OGO Refereed Journals
Statistical Studies of ISEE 3/ICE Observations of Impulsive Hard X-Ray Solar Flares
Bromund, K, McTiernan, J & Kane, S, ApJ, 455, 733 (1995)
Solar cyclic behavior of trapped energetic electrons in Earth's inner radiation belt
Abel, B & Thorne, R, JGR, 99, 19427 (1994)
Radial gradients of interplanetary magnetic field components and estimation of the electrical conductivity of solar wind plasma
Chertkov, A, MagIs, 13, 102 (1989)
High latitude electrodynamics: observations from S3-2.
Burke, W et al., SSRv, 37, 161 (1984)
Measurement of the Solar Diurnal Anisotropy of the Cosmic-Ray Albedo Neutron Flux
Ifedili, S, SoPh, 76, 393 (1982)
On the spectra of type-III solar radio bursts observed at low frequencies
Alvarez, H, SoPh, 81, 355 (1982)
The Goddard Program of Gamma-Ray Transient Astronomy
Cline, T, Desai, U & Teegarden, B, Ap&SS, 75, 93 (1981)
Energetic electrons, Type III radio bursts, and impulsive solar flare X-rays
Kane, S, ApJ, 247, 1113 (1981)
Tearing modes at the magnetopause
Greenly, J & Sonnerup, B, JGR, 86, 1305 (1981)
The dynamics of energetic electrons in the earth's outer radiation belt during 1968 as observed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's spectrometer on Ogo 5
West, H, Buck, R & Davidson, G, JGR, 86, 2111 (1981)
Structure of Jupiter's magnetopause: Pioneer 10 and 11 observations
Sonnerup, B et al., JGR, 86, 3321 (1981)
Observations of soft electron flux during SAR arc event
Prasad, J, Kim, J & Okano, S, P&SS, 28, 375 (1980)
Relationship between hard X-ray and EUV sources in solar flares.
Kane, S, Frost, K & Donnelly, R, ApJ, 234, 669 (1979)
The effect of magnetic field models on cosmic ray cutoff calculations
Pfitzer, K, GMS, 21, 242 (1979)
Measurement of the North-South asymmetry in the solar proton albedo neutron flux
Ifedili, S, JGR, 84, 1551 (1979)
The three-dimensional shape of the magnetopause
Formisano, V, Domingo, V & Wenzel, K, P&SS, 27, 1137 (1979)
Relation between superheating and superacceleration of helium in the solar wind.
Neugebauer, M & Feldman, W, SoPh, 63, 201 (1979)
Impulsive extreme-ultraviolet and hard X-ray emission during solar flares.
Donnelly, R & Kane, S, ApJ, 222, 1043 (1978)
Solar-polar coronal holes and the north-south cosmic ray gradient
Agrawal, S, Lanzerotti, L & Venkatesan, D, GeoRL, 5, 589 (1978)
Plasma fluctuations in the solar wind
Neugebauer, M, Wu, C & Huba, J, JGR, 83, 1027 (1978)
Low-energy charged particle ring around equator in the altitude range 400 1100 km
Kaul, R, Razdan, H & Lockwood, J, Ap&SS, 46, 215 (1977)
Hard X-ray spectra of cosmic gamma-ray bursts.
Kane, S & Share, G, ApJ, 217, 549 (1977)
Radiation belt electrons: Structure of the loss cone
Spjeldvik, W, JGR, 82, 709 (1977)
Discovery of Two Cosmic X-Ray Bursts in 1970
Share, G, Ap&SS, 42, 29 (1976)
Quiet-time increase of low-energy electrons: the Jovian origin.
Lheureux, J & Meyer, P, ApJ, 209, 955 (1976)
Characteristics of cosmic X-ray bursts observed with the OGO-5 satellite.
Kane, S & Anderson, K, ApJ, 210, 875 (1976)
Hysteresis of primary cosmic rays associated with Forbush decrease.
