Artistic impression of GECAM satellites

GECAM Non-refereed Publications

  1. GECAM detection of a bright thermonuclear burst from 4U 0614+091
    Chen, Y et al., ATel 14363 (2021)
  2. Upper limits on the radio fluence of the most recent X-ray bursts from SGR1935+2154
    Kirsten, F et al., ATel 14382 (2021)
  3. GECAM detection of a short GRB 210119A or a new SGR candidate Swift J1851.2-6148
    An, Z et al., GCN 29331 (2021)
  4. GECAM In-Flight Trigger of GRB 210120A
    An, Z et al., GCN 29338 (2021)
  5. GRB 210121A: GECAM detection
    Peng, W et al., GCN 29347 (2021)
  6. IPN triangulation of GRB 210121A
    Hurley, K et al., GCN 29348 (2021)
  7. GECAM detection of a burst possibly from the X-ray burster 4U 0614+09 or GRB 210124A
    Xiong, S et al., GCN 29350 (2021)
  8. GRB 210126A: GECAM detection
    Guo, D et al., GCN 29356 (2021)
  9. Konus-Wind detection of GRB 210121A
    Svinkin, D et al., GCN 29358 (2021)
  10. GECAM detection of a short burst probably from SGR 1935+2154
    Huang, Y et al., GCN 29363 (2021)
  11. IPN triangulation of a bright burst from SGR 1935+2154
    Ridnaia, A et al., GCN 29365 (2021)
  12. GRB 210126A: AstroSat CZTI detection
    Nadella, D et al., GCN 29368 (2021)
  13. Konus-Wind detection of two bright bursts from SGR 1935+2154
    Ridnaia, A et al., GCN 29373 (2021)
  14. Fermi GBM Observations of SGR J1935+2154
    Roberts, O et al., GCN 29374 (2021)
  15. GECAM observations of SGR 1935+2154
    Wang, P et al., GCN 29377 (2021)
  16. GRB 210131A: GECAM detection
    Xiao, S et al., GCN 29379 (2021)
  17. Recent activity of SGR 1935+2154 as observed by CGBM
    Ricciarini, S et al., GCN 29383 (2021)
  18. GRB 210204A: GECAM detection
    Li, C et al., GCN 29392 (2021)
  19. IPN triangulation of GRB 210204A
    Hurley, K et al., GCN 29408 (2021)
  20. GRB 210204A: AstroSat CZTI Detection
    Waratkar, G et al., GCN 29410 (2021)
  21. VLT/X-shooter redshift of 1.466 for ZTF21aagwbjr/AT2021buv, strengthening its association with GRB 210204A
    Izzo, L et al., GCN 29411 (2021)
  22. GRB 210204A / ZTF21aagwbjr: Swift-XRT observations
    Kennea, J et al., GCN 29413 (2021)
  23. Konus-Wind detection of GRB 210204A / ZTF21aagwbjr
    Frederiks, D et al., GCN 29415 (2021)
  24. GRB 210207B: GECAM detection
    Zhao, Y et al., GCN 29486 (2021)
  25. GRB 210204A: observations with the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope and possible jet break
    Gupta, R et al., GCN 29490 (2021)
  26. GRB 210228A: GECAM detection
    Zhang, Y et al., GCN 29588 (2021)
  27. GRB 210307B: GECAM detection
    Yi, Q et al., GCN 29614 (2021)
  28. GRB 210317A: GECAM detection
    Yi, Q et al., GCN 29660 (2021)
  29. GRB 210330A: GECAM detection
    Guo, D et al., GCN 29736 (2021)
  30. GRB 210328A: GECAM detection
    Zhao, X et al., GCN 29737 (2021)
  31. GRB 210330A: MASTER optical observation
    Lipunov, V et al., GCN 29738 (2021)
  32. GRB 210328A: AstroSat CZTI detection
    Sawant, P et al., GCN 29746 (2021)
  33. GRB 210330A: AstroSat CZTI detection
    Sawant, P et al., GCN 29749 (2021)
  34. GRB 210401A: GECAM detection
    Xue, W et al., GCN 29758 (2021)
  35. The GECAM Mission and its Science Operations
    Ma, X, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019), 578 (2019)
  36. The status of GECAM mission
    Zheng, S, The Extragalactic Explosive Universe: the New Era of Transient Surveys and Data-Driven Discovery, 63 (2019)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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