Isee 3 Non-refereed Publications

  1. Open and disconnected magnetic field lines within coronal mass ejections in the solar wind: Evidence for 3-dimensional reconnection
    Gosling, J et al., Solar Wind Eight, 46 (1995)
  2. The Distribution of Flare Parameters and Coronal Heating
    Lee, T & Petrosian, V, AAS, 180, 4102 (1992)
  3. Variation of Hard X-Ray Flare Characteristics Observed by ISEE-3/ICE during Solar Cycle 21
    Bromund, K et al., AAS, 180, 4107 (1992)
  4. Measurements of the spatial structure and directivity of 100 KeV photon sources in solar flares using PVO and ISEE-3 spacecraft
    Anderson, K, ucb rept (1991)
  5. The Joint NASA/Goddard-University of Maryland Research Program in Charged Particle and High Energy Photon Detector Technology
    Ipavich, F, cpmd rept (1990)
  6. The heating of the thermal plasma with energetic electrons in small solar flares
    Lin, H & Lin, R, sfcp, nasa, 146 (1986)
  7. Observational evidence of continuous input of energetic electrons in the corona during large solar flares.
    Trottet, G et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 361 (1983)
  8. Magnetic fields in galactic jets
    Ferrari, A, MmSAI, 53, 1049 (1982)
  9. Solar Flare Results from the ISEE-3 X-Ray Spectrometer
    Kane, S, sofl, symp, 89 (1982)
  10. Recent observations of energetic electrons in solar flares
    Kane, S, IAUS, 91, 227 (1980)
  11. Gamma-ray Burst 79-03-05
    Evans, D et al., IAUC, 3356, 1 (1979)
  12. Future programs in solar physics from space
    Bonnet, R, esm, meet, 93 (1975)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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