eXTP Refereed Journals

Impression of eXTP in orbit

  1. The spatial distribution of circumstellar material of the wind-fed system GX 301-2
    Zheng, X, Liu, J & Gou, L, MNRAS, 491, 4802 (2020)
  2. The Nature of the Broadband X-Ray Variability in the Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4395
    Kammoun, E et al., ApJ, 886, 145 (2019)
  3. PolarLight: a CubeSat X-ray polarimeter based on the gas pixel detector
    Feng, H et al., ExA, 47, 225 (2019)
  4. Atmosphere of strongly magnetized neutron stars heated by particle bombardment
    Gonzalez-Caniulef, D et al., MNRAS, 483, 599 (2019)
  5. Towards observing reverberating and superefficient pulsar wind nebulae
    Torres, D, Lin, T & Coti Zelati, F, MNRAS, 486, 1019 (2019)
  6. Microlensing of x-ray pulsars: A method to detect primordial black hole dark matter
    Bai, Y & Orlofsky, N, PhRvD, 99, 123019 (2019)
  7. The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission—eXTP
    Zhang, S et al., SCPMA, 62, 29502 (2019)
  8. Dense matter with eXTP
    Watts, A et al., SCPMA, 62, 29503 (2019)
  9. Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP
    De Rosa, A et al., SCPMA, 62, 29504 (2019)
  10. Physics and astrophysics of strong magnetic field systems with eXTP
    Santangelo, A et al., SCPMA, 62, 29505 (2019)
  11. Observatory science with eXTP
    in't Zand, J et al., SCPMA, 62, 29506 (2019)
  12. Investigation of the long-term activity of the binary X-ray sources with the planned satellites
    Simon, V, CoSka, 48, 421 (2018)
  13. On the Spectrum and Polarization of Magnetar Flare Emission
    Taverna, R & Turolla, R, Galax, 6, 35 (2018)
  14. Practical Aspects of X-ray Imaging Polarimetry of Supernova Remnants and Other Extended Sources
    Vink, J & Zhou, P, Galax, 6, 46 (2018)
  15. Simulation of Black Hole Inner Accretion Disk-Corona and Optimization of the Hard X-ray Polarimeter, X-Calibur
    Beheshtipour, B, PhD Thesis, 98 (2018)
  16. Merging strangeon stars
    Lai, X et al., RAA, 18, 24 (2018)
  17. Accretion Disks and Coronae in the X-Ray Flashlight
    Degenaar, N et al., SSRv, 214, 15 (2018)
  18. China hones plans for ambitious x-ray probe
    Normile, D, Sci, 359, 1085 (2018)
  19. False outliers of the Ep,i - Eiso correlation?
    Martone, R et al., A&A, 608, 52 (2017)
  20. Testing the Kerr Black Hole Hypothesis Using X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy
    Bambi, C et al., ApJ, 842, 76 (2017)
  21. Geodesic Models of Quasi-periodic-oscillations as Probes of Quadratic Gravity
    Maselli, A et al., ApJ, 843, 25 (2017)
  22. On the spectrum and polarization of magnetar flare emission
    Taverna, R & Turolla, R, MNRAS, 469, 3610 (2017)
  23. Constraining black holes with light boson hair and boson stars using epicyclic frequencies and quasiperiodic oscillations
    Franchini, N et al., PhRvD, 95, 124025 (2017)
  24. Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1636-536: Putting Possible Constraints on the Neutron Star Size
    Stiele, H, Yu, W & Kong, A, ApJ, 831, 34 (2016)
  25. Iron Kα line of Kerr black holes with scalar hair
    Ni, Y et al., JCAP, 07, 049 (2016)
  26. Testing the Kerr metric with the iron line and the KRZ parametrization
    Ni, Y, Jiang, J & Bambi, C, JCAP, 09, 014 (2016)
  27. Testing the Kerr black hole hypothesis: Comparison between the gravitational wave and the iron line approaches
    Cardenas-Avendano, A, Jiang, J & Bambi, C, PhLB, 760, 254 (2016)
  28. Constraining the Kerr parameters via x-ray reflection spectroscopy
    Ghasemi-Nodehi, M & Bambi, C, PhRvD, 94, 104062 (2016)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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