Venera 12 Non-refereed Publications

  1. The results of an experimental investigation of energy spectra of flare particles
    Vakulov, P et al., Investigations of Solar Activity and the Prognoz Space System, 156 (1984)
  2. Identification of the coordinates of a transient gamma-ray source with star-catalog coordinates
    Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 62 (1983)
  3. Preliminary results on gamma-ray transients in the Konus experiment on Venera 11 and 12
    Mazets, E et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 124 (1983)
  4. Investigation of gamma-ray transients on Venera 11 and 12 and Prognoz 7
    Vedrenne, G et al., Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft, 137 (1983)
  5. Results of an investigation of the spectra of flare energetic particles aboard the space vehicles Venera 11, 12 and Prognoz 5, 6.
    Grigorian, O et al., IzSSR, 46, 1698 (1982)
  6. Sigma-2 chromatograph data on Venus's atmosphere
    Mukhin, L & Gelman, V, RpSpR, 18, 65 (1982)
  7. Investigation of cosmic gamma-bursts.
    Mazets, E & Golenetskii, S, Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics, 216 (1982)
  8. Catalogue of Gamma-Bursts Detected by the Soviet-French Experiment Signe 2m VENERA-11 VENERA-12 and PROGNOZ-7
    Diyachkov, A et al., grap, symp, 211 (1982)

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Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen
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