Venera 11 Non-refereed Publications
Electric fields, dynamics of SO2 concentration, possible vulcanism on Venus
Ksanfomaliti, L, RpScT, 1, 35 (1990)
Observations of solar-cosmic-ray flares using a solar-longitudinal baseline
Ermakov, S et al., IzSSR, 52, 818 (1988)
Multiple correlation and regression analysis of the relationship between the amplitude and spectral characteristics of proton events and the parameters of microwave bursts
Daibog, E et al., IzSSR, 52, 2403 (1988)
Microstructure of Venus cloud layer based on spectrophotometric data from Venera-11 spacecraft
Titov, D, RpSpR, 1, 60 (1985)
Propagation of charged particles in the solar corona
Pisarenko, N et al., Investigations of Solar Activity and the Prognoz Space System, 131 (1984)
The results of an experimental investigation of energy spectra of flare particles
Vakulov, P et al., Investigations of Solar Activity and the Prognoz Space System, 156 (1984)
The Features of Solar Proton Propagation in Interplanetary Space
Ermakov, S et al., International Cosmic Ray Conference, 153 (1983)
Identification of the coordinates of a transient gamma-ray source with star-catalog coordinates
Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 62 (1983)
Preliminary results on gamma-ray transients in the Konus experiment on Venera 11 and 12
Mazets, E et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 124 (1983)
Investigation of gamma-ray transients on Venera 11 and 12 and Prognoz 7
Vedrenne, G et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 137 (1983)
Basic facts about Venus.
Colin, L, Venus, 10 (1983)
Some optical properties of the Venus surface.
Golovin, I, Moshkin, B & Ekonomov, A, Venus, 131 (1983)
Results of an investigation of the spectra of flare energetic particles aboard the space vehicles Venera 11, 12 and Prognoz 5, 6.
Grigorian, O et al., IzSSR, 46, 1698 (1982)
Peculiarities of propagation of charged particles in the solar corona.
Klimenko, V et al., IzSSR, 46, 1702 (1982)
Investigation of cosmic gamma-bursts.
Mazets, E & Golenetskii, S, Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics, 216 (1982)
Catalogue of Gamma-Bursts Detected by the Soviet-French Experiment Signe 2m VENERA-11 VENERA-12 and PROGNOZ-7
Diyachkov, A et al., grap, symp, 211 (1982)
Gamma ray burst observations by the 3 Satellite Signe network
Chambon, G et al., nsgr, symp, 141 (1980)
Gamma-ray Burst 79-03-05
Evans, D et al., IAUC, 3356, 1 (1979)
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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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Last modified: Wednesday, 09-Sep-2020 15:13:39 EDT