HEAO-1 Bibliography: Refereed Journals
Observable signatures of dark photons from supernovae
DeRocco, W et al., JHEP, 02, 171 (2019)
Journey through the birth, growth and maturity of X-ray astronomy
Agrawal, P, RAA, 19, 138 (2019)
Long-term variations in the X-ray activity of HR 1099
Perdelwitz, V et al., A&A, 616, 161 (2018)
The average 0.5-200 keV spectrum of local active galactic nuclei and a new determination of the 2-10 keV luminosity function at z ≈ 0
Ballantyne, D, MNRAS, 437, 2845 (2014)
Constraining light dark matter with diffuse X-ray and gamma-ray observations
Essig, R et al., JHEP, 11, 193 (2013)
The XMM-Newton slew survey in the 2-10 keV band
Warwick, R, Saxton, R & Read, A, A&A, 548, 99 (2012)
About the measurements of the hard X-ray background
Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G & Pozanenko, A, Ap&SS, 332, 57 (2011)
The First MAXI/GSC Catalog in the High Galactic-Latitude Sky
Hiroi, K et al., PASJ, 63, 677 (2011)
Revisit of Local X-Ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei with the MAXI Extragalactic Survey
Ueda, Y et al., PASJ, 63, 937 (2011)
Comparison between the luminosity functions of X-ray and [OIII] selected AGN
Georgantopoulos, I & Akylas, A, A&A, 509, 38 (2010)
INTEGRAL hard X-ray spectra of the cosmic X-ray background and Galactic ridge emission
Turler, M et al., A&A, 512, 49 (2010)
A Failed outburst of H1743-322
Capitanio, F et al., X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, 149 (2010)
XMM-Newton slew survey hard band sources
Saxton, R et al., X-ray Astronomy 2009; Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, 507 (2010)
The 22 Month Swift-BAT All-Sky Hard X-ray Survey
Tueller, J et al., ApJS, 186, 378 (2010)
A new measurement of the cosmic X-ray background
Moretti, A et al., A&A, 493, 501 (2009)
Cosmic X-Ray Background and Earth Albedo Spectra with Swift BAT
Ajello, M et al., ApJ, 689, 666 (2008)
The Cosmic X-ray Background at the Peak of its Emission: An Accurate Measurement with BeppoSAX and its Consequences
Frontera, F et al., ChJAS, 8, 297 (2008)
Parsec-scale magnetic field structures in HEAO-1 BL Lacs
Kharb, P, Gabuzda, D & Shastri, P, MNRAS, 384, 230 (2008)
INTEGRAL observations of the cosmic X-ray background in the 5-100 keV range via occultation by the Earth
Churazov, E et al., A&A, 467, 529 (2007)
The Cosmic X-Ray Background and the Population of the Most Heavily Obscured AGNs
Frontera, F et al., ApJ, 666, 86 (2007)
The quasi-persistent neutron star soft X-ray transient 1M 1716-315 in quiescence
Jonker, P, Bassa, C & Wachter, S, MNRAS, 377, 1295 (2007)
Spectral Statistics and Local Luminosity Function of a Complete Hard X-Ray Sample of the Brightest Active Galactic Nuclei
Shinozaki, K et al., AJ, 131, 2843 (2006)
Two years of INTEGRAL observation of the BHC IGR J17464-3213
Capitanio, F et al., AdSpR, 38, 2816 (2006)
Constraints on sterile neutrinos as dark matter candidates from the diffuse X-ray background
Boyarsky, A et al., MNRAS, 370, 213 (2006)
X-Ray Spectral and Timing Observations of AO Piscium
Johnson, E, Imamura, J & Steiman-Cameron, T, PASP, 118, 797 (2006)
Intensity of the cosmic X-ray backgound from HEAO1/A2 experiment
Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 444, 381 (2005)
The cross-correlation between the microwave and X-ray backgrounds: foregrounds and systematics
Boughn, S & Crittenden, R, MNRAS, 360, 1013 (2005)
A detection of the integrated Sachs Wolfe effect
Boughn, S & Crittenden, R, NewAR, 49, 75 (2005)
Optimizing the performance of as-manufactured grazing incidence x-ray telescopes using mosaic detector arrays
Atanassova, M, PhD Thesis, 15 (2005)
RXTE all-sky slew survey. Catalog of X-ray sources at |b|>10o
Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 418, 927 (2004)
Gamma-ray all-sky imaging with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment
Shaw, S et al., A&A, 418, 1187 (2004)
The spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background observed by RTXE/PCA
Revnivtsev, M et al., A&A, 411, 329 (2003)
The hard X-ray luminosity function from ASCA surveys
Ueda, Y et al., AN, 324, 36 (2003)
The warm absorber of the type 1 Seyfert galaxy H1419+480
Barcons, X, Carrera, F & Ceballos, M, MNRAS, 346, 897 (2003)
On-axis orphan afterglows
Nakar, E & Piran, T, NewA, 8, 141 (2003)
BeppoSAX/PDS identification of the true counterpart of the Piccinotti source H0917-074
Malizia, A et al., A&A, 394, 801 (2002)
Measurements of fluctuations in the hard X-ray background with RXTE
MacDonald, D, Gruber, D & Boldt, E, X-ray Astronomy: Stellar Endpoints, AGN, and the Diffuse X-ray Background, 734 (2001)
Stability of the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Hercules X-1 with RXTE
Gruber, D et al., ApJ, 562, 499 (2001)
The X-ray background and the evolution of AGN
Pompilio, F, La Franca, F & Matt, G, A&A, 353, 440 (2000)
X1908+075: An X-Ray Binary with a 4.4 Day Period
Wen, L, Remillard, R & Bradt, H, ApJ, 532, 1119 (2000)
A Search for Aperiodic Millisecond Variability in Cygnus X-1
Chaput, C et al., ApJ, 541, 1026 (2000)
On the intensity of the extragalactic X-ray background
Barcons, X, Mateos, S & Ceballos, M, MNRAS, 316, L13 (2000)
The BeppoSAX 1-8 keV cosmic background spectrum
Vecchi, A et al., A&A, 349, L73 (1999)
LOG N-LOG S Relations and Spectral Properties of Sources from the ASCA Large Sky Survey: Their Implications for the Origin of the Cosmic X-Ray Background (CXB)
Ueda, Y et al., ApJ, 518, 656 (1999)
The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic Hard X-Rays Measured with HEAO 1
Gruber, D et al., ApJ, 520, 124 (1999)
The ROSAT X-ray background dipole
Plionis, M & Georgantopoulos, I, MNRAS, 306, 112 (1999)
The optical counterparts to Be/X-ray binaries in the Magellanic Clouds
Stevens, J, Coe, M & Buckley, D, MNRAS, 309, 421 (1999)
Granularity of the diffuse background observed
Gruber, D et al., NuPhS, 69, 625 (1999)
Measuring the granularity of the diffuse hard X-ray background
MacDonald, D, PhD Thesis, 26 (1999)
On some features of free precession of a triaxial body: the case of HER X-1
Shakura, N, Postnov, K & Prokhorov, M, A&A, 331, L37 (1998)
Evidence for ionized reprocessing in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1E 1615+061
Guainazzi, M et al., A&A, 339, 337 (1998)
Correlations between the cosmic X-ray and microwave backgrounds: constraints on a cosmological constant
Boughn, S, Crittenden, R & Turok, N, NewA, 3, 275 (1998)
X-Ray Constraints on Cluster Magnetic Fields
Henriksen, M, PASJ, 50, 389 (1998)
The ultraviolet to X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy E 1615+061: accretion disk and reflection models
Piro, L et al., A&A, 319, 74 (1997)
The Piccinotti AGN sample observed in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey
Schartel, N et al., A&A, 320, 696 (1997)
Diffuse Cosmic Gamma Radiation Measured by HEAO 1
Kinzer, R et al., ApJ, 475, 361 (1997)
The X-ray background as a probe of density fluctuations at high redshift
Lahav, O, Piran, T & Treyer, M, MNRAS, 284, 499 (1997)
A large-area cross-correlation study of high galactic latitude soft and hard X-ray skies
Miyaji, T et al., A&A, 312, 1 (1996)
A persistent hard X-ray source observed in the Terzan 1 globular cluster by the SIGMA telescope
Borrel, V et al., A&AS, 120, 249 (1996)
The X-Ray Spectrum of the BL Lacertae Object EXO 055625-3838.6
George, I & Turner, T, ApJ, 461, 198 (1996)
Soft versus hard X-ray emission in active galactic nuclei: partial-covering and warm-plus-cold absorber models
Ceballos, M & Barcons, X, MNRAS, 282, 493 (1996)
The average X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of radio-quiet Seyfert 1s
Gondek, D et al., MNRAS, 282, 646 (1996)
Stellar Content and Evolution of OB Associations
Brown, A, PASP, 108, 459 (1996)
