ISEE 3 Refereed Journals

  1. Deka-keV X-ray observations of solar bursts with WATCH/GRANAT: frequency distributions of burst parameters
    Crosby, N et al., A&A, 334, 299 (1998)
  2. The Waiting-Time Distribution of Solar Flare Hard X-Ray Bursts
    Wheatland, M, Sturrock, P & McTiernan, J, ApJ, 509, 448 (1998)
  3. Statistical Studies of ISEE 3/ICE Observations of Impulsive Hard X-Ray Solar Flares
    Bromund, K, McTiernan, J & Kane, S, ApJ, 455, 733 (1995)
  4. The Distribution of Flare Parameters and Implications for Coronal Heating
    Lee, T, Petrosian, V & McTiernan, J, ApJ, 412, 401 (1993)
  5. Hard X-ray characteristics of solar flares using electron Monte-Carlo calculations and beamed thick target model
    Rausaria, R, Ap&SS, 194, 261 (1992)
  6. Three Solar Filament Disappearances Associated with Interplanetary Low Energy Particle Events
    Sanahuja, B et al., SoPh, 134, 379 (1991)
  7. A 153 Day Periodicity in the Occurrence of Solar Flares Producing Energetic Interplanetary Electrons
    Droege, W et al., ApJS, 73, 279 (1990)
  8. Heating and Acceleration of Heavy Ions during Solar Flares
    Winglee, R, ApJ, 343, 511 (1989)
  9. Characteristics of Energetic Solar Flare Electron Spectra
    Moses, D et al., ApJ, 346, 523 (1989)
  10. Some characteristics of solar X-ray flare active region
    Lin, H et al., ChJSS, 9, 96 (1989)
  11. Hard X-ray of solar flares - thermal versus non-thermal models: a review.
    Rausaria, R, Bakaya, R & Khosa, P, IJRSP, 18, 71 (1989)
  12. Study of Hard X-Ray Characteristics of Solar Flares - Support for Non-Thermal Processes
    Nazir, N et al., SoPh, 119, 125 (1989)
  13. Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares
    Droge, W et al., SoPh, 121, 95 (1989)
  14. Low-energy particle events generated by solar disappearing filaments
    Heras, A et al., A&A, 197, 297 (1988)
  15. Directivity of 100 keV--1 MeV Photon Sources in Solar Flares
    Kane, S et al., ApJ, 326, 1017 (1988)
  16. Solar wind iron charge states preceding a driver plasma
    Galvin, A et al., JGR, 92, 12069 (1987)
  17. Calculations of X-ray anisotropy for energies above 150 keV and its comparison with PVO/ISEE-3 observations
    Nazir, N, Rausaria, R & Khosa, P, PASJ, 39, 761 (1987)
  18. Calculation of anisotropy ratio of hard X-rays from solar flares — evidence for continuous electron injections/accelerations
    Koul, P, Rausaria, R & Khosa, P, SoPh, 108, 139 (1987)
  19. Rapid Acceleration of Energetic Particles in the 1982 February 8 Solar Flare
    Kane, S et al., ApJL, 300, L95 (1986)
  20. Solar Filament Eruptions and Energetic Particle Events
    Kahler, S et al., ApJ, 302, 504 (1986)
  21. A study of hard X-ray associated meter-decameter bursts observed on December 19, 1979
    Kundu, M et al., SoPh, 103, 153 (1986)
  22. Radio Evidence for a Delayed Acceleration Process in Solar Flares
    Kai, K et al., SoPh, 105, 383 (1986)
  23. Characteristics of the white-light source in the 1981 April 24 solar flare
    Kane, S et al., ApJL, 290, L45 (1985)
  24. Solar flare development during the impulsive phase as deduced from correlated radio and hard X-ray observations
    Raoult, A et al., ApJ, 299, 1027 (1985)
  25. Acceleration of interplanetary solar electrons in the 1982 August 14 flare
    Kane, S, Evenson, P & Meyer, P, ApJL, 299, L107 (1985)
  26. The Super-Hot Thermal Component in the Decay Phase of Solar Flares
    Lin, H, Lin, R & Kane, S, SoPh, 99, 263 (1985)
  27. Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed from the HINOTORI Satellite
    Yoshimori, M et al., Ap&SS, 105, 379 (1984)
  28. Analysis of solar flare gamma-ray events
    Kouveliotou, C, Treumann, R & Scholer, M, ApJ, 278, 420 (1984)
  29. Type II solar radio bursts, interplanetary shocks, and energetic particle events
    Cane, H & Stone, R, ApJ, 282, 339 (1984)
  30. 3 keV to 2 MeV observations of four gamma-ray bursts
    Laros, J et al., ApJ, 286, 681 (1984)
  31. Comparison of energy calibration of Prognoz 5, 6, 7 and 8, and other hard X-ray solar photometers.
    Farnik, F et al., BAICz, 35, 158 (1984)
  32. Hα and Hard X-Ray Development in Two-Ribbon Flares
    Dwivedi, B et al., SoPh, 90, 331 (1984)
  33. Comparisons of solar flare X-ray producing and escaping electrons from ∼ 2 TO 100 keV
    Pan, L, Lin, R & Kane, S, SoPh, 91, 345 (1984)
  34. Acceleration and confinement of energetic particles in the 1980 June 7 solar flare
    Kane, S et al., ApJ, 271, 376 (1983)
  35. A Study of the Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Gamma Ray Bursts.
    Norris, J, PhD Thesis, 1 (1983)
  36. Spatial structure of high energy photon sources in solar flares
    Kane, S, SoPh, 86, 355 (1983)
  37. The GLE-associated flare of 21 August, 1979
    Cliver, E et al., SoPh, 89, 181 (1983)
  38. Spatial structure of greater than 100 keV X-ray sources in solar flares
    Kane, S et al., ApJL, 254, L53 (1982)
  39. The LASL Gamma-Ray Burst Astronomy Program
    Klebesadel, R, Evans, W & Laros, J, Ap&SS, 75, 5 (1981)
  40. High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    Teegarden, B & Cline, T, Ap&SS, 75, 181 (1981)
  41. Satellites we have known and loved - a synopsis of the scientific results to date.
    Thomas, D & Francis, C, JBIS, 33, 165 (1980)
  42. Les satellites et les manifestations de l'activité solaire dans l'espace interplanétaire.
    Steinberg, J, LAstr, 94, 453 (1980)
  43. γ-Ray burst observations from the UCB/LASL experiment on ISEE-3
    Evans, W et al., Natur, 286, 784 (1980)
  44. Observation of an impulsive solar X-ray burst from a coronal source.
    Kane, S et al., ApJL, 233, L151 (1979)
  45. Observations of the X-ray burster 0525.9-66.1
    Vedrenne, G et al., PAZh, 5, 588 (1979)
  46. Description of experimental investigations and instruments for the ISEE spacecraft.
    Ogilvie, K, Durney, A & von Rosenvinge, T, ITGE, 16, 151 (1978)
  47. X-ray spectrometer experiment aboard the ISEE-C (heliocentric) spacecraft.
    Anderson, K et al., ITGE, 16, 157 (1978)

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