LEGRI Refereed Journals

  1. Development of MINISAT 01 Scientific Payload
    Torres, J & Alfageme, R, Ap&SS, 276, 21 (2001)
  2. Legri Operations. Detectors and Detector Stability
    Reglero, V et al., Ap&SS, 276, 239 (2001)
  3. LEGRI Background. Short Term Variability
    Sanchez, F & Reglero, V, Ap&SS, 276, 255 (2001)
  4. Simulating the Background Noise in the LEGRI CZT Detectors
    Perfect, C et al., Ap&SS, 276, 263 (2001)
  5. Comparison Between Theoretical Predictions and LEGRI Background Noise Experimental Measurements
    Porras, E, Reglero, V & Sanchez, F, Ap&SS, 276, 273 (2001)
  6. The EM Algorithm for Imaging with Gaps in the Detector Plane
    Ballesteros Rosello, F, Ap&SS, 276, 291 (2001)
  7. LEGRI instrument health. A historical review
    Suso, J et al., Ap&SS, 276, 299 (2001)
  8. LEGRI Science Operation Center. Architecture and Operations
    Blay, P et al., Ap&SS, 276, 311 (2001)
  9. Background in low Earth orbits measured by LEGRI telescope - short and long term variability
    Sanchez, F et al., NIMPB, 155, 160 (1999)
  10. The EM imaging reconstruction method in γ-ray astronomy
    Ballesteros Rosello, F, Sanchez Martinez, F & Reglero Velasco, V, NIMPB, 145, 469 (1998)
  11. Proton-induced background in LEGRI
    Porras, E et al., NIMPA, 380, 483 (1996)
  12. Desarrollo de tecnicas de obtencion de imagenes en astronomia gamma usando sistemas de mascara codificada. Aplicacion al telescopio Legri
    Ballesteros Rosello, F, PhD Thesis, 257 (1996)

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