X-ray study of starburst galaxies
Rephaeli, Y, Gruber, D & Persic, M, A&A, 300, 91 (1995)
The ROSAT XRT Sky Survey of X-ray sources in globular clusters
Verbunt, F et al., A&A, 300, 732 (1995)
Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables: Optical Counterparts of X-Ray and EUV Sources
Buckley, D, Ap&SS, 230, 131 (1995)
Analysis of the Log N-Log P of the BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts
Belli, B, Ap&SS, 231, 43 (1995)
Luminosity dependence of the hardness of the 13-80 keV X-ray spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries
van Paradijs, J & van der Klis, M, A&A, 281, L17 (1994)
Models of Pair Annihilation in 1E 1740.7-2942 and the HEAO 1 A-4 Annihilation Source
Maciolek-Niedzwiecki, A & Zdziarski, A, ApJ, 436, 762 (1994)
GINGA observations of the X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies
Nandra, K & Pounds, K, MNRAS, 268, 405 (1994)
ROSAT constraints on the intermediate polar candidates V426 Oph, SW UMa and 1H 0709-360
Rosen, S et al., MNRAS, 269, 913 (1994)
The Evolution of X-Ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies
Annis, J, PhD Thesis, 14 (1994)
WATCH observations of the X-ray pulsar GX 301-2
Castro-Tirado, A et al., A&AS, 97, 329 (1993)
Twenty-Two Emission-Line AGNs From the HEAO-1 X-Ray Survey
Remillard, R et al., AJ, 105, 2079 (1993)
Radio Morphology and Parent Popultion of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects
Laurent-Muehleisen, S et al., AJ, 106, 875 (1993)
ROSAT observations of X-ray sources in globular clusters
Verbunt, F et al., AdSpR, 13, 12151 (1993)
HEAO-1 and BBXRT non-source X-ray observations
Jahoda, K, AdSpR, 13, 12231 (1993)
Observations of diffuse galactic positron annihilation radiation
Briggs, M et al., AdSpR, 13, 12709 (1993)
Hard and soft X-ray selected active galactic nuclei two distinct populations ?
Franceschini, A et al., MNRAS, 264, 35 (1993)
Is X1957+11 a black hole candidate ?
Yaqoob, T, Ebisawa, K & Mitsuda, K, MNRAS, 264, 411 (1993)
1H 0551-819 : discovery of a new cataclysmic variable from the HEAO-1 survey
Buckley, D et al., MNRAS, 265, 926 (1993)
Possible X-Ray Emission from a New Southern QSO HE 1029-1401
Iwasawa, K et al., PASJ, 45, L7 (1993)
The complex broadband x-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies
Weaver, K, PhD Thesis, 3 (1993)
Soft gamma ray observations of Cygnus X-1 with the coded-aperture SIGMA telescope
Salotti, L et al., A&A, 253, 145 (1992)
X-ray astronomy missions.
Bradt, H, Ohashi, T & Pounds, K, ARA&A, 30, 391 (1992)
Discovery of X-Ray Emission Associated with the GUM Nebula
Leahy, D, Nousek, J & Garmire, G, ApJ, 385, 561 (1992)
The Soft X-Ray Diffuse Background Observed with the HEAO 1 Low-Energy Detectors
Garmire, G et al., ApJ, 399, 694 (1992)
EC 19314-5915 : a bright, eclipsing cataclysmic variable from the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey
Buckley, D et al., MNRAS, 258, 285 (1992)
Temporal and Spectral Variability in Luminous X-Ray Binaries
Vaughan, B, PhD Thesis, 1 (1992)
A Multi-Frequency Study of an X-Ray Selected Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei
Grossan, B, PhD Thesis, 12 (1992)
Studies of an X-Ray Selected Sample of Cataclysmic Variables
Silber, A, PhD Thesis, 119 (1992)
A search for reflection features in the X-ray spectrum of NGC 4151
Maisack, M & Yaqoob, T, A&A, 249, 25 (1991)
HEAO 1 A-2 Low-Energy Detector X-Ray Spectra of the Lupus Loop and SN 1006
Leahy, D, Nousek, J & Hamilton, A, ApJ, 374, 218 (1991)
Small-Scale Fluctuations and Angular Correlations of the X-Ray Background in the HEAO 1 A-2 Energy Band: Constraints on Clustering of X-Ray Sources
Martin-Mirones, J et al., ApJ, 379, 507 (1991)
Search for cooling flows in southern X-ray clusters of galaxies
Nesci, R & Altamore, A, A&A, 234, 60 (1990)
X-Ray and Infrared Selected Active Galactic Nuclei. I. The Missing Edge-On Galaxies
