Spartan 1 Refereed Journals

  1. The Baryon Fraction in the Perseus Cluster: Results from Spartan 1
    Cruddace, R et al., ApJ, 476, 479 (1997)
  2. SPARTAN 1 X-Ray Observations of the Perseus Cluster. III. The Distribution of Iron in the Intracluster Gas
    Kowalski, M et al., ApJ, 412, 489 (1993)
  3. SPARTAN 1 X-Ray Observations of the Perseus Cluster. II. The Distribution of Flux and Hardness Ratio Out to a Radius of 50 Arcminutes
    Snyder, W et al., ApJ, 365, 460 (1990)
  4. X-Ray Observations of the Galactic Center by SPARTAN 1
    Kawai, N et al., ApJ, 330, 130 (1988)
  5. SPARTAN 1 X-Ray Observations of the Perseus Cluster: Comparison of the Iron Abundances and Temperatures in the Inner and Outer Regions of the Cluster
    Ulmer, M et al., ApJ, 319, 118 (1987)
  6. An australian broad-band satellite for X-ray astronomy.
    Greenhill, J et al., PASAu, 6, 186 (1985)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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