Phobos 1 Refereed Journals

  1. Multispectral imaging of Mars: ISM results.
    Formisano, V et al., NCimC, 15, 1113 (1992)
  2. Results of the solar x-ray image study onboard the Phobos 1 space probe (the TEREK experiment)
    Valnicek, B, Peresty, R & Zhitnik, I, P&SS, 39, 7 (1991)
  3. A comparison between the Earth's and Mars' bow shocks detected by the Phobos Plasma-Wave System
    Trotignon, J et al., P&SS, 39, 99 (1991)
  4. Images of the sun obtained with the TEREK X-ray telescope on Phobos-1
    Sobelman, I et al., PAZh, 16, 323 (1990)
  5. PHOBOS-2 Radiation Results Announced
    Harvey, B, SpFl, 32, 126 (1990)
  6. The rocky Soviet road to Mars.
    Klaes, L, SpFl, 32, 273 (1990)
  7. The Red Planet in a new light
    Zaitsev, Y, NewSc, 123, 52 (1989)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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