Kirhakos, S & Steiner, J, AJ, 99, 1435 (1990)
X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy
Bleeker, J & Hermsen, W, AdSpR, 10, 02 (1990)
15-100 keV variability in her X-1 observed by HEAO-1
Soong, Y et al., AdSpR, 10, 0299 (1990)
HEAO 1 A-2 Low-Energy Detector X-Ray Spectra of the Cygnus Loop
Leahy, D, Fink, R & Nousek, J, ApJ, 363, 547 (1990)
The ephemeris of X 1822-371
Hellier, C et al., MNRAS, 244, P39 (1990)
HEAO-1 observations of the X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586
Davies, S, Wood, K & Coe, M, MNRAS, 245, 268 (1990)
Application of the HEAO-1 A-2 Low Energy Detector Data to the Diffuse X-Ray Sky Background
Fink, R, PhD Thesis, 3 (1990)
HEAO A-1 Observations of X-Ray Emitting Clusters of Galaxies
Johnson, M, PhD Thesis, 4 (1990)
One-pole and two-pole X-ray emission in the AM Herculis binary BL Hyi
Beuermann, K & Schwope, A, A&A, 223, 179 (1989)
Two X-Ray--selected BL Lacertae Objects Observed with the HEAO 1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 345, 140 (1989)
Bl-Lacertae Objects Detected in the HEAO-1 all Sky X-Ray Survey
Schwartz, D et al., LNP, 334, 209 (1989)
Bl-Lacertae Objects from the EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey - Constraints on the Logn-Logs and on the Cosmological Evolution
Giomm, P et al., LNP, 334, 231 (1989)
Discovery of a BL Lacertae object (EXO 055625-3838.6) in the error box of H 0557-385
Giommi, P et al., MNRAS, 236, 375 (1989)
The X-ray spectrum of QSO 1821+643
Warwick, R, Barstow, M & Yaqoob, T, MNRAS, 238, 917 (1989)
4U 1722+11 : the discovery of an X-ray selected BL Lac object
Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 240, 33 (1989)
The Supernova Remnant G109.1-1.0 and the X-Ray Pulsar 1E2259+586
Davies, S, PhD Thesis, 6 (1989)
The energy density of the cosmic infrared background
Rephaeli, Y & Schlickeiser, R, A&A, 194, 99 (1988)
A rapid change to double pulsing in Her X-1
Gruber, D, Soong, Y & Rothschild, R, AdSpR, 8, 02503 (1988)
Large-Scale Structure of the Universe: Constraints from the X-Ray Background
Meszaros, A & Meszaros, P, ApJ, 327, 25 (1988)
HEAO 1 Hard X-Ray Observations of Clusters of Galaxies and Intracluster Magnetic Fields
Rephaeli, Y & Gruber, D, ApJ, 333, 133 (1988)
A Study of Temporal-Spectral Behavior of Hercules X-1: a Binary X-Ray Pulsar
Soong, Y, PhD Thesis, 4 (1988)
Hard X-ray observations of the quasar 3C 273
Damle, S et al., A&A, 182, L1 (1987)
Discovery of Three New RS Canum Venaticorum--like Counterparts to HEAO 1 X-Ray Sources
Buckley, D et al., ApJ, 315, 273 (1987)
HEAO 1 Hard X-Ray Observations of Three Abell Clusters of Galaxies
Rephaeli, Y, Gruber, D & Rothschild, R, ApJ, 320, 139 (1987)
X-ray intensity and spectral variations in the BL Lac sources H 2155-304 and PKS 0548-322
Agrawal, P, Singh, K & Riegler, G, MNRAS, 227, 525 (1987)
A spectroscopic and photometric study of 1H 0542-407 : a new magneticvariable
Buckley, D & Tuohy, I, PASAu, 7, 151 (1987)
HEAO-1 Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Hueter, G, PhD Thesis, 3 (1987)
Cosmological evolution of AGNs in the X-ray band
Danese, L et al., A&A, 161, 1 (1986)
A VLA survey of unidentified HEAO-1 X-ray sources
Schmelz, J, Feigelson, E & Schwartz, D, AJ, 92, 585 (1986)
The Discovery of Eight Bright Active Galactic Nuclei Observed with the HEAO 1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Remillard, R et al., ApJ, 301, 742 (1986)
The HEAO A-1 all-sky survey of fast X-ray transients
Ambruster, C & Wood, K, ApJ, 311, 258 (1986)
An Intermediate-Sensitivity Survey at High Galactic Latitude with HEAO A-1
Shrader, C, Wood, K & Matilsky, T, ApJS, 61, 353 (1986)
The Hard X-Ray to Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Crab Nebula
Jung, G, PhD Thesis, 3 (1986)
Studies of an X ray selected sample of cataclysmic variables
Silber, A, PhD Thesis, 25 (1986)
The Draco nebula : a molecular cloud in the galactic halo ?
