Salyut 4 Non-refereed Publications

  1. Discovery of a ray structure in the zodiacal light
    Lebedinets, V, Atmospheric Optics, 3 (1989)
  2. Space radiation monitor observations from Salyut-4 orbital station
    Lyagushin, V et al., RpSpR, 4, 36 (1985)
  3. Results of spectroscopic studies of solar active regions performed on Salyut 4
    Bruns, A et al., IzKry, 59, 3 (1979)
  4. The design of the Salyut-4 orbiting solar telescope
    Bruns, A, IzKry, 59, 31 (1979)
  5. Upper limits on soft X-ray fluxes from some celestial objects observed by "Salyut 4".
    Beigman, I et al., X-ray Astronomy, 155 (1979)
  6. Infrared radiation and spectroscopy of the moon and lunar soil
    Dementev, B & Markov, M, Infrared Radiation in the Earth's Atmosphere and in Space, 169 (1978)
  7. Cosmonaut Gubarev discusses orbital telescopes
    Gubarev, A, tust, nasa, 50 (1978)
  8. Notes on Soviet Space Astronomy
    Oberg, J, S&T, 53, 92 (1977)
  9. Observations of meteors and studies of cosmic dust
    Villmann, C et al., Optical Studies of Atmospheric Radiation, Auroras and Noctilucent Clouds from on Board the Salyut 4 Station, 128 (1977)
  10. X-Ray Bursts
    Hoffman, J et al., IAUC, 2946, 1 (1976)
  11. Preliminary results of the X-ray radiation researching by the telescope Filin on board the Salyut-4 space station
    Berezhnoy, V et al., STIN, 77, 13961 (1976)
  12. Orbiting solar telescope on 'Salyut-4' station
    Bruns, A et al., anah iafc (1976)
  13. X-ray telescope-spectrometer, installed on board the space station 'Salyut-4'
    Babichenko, S et al., anah iafc (1976)
  14. X-Ray Observations of CYG X-1 from Salyut 4
    Martynov, D, Shaffer, E & Moskalenko, E, IAUC, 2793, 2 (1975)
  15. Nova Monocerotis 1975 (= A0620-00)
    Martynov, D et al., IAUC, 2846, 1 (1975)

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