Solrad Refereed Journals

  1. ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of X-Ray Variability in Cool Giant Stars
    Haisch, B & Schmitt, J, ApJ, 426, 716 (1994)
  2. Modeled soft X-ray solar irradiances
    Tobiska, W, SoPh, 152, 207 (1994)
  3. The NRL SOLRAD X-ray detectors: A summary of the observations and a comparison with the SMS/GOES detectors
    Kahler, S & Kreplin, R, SoPh, 133, 371 (1991)
  4. 1973 September 7 Two-Ribbon Flare. II. Physical Properties of the Loops in the Arcade
    Widing, K & Doyle, J, ApJ, 352, 760 (1990)
  5. Variations of solar X-ray fluxes during active region evolution.
    Eliseev, N & Nusinov, A, KFNT, 3, 49 (1987)
  6. The Frequency of Long-Duration Solar X-Ray Events
    Koomen, M et al., SoPh, 97, 375 (1985)
  7. Comparison of energy calibration of Prognoz 5, 6, 7 and 8, and other hard X-ray solar photometers.
    Farnik, F et al., BAICz, 35, 158 (1984)
  8. SOLRAD 11 observations of the far-ultraviolet background
    Weller, C, ApJ, 268, 899 (1983)
  9. Direct Measurements of the Gradual Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Large Solar Flares
    Horan, D, Kreplin, R & Dere, P, SoPh, 85, 303 (1983)
  10. Direct measurements of impulsive extreme ultraviolet and hard X-ray solar flare emission
    Horan, D, Kreplin, R & Fritz, G, ApJ, 255, 797 (1982)
  11. The LASL Gamma-Ray Burst Astronomy Program
    Klebesadel, R, Evans, W & Laros, J, Ap&SS, 75, 5 (1981)
  12. Characteristics of the helium component of the local interstellar medium
    Weller, C & Meier, R, ApJ, 246, 386 (1981)
  13. Simultaneous Measurements of EUV and Soft X-Ray Solar Flare Emission
    Horan, D & Kreplin, R, SoPh, 74, 265 (1981)
  14. Measurements of solar EUV and soft X ray emission during sudden frequency deviations
    Horan, D & Kreplin, R, JGR, 85, 4257 (1980)
  15. Models of temperature distribution in an X-ray solar flare.
    Landini, M & Monsignori Fossi, B, A&A, 72, 171 (1979)
  16. EUV continua of solar flares 1420 - 1960 Å.
    Cook, J & Brueckner, G, ApJ, 227, 645 (1979)
  17. The decay of the 1973 August 9 flare.
    Dere, K & Cook, J, ApJ, 229, 772 (1979)
  18. A comparison of high-temperature flare models with observations and implications for the low-temperature flare.
    Machado, M & Emslie, A, ApJ, 232, 903 (1979)
  19. Correction, correlation, and theoretical consideration of lunar X-ray fluorescence intensity ratios
    Clark, P, PhD Thesis, 10 (1979)
  20. The decay of coronal loops brightened by flares and transients.
    Krieger, A, SoPh, 56, 107 (1978)
  21. The morphological and statistical properties of solar X-ray events with long decay times.
    Kahler, S, ApJ, 214, 891 (1977)
  22. Structure and dynamics of a solar flare: X-ray and XUV observations.
    Dere, K, Horan, D & Kreplin, R, ApJ, 217, 976 (1977)
  23. A comparison of solar wind streams and coronal structure near solar minimum
    Nolte, J et al., GeoRL, 4, 291 (1977)
  24. Preliminary results from SOLRAD 11 gamma-burst detectors
    Laros, J et al., Nature, 267, 131 (1977)
  25. A two-component model of impulsive microwave burst emission consistent with soft and hard X rays.
    Boehme, A et al., SoPh, 53, 139 (1977)
  26. Multiple loop activation and continuous energy release in the solar flare of June 15, 1973.
    Widing, K & Dere, K, SoPh, 55, 431 (1977)
  27. The quantitative properties of three soft X-ray flare kernels observed with the AS&E X-ray telescope on Skylab.
    Kahler, S, Petrasso, R & Kane, S, SoPh, 50, 179 (1976)
  28. Sudden fmin enhancements and sudden cosmic noise absorptions associated with solar X-ray flares.
    Sato, T, JGG, 27, 95 (1975)
  29. Thermal Models of Flaring Region Based on Observations by the SOLRAD 10 Satellite
    Landini, M, Monsignori Fossi, B & Pallavicini, R, SoPh, 44, 101 (1975)
  30. Some studies on the nature of solar X-ray flares
    Das Gupta, M, Mitra, R & Sarkar, S, IJRSP, 3, 137 (1974)
  31. Solar X-ray flares and their corresponding sudden ionospheric disturbances
    Ohshio, M, RaRLJ, 21, 311 (1974)

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