Mebold, U et al., A&A, 151, 427 (1985)
Detection of a new X-ray burst source
Fleischman, J, A&A, 153, 106 (1985)
H I-high velocity features in Draco and their X-ray counterparts
Hirth, W, Mebold, U & Mueller, P, A&A, 153, 249 (1985)
Recent optical identifications of HEAO-1 X-ray sources
Schwartz, D et al., AdSpR, 5, 03137 (1985)
Consequences of hot gas in the broad-line region of active galactic nuclei
Kallman, T & Mushotzky, R, ApJ, 292, 49 (1985)
The physical implications of an isothermal model for the hot intracluster medium
Henriksen, M & Mushotzky, R, ApJ, 292, 441 (1985)
Continuous rapid X-ray variability and spectral changes in NGC 4051
Lawrence, A et al., MNRAS, 217, 685 (1985)
Optical counterparts of HEAO-1 X-ray sources
Buckley, D, Tuohy, I & Remillard, R, PASAu, 6, 147 (1985)
An australian broad-band satellite for X-ray astronomy
Greenhill, J et al., PASAu, 6, 186 (1985)
Extra-Galactic X-Ray Sources and the Diffuse X - Background
Shrader, C, PhD Thesis, 5 (1985)
EXOSAT observations of NGC 1399 and NGC 1404: Two elliptical galaxies in the center of the Fornax cluster
Mason, K & Rosen, S, SSRv, 40, 675 (1985)
Nonstationary accretion onto neutron stars - Some constraints and consequences
Morfill, G et al., A&A, 139, 7 (1984)
Hard X-ray observations of the Crab Pulsar
Hasinger, G et al., AdSpR, 3, 1063 (1984)
MXB 1916-053/4U 1915-05 : burst properties and constraints on a 50 minute binary secondary
Swank, J, Taam, R & White, N, ApJ, 277, 274 (1984)
Boundary layers in cataclysmic variables : the HEAO 1 X-ray constraints
Jensen, K, ApJ, 278, 278 (1984)
Millisecond variability of Cygnus X-1
Meekins, J et al., ApJ, 278, 288 (1984)
Observations of quasi-coherent soft X-ray oscillations in U Geminorum and SS Cygni
Cordova, F et al., ApJ, 278, 739 (1984)
Observations of NGC 4151 at 2 keV to 2 MeV from HEAO 1
Baity, W et al., ApJ, 279, 555 (1984)
Identification of two hard X-ray emitting Be stars using the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Steiner, J et al., ApJ, 280, 688 (1984)
SMC X-1 variability observed from HEAO 1
Gruber, D & Rothschild, R, ApJ, 283, 546 (1984)
HEAO 1 high-energy X-ray observations of three bright transient X-ray sources H 1705-250 (nova Ophiuchi), H 1743-322 and H 1833-077 (Scutum X-1)
Cooke, B et al., ApJ, 285, 258 (1984)
The HEAO1 A-4 catalog of high-energy X-ray sources
Levine, A et al., ApJS, 54, 581 (1984)
The HEAO A-1 X-ray source catalog
Wood, K et al., ApJS, 56, 507 (1984)
The anisotropy of the diffuse cosmic X-ray background
Xu, C, ChA&A, 8, 340 (1984)
The anisotropy of the diffuse cosmic X-ray background
Xu, C, ChJSS, 4, 253 (1984)
The anisotropy of the diffuse cosmic X-ray background
Xu, C, ChJSS, 4, 253 (1984)
Binary modulation and transient periodic variations in X-ray emissionfrom the AM HER binary H 0139-68
Singh, K, Agrawal, P & Riegler, G, MNRAS, 208, 679 (1984)
Simultaneous infrared and optical observations of H 2215-086
Sherrington, M, Jameson, R & Bailey, J, MNRAS, 210, P1 (1984)
X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of BL Lacertae Objects
Urry, C, PhD Thesis, 1 (1984)
A Survey of Fast X-Ray Transients Using the HEAO A-1 Sky Survey Experiment
Ambruster, C, PhD Thesis, 2 (1984)
X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies
Mushotzky, R, PhST, 7, 157 (1984)
Detection of an extended soft X-ray source H 2326-79 in the southern sky
Agrawal, P, Riegler, G & Singh, K, A&A, 126, 70 (1983)
A survey by HEAO 1 of clusters of galaxies. III. The complete Abell catalog
Johnson, M et al., ApJ, 266, 425 (1983)
Redshift modifications to HEAO A-1 cluster X-ray luminosities
Kowalski, M, Ulmer, M & Cruddace, R, ApJ, 268, 540 (1983)
2-165 keV observations of active galaxies and the diffuse background
Rothschild, R et al., ApJ, 269, 423 (1983)
Erratum - HEAO-1 Observations of Quiescent X-Ray Emission from Flare Stars
Tsikoudi, V, ApJ, 272, 381 (1983)
HEAO 1 high-energy X-ray observations of Centaurus X-3
Howe, S et al., ApJ, 272, 678 (1983)
Long-term, hard X-ray observations of Scorpius X-1 from HEAO 1
Soong, Y & Rothschild, R, ApJ, 274, 327 (1983)
Identification of the soft X-ray source H1011-47 (= E1013-477): a newmagnetic variable?
