Pioneer Venus Orbiter Refereed Journals
Inferring the Spatial and Energy Distribution of Gamma-Ray Burst Sources. II. Isotropic Models
Loredo, T & Wasserman, I, ApJ, 502, 75 (1998)
Gamma-Ray Burst Arrival Time Localizations: Simultaneous Observations by Pioneer Venus Orbiter, Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, and ULYSSES
Laros, J et al., ApJS, 118, 391 (1998)
The Halo Beaming Model for Gamma-Ray Bursts
Duncan, R & Li, H, ApJ, 484, 720 (1997)
Gamma-Ray Burst Arrival Time Localizations: Simultaneous Observations by Mars Observer, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and ULYSSES
Laros, J et al., ApJS, 110, 157 (1997)
Constraints on the Gamma-Ray Burst Luminosity Function from Pioneer Venus Orbiter and BATSE Observations
Ulmer, A, Wijers, R & Fenimore, E, ApJL, 440, L9 (1995)
Empirical Constraints on Source Properties and Host Galaxies of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
Woods, E & Loeb, A, ApJ, 453, 583 (1995)
Small-scale density irregularities in the nightside Venus ionosphere: Comparison of theory and observations
Huba, J & Grebowsky, J, JGR, 98, 3079 (1993)
On the Cosmological Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Mao, S & Paczynski, B, ApJL, 388, L45 (1992)
The Spatial Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts from Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Chuang, K et al., ApJ, 391, 242 (1992)
Necessity of evolution in cosmological γ-ray bursts
Fenimore, E et al., Natur, 357, 140 (1992)
Gamma-ray bursts from high-velocity neutron stars
Li, H & Dermer, C, Natur, 359, 514 (1992)
Gravitational Lensing and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Mao, S, PhD Thesis, 6 (1992)
Identification and Analysis of Cosmic Gamma Ray Bursts from Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Chuang, K, PhD Thesis, 2 (1990)
Directivity of 100 keV--1 MeV Photon Sources in Solar Flares
Kane, S et al., ApJ, 326, 1017 (1988)
Application of the V/V max Test to Gamma-Ray Bursts
Schmidt, M, Higdon, J & Hueter, G, ApJL, 329, L85 (1988)
A 2.2 Second Period in the 1984 August 3 Gamma-Ray Burst
Kouveliotou, C et al., ApJL, 330, L101 (1988)
Synchrotron Emission and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Brainerd, J & Lamb, D, ApJ, 313, 231 (1987)
Gamma-Ray Burst Localization by HEAO 3
Schwartz, R et al., ApJ, 317, 846 (1987)
A New Type of Repetitive Behavior in a High-Energy Transient
Laros, J et al., ApJL, 320, L111 (1987)
Comparative evidence on the 1979 June 13 gamma-ray burst
Golenetskij, S et al., PAZh, 11, 906 (1985)
The Pioneer Venus extended mission.
Craig, R, SpFl, 27, 445 (1985)
3 keV to 2 MeV observations of four gamma-ray bursts
Laros, J et al., ApJ, 286, 681 (1984)
Three precise gamma-ray burst source locations
Cline, T et al., ApJL, 286, L15 (1984)
Pioneer to Venus: the multiprobe and orbiter missions.
Craig, R, Colin, L & Fimmel, R, JBIS, 37, 453 (1984)
Israel, G, LAstr, 98, 493 (1984)
Further Comments on the KONUS Catalog
Laros, J et al., Ap&SS, 96, 213 (1983)
On Geological Processes on Venus. Analysis of the Relationship between Altitude and Degree of Surface Roughness
Bazilevski, A et al., M&P, 27, 63 (1982)
Symposium on Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts, Toulouse, France, November 26-29, 1979, Proceedings
Ap&SS 75 (1981)
The LASL Gamma-Ray Burst Astronomy Program
Klebesadel, R, Evans, W & Laros, J, Ap&SS, 75, 5 (1981)
Gamma-Burst Observations from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Evans, W et al., Ap&SS, 75, 35 (1981)
Location of the 1979 April 6 gamma-ray burst
Laros, J et al., ApJL, 245, L63 (1981)
Observations of large scale steady magnetic fields in the nightside Venus ionosphere and near wake
Luhmann, J et al., GeoRL, 8, 517 (1981)
Spectral evolution of the 5 March 1979 γ burst
Fenimore, E et al., Natur, 289, 42 (1981)
Observations of large scale steady magnetic fields in the dayside Venus ionosphere
Luhmann, J et al., GeoRL, 7, 917 (1980)
The Pioneer Venus Orbiter Gamma Burst Detector
Klebesadel, R et al., ITGRS, 18, 76 (1980)
The Pioneer Venus Program
Colin, L, JGR, 85, 7575 (1980)
Periodicity of the γ-ray transient event of 5 March 1979
Terrell, J et al., Natur, 285, 383 (1980)
γ-Ray burst observations from the UCB/LASL experiment on ISEE-3
Evans, W et al., Natur, 286, 784 (1980)
The energetics of the ionosphere of Venus: A preliminary model based on Pioneer Venus observations
Cravens, T et al., GeoRL, 6, 341 (1979)
Observations of the X-ray burster 0525.9-66.1
Vedrenne, G et al., PAZh, 5, 588 (1979)
Pioneer Venus Results: An Overview
Donahue, T, Sci, 205, 41 (1979)
Ultraviolet Night Airglow of Venus
Stewart, A & Barth, C, Sci, 205, 59 (1979)
Gamma-Ray Burst Observations by Pioneer Venus Orbiter
Evans, W et al., Sci, 205, 119 (1979)
Current Knowledge of Venus
Hunten, D, McGill, G & Nagy, A, SSRv, 20, 265 (1977)
Pioneer Venus experiment descriptions
SSRv, 20, 451 (1977)
L'actualité astronomique. Nouvelles conquêtes de l'astronomie spatiale : premiers résultats de Pioneer 10 et de Mariner 10
Dragesco, J, LAstr, 88, 285 (1974)
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 17:10:26 EDT