ARGOS (USA) Non-refereed Publications

  1. Obituary: Herbert Gursky, 1930-2006
    Doschek, G & Dahlburg, J, BAAS, 39, 1060 (2007)
  2. UV Limb Scan and X-Ray Occultation Soundings of Thermospheric Density
    Budzien, S et al., AGUFM, SA21, 0341 (2004)
  3. Using the Crab Nebula to Correct for an Energy Dependent Instrumental Effect in Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) Data
    Quinones, K, Stanford Linear Accelerator, G & Naval Research Laboratory Collaboration, AAS, 203, 2407 (2003)
  4. Determination of Total Atmospheric Density in the 80-150 km Altitude Range Using X-ray Occultation Sounding
    Determan, J et al., AGUFM, SA22, 0100 (2003)
  5. X-ray Bursts in Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries from USA Data: Detections and Upper Limits
    Tournear, D et al., HEAD, 7, 1717 (2003)
  6. The Silicon X-ray Imager (SIXI)
    Wood, K et al., HEAD, 7, 2216 (2003)
  7. Using USA and RXTE X-ray Source Atmospheric Occultations to Determine Atmospheric Densities and Temperature
    Determan, J et al., AGUFM, SA52, 0379 (2002)
  8. Using the Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) Experimental Data to Determine Atmospheric Composition, Density, and Temperature
    Determan, J, Budzein, S & Titarchuk, L, AGUSM, SA22, 03 (2002)
  9. Studies of the Spectral and Timing Evolution of XTE J1550-564
    Reilly, K et al., APS April Meeting Abstracts, 17097 (2002)
  10. Using the unconventional stellar aspect (USA) experiment on ARGOS to determine atmospheric parameters by x-ray occultation
    Wood, K et al., SPIE, 4485, 258 (2002)
  11. Thermospheric Density and Temperature Derived from X-ray Occultations Observed by the Unconventional Stellar Aspect (USA) Experiment Aboard ARGOS
    Determan, J et al., AGUSM, SA, 52A12 (2001)
  12. Shot noise in USA lightcurves of XTE J1118+480 and cygnus X-1
    Focke, W et al., 20th Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, 690 (2001)
  13. Shot Noise in USA lightcurves of Black Hole Transient XTE J1118+480
    Focke, W et al., HEAD, 5, 3108 (2000)
  14. Comparing XTE-1118+480 and Cyg-X1 using USA X-ray Power Spectra
    Bloom, E et al., HEAD, 5, 3109 (2000)
  15. USA experiment on the ARGOS satellite: a low-cost instrument for timing x-ray binaries
    Wood, K et al., SPIE, 2280, 19 (1994)

[ARGOS (USA)] [Bibliography]

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