Mason, K et al., PASP, 95, 370 (1983)
X-Ray Observations of Cataclysmic Variables
Jensen, K, PhD Thesis, 3 (1983)
The correlation between X-ray luminosity and velicity dispersion in clusters of galaxies
Quintana, H & Melnick, J, AJ, 87, 972 (1982)
A complete X-ray sample of the high-latitude (b)-20 sky from HEAO 1 A-2 : log N-log S and luminosity functions
Piccinotti, G et al., ApJ, 253, 485 (1982)
HEAO 1 measurements of the galactic ridge
Worrall, D et al., ApJ, 255, 111 (1982)
HEAO 1 observations of the long-term variability of HER X-1
Gorecki, A et al., ApJ, 256, 234 (1982)
HEAO 1 observations of quiescent X-ray emission from flare stars
Tsikoudi, V, ApJ, 262, 263 (1982)
Soft X-rays from the sunlit earth’s atmosphere
McKenzie, D, Rugge, H & Charles, P, JATP, 44, 499 (1982)
The Universe in X-rays
Henbest, N, NewSc, 93, 720 (1982)
The hard X-ray flux from GAM CAS during 1970-73
Peters, G, PASP, 94, 157 (1982)
2 - 165 keV observations of active galaxies from HEAO-1
Rothschild, R & Mushotzky, R, PASP, 94, 757 (1982)
Hard X-Ray Emission from Galactic Black Hole Candidates
Nolan, P, PhD Thesis, 10 (1982)
An optical and X-ray survey of s-type Markarian galaxies
Hutter, D & Mufson, S, AJ, 86, 1585 (1981)
Rapid variability of 10-140 keV X-rays from Cygnus X-1
Nolan, P et al., AdSpR, 1, 13215 (1981)
X-ray and gamma-ray observations of a white-light flare
Hudson, H, AdSpR, 1, 13247 (1981)
The Spectra and Light Curves of Two Gamma-Ray Bursts
Knight, F, Matteson, J & Peterson, L, Ap&SS, 75, 21 (1981)
Variable X-ray spectra of BL Lac objects : HEAO 1 observations of PKS0548-322 and 2A 1219+305
Worrall, D et al., ApJ, 243, 53 (1981)
A survey of rich clusters of galaxies with HEAO 1. II
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 243, 681 (1981)
HEAO 1 observations of the Perseus cluster above 10 keV
Primini, F et al., ApJL, 243, L13 (1981)
Centaurus A (NGC 5128) at 2 keV-2.3 MeV : HEAO 1 observations and implications
Baity, W et al., ApJ, 244, 429 (1981)
Pointed soft X-ray observations of AM Her
Tuohy, I et al., ApJ, 245, 183 (1981)
HEAO 1 high energy X-ray observations of the Virgo cluster and A 2142
Lea, S et al., ApJ, 246, 369 (1981)
Soft X-ray observation of supernova remnant IC 443
Galas, C, Venkatesan, D & Garmire, G, ApJ, 250, 216 (1981)
HEAO 1 observations of high-energy X-rays from the Seyfert 1 galaxy MKN 509
Dil, S et al., ApJ, 250, 513 (1981)
The astronomical horizon
Friedman, H, AsAer, 19, 30 (1981)
An evaluation of the background effects in actively shielded hard X-ray telescopes at balloon altitudes
Dean, A & Dipper, N, MNRAS, 194, 219 (1981)
The Heao-1 soft X-ray survey of cataclysmic variable stars
Cordova, F, Jensen, K & Nugent, J, MNRAS, 196, 1 (1981)
Soft γ-ray emission from the region of MCG8 -11 -11
Perotti, F et al., Natur, 292, 133 (1981)
