Ixpe Non-refereed Publications

  1. Intensity and Polarization Characteristics of Extended Neutron Star Surface Regions
    Hu, K et al., arXiv, 2201, 06537 (2022)
  2. Testing particle acceleration models for BL LAC jets with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
    Di Gesu, L et al., arXiv, 2201, 09597 (2022)
  3. A weighted analysis to improve the X-ray polarization sensitivity of IXPE
    Di Marco, A et al., arXiv, 2202, 01093 (2022)
  4. Using Polarization Spectra as a Measure of Disk Thickness in Black Hole Systems
    West, A & Krawczynski, H, AAS, 237, 40403 (2021)
  5. Measuring Black Hole Spins and Constraining the Shapes and Locations of the Coronas of Stellar Mass Accreting Black Holes with the Upcoming IXPE and XL-Calibur X-ray Polarization Missions
    Krawczynski, H, AAS, 237, 40404 (2021)
  6. Implementing and investigating the numerical accuracy of the exact Compton scattering in the x-ray reflection from the black hole accretion disk
    Hossen, M et al., AAS, 237, 40408 (2021)
  7. Results from the Phase Resolved Analysis of the XMM-Newton Observations of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1RXS J170849.0-400910 and Predictions of the Results that the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Will Deliver
    Krawczynski, H et al., AAS, 238, 11005 (2021)
  8. The Globe Orbiting Soft X-ray (GOSoX) Polarimeter Concept Study
    Marshall, H et al., AAS, 238, 30901 (2021)
  9. The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Mission: A Major Advancement for Soft X-ray Polarization in Space
    Weisskopf, M, AAS, 238, 32102 (2021)
  10. A deep ensemble approach to X-ray polarimetry
    Peirson, A & Romani, R, arXiv, 2111, 03047 (2021)
  11. Fitting XMM-Newton Observations of the AXP 1RXS J170849.0-400910 with four magnetar surface emission models, and predictions for X-ray polarization observations with IXPE
    Krawczynski, H et al., arXiv, 2111, 08584 (2021)
  12. The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): Pre-Launch
    Weisskopf, M et al., arXiv, 2112, 01269 (2021)
  13. Investigating the accretion and ejection physics of black hole X-ray binaries with spectroscopy and polarimetry: the case of GRS 1915+105
    Ratheesh, A et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1230 (2021)
  14. Next steps in X-ray exploration of the Galactic Center: from Chandra and XMM-Newton to SRG, IXPE, and beyond
    Khabibullin, I, Churazov, E & Sunyaev, R, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1254 (2021)
  15. X-ray Polarimetry of Supernova Remnants
    Ferrazzoli, R, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1469 (2021)
  16. X-ray polarimetry: instruments and methods yesterday and tomorrow.
    Costa, E, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1646 (2021)
  17. The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
    Weisskopf, M, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1647 (2021)
  18. The Instrument on-board of IXPE
    Soffitta, P, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1649 (2021)
  19. IXPE Instrument on-ground calibration
    Muleri, F, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1650 (2021)
  20. Results of the IXPE instrument calibration
    Di Marco, A, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1651 (2021)
  21. Background study of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
    Xie, F, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1652 (2021)
  22. Response to unpolarized X-rays of the polarization sensitive detector on board the IXPE mission
    Rankin, J, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1653 (2021)
  23. Calibration of the IXPE Optics and Telescope at the NASA/MSFC Stray Light Test Facility
    Baumgartner, W et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1654 (2021)
  24. Using machine learning to improve IXPE detector sensitivity
    Marshall, H et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1656 (2021)
  25. Concept of the cipher Mission: a CubeSat for the Imaging Polarimetry in the Hard X-ray Band
    Kasuga, T et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1657 (2021)
  26. The X-ray Polarization Probe
    Kislat, F et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1658 (2021)
  27. Soft X-ray emission from Magnetars and perspectives for X-ray polarimetry