Rajan, R, AuJPh, 29, 89 (1976)
The role of Coulomb collisions in limiting differential flow and temperature differences in the solar wind
Neugebauer, M, JGR, 81, 78 (1976)
On the causes of spectral enhancements in solar wind power spectra
Unti, T & Russell, C, JGR, 81, 469 (1976)
Observations of > 100-keV protons in the Earth's magnetosheath
West, H & Buck, R, JGR, 81, 569 (1976)
Corrections to and Comments on the Paper ‘The enhancement of solar wind fluctuations at the proton thermal gyroradius’
Neugebauer, M, JGR, 81, 2447 (1976)
Field-aligned precipitation of >30-keV electrons
Williams, D & Trefall, H, JGR, 81, 2927 (1976)
Energetic electrons in the inner belt in 1968
West, H & Buck, R, P&SS, 24, 643 (1976)
Energy gain by an electron beam due to a whistler soliton in the solar wind
Shukla, P, Yu, M & Spatschek, K, P&SS, 24, 1093 (1976)
The Interpretations of Ultraviolet Observations of Comets
Keller, H, SSRv, 18, 641 (1976)
Non-thermal processes during the "build-up" phase of solar flares and in absence of flares.
Kane, S & Pick, M, SoPh, 47, 293 (1976)
A cometary hydrogen model: comparison with OGO-5 measurements of comet Bennett (1970 II).
Keller, H & Thomas, G, A&A, 39, 7 (1975)
Monte Carlo treatment of Lyman-alpha. II. Radiation in a spherical atmosphere.
Modali, S, Brandt, J & Kastner, S, ApJ, 199, 530 (1975)
Origin and composition of heavy nuclei between 10 and 60 MeV per nucleon during interplanetary quiet times in 1968 - 1972.
Mogro-Campero, A & Simpson, J, ApJ, 200, 773 (1975)
The enhancement of solar wind fluctuations at the proton thermal gyroradius
Neugebauer, M, JGR, 80, 998 (1975)
A search for solar wind velocity changes between 0.7 and 1 AU
Intriligator, D & Neugebauer, M, JGR, 80, 1332 (1975)
Pioneer 9 and Ogo 5 observations of an interplanetary multiple shock ensemble on February 2, 1969
Dryer, M et al., JGR, 80, 3225 (1975)
Angular distributions of solar protons and electrons
Nielsen, E, Pomerantz, M & West, H, P&SS, 23, 1179 (1975)
Interplanetary gas of nonsolar origin.
Thomas, G, RvGSP, 13, 1063 (1975)
Slow X-Ray Bursts and Flares with Filament Disruption
Roy, J & Tang, F, SoPh, 42, 425 (1975)
Solar energetic particle event with He-3/He-4 greater than 1
Balasubrahmanyan, V & Serlemitsos, A, Natur, 252, 460 (1974)
Low-Frequency Radio-Emissions from the Earth and Sun.
Dunckel, N, PhD Thesis, 1 (1974)
A Search for Solar Neutrons during Solar Flares
Ifedili, S, SoPh, 39, 233 (1974)
OGO 5 Measurements of the Lyman Alpha Sky Background
Thomas, G & Krassa, R, A&A, 11, 218 (1971)
Dynamic Spectra of Type III Solar Bursts from 4 TO 2 MHz Observed by Ogo-Iii
Haddock, F & Graedel, T, ApJ, 160, 293 (1970)
The Association of Solar Optical Flares with Type III Solar Bursts from 4 TO 2 MHz Observed by Ogo-III
Gradel, T, ApJ, 160, 301 (1970)
Erratum: the Association of Solar Optical Flares with Type III Solar Bursts from 4 TO 2 MHz Observed by Ogo-Iii
Graedel, T, ApJ, 162, 705 (1970)
Energy Spectra and Abundances of the Cosmic-Ray Nuclei Helium to Iron from the Ogo-I Satellite Experiment
Comstock, G, Fan, C & Simpson, J, ApJ, 155, 609 (1969)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 10-Sep-2020 17:24:06 EDT