Rapid X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814
Tennant, A et al., PhD Thesis, 1 (1981)
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations of Pulsed Emission from Radio Pulsars
Knight, F, PhD Thesis, 3 (1981)
X-Ray and Optical Studies of Late-Type Stellar Coronae and Chromospheres
Walter, F, PhD Thesis, 54 (1981)
Studies of X-ray emission from Hercules X-1 OAO1653-40 and X-ray spectroscopy of solar flares
Parmar, A, PhD Thesis, 95 (1981)
The huge bubble of hot gas in the galactic interstellar medium
Imshennik, V, Prir, , 33 (1981)
X-ray astronomy and the AXAF space observatory
Geril, N, TecN, 9, 32 (1981)
Optical identification of 4U 1907+09 using the HEAO-1 Scanning modulation collimator position
Schwartz, D et al., AJ, 85, 549 (1980)
VLBI observations at 18 and 2.8 CM - 0133 + 47, 0735 + 178, OH 471, OQ 172, 1633 + 38, and NRAO 667 /2147 + 145/
Marscher, A & Shaffer, D, AJ, 85, 668 (1980)
Unidentified galactic X-ray sources positioned with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Reid, C et al., AJ, 85, 1062 (1980)
The diffuse X-ray background spectrum from 3 to 50 keV
Marshall, F et al., ApJ, 235, 4 (1980)
Soft X-ray pulsations from SS Cyg
Cordova, F et al., ApJ, 235, 163 (1980)
An X-ray survey of distant rich clusters of galaxies with HEAO 1
Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 235, 351 (1980)
Seyfert Type 1 galaxies observed with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Dower, R et al., ApJ, 235, 355 (1980)
HEAO 1 spectra of X-ray emitting Seyfert 1 galaxies
Mushotzky, R et al., ApJ, 235, 377 (1980)
Study of the structure of the TYCHO SNR with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator experiment
Fabbiano, G et al., ApJL, 235, L163 (1980)
X-rays from RS CVn systems : a HEAO 1 survey and the development of a coronal model
Walter, F et al., ApJ, 236, 212 (1980)
Erratum - a 6-MONTH X-Ray Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator
Johnston, M, Bradt, H & Doxsey, R, ApJ, 236, 1056 (1980)
HEAO 1 observations of gamma-ray lines from a solar flare
Hudson, H et al., ApJL, 236, L91 (1980)
HEAO 1 observations of active coronae in main-sequence and subgiant stars
Walter, F et al., ApJL, 236, L137 (1980)
HEAO 1 identification of the X-ray emitting poor cluster of galaxies,AWM 7
Schwartz, D et al., ApJL, 238, L53 (1980)
Hercules X-1 hard X-ray pulsations observed from HEAO 1
Gruber, D et al., ApJL, 240, L127 (1980)
The HEAO-aA2 soft X-ray survey of dwarf novae in outburst
Cordova, F et al., MNRAS, 190, 87 (1980)
Soft X-ray observations of the binary SIG CrB with HEAO-1
Agrawal, P, Riegler, G & Garmire, G, MNRAS, 190, 853 (1980)
The large-scale structure of X-ray clusters of galaxies. II
Nulsen, P & Fabian, A, MNRAS, 191, 887 (1980)
Does phi Herculis have a corona ?