    Zane, S, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1660 (2021)
  28. A Globe Orbiting Soft X-ray Polarimeter
    Marshall, H et al., 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1662 (2021)
  29. New realistic models for the X-ray polarization of neutron stars
    Caiazzo, I & Heyl, J, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1669 (2021)
  30. New Clues to the Hard X-ray Emission from Magnetars and Prospects for their X-ray Polarimetric Observations
    Makishima, K, Enoto, T & Tamagawa, T, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1670 (2021)
  31. X-ray polarization signals from the surface layers of highly magnetized neutron stars
    Baring, M, Barchas, J & Hu, K, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1672 (2021)
  32. X-ray polarimetry-timing with IXPE
    Ingram, A, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1674 (2021)
  33. X-ray and Gamma-ray Polarization Tests of Lorentz Invariance
    Kislat, F, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1675 (2021)
  34. X-ray polarimetry of faint extended sources: the case of the molecular clouds in the Galactic center
    Ferrazzoli, R, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1678 (2021)
  35. Blazars under the lens of X-ray polarimetry: prospects for the IXPE mission
    Di Gesu, L, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 28 January - 4 February, 1680 (2021)
  36. A New X-ray Imager Takes Flight
    Hensley, K, nova, pres, 8757 (2021)
  37. The Polarization Behavior of Relativistic Synchrotron Self-Compton Jets
    Peirson, A & Romani, R, AAS, 235, 30431 (2020)
  38. Prospects for detecting X-ray Polarization in blazar jets
    Liodakis, I, Peirson, L & Romani, R, AAS, 235, 30509 (2020)
  39. Exploring the Physics of Warped Accretion Disks with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
    Abarr, Q & Krawczynski, H, AAS, 235, 34602 (2020)
  40. The back-end electronics for the imaging x-ray polarimetry explorer telescope
    Barbanera, M et al., SPIE, 11444, 5X (2020)
  41. Ray-tracing a small orbital mission for soft-x-ray polarimetry
    Gunther, H, Marshall, H & Garner, A, SPIE, 11444, 60 (2020)
  42. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): technical overview III
    Soffitta, P et al., SPIE, 11444, 62 (2020)
  43. Inferring astrophysical X-ray polarization with deep learning
    Moriakov, N et al., arXiv, 2005, 08126 (2020)
  44. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
    Ferrazzoli, R & IXPE Collaboration, Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources - XIII. 3-8 June 2019. Palermo, 68 (2020)
  45. The Method of Transfer Functions to Describe GR Effects in Spectra and Polarisation from Black-hole Accretion Disks
    Karas, V, Bursa, M & Dovciak, M, ASPC, 519, 293 (2019)
  46. The Polarization Behaviour Of Blazars
    Peirson, A & Romani, R, HEAD, 17, 10623 (2019)
  47. X-ray Intensity and Polarization Probes of Turbulence in Supernova Remnants
    Baring, M, HEAD, 17, 10810 (2019)
  48. Observing Blazars with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
    Marshall, H & Marscher, A, HEAD, 17, 10944 (2019)
  49. The X-ray Polarization Probe Concept Study
    Marshall, H et al., HEAD, 17, 10959 (2019)
  50. High energy excess and polarization in X-ray binaries using INTEGRAL
    Grinberg, V et al., HEAD, 17, 40105 (2019)
  51. The X-Ray Polarization Probe (XPP) Concept
    Jahoda, K et al., The Space Astrophysics Landscape for the 2020s and Beyond, 5062 (2019)
  52. The Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): technical overview II
    O'Dell, S et al., SPIE, 11118, 0V (2019)
  53. IXPE mirror module assemblies
    Ramsey, B et al., SPIE, 11119, 03 (2019)
  54. Polarized X-ray sources for the 100m beamline calibration of the IXPE X-ray telescopes
    Johnson, S et al., SPIE, 11119, 1S (2019)
  55. Astro2020 Science White Paper: Using X-Ray Polarimetry to Probe the Physics of Black Holes and Neutron Stars
    Krawczynski, H et al., arXiv, 1904, 09313 (2019)
  56. The X-ray Polarization Probe mission concept
    Jahoda, K et al., arXiv, 1907, 10190 (2019)
  57. ESA Voyage 2050 white paper: A Polarized View of the Hot and Violent Universe
    Soffitta, P et al., arXiv, 1910, 10092 (2019)
  58. Modeling X-ray Polarization in the Strong-Field Region around Black Holes
    Garcia, J, NASA ATP Proposal, 207 (2019)
