Pioneer Venus Orbiter Non-refereed Publications
Precise Localizations of Gamma-Ray Bursts from the 2nd Interplanetary Network
Hack, F et al., AAS, 182, 3302 (1993)
The Intrinsic Luminosity of Gamma Ray Burst from BATSE-PVO
Fenimore, E et al., AAS, 182, 3303 (1993)
Taxonomy of gamma ray burster data using a self-organizing neural network
Baumgart, C, SPIE, 2243, 552 (1993)
Stereoscopic Observations of a Solar Hard X-Ray Flare with Ulysses, PVO, GRO and YOHKOH Spacecraft
Kane, S et al., AAS, 180, 2307 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Hurley, K et al., IAUC, 5547, 2 (1992)
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Cline, T et al., IAUC, 5565, 3 (1992)
Possible new hard gamma-ray bursts of type "GB 90613".
Chuang, K et al., Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories, 257 (1992)
Measurements of the spatial structure and directivity of 100 KeV photon sources in solar flares using PVO and ISEE-3 spacecraft
Anderson, K, ucb rept (1991)
Stability of Venusian ionopause
Krymskiy, A, RpScT, 3, 21 (1988)
A Review of Gamma-Ray Burst Observations
Evans, W & Laros, J, IAUS, 125, 477 (1987)
GB 811016 and EXO 0748-676
Laros, J et al., IAUC, 4054, 1 (1985)
Pioneer Venus
Fimmel, R, Colin, L & Burgess, E, NASSP, 461, 253 (1983)
The continuing missions of Pioneer spacecraft
Dyer, J et al., aiaa meet (1983)
Pioneer Venus.
Fimmel, R et al., pive book (1983)
Gamma-ray Burst 79-03-05
Evans, D et al., IAUC, 3356, 1 (1979)
Tests of general relativity using astrometric and radiometric observations of the planets
Anderson, J et al., anah iafc (1976)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 17:10:45 EDT