Stickland, D & Dworetsky, M, MNRAS, 191, P33 (1980)
The optical identification of H 2252-035 with a cataclysmic variable
Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 193, P25 (1980)
An investigation of compact extragalactic X-ray sources
Barr, P, PhD Thesis, 191 (1980)
Spectral studies of cosmic X-ray sources
Blissett, R, PhD Thesis, 192 (1980)
Location of three stellar X-ray sources at high galactic latitudes with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Schwartz, D et al., AJ, 84, 1560 (1979)
Identification of the variable X-ray sources GX 339-4 and MXB 1659-29 by scanning modulation collimator on HEAO 1
Doxsey, R et al., ApJL, 228, L67 (1979)
X-ray emitting BL Lacertae objects located by the scanning modulation collimator experiment on HEAO 1
Schwartz, D et al., ApJL, 229, L53 (1979)
Location of the recurrent (LMC?) X-ray transient A0538-66 with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Johnston, M et al., ApJL, 230, L11 (1979)
X-ray observations of high-excitation emission-line galaxies with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Griffiths, R et al., ApJL, 230, L21 (1979)
HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator discovery of an extended X-ray source at Cygnus A
Fabbiano, G et al., ApJL, 230, L67 (1979)
HEAO 1 observations of the X-ray pulsar 4U 1626-67
Pravdo, S et al., ApJ, 231, 912 (1979)
X-ray locations and sizes of clusters of galaxies observed with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Schwarz, J et al., ApJL, 231, L105 (1979)
A search for coronal soft X-ray emission from cool stars with HEAO 1
Ayres, T et al., ApJL, 232, L117 (1979)
A six-month X-ray survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud with the HEAO 1 scanning modulation collimator
Johnston, M, Bradt, H & Doxsey, R, ApJ, 233, 514 (1979)
HEAO 1 observations of a type I burst from MXB 1728-34
Hoffman, J et al., ApJL, 233, L51 (1979)
A search for X-ray bursts from extragalactic supernovae using HEAO 1 satellite
Klein, R et al., ApJ, 234, 566 (1979)
HEAO 1 observations of X-ray emission from flares in dMe stars
Kahn, S et al., ApJL, 234, L107 (1979)
Low latitude atmospheric X-rays observed by HEAO-1
Luhmann, J et al., GeoRL, 6, 25 (1979)
Observations of Type 1 Seyfert galaxies with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Griffiths, R et al., MNRAS, 188, 813 (1979)
Pulse-phase spectroscopy of Hercules X-1
Pravdo, S, Bussard, R & White, N, MNRAS, 188, P5 (1979)
Large-scale structure of X-ray clusters of galaxies
Nulsen, P et al., MNRAS, 189, 183 (1979)
Observation of soft X-ray emission from the SNR HB 9
Tuohy, I, Clark, D & Garmire, G, MNRAS, 189, P59 (1979)
HEAO 1 observations of high-energy X-rays from 3C273
Primini, F et al., Natur, 278, 234 (1979)
Soft X-ray emission from the vicinity of MV Lyr
Mason, K, Kahn, S & Bowyer, C, Natur, 280, 568 (1979)
HEAO 1 observations of 4U1232+07
Bhavsar, S et al., Natur, 281, 462 (1979)
X-Ray Observations of Dwarf Novae
Decordova, F, PhD Thesis, 5 (1979)
X-ray observations of dwarf novae
Cordova, F, PhD Thesis, 205 (1979)
A Survey of the X-Ray Sky with HEAO A-1
Friedman, H, RSPSA, 366, 423 (1979)
The cosmic X-ray experiment aboard HEAO-1
Rothschild, R et al., SSI, 4, 269 (1979)
Stellar coronae—Evidence for their existence from X- and UV observations
Mewe, R, SSRv, 24, 101 (1979)
Upper limits on extreme ultraviolet radiation from nearby main sequence and subgiant stars
Ayres, T et al., A&A, 70, 431 (1978)
Location of the Norma transient with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Fabbiano, G et al., ApJL, 221, L49 (1978)
Position for the rapid burster MXB 1730-335 determined with the scanning modulation collimator on HEAO-1
Doxsey, R et al., ApJL, 221, L53 (1978)
Measurements of X-ray source positions by the scanning modulation collimator on HEAO 1
Gursky, H et al., ApJ, 223, 973 (1978) x
Identification of 4U 1651+39 with the BL Lacertae object Markarian 501 with the modulation collimator on HEAO 1
Schwartz, D et al., ApJL, 224, L103 (1978)
Discovery of iron line emission in the Hercules X-1 low-state spectrum with HEAO 1
Pravdo, S et al., ApJL, 225, L53 (1978)
LMC X-1, X-2, and X-3: precise positions from the HEAO 1 modulation collimator
Johnston, M et al., ApJL, 225, L59 (1978)
New evidence on the nature of the soft X-ray source in AM Herculis from HEAO 1
Tuohy, I et al., ApJL, 226, L17 (1978)
High-energy astronomy with HEAO
Friedman, H, AsAer, 16, 50 (1978)
Highlights from the HEAO-1 Survey of Cataclysmic Variable Stars
Cordova, F, JAVSO, 7, 57 (1978)
Location of pulsating binary X-ray source 4U 1538-52 with the HEAO-1 scanning modulation collimator
Schwartz, D et al., Natur, 275, 517 (1978)
SS CYG as a hard X-ray source identified with the scanning modulationcollimator on HEAO 1
Fabbiano, G et al., Natur, 275, 721 (1978)
X-Ray Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud with the HEAO-1 Modulation Collimator
Johnston, M, PhD Thesis, 35 (1978)
Instrumental technique in X-ray astronomy
Peterson, L, ARA&A, 13, 423 (1975)
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