  59. Constraining the Inner Accretion Flow onto Black Holes with X-ray Polarimetry Observations
    Beheshtipour, B & Krawczynski, H, AAS, 231, 32307 (2018)
  60. The HEASARC in the 2020s
    Smale, A, AAS, 232, 21407 (2018)
  61. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): technical overview
    O'Dell, S et al., SPIE, 10699, 1X (2018)
  62. Performances of the gas pixel detector to a continuum and highly polarized x-ray beam
    Tortosa, A et al., SPIE, 10699, 5A (2018)
  63. Dependence on temperature of the response of a gas pixel detector to polarized radiation
    Fabiani, S et al., SPIE, 10699, 5B (2018)
  64. Calibration of the IXPE instrument
    Muleri, F et al., SPIE, 10699, 5C (2018)
  65. Overview of the detector and its readout on board the imaging x-ray polarimetry explorer
    Nasimi, H, SPIE, 10699, 5D (2018)
  66. Coronal parameters in Seyfert galaxies: the NuSTAR view and the future IXPE perspectives
    Tortosa, A, AGN13: Beauty and the Beast, 15 (2018)
  67. Future X-ray Polarimetry of Relativistic Accelerators: PWNe and SNRs
    Bucciantini, N, arXiv, 1803, 08697 (2018)
  68. Multi-wavelength polarimetry of fast transients
    Pilia, M et al., 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2675 (2018)
  69. Status of Mirror Development for the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
    Champey, P et al., AGUFM, SH51, 2505 (2017)
  70. Studying microquasars with IXPE
    Matt, G, HEAD, 16, 30005 (2017)
  71. X-ray Synchrotron Polarization from Turbulent Plasmas in Supernova Remnants
    Baring, M, IAUS, 331, 242 (2017)
  72. The gas pixel detector on board the IXPE mission
    Sgro, C, SPIE, 10397, 0F (2017)
  73. Calibrating the IXPE observatory from ground to space
    Muleri, F et al., SPIE, 10397, 0G (2017)
  74. Imaging as a tool for the characterization of the gas pixel detector photoelectric polarimeter
    Fabiani, S, SPIE, 10397, 0H (2017)
  75. IXPE the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
    Soffitta, P, SPIE, 10397, 0I (2017)
  76. On-ground characterization of the IXPE polarization angle knowledge
    Evangelista, Y, SPIE, 10397, 1H (2017)
  77. Optics for the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (Conference Presentation)
    Ramsey, B, SPIE, 10399, 07 (2017)
  78. Spectral Models of X-ray Binaries and Ultraluminous X-ray Sources from Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations
    Davis, S, NASA ATP Proposal, 190 (2017)
  79. Highly Accurate Calculation of X-ray Emission of Fe XVII
    Chen, G, Chandra Proposal, 5067 (2017)
  80. Active galactic nuclei in the era of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
    Marin, F & Weisskopf, M, SF2A-2017: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 173 (2017)
  81. Probing general relativistic precession around stellar-mass black holes with tomography and polarimetry
    Ingram, A, The X-ray Universe 2017, 16 (2017)
  82. X-ray polarimetry an upcoming 'new' tool in Astronomy
    Soffitta, P, The X-ray Universe 2017, 26 (2017)
  83. What can X-ray polarization tell us about accreting black hole systems?
    Marin, F, The X-ray Universe 2017, 139 (2017)
  84. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
    Weisskopf, M et al., SPIE, 9905, 17 (2016)
  85. A Test Stand to Characterize and Contribute to the Development of DEPFET X-ray Detectors
    Falcone, A, NASA APRA Proposal, 78 (2016)
  86. What X-ray polarimetry can teach us about the central supermassive black hole of the Milky Way galaxy
    Marin, F et al., 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1251 (2016)
  87. Polarisation properties of pulsars at optical wavelengths
    Mignani, R et al., 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1292 (2016)
  88. The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
    Ramsey, B, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1622 (2016)
  89. SNR research: where do we stand today, and what will the future bring
    Vink, J, Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death, 131 (2016)
  90. Transforming Our Understanding of the X-ray Universe: The Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE)
    Weisskopf, M et al., HEAD, 14, 11615 (2014)
  91. A small mission featuring an imaging x-ray polarimeter with high sensitivity
    Weisskopf, M et al., SPIE, 8859, 08 (2013)

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