Solar Maximum Mission Refereed Journals
The Solar Maximum Mission Atlas of Gamma-Ray Flares
Vestrand, W et al., ApJS, 120, 409 (1999)
Deka-keV X-ray observations of solar bursts with WATCH/GRANAT: frequency distributions of burst parameters
Crosby, N et al., A&A, 334, 299 (1998)
Sequences of Correlated Hard X-Ray and Type III Bursts during Solar Flares
Aschwanden, M et al., ApJ, 440, 394 (1995)
Directivity and Its Energy Dependence in Solar Flare Energetic Emission
Li, P, ApJ, 443, 855 (1995)
Comparative Studies of Hard X-Ray Spectral Evolution in Solar Flares with High-Energy Proton Events Observed at Earth
Kiplinger, A, ApJ, 453, 973 (1995)
Solar Electron Beams Detected in Hard X-Rays and Radio Waves
Aschwanden, M et al., ApJ, 455, 347 (1995)
A search for gamma-ray lines from the decay of 59Fe in supernova 1987A.
Harris, M & Leising, M, A&A, 282, 766 (1994)
A comparison of gamma-ray and radio emissions during the 11:42 UT solar flare on 1982 June 3
Trottet, G et al., A&A, 288, 647 (1994)
Searching for Hard X-Ray Directivity during the Rise, Peak, and Decay Phases of Solar Flares
Li, P, ApJ, 421, 381 (1994)
Upper Limits to the Soft Gamma Repeater Population from the LILAS Experiment Aboard the PHOBOS Mission
Hurley, K et al., ApJ, 423, 709 (1994)
Directivity of 100--500 keV Solar Flare Hard X-Ray Emission
Li, P et al., ApJ, 426, 758 (1994)
Spectral evolution of microwaves and hard X-rays in the 1989 March 18 flare and its interpretation
Lee, J & Gary, D, SoPh, 153, 347 (1994)
Evidence for a shock front in a flare loop of June 20, 1989
Graeter, M, A&AS, 98, 261 (1993)
A Statistical Analysis of Hard X-Ray Solar Flares
Pearce, G, Rowe, A & Yeung, J, Ap&SS, 208, 99 (1993)
Quasi-periodic Particle Injection into Coronal Loops
Aschwanden, M et al., ApJ, 416, 857 (1993)
Search for Soft Gamma Repeaters in the SMM/HXRBS Data
Kouveliotou, C et al., ApJ, 392, 179 (1992)
Statistical properties of solar gamma-ray flares
Xu, A et al., AcASn, 32, 36 (1991)
Exploration on the structure of the 1N/M7.1 flare on 30 Dec., 1982
Huang, Y, Yin, S & Fang, C, AcASn, 32, 421 (1991)
Limits on a Variable Source of 511 keV Annihilation Radiation near the Galactic Center
Share, G et al., ApJL, 358, L45 (1990)
Combined study between the chromospheric flare models and hard X-ray observation
Gan, W & Fang, C, SoPh, 125, 333 (1990)
Hα Line Profile Observations of a Limb Flare with High Temporal Resolution
Graeter, M, SoPh, 130, 337 (1990)
High Time Resolution Observations of H alpha Line Profiles during the Impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare
Wuelser, J & Marti, H, ApJ, 341, 1088 (1989)
Hard X-ray of solar flares - thermal versus non-thermal models: a review.
Rausaria, R, Bakaya, R & Khosa, P, IJRSP, 18, 71 (1989)
Numerical simulations of X rays and gamma rays from solar flares
McTiernan, J, PhD Thesis, 8 (1989)
The Directivity of High-Energy Emission from Solar Flares. II. Solar Maximum Mission Observations
Vestrand, W et al., ApJ, 322, 1010 (1987)
The 152-day periodicity of the solar flare occurrence rate
Bai, T & Sturrock, P, Natur, 327, 601 (1987)
Spatial and temporal characteristics of flare energy release determined from X-ray and radio imaging observations
Hernandez, A et al., A&A, 167, 77 (1986)
High energy observations of June 1980 solar flares
Lokanadham, B et al., Ap&SS, 119, 5 (1986)
Spectral Evolution of Pulse Structures in Gamma-Ray Bursts
Norris, J et al., ApJ, 301, 213 (1986)
High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flares. VIII. Mass Upflow in the Large Flare of 1980 November 7
Karpen, J, Doschek, G & Seely, J, ApJ, 306, 327 (1986)
The Hα characteristics of hard X-ray bursts.
Shi, Z & Wang, J, ChJSS, 6, 243 (1986)
The coronal oscillations revealed by solar hard X-ray bursts
Xu, Y & Cao, Y, ChJSS, 6, 169 (1986)
Coronal oscillations as revealed by solar hard X-ray bursts
Xu, Y & Cao, Y, ChJSS, 6, 169 (1986)
On the Spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts at High Energies.
Matz, S, PhD Thesis, 9 (1986)
A Lower Limit to the Field Strength in Magnetic Reconnection Sites in Solar Flares Inferred from Hard X-Ray Bursts
Loran, J & Brown, J, Ap&SS, 117, 173 (1985)
Gamma Rays and Neutrons from Solar Flares
Murphy, R, PhD Thesis, 14 (1985)
The energetics of chromospheric evaporation in solar flares
Antonucci, E, Gabriel, A & Dennis, B, ApJ, 287, 917 (1984)
Spectral feature of 31 December 1981 γ-ray burst not confirmed
Nolan, P et al., Natur, 311, 360 (1984)
Recurrent pulse trains in the solar hard X-ray flare of 1980 June 7
Kiplinger, A et al., ApJ, 273, 783 (1983)
A Study of the Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Gamma Ray Bursts.
Norris, J, PhD Thesis, 1 (1983)
Purely Coronal Flare-Like Variations
Svestka, Z et al., SoPh, 85, 313 (1983)
The gamma ray spectrometer for the Solar Maximum Mission.
Forrest, D et al., SoPh, 65, 15 (1980)
The hard X-ray burst spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission.
Orwig, L, Frost, K & Dennis, B, SoPh, 65, 25 (1980)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Friday, 11-Sep-2020 15:14:35 EDT