EURECA Refereed Journals

  1. A BATSE-based search for repeaters in the sample of gamma-ray bursts detected by the WATCH experiment
    Gorosabel, J et al., A&A, 336, 57 (1998)
  2. Search for a correlation of gamma-ray bursts with quasars and active galactic nuclei
    Burenin, R et al., AstL, 24, 427 (1998)
  3. Meteoroid Morphology and Densities: Decoding Satellite Impact Data
    McDonnell, J & Gardner, D, Icar, 133, 25 (1998)
  4. On the correlation of cosmic gamma-ray bursts with rich clusters of galaxies
    Burenin, R et al., AstL, 23, 768 (1997)
  5. Discovery of hard X-ray outbursts from the soft X-ray transient Aquila X-1.
    Harmon, B et al., A&AS, 120, 197 (1996)
  6. Atmospheric drag modelling for orbital micro-debris at Leo altitudes
    McDonnell, J, Ratcliff, P & Collier, I, AdSpR, 17, 12183 (1996)
  7. Microscopic and chemical analyses of major impact sites on timeband capture cell experiment of the EURECA spacecraft
    Yano, H et al., AdSpR, 17, 12189 (1996)
  8. Micro-particle impact flux on the timeband capture cell experiment of the EURECA spacecraft
    Gardner, D et al., AdSpR, 17, 12193 (1996)
  9. UV photobiochemistry under space conditions
    Dose, K et al., AdSpR, 18, 1251 (1996)
  10. Recent results of comparative radiobiological experiments with short and long term expositions of Arabidopsis seed embryos
    Zimmermann, M et al., AdSpR, 18, 12205 (1996)
  11. Optical survey of micrometeoroid and space debris impact features on EURECA
    Drolshagen, G et al., P&SS, 44, 317 (1996)
  12. Time series analysis of bright galactic X-ray sources.
    Priedhorsky, W, Brandt, S & Lund, N, A&A, 300, 415 (1995)
  13. Monitoring the activity variations of galactic X-ray sources with WATCH on EURECA
    Brandt, S & Lund, N, AdSpR, 16, 0737 (1995)
  14. Observations of cosmic gamma ray bursts with WATCH on EURECA
    Brandt, S, Lund, N & Castro-Tirado, A, AdSpR, 16, 0743 (1995)
  15. Crucible-semiconductor interactions during crystal growth from the melt in space
    Duffar, T, Dusserre, P & Abadie, J, AdSpR, 16, 07199 (1995)
  16. Thermomigration experiment on board EURECA
    Praizey, J, van Vaerenberg, S & Garandet, J, AdSpR, 16, 07205 (1995)
  17. The development of the Eūropean Rētrievable Cārrier “EURECA”
    Nellessen, W, AdSpR, 16, 085 (1995)
  18. Results of solar spectral irradiance measurements by SOVA2 on EURECA
    Wehrli, C, Frohlich, C & Romero, J, AdSpR, 16, 0825 (1995)
  19. Solar total irradiance variability measured by SOVA-2 on board EURECA
    Romero, J, Frohlich, C & Wehrli, C, AdSpR, 16, 0829 (1995)
  20. Results of the crystallisation of zeolite molecular sieves under microgravity conditions during the EURECA-1 mission
    Akporiaye, D, Stocker, M & Junggreen, H, AdSpR, 16, 0855 (1995)
  21. Results of the HPT-experiment critical adsorption on EURECA I
    Thommes, M & Findenegg, G, AdSpR, 16, 0883 (1995)
  22. The SFA experiment on board of EURECA: Preliminary results
    Poletti, G, AdSpR, 16, 0887 (1995)
  23. Crystallisation of alpha-crustacyanin, the lobster carapace astaxanthin-protein: results from EURECA
    Zagalsky, P, Wright, C & Parsons, M, AdSpR, 16, 0891 (1995)
  24. Coarsening of liquid Al-Pb dispersions under microgravity - a EURECA experiment
    Ratke, L, AdSpR, 16, 0895 (1995)
  25. Bridgman solidification of GaSb results of the EURECA AMF-118 experiment
    Duffar, T, Dusserre, P & Serrano, M, AdSpR, 16, 08101 (1995)
  26. Biological responses to space: results of the experiment “exobiological unit&rdqio; of ERA on EURECA I
    Horneck, G et al., AdSpR, 16, 08105 (1995)
  27. From LDEF to EURECA: orbital debris and meteoroids in low earth orbit
    Mandeville, J & Berthoud, L, AdSpR, 16, 1167 (1995)
  28. Post-flight measurements of meteoroid/debris impact features on EURECA and the hubble solar array
    Drolshagen, G et al., AdSpR, 16, 1185 (1995)
  29. Approaching the Interstellar Grain Organic Refractory Component
    Greenberg, J et al., ApJL, 455, L177 (1995)
  30. The Chemistry of Impacting Bodies Recorded on EURECA
    Wright, I, Grady, M & Sexton, A, Metic, 30, 602 (1995)
  31. A wide-field monitor for INTEGRAL
    Lund, N, ApJS, 92, 337 (1994)
  32. The Identification of a Diogenite Meteoroid from Meteor Spectrum
    Borg, J & Maag, C, Metic, 29, 446 (1994)
  33. Solar Total Irradiance Variability from SOVA-2 on Board EURECA
    Romero, J, Wehrli, C & Froelich, C, SoPh, 152, 23 (1994)
  34. Phase Differences Between Irradiance and Velocity Low Degree Solar Acoustic Modes Revisited
    Jimenez, A, SoPh, 152, 319 (1994)
  35. EuReCa TiCCE - a nine month survey of cosmic dust and space debris at500 km altitude.
    Stevenson, T, JBIS, 41, 429 (1988)
  36. Astronomy from the Space Station.
    Davies, J, JBIS, 39, 51 (1986)
  37. Exobiological experiments on the first EURECA mission
    Horneck, G et al., OrLi, 16, 405 (1986)
  38. European Retrievable Carrier EURECA
    Seibert, G, OrLi, 14, 785 (1984)
  39. Profile of scientific research in space to the year 2000
    Bleeker, J, Ruimt, 33, 142 (1984)

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