Skylab Non-refereed Publications

  1. Astronomy from space : the design and operation orbiting observatories
    Davies, J, afs book (1997)
  2. Fe XIII Emission Lines Observed by EUVE and the S082A Instrument On-Board SKYLAB
    Keenan, F et al., IAU Colloq. 152: Astrophysics in the Extreme Ultraviolet, 525 (1996)
  3. Determining Point Spread Function of Space Observations Using BID Algorithm
    Karovska, M & Hudson, H, kofu, symp, 327 (1994)
  4. Optik für Röntgenstrahlen. Entwicklungen in der ČSFR
    Hudec, R, S&W, 30, 580 (1991)
  5. Theoretical analysis of segmented Wolter/LSM X-ray telescope systems
    Shealy, D & Chao, S, alab rept (1986)
  6. Cosmic-ray picture of the heliosphere
    Venkatesan, D, JHATD, 6, 4 (1985)
  7. The Extended Range X-Ray Telescope center director’s discretionary fund report
    Hoover, R et al., msfc rept (1985)
  8. Reconnection of magnetic fields
    stp nasa (1984)
  9. Ultra heavy cosmic rays
    Fowler, P et al., IAUS, 94, 77 (1981)
  10. C IV resonance line profiles in O stars
    Parsons, S et al., IAUS, 83, 95 (1979)
  11. The Ultraviolet Spectrum of beta Lyrae Observed with the IUE
    Kondo, Y et al., IBVS, 1535, 1 (1979)
  12. Skylab’s Astronomy and Space Sciences
    Lundquist, C, NASSP 404 (1979)
  13. Catalog of far-ultraviolet objective-prism spectrophotometry: SKYLAB experiment S-019, ultraviolet stellar astronomy
    Henize, K et al., cfuo book (1979)
  14. Solar system plasma physics. Volume 1 - Solar and solar wind plasma physics
    Parker, E, Kennel, C & Lanzerotti, L, sswp book (1979)
  15. Solar flares
    Rust, D, Solar System Plasma Physics, 51 (1979)
  16. - and Far-Ultraviolet Observations of Hot White Dwarfs
    Parsons, S, Wray, J & Henize, K, IAU Colloq. 53: White Dwarfs and Variable Degenerate Stars, 109 (1979)
  17. Energetic particles in solar flares. Chapter 4 in the proceedings of the 2nd SKYLAB Workshop on Solar Flares
    Ramaty, R et al., epsf proc (1978)
  18. Light flash observations during Apollo-Soyuz
    Budinger, T et al., anah iafc (1976)
  19. Summary of measurements of high-LET particle radiation in U.S. manned space missions
    Benton, E, Peterson, D & Henke, R, cosp meet (1976)
  20. Ultraviolet stellar spectra obtained with SKYLAB experiment S019
    Henize, K et al., Scientific investigations on the Skylab Satellite, 199 (1976)
  21. Relativistic iron in space and its nuclear progeny
    Shapiro, M, Scientific investigations on the Skylab Satellite, 251 (1976)
  22. Preliminary results of ultraviolet /2500 A/ stellar photograph taken by SKYLAB experiment S-183
    Courtes, G et al., Scientific investigations on the Skylab Satellite, 285 (1976)
  23. Relativistic astrophysics
    Price, P, ucb rept (1976)
  24. The Skylab Ultraheavy Cosmic Ray Experiment
    Price, P & Shirk, E, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 268 (1975)
  25. Composition and Energy Spectra of Heavy Nuclei of Unknown Origin Detected on Sky-lab
    Chan, J & Price, P, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 831 (1975)
  26. Relation of Large-Scale Coronal X-Ray Structure and Cosmic Rays: 4. Amplitude of the Diurnal Variation in Neutron Monitors on Interplanetary Field Lines Orbiting above Coronal Holes
    Roelof, E et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1138 (1975)
  27. Monte Carlo Simultation of Astronaut Light Flash Observations on Apollo and Skylab Missions
    Osborne, W & Pinsky, L, International Cosmic Ray Conference, 3434 (1975)
  28. International Conference on X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 14-21, 1974, Proceedings. Volumes 1 & 2
    xris conf (1975)
  29. Neutron and proton activation measurements from SKYLAB
    Fishman, G, aiaa conf (1974)
  30. Lyman-alpha imagery of comet Kohoutek, and far-UV magnitudes of stars
    Page, T, aiaa conf (1974)
  31. SKYLAB observations of Comet Kohoutek
    Snoddy, W & Gary, G, aiaa conf (1974)
  32. Near-earth cosmic dust results from S-149
    Hemenway, C, Hallgren, D & Tackett, C, aiaa conf (1974)
  33. Far-UV observations of Comet Kohoutek and other targets with the S201 electronographic camera on SKYLAB 4
    Page, T, Electrography and Astronomical Applications, 297 (1974)

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