEAO-1 observations of HER X-1 at energies above 13 keV
Matteson, J, Gruber, D & Hoffman, J, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, 386 (1978)
HEAO attitude reference design
Hoffman, D & McElroy, T, guco conf (1978)
High Spatial Resolution X-Ray Observations of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies with the Scanning Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1
Schwarz, J et al., BAAS, 9, 558 (1977)
HEAO-1 Observations of Soft X-ray Emission from U Geminorum
Mason, K et al., BAAS, 9, 592 (1977)
HEAO-1 Observations of Soft X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies
Riegler, G, Lea, S & Reichert, G, BAAS, 9, 592 (1977)
HEAO-1 Observations of New Soft X-ray Sources
Walter, F et al., BAAS, 9, 592 (1977)
High Energy X-Ray Observations by HEAO-1 of the Crab Nebula, Cyg X-1, and the Galactic Center
Gruber, D et al., BAAS, 9, 609 (1977)
Spectra of the Crab Nebula, AM HER, and Nova Ophiuchi from HEAO-1
Rothschild, R et al., BAAS, 9, 609 (1977)
The UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low Energy γ-Ray Experiment on HEAO-1
Matteson, J et al., BAAS, 9, 610 (1977)
Preliminary Hard X-Ray Results from HEAO-1
Wheaton, W et al., BAAS, 9, 610 (1977)
Measurements of X-ray source positions by the scanning modulation collimator on HEAO-1
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 9, 626 (1977)
Observation of the Extended X-Ray Source in the Crab Nebula by the SMC Experiment on HEAO-1
Briel, U et al., BAAS, 9, 627 (1977)
Positions of X-ray burst sources determined with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Doxsey, R et al., BAAS, 9, 627 (1977)
Location of the Norma transient/burster with HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 9, 627 (1977)
Positions of X-Ray Burst Sources determined with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Doxsey, R et al., BAAS, 9, 628 (1977)
Location of the Norma Transient/Burster with HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Fabbiano, G et al., BAAS, 9, 628 (1977)
Soft X-ray Spectra of the Crab Nebula and Sco X-1 Observed from HEAO-1
Charles, P et al., BAAS, 9, 592 (1977)
A Search for Cosmic Spectral Lines from HEAO-1
Matteson, J et al., BAAS, 9, 609 (1977)
Search for Interstellar Scattering X-Ray Halos with HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation collimator
Spada, G et al., BAAS, 9, 626 (1977)
Soft X-ray Observations of AM Herculis from HEAO-1
Tuohy, I et al., BAAS, 9, 591 (1977)
X-Ray Observations of NGC4151 and A2319 from OSO-8 and HEAO-1
Mushotzky, R et al., BAAS, 9, 609 (1977)
Measurements of X-Ray Source Positions by the Scanning Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1
Schwartz, D et al., BAAS, 9, 626 (1977)
HEAO-1 Launch
Fishman, G, IAUC, 3099, 2 (1977)
Nova Ophiuchi 1977
Griffiths, R et al., IAUC, 3110, 2 (1977)
H 1743-32
Doxsey, R et al., IAUC, 3113, 2 (1977)
U Geminorum
Garmire, G et al., IAUC, 3125, 2 (1977)
HEAO-1 Pointed Observations
Fishman, G, IAUC, 3134, 1 (1977)
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