Spacelab 1 & 2 Refereed Journals
The X-ray burster SLX1732-304 in the globular cluster terzan-1: observations with the ART-P telescope on board the GRANAT observatory
Pavlinsky, M et al., AdSpR, 16, 0395 (1995)
An Ultraviolet-Visible Investigation of the Globular Cluster NGC 1851
Parise, R et al., ApJ, 423, 305 (1994)
Solar Fine-Scale Structures in the Corona, Transition Region, and Lower Atmosphere
Moses, D et al., ApJ, 430, 913 (1994)
Hard X-ray observation of GRS 1758-258.
Bazzano, A et al., A&AS, 97, 169 (1993)
Hard X-ray emission from the VELA supernova remnant.
Willmore, A et al., MNRAS, 254, 139 (1992)
Image correlation in a coded mask X-ray telescope.
Willmore, A et al., MNRAS, 258, 621 (1992)
The morphology and dark matter distribution of the Coma cluster of galaxies from X-ray observations.
Watt, M et al., MNRAS, 258, 738 (1992)
The Distribution of Dark Matter in the Perseus Cluster
Eyles, C et al., ApJ, 376, 23 (1991)
Coded mask X-ray images of the Virgo cluster - I. Hard X-rays from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4388.
Hanson, C et al., MNRAS, 242, 262 (1990)
Localization of one of the galactic centre X-ray burst sources.
Skinner, G et al., MNRAS, 243, 72 (1990)
The distribution of iron in the Perseus cluster
Ponman, T et al., Natur, 347, 450 (1990)
The Spacelab 2 X-ray telescope — Coded mask imaging in orbit
Skinner, G et al., ApL&C, 27, 199 (1988)
Hard X-ray images of the galactic centre
Skinner, G et al., Natur, 330, 544 (1987)
X-ray astronomy - The view from orbit
Davies, J, Space, 3, 38 (1987)
The X-ray gas scintillation spectrometer experiment on the first Spacelab flight.
Sims, M et al., Ap&SS, 116, 61 (1985)
Solar research at RAL (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory).
Gabriel, A, JBIS, 37, 317 (1984)
Profile of scientific research in space to the year 2000
Bleeker, J, Ruimt, 33, 142 (1984)
X-ray Gas Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment
Andresen, R et al., Science, 225, 177 (1984)
Photoelectric array detectors for use at XUV wavelengths.
Timothy, J, SSRv, 29, 461 (1981)
The use of diamond turned & replicated wolter 1 telescopes for high sensitivity X-ray astronomy
Culhane, J et al., SSRv, 30, 581 (1981)
A Pseudo Random Mask Telescope for Spacelab
Willmore, A et al., SSRv, 30, 601 (1981)
Solar Irradiance Below 120-NM and its Variations
Schmidtke, G, SoPh, 74, 251 (1981)
Future space astronomy missions
Russo, J & Bunner, A, TecN, 9, 39 (1981)
Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the outer layers of stars
Snow, T & Linsky, J, Ap&SS, 67, 285 (1980)
Spherical crystal imaging spectrometer (SCIS) for cosmic X-ray spectroscopy.
Schnopper, H & Taylor, P, ApOpt, 19, 3306 (1980)
Imaging of cosmic X-ray sources using coded mask telescopes.
Skinner, G, JBIS, 33, 333 (1980)
Proposals for astronomical experiments on board Spacelab
Brinkman, A, Ruimt, 27, 297 (1978)
Astronomical XUV investigations in the framework of Spacelab demonstration flights
Bleeker, J, Ruimt, 27, 299 (1978)
A Spacelab facility for spectroscopy and polarimetry of X-ray sources (EXSPOS).
Manno, V, ESAJ, 1, 145 (1977)
Astronomical experiments on Spacelab II
Davelaar, J, Ruimt, 26, 164 (1977)
Perspectives on space science
Friedman, H, AsAer, 14, 24 (1976)
The solar physics Shuttle/Spacelab program and its relationship to studies of the flare build-up.
Neupert, W, SoPh, 47, 391 (1976)
Space astrometry projects
Lacroute, P, RST, 6, 253 (1974)
[Spacelab 1]
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Friday, 11-Sep-2020 15:43:34 EDT