HERD Refereed Journals

  1. Hint at an axion-like particle from the redshift dependence of blazar spectra
    Galanti, G et al., MNRAS, 493, 1553 (2020)
  2. Anisotropies of different mass compositions of cosmic rays
    Qiao, B et al., JCAP, 12, 007 (2019)
  3. Blazar VHE spectral alterations induced by photon-ALP oscillations
    Galanti, G et al., MNRAS, 487, 123 (2019)
  4. The space station based detector HERD: precise high energy cosmic rays physics and multimessenger astronomy
    Cattaneo, P & HERD Collaboration, NPPP, 306, 85 (2019)
  5. Theoretical validation of potential habitability via analytical and boosted tree methods: An optimistic study on recently discovered exoplanets
    Saha, S et al., A&C, 23, 141 (2018)
  6. Search for Gamma-ray Line Features with Fermi-LAT Data and Development of DAMPE Gamma-ray Science Analysis Software
    Liang, Y, AcASn, 59, 59 (2018)
  7. Extragalactic photon-axion-like particle oscillations up to 1000 TeV
    Galanti, G & Roncadelli, M, JHEAp, 20, 1 (2018)
  8. Discriminating local sources of high-energy cosmic electrons and positrons by current and future anisotropy measurements
    Fang, K, Bi, X & Yin, P, MNRAS, 478, 5660 (2018)
  9. Gamma-ray line constraints on coy dark matter
    Hektor, A, Marzola, L & Tuvi, T, PhRvD, 95, 121301 (2017)
  10. Perspective of monochromatic gamma-ray line detection with the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility onboard China’s space station
    Huang, X et al., APh, 78, 35 (2016)
  11. The High Energy Cosmic Radiation Facility onboard China’s Space Station
    Xu, M & HERD Collaboration, NPPP, 279, 161 (2016)

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